Journal. April !stii, 1883. BY DEININGER fc BUMILL.ER. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. —Tuesday was the general flitting e iuuUu lor it in luan rw B Blßllmi PATENTS Wo continue to net as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks. Copyrights, etc-. f ( ,r the United States, Canada; CUba, England, Franco, Ctrnianjr. etc. We have hud thlrly-livo year*' experience. Patents obtained through as are noticed in theSCT ENTIV IC A MKH'.C VN*. This large and splendid illus t rated week 1v | laoer, $3.20 a year,shows the Progress of Science, ij very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNjM k CO., Patent Solici tors, rub's, of fcciEvftvni AMKIUCAN, 37 Park liow, New York.Hand book about Patents free. RUPTURE,™ By Hid use of the KX( ELSIOR KLPTUKK PLASTER .V HEALING ("OM POUND. Send f. r testimonials to F. 11. MUKUJCK, Ogdcusbui g, Y.N JNfllhttini Market. Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, old 1.10 new, No. 2 1.00 •• " No. 3 *1 Com <5 Rye TO OatM White 45 Buck wheat Flour 5.60 linui&Hkoi ta,pei ton . D 5 75 Salt, per Brl 1.50 Plaster, ({round &50 Cement, per Bushel 45 to 50 Hurley 05 Tymothyseed Flaxseed Cloversoed F..7) Hatter 2S Hams 17 Sides 1° Veal Fork , R-ei ......... F.kks ;...i,..v. 16 Potatoes (So Hank 15 Tallow Soap 5 Dried Apples Dried Poaches Dried Cherries... .w COAL MARKET AT COHURN*. Frit Coal |-,.25 Slnvo " ft 5 25 Chestnut 5 00 Pea j.V, Pea by the ear load ,...n . 3.40 lIABTKB, Auctioneer, MILLIIKIM, PA. W. J. SI'IUNIJKK, Fashionable Barber, Noxt Door to JOURNAL Store, Main Street, MILLIIKIM, PA. DII 1). H. MINGLE, riiysician & Surgeon, Offllee on Main treet, MILLIIKIM, PA. Dlt JOHN F. HABTEB. Practical Dentist, oftlce opposite the MUJheiin Banking House, MAIN STREET, MILLIIKIM, PA. YY DAM IIOY, Attorney-at'Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. OtjUians* Court BuMncss a Speciality. TV" 51 C. lIFINLE, Attorney-at-Liw, BELLEFUNTE, PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre fcbunty. Special attention to Collections. Consultations in Herman or hu Usb. C. T. Alexandei. C. M. Rower. Altar neys-at-LaM, BELLEFONTE, PA. Offle in Carman's now building. J. A. Reaver. J. W. Gephart. OEAVER &GEI'HART, Altorneys-nt-Law, BELLEFUNTE, PA. Onice on Alleghany Street, North of High Street D. H. Hastings. W. F. lieeder. JJASIINGS & REEDER, Alloruejs-at-Lnw, BELLEFONTE, PA. om -e on Allegheny Street, twj doors east of the ofilce occupied by the late flnu of |Vocum A Hastings. "JGROCKEEHOFP HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BEI.LEFOXTE, 1 1 A. C. G. McMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Room on '.First Floor. Free Buss to and from all traius. Special rates to witnesses and Jurors. HOUSE, (Most Central Hotel in the city.) CORNER OF MAIN* AND JAY STREETS, LOCK HAVEN, PA. S.WOODS~CALDWELL PROPRIETOR. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Travel ers on ftrst door. Q KT YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT The Miilbeim Journal Office. Prompt and fine wo: It at reasonable rates, j I SPECIAL BARGAINS I n m t 1 H | FURNITURE, P ■ \f. ! ■ Spring Beds, £ B w H 2 0 Matresses, &c. r 224 J!CA.E,K;E!T STEBET, LEWISBURG, PENNA J . v Our Stock is now complete in all its departments and we are receiving New Goods every day throughout the season. ILL "THE LEADING SHADES IN HATS & BONNETS, FOR LADIES MISSES AND GHILDREN. FORTUNE OF Ladies' Ready-made Ulsters, Dolmans, Coats and Jackets cannot be • excelled. Coat and Dress •Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Lac 93, Silks, Satins, Lace and Linen Collars, Jet Combs, Real Hair Goods, Jewelry and oth er Fancy Goods, at PRICES that will bear COMPETITION. WE WILL NOT ADD MORE, BUT SIMPLY SAY THAT YOU WILL IIND THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IN OUR LINE, AND THAT WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD! Respectfully, 18. iHARRIS, r Market Street, Lewisburg, Pa. TUT¥*B WBBB&MBE&9B3R&ES3BS& . PILLS ESg&aassiHamßßm A NOTED DIVINE SAYS: i n. TUTT: Dear Bii't For tin yeers I Lavs ;i martyr to Dyepcpeia, Constipation and J'iu*. T.ust your pills wore recommended tome; I used thcia(butnithlittle jaitb). lata now a well man, lwr pood appetite, digestion perfect, regular stool*, r,i!'*s Qone. iynl I have gained forty pound a eoliu flesh. Tli y ore worth liifcir weipht in cold. , liav. K. L. bniPSON, Louisville, Ey. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. l/csa of Appt-titg,NaG6ea,Bowel3 costive, Pain in ihe Head, veitS" a dull eensation 1 nthi>J;ark part. PiLinvj.dcr the Shoulder blp.dr*, t'ullru>& With a dia fnellnatlOn to nxertion cf body crjuind, Irritabni y cf temper. Low spirits, Loss ct memory, with a feeling of having ne lected somoriuty, Wariness Diziuners. Fluttering of the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache, Kestles*- hesa a r.nig lit, lii*hly nalored Urine. IP THESE tf tfTNtNGS AR& tfNHEEDfeD, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL BE DEVELOPED, TUll' S TILLS are especially adapted to inchratcn. ouecloeeertVcts aucti nctianceS ofl:cliuiras to aktonblithc iulTerer., Try Hits remedy fairly, and *iu villi cnln a Healthy DiutvUuni Vigoront Body, Pure Biood,Ntrdn Item*, and a &>ot*ud l.lrcr. Price, 35 Cents. Ofllrc, :t5 Murray St.,lf. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair and YY hhkers changed to ft Glossy IllackbyaxlnKlc application of tMs Hye. It imparts a natural color, uiii 1 listantunehnaty. Sold by Jrnr gu!s, or sent by fiprtis onrlicclpt of Sit tittice, 35 HI array 1 orlii f Dll. TtITT'.S M Al*'A 1. of VnluablcX i Inforinntiouanil t'sefnl Iteeetpffl will I Vimaii - ' i'ttEll on application. / Henderson's Leader. IT IS NOT ONLY THE BEST MADE, BUT IT IS THE LIGHT EST-BUNNING. QUIETEST AND SIMPLEST IN THE MARKET. IT IS THE ACME OF PERFECTION IN WORKMANSHIP AND FRINCIPLE. MOTTO^ ""WSF PROTECTION TO DEALERS; MAINTENANCE OF GOOD RETAIL PRICES} ISO PROMISCCOCB SCATTERING OF WHOLESALE PRICES. J WANTED. FOB PARTICULARS ADDRESS J The Leader Sewing Machine B chargo for examination of LIOUC-'S or draw ings. Advice by mail free. Patents obtained through tie nro noticed ':i tlie SCIENTIFIC AMERICA*. which has the largest circulation, and is tho inoat influ ential newspaper ofitflkind published in th-i world. The a u vantages cf fetich a uotico every patentee understande. . Th'*i large and splendidly illustrated news paper is published WEEIftT ats:J.'ibayear, and is admitted to bo the best paper davoted to science, mechanics,inventions, works, and other departments of industrial progress, published in auv country. Sing'o copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by ail news dealers. * Address, Munn A Co., publishers of Scaeo tific American. 261 Broadway, New TorL. Handbook *"'<••! r " , A BUY THE BEST. POST tc CO'3 O STUDE^Pi^ft GUARANTEED THE BEST. STEADY UQttT. 3IX T 2IHT.9 C3IT?ArEn TISAN OAS. Ey loiiyy Juxp'Ori-esicc we am enabled Co make Hie EI:ST 6TUDENX LA'IP 21ADF, V'Z'A tlto O.YLi' one that raises assc'2 lowers tSie wick as f.howu in cut. Fully covered by lettcrr. patcni, Price, ?*!c2iel Plctcu, SSS.OO. luii cral Discosnfs to the Trailc. Lend for Catalogue. PSST Si OOMPM/j Dlenufscturors and Patontoos, CINCINNATI, CHIO. THE BRADLEY ROAD CART A LIGHT RUHNIKG, EASY RIDING, PERFECTLY BALANCED Two Wheeled Vehicle. Thoroughly well made and sold at a Low Price. ABOVE ILLUSTRATION REPRESENTS OUR No. 3 OR PARK CART. THREE STYLES, Weighing from 90 to 160 lbs. Pricet from SSO to •<>,■ jGQTFirat-Class in every respect, and every body likes them. Send for Illustrated Price Lint*' BRADLEY & CO., I SYRACUSE, N. Y. ESTABLISHED 1532.