sltt j|itlhqim jooTfiii!. THURSDAY, FEBRCABTI., 1883. BEHttGER & BiMILLER, Editors and Proprietors. • JJ 1 . _ , - - !"■ Local Department. POULTRY FOIL SALE. —Inquire at this office. —Hon. Ilenry Meyer has our thanks for public documents. —Engineers are at work surveying a railroad through Nittany Valley. —Just received at the Journal Store another lot of the celebrated Rockford Ladies' Mittens—no better anywhere. • FOR SALE.— Rev. C. F. Deininger offers his valuable property in Millheim ut private sale. For particulars inquire of H. K. Luse. on the premises. tf —The Lutheran Ladies' Mite Society will meet iu the church next Monday evening. A full aUeud.niee is respect fully requested. SECRETARY. —The JOURNAL STORE is keeping up a full line of Family, Pocket and Sunday School Bibles, Books cf Worship with and or without tunes. Albums, Paper, Envelopes and Stationery of all kinds. —Hiss Mary E. Strohm wishes to Inform our citizeus that she expects to open a subscription school, April 2>th next, tuition, £1.7 J per pupil for a term of ten weeks. —Last week our Quarter Sessions Court, Judge Orvis presiding, disposed of all the applications for license OH file. In all cases where there were remon strances based on good reasons, lie*, uses were promptly ret used. —Just icceived at the JOURNAL STORK a fine lot of stationery— espe cialy for the dear ladies—scratch books, pen cases, fine envelopes, photograph and autograph albums, bibles iu great variety, &c, &c. . How T(? GET A GOOD PUBLIC SALE.— Have your bills printed at the JOUR NAL office—just the best place in Finn's Valley to make a fine, tasty dis -1 lay bill—and get Abs Ilarter for au tioneer. With these two prime factors success is assured. —Mr. Johu F. Ileckraan, of Creston, Ohio, paid us a short visit last Satur day. Mr. H. is a son of A. G. Heck man. formerly of Gregg township, and carries on a successful shoe trade. He seems to be a first grade business man. Welcome to call again. —Subscribers are coming in rather iively for such a contemptible-Liebdom adal" as the JOURNAL. Come along frieuds—the more the merrier and we will do our level best to make our fond ling little JOURNAL just a trifle the laciest local paper in this part of the moral vineyard. Yes, we will make the far fly from someboby's classic pate where there isn't much to spare—and don't any of you forget it. — l The firm of Br. £, S. Deshler & Son is dissolved by mutual consent. Tho books and accounts are in the hands of E. J. Deshler for settlement, where all who know themselves indebt ed are requested to call without delay. Dr. E. J. Deshler will contiuue the practice cf the profession. E. J. DESIILER, Aaronsburg, J. J, DESHLER* Jan. 13. 1383 Bfc i —We trust our readers will be as much gratified over the letter of our young friend Wm, EL. R >te, in another column, as we were. It is a little lengbty and we thought to abridge it pome, but could not see just what to take out—it is so interesting, even fas cinating, throughout. His vivid ac count of the institution he attends shows a mastery over language seldom found in a young man, and we hope the closing words of his letter, although not so intended, may prove prophetic of his own history. —James W. Moyer recently visited his father Uriah Moyer, who sits in tho Snyder county jail aivaitiug the execu tion of death sentence which is to take place Feb. 28th. James came from his home in the west to see his father for the last time. He is described a3an in telligent yoang man, and the scenes were most effecting. Father aDd son emdraced each other and exchanged many a fond kiss, while both were so overcome with grief that all was silent eavetlie sobbings of the father and son, —A State temperance convention and mass-meeting will be held at Har risburg, Feb. Bth and 9tb. The con vention will meet iu the hall of the Young Mens' Ohristion Association and the mass meeting in the Court House. Ex-Gov. St. John, of Kan sas, will address the ma3s-meeting. Each county society is entitled to send five delegates, and local organizations, churches, lodges, &c, may send two delegates each. —The Mifflinburg Telegraph advises the boys of that town as follows. Our Millheim boys don't need any urging on that line of duty : That's right, boys, if you want to put up a job on your "pap"—make him pay a doctor's bill—just hang on to a sleigh and have a leg broken. The pain you may have to suffer will be light in comparison to the fun you will, experience on seeing your mother weep over your affliction. Yes, hang on to the sleighs. —The Philipsburg Journal says that Congressman Curtin has a bill which he will submit to the the House at an early day, making some radical but highly necessary changes in our pension laws. Tlio proposed new law is to do away with the whole special agent sys tem and substitute the jurisdiction of courts. llis plan, in brief, is to pro side for the same hearing and examina tion now had before the agents of the United States for the Pension Depart ment, hut that such hearing and taking of testimony shall be done by the local co*irt sitting in chambers and trans mitted to the Pension Office. A CHAP WITH A CONSCIENCE. —A valued friend and subscriber in Ohio writes us under date of Jan. 25th as fol lows : The other day a strange feeling overcame mo which I could not ac count for. I felt as if I had defratded somebody, but could not reccolloct whom, when all of a sudden the thought dashed on my mind that I had neglected to pay my subscription for the JOURNAL. So enclosed please find SI.OO. Send your paper on. I think now, after I hear that you received your oicn I will feel better, and hope others in the same fix may do likewise. I don't know really why it is that wo so often forget or neglect tho poor edi tors. —Brother CorneliNS, of the Lewis burg Chronica •, speaks our experience and sentiments so weli, in tho follow ing item, that we could not have done it better ourselves : Manv of our pate r;ms throughout the valleys wonder why the marriages, deaths and other happenings in their locality do not ap pear in the columns of their paper. The simple reason is that we do not have the facts. All that sort of infor mation we publish gratis, and we trust that some one in each locality will take enough interest in such matters as to !ad vise us of them. In all cases, re t member, we want a responsiole name to fall back upon, so that, if the Infor mation may be incorrect or offensive to anybody, the fault will not stop in our hands. Send aloug your locals, la dies and gentlemeu. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE.— Prof. D. M. Wolf will preside at the Teachers' In stitute which will convene here en the evening of Feb. Oth, and continue its session the day following. The dis trict includes five townships and our borough. In this territory there are many talented teachers and as several uf the most prominent have promised to l>e present and take an active part,it will doubtless be an interesting and profitable occasion. The school board recently met and appointed Messrs. A. Walter, P. S. Moyer and S. D. Mssser as an committee to secure places for holding Institute and procure enter tainment for teachers. We would urge npon the citizens the necessity of their active Co-oporation with directors and teachers. The Institute can not fail to be a great benefit to our town in awak ening new zeal and enthusiasm in school work on the part of teachers, di iectors and patrons. Therefore let ns give the teachers a hearty welcome, and by our presence during their delibera tions show our interest iu educational work. W. G. .MORRISON, DEINTNGER ( r bitUrbocst Dicterich 1 Having fixed upon the order In which we propose' to treat "Unser Fritz," we can not permit him to di vert us from our courso by anything he may say intermediately. Wo will in duo time show up the various phases of our "snbject"—-his boasted democracy, the false and absurd claim ho sets up that the Reporter is fifty-flvc years old, its tremendous "circulation," his sys tem of bulldosing subscribers and conn* ty officials, and we may even- give the details of the noted Cartoon —Pickclkart dog story, showing what Freddy's Jacksonian democracy was worth In dollars and cents, in Ihe memorable campaign of 1850. Patience, friends, you shall be satiated to the full—and so will our dear ftieml Freddy. Reverting again to lining called a •Taek-of-all-trades wo have a few addi tional things to say, viz : qcnerallu that we have fairly succeeded in every busi ness enterprise we ever undertook, con sidering our modest means ; and speci ally that it is a real pity for Freddy's sake that inadequate pay forced us to quit the profession of teaching, which we loved and followed acceptably for eleven years. Were we still a teacher Freddy might with much profit attend our school for at least lire years in suc cession. First of all and before all we would touch him the fundamental principles of truth and fairness In speaking of and dealing with his fel low meu. Next we would instruct him i:i the Elements of English Grammar, Composition, ( Satzbildung) Rhetoric ami Logic—in ail of which he Is so sad ly deficient ; and lastly, just for orna ment, wo would teach/iim a Utile Lat in—provided his contracted cranium still had sufficient vacum left to take it in. Undor such a course PretLhy might yet become a measurably useful man in his approaching cid age, in stead of being a selfish, contracted grasping fellow, who thiuka the whole universe ought to "circulate" around him end hir> powerful Bcporler. "An honest confession is good for the aoul." Freddy makes a rather full confession lu the Rqtorlcr of Jan. 18th, but it amacki entirely too much of braggadocio to augur zincerity aud re pentance. He says : *'As for the importer, vo tr>ot ,f, its editor, its hook*. papers, tiles, title, records, Its democ racy—sou land spirit—all ibi'.t rrally constitutes a JourrrM, to Centre Pall, in '6ft, and went rljfht on wi;hoiit lnteruptlou comnnuoiug its new scriej." So you took it,Frtddv,did you r Now that is the exact story we and mi*uy cl the lost citizens of Aaronsburg and vicinity, heard a venerable old mac re late, but in au entirely different tenor and spirit—yoa with a sorrowful heart and in tears did old Mr. Ludwig Kurtz tell the sad story, Low "my Fritz" treated him in this matter. On this very point wo have a few questions to ask Freddy, and aro happy that he himself opens the door so un wittingly but widely. We will do it in the form of an open letter, Rid, lest he should rate us as lacking courtesy aud politeness, will address him by Ills full name and well earned title : Journal Sanctum, Millheira, Pa., Feb. Ist, 1883. Honorable Frederick Kurtz, Ex-member of the Legislature, Eli tor of 4 'the largest paper In Centre county/' Ccnrle Hall, fa. Dear Sir When you 'look the Jitportcr to Cen tre Hall "soul and spirit—all that real ly constitutes a paper," leaving the old man only such worn-out type as were "fit for hell," as you yourself say, wag it your property in whole or In part ? Liferentially you say that it was all yours, for it seems you toc,k what you choose and left what you pleased. Put if so, why did you wo; take tho sub scription list along, for you would not for a moment pretend that the 175 sub scribers with which started your bast ard "Centre Hall PKroitTiir.," consti tuted the subscription list of the old "Centre Jlerielrfer" alias "jJimokratisa cr Beiichter," for which lator title you "abandoned" the original oue of the! poor, old thing ? ; Now please do u8 a favor for once in | yoqr life, even if you have r.o sausages sr ponhoss to spans, and answer our question liko a man. Don't evade— don't dodge bv calling us a "hater of democracy" and "this Millheiin Solo mon"—for that does not answer tho 1 questions—-and wo will have seyeral others ready for yon just as ugly as soon as these are fairly disposed of. In due time wo will ventilate your democracy—since you have for years been so much exorcised about ours, but the "Solomon" compliment we can not return,even ironically, much as we feel inclined to show you a kindeess, for a long personal acquaintance with us ought to have taught you that we "Can not, can not tell a lie." Very truly yours, ' B. O. D. jfo. j|lmo |o!c!, llos. 317 &319 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATESREDUCMIiOQ PER DAT. The traveling public will still find at tills Hotel tho same liberal provision for their coin fort. It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amusemeut and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts ot *he city, are easily accessible by Street Cars constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respeetfnlly solicited. Jos. M, Feger, Proprietor. t4 Poe Mills" in the name of the new post oflice at Musser & (iephart's saw mill near Paddy's Tunnel. That will make it handy for our lumbermen in the mountains. —The Rcberflburg Musical conven tion promissos to be a biff affair. Tin* different committees are busily engaged to mako all necessary preparations for the event and assure us that nothing will bo left undone to make it a full success. —A SERVICE or SONS will be hold in the Reformed Church, Aaronsburg, next Sunday evening. Singing by the choirs of the Reformed and Lutheran 1 Churches,jointly. Addresses will l>o do livered by Beva. Yearick, Tomllnson, aud Prof. W. O. Perkius, of Boston, on church music, choir singing, &c. ALI are invited. Justice Ramsey, of Y oik, on Friday fined Michael behruin $3.08 !or profan- I *• —g"? " " 11 1 -I-'UJ ■ " . i'i J MARRIED. On tlie isth nit., at Aaronsburc, by Itev. E. Htambach, Mr. Michael Kraut, of i'enu Hull, to Miss Caitdace Weaver, of i'enn township. DIED. On the yth ultimo, of heart disease, Jn the city of Munich, Germany, Mr. Kruuz Joseph Butnii lor, Chief Surveyor to tho King of Ilavaria, fath er of ft. A. Btunllfer, one of tho proprietors of tho JOURNAL, lu the 31st year of bis ago. On the £!i) w public patreaige reapor.folly solict or . 391 y D. H. Lenker: MANUFACTURKIi AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, Aaronsburg, Ponna. Chamber Suits, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads, SUt'uds, Marine-Top Centre Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chairs, Rockers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Hair Matresses, every style of Mould ings fot Picture Frames. Frames of any size made to order. Undertaking a Speciality. 1 keep a complete line ot undertak er's goods always on hand. Having a Branch Shop in Millheim, I can accommodate customers at either place. A share of public patronage re spectfully solicited. 50-6 m k made at home by the ln- II 7 ons . Bcst businww now be a fore the public. Capital need— v ed. We will start you. Men, women boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now Is the time, You can work lu snare time, or give your whole time to tho business. No other business will pay yon near ly as well. No one can fall to make enormous pay, by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Afoney made fast, easily, and hon orably. AadrwS T*Bd £ Co., Augusta, Maine. THISPAPEB EES Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 SpruoO 1 nraiKKYMK. 22-4 STREET, LEWISBURG, PENNA. I | Our Stock is now complete in all its de partments, and wo are receiving New Goods every day throughout tho season. ALL THE LEADING SHADES IN t HATS & BONNETS, TZR/IZMTIMIiEJIDSTTIfcTTiR/IIMIII^IEJID FOE LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. FOE LINE OF Ladies' Roady-made Ulsters, Dolman 3, Coats and Jackets cannot be excelled. Coat and Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Cor3ats, Laces, Silks, Satins, Lace and Linen Collars, Jet Combs, Real Hair Goods, Jewelry and oth er Fancy Good, at PRICES that will bear COMPETITION. WE WILL NOT ADD MORE, BUT SIMPLY SAY THAT YOU WILL FIND THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IN OUR LINE, AND THAT WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD! Respectfully, 33. HARRIS, 4 Market Street, Lewiiburg, Pa. JJR.J.T7. BTAM Is now permanently located at Millheim, and will give prompt attention to all nodical calls at bis office on Main Street. Try L>!T STAM'S BRACIRRC FILM MHDICIKB—It givas Instant relief. TWO OQOD HOOKS. CnwVr' s Information for the, People; or 1001 Things Worth Knowing, comprising tho history and mystery of everything in common use. CVaMw's Handy Cyclopedia; or Kxulana tion df Words and Things connected with all the Arts and Sciences, illustrated with over 50,- eugravings nicely bound lu cloth, gilt, sl/.e about 6by S Inclu'H and ueorly two Inches thick. He, talis at *1.50. Sample of cither to agents only, for sl. or both for *2. Address K. Breut &Co* South lieud, ludiaua. CHEAPEST BOOK In the World Tho New American Dictionary. PRICE ONLY SI.OO. CONTAINS 1000 ENGRAVINGS ASP 100 PACKS MOKK THAW ANT OTHER BOOK OF TUB KIND KVBK ri'MI.ISItRD. This useful and elegant volume Is a Library and Encyclopedia of gener al knowledge, as well as the best Dictioiiorv in the world. Superbly bound in cloth aud gilt. No pocket affair but a large volume Contains every useful word In the English language, with Its Due meaning, spelling and pronunciation, and a vast amount of necessary Information upon Science. Mythology. Biography. American History, insolvent land and interest laws, etc., being a PEUVBV-T LTHRAKT or REFKKEXCB. Web-tei's Dictionary costs #9.00, the New Am ericau costs only SI.OO. Read wist ttic Press Sai either in price, finish or contents.''—Tns AD VOCATE. "Worth ten tiincs the money."—Tul- BDNK ANDFAKMEII. "A perfeet dictionarv and library of reference."— LESLIE II.I.TTS. Nviws. "We have frequent occasion to use tho New A mericru Dictionary in our office and regard tt well worth tho price."—CnttteTiAN t'sio*'. "With tin New American Dictionary In the li brary far reference, many other much more ex pansive works can be dispensed with, and ig uorauce of his country, history, business, law, etc. is inexcusable in any tnan. —ScievrrrrC A. MCKJCAN "There's more real worth than In most books at ten times the cost." —N.Y. WOULD I'rice, *I.OO, postpaid; 2 for *1.75. Extraordinary Offer.. poS will get up aCIAb of Ten at *I.OO each we will send KKH* as a premium the American Water bury Stein Wiud Watch. For CLUIt of 15 we will send free a Solid Silver Hunting Case Watch. For CLUB of 30 we send free, a Ladles* Bolid Gold Hunting Casft Watch. For CLUB of 50 we Will send free, (tents' Solid Gold Hunting Case Watch. Send a Dollar at once fur a sample copy. You can easily secure one of these watches In a day or two or during your leisure time evenings. As to our reliability we can refer to t lie pub lisher of this paper, the commercial agencies or any express Co., in this citv. Address WOULD MANUFACTURING CO., 122 NASSAU STKKET, N KW YORK. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE £ RETAIL UROCEKS, keep t>o largest stock la the . 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHER, THE BOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. \ %&<* .v*Vt'/. • - Ay* r-v*- A •r-' t "ii p' •V .. t:.;• ' 6 •-•,*-%, < QC'CjIL. T. L. MTLI.EH CO., Sauuiaa AMI* IvpojjTiai HEREFORD CATTLE CQTSWOID SHEEP BERKSHIRE SWIKE. Brccssn, WILL CO., • ILLINOIS BUY THS BEST. POST & GO'S 0 ASSSFDSAM STUDENT LAMP. GUARANTEED THE BEST. 87HONC, StEADY LIGHT, p; TIMEi CHVAPKR THAN (IAS, Uy lOQj; IJxperieacc xvc nre oti.iblod ;o ma!;e the r.ESt &YU2>i:2T J.AM? MAD U f ntirt tho CSIJY one that raises ar.a lowers lite vrtcU iu chOYvt* in cni. Fully roverod ?>y k-Uera patent. I-r.ce, Nickel sGiateJ, &J,OO. Lihernj niacounta to tiic Triide, &ywr nxortion t1 body orwtfr.C In-lttibuity of apirli*. Lr>c| i t inc ruir-i /, wltlTiv f•te i* u V \(t t:tOulull 1 llosuffrtror. Try tuii rtntcJy laid) . anil wilt ft-iii n littUlty itliiviitloni Vln-trons iloJ/, :'-oc U!oci,klroiv/JVflrrei, and t hOUV.'I 1 Itrr. I'ilcc.^lltunllb OiDou, n* Wormy fif., if. V. TIRRLVTANR T ' i i * tfc sit \i FIT ti I fci W , ay Hal'-er.d It tilihcri otiiagod to a yKarjj u bclyral color* net j liidl ihl,inomi?!y. hold by lingo* U'".i, ok- ki>lkatl'jn. - / fc SM I* trade-marks, copyrights, ©to.,for M Eva r United States, and to obtain pafc ry "enta in Canada. England, Franco, Bfiaß I Oorraonr, and all other couutriea. BsMscoll Tbirty-aix pear*'practice. No chargo for examination of ekwoLs or draw ings. Advico by mail free. patents obtained through us aronotieod In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN* which baa the largest circulation, aud is the most influ ential newspaper of its kind published in tho world. The an vantages of a notice ©Tory patentee understands. TUislarg" and splendidly illnetrr.toa news paper iapublibhed VEEJtLYjits3.!iWaycar. and is admitted to bo tlx* best paper do voted to science, mechanics, inventions, icpnwring works, aud other departments t>f industrial progress, published in any eonntry. Bingle eopseo by mail, 10 oouts. Sold by all new dealera. Addroos. Mtnft ft Co.. pnblishora of Bcica tffl.;: Ampnoau. 261 Rroadway, Nevr fork. Handbook Henderson's Leader. IT 15 NOT ONLY THE BEST KADE, BUT IT IS THE LIGHT EST-BUNNING. QUIETEST MSB SIMPLEST IN THE MARKET. IT 18 TITK ACME OF PFRFECTIO* H* WORKMANSHIP AND PBlFidPUb. —jwOUR MOTTO^ PROTECTION TO Matxtenanceof GOOD RETAIL FRICHfe JSo PROMISCI'OPS scattering g WHOLESALE PRICES. Agents W ANT ED; TOR FASTTOt'LA "43 ADOUBS j Tbe Leader Sewijg Hacbioe Bmfh . . bireet. cor. Q. I amphlet of Instructions fice. Get the Best Webstcr'sJDictionary is the be*t. Every fam ily should li:ifo a copy. Allison's Webster's dictionary containing over 38C ffiustratinns, 0,- tKM words and phrases. pronouncing vocabula ry of scripture and proper names. list of mytho logical and classical names. United Mates ceu sus for IHSi) and many otlrcr Useful tables. Post paid for only 5d cent*. Addftjss E. Florence & Co., P. O, box 1900, South lleud, linl. Japanese Orepe. 11l order to introduce our Japanese Crepe goods we will send postpaid to any address on receipt of fifty cents, or 17 three-cent stamps, the following: 1 wlndovfr banner, size 13 by 24 inches, with rich color,and deep border; 1 tidy, size S by 11 inches, very handsome; 1 lamp mat 27 inches iu circumference, perfectly lovely; 1 wall screen, large and handsome. "Address g. Florence & Co., P. t>. box 1860, South Bond. Indiana. X 4 Claims a specialty, and WAltt. I I A \\ 8 I HANTS, ADDITIONAL HOMft. B_/ STEAD CERTIFICATEBand ad kinds of LAND SCRIP bought and sold. " Large- Stock, aud HIGHEST IBICES Paid. Do you want, to sell or buy? It so, write to A. A. THOMAS* Atloruey-ut-Law, Washington, I>. Ck FARMERS! If you want free sample copies of the Rirgost and best agricultural paper in the country write yours aud jour neighbors' names on * postal cant and mail it to Farmers' frQtnd,Ful>. Co., South liend, Ind. Price 50 cento, a. year and Premiums to every subscriber. II MM ■ A am people are always air the look- R fSfev ga out for chances tolneiease their Bfff 1 lUr ft-earnings, and in time become those wfeodo not im prove tlieir opportunities remake in poverty. We offer a great chance to make money. Wo want many nien, women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any , one can do the work properly from the first start. The business will pay more than ten or dinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails io make money rap idly. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. Full in - formation and all that is needed sent freo. Addicts ••ixiifbos A Co., PortiiUid, Aluinc.