Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 01, 1883, Image 4

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    AtTRK-in,TIT RE.
FEEDING. —Chief Statistician Dodge, of
the Agricultural Department, made a re
port last spring upon the spring condition
of farm stock. The most suggestive por
tion of the report relates to the investiga
tion of lhe gain or loss resulting from the
winter's feed of cattle. The question was
whether the manure left tepresented the
net profit of the torage supplied at so great
cost. The following conclusions were de
duced from the facts aud opinions of stock
growers In all parts of the countij: 1. A
considerable percentage of stock fed ac
tually lose in flesh and weight. 2. An
other large traction mamtaiu their weivht
and s.ild to liooe and sise of frame, hut de
crease in flesh. 8. A small proportion
make increase of weight. 5, 10, 20 or 30
per cent, depending upon comtortable
shelter and amount and variety of food.
Those farmers who tall fo shelter stuck,
who stint their for&ae supply . r g ve inuu
tntious material, make no gam in tl"sb,
and ofien lose in condition and weignt, as
well as in capacity for the more profitable
result ot pasturage in the following sum
mer. The contest between such results
and the experience of skilled feeders is
strikiugly shown "The difference lies
between acuirent habit of neglect and a
tbritiy custom of systematic feeding lot
dub." it is shown that the saving of a
moderate margin of this wide difference,
say a hundred pounds during the season, at
the lew estimate ol $3, would he an tq nv
ient lo hlty millions of dollars lor thai pur
lion of our cattle il at are fed iu winter.
FAHM GATES. -—Have as few gates ss
possible. Each one is su expense in lis
construction and subsequent care. It nev
er pays to make a poor gate. Ihe traiuc
should be constructed ol hsrd and lastiug
wcod, with the slats of light but durable
material. This gate cecds thorough brac
ing with strips of wood, or better, rods of
iron, which IUQ from the bottom of the
iatch and to the top of the hinge-end. A
gate thus braced cannot it is impos
sible ler it to get out ot the rectaogulai
form. W hen finished the gate should be
painted. The farm gate should be wide
enough to permit the free piusage ot loads
of nay and gram, rollers, ond harvesters.
A most important point is a large, dura
ble aDd well-set post, upon which the gate
is to be hung. Ihe binge-post shouid not
be It as than eight inches square, and set ai
least 8} tect detp. The earth needs to be
rammeu firmly around the post. A first
class gate is expensive at the outset, but
needs very little attention afterwards for
several years.
LILIES —A ten-inch pot is not too
large lor a lily bulb. The bulu should be
planted deep, having an inch or an ineh
and a halt of soil over the very top of it.
and it is better that the top soil be lighter
than the rest, to allow the stem to putb
through easily. When filled, the soil
should be an inch below the top of the rim
of the pot, to allcw for watering. Tiie
pottea bulbs are to be set away in the cel
lar, the same as already described, but it
will be much lorgtr befo: e they are nady
to bring out; this will be in the spring,
wLeu ibey show the green 6tem pushed
up out of the soil.
COBN-FTALK FUEL. —An lowa farmer,
who Las Loth coal and wood on his (arm,
waima his house wiih corn-stalks, aDd
claims that they make the best and cheap
est luel oe cao get. He uses a large s'ove,
and burns the sta'ks iu tigh ly bound bun
dies, weighing about forty pounds each.
A bundle burns three hours (without
flau t) in an ali-'igLt skve. Ibe large
stove offers so much radiating surface that
it does not Deed to he very hot. Five bun
dles a day, or 600 for the winter,suffice to
keep the stove going and the room warm
DB. N. H. FA A KEN, of Chicago, State
Vtteiinsry burgeon, is taking aotive steps
to prevent the spread of cont°gious diseas
es the cattle of that State, his ef
fort i being especially directed against
plsjio-pntumonia, which is playing havoc
an ong the tattle of Mew York, Pennsyl
vania. New Jersey and Maryland. The
penalty for importing cadle into Illinois
fr-Hn these mtested districts is very heavy
and will probably have the desired effect.
JEVEBT practical dairyman knows full
well the importance of lakmg proper care
of nis oows. It matters not how well the
other branches of the dariry are cared tor;
unless the fountain head, the cows them
selves, are managed with a proper regard
to their best care, there will surely be a
deficit in the returns of the dairy at ihe
end of the season.
COBN.— Sterpmg corn in strong solution
of talt-petre twmty-four to forty eight
hours before planting is said to be a pro
tection against mice, squirrels and woru s.
Copperas in strong solution is also rt com
mended. As protection against worms
mix half a pint of boiling tar to each peck
of corn; stir briskly.
A CTLD cow Is the picture of misery,and
a sure evidence of no profit. Fo this rea
son the cow stable should be got in readi
ness to rec* ive the mmates the cold nights
that come so suddenly and unawares in
the fall. There is no point in the dairy of
equal importance to that of keeping the
owa well Ud and warm.
A OCLD, damp, slry temperature will
cause animals to consume more food with
out corresponding result in bone, muscle,
fiesh, tr tat, much being used in keeping
up warmth.
A GOCD guide for a safe quantity of
grain per day to maturing cattle is ond
pound to each hundred of their weight;
thus au animal weighing 1,000 pounds
may receive ten pounds of grain.
SPIDERS. — When these Infest house
plants sponging the leaves on both Eides
and syringiDg the plants so that the water
is thrown on the under as well as upper
sides of the leaves, will be effectual.
ON an average it costs, on charging eve
ry possible item, twelve cents for every
additional pound ad*ed to the weight of a
two or three year old fattening beast.
No cattle beast whatever will pay for
the direct increase to its weight from the
consumption of any kind or quantity ot
tood, the manure must be properly valued.
JN this country the market value of
etoie cable can Le increased thirty-six per
cent, during six months of the fattening
IMMEDIATELY when an animal begins to
fret for lood, immediately it begins to lose
tlesh; never check the fattening process.
IN using roots it is one guide to give just
HO much; in association with other things,
o t&at the animal may not take any water.
CHAMOIS leather is an excellent ma
terial fwr deoorative purposes. It takes
oolor well, and is besides so Eoffc and
pliable that it can be very readby em
broidered; in addition to this it answers
wtil lor designs in dry color.
WARTS do not penetrate deeper than
the skii). There are some canstios that
will remove them, extirpation with the
knife or scissors is better. When the
wart is very small it may lie clipped ef
fectively close to the skin with a pair of
clipping-shears and the parts touched
with lunar caustic. When the pedicle
or stem is of considerable size a strong
ligature of sndler's silk, well waxed,
should be passed tirmly round the wart
at its very base and the ends of the silk
tied in a manner so that the ligature can
be readily tightened daily. All means
of nutriment being thus destroyed the
wait or tuuior will in a very short time
lie killed and drop oft'. Where the
warts are large or iu large clusters simi
lar to a bunch of grapes it will mediate
their removal to cast or fasten the ani
mal by means of a strong twitch and
extirpate them elose to the skin by
means of a sharp knife or clipping
shears; the base or roots should then
lie slightly soired with a hot iron to
prevent the wart from growing agaiu.
They may also be treated in the follow
ing manner: Take a common su.ure
ue*. die, arm it with a double ligature,
each consisting ot three threads of Sad
ler's twine w 11 waxed, pas* the needle
through the oolitic tf the wart, as close
down to the skin as possible, tie each
halt ol the thread with a surgeon's or
weaver's knot as tightly as the Knot can
be tied, then out the euos oil middling
close to the knot, and iu a short time
the wait will ir* p oil'. If the ixp tied
surtstet should not heal,
moisten them occasionally with equal
I arts ot tincture of sh>es uud mynh.
II any disposition is manifested iu the
parts to ulc/rate, sprinkle them with
equal parts o! finely pulverized cintrooi.l
ami blood root. A 1 wait- cau be veiy
teadily removed by the means herein
CHICKEN GRANT. — Of course you have
kept your dripping pan with sufficient
water to prevent drying or burning
while roaatiug yuur fowl. Tilt re should
be from half u pint to a pint when the
turkey or chickeu is done. This should
be set on the stove iuid tipped, so that
one end of ihe pau is near y dry. Into
this corner put a piece of bu ter the
size oi an egg, and as it melts rub into
it u large spoonful of tlour, then mix
with gravy and bring to ft boil. Add
the heart, hver, etc., which have pre
Viously been chopped fine. Halt if nec
essary, aud send hot to the table. Tins
way ot mixing the flour and butter to
gether is the greatest possible improve
ment on the ordinary method of mixing
the dour in water, and pouring in to the
boiling grvy. Tlour should be used
m this way m making of all gravins, us
ing the fat baked from beef, pork etc ,
(wnen no butter is needed) to mix with
the tlour in the end ot the dripping-pan
and boiling as ior turkey gravy.
HERB is an excellent recipe for the
foundation of all kinds of fruit fntteis.
Make a batter of bull a pint ol sweet
ini.k, ten ounces of tiour and two oun
ces of butter; sweeten and flavor to
suit your taste, Tue whites of two eggs
well beaten are to be stirred in last, or
to make variety, you can sometimes use
both the yolks and whites. Siir the
chopped fruit iu this batter, and fry in
hot iuru, dropping it by soooufuis; or
you can dip iho trait in the batter and
try. The first time you try this weigh
the ingredients; alter that it will not be
necessary it you are, like most oooks,
"good ai guessing."
finest kid la usually chosen fur tills
work, r-jii the patterns are the sauie as
for embroidery m satin stitch. Tne de
sign is traced upon the material, and
small holes pricked with a stiletto tor
the needle to puss through; but occa
sionally bucn materials can bo bought
ready lor working The design must
he cariied out in satiu s itoh in colored
hlueeliea, and when the work is finished
the Latuer must be pasted upon thin
linen to keep it from spnttiug. Fiish
lonabie gloves with gaum let* are em
bruidertd iu this way in monogr.un,
crest* aud lancitul designs.
pound of white sugar and a coffee cu; -
lui ot water one-iiali Lour; dear witii
tho white of uu egg; test it by raising
up a spoonful of the a)rup, and it tne
thread snaps it is done. .Next stir in a
ouplui ot almond meats, blanched und
chopped, and pour into buttered tins,
when nearly cold, divide into narrow
strips witii a knite.
WATER CAXE. —Take four cupfuls of
sifted tli ur. two cupiuis of white sugar,
half a cupiul of butter, two eg .8 aud
one cnpiUi of Water. Turn the water
over the butter and stir the sugar into
it Add the egg well beaten. Dissolve
a email teaspoenfui of saleratus iu a
little tx iling water, and stir it in; mix
two small te.tspounlul J of cream of tar
tar with the Hour aLd add the other in
gredients. Jfl 4 vor with lemon.
CUSHIONS for deep, cane chairs are
made tutted plush or satin, ana as an
accompaniment a strip of the same ma
terial and color is embroidered as a
searl for the back and finished off' with
deep Iringe, which is olleu of rich qual
BRAIDING is to become popular again.
Roui deU soutache will be uocd. as the
designs can >e executed in raised work
by its use. It is easy to give Eastern
effects by carrying out a free design up
on muslin, scriui, or thin materials of
any kind.
ODDLY shaped tables are mnoh in de
mand. Some of them are round and
low enough toroaih a lady's elbows as
she sits at work and are rotary. Others
are round in front and straight at the
back, and are supported upon half re
cumbent figures.
fuls of sugar, three-fourths of a cup of
water and three-fourths of a teaspoofi
fui of cream of tartar.Boil ten minutes;
when nearly cool add a cup of grated
cocoanut; beat to a cream and spread
on paper.
CRYSTAL is gaining favor. Most beau
tiful centre-pieces for the lunch tables
are in vogue, deeply cut iu thia mater
ial. and a new shiijHj lias superseded the
globular, it is not unlike a crescent.
THE table d'oyleys are now often em
broidered in the centre only. Au initial
letter is frequently selected, and within
a fanodul or grotesque figure is carried
out in raised dotted embroidery.
IRIDESCENT mother of pearl is much
used tow for bouquet holders, fan-hold
ers, <fcc. It is often richly carved, but
still more frequently inlaid with gold
and silver.
THE fashionable table lamp to-day is
mo'Uited upon a beautifully painted
vase of spheroid form; and is oiten of
very great value, choice porcelain being
selected for this purpose.
TUB use of a knowledge of French:
Miss Lilironge, who has "learned"
French, was saying the other day that
she found it quite convenient, while in
u public conveyance, to speak French
when she wished to say something that
she didn't wish everybody to under
stand. "Why," said she, "last evening
I talked iu Freuch to sister Millie all the
way home," "Did you?' said Fogg.
"But how do you know that there were
not some people iu the car who under
stood Trench?" "Oh, that wouldn't
matter," remarked Millie; "they
wouldn't have understood sister. Even
I had to guess what she meant and you
know I urn quite familliar with her
French." \
♦Humanity's great hope for the future
is alone to be realized iu improved condi
tions of n atrnuony. What a profound
obligation dot s this fact Involve! Those
who realise the responsibility can hardly
do iH'ttri than lake advice from Mrs.
LydU E. Piukhaiu whose woudetlul re
medies for the cure of all diseases pecu
liar to women are so justly celebrated,
bc-ud fur pamphlet.
A MISSINO luind: You hnva driven
horses a great deal, haven't y< u. George,
dear?" said a giriy voice from the
depths ola £B5 l) sealskin sncqn last
niglit. "Oh, yes," replied George,
chirping to Ins trotter, "l flatter niv
selt that 1 cm handle a ho se about as
well as the next one." "Do yon think
you could drive wi'h one hand without
any dang- r of the bornei milling away?"
c >uie softly through the night air. An
hour lut* r we noticed Gorge ilrivii g
with on*> liaud and it lookt d very dan
gerous, but not that the horserau awpy:
oi, no. i deed; the "danger" w.ia of a
different kind.
Those who use U rbollne, as now im
proved and perfected, the gn at petroleum
hair renewer, re slwajs distinguished by
tt e be<tui f d so t texture ol the Lar pro
due d by ihe use ot that most exquisite of
all toilet pieparatious.
JN childhood's iiuppv hours: "Ah,
dear il l grail imotlitr!" said a holy.
"How go I she was to tho children!
And how credulous t O ie day while we
were playing vra broke a great l<>t ot
dish-s. It was a tumble wreck. When
graudmA got home alie WHS very angry.
•Grandma.' said we, "it wasn't us.
grandma; it was that had, careless oat;
we saw her.' Then praudiuashe grabb
ed the poor cit a d such a terrific bcu -
iug as she g *ve thut innocent creature I
nope no other cat may ever suffer!
Poor pussy! Dear old graudnia !"
Har-assinc Dream". —An unnatural ex-
Atemeut of the brain and nervous sys'ern
is tbe direct cause of sleeplessness, as also
ot barrassing nocturnal dn ams. Vegetine
has a peculiarly southing effect in all such
Casts, when taken just before going to bed
ANOTHRB iooaoolast hua arisen to in
form the world that there were no ap
p'es in Switzerland at the timeTHl shot
the fruit off his son's head. Perhaps
William's al!igd apple was a puuipkiu.
Kidney Complaints.
The symptom* of an acute attack of Inflamma
tion of the kidneys are as loUws : Fever, patu la
the small of the back, and thence shooting dowu
ward; numbness of the thlghs,\omitlrg, usually at
first a deep red color of the urine, which betues
pa> aud colorless a.s the dlsca-e increases, and is
discharged very often W th [UD and difficulty;
oostiveness, and some decree of colic. In chr nio
diseases of the kl Ineys the ■yaiploma are pa.n In
the back and limb-, drym-as of the skm, frequent
urinations (especially at tight), general dropsy,
headache, dizziness of signt, .mi mention, and pal
p.tation of the heart, gruilnai low. of strength,
jialeness and j utfineas of the laoe, cough and short
nesa of breath.
In diseases of the kklners the VKOKTIMI gives
lmiuedia'e relief. It has never failed to cure w hen
It la taken regularly and directions followed. In
many cases it may take several b.-t'les, es|<jctelty
casea of long sun ling. It m-is direetly upon this
eecicroua, < and srlengthening, r moving
all obsir"ctiona and lntpurit *.—A gie. t many
can te-tity to cases of kmg standing beeu
perfectly cured by the VimsTixK, even alter try
ing many of the knom remedies wi.ioh are sard
to be expressly for tols Urease.
Kidney Complaints,
t'l'UEn ME.
ItOCUKBrz*, Nor. W, 1970.
H. R. STUVKXS, Esq.:
Dear Sir—l have suffered for the last three or
four years with Liver Complaint and kidney
trouble*. Previous to taking the VEfIKMNK I
was under the doctor's care for a long Utile but he
d d not help me. My friends all thought I would
not recover. 1 began using the VEOKTHsE. and
realized good effect from it rtght away, i had
taken bnt tun e tattles before 1 was much better.
I continued taking a few b >ttU*a more, and can
now truly say lam enjoying the best of heabh. I
have gren it to my little daughter with great suc
<V~h. S nce it has done uiw so much g >od, I have
r-oimmended it to several, and thej uave all been
greatly beucfltted bv its uae.
J. C. SMI i If, s. Ph-ancis street,
Place of biiguie-e, 7s West avenue.
' Mr. Smith is a well-known dealer in stoves and
tinware, tor many years lu business .u Rochester.
VEGETINE—"The life of all flesh Is the b ood
then ol." Au<i no one can possibly be Healthy when
tne blood is diseased. \ KGETIMEts composed of
substances identical with heaithy b'nod ; nd
wbeu taken into the system for the cure of dis
ease, .t is ab oriied. and replaces Uie deficiency
which caused tho disease.
Vepetine is Sold by all Dmcreists.
" 1 '• I" " Hi
_______ .# „
wm M - - ■■ -
■ ■ ". H > w
v *
H ■ " H -v'
Dr. S. Silsboe's External Pile Remedy
Glret Initant relief and le an Infallible
Sold br Druinrta everywhere. Price, SIOO per bo*
presold by mail. Samploe sent fttt to PbvsiciHna
ana all anflerera, by P. Neoetaedter A Co, Box BWX
New York City. of " Anaketit.'*
TIIRT were not one: Thy had only
been married a abort time. The other
day HLO slung hor arm around liim aud
warbled, in alow, tremulous voice: "Do
you realize, Adolplius, that now wo are
married, we are only 0110 V" "No," re
plied the brute, "I can't realize it. 1
have jnat paid a $73 millinery bill, and
a lot more of your bills, with several
outside preoincta to hear from, ao I am
beginning to realilze that, as far as ex
pense trot 8. instead of being one, wo are
about a half dozen. 1 cau't take in that
idea of our being ouo just yet, not by 11
large mujority."
We can, without hesitation, say that
Dr. Bull a Cough Svrup has given the
best satisfaction. Wo have sold an im amount of if durinirtho past winter.
WALLACE, HILTON & Co.. Druggists,
Lock ilaven, Pa.
A CASK of "thatdepends," "And what
age is it \ou are now, dear?" 11 ked the
colonel, j tint back from India, of the tall
daughter of his friend, Toiukinaon
Smith, ,4 \Voll, that is what 1 can't
quite make out," returned the girl, tak
ing care not co meet her mother's eye
"tor when 1 go anywhere with pupa 1
am sixteen, but when 1 go out with
miiiumn 1 am never more than twelve
next birthday I" The colonel hastened
to change the subject.
rnf# thi.t Cold.
Do net Fulltr your lungs lo become dis
t'ttod by allowing a cold to continue with
out an • tYort to cure it. Thousands have
died p'tmature rtiaths, the victims 01
Consumption, by simply neglecting a coin
Dr. Win. Hall's Bilsaru for the lungs
will cure colds, coughs and consumption
surer and quicker than any other remedy.
Iho igti sl.iw, i sure it persisted in ac
cording to direction*.
Xlrnr>*> Carbolic SIT.
Is the best Salve tor cute, bruises, sores,
ulcers, salt rhtuin, tetter, chapped hands,
chilblains, corns and all kinds of ekli
eruptions, frecklea and pimples. Get
Henry's Carbolic salve, as all others are
counterfeits. Price 25 cems.
llow she got the notion: Our tailor
WHS telling KS about A conversation he
had aith a lady, "Sue made me dis
gusted." he said. "lTudertr>ok to flatter
uie, I think. Galled me a man of posi
tion and wealth. What should put
that idea i.ito her head?" And, anxious
to nid him in understanding the situa
tion. we remarked that in nil probability
she had seen some of his lulls, and he
at once began to ta'k about the weather.
OuniumpUou CMed.
An old physician, retired from practice,
having had placed in his hands by so
Bast India .missionary the formula of a
ami pie vegetable remedy for the speedy
ami permanent cure of Consumption.
Bronchitis, Catarrh, A3thuu and all Uiroat
and Luug Aff.-ctions, also a positive and
radical cure for Nervous Debility and all
Nervous Complaints, after having tested
its woudertul curative powers In thousands
of cases, has felt it his duty to make it
kuowu to bis sutteriug fellows. Actuated
by this motive aud a desire to relieve hu
man suffering, 1 will send free of charge,
to all who desire it, this receipe, in Ger
man, French or English, with full direc
tions tor preparing aud using. Sent by
mail by addressing with stamp, naming
this paper, W. A. Noyea, H9 Power *
Block, Rochester. N Y.
Business improving: "So your Imni
n©s in picking up, eli?" said a facetious
cobbler to a ragpicker, wlio had just
commenced ojicratioau oil an asli barrel
in front of his shop door. "Yes, and I
see yours is mending !"' quickly replied
the ragged urchin, glancing at the dilap
ltuted boot in the cobbler's hand.
Mensman's Peptonized beef tonic, the
only preparation of beef containing its en
tire nutritious properties. It ontaius
blood-making, force generating and hfe
s'lstaining pn>perties, invaluable for indi
gestion, dynjiepsia uerv>ais pn)stration,and
aIJ forms of general debility; also, in alj
enfeebled cootlitions, whether the result of
exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork
or acute disease, jarticularly if resulting
from pulmonary complaints. Caswell,
Hazard & Co., proprietors, Now York.
6old by all druggists.
A PLEASAvriiY in Kansas: One of the
meanest tricas the Dt-mocru's liuve beeu
guilty of was played on Postmaster
CJruui. of Oswego. They hiretl a hnud
urgau fiend to play iu frout of the post
office for three 'consecutive hours the
day ufter the election. Crum nccepted
the situation without grumbling, al
though he wears a boot of immense siae
itud could made it lively for the of the crank.
Rteumalism quickly cure 11 hDd
stsmp for Pee prt senpuon. H. ix. Hel
pheuatlno, Whfh'ngtt.n, L) C.
Bumbletox had a severe Btrain on his
cmscieiice the other day. He aims to
be tho of critics, and on
bt i.ig a-kt-d by the f itho of an anima
ted fog hoi n h w lie 1 k> d his daughtei's
voice, be repiied: "dhe sings like a
Ptttti-(uuder his breathy gonian!"
ladies and child urn's boo's and fhon
Cannot run over if Lyon's Patent Heel
Stdleners are. used.
Tirrc widow's grief: A young widow to
the marble outter —**T' 11 ire, must J
put on the tomb of my husband the
wonts 'Eternal regrets,' or simply 'll>
| grits?"' "Ah, madam." replied tho
marble worker, with his most charming
smile, "that is for you to decide. Does
muduuie think or murryiug again soon?''
To Hilow Vlrli- P<'W r to ebb slowly, imper
ceptibly away, is madness; chock It with taat never
tilling rtuie>.jr, Allen's Bra n Pood. *l;flforss.—At
druggists olid at Allen's rUarniae3,!JlSl3t Av.,N.V.
MEDICAL advice: Country doctor (to
Tompkins)—".Now, with regard to that
cut on tho top of your heud, I don't
think it will bd serious, but you must
keep your eye on it." And Tompkins,
who has the slightest suspicion of a
squint, goes uway and dis-recommends
that doctor.
Bktnnr Men. ' Wei e' Health Renower" r<-
aUnts heal h caratdyspepsia, iiapotencj. #l.
' Wells' it on Ooriis. ' 15c. Ask lit it.
Quick, complete ouie. Corns, warta. bunions.
UPON second thought: Jones Jr. —-
"Come and have a dtiuk, old man "
Brown—"Can't. I've joined the No-
Drink-Except-ut-Meal-Tunes Associa
tion and quite given up that sort of
tiling. But, look here, I don't mind, if
you'll utandme a dinner:"
Dr, Kline's Great Nerve Restorer ts the marvel
of the a|ie lor ail nerve diseases. All llts stooped
tree. Send to it3l Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
IT IS a mistake to suppose that good
writers should be good spellers. When
the type-setter gets copy from a bud
speller h corrects it; when he gets a
good speller's copy he (perhaps from
foiee ol La bit) charges that also.
ETYMOLOGICAL: "Morning! Cold a
blazes 'amorniiig," greeted a business
man yesterday. "Pretty oold, certaiu
ly; but why utter such au absurdity na
'cold as blazes?' Blazes are hot, you
know." "What would you say?" "Oh,
say it's cold enough to freeze two dry
rags together or something of that sort. "
The lesson 111 etymology being over,
both passed on.
'rIT „' ■ ■
tho Cosloa liiiJwJ
\ 1 -v
The above is & icood llkvaes* of Mr.-, L>'illaE. Put-
Aim, of I.yr.n, Mi.. who abnveallotb r liunwn noi'-js
Biay be truthfully cJl' dibe ' l oa- P. 1 >-j,d of V. omar,"
a.. some of bor corrwjomie::ts lovn to cftll her. the
L- aealou-Uy (lev .Uxl to her work, which Is tbe outcome
of a life-etU'ly, and Li obliged to keep x lady
wdvtAnts. to help her cru.werthe l&rpo
wlueh daily jour-1:i u;mn her, cash Louring 1U special
burden of coffering, or joy at release from it. IJar
Vegetable Oompouad it a nit dioino f r pood and not
vQ purposes. 1 Lave pcraonnffy It, /eetigaicd it and
am eatitfli-d of the truili of thi*.
On amount of It* proven rieiifa it is recommended
and pnaertbrd by tbeUfd j hrsit iaas in the country.
One caysi "It works like a ch.-itn nnd saw > miycU
lain. It will cue out,rely the w.rst form of failing
of the uterus, Lruoor-bcea, irrepuiar and painful
Menstruation, nil Ovarian Trontdec, InHatnraatioa and
Ulceration. Flooding*. all I>i■'placements andtiiecoa
(hjquont spinal .voahiiess, and is especially adapted to
the Change of life."
R permeate every portion of the svstm, and pivee
Hjw life and vipor. r remove® falnlnc-w, rtatulcnvy.
d'Sttroys all cr vinj for stimulants, and relieves wrak
r>-as of the stcmiwh. It cures BloaUng, riendaches,
Nervous Proeti ation. Ge icral DfMlity, iflcepKianen,
DopreMlon and That fT! : „ of bearing!.lg pain, we'ght ac l backache. Is always
permanently cured by l'° t:s*>. It vr i!! at nl 1 tlm'-a, an 1
undar all drcunwtanoe-, art in harn on/ with Uiu law
that govci n* the feniali' system.
It oosts <ml> sl. per I ittlo or aix for $5.. and Is sold by
dmgtr'f s. An* - advjo required*" to pe< ial cast**, and
the iiatnt-s of luauy who ha> u beca rt -torod to periapt
health by tl.o use of tbo V.>pefo' !* C omrottrrt, oon be
ohtnJaed by addtcsstag Mrs. P., with hlamp for reply,
at Lor home in Lynn, Mass.
For U-idney Complain! of et fher so* t'lis com pound ia
mur; aased as abundant testimoniali. show.
" Mrs. Plnkham's lAvur Pills," says cac writer, "are
the beef in Oi* toor' f for tli. wn of Constipation,
Bliiousneas and Torpidity of the 11 vo*. Hr Blood
Purifier works woaier- In its eprelal llnaand liida fair
to tbe Com pour d In its popularity.
All most mspvet her ae mi Anjrol oi Mercy whoa sol?
ambition is to do pood ' o ofnora
ridladetphia, Pn. <r2> Mrs. A. M. D
1 have a positive rM ie*L ler the shove IU*M; bv IS
Usu thousand* of cases of tho won-t hind npd of Ion*;
standing have been cureii. Indeed, nistron(- Is niv
lu Its o:Hciu-y, t list 1 wt'l £ etui TWO l'O iTt.I -> I- Uftß,
aether With a V ALU A ft b K TKEATISK <n> tUls disease, !c
any sufferer Olv. Bapo sFand P. O. ad-l'i- .
iB T. A. tsLthtlM. lsl Pt ~iM.,Sv T Jf
COrtK r,1 "y at ,!onie - Sample worth
IU f ree . Address ISTIsONSON A Co.,
Portland, Maine.
A OI'XTN WAHTKD for tbe Host aud Fa-teat
A aeilißg Pictorial books and Bibles. Irk w re
duced 33 per cent. NATIONAL i üb. CO.. ( hilada., la.
\Biir> Cure for Epib psv or Fits in 34 h-urs.
I>oor. Da. kar.E.aS44 Araeualst.. 8L Louis. Mo.
This N.Y. Singer, S2O
With $a St of AttncTliK hts Free
gm 11. .#£>7 ,-t' . "Iw. Wi.rraineit |K-rfect. l.nrlit liinnhig
K"Jw —quiet,handsome and durable, sent
SerHlifl IIT en test trial plan when desired
HJffll |,M tin I pjr Home llrf.ens: 4 sett
>w*r iMC* ' K'-eda, W stops, HiaFaaiual Se'
Ci htCtv Bass.oviaveeoupler.tlniw swell.
with in stool and $1 Book.onlv fift
[J SX 1 Al-o sen! on test trial plan if de
/' sMSVrw\i aired. Hipnt ins, magnificent
C. iir JFIJRy/f W'A forte, dtuwole inside snd tnit. Cir
| oiilnr. with teMtlmoitlalH.frea. A-t
0. Payne & Oft 41 ibtrd av.Chicago
Hill i" Dsnbto d Reouomb*!, wa/VmsAA A
Wrw eo-csr wtt\ M um*t *yiS& than. W
o*tM, mot with ra Ausotuatte cHMUt
>esd for CWaloifU* "J." W Ru otvs^aaMi
%f.lfawlioi* ton §^s*s^ e <kJ6*
I Tho new volume (nineteen) of
the bestand the cheapest Family Magazine published,
printed on the finest tinted paper, size 8* x lltf
inches. Tho three numbers now ready of volnms
1 weigh IK pound* and contain 210 pages of larg,
clear print. New Novelettes, Stories, Biographic*,
Poetry, Travels, and valuable information oi the
day and for the household. In demand by every
family. 144 Illnßtratlons. 6 Photo Plate* and 4 Oil
Picture*. W. JENNINGS DEMOKJ2ST. Publisher,
17 East 14th Street, New York. Single copica,
Twenty Gent*; jouly subscription, Twt Dollar*.
*y porcelaln-Hned tumpi re manufacture I
■ntlwf iicene,and buy en are guaranteed agalnit
any and all claimi from the Company holding the
patent. />m't fail U> tnak* a im( •/
ssmeza OYi vzmam
Carefully made \ ALL
of i \ the mott
Beit Selected Valuable
Timber. \ \ improvements.
BHSK3 " i \^%r™
The BLATCHLEY PUMPS are for aale by the
best houses io the trade.
Name ef my nearest agent will be furnished en
application to
C. Q. BULTCHLEY, Manufacturer,
OU Cliromos < | / Chromos |* || ££
wiiii ih' Fsoi'LK'h Mao..zink. Only n cent* *ye*r.
A M"■ A MOM i H nam<! for AGENTS. !*>*ud
Nk/| I for Sample iw. or i'< cent* f. r complete
V"t I outfit ".i hull the chrii:'W Mo- -y returned
t# s! ut eatiulii <i l'l ori-kV Maoakike. I'hiluda. i'a.
TTKT/EI. ORGAN. New ntyte, fT*. Bold cm
J I the IK NT ACM KMT I'LAN. Mont < iegaut MM
Jlr.t tone. Lowewt uric**; eaHle-t term* Fcli.*
Kambaviku 0. W. lIKiZEL, Baptiattuwn, N.J.
* Bp'.e7:did Btereocope end 12 view* r< nt )>v mail
/V pui-t-|>a,d f"r ei.'i'j. Moin-)-refunded if liotMutl*-
fac'ory t.i all. 'i li b offer will not ap; ag.uu. ix ud
at once or write !■ r an ulnre.
Mil ill bItoTHERS. \Va\erly. N. T.
X Ai'Alt. CeiabiUlied 331 l'eaix.
THE ST Alt ie a labok. Indkpk.sukmt eight page
pt|<er .f rirty-wix column*. out. n*-t*d aud fa ded.
( outaiuiiig report* of GoiigTv#.. all Government De-
I artui u'ji, U. N. Court*. \\a*hiug-t >n N- w> and Goa
nip, Political, Personal, society ai d Local AlLura-Cor
reepondeuoo, .skd< he, Home Article*. Faehio- Notm.
Te:<-rr iph Newa (having it* own vire to New York)
Literary N< tee. The Market*. etc, Seud for
Try It Only Our hollar m Year. Addruua
Tlie We.fcly Ktar. Washington, D. 0.
T IfANTFD—iAdW-aor V ou r.ic Men, in every town or
v c un!ry, t i take nioe, light and pleimant work at
their own 1i"Io"a; iiocauAUfwng; good salary Addn-wa
RELIABLE Mrd CO., Philadelphia, Pa., Drmwir IT.
A Mk In of Ueauly ta a Joy Forever.
Oriental Croam, or Magical Beantifier.
.£ Remove* Tan
_ -* n Flmplei,
f.%y> Frecklei,
felt of aimilar
Dr. L. A. Kayre. aald to a lady of the HAtrr TON (a pa.
ti~ut:>—"A* yon ladle* will um them. I recommend
"G juraud'e Cream' aa tlx- lcaat harmful *f all the Skin
pre par itiona." (me Ix'ttle will last eis month*, twiog
ft everyday. Ala < l'ond re Subtile removes euperflu
©u< ba:r without injury to the akin.
aiMK M. B.T GOUKAUD. Sole Prop.,Bondet.H.T.
F.r e de t>y all drugviwta and Fancy Uooda Dealer*
throughout the U. H., Caaadaa and Europe.
wtre of b*ae imitations. 11 .u*o Reward for arced and
proof of any one Helling the iima
ThabUrL rneratrd portion of Ihl* card biU alzr
facsimile of ttar end of the wrapprr of
I Beware
of Fraafl.
pulo us
I parti es
nave tried
to imitate
our Rem
edy and
by using
bgt do
not bede
coi vo d j
see that
| the word
with pic*
5 tore of an
3 Iron Safe,
1 onablack
I wrapper
■ and white
g letters is
I on every
I package.
I Also, see
I that it is
I on the la-
I bel and
I stamp,
|j and take
I no other.
$lO Those wishing to make
money in
qq can pet full information and
circulars mailed free on appli
-100 r.ition to
l>oris r fr^y.
Kcnnsr Block. X' V otU.KANS, LA.
rrr C*mamfillon, Coltfm Pnemmnnliu In
fluenaui. lirwiicliin! Pifflruhlrit, Hrnnrhltla,
llaarorntJiis Croup, \Vliuoiiu*
nii(t nil IliwMM of the Brr:ilniii|i
llriuiiH. It oAntbni imd braJ ihf .llriiiln iior
of i tip l.iinrs inflamed nnti potHOticd by thr
iU-cujm-, mini prrtrnli the nicht mvenl* nnc
nrriiiit the ehrol which nrooniD.iß}
h. I ontuuinciuii In not nn Inrurublr malady.
HAI.I/N lUl.sAyl 111 roro you, even
u jui^Milw l if i'nh—— TlT— i
6*2 &■ Nerve Restorer
M . J E) for all Bmuv axjj bietq
B9wii<tt>r.;. Oxt.i s; kk ccke ros Krß\TArrto-
Ksjw> di.-tffi >.i. .V.i fits <yW /fr*tHay'* we. TrriLie A
HES'2 trill Kittle fr ( B#es,tn*y pß.vwr • xpra*
Fltspr'ti advlreo of affii.-tr-J to i>x.KI.IFE,93I Arch
E9<-r Phiirda .TV ffm l>rugji*L Untart mf /VaJ*.
.miadelphia. Pa. l years' expcrleiioo. (Estab
lished tor treatment with purely vegetable medl
clnea) Dr. Lebb's long experience in the treat
ment of disease* enables him to guarantee e care
In all caaea Consultation free and strictly con
fidential. Call in person or by letter. Office
hoars: 11 to i and 7to 10 even'ng.
TJEMMI < NM tne Soldier*. their Widows, Children
1 or pareuta. Under new iaws thonaanda entitled to
luorvain- IVi,in. to J.ev. F. D. Power, Chap
lain U. *. II ii. Write for lawn and Information. Pat
ents procured. Addraso, with stamp, BELL LAI ALLL
LEU & CO., Washington, D. 0.
Clurwt otter), thenun-at nieatiof niak ng regular monthly
profit- from Invenimc UoffietofiOUuor more dealing iu
£m ii member get* the benefit of combined capiiaJ of the
Club Ite ports aent weekly. Dividends paid nn>nthly.
Chili 13 |>alil shareholder* bark their money In profit* in
past three months, still Waving original amount making
money lu Club, or returned ou demand. Shares,llo each.
Explanatory circulars sent Dee. Reliable correa|>ondenta
wanted everywhere. Address H. K. Kkkdall A Co.
Leuiu Mcbta. 177 A ITV La Salle St. Ohioaoo, 111
Cm ■itf'tth /, .rffHmPddlflriMSMidl.ilM-
V "Xf J" b capthapa, whfc Ssif-AdlwUsa
Ballln eeoUr, adapfci U*lru jJ
iHBENSIBLCIf of **• b<y. wbOs tk*
P, T8 .. M Bet ha thaeaspraaaoo kaak the
jtap v. Jy with u* rtß|Mv wua tkH
™ prsaore tkefciarßlalihaid cr!
lay and nlfhl. and b radical car* csrtata. lIU aacj, dewble
tea Chsap. ScatbyaoalU Cbc.lsn Irm.
W hen 1 say cure I do not mean merely to etop them
for a time and "hen have tham return airain, I mean
a r icll.-al cure. I have made the disease or FITS, EPI
I.EP.SY or FALLING 3IOK.NESS a life-long study
1 warrant my r -modv to onre the worst cases. Be
cause others h.i e f liled is no reason not now re
ceiving a cure, -"end at onoe for a treatise and a Free
Bottle of my Infallible remedy. Give Express ana
pout office. It jo isyou notliing for a trial, and I will
euro you. Address Dr. IL G. HOOT, 188 Pearl St.N. Y.
niHI E !f , linf CLRX-A Brtno pwMatf
Wi 3 M S S 5 -i.® JSe I imcil csir. ls kll aw. All Striae****
KlUfg I WfeSa hubßßd irtt. iiihiiibK
(h.uM >t MM mbrc. tAi. r*rc op|wrrnutj and praSK by th. aMS
ctliwd 1b ua f bMd u*tj •oa'iiMwl db upiiino. U Ik* wvt mS
If Umi,. nub a iU ■! .umnuTul wt BMritoriou* traataMßl rf Dr. J.
a MATI'R. M*ic ojftct. Ml Areh 9lrA Pbll*drlr'J, e- AASBba
S*B* we br mwifciia * ywaM *uid and Uo*b *■—
to *end S-oL it*.top for the m*t complete Cetalofue
NATIONAL TYPE C 9. pipil^E^hulPA!
awn A WF.EK. slsadßyatbemeearllynaaie. ostly
a> S 6 outfit lit*. Addxtbb T&ue a o*. Angacfta. Ma
Those aiiAweriue an Advertisement will
confer a I ivor uj on lbs Adveitiser at d, the
Pulill-ftei by stpttrcri al they *w the adv-r
; tidcuivut 111 this |uUi ual # uauuuk the pnptr.
Health of Bofly is Weal of Mind
Sarsaparillian Resolvent.
Pnre blood make* nound flonh, nlrong bone nmk
n clear Hkin. If you would have your flesh firm,
your bone* sound without c&riea, and your com
plexion fair, use
Radway's Sarsaparillian
A remedy composed of InjrredlentN of extraor
dinary properties, easentlal to pu*-lfy,
heal, repair and invigorate the broken-<lowri and
Wasted lody— Plkasant, BaFK and Hkhm a
xknt in its treatment, and cure.
No matter by what name the complaint may he
dealgnated, whether It be scrofu a, conHninption,
syphilis, ulcers, sores, tumors, boils, erysipelas, or
salt rheum, diseases of the lungs, kidneys, tdAd
der, womb, skin, liver, stomach or bowels, either
chronic or constitutional, the virus Is in the Hlomi
winch supplies the waste and builds and repairs
these organs and wasted tissues of the system.
If the b:ood is uuheaitby, the process of repair
must tie unsound.
The Sarsaparillian Resolvent
Not only Is a compensating remedy, but secures
ibe harmonious action or each of the organs. It
establishes throughout the entire system function
al harmony and the blood ves
sels with a pure and healthy current of
new life. Thk Skin, after a few days' use
of the Sarsaparillian, beoomes clear and
be&utifuL I'ltnplea, blotches, black sjiota and
skin eruptions arc removed; sores and ulcers soon
cured. Persons suffering from scrofula, eruptive
diseases of the eyes, mouth, ears, legs, throat and
glands, that have accumulated <*n l spread, either
from uucured diseases or mercury, or from the
use of corros ve sublimate, may rely up->n a cure
if the Sarsaparillian Is continued a sufficient time
to iu ike its impression on the sy -tern.
One bottle contains more of the active princi
ples of Medicines than any other Preparation.
Taken in teaspooufui doses, while others require
Qve or six times as much.
One Dollar a Dottle.
R. R. R.
Railway's Heady Relief,
The Cbeapet and Best Medlelne for
Emuiljr Use 1b Hie World
In from one to twenty minutes never falls to
relieve L'ain with one thorough application;
no matter how violent or excruciating the pain,
the liheumatic. Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled,
Nervous, Neuralgic or prostrated with disease
may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF wlb
afford instant ease.
or LIMBS are lna-antly relieved.
FEVER AND AGUE cured for 60 eta. There Is
not a remedial agent in this world that will cure
Fever and Ague, and other Malarious, Bilious.
Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other fevers (aided
bv RAD'.V AY'S I'ILLS) so quickly as RAD WAY'S
It will in a lew momentt, when taken Internally
according to the directions, cure Cramps, Spasm-,
Soar Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Headache. Dyspep
sia, Pa'pltationof the Heart, Cold Chills, Hysteric-,
Pal us In the Bowels, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic,
Wind in the Bowels, and all Internal Pattia
Travelers should always carry a bottle of RAl>-
WAYS READY RELIEF with them. A few
drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from
change of water. It is better than French Brandy
or Bitters as a stimulant.
Still*-™ HH(I Lumbermen should always
be provided with it.
Regulating Pills!
Perfect, Purprative. Soothing. Aperi
ents, Act without Pain Always
Reliable and Natural
in Operation*
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet
gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and streng
Kadwat's Pills for the cure of all disorders ot
the Stomach. Liver, Bowela, Kidneys, Bladder,
Female Complaints, Nervous Diseases, I/ss of Ap
petite, Headache, Constipation, costiveness. Indi
gestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Fever, Inflamma
tion of the Bowels, Piles, and ali derangements or
the Internal Viscera Purely vegetable, contain
ing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs.
W observe the following symptoms resulting
from Diseases of the Digestive Organs; Constipa
tion, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood in the
Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn,
Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the Sto
mach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at
the Heart. Choking or Suffering* Sensations when
in a lying posture, Dinine s of Vision, Dots or
Webs "before the Sight, Fever and dull Pam in the
Head. Detleiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of
the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Chest,
Limbs, and Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in
the Flesh.
A few doses of Radwat's Pills will free the
■ystem from all the above-named disorders.
Price. 33 cents Per Box,
Send a tetter stamp to RADWAY ft CO., No. S3
Warren, Oor. Ohuroh St., New York.
Information worth thonsan la will bo sen;
to you.
To the Public.
Be sure and ask for Radway's, and see that the
name "Radway" is on what you buy.
AleohoKtm, Ophnw Cat-
Ik - fa*. f*crofnJgka* aft
Mm. IB Karroos and Blood Dia
waajSSft W oaaaa. To Clargy**t,
Lawyjn. LMarary Mom.
Morchaata. Bamkara.
Ladioa aid all who*
sadantary amtpiojumk
I eauaaa Narvoun Proatrm-
St Wk | BowMa or Kidmara, ar
WB who raqoira a aarva
M fSKpCk toaia. appotiaar a*
B malWliNllT atimolamt. 8 A MAR>
awNtvu IAIL*. ."sns:
in - * sssrjku.*"
Eeie Proprlotorm. St. Jmapph, Ma.
151 S^Rt J Ha!
Bftst Cough Syrup. Ta*teogood. CS
Usfe in tlm*-. Sold lr.- druggists. |£J
C^A awe#tln J ourowu town, ierms and $5
*DUU outfit free. Address H. HALLETi' ft Co.