Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 15, 1883, Image 1

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Corner of 3f nin nnd Penn Sin., nt
Or t1.25 if not j>*id in dv*nr*.
Acceptable Correspondence Solicited,
t£TAddroet all letters to
A Leave-inning.
£he will not smile;
She will not stirt
I marvel while
1 look on her.
The ltpe are ohilly
And will not speak)
The ghost of a lily
In either cheek.
Her hair—ah me!
ller hair —her hair!
How helplessly
My hands there!
But my caresses
Meet not hers,
0 golden tresses
That thread my team!
1 kiss the eyes
On either lid,
Where her love lies
Forever hid.
1 cease my weeping
And smile and say,
] will be sleeping
Thus some day!
—Jamtt W'hiteomb Riley
Among the Buffaloes.
Whoever desires to shoot a buffalo
on the soil of America must do it very
soon. It is said, by good authority,
that there are now left on the Contin
ent but two large herds. Of course
there are a good many scattering
groups yet to he found; but the red
men are rapidly procuring the best
weapons, and the number of English
men and Americans who glory in the
hunt is increasing with every year,
and at the rate at which the lords of
the prairies have been slaughtered for
some time past, there will scarcely be
a buffalo in the country five years
State legislatures may do what they
please in trying to protect this noble
game from destruction, but it will be
all in vain. The laws are not enforced,
and cannot be enforced without the
presence of an army larger than that
required to keep the Indians in subjec
tion, and to any one at all conversant
with the country it seems certain that
the poor buffalo "must go."
The pursuit of this noble game is
most inspiring sport, and a chapter of
the actual experiences of a hunting
party for a month would prove
very attractive reading. It would
be sometimes terribly thrilling,
and at others indescribably laughable,
for both tragedy and comedy have
their place in this wild life. Suppose I
give a single instance of each ?
A few years ago a gentleman from
one of the Eastern 6tates spent some
weeks in the buffalo country, and dur
ing his stay had the following very re
markable experience. He had been
out one day for several hours without
finding game, and, as the weather was
excessively hot, had stopped to rest be
neath a large cotton-wood tree, which
stood on a gently sloping hill about
half-way up its side. lie laid his rifle
on the beside him, and had near
ly fallen asleep, when he was roused
by a sound as if an riny were inarch
ing past.
Accustomed to life on the prairies,
ho instantly guessed what it meant,
and springing to his feet and glancing
in the direction whence the sound
came, he saw a herd of a thousand
buffaloes pouring over the hill at a
terrific pace, and coming directly to
ward hirn.
Quick as thought he saw what he
must do, and in less time than it takes
to tell i. he had hidden himself away
behind the trunk of t e tree under
wh<ve boughs lie had been reclining.
ile knew the herd must divide in
passing 11 e tree, and at the speed they
they ;oing it seemed probable
that the tts would rush past with
out " "sfVMr g h .in.
On <*ame the great herd with thun
ckrrg tread, and, dividing right and
U.V.. invent past the tree 011 either side
so closely that he could have touched
them v ith his hand. lie supposed they
were simply running to rid themselves
of tlies, as they frequently do on a hot
day; but as the last of the herd went
by, he saw a strange spectacle.
One of the cow buffaloes was carry
ing upor her shoulders, and staggering
under Urn weight of, an enormous
panther. The monster's claws were
sunk in the animal's shoulders and
bar K, while his terrible teeth were in
her throat. Evidently she had been
running thus for some time, for she
show* J sign 3 of weariness, and at
every leap she uttered a low moan.
It war a strange sight to our hunter,
though the scene itself is doubtless re
peated every day.
It is no unusual thing for panthers
to conceal themselves near a watering
place, and spring upon their victims
unawares. They usually select the
cows, knowmg them to be less capable
of long endurance; and after riding
them, as in this case, till, faint with
loss of blood, they fall upon the prairie,
the panthers take their meals at leisure.
What seems singular is that, if the
monster is seen by the buffaloes, they
Lite ilillhrim Journal.
DEININGER & BUMULLER, Editors and Proprietors.
will face him and drive him away; but
if he once sets his teeth upon the
throat of one of the number, the whole
herd are seized with a panic and begin
to run for life, leaving their unfortun
ate companion to her fate.
This was the case with the herd now
going past; they were fleeing for their
lives from their dreaded enemy.
Our friend was so much surprised,
the herd had gone several rods before
he thought of shooting at one of them;
but suddenly coming to himself, and
touched with a feeling of pity for the
poor beast lagging behind with the
panther at her throat, he raised his
rifle ami sent a ball after her torment
or. It struck the panther, inflicting a
severe wound.
With a yell of pain he sprang from
the buffalo's back, and; with tremen
dous bounds started toward the tree
where the hunter stood. Obviously he
was now going for the hunter.
The man had only a single-barreled
rifle, and so, springing behind the tree,
he drew Ins long hunting-knife and
nerved himself for a terrible conflict.
To his surprise, the wounded animal
did not attack him, but sprang up
into the tree with all possible speed.
The foliage was dense and heavy,
and in a moment the great beast was
out of sight, lie supposed, however,
that this was only done by the panther
to obtain a foothold for springing upon
its enemy, its usual custom. For a
moment or two he stood grasping his
knife, looking upward and dreading
the attack.
But to his amazement the creature
did not spring, and as it still kept up
an angry, groaning sound, ho con
cluded that it must be badly wounded,
and that, perhaps, ere it fully recov
ered for the attack, he might reload his
£O. thrusting his knife into the bark
of the tree, that it might le ready for
instant use, and keeping careful watch
for the movements of his dreaded foe,
he managed quietly to reload his rifle.
Then creeping softly around the
cottonwood,he peered carefully through
the branches till he saw the panther
crouched on a large limb, about thirty
feet from the ground.
The 1 toast did not see him, and its
side was now fairly exposed. Every
thing depended upon this shot, for if
he missed, or only slightly wounded
the creature, it might cost him his
life. With a ste.-wly nerve, and a silent
prayer to Ilim who holds both life and
death in his hands, he raised his rifle
and pulled the trigger. As the sharp
crack of the rifle rang out, it was
drowned by a piercing scream from
the panther, who sprang wildly into
the air, shot through the heart, and
fell dead not ten feet from where the
hunter was standing.
Looking over the whole matter, he
concluded that the panther hud not
seen him at all, but that when struck
by the first hall, he supposed he was in
sonic way hurt by the buffalo, and that
lie ran to the tree as the best place to
escape from the rest of the herd.
Whether the injured buffalo recov
ered from her wounds, ho had no
means of knowing, for lie did not
follow up the trail.
But now for an incident of the
laughable sort.
A couple of gentlemen, II and
M went into the region of the
Bad Lands of Montana, for the double
purpose of hunting and taking photo
graphic views of the scenery. Like
all persons who visit the Far West,
they were ambitious to shoot a buffalo.
It was not long before an opportunity
was afforded them to show their skill.
One day they noticed several dark
objects on the prairie two miles dis
tant, and by the aid of their glasses,
they made out that a small group of
buffaloes were lying there in the sand.
Hiding to a little grove about half a
mile distant from th<-game, they dis
mounted and crept through the sage
brush, tili they came to a little
eminence which overlooked the buffa
loes, now only one hundred and fifty
yards away.
Here they carefully singled out a
couple which were now standing, and
actually tumbled them over upon the
prairie, where they lay kicking and
bellowing at a fearful rate. The rest
of the herd scampered away a few
rods, but, attracted by the cries and
antics of their wounded companions,
they soon stopped and stood stupidly
looking at them.
One old bull, more daring than the
rest, began walking around the fallen
ones to see what the trouble was. He
at length came between the wounded
animals and the hunters, and stood
still for a few minutes, with head
erect and every muscle ready for action
—a noble picture. It was so tempt
ing that II raised his rifle and fired
at him. He was badly wounded, but
did not fall, and as the rest of the herd
took the alarm and scampered away,
he tried to follow them; hut his wound
so troubled him that before ho disap
peared from sight in a small ravine, ho
had failed into a walk.
They then went back to the grove
and brought up the horses, intending
to follow up and secure the wounded
Just then an idea—a brilliant idea
entered M 's head. Why not follow
on till within a fair distance of the
animal, and then set the camera and
photograph him? The photograph of
a bull buffalo, taken while the animal
actually stood holding his pursuers at
bay, oh! that would he immense.
80 while M—- took his rifle, II
took the "machine," and they followed
on after his majesty. They soon found
him lying down, but he rose at their
approach, and after looking about him
curiously for a while, started for them
at a speed which compelled their
retreat, When at a safe distance,how
ever, M suggested to his com
"Now, IT , I'll go round by that
ledsre and attract the old fellow's atten
tion, and you plant your camera just
beside that ash-tree, and then we shall
get a magnificent view of him."
II assented, hut with an inward
feeling that he would like to exchange
places with his companion.
Away went M , and shortly
afterward ho appeared on the opposite
ledge. It took some time for II ttf
get his plates in readiness, and during
this time the bull again lay down, but
this time in the sage-brush, so that
they could not exactly place him; but,
with tripod in hand, the photograplief
went carefully down the ravine.
Before he was aware how near he
was getting to him, up sprang the
wounded bull with a mad roar and
with fury in his eyes. For an instant
ho glared at the intruder, and then,
with a tremendous bellow, he started
for him.
The photograph man dropped his
machine and fled. The bull first struck
the machine, which he shivered into a
thousand atoms, and then kept on
after its owner.
With all liis power, the poor fellow
sprang through the sage-brush, with
hair on end and coat-tail extended, and
the bull close at his heels.
It was ludierous beyond description.
M stood on the opposite ledge, and,
despito the imminent danger of his
friend, was nearly unmanned by laugh
ter. But he saw that something must
be done, and when the mad buffalo
was not more than eight feet distant
from the flying photographer, M
raised his rifle and sent a ball through
the animal, which dropped dead in
his tracks.
Thuy took out the creature's tongue
as a trophy of victory, and after pick
ing up the fragments of the. camera,
with its supporting tripod, they sought
their liprscs, and journeyed on with
the settled determination not to
attempt to photograph another wounded
buffalo, unless it should be at long
range and from a safe hiding-place.
The Sting of the Bee.
If we press the abdomen of the bee
or wasp, so as to cause the sting to
protrude, we should naturally think
that the sharp, dark-colored instrument
was the sting itself. This, however,
is not the case. The real sting is a
very slender instrument, nearly trans
parent, keenly pointed, and armed on
one edge with a row of barbs. So ex
actly does the sting resemble the many
barbed arrows of certain savage tribes
that, if the savages had possessed
microscopes, we should certainly have
thought that they borrowed the idea of
the barb from the insect. What wo
see with the unaided eye is simply the
sheath of the sting. Many savages
poison their spears and arrows, and
here also they have been anticipated
by the insect. But the sting is inlinite
ly superior to the arrow poison. Xo
poison that has yet been made, not
even the terrible wourali, or curare, as
it is sometimes called, can retain its
strength after long exposure to the
air. The upas poison of Borneo, for
example, loses its potency in two or
three hours. But the venom of the
sting is never exposed to the air at aIL
It is secreted by two long thread-like
glands, not nearly so thick as a human
hair, and is then received into a little
bag at the base of the string. When
the insect uses its weapon it contracts
the abdomen, thereby forcing the sting
out and compressing the venom-bag.
By the force of the stroke which drives
the sting into the foe its base is pressed
against the venom-bag and a small
amount of poison driven into the
wound. As a rule, if the bee or wasp
be allowed to remain quiet, it will with
draw its sting, but as the pain causes
a sudden jerk, the barbed weapon can
not be withdrawn, and the whole ap
paratus of sting, poison-bag and glands
is torn out of the insect, thereby caus
ing its death.— Qood Words.
Swishine for Sleepless People.—
Sleepless people—and they are many
in America -should court the sua.
The very worst soporific is laudanum,
and the very best, sunshine. There
fore, it is very plain poor sleepers
should pass as many hours as possible
iu the shade. Many women aro mar
tyrs, and yet they do not know it.
They shut the sunshino out of their
houses and their hearts, they wear
veils, they carry parasols, they do all
possible to keep oIT the subtlest and yet
most potent influence which is intend
ed to give them strength and beauty
and cheerfulness. Is" it not time to
change this, and so get color and roses
in our pale cheeks, strength in our
weak backs, and courage in our timid
souls? The women of America are
pale and delicate; they may lie bloom
ing and strong, and the sunlight will
be a potent influence in this transfor
Colds. —Dr. .T. 11. Hanaford sava in
Dr. Footers Health Monthly: While
many of the affections attributed to an
exposure, unquestionably are but an in
flammation of the mucous surfaces
generally dependent on the state of the
stomach, there are still other forms re
sulting from a sudden checking of the
perspiration or an interference with
the steady and necessary discharge of
the waste matter of the system through
the millions of pores of the skin. It is
reasonable to infer that most of these
are preceded by a depressed state of the
body, either resulting from an exposure
to too great heat—always weakening
—or to sudden transitions from heat to
cold, or vice versa. If, for example,
one is long exposed to a heated room
the temperature much higher than
would be patiently endured in the sum
mer—of course weakened in perspira
tion, the skin relaxed, depressed in vi
tal force, then to brave the bleak winds
and the frosts of a winter's night, a cold
of the severest form maybe reasonably
expected. This results partially, at
least, from the abruptness, suddenness
of the transition. It is also true that a
similar effect is induced by the sud
denness of the change from a cold and
moist air to a dry and hot air, with the
temperature too high, as in public
speaking or in most forms of brain la
bor. It is safe, therefore, to seek an
intermediate temperature, remaining
for a time in an intermediate tempera
ture —not long enough to become really
cold, but simply to avoid the results of
exposure to extremes of heat and cold.
Be comfortable.
Some very fine specimens of asbestos,
says the Virginia (New) Enterprise,
are being found in the Bishop Creek
country. Contrary to the popular no
tion, this mineral is generally found in
volcanic regions. The fiber of the
specimens shown is from four to six
inches in length, and is soft and silky.
A strand of it can be tied into a knot,
same as llax liber. It is found in what,
from the description of it, appears to
be serpentine rock, and not very far
from the crater of an extinct volcano.
In the rough, the mineral looks like so
many roots of tho beech tree, but on
being beaten with a mallet or hammer,
the whole becomes a mass of white
liber, with a sort of satin luster. It is
said that great planks or slabs of the
raw material may be procured. The
ordinary asbestos is used in the manu
facture of a sort of plaster for coating
steam drums and for fireproof paint;
but this, it seems, might be spun and
woven into a lire-proof cloth that
would be useful for some purposes. It
might be made into drop curtains for
theaters, and for partitions in places
where it is necessary to guard against
the spread of fire—that is, could be
utilized in making curtains to drop
across halls and passages in large build
ings in case of lire. Tapestry or wall
paper made of this material would be
a great safeguard against fire.
A Witch.
Witches aro still common in the
west of England. A Plymouth witoh
has lately caused a good deal of dis
comfort to a seafaring young man. He
set sail with a smack-owner of Brix
ham, as a member of the crew, but his
health suffered in his maritime adven
ture, and a physician advised him that
he was in danger of losing his eye
sight. The master of the smack bade
the young mariner consult a white
witch at Plymouth, and the sufferer
took his advice. The white witch
boldly declared that not the invalid but
the whole smack was under a spell,
and suffering from the wiles of sor
cerers. The master and the lad visited
the witch together, but thg spell could
not be removed. The youth then went
into an infirmary, and recovered not
only his health, but wages from his
master. But the witch will continue
to drive trade in Plymouth.
Figures of Interest.
The vastness of the sum which
would have resulted from an invest
ment of one million dollars, tirade at
the time the Pyramid "Cheops" was
built (if it had then been possible to
have so "planted" or lodged it, or its
equivalent, that it would have, in any
wise, increased at an average rate of
one per cent per annum), it is very
difficult to comprehend. The figures
given in the last line of the table
printed hereon, we will not attempt to
enumerate, hut simply write the
total there shown (resulting in 3900
years at one per cent interest,) as fol
lows: 4,052,555,153,018.97G,267,000,000
dollars. We thus leave tlie rentier to
suit his own notions in regard to
enumeration. Wo remark, however,
that if so vast a sum as the foregoing
should he divided equally among the
1,400,000,000 men, women and child
ren now inhabiting the globe, each
(including all the babies) would have
the very handsome fortune of $2,894,
000,000, an amount sullicient to buy
the City of New York,for a winter res
idence, and also the northern portion
of the state itself in which to recreate
in the summer, and still have a residue
largo enough to buy half the states ol
Delaware and lihode Island, to hole
lor any possible heir ol the next gen
eration. Or this residue would bt
large enough to secure the control, in
great measure, at least, of the chiel
railway and other transportation sys
tems of the United Mates. If the
evidence! of wealth that would have
thus grown should all be canceled
except in one isolated case, that one,
when he arrived at man's estate,could,
under existing laws, make a continent
dance whenever he should choose to
The Pyramid Kings reigned about
4000 years ago. One of the Pyramids
of the Gizeb group (Cheops) now
standing, covers 18 acres, and is 4*o
leet high. Herodotus says 100,000
men worked 20 years in building this
sepulchral monument. At one cent
per day, the cost for labor jilone would
therefore have been six million dollars.
If one-sixth of this amount (or one
million dollars) had lodged at
that period where it would have in
increased at the rate of one per cent,
(and a small fraction additional, so as
to make the increase even three-fold
each 100 years) the toUl row would
be as shown in the ao i-mpanying
At tho timo "Cheops" was built - (?1 mi lion
In I<K) \ r.aid ------- 3 "
" S(H) " 243 "
" KKX) " 59 019 "
" 1500 " ... - 14 348 907 "
"2 >OO " --- 3,486 784 401
• 25 >0 ... 847 288 6 9 413
"3<>oo " - - 205 891.132.<'94 649
"3500 " -50 031 545," 98 990 707 "
" 39J0 " 4.052 555.153,018 976.237 "
Origin of Blizzard.
In the North American Review Air.
Tucker looks up the origin of several
Americanisms, among which is the vig
orous newcomer "blizzard." It is hard
ly necessary to say that the word bliz
zard, as now understood, is a terrific
storm, with low barometer, light clouds
or none at all, and the air full of parti
cles of snow, is the form of dry, sharp
crystals, which, driven before the wind,
bite and sting like fire. The term is
said to have made its first appearance
in print about the year 1860, in a news
paper called the Northern Yitulicator,
published at Estherville, Minn. Its
etymology can only be guessed at, but
there luis been no lack of guesses. The
English word "blister," the French
"Ixmilard," the German "blitz," the
Spanish "Brisa," the surname "Bliz
zard" (said to be common around Bal
timore), an unpronounceable Sioux
term, and the Scotch verb "blizzen"—
all these and other words have been
suggested with various degrees of im
probability JUS the origin of the term.
Mr. Tucker's conjecture is that it is
simply an attempt, not wholly unsuc
cessful, to represent the whistling and
"driving" noise of a terrible storm.
Quick as A Wink.
When the professor of chemistry at
Oxford, Sir Benjamin Brodie, was ex
perimenting on a peculiarly explosive
fluid of his own discovery, and was
holding a small bottle of this fluid be
tween his eyes and the light, either
through the tremulous motion or the
warmth of his hand the fluid exploded
with such violence as to blow to pieces
—to dust, in fact—the bottle which
contained it; and his first thought was,
"I am blinded; this glass has been
driven into my eyes, and I shall never
see again." Upon putting his hand to
his eyes, however, ho found that the
glass had gone entirely into the outside
of his lids, and that his eyes were per
fectly safe. Either the flash of light
or the explosion (which occurred first
is not known) had called forth an in
stantaneous respondent muscular
movement, which protected his eyes by
the closure of his eyelids.
Terms, SI.OO Per Year in Advance.
▲ Vivid Description of the Bottle of
It was the 30th of November, 1864.
At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the line
of battle was formed, Stewart on the
right, Cheatham on the left, their right
and left flanks, interlocked like Par
thian shields, composing the center.
General Stephen D. Lee's corps was
held in reserve. Cleburne's position
was in the center; his division formed
in three battle lines, and he at its head.
Thus arranged, Ilood's line was nearly
two miles long, advancing, curved like
a Mussulman's cimeter, with the blade
to the foe. But let us follow Cleburne.
Bugles were blowing, drums beating,
and bands playing. A courier dashed
up to Cleburne's presence, and soon the
word "Attention!" was given, then
"Forward, inarch!" and the column
passed over a hill and through the little
skirt of woods. Soon they emerged
into an open field and steadily they
passed on with "proper cadence" to
ward blood and death. The Federal
batteries began to open. First came
solid shot bounding over the earth and
tearing crashing through the ranks,
the shrieking shells flew through the
air on the wings of destruction, burst
ing under and above and around the
men, and. at every explosion unbinding
more evils than ever flew from Pando
ra's box. Twilight was coming on.
"Forward men!" was repeated all along
the line. A living sheet of lire was
poured into their ranks. But the men
pressed forward until the terrific roar
ran from center to flank, from wing to
Night came and the two armies
fought like two blind giants in despair.
Cleburne's old war cry rang out above
the din of arms: "Follow me, bo\>!"
Once again, and again, and again seven
times, Cleburne's division, and, in
deed. all of Ilood's army, charged the
breastworks. And once again, and
again, and again, seven times were
they repulsed. Every time they formed
and reformed under a in- st galling tire.
At one time, just after dusk, Cleburne
captured a portion of the works and
turned the guns of a Federal battery
on their former owners; but it was
only for a few moments —a little silver
rift in the battle clouds that enveloped
him in darkness. It was the hottest
fire Cleburne had ever met. It was
but one stream of blazing hades. Con
federates were on one side of the breast
works and Federals on the other. Men
fell flat on their faces and fired from
behind the bodies of their dead com
rades. Dead soldiers filled the intrench
ments. Blood made the earth as slip
pery as an ice-pond. Thus the firing
was kept up until after midnight, and
gradually died out. But both armies
held their own. The Confederates
passed the night where they were, just
outside the breastworks. The Feder
als, only a few feet off, held their cover
until near daybreak, when they quietly
marched back to Nashville.
But when the morrow's sun began
to light up the sky the surviving sol
diers looked out upon a sad battlefield.
The dead were piled one on top of the
other in awful heaps, and wounded
seemed thicker than the uncounted
stars. Horses, like men, had died
game upon the defenses. Cleburne's
body lay there on the top of the breast
works, ghastly in the sleep of death,
pierced with forty-nine bullets, through
and through. His mare had her fore
feet on top of the works, dead in that
Not far from where Cleburne lay was
seen the dead body of General Adams.
His horse had his forefeet on one side
of the works and his hindfect on the
other, dead. The general seems to
have been caught so that he was held
to the horse's back, sitting bolt upright
in his saddle, as if living, riddled and
torn with balls. General Stahl lay by
the road-side and his horse by his side,
lioth dead, and .all his staff. General
Gist from South Carolina was lying
with his sword, reaching across the
breastworks, still grasped in his hand.
He, too, was dead. General Cranberry
of Texas and his horse was seen, horse
and rider, right on top of the breast
works, dead. All dead. Four thou-
sand five hundred soldiers all lying
side by side in death. Thirteen Con
federate generals were killed and
wounded. Six brothers, members of a
Mississippi regiment, were all dead.
"This was the bloodiest picture iu the
book of time."
Johnny and Tommy were playing
out in a street where there was much
fast driving, and where they had been
forbidden to go.
"Hello," said Johnny, "there comes
a spanking team."
"Where?" replied Tommy.
"Right across the street there; it's
your mother and mine, and we'd better
cut sticks and get out of this," which
they did, with their mothers after
NO. 11.
A Spanking Team.
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I rk. Ilm i. |Bmn 6 mo*. ly*r
1 aqtiare |1 Oil | iOO f1 )4N $ 00
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On® incli make* a square. Administrator* and Ex
ecutors' Notice* $9.60. Transient advertiaemenla and
looala 10 cent* per line for first insertion and 6 cent* per
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The Silver Lining.
© life oould lie in shadow
Unless tho world were lljfhtj
Were Justice not eternal
No deadly wrong could blight.
C)n passion's burned-out ashes
The purest lieart-plnnts arej
Grows peace, to bless us ovci.
On the red soil of war.
Unto the oldest ruins
The greenest mosses cling j
n the fierce blast of winter
Is felt the breath of spring!
—Clarence Boutellc
The mother of Josh Billings is nine
ty-two years old. She evidently re
solved to live until her son learns how
to spell.
The Cinciunatians call everything
that has a noise to it a "musical festi
val." from the visitation of a hand orgaD
to a witek of grand opera.
A correspondent tells an anecdote of
an old woman, who when her pastoi
said to her, "Heaven has not deserted
you in your old age," replied, "No, sir,
I have a very great appetite stilL"
"Do you realize—have you reflected
over it—Angelina?" whispered Clar .
cnce to his betrothed. "Only twe
weeks more and we shall be one! But
remember, darling, I am to be thai
Some heartless wretch caught twe
cats, tied them by the tails, and flung
them into the cellar of a church. Th<
residents of the vicinity heard the
noise the animals made, but thought it
was the choir rehearsing.
"You make me think," John Wil
liams said, dropping upon a sofa besidt
a pretty girl one Sunday evening, "ol
a bank whereon, the wild thyme grows."
"Do I?" she murmured; "it is so nice;
but that is pa's step in the hall, and
unless you can drop out of the front
window before I cease speaking, you'll
have a little wild time with liiiu, m>
own, for he loves you not,"
Gamhetta and the Uuitcd States
Ex-Governor 11. C. com
missioner-general of the United States
to the Paris international Exposition
of 187S, furnishes This reminiscence of
At the distribution of the prizes
awarded by the juries at the exposi
tion, which took place in October at
the old Palace of Inilustrv on the
9 •
Champs Elysees, in the presence of
20,000 people, he stood with M. Grevv,
(now president of the republic), and
the members of the chamber of depu
ties upon a platform behind that,
occupied by President MeMahon and
the foreign princes in attendance.
When the soldiers and guards of each
country represented at the exposition
entered the building in procession,
carrying their national flags, Gambetta
was among the first to recogni-e the
American ensign, and he may be said
to have led in the tremendous out
burst of applause, unequalcd duri.-g
the day, wi h which the va.,t assem
blage greet"d the little band of thirty
United States marines. So nark'J
was his enthusiasm that on the follow
ing morning the Figaro , the notorious
Bonapartist and sensational journal o"
Paris, took him and those of tho
deputies who joined him in the de
monstration to task, for an ill-timed
and uncalled for expression of repuW
can sympathy in the presence of the
Prince of Wales and the other repre
sentatives of royalty. Gambetta wu3
greatly interested in the part taken bj
the United States in the exposition,
and thought our example would he of
much political value to France. K#
said, as I wrote in my official report to
the secretary of state; "we wanted
and were very glad, to show to our
people the triumphs of genius and in
dustry obtained under your free insti
tutions." After the close of the expo
sition by invitation, I visited Gambetta
in liis private apartment over the office
of his daily newspaper, the licpublique
Francaise. I asked him when we might
expect to see him in the United States.
He answered, with a heavy drawn
sigh, that lie had long looked with the
fondest expectations to such a visit. I
told him of the admiration of our peo
ple for his sturdy devotion to republi
can government and principles, that
he was a hero with them, and could be
assured of a magnificent reception
throughout the States. He answered
that he had already received many
evidences of the friendship of the
Americans, and that it would delight
him beyond measure to make a study
in person of the "model republic."
"But, alas," he added, "a short and
hurried visit to so great a country
would be unsatisfactory, and I know
not when it will be possible for me to
command the time for any other. I
seem bound by private and official ties
which prevent my leaving France evea
1 for recreation."