Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, February 01, 1883, Image 4

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are few people who are more generally
economical than the Germans. And an in
stance of their ability to make much out
of a little lias recently come under
ray notice which seems worthy of atten
One of my friends has her garden work
ed cn shares by a German. Early In the
spring he put out a quantity of cabbage
plants, giving a little more space between
the roots than is usually allowed. The
cabbages were easilv worked with a horse.
Later, when the lime for setting celery
plants had come, he planted double rows
of celery between the cabbages. The cel
ery rows are not over eight inches apart,
and in the same trench,sc that when bank
ed not more than hall tlie work vill be re
quired to prepare them for bleaching that
would be necessary it the plants were set
iu the usual way. The cabbages are nearly
ready lor use, and will soon leave the cel
ery in full possession ot the soil,
Every part of tins garden is utilized.
When ihe early polatots wee ripe they
were dug and turuips were sown on the
land. Vacant spaces in other pans of
the garden have been tilled with supeitlu
ous plants from the beet bid.
Mhere space is somewhat limited it
richly repays the labor to fill the ground
aud keep something growing everywhere.
The ground will need tuorouchfertilization
wheu it is cropped so peisistently; and
when one does noi keep a pig to eat up
the reluse lrom vegetables, dishwater,etc.,
it is a good plan to have a compost heap
where such articles may be turned 10 ac
count, All ihe weeds (which should nev
er be allowed to ripen seed) from the gar
den, fine chips, if wood is used, roots and
fine brush, leaves and clippings from Ihe
lawn should go lino the compost heap
These, with au occasional sprinkling ot
dry earth to prevent unpleasant odors, will
absorb the slops liom tLe house, aud prove
a valuable leriii zer at slight expense, Ihe
compost heap should be turued over once
or twice uunng the season !o insure de
composition, aud it should not be placed
too ntar the Lome.
bones, old Ltois and shoes,broken uten
sils ahu the like should be burued, aud
their ashes s proud around the peach trees.
SLould iLerc be a elsy spot in the gardm,
that is ihe place lor the fire. Coal ashes
seem to le ol no use except lor garden
walks aLd carnage unves, hut wood-ashes
bentlii auncsi k:td ol vqgeiatiom
HOUSE SLOPS. —Au economical farmer
writes: This iS whal 1 d\> with 1 elo wuh
my house s.ors—i have most of it earned
and iLiowu on lo ihe stable uiauure.whuh
Is unoer cover. This makes the manure
in better order lor use m ihreemonths lhan
it etheiwise would le in nine mouths. J
also keep a box or barrel near the kitchen
packed full ot ihe short stiaw and dual
suchastouies lrom a fanning mill, etc.
into this La,rel or hex are thrown small
quantnles ol wash and uisli Water. The
The water oiaius thiougli, leaving the
subteaLce in the straw ALD sust. \\ hen il
is fully ehaiged i move it away aud supply
another box. You will be surprised iu see
what a valuable letdtr you will acquire
durirg ihe year. This substance is gener
ally thiowu ou ihe ground, which tiud its
its way into the well, is diuuk and follow
ed by sickness in ihe family.
MR. ALYORD. in his address on the fac
tory sysitm or butter-making, delivered at
Rutland, June £O, before Ihe Vermont
Dairymen's Association, stated that the
larmeis ol Jb'rankhn county, Massachusetts,
sent ell duung ihe year lfrbd, 490 tuns ot
butter, brought on the average about
8 cents per yound less than creamery but
ter iicni latteries in the vicinity. This
Joss ol 8 cents equaled in the aggregate
the pietiy little turn ol $25,140, which
might Lave gone into the po#kels of the
farmeis of Fiar.kilu county, and at the
same time have saved their wives an un
told amount ot hard work and unceasing
care and anxiety.
DB. J. ri. HAN A FORD maintains that
cancerous tendencies, catarih, boils and
similar infiammatii ns are the d.rcct result
of txceesive use of "thehea^er& ,, —notably
amrnal lats and oils. Consequently sensi
ble treatment lies in tbe direction of abste
mious; discard pork, use as little
"grease" as possible, live mainly on the
grains ("whole wheat instead ot flue flour),
lruits and vegetables. "The lower ami
more simple the diet the better," especially
for sedentary persons who do not by exer
cise or constant labor in the open air con
sume the lubricants by actual combustion
as a means of keeping up tbe natural
warmth of the tody.
THE bog in a single generation changes
in form and qolor and habit from the staid
and quiet porker to tbe fleet and fierce wild
boar. One imported boar is told of that
changed immediately alter escaping from
a ranch, and became as wild and fleet as
a deer, with a thin body and arched back,
and legs that appeared much longer, while
he more slowly assumed the dark sandy
color of the wild boar. The tendency to
reversion, too, is more immediate when
the animsl or breed has been more recent
ly reclaimed from tbe wild state and w here
the change by domestication has been mo=t
marked and rapid.
THE aggregate sum of mcnev paid for
imported stock by ViTeeoer9 in the United
States, is srnuwh r t startling. Jf the
Ihitsburg Stockman's statements are cor
rect. it says that ••the outlay in this di
rection was $3 675 518, or more than th<
experts of live cadle fiom the United
States amounted to m the first half of tbe
present year. There is a solid increase ID
the importation total for 1882, and it is
not 1 keJy that it will fall much teluw $5,-
000,500. No othor people in the world
are making as liberal JH\ estments in tine
stock at this time as the breeders of the
United States."
AT a late meeting af the Kentucky Hor
ticultural Society members were warned 10
be on tbeir guard when purchasing wild
goose plum tiees, lor ihcusaods oi trees
were sold as such that had no right to tbe
name. The following description of tbe
true Wild Goose was given: The fruit
should be laige, bbout one inch or over in
diameter, more round than long,turns yel
low three or lour days before it becomes
red and ripe, and when ripe is covered
with bright and Lecutrful golden epecks
about the size of a pin head.
IN experimenting with cotton-seed meal
at the Mississippi Agricultural college a
steer led for beef gained 200 pounds in
fifty-six days, or an average of about 4
pODnds per day, consuming an average ol
14 2 5 pounds of seed and 11 pounds of
hay and straw. The cost of food per day
was not quite 10 cents, or about $5.50
for 200 pounds of beef.
THE most eminent of our agricultural I
scientists affirm that plants cannot assimi
late free nitrogen, which exists in the at
mosphere, and a German botanist says
that " if a cell contains a nitrogenous body
it can develop new chemical combinations
and form new cells; If it contains none it
is not capable or further development."
DOWN pillows are a dainty appendage
of a lady's bedroom or bcttdoir lottngo,
cow very mnjh ha fnsMon. To carry
out their intention of perfect softness
the cover should bo tnndo of undressed
silk, or any of the pliant sntins or Indian
silks now to l-o had. This cover mar
be highly embroidered in geometrical
or conventional patterns in silk, with
hero and there a line of gold introduced,
and the result will be a sofa cushion
both novel and elegant. The edge may
be finished with fine silk cord, carefully
avoiding anything that will keep the
cushion in shape, as it is expected t>
yield to every movement of* woarv head
or aching hack, One of these pillows,
which are generally a little more than a
half a yard square, was covered with
Indian silk in a crushed strawberry tint.
(This fabric may be bought now in all
the art shades of yellow, red and blue
at $2 a yard. For light draperies it is
not to be surpassed.) On the square
forming the upper portion of the pillow
were scattered a few interlaced discs,
enclosing small geometrical shapes.
The outline of these designs was fol
lowed by the needle in darning stitches,
taken close together—a small stitch on
the wrong side, a longer one upon the
right—with old gold silk. Some of the
disks were tilled by parallel lines of
darn ng stitches covering tne ground;
others hud been left with a few touches
of gold, "Jupaueae sky lines," to break
tlae uuiormity of the ground. By using
filoselles varying iu hue from dull blue
to deep red, odd gold to brown, silver
gray to dark blue gray, the designs
were brought out charmingly and with
but little work. Pongee iu the natural
hue does very well for a similar experi
ment in color, and any of the deeper
shades of yellow in soft silk are recom
mended, not only for decorative art, but
because this hue is apt to be effective
in whatever corner ot the room you may
elect to dispose of it, whether tete-a-tete
with a blue couch or on an easy-chair
ot Indian red. Where the possessor ol
a down pillow aspires to the simplest
method of covering it. without the ad
ditional tax of needle-work, I would
suggest a width of one of the soft foul
ard satins now sold for dress purpases
in all ihe principal shops. One of these
satins, cream-tinted and besprinkled
with pompadour bouquets of pale pink
and b ue, was made to do uty for this
purpose with success. When a present
! tor an invalid is in question, or, indeed,
in any case where the cushion is habi
tually used, the best plan is to make a
moavble cover of liueu to use over the
inner lining of lost-colored lavender or
blue silk. For this purpose drawn work
| in all its vaiieties comes into play effect
ively, and the finer the material the
more attractive tlie result. Work w
bolder upon drawn threads of the linen,
and add a few scattered sprays of flow
ers, worked in split filoselle that has
1 been previously set in color by dropping
ttie skeiu into noising water. Clover,
I purple and white, is full of fragrant
suggestion and iuvitation to the head to
incline toward it. The coVw, when
finis Ltd, should be edged with lace.
Eicu CLAM SOUP. —Use for this soup
the soft, clams winch are sold in "bunch
es'' or "strings." Wa>h a quart of them
in a quart of cold water to free them
from sand, and then strain the water
through at wei line enough to retain the
sand, .and place the clams in it over the
fire; allow them to boil gently for übout
tilt* en minutes. Meanwhile put two
tablespoonfu.s each of butter and flour
over the fire m a thick saucepan, and
stir them constantly until the butter
melts and blends smoothly with the
fiour; then gradually stir into them one
quart of hot milk and the liquor in
which the clams have been boiled; sea
son the soup palatably with salt and
pepper, and place it wbtre it will keep
hot. Cut the soft part of the 'clams
away lrom the hard parts which may be
chopped and used for CLAM FRITTERS.
Next beat the ye.ks of two law eggs tor
one minute, mix with them half a cup
iul ot the hot clum soup, aud then stir
ihe mixture into the rest of the soup,
and serve it at once. Il' the soup is al
lowed to boil after the yelks are added
to it they will become curdled. Serve
crackers with the soup.
CHAT-FISH TlE.— The flesh of the tails
is the oiily considerable part; the intes
tine running through the middle of the
tail should be removed. Prepare the
tails of fifty eray-tish in this way, Have
ready a quart of tomutoes, peeled,
sliced arid stewed, or a can of tomatoes;
roll a pound of cr ickers to crumbs ot
medium size. Butter an earthen baking
dish, put the above-named ingredients
into it in layers with a rather high sea
soning of salt and pepper and two table
spoonfuls of butter; let the top layer be
of cracker dust. Bake the pie for half
an hour in a moderate oven. A glass
of sherry wine, or a cupful of any cold
gravy, may be added to the pie before
baking it, to vary the flavor.
the liquor from a quart oi oysters, mid
to it one quart of milk, and place it over
tbe fire, to beat gradually. Meantime,
remove all bits of shell from the cysterp.
As the milk and oyster liquor heal skin?
tliem. aud when 110 more scum lises mix
smoothly w tii them four heaping table
spoonfuls of cracker dust or crackers
rolled and sifted; season Ike soup with
two saltspoonluls of salt and dust of
cayenne pepper; put the oysters into it,
stir it until their edges cm 1, and then
serve it at once. The oysters should
not be added to the soup until just be
fore serving it, as they grow hard and
tough if they are cooked more than just
long enough to curl their edges. Oys
ter crackers should be served with the
the fish scaled, the fins aud tail cut off,
and the eyes taken out; wash it in cold
water, and dry it on a clean towel; score
the fish to the bone on both sides, mak
ing the cuts about an inch apart, rub
salt and cayenne pepper into the cuts,
and let the fish stand for an hour IU a
cool place. Then dredge it thickly
with flour, and quickly brown it over a
hot fire in a dripping-pan containing
suflicient smoking hot fat to prevent
burning, Serve the fish very hot as
soon as it is brown.
COMPLETE covers are made for grand
pianos which admit of a great deal of
decoratioiL They can be of almost any
material, but the most i-erviceublo are
of dark cloth or lelt with a design
worked as a bordering IU gold, silk, or
yellow crewels, aud finished oif with a
narrow worsted fringe.
COLORED table-covers lor dining-rooms
are of linen plush, and are to be had in
all colors. The centre is perfectly pla : n,
and the bordering, which is uaua'ly
deep, is stamped in arabesque, M orish,
or geometrical design to harmonize with
the latest style iu carpets, which is en
tirely of that character.
SAVED: "Isn't it delightful, Horace,
to think of the awakening of nature,
a'ter her long sleep I A few weeks ago
and all was buried beneath tlio cold,
white blanket of winter, and the frost
king held the life-giving sap of the trees
and flowers in his mighty grip. Now
all is changed. The sun, with its pene
trating rays, revivifies the long dormant
principles of growth, and in a short
time—a few days at most —tlie earth
will bo clad in her spring suit of green,
beautifully figured with dandeloins and
daisies." "Oh, Almir.i Ann," saidlie, as
he looked into her eyes a look of rapt
admiration, "if 1 thought you would
always siing English like that I'd—l'd
—but then you might turn your lan
guage batteries on me." A moment
more ho would have been lost, but his
guardian angel did not forsake liirn.
[Now York Graphic.]
O'Houov.TN ICOHMU'K Opinion.
O'Dmovati Risine, speaking of the
(ireat U arm an Remedy to a friend, said:
"Mrs. K >ssa has been cured of a very se
vero attack of neuralgia by St. Jacobs'
Oil. as she will gladly tell you, if you call
at my residence, 879 Bishwiek avenuo,
Brooklyn, N. Y,"
"IT'S a terrible stroke," said a sympa
thetic friend to a bereaved mother, after
the funeral, "but your poor boy will be
happier in the bright world to which he
has gone."
"1 don't know about that," returned
tlie mourner, "there iiin t no birds jests
to rob there."
AN ingeuious railway caterer, who
had betMi in the restaurant business
seventeen years, has invented a sand
wich made of bread and meat. People
who have eaten it say it is iu all respects
equal to the old established bass-wood
and leather article, and is even consid
ered more palatable and wholesome. It
has not yet come iuto general use.
* % *"Mcan people tako advantage of
their neighbor's dilllcultios to annoy them.'
Mean diseases, such as piles, rheumatism,
constipation, dyspepsia, malaria, larno
backs, etc., take advantage of people's ex
posures and attack tkuru. It is then that
Kidney-Wort appears on the field and by
its timely agency puts to rout this Hock of
evil ailments. It is a friend in need and
therefore a frieud indeed.
ffcy*.Nothing so simple aud perfect for
coloring as the Diamond Dyes. For car
pet rags, better and cheaper than any
other dye stuffs.
A CROCODILE outdone: A crocodile
stole a baby once iu tlie days wheu ani
mals could talk and was about to make
a dinner of it. The poor mother
begged pifceously for her child. ' Tell
me one truth," said the crocodile, "and
you shall have yflur baby again." The
gnef-strickeii mother thought for u mo
ment and then said, between her sobs:
"f shall buy a new bonnet next spring."
"Take the baby," said the alligator,
clubbing himself as lie spoke, "J am not
fly enough for you."
Got Kleli.
When llops are $1.25 per lb, as now,an
acre will yield SI,OOO protit, anil yet the
best family Medicine on earth, Hop Bit
ters, contain the same quantity of Hops
ant! are sold at the same price fl red years
ago, although Hops no* are twenty times
higher than th'*n. K ine Hops, get rich
iu fsckt.t; use 11 >p Bitters and get rich ID
he nit h.
IT is never safe to trust the discretion
of the average small IK>V. A London
tradesman found this out the other day
when it was too late. He tells the story
himself. "I keep a shop," says lie,
"and sell fancy goods. A gentleman
came in to liny something. It was ear
ly, and my little boy and I were alone
in the house at the time. The gentle
man gave me a sovereigh, and I had to
go up stairs to my casli-liox. Before
doing so I went into the little room next
to the shop, and said to the boy. 'Watch
the gentleman, that he don't steal any
thing,' and I put him on the counter.
As soon as I returned, he sang out, at
the top of his voice, 'Pa, he didn't steal
anything; I watched him.' You may
imagine what a position I was in."
Yegetine—Tlds preparation is scientifi
cally and chemically combined, and so
strongly concentrated from roots, berba
and barks, that its good effects are reali
zed immediately after commencing to take
it. '
A FAMILY paper published a long arti
cle entitled "Housekeeping Hereafter."
'•Merciful heavens !" groaned a distrac
ted mother of five children, and keeper
of one husband and two servants, "if I
thought there wrs going to be house
keeping hereafter, I declare I'd uever
die." _
The soft and silkv appearance given to
the hair by the use of Caroline, the na
tural hair restorer and now Im
proved and perfected, is the subject of
general remark by all who have witnessed
its effects upon the human head. Sold by
all dealers in drugs.
♦ m m
WHEN some one was lamenting
Foote's unlucky fate in being kicked w
Dublin, Johnson said: "He's rising iu
the world. When he was iu England
no oue thought it worth while to kick
Alleii'it Hra in Fond.
Cures Nervous De Jility aud Weakness
of Genera'ive Organs, #1 all druggists
S:rd lor circular. Allen's Pharmacy,
■l3 First av. N. Y.
"WHAT part," asked a Sunday School
teacher "of the burial of Sir John
Moore do you liko beat?" The boy was
thoughtful for a manient, aud then re
plied, "Few and short were the prayers
he said."
Skinny Men. "Well's Health Renewer"restores
heulili cures tyspep la linp <teuc : fl.
"u ell's Rough on Corns:" Jte. Ask for it;
Quick, complete cure. Corns, warts, bunions:
HOOK once said of a bald man: lie
used to cut his hair, but now his hair
cuts hiij."
littinarkable Escape.
John Kuhn, of Lifayette, lud., had a
very narrow escape lroin death. This is
his own story: "Due year ago 1 was in
the last stages of consumption. Our best
physicians gave mv up. I finally got
so low that our doctor said that 1 could
not live twenty-four hours. My friends
then purchased a bottle of Dr. W in. Hall's
Balsam for the Lungs, which beneficed me.
I continued until I took nine bottles. I am
now in perfect health having used no other
THE photographer is the only man
whose regular business is to take seme
thing. _
Dr. din'a Great TCerve Restorer is tho marvle
of the age for all nerAe diseases. All fits stopped
free. Send to 931 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa.
'"■•'•••■vin " i"i>—
Scrofula, Scrofulous Ilumor, Cancer, Cn.*croas
Humor. Krysipcl s, Caknor, salt ltt*um,
I'lmples or Humor lu the Face, Coughs
au>l Colds. U.cors, bronchitis. Neu
ra'ifia, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism,
i'slus lu the Stile, Constipa
tion. Coatlvenesa, l'lies,
Dizziness, Headache,
Nervousness, Pains
m the buck,
Faintness at the stomach, Kidney Complaints,
Female Weakness and General Debility.
This preparat on is scientifically and chemically
combined, and so strongly concentratoit from
roots, Ileitis, ami barks, that Its good effects are
realised immediately alter cotuiuenciuir to (ako lu
There is no illseaseof the human system for which
the VKUI TINK cannot be used wuh CKHKKUT
■AKKTV, us u iioes noi contain unv metallic cotn
pouuiL For eradicating the system of all impuri
ties ot the ninod It has no cipiu! it has never
failed to effect a cure, giving WHO and strength to
the system debilitated by disease, its wonderful
effects upon (he complaints uaiued urn HiirpriHiug
to all. Many have leon cured by iho VKUKTINB
that have tried many other remedies. It can well
be called
The Great Blood Purifier.
Dr. W. Ross Writes:
Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Dyspep
sia, Rheumatism, Weakness.
I have been practiNitiKiiio<t!cine for years, and
as a remedy for ScenOtla, l.ii\r Complaint, l>i/s
--prjista, It/wuniatlsm, Weakness, and all diseases
of the Novit, 1 have never found its equal. 1 have
sold \ egetme for 7 years and have never had one
lK>ttle returned. I would heartily recommend It
to those lu need of a blood nurtller.
DR. W. KGSS. Druggist,
Bept. 18, 1878. Wilton, IOWA
VKGETINK.— L*"r eradicating all impurities ot the
blood I rum the system, It has no equal. It has
never failed to effect a cure, giving time and
strength to the system debilitated by disease.
Vegetiue is Soiil by All Druggists.
l)oea a la-.-.o back or disordered urino indl-
oato that you arc a victim ? THEN DO NOT
£ HESITATE; use Kidney-Wort at once, (drug- c
® gists recommend it) and it will spoodily ever-
® oomo tho disease and restore healthy action. ®
C I orlior For complaints peculiar >
r ladUlVvli tj ;otir sex, euchu pain J
* and weakness, Kidney-Wort is unsurpaasod.
£ as it will act promptly and safely. J
Either Sex. Inoontlncnoc, retention of urine,
£ brick duster ropy deposits, and dull drafting C
O paina. all speedily yield to its curative power. 2
< <j. SOLD EY ALL DBUGGI9TB. Price SI. *:
Remember that stamina, rltal energy, the life
principle or whatever yon may choose to call the
resistant powers which buttles against the causes
of disease and death, the grand safeguard of
health. It is the garrison of the human fortress,
anil when tt waxes weak.thetmc policy la to throw
In reinforcements. In other words, when such an
emergency occurs, commence a course of lis
tener's Bitters. For sale by Druggists and Deal
era, to whom apply for Hosteller's Almanac for
Hrmrnibcr Tills.
If yon are slclt Hop Bitters will sorely aid Nb
(are In making you well when all else falls.
If you are costive or dyspeptic, or are suffering
from any other of the numerous diseases of the
stomach or bowels, it Is your own fault If you re
main ill, for Liop Bitters are a sovereign remedy in
all such complaints
If you are wasting away with any form of Kid
ney disease, stop templing Death this moment,
and turn for a cure to ilop Hitters.
If you are sick with that terrible sickness, Ner
vousness, you w>ll And a * ( Balm In Gilead" in the
use of Ilop Hitter a
If you are a frequenter, or a resident of a mias
matic district, barricade your system against the
scourge of all countries—malarial, epidemic, bil
ious, and luiermlitent fevers—by the use of Hop
If you have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad
breath, pains and aches, ami feel miserable gen
erally, Hop Bitters will give yon fair skin, rich
blood, ami sweetest breath, health, and comfort.
In short ttiey cure all Diseases of the stomach.
Bowels, Bloou, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys, Bright'e
Disease. SSOO will be paid for a case they will not
cure or help.
That poor, bedridden, invalid wife, sister,
mother,or daughter, can be made the picture of
health, by a few bottles of Hop Bitters, costing
but a trifle. Will you let them suffer T
to *rnd 3-cL .L-unp for the mot complete Catalogue
Lr <K9n per day at home. Sample worth
tu f rC o. Address STl.-ONSON A Co.,
Portland, Maine.
VSure Cure for Epilepvy or Fits in 24 hours, Free to
poor. DR. KRCSK, 2844 Arsedal 't„ Louis, Mo,
When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them
for a time and then have them return again, I mean
a radiral cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPI
LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study.
I warrant my remedy to care the worst cases. Be- 1
cause others hive failed in no reason for not now re
ceiving a cure, t-ond at once for a treatise and a Free
Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express and
post<ifflce, Ilco; ts you nothing for a trial, and 1 will
cure you. Address Dr. 11. G. liOO f, 183 Pearl St,N. Y, ,
In every County, with whom we will make EXTRA
LIBERAL TERMS and give full control of one or more
of our new aud rapid selling publications, Any Agent
of exierience can s .on work up a permanent busi
ness which will pay him SIOO.OO or more per month,
by securing oontrol of lis ounty and appointing
canvassing agents. For further particulars address
\gi)? 88Q3,, >8 N. 7th at., Hlula., Pa. |
awr/asiCifiaar *■" ,
MANY yearn ago whou now sects iu
New England began to break the good
o.'d congregational bairic-rs and make
incursions into the sheep-folds of the
regular olergy, a reverend divine, a man
of good sense ai d good humor, encoun
tered an irregular practitioner at the
house of ono of his flock. They had a
pretty hot discussion on their poiute of
difference, and at length the interloper
wound up with Baying, •'Well, doctor,
you'll at least allow that it was comman
ded to preach the Clospol to every crit
ter V
"True," rejoined the doctor, "irue
enough. But then I never heard it was
commanded to overv 'critter' to preach
the Gospel."
An effort exiitlug without a cause u uo
impossibility ; tickling iu the throat,husk
iuess of the voice, violeut coughing, etc.,
are the i ffoets of a severe cold. Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup cures the colt', at once and
removes its serious effeuts.
"IT wasn't tliat!" exclaimed Mr. San
ders, indignantly, "von see, I didn't
say a word at all."
"Jlow'd alio find it out, then ?" asked
one of the party.
"Why, I went home and she asked if
it was me. I told her it was. Took the
chances on that. Then she asked me if
I had been drinking. 1 told ner no.
And there 1 stopped. Never said auoth
er word."
"But you say she caught on some
where. How was it?"
"Just a blunder I made. When I
told her 1 hadn't drank anything, she
was satisfied, but when I cume to get to
bed 1 put on my overcoat instead pf my
night shirt. And that excited suspi
\*"A fair outside is but a poor substi
tute for inward worth." Good health in
wardly, of the bowels, liver and ki lneys,
is sure to secure a fair outride, the glow of
health on the cheek and vigor in the frame.
For this, use Kidney-Wort and nothing
Don't weir dingy or faded things
when the teD-cent Diamond Dyes will
make them good as new. They are per
"I KNOW," Raid a little boy to his
elder sister's young man at the supper
table, "that you join our society for the
protection of the little birds, because
I mamma says you a v e very fowl f larks."
'Then there was a silence, and the ham
burger cheese might have been heard
scrambling around in its tiu box on the
cupboard slielf.
SMliiilkin Abroad,
If any one has represented that we are
in anv way interested in any bogus bitters
or siuff with the word "Hops" in their
name, cheating honept folks, or that we
will pay any of their hills or debts, they
are frauds and swindlers, and the victims
should punish them. We 'eal iu and pay
only the hills for the genuine Ilop liitters,
the purest and bist medicine on earth,
THIS talk about blue-blooded ances
try is all vein-glory.
iniir|' Caib i'IC hil".
The best Salve In the world for cuts,
bruises, soie*, ulcers, sail rheum, tetter,
(happed bauds, chilblains, corns and all
kinds of skin eruptions, eic. Get Henry's
Carbohne Salve, as all others are but imi
THE milkman's motto —The pump is
mightier than the cow.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician, retired from practice,
having had placed in his hands by an
East India the formula of a
simple vegetable remedy for the speedy
and permanent cure of Consumpti< <v,
bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat
aod Lung Affections, also a positive and
radical cure for Nervous Debility and all
Nervous Complaints, after having tested
its wondertul curative powers in thousauds
of cases, his felt it his duty r iakc it
known to his suffering fellows. Actuated
by this motive and c desire to relieve hu
man suffering, I will send free of charge,
to all who desire it, this reoeipe, in Ger
man, French or English, with full direc
tion! tor preparing aud using. Ixmt by
mail by addressing w th sta p, naming
this paper, W. A. Noyes, U9 Power's
Block. Rochester, X, Y.
IT takes a smart man to conceal from
others what he doesn't know.
Pure cod liver oil. from selected livers,
on the seashore, by Caswell, Hazard & Co. .
N. Y. Absolutely pure aud sweet. Pa
tients who have once taken it prefer it to
all others. Physicians declare it superioi
to all other oils.
Chapped hands, face, pimplee and rough
skin cured by using Juniper Soap, made
by Caswell. Hazard & Co.. Now York.
THE soila-water man miuds sizz busi
ness in the summer.
Lydia E. Pinkh&m's Vegetable Com
pound is a positive cure for a ! l those weak
nesses so common to our best female pop
%. A SIGN of indigestion: "Gone to din
ner; be back in five minutes/'
The habit of running over boots or slioe p
corrected with Lyon's Patent Ilcel Sliffen
of this stylo. Equal U> unj
monitor, ire, send it to be
examined before ynu pat/
for it. Thix is the same etylo
other companies retail forsf>o.
All Machines warranted for 3
yurs, Fend fr Illustrated Cir
culars! dTostimonlals. Addrew
IIHL Tenth ELl'iii! .iJdyiiia, Pa
Best t ouch Syrup. Tastes good. fcS
Use In time. Sold by m
I 11? IF " (nT to^ttain GOOD HEALTH
Llr EL LONG LIFE R!"l Happy Homes.
P. W. ZXEGLER & CO., 915 Arck St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
1 have a positive remedy for the above disease; by its
■so thousands of cases of ttie worst kind and of long
atuTidlnu have been cured. Indeed, BO strong ts my faith
In its ottlcaey, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, to
aether with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease, to
anv sufferer. Give Express and P. O. address.
DR-TT. A. SLOCUM, 181 Pearl bt., New York
At; t:\TS WANTED for the Bust and Fastest
selling Pictorial Books and Bibles- Prices re
ad 33 per cent. NATIONAL i CB. CO., T hilada., Pa.
ACfia week in your own town. Terms and $5
vPUU outflr free. A ldress 11. HALLETT & CX,
Portland, Maine.
Those nusweriiJK an Advertisement w-ll
Confer a taTor upon the ■* dvertiser ai d the
Publisher by stating that they saw the adver
tuemeut in this Journal, namlue ttae paper.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago. Backache. Headache, Toothache,
Aoru Tie rtml.Nu rlltiigs. Nprislsia. lii-ulsft,
lliii-iiw. Nets LI". Front ltll<-a.
Bold by Druggist* and Dea.uir. here. Fifty Cent.a l*tile.
DlrocUou* In 11, Languages.
'Buoorir as tu A VoIiELEK 4 < <> Kalliluon , JIU., I. B. A.
t Krora the Dudon Olobe.]
If- ears. Fdil'jr*
Th<- , la a good likc-nr-ss of Mrs. Lydla R TSnla
li.Ttu, <>f Lynn. Mu>s., who strive alio! her human hrintfa
may It) truthfully calh-dthe ''Dear Fri< nd of Woman,"
as some of h<-r correa|>ondonta love to call h*r. Kite
ts gi-alotmly devoted to h-r work, which la the outcome
of a life-study, and la obligr-d to ks?p sf* lady
to help her answer the large corrvsjamdcnca
which dnil v pours in upon her, each bearing its dfuvia!
burden of ni.Tcilnjr, or Joy at release from it. Her
V<ifctablu f*..nijmuiid is a medicine for good and not
evil purposes. 1 have personally innifflgratod It and
sin satisfied of the truth of this.
On account of its proven merits, it L rc<-omincnded
I and prescribed by lliclxKt jihyTdclana in the country.
One sayst "It works like a charm and save* much
jiain. it will cure entirely the worst form of falling
of the uterus Leucorrhcra, irregular and painful
Mi m-:matn.n, all Ovarian Troubles, Inllammatiou and
Ulceration, lloodinpa, all Dlsplac.*ments and the con
■equeut spinal weakucss, and it especially mlajvU-d to
tbe Change of Life."
It permeates every portion of the system, and grivcg
new life and vigor. It removes faintr.ees, flatulency,
destroya all craving for stimulants, and relieves weak
n< <s of the stomach. It cures Bloating. Hc idachea,
Ni rvous Prostration, General Bobility, m i pli ssnnm,
IV-prctsion and Iniiipestion. That feeling of U-arlng
down,causing |>ain, weight an 1 haokarba. is always
permanently cured l>y Its uso. It will at all limes, and
undnr all circumstances, act in harmony w.'h the law
that governs the female system.
It costs only f L per bottlo or six for £V. and is sold by
druggists. Any advice required as to special cases, and
the names of many who have been restored to perfect
health by the use of the Vegetable Compound, can be
obtained by addres: Ing Mrs. P., with stamp for reply,
at her home in I.ynn, Mess.
For Kidney Complaint < -f r '.thrr *-x thl* comiK>t;nd Is
un surpass d as abttndunt testimonial* show.
" Mrs. Pinkliam's Liver lllls," fays one writer, "are fn the world for the cure of Constipation,
Biliousness and Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood
PurMlt-r works wonders iu its special line and bids fnlr
to equal the Compound In its popularity.
AH must respect her as an Angel of Mercy hos<! sole
aiuhltlon is to do good to others.
Philadelphia, I'a. & Mr.-. A. M. D.
> ' "■ i. j
As it is for all tho painful diseases of the "o
R It clcnnsca the Eysteni if tho acrid poison
sft that causes tho dreadful suffering which J
© only the victims of Rheumatism can realise. >
£ of tho worst terms cf this terrthlo disease -
d hnvo been quickly relieved, and In short time "
© rnicr, ti. LIQUID on DKY. SOLD r.r DBUCCISTS. •©
< 4t- Pry can lc pent bv mail, Iml
WELLS, 111 CHAIIDSON* & Co., Burlington Vt
mA Wl-.F K. sl2 a day at home easily made. Costly
outfit l ee. Adtlrerr TitrE A Co.. Auirnsta, Me.
Oi titst. offer* the surest itieaiinol in,ik ng regular monthly
profit* fromlnvotmenUolfliitof lOUOor more dealing tn
Each member gets the benefit of combined cajittal of the
Club. lCcpon* sent weekly. Dividends paid monthly.
Clnhl3 pa-ilsliareholilers lawk their money in profits in
past three inotitha, still *-avlng original amount making
money in Club, or rot tinted on demand. fchare*,fHicaeb.
Kxplnnatory rlrcularsw-nt Dtv. Reliablecorrespoiideabs
**ntl everywheie. Aldnws It. E. KENDALL A Co.
Coui n Mchta.. 177 &K9 La Salle St., CUICAOO, 111
aOMfIK ' fTi Has a Pad diflMcg frcmallctbow
b npshafw, with B#lf-Adlottlag
Btdl IB ctnlsr, adapts I tacit to all
JH SENSIBLE: rn P* 100 *" •' tb* boFy. Whll* tho
m \trussJ
Br V Jy with us rinftr. wiu tight
ft* pours ibfihrniab h(ldMCral*
layaoft night, aui a radical curs ccrtala. Ill* cosy, duahh
|M cboap. Scat by mail. CtrcaUn fraa.
TU C DCCT Family Magazine
lit L DLO I Two Dollars.
Dcmorfsl's Illustrated Monthly,
Sold by n nfyrodralera and Poatiaast
er%. bend twenty cents for I* specimen
ropy to W. LL'.tfffrXGA DKRoReSt, Pnb
llalier, 17 E. Ifttlx KL.Jleir York.
tW The Xeie Volume (19) comments*
with Xovember. bend FIFTY CENTS for
three months; it will satisfy von that you
can subscribe Two Dollars for u year and
get ten times its value.
LUNtxd.U ft kun Sfl
rare* Uonnumptlon, Coldn, Pneuinttnlii, fi
dueir/.u, llroneliliil Dirnenluien, HroiieliitiN,
(lesrsrne**, AffThma. Croup, \Vboouiog
('-ongh. slid nil lliaease* of llie Itrentliina
(trgan*. It Noolhea nnd hekli the .Heiultritnr
of the I.angH, Inflitined nnd polnincd by thr
diartusr, unT prevents the iright uvvenln HI
light netan ncronn the chert which arenii>t>i
it. Consumption is not an Inciirnhle
HALL'S BAISAH will euro yon.
ihough prafeiwk'ii:;! aid full".
' O Pool's Signal Service Barometer
{ iITS* nKu ct
[; i BA ROM tT;Eft | hBiB in advance. It will tell what kind of storm is approaching, and from vrliai
S| direction—invaluable to navigators. Farmers can plan their wrk
jtruK. t yMil[iH according to its predictions, Slaves oO times its cost in a Single season
- ' &*SSESLiT¥tEf'W W l "' ™ Has an accurate thermometer attached, which alone is worth the price ot the
*t illl, ft VW Willi combination. This great WEATHER INDICATOR is endorsed by the
MI Kf mm Scientific men of' the Jay to be the BEST IN THE WORLD !
| jliMuo -11 11 '&* .Ij.lBM The Thermometer and Barometer are put in a nicely finished walnut frame,
n 'iilltioJ f HIT- H with silver plated trimmings, etc.. making it a beautiful as well as useful or-
Mi :j I '-;jt—-JfflilM nament. We will send you a sample one, delivered free, to four viaLce, in cod
r i|l' ,00 7 L?f |rf 3 TIJH order, on receipt of sl. or Bix for S-T. Agents are raakmg from $5 to s2<
Wl M-3 I" Sfh W ill daily selling them. A trial will convince you. Order at once. It sells ut
1 tin '3 I I !' iB £1 SIGHT. Just the thing to sell to fanners, merchants, etc. Invaluable to
L" Bit ®°s ftSt ?' i Sal everybody. U. S. Postage Stamps taken if in good order, but money pre
h ill C T-1 "I liffl ferred. Agents wanted everywhere. Bend for Circular and terms,
FJ I hl,i ;{ ft,- % [jiftt Address all orders to OSWEGO THERMOMETER W ORK>,
tt ![: If "*3 I T "4 Uf" '■? I l ' IB {Lara-iit eMab'ixhme.nt, of the kind in the world)Oaweuo, Oswego Co..
4 |lll a I I Sj! IB ji. Y. We refer to the Mayor, Postmaster, County Clerk, First and Second
i l !' 111*! 1 I ?f : m H National Bank or any business house in Oswego, N. Y.
! " I' a# s IraSgra? i illlfl Wntevour ■ ' Ojhce, County and State plainly,ana renut 0 money
if ilili 5 I 1 fife 3® PI ES order, draft < v York or registered letter, at ourrtxk.
I 11 103 I• 1 Ull i pli This will.. v.; a Reant i ful nnd Very Usefnl Present,
t lt lo l 1 pf f lil READ WHAT THE PUBLIC SAY ABOUT IT.
I wit- o5 I: liiia [ find Pool's Barometer works as well aßone that costs til). You can rely
' iVj .nll 11 i : - 12 MP on it every time, Capt, CHAS. B ROGERS, Ship 'Twilight," San Francisco
!1 11 3 I I !|j|in| Barometer received in good order, and mast say that the instrument civet
fmm ?j' t f -jfe—djl'lß nerfect satisfaction in every respect. It is neatly made and wonderfully cheap
1. 30 I 1§ at two dollars. GEO. B. PAXISOMB. M. C. R R.. Office, Detroit. Mich.
1" ] f I i le- ; S3 fP'il Pool's Barometer has already saved me many times its cost, in foretelling
• ill -I IST. If;!,!! the weather. It i 3 a wonderful curiosity and works to,"perfection.
',? ''"FT TJJ ] S; 1Q P. J. ROBERTSON, Milwaukee, W M
i, lf r 5kJ! I- i ! t without our Trade Mark, and signature of J. A. POOL on the back of instra.
iihAal """ b,h "
t* ■''' iilnEi Every Instrument trnrrftureA Perfect and 7lc 7 idl> 7 c. Size'Jl" .n met ion -
la' if. au :.j 1 3 1.4 wide. If not satisfied cnrereivir.s the instrumcn", return it ••• oncosrd
we will refund your money. P'ease state where you saw our advertisement.
A Rare Opportunity!
|Ltr' at" 1- $
6 Valuable Premiums sent C D [ [fl
The six valu iftl* n<l uitful aiticltt r | I
llluitrated abort nag 6 obtained kg ■ ■I g m #
entry reader of lb it publication akto
lately Free of Choree. -Read *t adrrrtbtmm
em efuliy. fur it presents un opportunity tuck at it s-lduvi
net with. We publt/h a splendid Litotwrj, Agricultural and
Household r s l* r eiiiel The It oral Iloine Journal, eten
number of which eonutn* olght largo rage*. Si column-, profusely
Illustrated. and Oiled with valuable hint* and mH'.tlon* '*
former, (iar-leuor aui Hon* wife, also splendid Htorier, .Iticlifi
and Poem*, useful Kiuiwled<, J.sdli-x' fane* Work, Ult aui
Humor, Exposure* of Humbug., Heading for the Young. News,
etc. It is replete wlib valuable In format lon, and subscriber*
of tan Und In a single issue some hint or suggestion worts twice
(It* cost of a roar's subscription. Wishing to Introduce tble
spleudtd paper Into thousand* of homes where ills not already
known, wo now make it* follow lug unparalleled offer: Upon
rtceiptef only Fitly Cents <* f.ofagii slumps we slfl iJi*
The Rural Home Journsl fur One \ tar. and w*i wtU also
ttnd Free und pott paid Klx i uluuble and I aeful I'rem-
I urn*. at follow*: 1. Hemp •'let new Album, eostalulng it
beautiful em'-ossed pictures in many colors and various designs,
rsrr desirable for decorating faner articles, for scrap-books, rle-
J Ladles' Litre Tie, !Inches font, and of erv pretty d. sign ;
will be sure to please the ladles, I Adjustable H men Key.
This Is a key that will wind any watch, as It adjust* Itself to nt
any post, ills hsndtomsly finished, and Is a most useful and
handy article far an* one. i. Klegant Cnrnellun Hngcr
Hind;, for lady or grntlrman, with gold-plated top and nstuc
riatt. Thu la a prettr ring, and one that will la.c a life-line-.
Ileautirul Ludlea' Jet Brooch. of handsome na't-rn.
neat and stylish, and will last a life-time. 6. Ihe Myalte
Oraelr, or Combination Card*, by the aid of which yon can tell
aay number or numbers thought of by members of a company, tell
ths ages of your friends, etc. These article# are all valuable and
useful. warranted as repTesra'ed. and very suitable for Christmas
pre ten is. Keinember, we send all the premium' de.erltied above
six In number, fret to any one sending tifty rent* for a rear's
aabserlptlon to Tua KURIL Horn JQCRHXL. This It a wonder
fa I bargain I Do not fail to tak* adrantageof It. at you may never
again hare an opportunity to obtain to much for to little money!
Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded! At to our
reliability, we refer to the publisher of nv new|tn|*r in Sew
York For 92 00 we will send five subscription* to the paper and
6*a sets of the premiums; therefore by gettiug four of your
neighbors to aeud with you, you will aecure your own pap-r and
premium* free. Address.
r. M. LL'I'TOX. Publisher. 87 PurLPlacc,Nt:w York.
P" V\ Maroelmtt Cure*.
agL_ H U /„r all iiu*!-< S.nd NEBVI
Om.rnuiw f.H)!! NERVE Arrtr-
Pij as directed, Fit* after first day'sure. Treat ic A
|p|H trial bottle free to Fit t'aeea.thev paying • xprtet
awlchargeaon box.sehen receives!. peud names P.O *r.d
Hgßexpreaa address of afflicted to I>H.KLINK,!EiI A* b
85Hst.,Fbila4a.,Pa. Sea Ifrugyut. fievur* of JYasui*
/tiUnulelptiia. Pa. 18 years' experience. (Edtau
/lslted for treatment trittt parelj vegetable medi
cine#.) Dr. lA)bb' leng experience la the treat
ment of duieanes enatlea him to guarantee a cure
In all oases. Conaoltutlon free ami atrlctlj con
fldentlaL Call in person or by letter Offlce
honrß: 11 t*i f and 7o 10 evening.
| )F.Bsi ham oue Fokliem,their Widows, Children
I or rarenU. Und<-r tew utws thousands entitled to
iiicreaae I'outfit >ll. ltef* rto i ev. F. D. FOWKR, Cnap-
Jain C. K. H R. Write for lw* and information. Pat
ent* procured. Addre**, wiib uUvoiji, B£Li.l'M >IIIc
LEB k OO w Washington, D. C.
hwa asaaaww- cwlMfiUtU SIBKl BVW
Uadlai llisi Clans at fIS "P-
Doubla Barrel Breach Lioadara, Cl 6 Dp.
rerebsnJ A Wtubworlh rboke bare Min
gle Brrreh Loading <*aua, at lU.JO np,
nnulessd Mreecb LoadingGnniand PU
to.* f moet approved Engii-hana Amenctn m-ikea
All hind*wfßportlng Implements and artl
oien mjuirvd by *iwrtKinen tnd iii]QXUk<^i
ids. C, bFCHBS CW., 7l*Jtrke4 SIC,
Smd Coeat hiant for PriceXiat.
sn OLD Hnnverb* Adventure^ to ustra , J- "Na
1T 46. v eekly l-akeeido, mti.t F Hit- < reoeipt
of jwoULby UO nNF.LI.K., LOVIiA CO.. CbifSMfa
Trwppers. attention! —O.M.Emmanjj. Newton.N.
J.-payb hitrheet market price lor raw Fun* A 'kxn-
JOMAiI 4i*LEi\S' \HFfc
H M(M RICntRDV BOY.** 20 a da> easily aolu
We wunt au Aircnt in every town. Send f r .nrt-idara.
term*. KIUI agency to AmerlcMii Pnblialiitig
go. Hartford. Boston. • " cA*ro. OtQciciuil, or at,
L.n* w. n. TlliinPAO S. Pllt.l*., Ptv.
sino Auiomatic gnginM*
AafOaa hoOt e#t MM wS a Asiomakla 001 Of
Vvr.d OkHlero*^,^
v-toes. >. * W. PtTHKlTcqaaL 3m mi. Qmmim.
This N.Y. Singer, S2O
With $• M-t f Attachments Free.
B3P*^ t 'Sll erraiitcf iwrfect. Light running
BSC /IW Quiet, hand-oinv and durable. St nt
■BA /kj on Ua>t trial-plan whtn desired
HfcSß*V. /fflj "spPf Home Orgnat I g K t,
VI%IW BSBk Rrs-de. It stopa: yechanical Huh
Ba-s. octave coupler. 2 knee swell*,
for JVI with tsfoolandsl Book,onJv fTK
canQf aMnT Nf\ aiiTd. Klegant cam. mapnlflceiit
tone, durable lnrt.le and out. Clr
1 oular. with testimonials, fraa. Ask
6 I'ay lie A Co. ,7 Third ay .Chlcaya
n Si yS OflPlM* ** uMRa *
A Aloohohsm, Opium Eat
lA. jA Ing rV rofula and
Nareooa and Blood Dis-
gWyik aaaes. Ta Clargymaa,
WiML Uwyma. UUraiy Jtlea!
Merchant*, Bankers,
Ladies and all whoaa
m / sedentary amploymaal
.IjfflfeiSL f * aauaaa Nerroua Proatra-
AHA / Hon, Irregularities of
I the biuod, gtonaach,
/ bowels wKidueyi, am
wLo raquira a mrra
mm toaie, appetiser at
V atimulant. SAMARL
i, suu tana. Ss2i- , T f,Tr^
Mnw —m. W wonderful lun go ran#
II ev IQ'W Iff Ml El tb,i eTwr ustaiuad the
\W I sinking system. Fo
* • W O-* aala by all Druggist*.
Bole I'reprtetoru, ML Joseph, flla.
nl IBVSfB IHf 1 UVEA —a ar ticn guarants, thy u p*S>
Ml lid B I IKfS IUICH sni* in all ctuiea All hasiag t-—a
lllnl I Vllb hus-hunt-il by a* ill trcotmeut of atberg
Sbtulg at sac* saibrart iMt raw oppurtuuitj aad priflt by ths ka*wtsCua
galaad la alb of hold study coa'auxt sltb* 1c tbe worst casta
af Hrroio, such Is the awl itwscstful >al mrnumouc rrratowot of Dr. J.
B. HATER. Mala *Ow. Ml Arch .trccy Philab-h..!*, Co. Advice fraa
■and stamp tor Matuaoaiol* at ptrsoas ourtd oud uroucb oftaaa
If you are a sufferer with thl* terrible disease, you caa
learn something to your interest by reading our new
pamphlet, which gives full particulars as to the cause of
Rheumatism and Neuralgia, and the manner of treatment
required to effect a permanent cure. Do not fail to road
it Sent free on application. Address
Rheumatic Syrup Co,* Rochester, N. T.