fV JJiUl|tim Journal. THURSDAY. MARCH 1., 18SS. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL In publishedevery Thursday. InMusser'&Bnlld iug, coiner of Main and Penn streets at SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or |1 25 If not paid in advance. .ADKERTISIXG RA TES. 1 week. 1 mo. 5 mo. 6 mo. 1 year. 1 snuare I *£l <>o $2 09 Iss ORT |s4oo I -to tX> V column'" 300 * 4tv, | 600 110 Odj is 00 column!.'.* | 500 80011200 120 00 5a 00 Ycolumn... I 800 12 00 | 20 00 | as 00 | (.0 00 One inch makes a square. Administrators and Executors' Notices ♦2.50. transient ad- Tve.Ttisemcntsj.nd locals 10 cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents per line for eaeli aa- ITfiional insertion. \ •Job Work done on short notice. DEIMMiEIt & Bl'MlLliEßv Kdltors and Proprietors. (torch & Soi'iay Schcol Directory. Evangelical. • Jtcvs PCVTeidemver and J D Shortest Preach A No appointment. Preachers attending eon ference now in session at M'illknwuit. Sunday School, M. —Bev.CF.Gophart.Supt Missionary Society meets on the second Mon day evening of each month. Methodist. Rev. Parman Atfams Preachcrin-charpc. : Sunday School at 10?4 A.M.-D. A Musscr, Sup't Reformed. Jicv. Zirirvili .4. FaineE, Pastor. Treadling in Aaronsbuag uext Suuday morn ing,— English United Brothren. Jtcv. J. O. W. Herald. Prenchcr ir. charge. lingular preaching next Sunday morning. Euuday school, 9 A. M. —A. it. Alexander, Sunt TLiuttieran. Her. Joh)lTb>nli*so'i, Pastor.— Communion services at Tenn's Creek Church next Sunday morning. Preaching in Mlllheiiu at 2Sj P. M., English.: Sunday School at 0 : 4 A.M.' K 10* Dtininger.Supt. The Augsburg Hi hie Class meets every Satur day evening AtX'~. (5. Providence Grange, No. 217 P. of 11., meets in Alexanders block on the second Saturday of ' each month at lk,. r. M., and on the fourth Sa turday of each month at Ip. M. 1). L.ZBKBT, Sec. T. G. ERNARP,Master. The Millheim B. & T.. Association meets in the i'enu street school house on the evening ot the second Monday of each month. A. WAI.TFR. Sec, R. O. DEISINGSR, Pre-t. The Millheim Comet Band meets in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. J. W. Foote,Se" I>. I. Brown Pres't. Contre County Democratio CODL rnittee forTBB3. PISTIUCT. NAMTV. P. O. APHRESS. Bellefoute X. W, J. M. Keichiine, ...Bellefonte " s. W. Chas Smith '• •' AY. W. S. A.McQuistion,.... 4 * 'Howard boro. Ira C. Leathers Howard Milesburg " James P. •ones,... Milesbnrg Milllieini " F. P. Musser. Mlilheim Pl.ilipsburg IW. C.<*. Herlingei",...Philipsjurg " 2 W. Sol Schmidt " " 3 W. A. V. Carpenter, 14 Unionville boro. P. J. McDonald, Fleming Benner twp. Wm. Ishler. Pellefonte BogLS 44 Frank F, Adams,...Milesburg Burnside 4 ' Henry Meeker Pine Glenn College 44 .Ttilin Rcon l.emont Curtin 44 John MpCloskey ItoUmd Ferguuou O. P. J. T. Mc< orintck. Stae college N. P. L. W. Walker,... Itock Springs •Gregg s.iP. John4?oUlron Spring Mills * 4 H. V.. Win. Luee Farmers' Mills Haineg E. P. L. B. stover, Woodward AV,iP. Geo. Rower, Aaronsburg Half Moon twp. 'J. 11. Griflin, Stormst*>wn Harris 44 D.W.Meyer Boalsburg Howard 44 John Glenn Howard Huston J4 Joim L. Miles Julian Liberty 44 James P. Leinn Blane.liarit Marion 44 J. J. Hoy, Walker Miles 44 Ellis Shafer Madisonburg Patton 44 Agnew Sellers, Jr Filmore Penu 44 P. 11. Stover, Column Potter X. P. D.J. Meyer, Centre Hall " S. P. Samuel Slack Tusseyville Bush X. P, William Cullen Phili .sburg 4 * ts. P. J. T. Everly,. Sandy ltidye Snow Shoe twp. AVm. It. Haynes,...Snoiv Shoe Spring 4 * E.C.Wood ..Bellefonte Taylor 44 Hepburn Blowers, Fowler Union 44 S. k. Emerick, Fleming Walker 44 Jos. Emerick, Ilubiersburg Worth 44 11. S. Spotts. Port Matilda AVM. C. HEINLE. Chairman. AY. MILES AYALKLU. Secretary. Pattison's Victory. The supreme court of the state has sus tained the decision of the lower court in the contest for the controller ship of Philadelphia. Thus tho legal position taken by Governor Pattison in the appointment of Mr. Page has been completely aud thoroughly vindi cated. It will be remembered that the re publicans of the senate were at first disposed to resist the confirmation of Mr. Pago on the ground that tho Gov ernor had no authority to make an ap point n ent. Immediately tho anti democratic press began to sneer at what they denominated the governor's "mistake." But he laughs best who laughs last. The fact Is that the opposition to Mr. Page came from a clique st. -O-fV Colonics Groin# Wont. Emigration from along the line of the Pennsylvania railroad promises to be on an extensive plan 111 is spring, and lie favored country is the land ol the D.i kotas and Montauas. Colonies arc forming at Newville and Carlisle, of farmers who have engaged to take up sections in the new northwest near Fargo and Bismark. A colony of l">o will leave Lewist.own by the middle of March and another fioni Millcrsburg of 1")0 gooubout tl* same time. A party is organizing at ltenfor ami near every day the sound of preparation is heard in the country districts. .Sections of land never trodden by the foot of man will be made the location for many new homes by Pennsylvaniaus in Dakotathis year. i. egjiL Jipi /:/,• nsr.ur.Yis. ft! ft I J. -'TICK'S SA I.E.—By virtue and In pursu- X mice nf mi order of lite Orphans' Court ot Centre county the undersigned, trustee, appoint ed to ll the real estate of Michael Kreainer, hi tc of Haines tow nslilp, deceased, w iil oiler at public -ale on the premises, about one and a half miles south of Anmu-hurg, mi SA ITKDAY, the 3rd day ,( M Alft'll. A. l>. ISS.I at one o'clock. I*. M-. the valuable fat in, con taining las acres and I 'd perches, neat measure. Thereon erected two dwelling houses, a large bank turn and all the necessary outbuildings, a never-tailing sprinj: at the door, orchard with choice fruit. About acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the b ilunee is well timbered with white pine, white oak ami-other timber. TERMS: One half on confirmation of sale, balance in one your with interest, to be secured by bond ami mortgage. J. H. REIFSN YDKIt. Truster?. \l> IN ISTit'ATOlt-lf NOTlCE.—Letters of an m mistral ion on tin' estate of Elizabeth I Uraeht, late of IVun town-hip. d< c'd, having | been granted to the Mibsenber, all persons knowing tlumi-elves indebted to -aid estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment ami those having claims to pro-cut them duly proven for settlement, l'ciin township, Feb. 22. ISS3. JOHN RiUCiiT. s-dt Administrator. ORPHANS' COURT sAI.K.-Ry an order is sued In the Orphans' Court of Centre Co. the suberiber will otter at public sale on the premises at Woodward, Centre County, l'a., on TitrasnAV, MAi;ca Stb, 18S;>, 2 o'clock, i*. u.. the following described real estate, late the property of .John Mot/., dec d. viz : No, l Situate m Woodward aforesaid, front ing on the )>. A, & Y. turnpike, adjoining lands ol Rt njamin Ornftorf, C W llosierinuii, and others, containing 3 acres and "2 perches ; thereon erected a large '1 wo - rouv Dw RI.I INU lioi'SK, wash house, stable, and all other nec essary outbuildings, all in good condition. 1 here is a KIM: AOVNU OUCIIAUD OF choice fruit on the promises, and an abundant supply cf I'l'UK St'lllSM WATIIII. No. 2 Adjoining the above, and lands of da cob Rower. George Yonada, Henry Yonada. Samuel Yearick, ami others, containing Ida acres, more or le-s. part thereof cleaned and m a good -t.ite of cultivation, the balance covered with A heavy growth of I'INF, OAK and 11KM L O K TIMBER. This tract will be sold as aw hole or in parts, to suit the convenience of purchas ers. No. 3 Rounded as follows, viz : R ginning on the It. A. A Y. turnpike. North So\lcgr es west 47 perches along -aid turnpike, ti.ence North 11 1-2 degrees Ka-t 47 4-1" perches, thence South •13 degrees East perches to pine .-tump. j thence South lis degr es Ea-t 4d l-lo perches to the beginning, containing acres and 9 perches. TEIJM-: f )M* third of purchase money cash, one third In one year, and the balunee in two years. Deterred payments to bear interest and to be sc. cured by bond and mortgage on the premises. For particulars inquire of d. C. Mot/, on the premises, or'thc undersigned. C. M. Row En. Trustee. A tso. at the same time and place, all that ceitain home ami lot In Woodward, known as the Thomas Harper homestead. Terms on day of sale. J. C. Motz. ORPHANS COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued tv the Orphan's Court of Centre county, the subscriber, a .mini-trator of th e-fate of Thomas Wolfe, late of .Miles town ship. Centre Co.. Pa., deceased, w ill offer at pub lic .-ate. n the preini-e* at Wolff's Store, on TUESDAY. MARCH 6TII. ISB3, the following described valuable r<;de-ia*e, viz: N>. 1. All tlnse several tracts or pieces of land situate in Mi.es tow nship, VirVfe Co., Pa., and bounded and described a- follows: one thereof bounded on the east by lands of Henry Wolfe, Km'l (Jei-w ite and others, south by lands of John Stoner. West ny lands of Rmiben Kreainer ai;d others, and moth by hands of Ifaniel Wolfe, enntaiulug '2-'. acres, more or less, thereon erected two dwellin i houses, store ho-e, ware house, staub s and other outbuild ings. Xo. 2. All the right.title ami interest in and to all that certain tract of land, situate in Miles township, aforesaid, adjoining land of Renj.tmin Beck, (jeo. Weaver, Moycr \ Stroh eckeraiul llenry Cormaii, containing 20 acres and li7 perches. No. 3. All that certain tract of kind situate in Miles township aforesaid, adjoining lands oi the late Jacob Wolf and John thiol!, containing: 10 acres and •" pcrcl.es and allowance. No. 4. All the right, title and interest in that certain tract of land, situate in Miles township, aforesaid, bounded by lands of Heorjre Riun g.trd. Michael Rower, Jb Lougaiul Martin liudy. containing PV acres, more or less. TERMS: One third of purchase money on confirmation < f sale, one third in one year ami the balance in one year thereafter "ifefered payments to bear interest from confirmation of sale, and to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises, bale to begin at 1 o'clock, P. M.. sharp. J. K. WOLFE, Administrator. Lewistrarg and Tyrono Eailrcad Time ToMc. LEAVE WESTWARD. 1 3 5 7 0 A. M. A. M. J\ M. I". M. P. M Montandoti 705 9.4") 2.05 6.00 7.55 Lt* Wisbuig 7.25 ICM >5 2.20 Pair Ground 720 10.13 2.25 iehl 7.40 10.27 2.35 Vicksburg 7.15 19.36 2.40 Mifriiubuig B.ooar 11.00 ar 2.55 lc*. 3 n5 Millmont 8.22 3.28 Laurel ton 8.33 3.40 Wiker Ituii 8.57 4.06 Clx*rry Kun 9.15 4.25 Fowler 9.35 4.47 Coburn 9.43 5.00 Sprang Millsar 10.15 ar. 5.30 LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 6 H 10 A. M. P. M. String Mills 5.59 ].fo Coburn .. 6 13 2.20 lr'o w lor 6.28 2.33 Cherry Kun 6.43 2.65 Wiker Kuu 7.05 3.15 Laureltou 7.30 3.40 Millmont 7.40 3.52 A. M. Mifflin burg 8.00 11.45 4.15 p. M. Vicksburg 8.15 12.10 4.32 Iliehl 820 12.17 4.58 l r uir Ground A. M. 8.30 12.33 4.1S r. M. Lewisburg 6.35 8.t5 12.50 5.10 • 7.30 Montumloiiar. 6.45ar.9.00ar 1.05ar.5,20ar 7.40 No-. 1 and 2 connect at Moutandou with Erie Mail West: 3 anu 4 with Sea shore Express East; 5 and 6 with Day Express and Niagara Express West; 7 and 8 with Fast Line West; 9 and 10 with Willianisport Accommodation East. EAiME EMS!!* North Second Street, Half a square south of the L. &. T. It. It. Depot, LEWISBURG, PA. New and commodious Building ; Equipped in all departments with en tirely new Furniture. No efforts spared to make the BAKED HOUSE a pleasant, comfortable Home to all guests. Au excellent Livery attached. W. N. BAKER, Proprietor. ' P. H. STOVER, Clover Seed, Flour & Feed, Coal, Plaster & Salt, conrm, /.*. J-l!l(ilKiST MARKICT I'KrCE'ALWAYS 1* All). A full supply of Poal. T last or and Sxltjal ways uu hand and sold at the low est pi ICQ ji-('o:il kept under roof at all seasons of the year. I'lio public patronage respectfully sollct ed. 3ijy TWO 0000 BOOkS. c\ )'*€.'' s Information for the I'e.ojtie; or b'ol 1 hiogs Worth Knowing, comiiri-ing the I history anil mystery or *v *t ythins 111 common ; u-e. 'x Jfrtndt/ ' or explana tion of Words ami Things eonti< % ctel with all tin' Aits ami Sciences, illnyt rated with over engravings nicelv boiimi in cloth, gilt,si/e about by S inches and nearly two inches tliiek. be, tai.s at sl. 0. Sample of either to tfrents only, for *l. or both for *2, Address I-I. lirenl A Co. south Bend, Indianu. D. H. LEMKEB, MANI FACTI'ItKII AND DEALKK IN Aaronsburg, Penna. Chamber Suits, Buref.tis, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, (June or Wood Seat ('hairs. Dockets, Spring Beds, Wire, Woo! and Hair Matresscs, every style of Mould ings for Diet nro Frauu-s. Frames of any size made to order. i'ndrrinking a Speciality. 1 keep a complete line ot undertak ers goods always on hand. Having a Branch Shop in Millheim, I can accommodate customers at either place. A share of public patronage re spectfully solicited. 50 bin dftfc k ma de at home ly the In- Ik a Jo is. Host business liti TV be fl /Oforethe public. <"apfiol no. need— V ™ cd. We will >tart von. Men. vsoir.cn boys and rods wanted every where to work for us. Nw.v is ihc ti.u ■ You can work in spare time, or give your wlujle lime to ti>e business. No cither business will pay you near ly :u u.'ll. >{ ( | onr nt Ml l- t ihe RNIM IIUHIS pay. by engaging at onee. Codly outfit and terms free. Mou -v-made fast, easily, and lion orabiy. Aadrers THI C & Co., Augusta, Maine. CHEAPEST BOM in ilie World Tho Now American Dictionary. PRICE ONLY §I.OO. CONTAINS lOu!) UNf,HAYINGS AMI I PACKS MOULT THAN AXV OTILBIT IKJOK - VOCATB. "Worth ten times the money."— TM- JtfNi: ANI FAIIMKU. "A perfect dielloiiar'V and library of leferencc."— I.rsi.m II.LUS. NIIWS. "We have fro pi lit occasion to sc the Ne.v A inerk'ni Dicliouary in our oflice and regard it well worth the "price."— I'IIUP; t.w IMCIM "With the Now American Dictionary in the li brary for reference, many other mu'h more ex pensive works can be dispensed with, and ig norance of hi, country, history, business, law, etc. is inexcusable in any mam''—s< u.NTiric A MIRICAN "There's more real worth than in mi st books at ten times the cost."— N.Y.WOKLO Price, $1 no, postpaid; 2 for t!7". Extraordinary Offer. p C ™m will got up a Club of Tell at s!.)*' caCli we will send KI'.KK as a premiuni LLIE American Water bury Stem Wind Waieh. I or CLUB oi 1"> wo will send free a Solid Silver Hunting Case Watch. For CLUB ul .;o we send fm>. a Ladies' Solid Cold Hunting Case Watch. For CLUB of ro wo will so rid free, Units' Solid tii Id Hunting Case Watch. Send a Dollar at once for a sample copy. You caneasiiy secure one of th-'se watches lit a day or two or durmgyour leisure time evenings. As to our reliability we can refer to the pub- | lislier of this paper, the commercial agencies or llllV express Co.. in tins oitv. Aii Ire ss WOULD VANU ai'TCKIV; <•>.. 122 NASSAU.STItKKT, NEW YOItK. Japanese Grepe. In order to introduce our Japanese Crepe goods we will send postpaid to any address on receipt of 11 tty cents, or 17 three-cent stamps, the tollowing: 1 window banner. Size 15 by 24 j inches, with rich color ami deep border; 1 tidy, ' sizes by 11 inches, very handsome ; 1 lamp mat ' 27 inches in circumference, perfectly lovely; 1 j wail screen, large and handsome. Address K. Florence & Co., p. U. box 180b, South Bend, Indiana. A. SIMON & SOWS, WHOLESALE i> Mm pro, _. - - \ ml'r ' WUy . buJ Iwf Illuitrati.l t ~la?..;ue 1 . v , s rTi f '■ • i Vortical ETirr' r i r or r V-. ' *' l V" . m uiunit wheel*, very' * J p o •h t.# lonveiilont,economical /}5. TV . Vf and comploto In every TrasvTv. J?ei~ if M detail, lic:*tund oboaivst if?s s ii iu to. JzeMSXV !ni J?^n^to T- -. =(r' '' ■ 1 i F.IEQI'IUIi sepabaiob (Warranto!.) S'o PesucrlTitla Ks Agrisal- k "3j mill nomleal and perlecl iu use. \i jTUust:uiuckasV r p It ready for market. Address A. B. FARQUHAR, York, Pa. PASitJSAB iIEVCTCITS CO2IT PLAITT22 \rs&3fcs. Warranted the beat com dropper and moat forcj-feed fertllzur distributor lu tin - Furniture, Carpsts, Sewing Machines, China and Silverware, &e. For tho next two weeks wo will offer our immcnsa stock at a great reduction from ORIGINAL COST. Consisting of Furniture of every description, Tai lor and Chamber Suits, Library, Dining-Room and Kitchen Furniture. Chairs. Lounges, Patent Rockers, Rattan and Reed Chairs in great variety. Mattresses of the finest curled hair to the cheapest straw. Springs cf eyery deserption. An unusual large stock of CARPETS, RUGS, WATTS Ottomans, Hassocks,*. Foot Rests, Commodes. Are. All to be slaughtered lor TWO W KEKS ONLY previous lo taking our annnnl account of stock: When you rcineuibcr we occupy over 33000 feet of Floor Space packed ZFTJXJIJ OI? 1 STOCK you can tonu n:i idea of the extent of our stock. We would advise all who contemplate buying anything in our line for the next year to avail themselves of these bargains while our stock is complete and oui lines un broken. In order to give you sonic idea of the Bargains we are now Offering We quote jyou some of fc our Leading Goods : Painted Chamber Suits $15.00 Reduced from g 25.00 Solid 44 41 Hair cloth Parlor Suits'---33.00 44 44 50.00 " " embossed jpluuh parlor suits 75.00 " " 125.00 TTxtra Super G5 4 4 44 1.00 Choice 4 ' 44 75 il * l 1.10 Rag Carpets 30 to 00c. 44 4 4 45 t0".90 Brussels 44 50 to 85c. 44 4 4 8 5 to T25 French china* Sewing Machines 18 to 25.00 44 44 40 to CO.OO p n QiPiTii P- fia &fa Uaa Wfc'tiil & c'J SS'Jfsq 1)3,112,114- Front street, Hilton, P&. ff3? affra t Lubber Boots, 83.30 and $4.00, for 83.00. Bays' Boats ai d Shoes reduced accordingly. Ladies| bine French Kid Button Shoes.as good as an/, $4.50, for $4.00. Ladies' Fine Curaco \t ry best American Kid Button Shoes, $4.00 for sß.2c- Ladies' American Kid Button shot s. $2.g5, for 81.00. Misses and Children's Shoes reduced greativ in price. Men's Lum'tM-rman So!id iiet i. overs, the best in the market, $1.73, for $1.43 Men's Wool-lined Buckle Arties. $1.75 for $1.50. Men's best and tincst Velvet Slippers, $2.00 for $1.50. Infant s Pebble Goat Button Shoes. 50 cents for 40 Celits. Men's Boot Puggs or Moccasins, $2 To for 82,00. Men's Cloth Wool-lined Boots, $2.50, fo $2.00. NoTrcK.—Some of these goo'oij are way below their wholesale prices. To any cue. wishing to start in the business, 1 will sell my stock, seli the buildiug, or if not sold m Co days I will rent it. JACOB RAH?, LOCK HAVEN. PA. A -R,T?.TT7- A T. OF FALL & WINTER MILLINERY G OODS AT a mn( , WW '\