|"hc sjilllieii:t Journal. J J • TFLCRSDAY, FEBRITARV J 583. MMNKER & BEmLEZt, KilHors a:ul Prpprlci.irs. Local Department. rUB LIE s. ILK N R.A is TK H February lflth, Henry Low?, near MaiKscmburjr. lavmtng Implements and houselrold pooils. March 3rd, J. H. Kelfsnydcr. trustee. Valuable farm of Michael K reamer, deceased, Haines township. MareU 9th, Jacob Hobble, Snyderlown, live stock anil lot of farming utensils. —Ex-Gov Curtin has our thanks for public documents. —Sugar Valley thinks site will get a railroad. Hope site uiay. —Uriah Moyer's execution in Sny der county would have come on e u.rt week and was therefore postponed 0:10 week, to Wednesday March 7th. ,—Well yos, tlio aught to know—whether there i* anything in it or not. Fon SALS.— Rev. C. F. Deininger offers his valuable property in Miiiiicim at private sale. For paiticulars inquire of 11. K. Luse. cu the premises. if Communicated. CONUNPKUAL— What are t!ie main points of difFerei.ee between the t i x- TRE Hall REPORTER and the MILL HEIM JOURNAL ? Answer next week. bubscilbjr to both. —J. IT. Beifsnyder, trustee,will offer at public sale Saturday March ud tut* valuable farm of Michael Kivamor, late of Haines township, deceased. See notice in another column. —Dr. Stam has opened a store in the new building adjoining l is resi denee. Dry goods, Groceries, Hard ware and general line of goods alt sold At bottom prices. A snr.ie of public patronage icspeclfully solicited. —lt affords us pleasure to state that Dr. John F. llniter was recently con firmed as Notary Public for Miliheim. The doctor is certainly big enough to handle the "seal" and has the other qualinea lior.s 1 resides. —Ju3t leceived r.t the. JOURNAL STORS A fine lot of stationery-espe. cial> for the dear ladies—scratch books, pen cases, fine envelopes, photograph and autograph albums, bibles in great variety, Ac, Ac. —Last Friday was dox day and Mr. Dox did see his shadow sure, according to which there w ill be six additional weeks of winter weather if what the weather prophets say is true. We don't pretend to understand this kind of a oxology and must depend on others to regulate our weather. —On Sunday we had considerable of a flood in our stream, consequent cf rain Saturday night. The ice on Elk creek was very thick, but brcke and floated awi-y without doing any harm. On Sunday night there was a slight fall of snow, which has been sufficient to aff >rd good sleighing ever since. —Next Monday the liebersburg Mu sical Convention begins and will con tinue during the week, closing with a grand concert on Saturday evening. The committee have secured some first grade musical talent and everything seems to indicate full success. Go ing ? —J. A. Limbert is really one of the mo3t accommodating and reliable fel lows that ever drove a stage. Through out the year he carries a very large a mopnt of express good 3 all along the route, and delivers them in person. Everything is always right and his charges are really moderate. You can safelv entrust your business to him. tf —Last but by no means least Mill h^imcomes in for "T/ic Grcit Musical Convention >,f the scctson Tiie bins are out, giving full details. Ileal them, keep your pocket money together and come. It promises to be a rich treat and you will not regret it. The cou- A'ention b;-giu3 Monday the lJth, in stant. —What every paper says ought to he true—or at least come true — and every paper we take up says that Maj. Forsler will iiave a good, clerkship under Secretary of Inter nal Affairs Africa. We only hope the papers many have guessed right this trip. ATTENTION COLLECTOR FOR 1381. —All unsettled duplicates for the yew 1881 will be placed in the hands of the attorney for immediate collection if not settled by the first day of April 1333. JOHN WOLF, 11. (J. CAMPELL, A. J, GRIEST, 3t Commissioners. —The firm of Dr. E. J. Deshler & Son is dissolved by mutual consent < The books and accounts aro ia the hands of E. J. Deshler for settlement, where all who know themselves indebt ed are requested to call without delay. Dr. E. J. Deshler will continue the practice of the profession .- E. J. DESHLER, Aaronsburg, J, J. DESHLER. Jan. 13. 1383 3t —ll. makes us fool si trifle sad that circumstances over which we have no control compel tsslo decline the pressing invitation to attend the Centre Hall Musical Convention this work. Wo know that we have some very warm friends up there, who as an induce ment promised to furnish us sill Ikes w sigcs, and s;.;"hr we could do a wav with and yet we can not go. Ex cuse us, please, too busy on the .'Amnio' eyen to think of it. —Messrs. S. K. Sankey Sc Co. desire to inform the public that they have ob tained patents and tiled a caveat on certain improyemen ts as applied to the Keystone Cultivator, formeily manu factured by the late firm of John I\ Foote & Co. Not having authorized any oth.er parties to build the Keystone Cultivator witli our improvements, wo shall call on all such M WI FU rn:l:us and USERS of such machines t J settle for improvements. —TILK TKACHICHS' J.OOAIi INSTI TITK which meets in the Evangeli cal church here on Friday evening is intended to bo a practical a flair. The exercises will embrace lectur es. discussion*, readings, recitations, essays and class drills. Some im portant educational questions will be considered. A spoiling match will be had. The exercises will be in terspersed with music. Directors, teachers ami eh bums arc most re spectfully ml urgently requested to attend. Teachers will be enter tained free of charge. PRINIXKGR A MFS-KR now HADO the largest am! most coiiruido stock of marble on hand —both in the 1 i\ rji and in finished work —over brought to Centre county. At their works can bo seen no less than twenty monuments, ranging in price from sl4 to and about two j hundred head stones, plain or carv-! Ed, from $o to ">. Thev are pre-! pared to suit all tastes as well as j all means. They have also accept- j ed the sole agency for the largest j part of the county including Utile-! fonte, tor the sale of die celebrated White Bronze Monunienis, Head Stones Statuary, Vases. Ac., manu factured by the extensive White Bronze Company, Bridgeport. O'nn. Thankful for ]>ast lavors they re spectfully solicit the continued con fidence end patronage of the public. I>. L. Z.Tby is their authorized soliciting and collecting agent. if THE COUNTY FINANCIAL STATEMENT. ' —This we< kwe fnrnisli our KM let's in the form of a supplement the Coin mis ioners' annual statement for thi year ending Dccbr. 31bt, 1 58*2, and we again advise them to preserve it for future reference and comparison. A few gen eral comparisons may not be out of place here, although every tax-payer can no the work for himself just as well,perhaps better.provided list year's statement was preserved. The county tax levy for 'SI was §11,44.109, white for 'S2 it is 50d,033.43 —an excess of £11,011.79. Last year the county indebtedness after deduct ing all assets collectable were given at §21,353.74, and this year the commis sioners figure out on the sataa basis a balance i:i favor of the county,of 1,743. 75. Last year there was paid on the county debt only §45.61, while thi3 year §20,324.9.3 where liquidated. The estimate of tlie commissioners made ill the beginning of *s2, embraced the payment of §IO,OOO, but they did better by over a hundred per centum, besides paying §3,455.98 extraordinary expenses on indexing account. The taxes col lected during 'Bl aggregate the sum of 845,417.73. In 'B2 §51.307.40, were col lected. Tho outstanding taxes are a t out the same at the cm! of both years, §50,232.97, Jan. Ist, 1882, and §61,310.- SS, Jan. Ist, is.v.3, but as many of the ol 1 duplicates were collected and set tled this account is in better condition than it was a year ego. It will also be noticed that there is a saving of §1,351.55,011 interest account. §423.83 on scalp account, §425.07 on printing account,§• >42.35 on 4 -fish bask et" account and on jail account. In fact there is a general reduction of expen3o3 all around, but we will pur* -sue the matter no forth er. Our board |of commissioners deserve much credit for faithful service and'good man agement, and especially for publishing a full, itemized statement of the coun ty's (luancial status, and placing the same at a comparatively small expense into the hands of every tux payer,with out regard to party, who is a subscri ber to any f the six newspapers in the county. This is eminently proper and fair to all concerned. There is one item specially in tho list of "assets" that seems to be an ele phant on the hands of the commission ers. It is the claims against thirteen districts in the county for keeping insane, now iii process of settlement 'out not yil de cided, covering a gross amountof $1,6 02. 48. This matter has been hanging fire in court for some years and should be disposed of without further delay. It involves the question whether town ships and boroughs must reimburse the county for expenses incurred in main taining insane paupers sent to state a sylums by cui courts. I —Mr. Morrison, the etlicient teacher I of our Grammar School, has consented ! tii open a select school in spring, pro vided lie g>'ts proper encouragement and support. Millheim has not had a summer school of this kind for some years, although there is no good reason for not having one every summer. A little enterprise, possibly a little *elf drninl in some casnq on the part of par ents, will insure us just such a school as we ought to have the whole year round. Wo hojH> our citizens—-not only of the town but also of the near vicinity—will take the matter in hand without delay, in order that the school may bo assur ed. /).- r Fric< r bitti rlwcse JUttcrich ! "Without stopping to reply to what Freddy said of us last week as absolute ly too siily for notice we proceed to give the history o! the old CENTKF I'r irinm u, as far as necessary to our purpose. Just, when the Kuilz.o.s—father and t hive sons, of whom '*loser Fritz." was the youngest, and by all odds the amart isi—took charge of the lIEUU IITK.IT, we do not know, neither is it material to the point, but it must have been about the year lslt. It never had much standing as a newspaper, although as the Herman advertising medium for sheriff's silos, register's notices, elec tion and eouit pro- lamations, Ac., ami as too only paper in lVnns Valley, it enj aid a fair sup;. >rt. Tver since we remember anything about the HLHICH TF.K it was nicknamed the "Schmuts blatl," ((/sees.j.aj'{';•) ami 11: is name was so general that nehla'rtho pub'.i 'a ers nor any one else connected with it ewr thought of inking offense over it. Freddy no doubt was. asked hundreds of tinirsfor "mci' t** daring tTie time he wa3 I'ost Master at An ions! urg. The paper lust the black guard name since Freddy cca* ed to u* its publisher. Tin* £• v.eral tone of the "bokmutz blatt" was coarse tuul 1 nv while the Kort7.es cent rolled it, as far as its little orighud matter \va concerned, for it was very gent rally considered as a rehash on a small sc.do < f the Haul- AJ!.r % (IleiUs County Bible) ami if was currently said that whenever the A i'-.r failed to make time, by rear ui of the slow ami often uncertain mails of that day, no "Sehmulz.bl.itL" could is sue following week. Its abuse of minis ters ami temperance nan ami measures was notorious and k.nev no bounds. It was a disturber of the peace in chun h and society, as every citizen in this community old enough to know cuu fuliv se.bstant iate. A valued friend of our you'll who for many years resides in the west wuitea us under date of Jan.2sth on this point as follows: '•ln reading your paper of a lew works ago you brought bark fr---.li to my mi.U the tir.ms and scenes of long. loicr ago, by u-ing the term "Srh.iiut 'Matt, ' a name then so common in ttie to<>. l o!.i town of Aaron M'urg. And how ap :f te the name. What an ungodly paper that \v:.s. No v.omlor tlci* ; pi..us old nt'iu ; ter en a e. rtaia v ca do.i ivfu*ed l • ton it Willi hi* hands but kt u that tir > CMM be brought tohiia nil v.- hi ill to carry the vi'o tl: rig out of tii'.* ! a- e. lam gkul tiiat liis Joc::v\! J >.l b (ii-r iiul b.gher stand than lh<* old "oehauili bi.iit." afihoufch i disagree Willi its poiiiics a.i toKi'lhor." We remember the occasion and cir cumstanee alluded to very well, for we lived i:i Aaronsburg at that time, and there are no doubt others who distinct ly recollect it. Verily the old BEKICHTER was not a paper that any.one should be proud of now. We do not fed the slightest tinge of pride for being Freddy's successors as publishers of the BERICHTER. AS well might Queen Victoria be proud of Henry VIII, as one of her predecessors on the British throne. We cheerfully waive all honor, merit, reputation or benefit constructively due us aspublish ers and editors of tlie same paper that Freddy Kurtz publishe ! for some years, save only the prestige of veuorabla ag Tiiat is all —utterly and absolutely all. That however we do claim,and are just ly entitled to, both in law ami equity, and we may yet sometime take the no tion, even at this late day, to enforce our righteous claim against impostors, in a court of law. Meanwhile we will give Freddy ample time to study the legal definition of the terms mandamus and ycrpctird Injnn'Uion. More anon. Happening in Union County. .From the Ttieyraph. We learn with much pleasure that Mr. Mark Halfpenny, Jr., of Lewis burg, is about to establish a Foundry and Machine Shop at Milhnont Station on the Lbg. .c Tyrone Railroad,in Lew is T.vp., this county. The building will be frame, large and convenient, and supplied with the very best improv ed machinery. The construction of the building will he commenced immediate ly and completed by May Ist, ready for 1 lie transaction of all business m his line—the manufacture of Engines, Ac., and repairing of all kinds. Mr. Half penny is a practical, first-class machin ist. T!sieves captured a set of harness be longing to Mr. John Yarger of llartle— ton on Friday night of last week. ISuiue night we are told, two sets of harness were stolen from the stable of Mr, I), (_). Bower of Hartley township. Mr. James E. Hitter bought tho old Inhoff hotel property aud again sold it out to J. D. S. Gust, A. Ileiterand Henry Strunk. The old tavern must go to give place for two new store buildings aud a barber shop. The Sufferers I>y Flood. BERLIN, February 5. —The emperor William lias instructed Prince Bis marck to forward a letter to German consuls aud diplomatic agents in the United .States expressing his gratifica tion and thanks to ail concerned in the collecting of subscriptions for the re lief of the sufferers by the recent , floods. Church TroubJoo at Ashland. ASHLAND, PA., January 25. — yes terday one of the male members of Iho German Catholic Church buried an in fant child ia his mother's I<>L in the graveyard connected with the church. The parent being behind in his dues the priest instructed an assistant to remove the body outside of the burial ground, which wan accordingly done. To-day the piiest hud the father arrest ed for trespass, while ho in turn charg ed tlie priest and assistant with grave robbing. All three wore bound over to court. The affair has caused much ex citement in town. *)t. jrhno motel, Kos. 817 & 819 AHCiI ST.. PHILADELPHIA. RATES REBDCEMO $2.00 PER DAT. Tlif traveling pubU* will still find rt l thin Hotel the Miin* liberal provision for their com fort. It in located in the Immediate centres of business ate) places of amusement ami the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well an all parts of ■jl.t* city, ar easily *c ."ogslble by Street ("urn constantly pts ;?m lb -doors. It ort'ers spceial Induccju" uts to tho-:e vuitmg the city for basl n*; or plcuMire. Yuur p arouxiT respect Tally solicited. Jo 3. M. Feger, Proprietor. MARRIED. On the 2nd r.lh, by ROT. W. M. fundi.*, Mr. Nathan M. K. ft •htc! to Miss Alice D< •birr, both of I>n:m Valley, Centre t'o , l'w *>'! the L'lh lilt., by the Mine, Mr. Adam P.h r ly to Miss i "j Ji i 15iv slcr, both of bear Tj lei a vUie, t'ilntoa Co., Pa. (>:. the tth in*d., by the nnrcc. Mr. Oorge V<\ VV;i:lo'llilccti of Humes township, to Miss Maty A. tlrciiuii.jt :\of.Vi'.r.s township. On tic M ir-t.. by Rev. 7. A. TenrlcX, at the home of tic I ride and In 'be- sr <. nee of a large company ,iU v;. I'a. 1 iillOlU. Corrected overy Wednesday Wheat, oil Leo u"\v, N . 7 ].( i " " No. 3 h". Corn Jiys i .:ii■* With* 46 Leek W lli'.t . Flour. Bran d ! s*y 7j T\mothy*eetf I iaxset-j. ('loVllVwi • Uui'er Mains Flues It' Vc.il Pork - B -*i K" "I J'' Putaioe-i."..... I i.v] ]2 T.i'low Soap Oriel Applt'H Dried Peaches Dried Cherries COAL MAL LILT AT COBFRN. Kgg Coal tR.2.1 S: r<; " L> '!'< I lie-tUUt f> 9 ,J Pea S •' l'ea by the ear IvA>l 3.40 Fifty <• iiM per too additional li- a .!F'v*:r DEALKKIN Clover Seed, Flour & Feed, j . Coal, Plaster & Salt. CQ2J&M3 9 &*'£ • JtVHIQHEST MAIiKET 1* It ICE ALWAYS PAID. -6-T" K full snpp!y r>f t'fr.l. P!*>r an.l sh'i ul way 1 ii baud kud need at r lis lowi pi 100 i .i~Coal kept under roof ai all *ea*OEji of Iho year. public patroaags respectfully sollet eo. " S.'ly TV TT T w""" l'h M. KANUFACTUIiJEU AND DIfALKII IN - p. v r n ■>' f.": : • feSg? ? „ La *1 fl VI W L* . tfl Aaronsburg, Pcnna. Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, Stands, Marble-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, .Sideboaids, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, (sine or Wood Seat Chairs, Porkers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and llair jMatresses, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any size mado to order. Undertaking a Speciality. 1 keep a complete line ol undertak er's goods always on band. Having a Branch Shop in Millheitn, I can accommodate customers at either place. A share of public patronage re spectfully solicited. 50-6 m hf) <*\ k made at home by the in "y oils . Best business now be fore the public. (kipiiul iu) t need— S' ** ed. We will start you. Men, women boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time, You can work in spare lime, or give your whole time to tbe business. No other business will pay you near ly as well. No one can fall lo make enormous pay, by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily, and hon orably. Address 'l'm E & Co., Augusta, Maine. £ s ps fa ir7A may bo found cm ti tlt Gl °- p la SEdvJ* a Q'lA Sboek ItowLLi. & Co' 3 Newspaper Advertising "bureau (10 Spruce Street), where adver- VX-rhlf-mM I wing oontrseU; may Mg fcW |Sa bo -fiadp y iQ it- -tt 224 MARKET STEELIEST,. LEWISBURG, PENNA. Our Stock is now complete in all its de partments, and wo are receiving New Goods every day throughout tho season. ALL TEE LEADING SHADES IH HATS & BONNETS, TT UST'TiR/I JMIIMIIEID FOR LADES. MISSES ADD CHILDREN. FOR-LINE OF Ladies' Beady-made Ulsters, Dolmans, Coats and Jackets cannot be excelled. Coat and Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Laces, Eilks, Satins, Lace nnd Linon Collars, Jet Combs, Real Hair Goods, Jewelry and otd er Fancy Goods, at PRICES that will bear COMPETITION. WE WILL NOT ADD MORE, RUT _yr Ci A7r wvy a y/yf: "TJTJT T E V'-VTi H alla LH I tOzx a 1 11 ri l. £U B W I SJJU £1 JI IJ TEE REST ASSORTMENT OE GOODS IN OUR LINE, AND TEAT WE O£>MS3SHT OS? 7% 5 Eespeotfuliy, 33. Market Street, Lewishurg, Pa.' J It. J. w. STA&I Is now permanently located at Millbeim, and will give prompt attention to all medical calls at hi* ofil-e <>n Main Street. Try I>k. Stam's fpkcivio Pil.i: H epic'ink— lt jjlvt i luxtJint relit f. TWO GOOD r.itiiiS. s Information /or t' of everything in common u-.e. lYah'i '.t J J ui'iy Cjic-'p'tH'i; or explana tion of Wot ami I h:i.i - conn- cted wi'.h h!1 the Ail-; and NM-mvi. i;l.r* ? .'ci with over .V'.- • nyi o\ .ng - tiicci. h.mn iin cloth, elit. Si/c about 6by 8 Inches and n arly two inches thick. Be, talis at sl."'-. Sample of either in < fxr.ts on'y, foi f. or Ixiih for #2. Address ii. 11k nt & Co. south Bond, Indiana. CHEAPEST BOOK in the World Tho New American Dictionary. PRICE ONLY SI.OO. CONTAINS TW> KNiJIiAYINH* asii 100 PAHKs mo;ih th is anv oti'r.i! bo k 1 vsi: 1-; in. iu:n. This useful and elegant volume ; s a Idiirai;. and J'.ncvcliipmliiiof gener al know 1< da*-, as wr!! as l hr bet Dh tion :;rujhy. American History, insolvent land and inpvo.d law;, etc., being a PttitKKcT LinttAitY or itrptKKses. Web.-Ur's Dictionary costs *•.>.<". the New Am erican costs only SI.OO. Beiiwkt tS3 FdssSa"s..r'S,^""S either in price, finish or contents,"—''l iik Ad ▼im'ATK. "Worth ten tiinrs (lie money."—T-1 MrNfc and paumeh. "A perfect dictionary and library of lefcrcncc." — I.vsi.tit Jlm's. Nkws. "*\Vc liavc freipj nit occasion to use the Ne-.v A mcricrn Pictionury in our of!s ar.d regard it veil worth the price." —€hkitu\ umok. "With thf New American Dictionary in the li britiy tor reference, many oilier much inoi— ex pensive works can he iiprosed with, am! ig iiorame of ids com.try, l.i't wy. besfpess. law, etc. i Inexcusable pi man."—S< iEnrirro A. II KICAN "There's more r'ai worth than in n< si 1 ooks at ten tintesthe cost." —N.Y. World Price, |1 00, postpaid; 2 for $1 ?.•. Extraordinary Offer. : l 'Z v ill yet up Club <■[ Ten at 41.1..1 each v e wid send niKtas.H premium the American Waler l ory Stem Win t Watch. l'or" < Id 15 of la \vc \vi l send frc3 a Solid silver Hunting Case Watch. For CLllt of * ve -eiul free, r. I a dies' Solid (1011 Hunting Ca>o Watch. For CLUt' of ' 1 we v iil semi free. a;er, theconunen ial r.genoiedor anv express ( 0,. In this city. Address WOULD n* ANt:I'A'.'TI CO.. • i.L :,A:vAl STKLI.J', NLW YOKK. A CI7>T>SY?Z PrQCb'tyQ Y> aOiillSALu A RETAIL iiiiSi'LKS, keep tho largest stock in the 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTHIERS lor your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. FARMERS! If you want free samplecopies of i!< largest and te< agricultural paper i'* country wilt.* your-auil your *rr* u tmes < u a p>!.ll card :• ud ::;rri' it to Firhifrs' triend Pub. <>>.. South B'V.rf, Jnt!. Price '.(• cent# a >car and Premiums to every subscriber. S* 3 C** RSS people arc a 1 .WAY* OTI THE look- g vj-7 :j ...t for chum •-tolncie.'se their C'l E 3 *MM.:;-, and in time BECOME as ■ • V v l .-i!ih'y;thtK<} Who d. not un piove their otnv.utunii: s renu.in in pore iy. \VEoffer *re:lT ehatiee to mr.Ue money. \>V want n-ai.y nwn. women, boys and girls to work for usrtgM tn their own localities. Any one can do the work-pro; erly from the first start. 'I he i u>i:e' - i.l pay ui ;>• th;\A Wil Or dinary wages. 1 Aponsive outfit tnrni-hed lie; - . No oiu- win* engages fails to nj ike money ran idly. You ctu devote your v.liolo time to tbo work,or only your spurn momenta. Full In formation and all that is needed sent free. Address bT!>.*ON & Co., Portland, Maine. BHY THE BEST, POST & CO'3 O I'* # ] L R '• _*V• 'V WJ VV V C T*' ' f " •' Y •.■■.■'"■• Y ■"-. {■■'.. - ■■■.■ ■ ?>?R!hJp' '■ B;-. •-V '"- ■: \\:<- H.V.M-L; [ .v ■ • • : I .VfTjS y4 F' i ' *t 7 7*—-- it-"*! • ' F .. .'I ■ r •. ~ , : - • : ' "Q F" ;//•"?; 4' *'T'C •> •#■#<■* " Z~ •' " s * VLffitiA.! 4Cm - £•* / •< i/'-O.S f : r<- ' ; VV i ."V I, S_l J U . .• k !•/, 1 v; -w! vY P-V' CRTQ.'*LCJ FO J " :••:•:* U:O V-1.-T Sj\'Hl.2ijC J.ATAJ? ji.* }J C, R RI-J TLE C'-YA R V r-. : • R K*V; ;•* .I tbotde cas ehown i<:. rot* Fwlly COVBI'I , X T ■ •; .*: -i. Prloc< I T 6>CO. U£ CSNNUFAC-CURORO DNCL R ATUR.IOCA, V f'TMA ' C^W*v*M* k 4 •!| ff) ft ■!/■ ?>:T) fl> n ift J9 North Second Street, Half A square south of the L. &. T. 15. E. Depot, LEWIS BURG, PA. New AMI commodious Building; EQUIPPED in all DEPARTMENTS with en tirely new Furniture. No efforts spared to make the BAKER HOUSE a pleasant, comfortable Ilcme to all guests. An excellent Livery attached. W, N. BAKER, Proprietor. £3 acl.ot life is sweeping by, go ami FEW! JS3 V' -4 W dure before you FILE, something FE <* EAA 'II? IS mighty ami subUmw leave be „. "■ liind to conquer time/' ;>(>'< a ,/JOEK in your own town. £> outfit free. No v sk. Everything new. Capital not required. WO will furnish you everything. Many are making fortunes. Radios make as much as men, and boys ami giils make great pay. Header, if you want business at which you car. make great pay all the time, write for "particu lars to 11. 11. HAI-LKTT & Co., Portland, Maine. ET YOUR JOH PRINTING DONE AT IT Til E JOURNAL OFFICE. PROSNUT SM Sue mil at roasonaMe rates. rl 3 r r-> 3 J £• • \ ill 0, (F h |s V U u } Z731 i£..£S v u?- K*& :r:r^r,vV.>C^^ A HBTEB WJiflf. SAYS! ]<.' i UVT:— /•• i> r }?•..•* / L .'a br.H u lUkrl} rla • 'ft*-*•'". I'...ltd;'-..0n >'l I'ilm. I.i-t k. r i'i' ) 'H.' vi' >■ ■ -:• ■>• ••:. I ti.-.nj I i.wl iVvia ( -it •.•>].!.:*!& t*,\ 1. J • now n wii!l v;r, !•..' :•> •' i. w P'-ifccl, t> o! *, i. i_.r •, t.< ) .. far;T|DWTJ"n .■. 3. tin-) >j *• > •• * ih;r iTf-'.t ;r. •' ■<■'■ i-.tr. v.. SV:i; w -'.N*. l.< Vf. rp c ' f -} r; ■?? , '4 J, bi &•*>"• t*> 1/ • ' I - Lr-.gi-Vi <;V 1 ., V •. ., H-f, i • *• fneihitfilsMt i **/?' t: • •' i ' ' • '. ImjOTl /j (t" .. •. • i ' ! . r/Vfi; fiH ■' *" -i ' * )• .*■: I Vi '•: '• f > ••■ '/ jfc i'i t n/* c/ i.' ' *.r' J * • '.•'• v " * ' C ' 4 V.. '< . r '.k".f4 li '■• lif v< I w' ' . <•• ff •"• '••. •*; ,v .•' Sid* ft/ • - • • '• • > >u&s vr:i ••' , 1 I'JVi ". z'. < >• •- ' .'•• SV.WI 4i- •■;• '1 • •./ ; * I. - ■I. J . . J .f ir < •• v i-. ... T y tiiii. < n; f " \' /<••> :* -• ; i ' •"..'.•J -r ;t . .. I , } 7; j—r .Ttu..#, *.- ft . i >+"l -..-•■•- • • r })j | 1 v • $ M/ 1 ■ fl v f I -1 li r-i ih /i 5 -.9 .. - 4 ' ' ' • / ; - • •. '■ '• > *' V IX"- ' ; Vi ri 11-' i -fh B. ••' ("J ./T • k PjtlVf... i n r tr.sf:.'licitorufor ; • > : fivoata, ri J >-] irn^'"-'*'nr.r: f " - ' , r J ib ixitcil i.:.'t05..-.:utoobiAiapaW . ail in Ctua'Ja. rraaoo, t i££>* rl Ccrrainy. r.-.d dI otbor c.r.uincs. Enetcosety pr~ciicc. .u 1 t fx***! * 3 *.i cf liioutiij c*r cira^f' iiu s. A• do by .. ~ j v.! ntj ol • IVo v. A*' I- - i • "* vu.oii Kr.u i I:<* '• •■' i I : Ito tllOßOlt Whl* c ... Lo'3'.' s; ■t i. .I.i i l \bi. ibv-'Jin ilo r.'orld. Tao aa*. btngooofawhnnodfliOTOtf li.ic i "uii'd.-*. TuinUr;-.-. M.a Ki.n n;':ry iimeb-alod nor psp. .isuubia • hud.-;c-!niit©d to b© the lic-f-t i5 or dovotod to frcicnoe, iuo'bf:r.i .s, invcr.lious, '.Oninefcrjnjj \rorkfi, a.:'l ctbtr dcpfj-'cj'.cnta of iauicirial TroprcEO, pol.iia'icd .a cr-initry. copies by liinil, I'J ccnt4. Scici ty JeMfrs. A-.idreac. Tlann f~ Ci M of Saaa title Aicencan, 1:0 i Ib'oau >v.\y, Kcw lork. iXar.dbook p.'tords ivailr d free. -12— Henderson's Leader. IT IS MOT CMLY THE BEST MADE. BUT IT IS THE LIGHT EST-RUNNING, QUIETEST AND SIMPLEST IN THE MARKET. IT IS THE ACME OF PERFECTION IN WOKKit ANbll IP AND PRINCIPLE* .-aiOUR MOTTO3U-. '* " PROTECTION TO DEALERS; MATNTENANCEOF GOOD RETAIL PRICESJ SO PRO M ISCT'OUS SCATTERING OF WHOLESALE PRICES. AGENTS W 4%'-JT ED. ros PASTIOULARS ADORXBS ; THS LEADER S3WING &C \ > CLEVELAND, OHIO. T R R! TO A" K33HTU, /! {! MR? 5 TB Solicitor* OF UI S. and For- I £ i 2 B fhi'cn!*NVa.7Wb::Vim.!i hi. cut- cor. p. I . s. put put Oflrr, Washington, IA Com-speotlcoce so licit •<*. >, .i!> ,t Ti- for adv'ce. NO fee clunar ti ut- LOST R.IFI'L I; ALLOW;- 1 . ROF REUC< - I.:-WIS JOHSSO T £ CO., li-.nk'-r . ANTL IV .ip.ujyer, \V..iiiuiitou, U. O. Pamphlet el* bi&irucliouj free. l i 1 Vl* i f vAr rh ri r-*. OtfST V > ' J Si J. •> vi j'J l Webster's Di •tiotmrv is tin' best. Every fam ily should have r copy. .'Ui-"on's Webster's D'k t'miary <• u,Mining over t'o>) illustrations, 50,- 0 ! ' w rds and pic as -s. pronomr'lng vocabula ry of scripture and proper nanwa, IW of mytho logical and eta sical names. United Siatos e*n su< for is . and many other useful tabies. Posß p id for only ,-o cenis. At'.-Jre-• K. Eloronco & Co., P. 0, box ISO), South Rend, lud. Japaneso Greps. In order to intvoduce our Japanese Chepa goods we v ill send postpaid to any address on receipt of fiitv cents, or )7 three-cent stamps!, the following": I window bann t. size 1? by t'i inches, with rich colorand deep burdev; 1 tidy, r-i ".e Sby U umlms. very handsome; I lamp mat J7 inelu : Hin cireumferenca, perfectly lovely; I wall screen, large suid handsome. Address E. Florence & Co., P. C>. box ISdO, booth Ciud, I liuiana. T A ITTb Col me a spectntty, an l VTAr.- 6 f \ Y' 3 3 ItANTd, ADDITIONAL JJOME JJi.II) JL / ST PAD OGP.TIFICATESanI ail kinds . C. V'V• ':C • f- •••>>-Y.' J /•y v ■ - >' ■ ,•■■■r,' V • . ... - . ' ■ ' \ . ■* ' " * " - ' '--I I ' •• E>AT - ;! . .... -W-.' '• • • • • " "v:-s Y-"'/ W--. : W ■■" ' T. L. MILLER CO., DEXJiEns aad Inronvsits cv HEREFORD CATTLE COTSWOLO SHEEP BERKSHIRE SWiHE. SEECBEE, WILL CO., ILLINOIS