Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 15, 1883, Image 2

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    | lp j|iHfpS'w Joniptat.
Ltarch & Sunday Scliool Directory.
Jitr*. B. JPngst and H. A. Rmfcr. rreaeh'b
Regular preaching next Sunday evening.
*anday School, m,—RtwiC.Y. Gephart.Supt
Missionary Society meets on tho third Mon
day evening of each month.
Rcr. Fnrwan Adorns r*rcachcr in charge.
Sunday School at a. M.— l>. A Alusscr, Sup't
Rer. Zvcingll A. Ytariek, Pastor.
rreaching in Aaronsbuag next Sunday After
noon, English, aufi in Mlllheim imtho evening,
alt.o English.
United Brethren.
Rcv.J. G. IT. Herald, Preacher in charge.
Drenching next Sunday morning,
fcuiulay School, 9A. M.— A. R. Alexander, Sunt
Rev. JohnTovilinson , Pat/or.—
Communion services in Aaronsburg next Sun
day morning, in German, Xnd i:i tho evening,
Sunday School at A.M. "C- O* I>c ninger. Supt.
The Augsburg Bible Class meets every Satur
day evening at .7 o'clock.
Ladles' Mite Society meets on the first Mon
day evening of each mouth.
Loioe & Society Directory.
Millhelm Lodge. No. 9.V>. I. O. O. F. meets in
heir hall, Penn street, every Saturday evening.
Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on
or before the full moou of each mouth.
Providence Grange. No. 217 P.of H., meetskn
Alexanders block on the second Saturday ot
each month at 11...l 1 ... r. M.. and on the fourth Sa
turday of each month at IV£ i. M.
I>. L.ZKRRY. Sec. T. G. Kun AUN.Master.
The Miillielm B. & L. Association meets in
lire Demi stroot school house on the evening of
the second Monday of each month.
A. WAI.TSK. Sec, " It. O. DEININOER, PreM.
The Milibcim Cornet Band meets in the
Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings.
/, \V. Foote, See. 1). 1. Brown Dres't.
Contra County Democratic Com
mittee for 1033.
Bellefonte X. W, J. M. Kelcbiine,..Bellefonte
•' s. w. r has Sinith '•
44 \Y. W. S. A. Met} listion,.... "
Howard boro. Ira C. Leather*, Howard
Milesburg " James P. ,iones,... Milesburg
Mlllheim " F. P. Musser, Mlllheim
Philipsburg 1 W. Co*. Her linger. ..Philipsourg
2 W. Sol Schmidt.
44 3 W. A. V. Carpenter, "
UnionvUle b ro. I'. J. McDonald,. Fleming
Bonner twp. \Ym. Islilcr, i'ellefonte
Bogvs " Frank F, Attains,...Milesburg
Buruslde 44 Henry Meeker l'ine Glenn
College 44 Jahn'ltoop, la'inont
Curtin 44 John McCloskey Roland
Ferguson O. P. J, T. MeCormick. Stae college
N. i\ L. \V. Walker,... Rock Springs
Grecg s. P. JofinColdron Spring Mills
X- P. Wjn. Luce,.... Farmers' Mills
Haines K. P. L. B. Mover, Woodward
44 W. p. Geo. Bower, Aaronsburg
Half Moon twp. J. 11. Grit?. u Stormstowii
Harris 44 I>. W. Meyer, Boalsburg
Howard " John Glenn Howard
Huston 44 John L. Miles Julian
liberty 44 Je.iues P. Lei on Blanchara
Marion 44 J. J. Hoy, Walker
Miles 44 Ellis Siiafer, Madison berg
Pat too * 4 Ague w Sellers. Jr Filmore
Peuu 44 P. H. Stover, Cobum
Pottor N. P. D.J. Meyer Centre llall
s. P. Samuel Slack Tusseyville
Rush N. P. William Cullen. .. .Phili sburg
s. p. j. C. Everly sandy R.d.e
Snow Shoo twp. Win. U. Huyncs,...Snow shoe
Spring 44 E.C.Wood" ..Bellefonte
Taylor 44 Hepburn Blowers, Fowler
Union 44 S. K. Einerick, Fleming
Walker 44 Jos. Einerick, Ilubiersburg
Worth 44 ii. S. Spott-s i'ort Matilda
And now that congress has ad
journed our gay, Stalwart President
has ample time to parcel out good
offices among the worthy ex-congress
men who were defeated last full by
an ungrateful people, and he goes to
work like a hero. Jorgensen, cl
Virginia, gets a place in a land of
fice in Washington territory. Will
o J
iams, of Wisconsin, is appointed
JrrnA Register in Dakota. Dan ell,
of Louisiana, will be provided with
a federal office in New Orleans.
John Paul, the readjuster of Virgin
ia, will be made a District Judge of
that state. Robeson is walling to
sacrifice himself upon the altar of
his country by accenting a foreign
mission, while Page may be induced
to superintend the San Francisco
Mint. Of course Speaker Keifer and
the other patriots must net be neglect
ed and Mr. Arthur, it is to be hop
ed will kindly take care of them all.
Some opposition Ins latterly devel
oped in the Legislature against our
State Normal Schools. One senator
designates them as our public mule
colleges while a member of the House
asserts that some Normal Shcool
professors can take as big a drink of
whiskey as any member of the leg
islatnrc. Perhaps the management
of these institutions had better be
looked into before the usual appro
priations are granted.
The Memphis Avalanche has poll
ed the State ar.d finds that General
Hancock is still the Presidential idol
of the Southern Democracy, and that
Congressman Carlisle would be
thoroughly acceptable as Vice Pres
The Harrisburg Patriot has re
cently made some important improve
ments, chief apiong which is that
now has all the Associated it
Press dispatches. As a fearless and
able public journal as well as a
newspaper the Patriot ranks with
any in the state, while as a Demo
cratic text book and central party
organ it is the acknowledged lead
Last week Judge Cummin at Will
iamsport gave Ceorge .Smith seven
years penitentiary for horse stealing.
The Next Oonr. se
The Forty-seventh Congress had
scarcely go : out from the shadow of
the capitol, before speculation concern
ing its successor is begun. Tire new
house which willasemble in December
next, will consist of 825 members, an
Increase of 28. It will require 163 to
constitute a quorum for the transact
tion of busiuess and instead of a nar
row margin as between the parties, the
democrats will have lU2 members and
the republicans I*2l, and there are four
independents, two greenbackers aiul
six readjusters. This gives ihe demo
crats a plurality of 74 over the republi
ans, a majority of 5.) over the combin
ed opposition, though it is not likely
under such conditions that tbo inde
pendents, green Packers and rear j usters
will ally themstlves with the republi
There are 7S democrats and 02 repub
licans in the next congiess who served
in the last body, and a few who gained
experience by seivioe in former con
gresses or in other parliamentary bod
ies. This indicates that about one
half the body will be trained to service
while ttie other half wril be without ex
perience. Randall, Hewitt, Carlisle,
Morrison, lluhnan, Blackburn, Curtin
and oiher able men assure the demo
cratic maj nity a strong and safe lead
ership. The republicans are less fortu
nate though Calkins, II iscock, K tsson,
Kelly and Heed wilt guard the party in
terests with skill and some ability.
j The new congress will have an :!
! vantage over the body just expired, if
i the revenue bill is not more deceptive
I than it seems, in the surplus rev
j enue will be dim inished. A full trei.s
, ury Uctts i rotlgate legislation and a
| side ficm the natural tendency to re
! trcnchmeu t which w ill he the obvious po
I liev of tlie incoming majority",there will
be less teiapt atiau to the liberal and un
necessary appropriations. With Ran
da'l or Carlisle in the chair the plunder
ers will find little opportunity to uly
their practices, ltibeson will uo long
er be there to invent ECI.CUHS for de
pleting the treasury and though Keifer
will occupy a scat on the lleor his ii.flu
ence will be si inc)asequential that the
| record of the sessions will scarcely feel
| his iud'iencft.— V itriol.
' When Some of lis l*rovlion Will (Jo
Int.> Effect.
In reply to inquiries ttie commission
er of intern tl revenue says that the ef
j feet of the law inducing internal reven
I ue taxation would be as follows : The
tax upon toe capital and deposits
of banks ai:d bankers and national
banking associations is repealed from
this date, except such taxes as are now
due and payable. That the reduction
of the tax upon checks, drafts,etc., and
upon matches, perfumery,medical prep
arations an I other articles imposed by
schedule A, following section 3,437 of
the Revised Statute-?, t p.kes effect July
T, ISS3. That after May 1, ISS3, the
tax on manufuctured tobacco and snuff
w ill be eight cents per pound, on cigars
three dollars per thousand and on cigar
ettes fifty cents per thousand. That
there will be a rebate on tobacco,snuff,
cigaisand cigarettes of the difference
in the taxes recently imposed and the
taxes now provided where claims a
mount to $lO. These claims must be
presented within sixty days from May
1. Regulations upon this matter will
be immediately issued and blanks will
ba furnished upon which claims can be
made in changing the form of special
tax stamps and stamps for the pay
ment of taxes upon tonecco, snuff, ci
gars, etc., so as to supply collectors
with these stamps in time to meet the
requirements of trade prior to May 1.
" ■ -
Sketch of (he I.ifc of Hon. Alexander
11. Stephen**.
Alexander Hamilton Stephens was born at
Taliaferro, Georgia. At the ape of fourteen he
! was left an orphan. lie graduated at Franklin
j college in 1832 and at. once began the study of
• law and was admitted to practice three years
j later. In 1536 he was elected to the lower house
|of tlie state legislature in which body he served
five years. In 1*42 he was elected to the state
senate and the following year was returned to
congress as a whig, with which party he was
: identified from the first of ids public life. In j
j 1852 when Gen. W infield Scott was nominated |
for the presidency by the whigs Mr. Stephens
left the party and supported the democratic
nominee. When the recesjlou movement began
to develope in ISSO Mr. Stephens look strong
grounds in favor of remaining in the Union,
and spoke eloquently in that interest. When
his state decided to secede, however he yielded
and was elected provisional vice president of
the confederacy, lie visited Virginia after that
state had seceded and tlrrough his agency she
was induced to join ihc confederacy. When
the permanent confederate government was
formed Mr. Stephens was elected vice president
by the vote of the people, and he continued in
that capacity until the final surrender. At ihe
close of the war he was arrested and confined
in Fort Warren from April until October, 18Gf,
when he was released and returned to Georgia.
In December 18d5, he was elected senator in
congress, but was not admitted. About April,
1874, he was elected to the house of represent
atives and cont in ued to ser -e until a few years
ago, when he was elected governor. During the
period between the close of the war and his io
turn to congress lie wrote a history of the war,
in two volumes, entitled "A Constitutional His
tory of tno War between the states." Mr.
Stephens made his will seme time ago. He
leaves SIO,OOO in money to the children of his
late brother, Judge Stephens, and the rest of I ! s
estate, with the exception of a few minor be
quests, to his nephew,-John A. Stephens. What
h:sestate will foot up depends largely upon tlio
sale of the "New History of the United States."
He made about .$30,000 on "The War between
the States," and his new book is selling well.
Above his bequests his estate will probably pay
The legislature has passed a bill
and Gov. Pattison has signed it, re
pealing the law creating the office of |
sealer of weights and measures. '
This is thought to be au important'
reform. ;
Senator Cameron's health is much j
more seriously impaired than is gener
ally supposed, and his conditon is re
garded by many as really critical, but
not at all hopeless. Helms been very
much prostrated most of the winter by
the return of fistula in an aggravated
form, and the habitual use of opiates
neccessary to enable him to obtain sleep
under the constant and severe pain has
shattered his nervous system ami gen
erally prostrated him mentally and
Mr. Pattidon Signs Ilis First Death
II AKKisiirufJ, March f.—"Robert K.
Fattison" was to-dav signed for the
first time to a death warrant, that of
Ward McConkey, who killed a man
named MeCluro, when the latter was
leading a party in pursuit of McConkey
for t he robbery of a store in McKeesport,
! Allegheny county. The (iovernor has
fixed May 10 for the cxcutiou, in Pitts
i> • -
Alleged Effect of tho Tariff Bill.
PITTSBURG, March 10.— Iron mast
ters interviewed on the tariff question
are unanimous in their declarations that
under the now law a reduction of tie
wages of all classes will lo a necessity.
If a reduction is persisted in it will very
probably result in a general strike as
a 1 irge number of employees seen to-day
assert that any attempt to reduce
wages will he stubbornly resisted.
WIGGINS' blizz ud reminds one of the
Yortnontor's remark auent the propos
ed candidacy of Edmunds for president:
44 Wall, ncow, he'd do well enough for
gov'nor of Yarmount, but 'gin you
spread him eont over the hull United
States heal bo* rut her thin."
The Dukes Nutt Jury.
UXIOXTOWX, Pa., March 11.—The
jury in t!e Dakes-Xutt murder case
was secured yesterday. The dilliculty
encountered was not so great as was
anticipated. A panel of sixty jurors
was exhausted. When the jury had
been sworn Judge Wilson put them in
charge of officers and adjourned the
ease until Monday morning, when the
taking of testimony will commence.
The accused in a firm voice pleaded not
guilty, ami occupied his time in taking
notes as the trial progressed. lie is
represented by Messrs.Charles E. Boyle,
M est era t and Linsey, while the district
attorney is assisted in the prosecution
by A, I), lloyle and W. 11. Play ford.
Mechanical Ingenuity in a Caroli
na Darkey.
From the Beaufort Telethon. 4 .
We have in oar town a colored man
who is as much of a prodigy as the ver
itable "Blind Tom." liis I time is
Zach Taylor, b)rn in Caiteret county,
of parents who were sla\es, is i:; years
of age, never went to school in bis lift,
and yet he can build a mill, repair a
watch, tune.a piano or print a newspa
per, The most remarkable gift ho has,
however, is tlie ability to repeat script
ures, which he can do for hours at \
time without making a mistake. There
isn't his equal in North Cirlina or in
in the .South, for that matter.
Emporium, in Cameron cast lie votes
for chief burgess and auditor and will
have the expense end fun ef holding a
special election.
FULTON COUNTY is blessed indeed.
She has no railroads, no county bridges,
no alms house, no distilleries and no
county debt. A politician would find
life a burden in such a place.
If tho one half of the railroad char
ter srecently issued are boml file in
tended for actal use Pennsylvania will
have the biggest railroad building boom
within the next year it ever had.
Major Phipp3 to bo Sent Back.
TORONTO, March 6. —In the court
of appeals to-day tho judgement of the
court of appeals that Major Pliippa, of
Philadelphia, be remanded for extradi
tion was confirmed.
Senator Beck,of Kentucky,who came
a poor boy to this country from bcot
land,says the Courier-Journal, worked
on the saino farm in Livingston county 1
this State, that Secretary Teller work
ed upon. When they met in the Senate
Mr. Beck said : "Well, Ilenry, when
we used to drive old Brown's oxen we
never expected to meet in the United
States Senate." "No, Jim," said Mr.
Teller, "we didn't know there was such
a place-"
The California Assembly has passed a
most sensible bill to meet the plea of in
sanity in cases of murder. It would
seem to tit the case exactly. The in
dicted man who pleads it is to be tirst
examined as to bis sanity without re
gard to the crime charged. If decreed
to be sane, be is tried for murder, and
his false plea is to be treated as an ag
gravation of the offense. If to
be insane he goes to an insane asylum
at once for lite, so that lie shall never
harm anybody else. If, however, any
evidence turns up afterwards to prove
that the decision was wrong, then lie is
to be taken and tried of murder on the
original charge.
Three ladies in Beech Creek, Clinton
county, are subjects of religious fanat
icism. They have slmt themselves up
in the house of one of the three, a Mrs.
Grater, where they have been waiting
for the fulltillment of the prophecy re
corded in the fourth chapter of Malachi.
Two of them are single ladies and
very intelligent ; one is a Presbyterian
and the other a Methodist. It was re
vpaled to them a few months ago that
they should not attend religious exer
cises at church any moroand since then
they have conlined themselves to each
other's company, and .now for weeks
they have been in that little room pray
ing and watching and listening for Ga
briel to blow his horn. The entreaties
of parents or the desire of sick friends
to see them, will not induce the young
ladies to go home.
Jonathan Darter, Treasurer in account with
said borough.
March 13, 1882, ToOilMi from .1. <*•
Smlih, treasurer for Iwsl1 w sl '2l 01
March 12, Ish3, To Cash from Sam.
Weiser, Jr., Collector for 1831 82.27
To t'ash trom *W. K. Alexander,
t'oil ctor for lsso 11 so
To Cash ol Circus fees 17 01
To Cash of lines 5 CMI
To amount of Duplicate 573 tH
s7ll 47
March 12,1883, • < K.
By Cash to .John Stoncr, work on
road, (1881) No. 7 2 39
" • •• David t'lricli, work on
Toad, (issi) No. 8. 50
" " "K. Bartholomew, work
on road. (1HS1) No. 15... f>o
" " "Tho. lioekman, work
on road, (18HI) No. Hi... 125
44 44 " ,1. \V. Adams, work on
road, (1831) No. 25 50
" " " ,1. xv. Snook, const ruc
tion of crossings, (1SSI)
No, 40 27 50
" " " tleorge Peters, hauling
(1882) No. 42 125
" " 44 Sam. Weiser. Jr.. serv
ing notices(lßß2)No. hi 8 2">
" " " Jacob Kisi nliiith. .1. I*.
services, (1882) No. 4.1 2 .20
44 " " K Bartholomew, burial *
of carcass, (1882) No. 50 125
" •• •• Pciidnuer iN Bumlller,
printing. (1832) No. 51 10 00
" 44 '' J. W. snook, graveling
road, (1882) No. 52 2 00
*' '* " llgen Musmci*. work on
road, (1S82) Na 54 4 00
44 " " Jerome Splgelmyer, 6
crossings, (1882) No. 55 47 40
" 44 44 .lacob Sunkey, plunk,
(ISS2) No. 50 8 00
44 44 4 '.lacob Alter, work on
road, (1882) N0.57 -. 325
44 44 14 David Miller, work on
road. (1882) No. 58 1 00
4 * 44 44 Peter Walisa, work on
road (18S2) No. 50 6 CB3
4 4 44 44 John Btoner, work on
road, (18S2) No. 60 10 75
44 44 44 F. L\ Camnhell, work
on road. (1882) Ni. U .. f75
44 44 44 Titos. Hoekman, ma"k
ing handles, (18.8-j) No.
02 30
44 44 44 J. 11. B. Mart man. mak
ing handles, (ISf'.) No.
e.t 30
44 44 44 Joint A. Miller, work
on road. (1882) No. c 4 .. 100
44 44 4 ' Henry Blown, work on
road. (1S82) No.CS 2 07
44 44 Jacob Keen, work en
toad, (K*2) No.t'tJ 1 o0
" 44 D. L. Zciltv. wotk oil
road. (1882) No. i7 1 5)
4 4 44 J on. K t earner, work on
road, (1882) No 68 4 75
,4 o .. Wm . |j ijcuney, work
on road. (c>'2) No C 0... 50
44 4 4 44 D. ]•'. Miilcr. work on
road,<lßß2) N0.70 50
44 44 "J.W.Adam* workou
road, (ISS2) No. 71 1 75
44 4 4 44 Jacob Bar.lev, work oil
road (18-2) No. 72 2 50
44 44 " Wm. s. Maize, workoti
road (IsS.) No. 73.- 5 25
44 44 44 K Bart-: domew, ser
vices (1882) No. 74 12 50
44 44 44 (jcorge Bierly, I.aiding
iiiniber (1-52) No. 75.... 10 78
44 44 " John v., Musscr, eon
stiucilon-of crossing,
(18S2) No. 7i 4 v C UO
44 44 44 .Mark Monnev. work on
road (1882) No. 77 4 09
44 44 44 fi'isewlto x Sm>ok.lum
ber. (1882) No. 78. 32 48
4 4 44 44 John Swart/.. Work on
load (ISH3) No. 70 187
44 44 44 Jacob Alter, work at
b '.udw.ilk (1883) No. K) 300
44 44 44 I' i lull l.'eifsnvder,work
ut boardwalk, (1-8)
No. SI 1 50
44 44 " Thorn. Hoekman, work
at boardwalk, (18??)
No. 82 1 50
41 44 44 K. Bartholomew, ser
\ices (18.M) No. S{ 1 00
• 4 4 4 44 It. A. Humbler, services
(I*B.' ) No. M IS (M
D. F. I-oriney for pro
fessional services (ISS-")
No. SA 10 00
" ' 4 44 (Jvorge Pclcis, balance
on hauling (1 s <•>) No. 88 100
44 44 44 Musser&Smith, hard
ware, (1881) No. 87 3 37
44 44 44 S. C. liulelius. burial
of carcass (isv ) No. 88 1 .51
i By exoneration 20
By treasurer's o minission on mo
neys paid 5 54
By <<>);;< tor's j ercentage on dti
n'h .*.te '2B 67
By ( ash paid 8.0. Ptdnlnger, for
r.ul t, 1 ilay 1 00
4 4 44 44 J. H. B. Hint man, for
audit, 1 day 1 00
44 44 44 J. It. Pair, U.r audit 1
day 1 00
44 44 44 It A. Bumiller, Clerk 1
day 1 oo
By note given to council :;ys 74
♦714 47
Samuel weiser, Jr., Collector of borough taxes
for the year 1881, 1)K.
March 12th, 1883, To Balance due on du
plicate, 38.30
By exonerations, 8o
44 percentage on duplicate, 14.22
To Balance due borough $23.28
Jonathan Hartorand H. IT. Weßer. Overseers
of tli? Boor foi the bornneh of MWhelm in ac
count with said borough.
March 13. 1882. To CaMi from Mark
Moonevaud D. A. Mt sser. form
er overseers ...... 02 07
March 12, 1883. To amount of dupli
cate 535 07
To Balance due overseers 2 02
March 12,1583, ( 4 lt.
By Cash paid J. E. Snangler. pro
fessional services in
case of Francis Koto 10 00
" " 44 A. O. Burst, profes
sional services in ease
of Anna Nathan 500
'' 44 44 for costs in suit of tho
Overseers of Mlllheitn
boro vs Potter twp..
(case of A. Weagley] 43 70
" * 4 44 for costs in suit of
rtanels Rote 23 25
44 44 " Dr. D. 11. Mingle for
medical serv ices 3 00
" Dr. J. W. stain, for
medical services 4 P0
" " 44 for maintenance of
ji,Kir :is follows:
Michael Smith 88 (V)
Alexander Weaelev 78 so
Jos.A Ad'm Kansler 03 07
John Darter 104 00
Man • Barter 82 51
44 44 44 D. L. Zerby for tax
du dlcate 175,
44 44 44 Jonathan ffarter for
f 'Xpeases to Beliefonte 300
44 44 44 Jonathan Darter for
senlces to on
4 4 44 44 H. H. Weiser,services 10 00
By Percentage on dnmicnte 20 30
lj Cash paid Jon. K ream or for
keeping A. Weagley
13 weeks in 1881 43 OS
By Balance due overseers at sett le
nient 2 02
$•530 96
We. the undersigned Auditors have examined
t lie alnive accounts and finding them correct do
hereby approve tire same.
•J. It. B. HAKT.VIAN, > Auditors.
.J. R. HAIR. \
Attest: It. A.BUMILI.EII, Clerk.
AP MIN IST it ATOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of
ad min Istrat ton on the estate of Elizabeth
Bracht. late of l'enn township, dee'd, having
been planted to the subscriber, all persons
know 1 up themselves indebted to said estate are
hereby requested to make immediate payment
and those having claims to present them duly
nroven for settlement,
l'enn town*hip, Feb. 22.1H53.
8-6fc Administrator.
partnership of Frank & Tomlinson Is dis
solved by mutual consent.. Tiie books and ac
counts are in the bands of 11. 11. Tomlinson for
settlement and collection.
if. 11. TOMLINSON.
March Ist, IKB. St
AS£§] BSpeople are always on the look
a 3a out for chances toinci ease their
uw H BJp gfZ earning*. and in time become
wealthy; those who do not im
prove their opportunities remain in poverty.
We offer a great chance to make money. We
want many men, women, boys and pills to
work for us right in their own localities. Any
one can do the work properly from the lirst
start. The business will pay more than fen or
dinary wages. Expensive outlit furnished tree.
No one who engages fails to make money rap
idly. You can devote your whole time to the
work, or only your spare moments. Full in
formation a lid w il| that is needed sent free.
Address STISHON Co- Fort land, Maine.
"BiUßAiAdauaj jo cpmd <3tq; at para s;i jo pysseoong )soj\[ eqx isopj eqx- eqj, eqj, '+S3pio Qq) sj
sm'joav aqaaYH ixuinniv shj.
Aaronsburg, Penna.
Chamlxr Suits, Bureaus, Lounges,
Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre
Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining
Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards,
Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni
ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chairs.
Bookers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and
Hair Ma tresses, every style of Mould
inns for Picture Frames. Frames of
any size made to order.
L'lt'Jertnking a Speciality.
1 keep a complete line ot undertak
ers goods always on hand.
Having a Branch Shop in Millheim,
I can accommodate customers at either
A share of public patronage re
spectfully solicited. 00-GJTI
Great Bargains
- -
Furniture, Carpsts, Sewing Machines,
China and Silverware, &c.
For the next two weeks we will offer our ftmnense stock at a
great reduction from
Consisting of Furniture of cverv description, Parlor and Chamber Suits,
Library, Pining-Room awl Kitchen Furniture. Chairs. Lounges, Patent
Rockers, Rattan and Reed Chairs in great variety. Mattresses of the
finest curled hair to the cheapest straw. Springs cf cycry description.
An unusual large stock of
Ottoman?, Hassocks, Foot Rests, Commodes Ac. All to be Slaughtered
for TWO WEEKS ONLY previous to taking our annual account of stock;
When you remember we occupy over 33000 icct of Floor Space packed
you can lorm an idea of the extent of our stock. We would advise all
who contemplate buying anything in our li.ic for the next year to avail
themselves of these bargains while our slock is complete and oui lines un
broken. In order to give you some idea of the
Bargains we are now Offering
We quote you some of our Leading Goo is :
Painted Chamber Suits $15.00 Reduced from 3 25.00
Solid Walnnt Chamber Suits.- 28 00 44 •• 40.00
44 44 Haircloth Parlor Suits—33.oo <4 44 50.00
44 4 4 embossed Jplush parlor suits 75.00 . 44 41 125.00
Extra Super Carpe's 05 44 " LOO
Choice •' 44 75 44 44 1. 1 0
Rag Carpets 30 to 00c. 44 45 to 90
Brussels 44 50 to 85c. 44 44 85 to 1.25
French china Pinner Setts 75.00 44 150.00
Sewing Machines 18 to 25.00 44 44 40 to 50.00
J. R. SMITH & 00.,
Established. *
LlAmitactvirQ all kinds c!
Send for Catalogue.
Letts? Presses,
: mmuuors.
LOOK: HA-visist, IPA.
kt-ep the largest stock in the
for your Clothing.
North Sscond S crest,
Half a square south of the L. &. T. It. It. Depot,
New and commodious Building;
Equipped ii all departments with en
tirely new Furniture.
No efforts spared to make the
BAKER HOUSE a pleasant, comfortable
Home to all guests.
An excellent Livery attached.
W. N. BAKER, Proprietor.
WnrruM ll snout perfect Feroe-Feec
Fertilizer Drill in eiixtcnoe. nend for clr
t-uliir, A. B. F.\G(il I!AR, York. Fa.
Pennsylvania Works, Ywk ? Pa.
A. D. J Jork i
fctui lor lilusiratod Catalogue^|Pj|w^*
. S\ vniiio'ut wboels, very
rt f-'ft convenient,
• rf f'"J complete in every JJ i f,
.)? fi detail, best and cheapest ■S - '*?
1U |' 10 fi
i~'i '% ' J; '
..•' '. r .• -.-
It ready for market.
AMre J. 2J. FARQUIiAR, fork, Pa.
lorcs-fc.d feiHizer distributor in Uta
v " riiaraAi