AGRICULTURE. MILK SETTING. —"Why," asks one of our subscribers, "docs it lake so much greater bulk of cream to make a pound of butter, when raised from milk, 9et in a cellar, where the temperature is uniformly at Ob degrees or less, than trom miik set in an nppcr room, where,m summer the mer cury stands much of the time at about 70 degrees?'' lie also finds that he gets Jess bntter from a like quantity of milk, kept in the cellar, than in the warmer upper room, a result that accords fully with our own ex perience in setting milk for butter making. It may, on many farms, seem a necessity to set the milk in the cellar of a dwelling house. This happens during the hottest weather, on tarms where there is no good, cool dairy room, above the cellar. It a basement could be built partly below and partly above ground, so as to secure good veutilation, and a comparatively dry at mosphere, very good results might be looked for. The objection to a cellar for milk set ting, is the usual dampness ami want ot veutilation, The air is qot easily changed anil after a room has been used for some weeks for carrying in warm milk twice a day, it becomes much warmer than one that is kept constantly closed. JNearly ail basement air in summer is damp and damp air inciiues to increase the relative bulk of cream, simply because the water that is still mingled with nearly all cream has not had the opportunity to be dried out ot it. Cream raised in a warm dry air is of the nature of condensed cream a very small vuautitv only being required for a pound of butter. There is another difficulty with cream raised in cellars. It is so thin and watery that ordiuary skim mers will not hold it, but let it pass through tne holes ami mix in again with the milk. The cream from deep caus set in cold water is uniformly thiu and watery, and cannot be skimmed, but is dipped off with dippers made expressly for the pur pose, Scalded milk, if set in shallow pans in the open air, throws up cream that repre sents the opposite extreme, being almost pure butter before it is churned. WHY NOT MAKE A LADDER?— There are two principles to be kept in view in mak ing ladders —iigntuoss aud durability. The material should be thoroughly seasoned; basswood makes the best side pieces, al though pine that is free from knots will do. For a ladder 15 feet long, the side pieces should be two inches wide at the top. three and one-half inches at the bot tom, and one and one-half Inches thick; the lop round 14 inches long, the bottom round 28 inches. The rounds should be of tough oak or ash. For a laddei 211 feet in length, the side pieces should be x 4, and lj inches thick; top round 10 iucnes loDg, bottom round oU inches* rouud 18 luches apart from center to center; the holes In the sides for the rounds to center should be one inch Fvery farmer needs a set of ladders, se.y lU, 15, 20, aud per haps 25 feet in length,and then paint them well aud house them if possible, and you will have something useful through a life time. is treating cows tor horn bntileness a stock raiser in Austria found no good re sulting from feeding bone-meal when the water used from a spring was perfectly soft —that is, without mineral matter. But upon changing them to the water ot an other spring, containing carbonate, sul phate and phosphate ot lime and chlorate of magnesia in small quantities, the effects were as follows: First. The animals drank half as much as before. Second. The cows gave more and better milk than before. Third. The worst diseased cows at once began to get better, and this was the first case in which any of them recov ered without removal. Fourth. The oxen showed far Detter condition than could be previously attained on the best of food aud with the mast careful attention. Fifth, No fresli cases occurred as scon as tlie change of was introduced. BY means of the drainage of land the various chemical actions which take place through the action of the atmosphere on the surface soil are carried down to a grea ter or less extent into the subsoil, for as the water-level is lowered the air enters from above to fill the cavities in the soil. By drainage, also, the depth to which roots will penetrate is increased, for roots will not grow in the absence of oxygen, and rot as soon as they reach a permanent water level. TIIK Shropshire downs possess beautiful symmetry ot form, fine quality and early maturity of all their parts, a vigorous con stitution and graud muscular proportions. They are first-class shearers, carrying a fine, compact, coat, valuable at once for wool and protection from chilling sleet storms. They stand close herding in laige numbers remarkably well, the ewes are good mothers, and twin lambs are not un. usual* PROFESSOR S. T. MATNARD, of the Mas sachusetts Agiicultural College says: "I know of no other reason why the potato fails to produce its true fruit, the potato balls, than that the power of reproduction by seed has been weakened by the forcing process they have been subjected to for the past ten years by the propagation from single eyes, cuttings, etc. O'lier plants, the verbena, for instance, after having oeen propagated several years from cut tings, produce very few, if any, seeds." AMONG all the field crops which the far mer grows there are few,if any, that afford a more certain profit than winter rye, whether it is sown for grain and straw or for a green crop io feed stock in May. ID fact it is a good crop to gtow for an early spring pasture. EvKitY farmer or teamster should exam ine his team harness often to see that no part of it chafes or rubs the skin of his horse—it is a good idea to keep it well oiled, so that it will be pliable arid soft. Take good care of the dumb animals. ESTIMATING nitrogen at 22* cents per pound, potash at 7 cents and phosphoric acid at U cents, the Connecticut Agricultu ral Experiment Station states the commer cial worth of night soil at 30 cents per 100 pounds, or $6 per ton, as the most favor able reckoning. THE prices which were paid by the Na tional Shorthorn Association for the vari ous herd books were as follows: Ameri can Shorthorn Herd Book, $25 000; Amer ican Shorthorn ilecarder, $13,000; Ohio Shorthorn Kecord, SI,OOO. A CLEANING average of about 87 pounds to the 100 was reached for five Victoria swine slaughtered at the Chicago Fat Stock Show, which is quite a phenomenal figure. Anything above 80 pounds may be considered excellent. MUCH of the new Minnesota wheat weighs out sixty-two pounds to the bushel. Its excellence is thus shown wheu fifty eight pounds to the busnel is the standard No. 1. DOMESTIC. FASHIONS IN BEDSTEADS.— The intro duction of the brass bedstead into mod ern homes is, the greatest revolution that has been attempted. A few years ago these bedsteads were entirely un known in America, now one house alone exhibits twenty different, styles, and there is little doubt that they will meet with increasing favor. They are so very handsome in appearance, are so light and so easily moved from one side of the room to the other, and, above all, they are so free from all impurities, as 110 dust collects upon them, that proba bly in time they will entirely supersede those of wood. It has taken time to prove that they do not load to increase of work in the need of constant polish, but a wash lias recently been invented which renders the metal impervious to the influence of moisture, and so din s away with the principal objection to their universal adoption. It is not nec essary to speak ot the marvels of decor ation and carving which arc introduced into the modern bedstead by the fash ionable decorator. Unlimited eommaud of money can secure any amount of it, but it is not altoget her to be deplored that very few persons alter all are 111 this blisstul position. Beds, like other matters, are often the better for being simple, and the housekeeper who sighs with envy for for the ebony bedstead inlaid with ivory or silver may be com forted with the reflection that a hand some brass bedstead, which till tills the iutontiou of its construction, is more ap propriate in homes where dollars are not counted by thousands than the inagmti eeuce of carving and silver would be. SHAWL STRAPS. — Two pertty fancy shawl straps are thus described; Take two strips of French canvas thirty-eight inches long aud thirty-eight inches wide; embroider them with bright col ored Berlin wool, sew tliem down on two strips of leather of corresponding length and width, line with silk, and tinish the edges all around with a crotcli ered border. For the liaudle, take one strip of canvas twenty-live inches long aud three inches wide. Embroider, etc., to correspond with the strap. Sew the ends of the handle over the straps so it (the handle) can be slipped backward or forward, Have the ends ot straps furnished with silver clasps. In iast ening around tbe shawl have the straps close enough together to make the han dle bow-suaped. A less expensive and very pretty strap can be made of strips of stout brown Holland, embroidered or braided, lined, and the edges bound with worsted braid, the ends furnished with steel clasps, or buckles aud eyelet holes HERE is a recipe for a "hard-tunes pudding": Half a pint of molasses, half a pint of water, two teaspooufuls of so da and one teaspoonful of salt, Thick en with Hour enough to make a batter about like that for a cup cake. Put this in a pudding-bag, or a pudding boiler; allow room to rise. It would be safe to have the pudding-bag about half full of the batter. Let this lioil steadi ly for three hours. Sauce to serve with it is made thus: Mix two teaspooufuls of either white or brown sugar with a lump of butter the size of a butternut; a little salt and one large spoonful oi tiour should be mixed with the butter and sugar. When free from lumps pour boiling water slowly over it, stirring all the time. Let it boil up onee or twice to make it of the desired thickness. SAXMON croquetts are asked for, so the recipe is repeated:—One pound can of salmon chopped tine, and add to it one teaspoonful of salt, one tablespoon ful of chopped parsley, piece of half a lemon and a dust of cayenne. Mix thoroughly. Put a cup of cream on to boil. Rub one tablespoonful of butter and two tablesi>oonfuls of tiour togeth er till smooth, and 6tir them into the boiling cream. Stir and cook two min utes. Stir it into the salmon; mix well, turn out on a dish to cool. Form into croquette shapes with a wineglass, roll in beaten egg and bread-crumbs, and fry in olive butter; drain a piece of brown paper until not a particle of fat adheres. Serve on a napkin with par sley garnish. Now THAT sausage time is here, the French receipt for baked mushrooms can be tried. The mushrooms must be nicely prepared, and part of their gills scraped away so as to make them some what hollow; this mushroom material is mixed either with some sausage meat or with a concoction of minced tongue or ham, and a few bread-crumbs and butter. Each mushroom is tilled with this stuffing and gently cooked in the oven in a covered dish with a little piece of butter. Whilst cooking, small cir cles of toast, well buttered, are prepared, and a mushroom neatly placed on each. They are served on a hot dish and are excellent. SCOTCH cakes are economical so far as eggs are concerned, and, if made with care, will melt in the mouths of children. To one pound of tiour allow half a pound of butter and a quarter of a pound of sugar ; let the butter stand in a basin near the fire to soften, but not melt; when soft, rub it and the tiour together; then knead in the sugar. Roll out in a sheet half an inch thick; cut out cakes about two inches square; bake until they are a light brown. Put them away in a stone jar, and they will in a day or two gather moisture enough to be soft. COLD SLAW.— Beat the yolks of four eggs to a very light cream, then stir gradually into them five tablespoonfuls of cider vinegar. Add two or tnree ta blespoonfuls of sugar, and stir the mix ture over the fire until it begins to thicken like boiled custard; then re move and add a teaspoonful of butter and nearly a teaspoonful of anchovy mustard. Set the sauce upou ice to be come cold, and pour it over the sliced cabDage just helore serving. Celery is often mixed with the cabbage tor this salad, NEW WAY OF SERVING OATMEAL.— Take a dessert-spoonlul of oatmeal, place it, in the morning, in a tumbler, and fill up with new milk. Let it stand all day, and take it for supper or for a uight-cap. The grains will have been softened by their long soaking in the milk, and it can be eaten with a spoon. This is said by its advocates to be a specific against neuralgia, and is also soundly recommended for sedentary folks. BUFFET-CLOTHS. —Side-board cloths are used to protect the fine wooded or marble surface of the piece of furniture, Canton flannel, in delicate colors, is a good material whers there is not much risk of spots—otherwise some material that can be washed is preferred. A handsome bufFet-cloth can be made of crash—the embroidery running around the outside, and the extreme edges or namented by bands of Mexican drawn work, as delicate as cobweb tracery. HUMOROUS. DRIVING away a headache: "Mr. Mc- Guinuess, did ye lver foind anything that wild dhrive away a headache?" "Is it a headache ye have, Mr. O'Dwy er? Sure, and I kin dhrive it away 111 no time at all," "An* what is yer rimi dv, Mr. MopuiunesH? It's mesilf wild loiKc to be aft her thryin'it." "Well, all ye have to do is to dhrink plinty uv whisky." "Is it whiskey vesay? Sure, it's jokiu' ye are, for that would only give me a headache, as 1 know by some little experience 1 have had." "Well, there's where ye will foind the philoso phy av me riinidy, Mr. O'Dwver. Ye niver say a man wid two headaches at waust, did ye? Ye sec, the whiskey headache will dhrive away the other wan ye are sufferin' wid now." Tli® Tall Sycamor® ®f III® IViibaih. The special correspondent of the Indian apolis (2nd) Journal, embodied in a re reut communication the following from Hon. Daniel W. Voorhees: I consider SI. Jacob's Oil a splendid remedy, 1 suffered froiu an affection of the back and kidneys, willi some rheumatism— iu fact, it was rheumatism of the back. 1 used St. Jacob's Oil, and found it very efficacious. It gave me instantaneous relief, aud dually cured me completely. MVSICAL note: "Yes, Jemima shall go to Italy to have her voice cultivated," said a proud father to a fair haired girl who stiMkl beside him affectionately stroking liis snowy locks. "Can't 1 go, too?" asked the younger brother, John. "You!" exclaimed his parent with sur prh e, "why, you have wo voice." The following morning, when Johnny met the neighbor's boy next door, lie re marked with the air of one who had been relieved of a disagreeable duty: *•] guess we needn't shoot any more eats, Bill, dad's likely to send them to Italy." %*"IIe that prays harm for his neigh bor, begs a curse upon himself." lie that recommends Kidney-Wort to his sick neighbor brings a blessing rich aud full both to his neighbor and himself. Habi tual coetiveness is the bane of nearly rvery American woman. Every woman owes it to herself and to her family to use that celebrated medicine, Kidney-Wort. JfoaTTlie Diamond Dyes for family use have no equals. All popular colors easily dyed, fast and beautiful. 10 cents a pack age. • REWARD of the dutiful: A martinet of a sergeant turns up unexpectedly to call out a fatigue party. Only one soldier answers to the summons with prompti tude. "Confound it all to confusion !" yells the imitated officer. "What in the name of a hundred thousand devils do you mean by turning out alone, sir, when 1 called out the whole annul? Fiirty-eight hours in the blaokhole! That'll teach you to be the only man to turn out !" Skill in the Workshop,—To do good work the mechanic must have good health. If long hours of confinement in close rooms have enfeebled his hand or dimmed bis sight, let him at once, and before some organic trouble appears, take plenty of Hop hitters. His system will be rejuve nated, his nerves strengthened, his sight become clear, and the whole constitution lie built up to a higher working condition. IIKCRUITIXO Health at the Seaside.— Harry; "Wretchedly dull, depressing place this to have spent a month in, •Tack." Jock: "Yes; don't know what to do with one's self." Harry: "Let's see; what have we done?" Jack: "Bil liards in the morning—a sleep in the afternoon—pool or 'Nap in the evening —S. and B's. etc. —bed." Harry: ' Per haps it wouldn't be a bad idea to stroll up to the top of that hill and see what the country's like, before we leave this morning." Tilt" ferret of 1.1 v I DC. Scovill's Sarsaparilla or Blood and Liver byrup will cure Scrofulous Taint, Kbeu matißin, White Swelhmr, Gout, Goitre, Consumption, Brouchitis, Nervous Debili ty, Malaria and ull other diseases arising from an impure condition of the blood. The merits of this valuable preparation are so well known that a passing notice is hut necessary to remind the readers of this journal of the necessity of always having a bottle of Scovill's Blood and Liver Syrup among their stock of family necessities. Certificates can be presented from many leading physicians, ministers and beads of families throughout the land indorsing it in the highest terms. We are con stantly in receipt of certificates of cures from the most reliable sources, and we do not hesitate to recommend it. "WHAT are you going to do with that piece of wood V" inquired a broker of a Nassau street man as lie was hurrying along witii a broken plank under his arm. "Why, this is a relic of the old Post Ollice, and I'm going to have a cane made of it." was the proud reply. "Pooh V" sueered tlie broker; "in less than ten years from now you won't find anybody who'll believe you. "Why, I've actually got a cane made from No ah's Ark, yet nobody takes any stock in it." j On Thirty Day*' Trial, The Vol'aic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro- Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial tor thirty days to men (young or old) who are alllicted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaran teeing speedy and complete restoration ot health -and maulv vigor.—Address as above. —N. B. —No risk is incurred, as thirty days' trial is allowed. "No," said Farmer Furrow, when his wife asked him if lie was goiug to kill the big turkey this year, "no, I guess not. You see I've got an idee that if you fish around for an invitation to take Tlianksgiviu' dinner with some of your folks, I'll take the turkey down to the villiago and swap it oil for a now hat and some socks, aud if 1 git any money to boot I'll give it to yon for your mite society. Hey, old gal ?" Carbohne the deodorized petroleum bair renewer aud restorer, as improved and perfected, challenges the world aud stands without a rival among the hair dressings, aud is a universal favorite with the ladies. SHE looked before and after: "Ah !" moaned a widow recently bereaved, "what a misfortune 1 I know what kind of a liusbaud I have lost, but how cau I know what kind of a husband his suc cessor will be ?" Dr. Kline's Great Nervee Restorer Is the marvel of the age for all nerve diseases. All fits stopped ree. Send to 931 Arch Street. Philadelphia, Pa. THE following bill was lately presen ted to a farmer in Sussex: "To hang ing two barn doors and myself seven hours, four shillings and six pence." THE French plan of economizing eggs 111 ••breading" croquottn. oysters, Arc., is to mix 11 tiihlcßpoonful of salmi l*w prevalent in thin ooun- CO try 111 Count 1 potion, ftnu no remedy lias over -g • equalled the celebrated Kidney-Wort an a c E cure. Wlintover Uiocause,liowovcrobstinate (0 re the oao, this remedy wiU overcome it. - *0 Dll ETC TILLS dis trowing com- ® ® • IWCO plaint Is very apt to bo - J 00mplicated withoousUpoUon. Kidney-Wort „ strengthens the weakened porta and cjulekly m re curve all kinds of Piles even when physicians J n and medicines h.avo befora tailed. c % 13- | STlf you have either of these troubles X 3 < PRICK SI. IUSE r Drupitflstn Bell|*l w'liU h lliiißlißtl"'ii|lPi*ill'illtliW Nollilnji "1 (lit world ri|liul In il for die curi iitS lufula, l*iut|ilet, 8011., 1 elti r, I'M Sun- l it'.. Mercurial PUrama. Catarrh, l.uaa of A|i|>etlle, I'eiuale Com(>latuta. ami all llluod AO dlM'Saea. It nerar tatla. All druaniata ami country atoro koopora a-U it. li. k. Sriiera k lu„ I'ru|i*., I'ltuhurah, on cvrrv bottle. (OSMtlft Flostetter's Stomach Bitters give steadiness to the nerves, induces it healthy, natural flow of bile, prevent constipation without unduly purging the bowels, gently stimulates the circulation, aud by promoting a vigorous condition of the yhydw system, promotes also, thai cheerfulness which Is the truest indication ef a well-balanced condition of all the annual powers. For sale by al: Druggists and Dealers generally. llop Hitter* are lle forest and Heat itinera liver Made. They are compounded from Hops, Malt, Buchu, Mandrake and Dandelion, the oldest, best, and most valuable medicines in the world and contain all the best and most curative propertiea of all other remedies, being the greatest Blood l'urifler, Liver Regulator, and Life and Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or 11! health can pos sibly long exist where these Bitters are used, so varied aud perfect are their operations. They give new life and vigor to the aged and tn flrin. 1 o a.l whose employments cause irregu larity of the bowels or urinary organs, or who re quire nn A pet user, Tonic and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters arc mvaluah'e, being highly curative, tome a i 1 stimulating, without lutoxicatiug. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, use llop Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel '•ad or miserable, use Hop Bttiers at once. It may save your life, lluu treds have been saved by so doing. f. r >oo will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. l)o not sutler or let your friends suffer, but use and urge theiu to use Hop Bitters, Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medi cine ever made; the "Invalid's Friend aud 11O|KJ," and no person or family should be without them. Try the Bitters to-day, ADD TO "I" INCOME Olut* oflVm tht-turvat means of nmkiiK rt-KUiar monthly from lnvrtnirr in SRAIN. PROVISIONS & STOCKS K*-li nieinl>er tfrt* the iuinl>maul tthan-holUer* ti<'k ihrir money in vruftt* in pnxt three month*. rtr.l WVIDK original amount making money In Club, or returned on demand. Share*, flu each. Explanatory circular* sent free Reliable correiiponth-nui wanted everywhere Ad drown H. K. KKMOI.L & Co.. Aahu ii Mchta. 177 A 17V La Salle SL.CutCAOO, 111. EIASTIC TRUSS MM a d!ff*rlnr from 1 I othar*, <■ renabap*. wiib Salf-AdjMUng yfc ®a l, ' n can tar, adaptat Ualtle ad Q* SENSIBLE M j**"* oo * of tb * ho'ly. whtw lha Vt TE |... JSf Ballm thamrpraaaaa baak tba E*® arf TnUSSyP laU-stißsaJaaiaaaMraeawastd V. Jy with U* Vlarar. With lfcht * praaauratballwuialabtlilaacaralp layand night, and a radical c-.ra certain, ilia aaij, d-'-fr't tad chaap. Sent by mall. Ctrcnlan fraa. SXJGLKSTOS TRUSS CO.. CllIcffO, lIL I CURE FITS! W hen I nay cure J do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them r> turn atraiu. i Dean a radical cure. I have male tin-disease of FITS, EPI LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-lotnr study. 1 warrant my remedy to cure the wornt canon. Be cause others have failed ia no reason for not now re oeivuiK a euro. Send at onoe for a tr-atis-- ami a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Gi\e Express an-i postoffloe. Ii costs you nothinK for a trial, an-t I will euro you. Address p r . 11. U. BOOT, IS3 Pearl St.N. Y. AfiTTVTTS n l **" ,5 ° l** 1 " oent profit selilnf A " liotrister's i.iuimeut Tin-l*al in lh World. VVrite f.,r p. rtieuiaes lo F. KKiISTfcK, Pro prietor, 334 South 3Ui struct, i'luladelphta, Pa. AGENTS WANTtD I-.c II my I'ruitui-r Co., Nctvburypori, Muss. CHROLITHION COT/LARK WDdTF.s; llindsoine. Durable. Water proof. superior to Lnx-n, Pajteror elluloid. *ent by nail For ir -d ir end postal card to Box 916, New limy port, Musa. ALKNTS! VANTEDI AUKNTNI JOSIAII ALLEN'S' WIFE SrLENUID BooK "HISS RM'lltltnv BOY." 20 a day easily sold Me want an Asvnt in every town. Send for circulars, terms, ami agency to Aiuerlran I'ublish ins t 0., Hartford, Barton. Chicago, Cincinnati, or st, Louis. W. 11. TH4>.niON, ft'hlla.. Pa. lIET7.EL ORGAN. New style, ®7o. Bold on I 1 the INSTALMENT PLAN. Mont elegant case Pest tone. Lowest price; easiest torniH. FOLLT a a ait ANTED. U. W. HETZEL, Uafitiattown, N. J. 5 AGENTS ■ FOR THREE MONTHS. !■ The new volume (nineteen) of xffißEy DEMOHEST'S ILLITSTKATKD MONTHLY M AOAZINK for INK 3 is flic best and the cheapest Family Maguzinepubliahed, printed on the finest tinted paper, size 8% x 11>£ inches. Tho three numbers now ready of volume 19 weigh \% pounds and contain 210 paites of large, clear print. New Novelettes, Stories, Hiographies, Poetry, Travels, and valuable information of the day and for the household. In demand by every familv. 114 Illustrations, fi Photo Plates and 4Gd Pictures. W. JENNINGS DEMOKKST. Publisher, IT East 14th Street, New York. Single copies, Twvnty Cents; jaarly subscription, Two Dwllars. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. F3 Best (lough Syrup. Tastes good. I2f Use in time. Sold hv drngp o M \i:NTN WANTED for the Best ami Fastest selling Pictorial Books and Bibles- Prices re duced 33 I>er cent. NATIONAL 1 ÜB. CO., Pliilada., Pa. (hCC a week In yourowTTtown. Terms and $5 J)00 out Hi free. Address 11. H ALLETT & CO., Portland, Maine. tONLY S2O for a PHILADELPHIA SINGER of this style. Equal to any Singer in the market. Re member, we send it to be examined before you 2>ay for it. This is the same style other companies retail for SSO. All Machines warranted for 3 years. Send for Illustrated Cir cular ard Testimonials. Address CHARLES. A. WOOD * CO., 12 A. lentil &L riiiladcipiiia, l'a. NITPKD in the bud: "Lovest thou me much, Theodore?" "Oh, Clorintha! If all—" Just here the old man jumped up from behind a bush near the front gate and ejaculated: "See hero ! None of this doggone Borneo business. This ain't no theatre. Clorinth, go in and help your mother to wash them dishes, and you, Theodoreo, or whatever your name is, if you want to remain in a sit - tm' condition you had better git out of that 'ere gate there several times faster than you came 111," is too dearly purchased at the price of liberty," Is it a disordered liver giving you a yellow skin or costive bowels, or do your kidneys refuse te per form their (unctions ? If so take a few doses of Kidney-Wort and nature will re store each organ, ready for duty. Thus health will be cheaply purchased at the price of Kidney-Wort. |3®"For one dime get a package of Dim mom! Dyes at the druggist's. They color anything the simplest una most desirable colors. EXACTITUDE: "J am sorry to inform you." said a man to an Arkansas gentle man, "that your son IIIIH been killed in a balloon nseeiision." "How?" asked the gentleman. "Well, you see he went up with the professor and the balloon dropped suddenly and Killed both of them." "It was the desceusiou that killed him. My friend, when you come into this neighborhood with s piece of information give it straight." Don't be Alarmed. at Bright's Disease, Diabetes, or any dis ease of the kidneys.liver or urinary organs, as llop Bitters will certainly and lasting ly cure you, and il is the only thing that will. No grounds for it: "I am sorry to hear of your uuele having drowned him - self at sea," saiit Gdhooly to an influen tial citizen of Austin, who wore a sail look and criq>e 011 his hat. "Yes, it was very sad." "Did he have any grounds for it?" "llow the mischief could he have any grounds for it out at sea where the water is a mile and a half deep?" Pure cod liver oil, from selected livers, on the seashore, by Caswell, Hazard Co., N. V. Absolutely pure and sweet. Pa tients who have once takeu it prefer it to all others. Physicians declare it superior to all other oils. Chapped hands, face, pimples and rough skin cured by using Juniper Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard tfc Co., New York. A NEBRASKA clergyman who wouldn't accept two gallons of whiskey for mar rying a couple liail to go without any fee at all. But he preferred it. He knew a donation party was going to swoop down on him the next week, and they'd be bad enough sober, while if they found liquor while lootiug the house, they'd get so drunk they'd sack the entire promises. "BUCHIi-PAIBA." Quick, complete euro, all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Unease*. *l. Dru^giate. FOK Tines 11KAI>. heavy atoiuacua. hit oua ueaa—Wells' May Apple Pills. 1U and 25c. USE of threadbare forms: The fellow who wrote: "1 now take my pen in hand," was troubled with remorse when he discovered, after he had mailed the letter, that he had been using a lead l>euci). f A MISSING kiss: When Brown failed to catch the young lady who slapinnl his hands at Copenhagen, Fogg remark ed that it was quite a marine disaster. "A smack lost, you know." he explained in answer to the interrogating glances leveled at lorn from all sides. The iH trxai <1 mre-worn l<>k of itio Nervous Sufferer disappears lie repaid* p over and virile force THROUGH lue influence of AIXKN'S BKAIS FOOD. Alurugglata and Allen's l'harmaey.alS Ist Av.,N.Y. IT is not sate to speak of a Western lady as a large-sou led woman. She col ors up, flounces out of the ro .m, and soliloquizes in the sucred fastnesses ot her boudoir, ' I'll never speak to that hateful old thing again—so there! Large soled, indeed !" The most comfortable tioot ri town is that witli Lyon's I'a ent Metallic Heel St if - fe tiers. IT has been lifty years since the pa pers commenced to advise people not to blow tlie gas out, and vet it is still piae tieed enough to keep the grave digger's business lively. FATIIEK: "Isaac, if you are gooouinip(lnn, Colds, Pneumonia- lo lueii/jt, llrotii'lilal IHtMcuUlea. Hrourbilla, I loarnenesa. Asthma. (-roup. Whooping Cough, and all Diseases mf the Breathing Organs. It soothes and heal* the Membrane •!" the i.tings, inflamed and poisoned by the disease, and prevents the night sweats and lightness arrodh the chcet which areoinuany it. Consumption is not an Ineurable iiialudv. HALL'S lIAI.SA.II will cure you, ever |"l FRF.E 38 w Vfj. Jfandovi (W. *1 B >jV DR. KLINE'S GREAT 3 i'i NERVE RESTORER _ H ■ fur mu URII.N I.NDNIRTI ■Dlstits On* sou rrl roa NCKTI Arrice ®no*s.Fri,Frii.Ersr,etc INFALLIBLE if takea M directed. $2 trial bottle free to Fit Caees.thev paying express charges on box.when received, bead tiamea.P.O and eipre adores, ot'afllicted to I)k.KLINE.33I Arch St.. Flu lad a. .Pa. St* OruggisL Rmrtrt a/ /Vaeia. DA. H. W. LOBB.FEDiCAL OFFICES. NO. 828 NOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET, /hlladelphia, PA. LFT years' experience. (Eatafe /lßhed for treatment wltn purely vegetable medi cine A) Dr. Ix>bb's long experience in the treat ment of diseaaee enables bun to guarantee a core In all oases. Consultation free and strictly con fidential. Call in person or by letter. Office boars: 11 to 2 and 7to 10 evening. ~|~)ICNMKON a due Soldiers,their Widows, Children I or parent*. Under new laws thousands entitled to Tiicreasfl Pension, liefer to dev. F. D. POWEK, Chap, lain U. 8. H. K. Write for laws and Information. Pat ents procured. Address, with stamp, BELLUM MIL LER A CO H Washington, D. 0. Rita, Bjaiiliful Rita! Of nil hues. shades and colors: crimson, scarlet, bine, green, purple, orange, old gold, carmine. Ac., with your name ud address elegantly printed on them; lettering in gold, silver, red, blue, green, violet, black iVbroOM. Jnsr the thing to sew or tie on e'ethiug; ovtg-coats, gloves, scarfs. robes, c'oaks, muffs, reti cules, port li tun tea us, satchels, trunks, valises, purses, txirtinouHie*; on the inside of bats, caps, Ae. Tisvel i-rs can thai mark every article they carry with their name and address. The ribbons also make elegant book-iuurks. Prices, (silk ribbon*), per dozen nieces. No. 1. >4 inch wide and 8 inches long, $ .85 " 2. I 6 *• " .75 " 8. " '• 9 " •• 1.00 " 4. 2 13 " ** 1.35 " 6. 3 18 " " 2.25 Suitable size and style of tyiodlly aches and pallia. FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. Sold toy all Druggist* aud I)onl"n. Directluus in II luiiKUuge*. The Charles A. Vogeler Co (Diuoriiuri to A. VOUELtR A 00.) Jld.. L. H. / The Wonderful Efficacy of DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS has been so frequently and satisfactorily proven that It seems almost superfluous to say anything more In their favor. Tne Immense and constantly increasing demand for them, both in this and for eign countries, la the best evidence of their valne. Their ssle to-day in the United States la far greater than any other cathartic medicine. This demand is not spasmodic. It Is regular and steady. It Is not of to-day or yesterday, It Is an Increase that has been steadily growing for the last thirty-flve years. What are the reasons for this great and growing demand? Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills contain no mercury, ami yet they act with wonder ful effect upon the liver They cleanse the stom ach and bowels of all Irritating inaiter, which, if allowed to remain, poisons the blood and brings on Malaria, Chills and Fever, and many other dis eases. They give health and strength to the di gestive organs. They "create appetite and give vigor to tne whole system. They are In fact the medicine of all others which should be taken in times like the present, when malarial aud other epidemics are raging, as they prepare the system to resist the attacks of disease of every character. rpAKE SCHENCK'S M ANDRAKE PILLS If you J- have Sick Headache. fPAKK SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS if you -A have Bad Breath. fPAKE SCHENCK'S M ANDRAKE PILLS if you -A feel Drowsy. 'PAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If your Tongue Is Coated. fPAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If your ■*- Bowels are Costive. rPAKE SCIIKNCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS if you ■A- have Diarrhoea. npAKE SCUENCK S MANDRAKE PILLS If jour A Skin is Yellow. rpAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS if you ■L have Taken Cold. rpAKK SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If JOU 1 have the Blues. rpAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS if you L have been Drinking. 'PAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS if your A- Liver Does Not Act. 'PAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If your A- Liver is Torpid. rpAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If you -L are Bilious. rpAKE SCHENCK'S M ANDRAKE PILLS il you A- have a Bad Taste in your mouth. 'PAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If you L have a Pain in your Shoulder-blade. TAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If JOU -L have Chills and Fever. 'PAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If you L waul your Stomach Thoroughly Cleansed. TAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If Jou A have sympioma of Dropty. TAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If you A feel that everything goes wrong. TAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If 'jou A want Good Digestion. TAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If JOU A have Worms. TAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If jou A want to Prevent Typhoid Fever. TAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If you A have Eaten too much Fruit. TAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS lh£Y If you feel urowsy in the morning. tv-= TAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS if you Cannot Sleep. TAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If you Want to Feel Well and Lively. rr-= TAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLU iKSr If your Liver Does Not Act, -== TAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS if you have a Pain in the Stomach. r,-—* TAKE SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS If your Appetite is Poor. PULMONIC SYRUP, a positive Cure for Consumption. SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC, for Dyspepsia and Debility. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, for aU Bdloua Complaints. For sale by all druggists. Tjiii % doee of Scheock's Mandrake Pills If you are going on a sea voyage. Ta** a dose of Schenck's Mandrake Pills if yon want to make a good bargain. • Ta** a dose of Schenck's Mandrake Pills If you feel melancholy. Ta*k Schenck's Mandrake Pills If you have been drinking too much. Ta** Schenck's Mandrake Pills If yon want to get up early in the morning. Tai* Schenck's Mandrake PUls If yon feel dull and heavy. Ta** Schenck's Mandrake Pills If your ftomach Is out of order. Tak* schenck's Mandrake Pills If you are troubled with water brash. Tak* Schenck's Mandrake PUls If you have the Jaundice. Ta** Schenck's Mandrake PUls if you are tsoubled with duU headache. Ta** Schenck's Mandrake PUls If you have pain in the breast. take ScheneU'e Mandrake Pllla If you have palpitation of the heart. Take Kehenrk'a Mandrake Pills If you have bods or ulcers. Take Itrheiirk's Naudrake Pills If you have pain across the loins. Take NrhPiu k'a .Uandrake Pllla il you have the gravel. Take Krtienck'n Mandrake Pllla If you want to regulate your bowels. Take Nehenck's Mandrake Pllla if you have liver complaints. Take Schenck's Mandrake Fills If you are bilious. Take Sctienrk'a Mandrake Pills If you want your liver thoroughly cleansed. Take a dose of Schenck's Mandrake Pills if you feel dizzy-headed. Take Kcheuck's Mandrake Pills If you waut your stomach to make good blood. Take Nrhenek's~ Mandrake Pills If yifu get to talkiug and forget what you are talking about. Kctienrk's Mandrake Pills are pre pared ouly ly DR. J. U. ScHHNOk A Son, Phila delphia. Pa., aud sold by Druggists everywhere. Price, tweuty-flve cents per box. DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS Do not produce sickness at the stomach, nausea or griping. On the contrary, they are ao mUd and agreeable In their action that a person suffering with sick headache, sour stomach, or pain In the bowels, Is speedily relieved of these distressing symptoms. They act directly on the liver, the orgau which, when in a healthy condition, purifies the blood for the whole body. In all cases of Liver Complaint or Dyspepsia, when there is great weakness or debility, l>r. Schenck's Seaweed Tunic should be used in connection with these Pills. DR, SCHENCK'S MEDICINES: MANDRAKE PILLS, SEAWEED TONIC, - PULMONIC SYRUP Are'sold by all Druggists, and full directions for their use are printed on the wrappers of every package. His Book on Consumption, Liver Com plaint and Dyspepsia, is seut free to all, post paid. Address Dr. J. H. Schenck A Son, Philadelphia, Pa. tn perdayat Home. Sample worth IU V Vss free C }j reaa STISONSON A Co. Portland, Maine. 29 Those aitaweriou an Advertisement will confer a favor upon The Advertiser aud the Publisher by stating that they saw the adver tisemeut In this Journal, naming the paper.