Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, February 08, 1883, Image 4

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A GOOD WXKDRR, —Get your blacksmith
to cut out a piece of piece of plow steel o
inches wide and six inches long for the
blade. By drilling two holes in the centre
he can fasten on the shank for the handle,
which should be forked and provided with
a socket for the insertion of the handle,
tfnd should lie set at an angle of forty-five
degrees to the plane of the blade. The 2
long edges should De drawn thin and shar
pened. You have uow one of the most
effective weediug hoes ever invented, and
it is not patented. It has a double edge,
and CAn be worked equally well by pulling
or pushing. It passes along just under or
ou the surface and effectually cuts off eve
ry weed between the young plants in the
row without too much disturbance of the
suiface. It is not intended as a cultivator
of course, but as a vreeder is hard to beat,
CTTTING THE CULL®, —Milch cowe arc
greatly benefitted ami will increase ami
'.uuintaiu the flew of milk if fed upon the
little potatoes, Irish or sweet, which are
left over from the crop, and are too small
to sell or use at home. But they should l e
cut fine. A good plan is to have a trough
or sleut box in which, after washing, the
potatoes can be cut with a commou spade;
but a better plau is to take au old spade or
hoe or tire shovel, and by attachiug a stout
short handle, provide au implement ex
pressly for the purpose and save the wear
and tear and rust of the spade.
As a general thing, says a sensible wri
ter, all of our farm tools are too heavy.
Generally speaking, the farm wagon that
will bear up under a ton weight with ease
is plenty heavy enough for all practical
purposes to which a farm wagon should l>e
put. If you want to haul two tons it is
far better and cheaper in the end to make
two loads of it. The saving m horse flesh
and feed, will, in a few years, amouut to
enough to buy a new cue and have some
thing left tor profit. if you are alwut or
dering a new* wagon have it made light
and of the best material and you will nev
er regret it
C. 11. JOHNSON talis the Fruit Grower
that by going carefully over his grounds
several times each season and removing
and burning all plants showing raspberry
rust he has succeeded to such an extent
that no more than half a dozen cases ot
the disease appeared last year in the whole
of his three acres devoted to this frnit,
while another crower at some distance,
"lost alncst his entire stock without
knowing the cause.
A HAY HOOK.—A very convenient little
article is my hay hook, made from the
stem of a young iree cut t ff about four in
ches below its junctuie with a short branch
the branch out off about the same distance
from the stem, both sharpei ed to a round
ing pint, and tne upper part of the stem
for a handle about Phree feet in length.
This is a proper implement for pulling hay
out of th 2 stack or mow.
AMi KG raspberries, the Turner is a ram
pant grower and needs severe pruning.
Cregg staads in the frout rank of black
caps. It needs a strong, loamy soii. Ke
iiance is aa excel ent berry tor canning
and home use. nanseil iaa red berry,anu
noted for its hardness, earhness, and sol
idity. Brandywine is a lirst-cl ss market
WHILE there are grapes of finer quality
than the Concord, there is none that it
more commonly grown for general use.
But a vineyard is not complete withoui
the Utile Deiaware, the Catawba, Clinton
and others, such as the Prentiss, Pockiing
tou, W orden and Lady Washington. Nearly
every vine grower has his favorite variety,
one specially adapted to his soil, locality,
and general surroundings.
ALMOST simultaneously fiom lowa City,
la., and from Stillwater, Aiiun., comet
news of disease among the hogs. ThougL
called hog cholera in the first case, physi
cians who have examined the animals after
deaih declare it to lie a new disease. Corre
spondents in vicinity of these places will
oblige us by advisiDg us ot such particular*-
as they can learn in regard to it.
HOUSE plants cannot flourish without
much ©are in Winter; and insects are es
pecially to be looked after. Tobacco tea
kills the green fly; white hellebore tne
mealy bug, and red pepper is "good ' foi
almost all insects.
THOUK who live in the country n<cd to
give their cellars special attention just
now. Disease lurks in the decayiug veg
etables, if such there be, See that the
cellar has good ventilation somewhere else
than through the cellar door and stairway.
ONIONS must not be allowed to freeze
and thaw alternately Through the Winter;
as this is injurious tc them. (Spread them
on the barn floor, where the quantity it
large, and cover with hay or straw. Or
they may be kept in barrels headed up and
put in a cold place.
PROFESSOR REAL recommends to p°ck
celery and other vegetables in damp moss
for keeping through winter. It is said
that vegetables thus paefced will not onl)
keep a long time but reiaih their flavor and
quality so well that they ZHD hardly be dis
tinguished from fresh ones.
THE water courses carry millions of tons
of fertilizing material to the rea. The Nile
alone pours over a thousand tons of nitrate
into the Mediterranean each twenty-fonr
hours. The loss annually is greater, the re
fore, than that contained in the guano de
posits, whea we consider the entire surface
of the earth.
THE thoroughbred horse is large in size,
often reaching sixteen hands in lieight-
Tbough not as heavy-limbed as the Ciydes
dale or Percheron they are more muscular
m proportion to their bones, which are
very fine, and, comparing their euduiance,
activity and speed with the larger breeds,
are not inferior to them in any respect for
farm purposes.
A FEEDING BOX. —A handy substitute
for a basket, in winch to carry corn, vege
tables, etc., from the house or crib to the
stables, is a stout box eighteen inches
square and ten incLes deep, with a handle
ot hickory bent and fastened to the sides
with screws. It will last a lifetime, and
can be made to any exact measure.
THEKE is considerable advantage realiz
ed in turning off youDg animals as young
as possible after getting a good growth, as
it requires less capital in conducting the
business of breeding and feeding, and the
risks of accidents, diseases and all other
things are much lessened.
INK can be entirely taken out ot white
goods with milk, if the mitk be applied
the moment alter the spillißg ot the ink.
FEED all the sweet apples that are not
marketable to the pigs and horses. I'hey
are healthful and especially relished by
those animals.
HINTS FOR -WOMEN, —Tho fsoo anon
cold and winds is upon us. Those ewra
on the farms are more or less exposed
to the inclemencies of the season.
Whether wife or daughter you do not
entirely belong to yourself. Your prec
ious health and lives aro important to
you aud to those dependent on you.
Exposure on "blue Monday," getting
through with the family washing, ex
poses the wife or daughter to many
jnrils. Over the hot suds and in prob
ably a hot room, with sleeves rolled up,
the wood, the water or the "clothes line
are out in the cold, where the bleak
winds pierce the very marrow, lu the
hurry one is tempted to go bareheaded,
with bare arms, and thinly clad to the
wood shed or probably the wood pile
buried 111 the snow, or the well or pniuip
at the corner of the house whore the
fierce winds cut to the heart. Detained
longer than anticipated, severe colds are
contracted, which aro neglected uutil
pulmonary troubh • ensue, followed by
consumption and death. Will not you
who are so valuable to husband, child
ren, father and brothers—and who have
such sanguine hopes of a Jong life of
happiness—take care of yourself? If
compelled to go from a hot room and
steaming suds, put on a shaw 1 , eli>so and
comfortable; some protection to the
head; roll down the sleeves, and put ou
over-shoes. You eau, too, make your
self a cheap but comfortable pair of
cloth mittens in which to hang out or
bring in clothes, wood, or perform any
other outdoor chore, which even the
best and most delicate women are ealied
on to perform. But take care of your
selves. Your health and lite are mere
valuable to your friends than stoek,
houses or lands.
TUKXEY SOUP. —For four quarts of
soup use the carcass of a cold roast tur
key; cut all the meat from the bones
and reserve it; break up the bones aud
put them into a saucepan with any skin,
lorce-meat aud gravy which may be on
hand—the bones which may have been
served at the table should be saved for
this soup; add to the bones four quarts
of water, a large white turnip aud a
medium-size carrot peeled, an onion
peeled and stuck with a doeen whole
cloves, a blade of mace, a sprig of thyme
or sweet marjoram, a stalk of celery, a
tablespoonful of salt and two table
spooutuls of tomato catsup or any good
table sauce. Let all those ingredients
boil slowly together for an hour, keep
ing the saucepan closely covered.
Then straiu the soup, season it highly
with salt and pepper, put into it the bits
of turkey meat and half a cupful of rice,
picked over and washed, and boil the
soup until the rice is just tender, which
will bo in about twenty minutes; then
serve the soup hot.
pare the scallops as directed in the recipe
ior Fried Scallops with Salt Pork; have
ready the frying-kettle half full of smok
iug-hot fat; beat two eggs smoothly,
,but not to a froth; put plenty of fine
silted bread-crumbs or cracker dust in
a large dish; roll the scallops first in the
crumbs, then dip them one by one in
the egg, taking care not to wash off the
crumbs, and letting the egg drain off
them; roll them again in the crumbs,
and fry them in smoking-hot fat; when
the scallops are brown take thorn up
with the skimmer, lay them for a mo
ment on brown paper to free them from
fat, and then serve them hot, with
sliced lemon, water-cresses, or fried
parsley. Remember in breadnlg the
scallops to dip only one hand in the
beaten egg, and keep tho other dry to
roll the scallops about in the crumbs or
cracker dust.
Follow the general directions for wash
ing and drying the scallops. While
they are being dried put over the tire a
frying-kettle hall full of fat, and let it
get smoking hot; then quickly roll the
scallops in Inaian meal, seasoned with
salt and pepper; drop them into the
hot fat and fry them a light brown; as
soon as they are brown take theui up
with a skimmer, lay tlicm for a moment
on brown paper, to free them from fat,
and then serve them hot. Slices 01
lemon served with the scallops greatly
improve the flavor and appearance ot
the dish. If water-cresses are in season,
they may replace the lemon.
FRIED PARSLEY.— Choose full stalks
of parsley, carefully remove all imper
fect or decayed leaves, wash it well in
plenty of salted cold water, and npread
it on a clean towel to dry. When it is
quite free Irom water, gather the stalks
in the right hand, and quickly dip the
leaves into smoking-hot fat lor a mo
meut to crisp them. If the parsley is
put into the fat with any moisture on
it a cloud of steam will arise, and there
will be great danger of burning the
hand seriously; but if it is carefully
dried the operation can be informed
with perfect safety.
HERE IS a recipe for making coffee
(uot German;: Grind two gills of roas
ted Rio coffee as fine as possible. Put
into a common tin coffee-pot. Add two
tin-cupfuls of cold water and set on the
back part of the stove and let it oome
to a boil gradually. When a' the boil
ing point set off' and serve. It requires
no addition to settle it, as it is beauti
fully clear. The above quantity will
make six medium cupfuls of No.'l cof
fee, good enough tor any man, and very
easily made. Try it.
SSPONOB ROIL. —Two eggs beaten very
light, 1 teacupful of light brown or
wnite sugar, 3 teaepoonluls of sweet
cream, 1 heaping teaspoonful of baking
powder thoroughly mixed with 1 tea
cupful of flour. Stir all together till
very light, bake in a quick oven, have
a napkin ready spread with sugar, turn
out on the napkin, spread with any kind
of jelly, jam or applebutter. Roil up
while hot and cover with a napkin until
cold before cutting.
A TEMPTING DISH,— A nice dish for
the supper of a convalescent is made by
toasting two thin slices of bread; flatten
and soften the crust by pounding it a
little; butter the toast while hot, put
one slice on a warm plate and spread
over it a thin layer of cooked chicken,
chopped or cut in small bits; season
with pepper and salt, add a soft-boiled
egg, then lay the other slice of toast
o; er it.
the pigeons, put them over the lire with
fat pork and butter, let tliem brown
slowly, add small green peas, and sea
son them with but little salt and pepper.
Wet a very little flour with some broth
or soup, pouring it over the birds and
stewing them until tender.
Do not put soap in the water with
which you wash the glass on your bu
reau; wash it with clear water with a
soft cloth; then polish it with a piece
of chamois skm. This removes lint and
makes the glass shine.
Snotn.D hire a hall: "Justice, .your
Houor!" exclaimed a legal comet in one
of bis eccentric perorations, "is not like
the tabulated Briareus of old, whose
were as multiplical HB the sands of the
sea, nor yet like the famed Cyclops,
whose vision perforated only the arena
of coming futurity, but, like the spor
tive demonstration of 'blind man's bluff,'
she pursues her way unseeing and un
seen, holding the steelyards thai weigh
with coeval vieissltude the carats of
gold ami the carrot* of liorticul ture and
knowing no North, no South, noEEastt t
no West 1" _____
[Now Haven (Conn.) t'nlon.
llow a Lawyer Tratit tho case.
1, David Blrouse, of ixew Haven, Con
necticut, was attacked witu a severe rheu
matism in my right arm, hand and foot,
so that I walked with difficulty and could
hardly use my hand to eat with, i used
one bottle St. Jacob's Oil, rubbing well
three tunes a day, and obtained instant re
lief and a perfect cure.
DAVID STKOCSK, Attorney at-Laxv.
"LEMMT. toll yer," exclaimed old Na
than, arising at an educational meeting
and addressing the assemblage, "dar
ain't half as much in eddy cat ion as a
man in a moment ol> 'thusiasm mought
promulgate. I raised two town sons.
Jim went tor school an' got a goi d od
dycation, but Tom stayed at homo au'
neber looked inter a l>iH>k, but yil he
made a quicker show in' dan Jim."
"How V" asked a chorus of voices.
"Why, lie boat him iufcer do peniten
tiary by two days," exclaimed the old
man as he sat down with the air of out*
who feels that the weight of evideuce
is in his favor.
%*"Ho that is discontented in one
p'ace will seldom be happy in another."
People are constantly changing their
homes from East to West and from North
to South or vice x'crt>a, in search or a
healthy State. If they would learn to be
contented, and to use the celebrated Kid
ney-Wort when sick, they would be much
better off. The whole system can be kept
in a healthy state by this simple but effec
tual remedy.
fifcaTFor five cents. Wells, Richardson
& Co , Burlington, Vu, will send ooloied
samples of all colors of Diamond Dyes,
with directions.
A HUNTER tired at a bird as it flew
over the door yard of an Arkausaw rcs
deuce. A boy that was playing around
was struck by a couple of shot and liis
loud cries brought the farmer to the
"What have you done?" he deman
ded of tho hunter. "In my eagerness
to secure the bird I fired thoughtlessly,
and I fear that I have seriously woun
ded your son."
"Son," said the old man, "I thought
that you had hit my dog. Mind how
you shoot around here, for if you put a
shot into that dog I'll cut off your ears."
lirlillit'* Dlutie'es, Ktouev, Liver
or Utiimry Diieanoi.
Have no fear of any of these diseases if
you use Hop Bitters, as they will prevent
and cure the worst cases, eveu when you
have been made worse by some great
puffed up pretended cure.
AN Austin young mau had been bor
ing a young lady with his attentions for
some time past, although on various
and sundry occasions she had given him
to understand that iie was distasteful to
her. A few evenings ago he assured
her that lie was anxious to fulfil iier
every wish.
"Is it really a fact that you will do
whatever I ask of you? '
"Your slightest wish is law. Com
mand me ami 1 shall obey."
"Well, then, I wish you would see il
you can induce mv mother to marry
you. She is a widow, and is not as par
ticular about whom she marries as I am.
A Splendid Kemedy tur Lnus DtHeaiea.
Dr. Robt. Newton, late President of the
Eclectic College of the City of New York,
and formerly of Cincinnati, Ohio, used
Dr. Wm, Hall's Balsam very extensively
in his practice, as many of his patients,
now living, and restored to health by the
use of this invaluable medicine, can amply
testify. He always said that so good a
remedy ought not to be considered merely
as a patent medicine, but that it ought to
be prescribed freely by every physician as
a sovereign remedy in all cases of Lung
diseases, it is a sure cure for consump
tion, and has no equal for all pectoral com
KelliuKer'B Liniment
Applied to the head relieves headache,
aud prevents the hair from falling out,
A HAPPY family: "1 suppose," said
the mau in the easy-chair, "that my
wife aud I are the most contented cou
ple you ever saw. Wo never quarrel
about auythiug. She is always williug
to get up iu the mornmg aud build the
tire, and I am always perfectly willing
to let her."
ConimiiipUoii Cured.
An oltl physician, retired from practice,
having hud placed in his hands by an
East India missionary the formula of a
simple vegetable remedy for the speedy
and permanent cure of Consumption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat
and Lung Affections, also a positive and
radical cure for Nervous Debility and all
Nervous Complaints, after having tested
its wonder!ul curative powers iu thousands
of eases, has felt it his duty to make it
known to his suffering fellows. Actuated
by this motive and a desire to relieve hu
man suffering, I will send free of charge,
to all who desire it, this reeeipe, in Ger
uiau, French or English, with full direc
tions tor preparing and using. Sent by
mail by addressing with stamp, naming
this paper, W. A. Noyes, 14y Power's
Block. Rochester, JV. Y.
CALVES given more rope: A country
man sowing his ground, two smart fel
lows riding that way, one of them called
to him with an insolent air. "Well,
honest fellow," said he, "tis your busi
ness to sow, but wo reap the fruits
of your labor;" to which the country
man replied, "Tis very like you may,
for I am sowing hemp."
Allen's Ilratn Food.
Cures Nervous Debility and Weakness
of Generative Organs, $1 all druggists,
Send for circular. Allen's Pharmacy, 313
First av. N. Y.
A BIT about beauty: "Well, she isn't
my style of beauty." was the contemp
tuous remark of the lady with the snub
nose. "So I perceive," said Mr. J3luut.
As there was no chance for an argument
the subject was dropped instauter.
Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer is tba
marvel of the age for all nerve diseases. All
fits stopped rree. Send to 931 Arch Street'
Philadelphia, Pa.
MADE himself comfortable: The man
who "couldn't stand it any longer" lias
taken a seat and now fee's quite coinfor
fcai le,
50 Cents a Package.
Prostrated from Weakness.
fUI.TIMiiRK, Md., -10 Tie 5. IS7.
Mr. Sterent: .sir—l can testify totlie good
effects or your mnticine. For Beveral Tears 1 wan
afflicted with a acveru couch and weak HUSH, and
was perfectly prostrated; out after taking lliree
boitlcs of your VEOETINE, uiade from the /'dio
de-, l wai entirely relieved.
Very respectfully,
Mia. M. E. STREET, 51 Ulliuore St
One Package in Powder Form
Cured 'Scrofula.
flow to Reduce Your Doctors' Bills.
EAST BOSTON, \ltat., SEPT 80, LHTTF. |
Mr. R. 11. Strtm*: Ikutr sir —Mv little daughter
Stella has lieru afflicted a long time with scruf'uht,
au If crlug every till ng. 1 employed different pliy
aielaua in East Boston, but limy helped her none.
1 bought some of your hnedrr Form Vigeline
uud my wife steeped it and gave It lo the child ac
cording to the directions, ami we w> re surprised
In a fortnight's time to see how Die child had
gained lu tlesli and strength. She Is now gaining
every day, and 1 can cheerfully recommend your
remedy to be the best we have ever tried.
Resi>ectfully yours, J.T. WEBB.
Vegetine in Anrder Form la sold by all drug
gists and general stores. If you cannot buy It of
them, enclose fifty cents In postage stamps for one
package, or one dollar for two packages, and 1
will scud It by return mall.
Vegetine is Sold by All Druggist?.
®MTTEff s
Ilostottor's StomiK'h Bitters give steadiness to ttia
nerves, induces a healthy, natural flow of bile,
prevent constipation without unduly purging the
bowels, gently stimulates the circulation, ami by
promoting a vigorous condition of the physical
svatem, promotes, also, that cheerfulness which is
the truest indication of a well-balanced condition
of all the annual powers.
For sale by al Druggists and Dealers generally.
c The SUREST CURE for ©
Docaalaito back er disordered urine indi- ®
® cat* that you aro a victim P THEN DO NOT
C HESITATE; use Kidney-Wort at once, (drug- a
5 gista recommend it)and it will speedily ivcx-
cocao tlie disease and restore healthy action. ©j
e 1 o ifi C i '' or cons plaints peculiar >j
xi IBU V* t VOa to your BOX, such as pain _i
andweakneases, Kidney-Wort is imaun>a6fced. |
as it will act promptly and safely* fu
EithcrScx. Inoontinence, retention of urine, ©j
2 briokduat or ropy deposits, and dull dragging C 1
v pains, all speedily yield to ita curalive power. H
Hop Hillrr* arc tlie Piiml and KCNI
111 *t r4 Ivor Made,
They are compounded from Hops, Malt, Buchu,
Mandrake and Dandelion,—the oldest, best, and
most valuable medicines in the world ami contain
all the best and most curative properties of all
other remedies being the greatest Blood Purifier,
Liver Regulator, and Life and Health Restoring
Agent on earth. No disease or ill hea th can pos
it, hly long exist where these Bitters are used, so
varied and perfect are their operations.
They give new life and vigor to the aged and in
firm. To all who*e employments cause irregu
larity of the bowels or urinary orgaus, or who re
quire an Apetizer, Tonic und'uilld stimulant, Hop
Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic
and stiuitdating, without intoxicating.
No matter what your feelings or symptoms are,
wiiat the disease or ailment is, use Hop Itinera.
Don't wait until yoti are sick, but if you only feel
bad or miserable, use Hop Bitters at once, it may
save your life, llundieds have been saved by so
doing, font) will be paid for a case they will not
cure or help.
l)o not suirer or let your friends sutler, but use
and urge them to use Hop Bitters.
Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile, drugged,
drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medi
cine ever made; the "Invalid s Friend and Ilopc,"
and no person or family should oe without tnem.
Try the Bitters to-day.
M'lrivlous Cures.
.etc. IN FALLIBLE if taken
■as directed. A'" Fits nftrr firstday's we. 'i'reatise k
■ $2 trial bottle trots to Fit Cases.tiiey pavtntr express
mi box,when received. Send names, P.O.mid
nddross of afltieted to PH.KLINE.IGI Arcb
■B St.. Phi lad a ,I'*. .See Drut/uid lit uarc yf frauds.
When 1 say cure 1 rto not mean merely to at on them
for a time and then have thum return again, I mean
a rudieal cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPI
LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study.
I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Be
cause othsrs have failed is uo reason for not now re
ceiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free
Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express and
postoffice. IT costs yon nothing for a trial, and I will
cure you. Address Dr. H. G. HOOT. IK3 Pearl St, N. Y.
m A WEEK. $42 a day at home easily made. Costly
outfit free. Address THUE& Co., Augusta, Me
1 have a positive remedy fur the above disease; bylta
nse thousands of ens ia of the worst kind and of long
standing have been Indeed, so strong is niv faith
in Its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, to
gether with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease, to
any BUlforer. Hive Express and P. O. address.
JDK. V A. SLO'"'U. 1W Pearl St.. New Tor 1 "
i H~n"7i77~ THIS HEW
Has A PAD differing from at 1 other*,
FJ' H cup shape, with Self-Adjusting
BALL in center, adapts! tself to all
©FSENSIBLE A petitions of the body, while tha
VJ TDILCE B Balhn the cup pressea back the
|GJH NTF IKUAS JB iuteKtlcoeJnstaaaparsonwould
JY with the Flager. With light
" pressure the Hernia U held securely
lay and night, and a radical cure certain, hit easy, durable
TBD cheap. Sent by mail. Circulars free.
IT wnr 2a. m, when Mr. Giuiiery
tumbled aerosx the threshold of bis
wife's bedroom, and without making
any effort to rise, lay there, conducting
an animated nrgument with himself on
ihe subject of reducing taxation. Mrs.
Ginnery was a woman of few words, but
her methods were prompt and decisive.
She got out of bed and removed the
wash pitcher from the basin and dashed
the contents over Mr. Ginnery. Then
ho arose slowly to his feet, and dripping
at every extremity, observed with a
most solemn and impressive air:
"Yesh, Mrs. Giu'ry; we muaht take
the tax oil whisky (hie) an' put Vr on
It takes over one hundred pairs of gloves
to assuage the grief of the Brooklyn of
ficials over the death of an alderman,
whose life might have been saved by a
unglc bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
1 IME to go: One evening last week a
couple of Chicago thugs stopped a man
at the lower end of Hundolph street and
asked hint the time. "Just strike a
light, will you," said the man, "and I'll
look and see." When the mutch illum
inated the gloom, the man was revealed
witii his watch in una hand and a wicked
revolver lying across the face of it. "It's
now 10.31), and you fellows have only
get a second anil a half to light out of
this before she strikes," said the man
sternly. They "lit."
%*"Men often mistake notoriety for
fame,'' bu' they never mistake Kidney
Wort for any quack medicine, Kidney-
Wort is universally recognized as a stand
ard remedy for all diseases of the liver,
bowels and kidneys.
flay Diamond Dyes will color anything
any color, and never fail. T tie easiest
and best way to economize. 10 cents, at
all druggists.
DEAR little Reginald: '.lames, dear,
Reginald desires a new sled. 1 think
yoo had better get him one," "What's
a sled good for to him ? You've brought
him up to stay in the house and look
pretty. He wouldn't know what to do
with one." "Oh, 1 dou't mean one of
those great big out door sleds. I mean
a little house sled that lie can play with
in the front ball, dear, just to get him
accustomed to the idea, you know."
Lots of little Reginalds are being culti
vated indoors and they will either go to
early graves or grow be flats.
If You are Ruined.
in health from any cause, especially from
the use of auy of the thousand nostrums
that promise so largely, with long ficti
tious testimonials, have no fear. Resort
to Hop Hitters at orce, and in a short
tune you will have the most robust and
bloom iug health _
A CROCODILE outdone: A crocodile
stole u baby once in the days when ani
mals could talk and was abont to make
a dinner of it. The poor mother
begged piteously for her child. "Tell
me one truth," said the crocodile, "aud
yon shall have your baby agaiu." The
grief-stricken mother thought for A mo
ment. and then Buid, between her sobs:
"I shall buy a new bonnet next spring."
"Take tiie baby," said the alligator,
clubbing himself as he spoke, "I am not
Hy enough for yon."
Pimples and Humors on the Face.—ln
this condition of the skin, the Vegetine is
the great remedy, as it acta directly upon
the cause. It cleames aud purifies the
blood, thereby causing humors of all Itiuds
to disappear.
FAT'S remark ~ about Mrs. Langtry:
"An' s that is the picture of Mrs, Lang
try," remarked Patrick, looking in at a
shop window, "Faith, an' Oi can see
twenty purtier women ivery day on
Washington shtreet wul me oyes shut."
Carboline, a natural hair restorer and
dressing, as now improved and perfected,
it pronounced by competent nut horny to
be the best article ever invented to restore
tlie vitality of youth to diseased and faded
j hair. Try it. Hold by all druggists.
FLOATING expenses: Jones calls his
last summer's yachting ex pensos—which
he hasn't paid—his "floating debt,"
Fie intends t<> reduce it as SOOT as he
has any quick assets —that is, as quick
as it's possible.
*lt is impossible to disguise the fact that
the Vegetable Compound, prepared under
the personal direc ion of Mrs. Lydia E.
Fink ham. with the superior science hnd
art of modem pharmacy, is the most suc
cessful medicine for female diseases known.
ANSWER to a correspondent: "A man
writes t® an editor for four dollars "be
cause ho is so terribly short," and gets
in reply the heartless response: "Do as
I do; stand ou a chair."
For dyspepsia, indigestion, depression
of spirits aud goueral debility, in their va
rious forms; also as a preventive against
fever aud ague aud other intermittent
fevers, the "Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of
Calisaya,' made by Caswell, Hazard & Co,
New York, sold by all Druggists, is the
best tonic; aud for patients recovering
from fever or other sickness, it has no
A MAN'S curiosity never reaches the
female standard until some one tells
him that his uame was in yesterday's
Correct your habits of crooked walking
by using Lyon's Patent Metallic Heel
HOOK once said of a bald man: He
used to cut his hair, but now his hair
cuts him."
"Rough on Rats." Clears out rats, mice
tles, roaches, ants, veronn. 15c.
ntes, lebtkssnesß, worms. Tasteless. 25c.
Two tablespoonfuls of sweet cream
whipped, one of sugar aud four of vine
gar; beat well and pour over cabbage
previously cut very line and seasoned
with salt.
Oluls oilers tin-surent meansof making regular monthly
proflts Irom invest me :>b>ot'*lO to fitm or inure dealing in
Eat li member gets the lienetit of combined canitnl ol the
Club. Reports sent weekly. IHvidends paid monthly.
Club 13 paid shareholders back ibeir money in profits in
past three months, still leaviug original amount making
money in Club, or returned on demand: Shares, flOeaeh.
Explanatory circulars sent free. Reliable correspondents
•vauted everywhere. Address R. K. KENDALL & Co.,
Lotn'n Mehts.. 177 &E9 La Salle St. CHICAGO. 111.
2# 7
A Sure Cure tor Epilepsy or Jf'its m 34 Hours. i"ree to
poor. DB. KRUKE. 3344 Arsenal St., St. Louis, Mo
Those answering an advertisement
will confer a favor upon the atver>
tlxer and tlie publisher by stating
tbat they saw the advertlseiuent ul
this lourual, (uamlng paper).
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache,
Mora Tlironl. NH el I lng, Niiraln*. Urate**
11 it rue, Nt nltl*. t roet MH**,
Bold liy Oiu(gUt>nd D**lr everywhere. Fifty Ceuw* betlli
Dln-etlou, lu 11 I.AlKSutlte*.
(BueoMooit to A VoOKUCR ACO ) lUlllmor.<, MA, l. S. A
5 "
i !
N \ ¥~ v w *
"S I flSf v MS* * o
| y^'rvtzsj/rts /c" ±j
*■ !
Is ft Positive Cure
for*ll (boae Painful CompUtm* and WruknrMCl
.oi uinmuii toeurbent IViiiult populatlun,
it will cure entirety ttie worst form of Female coin
plainu. ill ovarian troubles, Intlammation end Ulcer*
tlon. Falling end Displacement*, end the- consequent
bpiiuil Weakness, and is particularly adapted to Uio
change of Life.
It M ill dissolve end expel tumors frofli the uterus In
an early stage of development. The tendency to can
cerous hnntora there ia*hccked very speedily by its use.
It remove* faintnt*s, flatulent >, uif troys all craving
for stimulants, ami r< In vt s w> akruns ol the stomach.
It cures Bloating, H--a !wl.i- t Nervous Prostration,
General Debility, Bloeplebsne.vs, Depression and Indi
That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight
end backache, 1* olwavn j-eimanently cured by its use.
It will at all times ana undi r all circumstances act in
harmony with the lews hat govern the female system.
For the cut e of Kiln-, y Complaints of either sex this
Compound is unsurpassed.
-I'OIX II is prepared at 23d and 535 Western Avenue,
Lynn, Mew. I'rice sl. six t otil. s for Sent by mail
in the foru, of piiLs, also in the form of lozenges, on
receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. l'inktuun
freely answers ell 1< tt r of inquiry. B< nd for pamph
let. Address as above. Mention thi* paper.
Ko family shouli. he wit hout LYDIA E. PINK HAM'S
LIVKK PILLS. Tin t euro coii.-tisiatiou, biliousness
and torpidity of the liver. Si cents jut box.
ID ull Driwisiii. *4l
FOB. 2
_ A* it is for all the painful diseases of the xj
a It cleanses the eystem of the acrid, poison
39 that eauaos tho dreadful s-Offering which ©
© only the victims of Rheumatism can realise. *
£ of the worst forma of this terrible disease •
ts have been quickly relieved, and in abort time "
< 11 I'ry can be st nt bv maiL 3
WELLS, RICHARDSONA; Co., Burlington Vt.
A S Wln of Homily Is Jay PoreTtA
Oriental Cream, or Magical Beaatifisr.
-- fltltTTt'lii. Removes Ta*
F r ec'St 1 e •
"-■> Moth-patchaa
Rsl' distimrulsbed
Dr. L. A. Sayre. said to a lady of the HAFT TON (a pa
tient:)—"As vou ladies will use them. I recommend
•Qouraud's Cream' as the least harmful oi all the skin
preparations." One bottle will last six months, usi t?
ft every day. Also Poudre Subtile n moves auperfiu
ou hair without miiirv to the skin,
hi ME M It. T. OOrKACD, Sole Prop.,4S Bondst.N.Y.
For sale by all drmr.nsts and Fancy Goods I>ea'ers
throughout the IT. S., Canada* and Europe. K
ware of base imitations. igl.UUd Reward for arrest and
proof of any one selling the same.
RIIPTIIRF -.isrsii
nur 1 lib kumbMDr*i bj 111 trr*am*u% ot
sh#tild st un Mshrsos ifcia rsrt •ppoftumity sad profit ¥▼ lbs Ansa* fadff
fuwU i. . ufc rf k<t iat' smsm-i •'* u u.
Sf Bl>. Ml t( th. .Ml ™Mhll Ul IMIMMt I rfbrJ.
• HAT**. Kin oilc* Ml Are* *•'■ PMUSeipWa, AArtM bM
|, T j i— r tut tasuMosiiia f prrry oursd sa4 Srssdi ANA
If yon are a sufferer with thl* terrible disease, yon can
learn something to yonr interest by reading onr new
pamphlet, which gives full particulars as to the cause oi
Rheumatism and Neuralgia, and the manner oftreatmen
required to effect a permanent cure Do not fall to reaJ
It. gent free on application. Address
Rheumatic SvruD Co. Rochaata*. *. Y
a week In yonr own town. Terms and $5 outfit
J > VU Address li IIALI.ETT A Co., Portland,Me
"JIIKU RICHARD*' BOY." 20 a day easily sold
We want an Aireut in every town. Send for circulars,
terms, and agei cy to Anierlcnn Pnbllaliiiiff
Co., Hartford, Boston. Chicago, Ciueiiinati, or St,
Louis. W. 11. THOMPSON. Plslln.. Pse.
1I ll 111 Young men wanted. Sand 3c. stamp tor
I tftft J samples oi my alphabets. J. W. Beighman,
Fagle River, Mich.
O Pool's Signal Service Barometer
It trill detect and indioate correctiy any change in the weather 12 to 48hours
in advance. It will tell what kind of storm is approaching, and from what
direction— invaluable to navigator*). Farmer*) can plan their work
according to its predictions. Saves 50 times Its cost in a single season.
Has nn accurate thermometer attached, which alone is worth the price of the
combination. This great WEATHIiII INDICATOR is endorsed by the
most, eminent Physicians, Professors DECT 111 TUC HfflDl fl I
and Scientific men of the day to be the uLdl.lH I N U WUnLU !
The Thermometer und Barometer are put in a nicely finished walnut frame,
with silver plated trimmings, etc., making it a beautiful as well as useful or
nament. We will send you a sample one, delivered free, to your place, in go<d
order, on receipt of Jgi 1. or six for js4. Agents are making from $5 to S2O
daily selling them. A trial will convince you. Order at once. It sells at
SIGHT. Just the thing to sell to fanners, merchants, etc. Invaluable to
everybody. U. S. Postage Stamps taken if in good order, but money pre
ferred. Agent*) wanted everywhere. Send for Circular and terms.
Address all orders to OSWEGO THERMOMETER WORKS,
(LaraeSt establishment of the kind in the icor/(i)Oswego. Oswego Co.,
N. \ . Werefor to the Mayor, Postmaster, County Clerk, First and Second
National Banks, or any business house in Oswego, N. Y.
Write your Post Office, County and State plainly, and remit by money
order, draft on Sew York or registered letter, at our risk.
This will make a Beautiful and Very Useful Present.
I find Pool's Barometer works as well as one that costs SSO. Ton can rely
on it every time, Capt, CHAS. B. ROGERS, Ship "Twilight," San Francisco.
Barometer received in good order, and must say that the instrument gives
perfect satisfaction in every respect. It is neatly made and wonderfully cheap
at two dollars. GEO. B. PARSONS, M. C. R. R., Office, Detroit, Mich.
Pool's Barometer has already saved me many times its cost, in foretelling
the weather. It is a wonderful curiosity and works tojierfection.
F. J. ROBERTSON, Milwaukee, Wis.
without our Trade Mark, and signature of J. A. POOL on the baek of instru
Every Instrument warranted Perfect and Reliable.
31-4 wide. If not satisfied on receiving the instrument, return it at once and
we will refund i our money. Please state where you saw our advertisement.
*My porceliln-llned ftimpt ir* miftuftctured
sndsr I !cßme,and buysri are guaranteed against
any and all claims from the Company holding the
patent. Don't fail to muke a not* of
this point. ■ ,
myjMv.m \ % 3K3KS m
Carefully made ALL
of { \
Best Selected \ *ii \ Valuable
Timber. \ l' n P rovament *-
The BLATCHLEY PUMPS are for Aale by the
best houses la the trade.
Name ef my nearest agent will he furnished oa
application te
C. Q. BLATCHI EY, Manufacturer,
Philadelphia, Pa. II years' experience. (KsUlv
Uihed for treatment wttti purely vegetable medi
cine*.) Dr. Lobb'a long experience in the treat
ment of diseases enables him to guarantee a cure
In all cases. Consultation free and atrlctly con-
UdentiaL Call in per*on or by letter. Olßce
hours: 11 to 5 and 7ho 10 evening.
OertS Coßoaaayvfon, Cold*, Pseeaosla. I*>
iarsaa. Bronchial iHfiieoluea. Bronehitl*.
USSMSSM, AM KM*. Croup, Whooping
DMfk, maT alfDiaeaoea of tbo Breathing
lirgaaua. It aoothea mad heal* the Meoshraai
•f The Lufs, Inflamed and poisoned hy the
diocaac, and prevent* tbs night gweot* and
tlgtatne** aeroa* the cheat which arcsmpani
k. Cowaaide* t* aoc an incnrnM* malady.
HAIJL'H 8.4L3a.11 will ear* go*. #▼*■
UMIAR TO MOD <LsUa>p forth* IBM conplau Csulsgw*
NATIONAL TYPE Co.,'tim2¥s£Z!
of I jn||||~ launfafltng *od tafalh
m iMAKITIIh bl * to Epileptic
** FW Fit*, Bp**ma, OonvuF
CUL AND *1 NAM, St. V.UO Don,
H Alcoholism, Opium EST
LII, A i*G, Scrofula end aft
ML ML Nervous sad Blood Die
"MUDdHB Lawyer*, Literary Men,
FFLTEEHWBA. - Merchant*. Banker*.
■■AITO Ladies and all whoa*
HK aedentan ampioyment
I cause* Nervous Prostr*.
AHBK F TOON, Irrerniarities of
f the bltKxi, stomach,
KW I bowels or Kidneys, ot
■E WK . who require • aerva
U WPLA tonic, appetizer 01
lis JSUSS stimulant. SAMARt
valuable. Thouaaada
Dto. NCVU FALLT. proclaim tt the most
a wonderful Invigorant
|H f I ml K| that ever sustained the
AC, MIfI I* |PP sinking system. For
W D* sale by all DruggiaU.
TTETZEL OKOAV. New style, f75. Bold on
I 1 the ISBTALMKST PLAN. Moat elegr.vt case
lv*st tone. Lowest price; easiest tenna. FULL*
WABRAXTED. C. W. HETZEL, Baptisttowm, N. J.
r>BNStoNsTitue^Koldiers, their Vt tdowa, Clhlidxou
I or parents. Under new laws thousands entitled to
iiicreaae l eusion. Refer to itev. F. D. POWER, Cliap
lain U. rt. H K. Write for laws and information. Pat
ents procured. Address, with stamp, BELLUM MIL
LER A CO w Washington. D. 0
Mftable, Dwrabia and BoonomlraL toai/hraMR a
havw power c<U H tat Am nod water (Asm oar tdo
AVigtni tmiU, not Itted with as Aotomotte
■to>*t lor 111 uatrated OaUiogn* I.- for laioriuaucai
This N.Y. Singer, S2O
Ms VVitli $a of Attachments Free.
..2A VVarrantel )er/evt. Light running.
HV>',X 7T& quiet, liandooinc and durable. Sent
HI SOIL /Li ON TEST trial plan alien desired.
Hl u ll } Jtr, Happy Mom. Ori;i>i 4s. l,
HM. NAP AN Reeds. 18 stop*. Nechonical Sub
W. JTL Bass. octavecoualer.B knee swell*.
MTF JUL with RSstool ana SI Book.onh ITS
IF J* 1 Also tent on te*t trial plan if DE
ENUR FLNKRVT sired. Elepuit case, magniiiuent
tone, durable inside and out. Clr
I ctilar, w ith testimonials, free. Ask
e Payne A Co. .47 Third av ,CBICA^O
a MONTH and bo.trd.
65^ c a^IHOSVIE
P. W. ZIEGLERACO. 915 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa.
mi S'IOHR ~ HT
FJH Best Couglt Syrup. Tastes good. Q
mH Use in time. Sold by druggists. Q
FA ton day at home. Samples worth $5 free
<>t/ tU tpiC\J Address STINITON & Co., Portland, Me.
VtiENTN M A.VTIID for the Beet and FasteeE
selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices re
duced 83 per cent. NATIONAL PUB, CO.. Philtula.. l*a.
I The new volume (nineteen) oi
thebestand the cheapest Family Majjaziuepublished
printed on the finest tinted paper, size B it xllii
inches. The three numbers now ready of voiunu
J9 weigh 1% pounds and contain 210 pages of
clear priut. New Novelettes, Stories, Biographies
Poetry, Travels, and valuable information of tht
day and for the household. In demand by even
family. 144 Illustrations, 6 Photo Plates and 4Oi
Pictures. W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, Publisher
17 East 14th Street, New York. Single copies
Twenty Cents; yearly subscription, Two Dollars.