■§\c j|illl|cim Journal. THURSDAY, MARCH 29TH, 18818 BY DEININGER & BUMILLER. LOCAL DEPARTHEAT. —"Green £hristmhs--u'ltite Easier," HI d the time-honored adage has again proved itself entirely reliable. Our friend Andrew Ocker has been appointed post master at Mudisouburg. Toe JOURNAL takes pleasure to con gratulate Andy. FOR SALE.— Rev. C. F. Deininger offers his valuable property in Millheim nf pi ivate sale. For particulars inquire of 11. K. Luse. on the premises. tf —Muj. J. 15. Fisher and Mr. George Durst shipped the ti.iest lot of tit cat tle from Spring Mills, hut Thursday that perhaps ever left lVnn's Valley. -Andrew Stover and Jacob Kerstet ter, two of our substantial citizens, •?iavo each bought a lot and will put up good dwelling houses at Coburn the coming summer. —The l>gan3villa post office was bro ken into tho other Friday and robbed of about two dollars in small change. Stamps and stamped envelopes were uot disturbed. —Pike manager Cook Ilubler put a pew floor on the Millheim bridge last But don't you think Cook , tho bridge should have I'.ew abutments too v ? —As far as now known three new dwelling houses will be built in Mill heim next summer, by J. W. Snook, Wm. B. Ilartman and Jerome Spigt l meyer, respectively. Others may fol low suit. —The new town council will have its first business meeting on Monday evening when all who have claims a gahtst the borough are expected to pre sent them. —lf some of our farmer subscribers Lu\e more corn than cash, they can settle their subscriptions in corn—and it makes no difference to the pi inter whether it be for arrears, iu advauce, or for the current year. tf —The trout fishing season begins on the first of April and ends on the first of August, but our anglers bad belter postpone business until Monday as the law iin posses a penalty of $25 for fish ing or hunting on Sunday. —We are happy to state that Dr. S. G. Gutelius has no idea of leaving town, all rumors to the contrary notwithstand ing. The doctor thinks Millheim is the boss place to stay and herein his head is entirely level. Music.—Vocal and instrumental music practically ar.d theoretically taught in the Musical Cullege at Free hum, Pa. A session of six weeks be gins Tuesday, May Ist, ISS3. Address F. C. Moyf.ll, 3t Musical Director. —Tlio Improvement boom seems at last to have struck the staid old village of Lewisburg. The building of a mam moth flju. iug mill seems to be assured and now the citizms are holding meet ings to get up nater works. £25,000 are already subscribed. —Miss Rachel Read, of Clearfield town was visiting friends in our village during the past two weeks. Miss Read is a vivacious and intelligent young la dy and during her stay formed many acquaintances. She started for home on Monday followed by the best wish es'of all and ardent hopes for a speedy leturn by at least one. —J. A. Lambert is really one of the most accommodating and reliable fel lows that ever drove a stage. Through out the year he carries a very large a nrount of express goods ail along the route, and delivers them in person. Everything is always right and his charges are really moderate. You can safely entrust our business to him. —We learn with pleasure that woik on the Buffalo Run Rail Road has com menced In earnest and that some 30d men are already engaged grading at different points along the route through the "barrens." Without any ijisiile knowledge whatever regarding this new enterprise it would seem ob vious that the building of this road wili necessitate the extension of the Lewisburg & Tyrone mad to Lemont and thus give us connection with Brlle t'oute. —lh looking around for any kind of Parlor or Kitchen Furniture, whether weeded in entire suits or only single ar ticles, do not forget that Squire Camp, at Centre Hall, can furnish you as well and as cheaply as you can beaccorumo' dated anywhere in this part of the state. The squire understands his business thoroughly and will sell you good work at the lowest possible prices. Give him a call. —Hon. T. 11. Purdy.of Sunbury and Dr. backhouse, of Lewislurg, recently purchased a fine tract of land northwest of our Dorough from the heirs of Jacob Den-, deceased, which they propose to lay out intd town lots. They paid, we understand',at the rate of §240 per acre. They now offer to douate sufficient giound to any manufacturing enter prise that will put up works on the premises. This is the spirit* that will push our town ahead.— Lewisbiay Jour mi. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION.— The under signed will again resuino his work of teaching aud will give lessons on Piano or Organ at reasonable rates. The spiirg term will begin the first week in April. Persons residing in Aaronsburg, Millheim, Rebersburg or in the vicinity of any of these j laces, who are desirous of taking lessons will please write or ap ply in person to \\ M. T. MKYKU, 3t Anonsbiirg, Pa. —First of April courts on Sunday this year and people will be 'obliged to do their financial business on Saturday before of On Monday after. There will not lie many heavy payments to make in this neigbl erhocd as but little prop erty lias changed hands for some time. The dreaded "yir.d" has largely lost its terrors. Kveu when the panic was at its wo rst I lie good people of thise val leys exercised patience and foroearanee with each other la a remarkable degree aud we da Jiot remember of a single instantif hereabouts ttiat a man was pushed to the wall because lie could not pay. This praiseworthy trait is in deed a piaetieal observance of the ;/oM n i*((/e,and we are proud to add,a char acteristic of IVimsylvania German communities. SUICIDE AT FINE GROVE. —On Tues day morning Mr, A1 Ralston, a resi dent of Pine Grove Mills attempted to commit suicide bv shooting himself with a revolver. The ball entered his head, hick of the light ear and was de flected down \va rd. The act was done about six o'clock, just as preparations weie being made to move to Philipi burg. At this writing, Wednesday noon, tho unfortunate min is still liv ing but his physicians, 1) s. Woods and Smith,Moneut.ee his lecovery extreme ly doubtful. Mr. Uibtonwas manied, but childless, a cat putter of unusual a bility and a good neighbor. For more than a year he has*been melancholy,but that circumstance gave his friends no concern, and no cause is assigned lor tho rash act.— C.ntre Democrat. —The Ccn'ral Pcnnu. C inference cl>s ed its annuul session at Chamltersburg on the 20th. The following are tlie ap pointments for Alto na Dictiiet for ilie present year : James 11. McG.irrah, presiding elder; post office, Altoona, Pa ; Altoona, First church, A. I). Yocnra ; Altoona, Eignth aveuu°, George Leidv ; Altoonj, Chestnut avenue, G, Warren ; A1 oona Twenty-fourth street, J. T. \\ ilson ; Bellefonte, George I>. IVnepacker ; Birmingham, E. E. A. Deavor ; Clear field. James Curns ; Clearfield circuit, E. \V. Wonner ; Curwensvi'le, J. B. Shaver ; Duncansville, 11. S. Menden !i :li ; Glen Hope, J. B. Alters ; Ura hamton, W. A. Craver ; Half Moon, W. 11. Whitney ; HoUidaysburg, J. E- Bell ; Howard, John -Stine ; IJovdsviPe, to be supplied by J. A. J. Williams ; Logan Valley, W. W. Dunmire ; Lum her City, E. Shoemaker; Martiusburg, I. Ileckman : Milesburg ai d Uuion ville, W. W. Reese ; New Washington. O. Hicks ; Osceola and Hou'zlale, A. W. Guyer ; Perm's Valley, F. Adams ; Philipsburg, J. B. Pollsgrove; Pine Giovv, George B. Acne ; Pleasant Gap, J. A. Mattern ; Port Matilda, to be supplied by G. W. Biker; Snow Shoe, Win, F. I). Noble ; Tyrone, J. S. Mc- Murray ; Warriors Hark, George Gay er ; Williamsburg, Win. V. Gance ; Woodland, J. K. Lloyd. Miscellaneous. The Chester Xcics claims that much of the present prosperity and advance ment of Chester is due to building asso ciations. About 3,000 people attended a public sale, near Stouchsburg, Berks Co., re cently. About 1,200 took dinner at the noiise of the vendor. As the marriageable month of May approaches, says the Trenton 1 inics , a great many girls are beginning to won der whether they are able or not to sup port husbands. During a wind storm in Coleville, Butler county, a few days aga a prom issory note was blown into Jefferson county. It was found and sent back to Coleville after two days' delay. Patrick McKenna, a once-noted Mol lie Maguire in Schuylkill county, died miserably at Locust Gap, last week. His reason was dethroned, and he was a raging m itiiac. He had become very poor. lii Dallastown, York county, a few days ago a bull and a goit fought des perately for half an hour. The goat whipped the bull in seven rounds and chased him across the country for nearly two miles. THERE CAN BE no doubt that this is a, free country. During the past three years there have been two mOr ders a day and two executions a week. Evidently something is the matter with the law. As a result of the recent meetings held in the Lutheran church at Watson town, by liev. S. G. Shannon, one hun and nine persons were admitted to membership in the church oil Sunday the 4th iust. The Dixmmit committee learned one thing during the course (if their inves tigation. Thev learned that Wiggins, the now famous weather prophet of Ot tawa, Canada, was an inmate at one time of the asylum. Within the last few weeks a number of persons living along the line of the Lebanon Valley Railroad have been swindled bv sharpers who have been selling tickets purporting to have been issued by the Lewisburg Lottery Com pany. There is no lottery in Lewis: burg. Scared to Death by the False Prophet. From the Cleveland Leader A bright little twelve-year old girl hasdi<>(i ih H.ilTalo from the eHeels of Wiggins'prophecy, she vas a great ; reader and very nervous about storms and became intensely excited as the time for the great blow drew near. The family 11 ird to divert her thoughts, but it was impossible, and after a lew days' illness the poor childdied of meuingi: is, brought on. the doctor and her parents 1 say, by excitement over the idle words of the Canadian fraud. Fifty- Seven Scholars Whipped. From the Itoston llemut. The ministering hand of gentle wo man has been It H again, this time at Pawlueket. U. I. A child in one of the schools thero wY.istled. The teacher asUetl who it was, and, failing to Ibid out, flagged tin; whole school, with one exception, a giil who chose to bo turn ed out instead. There were fifty-eight scholars, and fifty-seven of Ihcui got live blows apiece with a ratt.ni. How Two Q crgia Boys Killed n Panthor. From the llinest illo U.iieiv. On Fiiilay evening, while two colored boys were out hunting rabbits on the edge of the swamp.they saw a large an imal, and, supposing it to be a wildcat, tired at bun ar.U gave chase. The ani mal clambered up a large tree and the boys fired again. TFur ammunition was exhausted and one of the lads at tempted to climb the tree, but a warn ing growl made him decern! inpidly. They then built a Via and camped at the foot of the tree all night, and the next morning.proem ing more ammuni tion , they kept up tiring till ho fell, dead, lie was a very huge panther. j A Postmaster Hanged. WASHINGTON, 'March 22. Tins governor of Montana sent the lol lowing dispatch to the post oflioo ele partnieiit'to-day : '* 1 lie vigilants at (Ireen Horn, Montana have re moved the democratic postmaster ly hanging. The government "iii-U lie scarce as he was caught birn burning. The office is new vacant ami the sureties have been uotified to take the charge. AIIVK t TO M'JTIIF.KH Arf yo'i ilisturbeil at nip'* and Urukra of your iV incalculable. It w ill relieve the p Kl' LITII • s:f feier imnieili Uelv. l> upon ii, nn't! there is no mistake about it. !t cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic, s.jftens the ptuns. re duces Suilanwn ition, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. >lu- Wis-l.ou 's SOOTH- I SI . Svurp F IK CHILDRKM TEETHING IS ILLE S :IT to the i isie,and i- the proscription of one of th * oldest tuid best female plivsici ins and DIMS es in the Cut ted States, and Is for, sale by ail dnijjeists iliroujtluiut the wjrU. Price " i cents a bottle. A hearthrs villain by the name of Dtiella, of Erie county, has been the cause of dethorning the reason of a most excellent, accomplished ami charming young lady by the name of Anna Peterson, of Harbor Creek, in that'cohntv. Their weddhfg was to have taken place on tlie 7th ins!. In. stead of appearing in person,the scoun drel sent a note very coolly informing her that he had changed his mind,and in tended to travel. Miss Peterson has been tak n to the Pennsylvania Insane Asyluui, and the scoundrel goes free. AUERim XF.WSI'AI'EItS IX ISV3. From "Tib? hew edition of Messrs. (leo. P. HOWELL & CVS AMCUICAS NKWSIMIT.H DIUBCT OHV, v.'NUh is now in press, it appears that tiie newspapers ami per oilnuH of a't kinds issued in the United States and Territories now reach the imposing tot.il of 11.1 h>. This i- an incn of .">5 in twelve months. Taking the States one by one, the newspaper giowth in some is very considerable. The present total in New York State, for instance, is 1 a gain of SO In the pustjear. The increase In Pennsylvania is 4<, the ekislfhg niiml)er being OH. Nebraska's to tal grew from 17"> t 2"']. and Illinois" from 800 to 004. Avearhgo Masaehus "its had 420 ita pe is ; now the number is 4;'3. la Texas the new papers outnumbered the suspensions by s, and Ohio now his 70S papers instead o* 002. The most remarkable change has occurred in the Terrlturrics, in wiitcli t!ie daily papers have grown from 43 to 00, and the weeklies from 100 to 243—Dakota being the chief area of activity. The numb."T of moat'.dies throughout tiie coun try grew from 070 to 1,0.14, while the dailies leaped from 00d to I>'2. The figures given ü bi.ve are exclusive of Canada, which possesses a total of i) 0). It is interesting to note that the in wly-seitied regions of tiie Canadian North- West are productive of newspapers as we'd as of wheat, for the number of Journals issued in Mun toba was nearly doubled during tiie year. DlKi:SI\ I>ANut the j wot ks and it is feared an outbreak may oceu.. Kane was one of the men arrested for tho murd r of Maui ice Ilealey at Dunbar, but after the acquit tal of young Mc Fai land ho was releas ed without trial, lie has a wife and three or fur children. Keighley is a native of England. His parents live! near Yonngstown, Ohio, lie is about thhty years old and married. lie has always been quiet and peaceful. At midnight Kme was still alive, but tlie physician says it i 3 impossible for him to survive. While lying at the point of death lie curses K u ighley and asks only to live long enough to kili him. liiinc'K Triiftriou. r o , ( I'UMMit, per Bualtel 4* iofst Barley u> I lyiiioMiysood FLAXSEED Cloverseed P."O Butter tlaiuH )7 Veal ...' Pork Potatoes (,j l r ar.| 1- Tallow Soap 5 l>ri.-,l Apples I>rted Peaches. lhiedtlherriea CO AI. MAU KKT AT CO UP KM. P-Ksr Coal i 4', n Stove " * Chestnut n oft l * ;i J "(t Pea by the ear load HABTEB, Aactioneer, MILLIIKIM, PA. W. J. SPUING ELT, Fashionable Barber, Next L>oor to JOCKNAI. Store, Main Street, MILMIEIM, PA. T) K 1). 11. MINGLE, I'lijsiciiin & Surgeon, Oilllce oti Main treet, MII. MI RIM. PA. JOHN F. IIABTEII. Practical Dentist, O.liee opposite the Millhclin Banking House, MAIN STIIEET, MILLIIEIM, PA. A DAM 110 V, A. Atiovncy-at-Law. BELLEFONTE, PA. Orph.tr.s* Court HUMIKMS a SjeetaHty. M C. HEINLE, Attorncy-at-Liw, BELLEFUNTC, PA. Practices in all the courts of Centre county. Speet.il attention to Collections. Consultations in German or hn ltsli. C. T. A lex in let. ('. M. Rower . ALEXANDER & BOWE'.t, Attorncys-at-Law, BELLKFOXTE, PA. Office in Garman's new building. J. A. Beaver. J. W. Gep'iart. TftEAVER & CiEI'IIAItr, Attorheys-at-Law, BELLEFONTE, PA. Office on Alleghany Street. North of High Street I). 11. Hastings. W. 1". Reeder. II AS lIX ra FURNITURE, F 3 1 hd Spring Beds, £ | % 0' Matresscs, &c. is 224 JVHJLIEEIKIIET STREET, IiEWISBUEG, PENNA Our Stock is now complete in all its departments and we are receiving New Goods every day throughout the season. % JLL THE LEADING SHADES IN HATS & BONNETS, \ TRRHMTZMZ-ED TJiISTTEEIRdAdISr) FOR LADIES HISSES AND CHILDREN. FOR LINE OF Ladies' Ready-made Ulsters. Dolmans, Coat 3 and Jackets cannot bo excelled. Coat and Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Laces, Silks, Satins, Lace and Linen Collars, Jet Combs, Real Hair Goods, Jewelry and oth er Fancy Goods, at PRICES that will bear COMPETITION. WE WILL NOT ADO MORE, BUT SIMPLY SAY THAT YOU WILL TIND THE BEST ASSORTMENT OE GOODS IN OUR LINE, AND THAT WE CANNOT IE UNDERSOLD! * Respectfully, 18. HAHBIS, Market Street, Lewisburg, Pa. ( jf™' H £*"33 ft f-OTED BSi/iH£ SAYS: ! Lit. Tcn:-DMf '-'<>.* lor t:rt ysaro i bars l>cu n m:ir.yr to Dysyapsia, Cocstir.ation r.rA IMt-3. I.:i Hi.->r:ng) our pills vrcrere. lamer fled to in*: I u*o 1 tbetn (hot wi'.hHcle laidE. I."i row ft well in;;n, luivo gi">ol ftppc.ite, FluitTicjg r f the_hnait. 230t3 b?fsra the eye, Voilow Skin. HsaidaeEej hwtlrii set M ct nlghpiffliy coioraft uj toe. I? TH f.SC\7 .CSittNG3 ASfc UNHEEDED^ SEnlCliS DISEASES WILL EE DEVELOPED. T'Jll S TILLS arc eipwUlly adapted to Dirlirost'ij. lutli athange ot focli nit a - to atonhl> tic tnfffiti'. Ti j tiii* remedy fairly, iiidjaii will r-..1 < n iiealthy ingestion, Visoroiiy r.vl/, I'avr UlceiliSuoiis: herv. , ?.a n 'roiii. l I Iver. I'ricvji-tircEta. OfHce. '4"> M array St.. . Y. PTPS HAIR BYE. iii sy Halrftad IVhlt keri r.hijcel to a Glossy liiKt h n single miplifrtjon o this !>>•. 5< imparts a urtur.il color* Qf.s liislai>lnu(ii CLEVELAND, OHIO. Ii Claims n specialty, and WAR i L\ i\ I I BANTS, ADDITIONAL HOME- J £JL i-1 I / STEAD CERTIFICATES and all kinds of LAND SCRIP bought and ->ld. Largs Stock, aud HIGII EST PRICES Paid. Do you want lo f*dl "r buy? If so, wrßo to A. A. THOMAS* Arrm 3 -al-jLr.u, Washington, . C\ S tho United States, arc to ob'. injit'- BJSiV cuts in Canada. France, a fixttft U Gernuvnv, and ell o.iitr cotujtriCß. Kzeseasti ThirCy-clx yvitr-A practice. j > ; cliargro fcr examination ol'r.,odJjcr drtw ings. Advlco by mail frca. Patents obta'.ncd through r" -rcroti-cd •• a ilia SCIENTIFIC AMICiaCAfv, t liith J CA "the largest circtilation, ind i* tlo ntott inii cntial iiowsnapfr ofitAk'.ul pnblih.ieJia lh<* world. Tho advaiuagtsciracU a notice every patentee understands. - TLiislarg3 and spleudidly lJlnstrated nev-r --paperiapublishc-T WEIiKLY r.tS3.ibftyer ;j and is admitted to bo the Le?t paper dcvit i to esience. mochanics,invcutiotia, ugi'jec: r* ; works, ard other departments f iiidurtr.; I | progress, published xa anv country. 8"or ! Zo?\?B by mail, 10 cente. fioid by r.II new=i- I dealers. ' Address, STann & Co., ptibbshers r f t-cie:> I Mc American. 2(l Proadway, ?*>w : i:L. UandbO 'k rrai'ivl LOB. BUY THB BEST ! OTRONa, STEADY L'-SHT. I PITI cniSApr.s?. thai; I GA3, Ely long tve , nrc cniiijSccl t > J rake t.'ic />ITST I & T LA2IP nr.d Clio | OXL Y one taat raiser, c.:ic< lowers I the wick ao chowa f-i Fully covered by letters p:do::i. Price, Dlscoi;v\j to Lite 'iLratdc. k>c~U tor Catalogue. fgst ft mprnii (ZsknuTaciurcTG arprl ostorftocc, CiNOIMNATJ, C HID. TSIE BRADLEY . ROAD CART A LIGBT S;UKH3N@, EASY RIDIHO, PERFECTLY BALANCED TM Whisled Vehicle. TkoigMy well made and sold at a Low Price. ABOVE ILLUSTRATION REPRESENT# OUR No. 3 on Pars CART. TH2IES STYLUS, Waighing from 00 to 160 lta. Pricei fromsso to $0. ff7-PlratClasa in every respect, and every* body likes them. Send fcr Illustrated l'rieo List. I BRADLEY &. CO., SYRACUSE, N. Y. 1 t?TAI3LI3HED 18S2.