Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, January 25, 1883, Image 4

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white cotton tiannel mittens always for
hanging out clothes in winter. They
are kept in the clothes-pin bag or clothes
basket, and are always handy when
washday comes. Did you know that
cotton flannel mittens were a perfect
source of comfort to wear while making
IXMIS, dusting, sweeping, etc., in cold
rooms? They are easily ami cheaply
made. We have too much regard for
intellectual improvement to ro-'ommeud
quilt piecing that requires time and
thought and valuable material, but, oue
rainy afternoon we collected the little
roils of calico anil ginghaui that had
accumulated during the year, chose
sample patterns, one brisk-tiugered girl
sat down to the sewing machine, while
two more cut out pieces to keep her
busy, and by bed time we had a protty
quilt covering, with the trifling expense
of one spool of thread. Where there
are several menfolks in a family, to
wear out heavy wool material, the backs
of coats and pants, where there is not
much wear upon the fabric, cut into
squares and pieced together upou the
sowing machine, lined with cheviot,
made heavy with oottou batting and a
layer of fiour-sacking-paper, and tied
with knitting cotton, make an excellent
substitute for a buffalo robe. We have
a robe of this kind, for common use,
that has seen three year's service, ami
is as good as ever, aud is voted by the
tarnily more comfortable than any buffa
lo robe.
STYLE. —Pluck the Iwrds carefully, leav
ing ou the Leads, draw tliem and till
tlieni with the following forue-iueat:
lor a dozen birds mix together two
ounces each of veal and ham, finely
chopped; season the meat with a salt
spooniul of grated nutmeg or powdered
mace, quarter of a saltspoonful of pep
per, and a level Teas poo nful of salt.
After the birds are well filled with force
meat lay them in a saucepan just large
enough to hold them, dust over them
a tabieepoonlul of hour, add to them a
tablespoonful of butter, and sufficient
loihng water to cover them; cover the
saucepan closely, and stew its contents
slowly lor twenty minutes. Then serve
the birds in the giavy formed in cook
ing them.
MODERS dwarf book-cases, which cou
sist simply of a set of ash, walnut or
edenized shelves with the top enclosed
in an ornamental rail and a slender pole
from which to suspend a curtain, are a
great improvement on the cumbersome
old cathedral-like receptacles for forgot
ten literature, 'lhey stand flat against
a wall, occupying* little space, hold
many books, and the top serves the pur
pose of a small cabinet in the opportun
ity it affords for the display of a tew
pieces of good china and small easel
A LOVELY panel is made of a strip of
black satin embroidered with punks,
lhe topi and bottom are finished with
two-inch bands of scarlet plush, and
the low er edge has also a l>order of silk
balls of different shades of red; a brass
wire is lastcned to the top and a silk
• cord with which to suspend it.
AN elegant lambrequin may be made
<>t dark crimson plush, velvet or veJve
reen. Then put on, in diagonal lines
about three inches apart, rows of thin
brass crescents. Finish the edge with
a row of silk tassels, tying each one to a
crescent with a silk cord, and then fas
ten to the velvet with the same cord.
To wash white tiannels without
shrinking them make a good suds of
boiling water, and add a tablespoonful of
aqua-ammonia, and when scalding hot
pour over the flannel. Do not rub on
a board, but, if convenient, use a poun
der. Rinse in hot water and wring as
dry as possible and hang in the hot sun
to dry.
A NEW Ira me for small mirrors and
pictures has the top and left side about
<.ne-half the width of the bottom and
right side. It is covered with plush,
and a small owl placed on a perch orna
ments the upper right-hand corner.
IT IS more important in covering the
walls of a new house to select materials
and patterns intrinsically good and sui
table than something that has the last
touch of fashion—for fashions, even in
wall papers, change, while the princi
ples which underlie true art and fitness
do not.
To extract ink from cotton, silk or
woolen goods, dip the spots in spirits
turpentine, and let it remain for several
hours; then rub thoroughly'between the
bands, and it will all disappear without
changing either the color or texture of
the fabric.
THE latest Btyle for parlor stoves is a
combination of brass, iron and tiles.
The facings are of polished brass, while
the interior is of liammerd iron, and
encaustic tiles form a frame work be
tween the mantel and the grate.
THE latest coffee pot is a reversible
one. The coffee is placed in the top
and the water in the bottom. As soon
as the water boils the pot is quicaly re
versed, and by the slow process ot fil
tering excellent coffee is procured.
SLIPS for the dinner table are made
in linen crash, the ends being hand
somely decorated in drawn work, and
finished with a deeply knotted fringe.
Occasionally designs are worked upon
the whole length in filotsello or crewel.
LEATHER boxes are very much in de
mand. They are made in fancy leathers
of eyory kind, and are either richly em
bossed or tooled in colors, or very often
decorated by fret-work carving, * which
is carved out upon folds of double leath
FORTIERS are now made in teira cotta
turcoman cloth, with a deep dado of
stamped velvet or plush, and finished
off' with a short ball fnnge. For loop
ing back bands of the stamped material
are prefeiTed.
HOLBEIN work is the. most suitable
lor the decoration of the scarfs which
are fashionable for the top of cottage
pianos. The design should be worked
only in the ends and finished off with a
knotted linen fringe.
THE last invention for the comfort of
invalids takes tlie form of a chair which
is capable of no less than 180 different
movements. Formed upon an Fnglish
model it is the work of an American
PRETTY and inexpensive screens can
re made by covering an ordinary clothes-
Horse with dark felt or plush, upon
winch (Jhiuese crape pictures may be
W ROCGHT brass, china and plush ap
pear in innumerable forms, and are
indispensable at present in household
d cjration.
Ox one day of the carvival week at
New Orloans, was Mr. M., a jolly soug
brotlier, 011 the to home going occupied,
He was on the mask ball beou aud found
himself 111 happy mood. On the way
was 110 from somebody in the following
way spoken to:
"Excuse me. Cau you whistle?"
"Oh, yes!"
"Therefore can you—tome—a groat
service—make.—L live namely (hie) —
there tip two stairs high—aud when I
late —to home come—then whistle I Mu
bist verruckt nioin kiud'—and my wife
throws to me the (hie) key down. This
evening but—is it a little inucn become
—the tongue will not well—l cannot
whistle 1"
"Oh, if it further nothing is," said
the singer, "the melody know I."
With that steps he under the window
and whistles.
Ilaidly are the first notes whistled, so
ojieus itself the window aud the song
brother receives ON the head the con
tents of a wash basin. At the same
time resounds 11 shrieking woman's
"There, hast thou it, vagabond, for
thy late to home coming ?"
A Hotel Mau'N I. nek.
Mr. J. G. Tyler, chief clerk at the Uuion
Depot Hotel, Ogdeu, had rheumatism in
the muscles of the chest and lett shoulder.
By applying the Great German Remedy
three days he realized complete restoration
and he Is of the opinion that there is noth
ing equal-to the St. Jacob's Oil for pain.
The Great German Remedy is also a speci
fic for burns anil sprains.—Salt bake
(l>tab) Tribune.
Two sides to it. —"There are two
sides to everything," soul a lecturer, "1
repeat it, there are two sides " At
this juncture a tired looking little man
stood up in the front seat to say: "Well,
it you've no objections, [ will just step
out and see if there are two sides to this
hall. 1 kuow there is an inside, and if
I find there is au outside you'll know it
by my uot coming back. You needn't
be alarmed if I shouldn't return." And
as he walked up the aisle he was fol
lowed by the admiring eyes of the whole
audienoe. Their sympathies were with
him, but they were deficient in moral
%*"Fools take to themselves the res
pect given to their office." Hut Kidney-
Wort commands respect for its own wlul
merits, tested, tried and found not want
ing in any essential principle required lo
th e cure of dyspepsia, piles, mabina, and
all diseases of the kidneys, bowels and
liver Prepared in dry and liquid form.
Scarlet, Cardinal Red, Old
Gold, Navy blue. Seal Brown, Diamond
Dyes give perfect results. Any fashiona
ble color, 10 ceDt."
EARNED the dime: "Well, my little
man, areu't you barefoot rather early
this season?" said a benevolent gentle
m.ui to a New Haven youngster this
morning. "Guess not. Wuz born bare
foot, I wuz." "I declare so you was.
What a pity; what a pity. Well, Na
ture is unkind to the poor, really," aud
he gave the youngster a dime to atone
for the neglect of the "mother of us all."
Fear Not.
All kidney and urinary complaints, es
pecially Brlght's Disease, Diabetes and
Liver troubles. Hop Bitters will surely and
lastingly cure. Cases exactly like your
own have been cured iu your nelghbor
hcK>d, and you can fiud reliable proof at
home of what Hop bitters has and can do.
HAD met before; The fashion of giv
ing balls at public places has its advan
tages, but it ouglit to make one careful.
At the Kensington Vestry Hall, lately,
a young dandy accosted a gentleman
who was standing near the doorway, "I
think I have met you before several
times—a." "Probably, sir," he replied;
"I'm Gun tor's head waiter."
* When the fountains of life are not cor
rupted and embittered by suffering; when
the functions ot womanhood are strictly
normal, woman lite is like music, with no
discord to jar her delicate sensibilities and
break the vUat and organic harmony. But
many who sutler trom vital ami functional
disorders have found immediate relief and
a permanent cure by U9lng Mrs. Lydia E.
Pinkliain's Vegetable Compound.
A NEW agony: "it is quite the proper
idea for a young lady to paint a bunch
of pansics on a fresh laid egg and for
ward it by social messenger to her best
gentleman friend. This signifies: "Pa
is hatching another scheme against you.
Come 'over the garden wall' this even
ing." The interest now begins.
NOTICE —John B. Sabina, Counselor
at-Law, Broadway, New York, gives
special attention to collection of claims
against Produce and Commission dealers,
AN unprofitable bid: "I understand
that Brown is in trouble," said Smith
son. "Yes," replied Fogg. "Brown
was at the auction shop the other day.
They had a silver pitcher, and Brown
offered to take it—offered to take it for
nothing, you know. Well, the Sheriff
took him up. That's all."
For dyspepsia, uungeation, depression
of spirits and general debility, in their va
rious forms; also as a preventive against
fever and ague and other intermittent
fevers, the "Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of
Calisaya *' made by Caswell, Hazard & Co,
New York, sold by all Druggists, is the
best tonic, and for patients recovering
from fever or other sickness, it has no
THE poetical and the practical—Sen
timental diner: "Eat a lark ! Partake
of one of the quiring songsters at heav
en's gate ! I would as soon eat a hymn!"
Practical friend: "Ya-as, never touch
small birds—they all feed on worms,"
MODESTY: "Do you pretend to have
as good a judgement as I have?" ex
claimed an enraged wife to her husband.
"Well, no," he replied slowly, "our
choice of partners for lite shows that
my judgment is not to be compared
with yours."
Lyon's Patent Heel fchiflVner the only
invention that makes old boots straight, as
A FRIEND once called Dickens' aiten
tion to an ill-shaped but skilful sculp
tor's awkwardness iu society; whereup
on the great humorist remarked,
"Nevertheless he always cuts a pretty
""WHY do you call tins brand of whis
key the Horn of Plenty ?" asked a trav
eller of a bartender in Kentucky, "Be
cause it will corn you copiously," was
the reply.
"HANNAH, said a landlady to her now
servant, "when there's any bad news,
always let the boarders know it before
dinner. Such little things make a great
difference in the eating 111 the course of
a year."
The druggist who hesitates now Is lost
for tlio winter. He should sling together
some sweet oil and liquorice aud bring out
tin cough cure at once. Dr. Hull's Cough
Byrup does not pay him enough profit.
THE father of a St. Louis bride pre
sented his son-in-law with eighty thou
sand head of cattle.—Papa, dear,"
exclaimed his daughter when she heard
of it, "that was so kind of you to make
such a gift; Charley's awfully fond of
ox-tail soup!"
Dr. Callier Surprised.
Vegetinc Cured his Daughter.
Cxu.l Kits v ILLS, Chiton Co., Ala.,
May 15, lSitt.
Dear Sir,— My daughter has been ailllcteU with
nuAl catarrh. affection of ihebludd< 1 ami kidneys,
ami is of scrofulous dial hests, an I, after having
exhausted tuy skill and the mo-t eminent physi
cians of Selma, I at last resorted to the use of your
1 ROKTINK (without confidence), aud, to inv great
surprise, my daughter has heen restored to health.
! write thia as a simple act of Justice, and not as
au advertising medium.
T. K. CALLIF.It, M. D.
1.1 vEii ioniM.iivr
IT. It. STKVKSS, Boston :
Dear Sir, —Aly only object in giving you this tes
timonial is to spread vaiuaide information. Hav
ing been badly a filleted with l.ivr Complaint, I
| was induced by some of my fro nds to try your
j > KOKTISK; aud before I had used lialf of the bot
tie I found that I was deriving groui lienetlt by it.
i 1 uad used other medicines bui could not say that
I they helped me in the least. 1 pronounce your
| medicine far ahead of any other, and can oheer
' fully recommend it to any one m need of such a
i Diedlcine. Yours resp'y,
Two Bottles Cure! Me.
WATRKI.OO, IOWA, tier. 9, IS7.
! 11. It. STKVKNS, 80-ton :
I have been troubled with I.her Comphiiitf and
! disorders of the stomach and have taken many
! preparations without effect, but alter taking two
I bottles of VKOKTISK I am as well as ever 1 was.
We are personally acquainted with Mr. Lincoln,
and know \t!ie above) his statement to be true. We
have-old large quantities of VMIETINK and our
customers speak well of 11 for the e >iitplu:uu tor
which it is recouimende 1.
Druggists and Booksellers, Watvr.oo, lowa.
Vegetine is Sold ry all Druggists,
Dr. S. Silsbee's External Pile Remedy
Glvri Instant relief and la an Infallible
Sold by Drojrirtstsfverywhere. Price, 11.00 per bo*
prepaid by mall. Samples sent fret to Physician*
ana all sutfcrrra, by P. Neastaetfter A Co., Box SO**,
Heir York CUjr. Solenumnfa. turtra of "anal****. -
for all diseases of the Kidneys and I
It has epeclflo action 011 this most important L
organ, enabling it to threw off torpidity and k
inaction, btimuluting tho healthy accretion of r
tho Bile, and by keeping tho bowcla in fr* a "
condition, effecting it regular diseliargo.
IUI o'lrlo I: you arc suffering from £
IwldlCtl Id■ malaria,havo tho chills, I
arc biliona, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kidnoy- W
' Wort will surely relievo and quickly cure. ' k
t In the Spring to eleanso the System, every r
ai one should taho a thorough course of it.
fit member This.
If you are sick Hop Bitters will surely ahl Na
ture In making you well when all else fails.
If you are costive or dyspeptic, or arc suffering
from any other of the numerous diseases of tlte
stomach or bowels, it is your own fault if you re
main ill. for II<p Bitters are a sovereign remedy In
all such complaints
If you are wasting away with any form of Kid
ney disease, stop templing Death this moment,
and tnrn for a cure to Hop Bitters.
If you are Blek with that terrible sickness, Ner
vousness, you will tlnd a "Balm in Uilead" iu the
use of Hop Bitters.
If you are a frequenter, or a resident of a mias
matic district, barricade your system against the
scourge of all countries—malarial, epidemic, bil
ious, ami intermittent fevers—by the use of Hop
If you have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad
breath, pains and aehes, arid feel miserable gen
erally, Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich
blood, and sweetest breath, health, and comfort.
In short they cure all Diseases of the stomach.
Bowels, Blood, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys, Bright's
Disease. SSOO will tie paid for a case they will not
cure or help.
Tha' poor, bedridden. Invalid wife, sister,
mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of
health, by a few bottles of Hop Bitters, costing
but a trifle. Will vou let them suffer •>
Remember that stamina, vital energy, the life
principle or whatever you may choose to call the
resistant powers which battles against the causes
of disease and death, is the grand safeguard of
health. It Is the garrison of the human fortress,
and when it waxes weak,the trne policy is to throw
In reinforcements. In other words, when snch an
emergency occurs, commence a course of Hos
teller's Bitters. For sale by Druggists and Deal
ers, to whom apply for Hostetter's Almanac for
*94 1
"(Irssnt, dear," saiil she, ha alio
leaned H tender cheek <u bin manly
checked ulster. "Why arc these snow
Makes like your moustache?" This
pleased him, even to have it mentioned.
"I don't know, pet," lie murmured in
nocently. "Why are they?" "Because
they are HO slow coming down." Ho
drove with both hands alter this.
♦/"What la bred in the bone, will
never out of the flesh." But rheumatism,
piles, malaria, constipation and all other
confluents from derangements of the func
tions of the liver, kidneys and bowels will
44 0'itoi the flesh" without fail after the
thorough use of Kidney-Wort, the cure
for all such diseases.
BtaiSfEvery oolor of the Diamond Dyes
Is perfect. See the samples of the colored
cloth at the druggists. Unequalled for
FOGG liits a neat way of turning a
compliment now and thou. Seeing the
elderly Miss Paugloy in the street the
other day lie tried to avoid her, but did
not succeed. When they met, said
MIHH Paugley, "O, you naughty man !
You wanted to cut me !" Replied Fogg,
blandly, "I should l>e cutting a pretty
figure, wouldn't 1 ?" Miss Paugley tells
her friend, Alias Sagegreen, that Mr.
Fogg iH a perfect gentleman.
f.iver, Kidney and nnglus 1> I sense.
A medicine that destroys tho germ or
Cftuso of Bright'b Disease, Diabetes, Kid
ney and Liver Complaints, and has power
t<> roil them wit of the system, is above
all piiec. Suoh a medicine is Hop Bitters
and positive pro<kf of this can be found by
one trial, or By asking your neighbors who
have boon cured by it.
Tire Atlanta Count it Htion uotic?s that
"a pair of black eyes give a man a Hurt
of rapped expression." The man with
poulticed eyes and face lihh an ex pros
i siou still more wrapped.
How to Stiorten Lite.
The receipt LB simple. You have only
, to take a violent cold, and neglect it.
The great English surgeon, asked a lady
who told him she ouly bad a cough:
"What would you have? The plague?"
Beware of only "coughs." Tue worst
cases can, however, be cured by Dr. Win.
Hall's Balsam for the Lungs. In Whoop
ing Cough and Croup it imrned lately al
lays irritation, and is sure to prevent a fa
tal termination of the disease, bold by
all druggists and dwalers iu medicine.
A CHINAMAN would sooner flv a kite
than go ou a drunk, and would rather
wasbee. washee aheap than sit round a
bar-room stove, chewing, spirting and
swearing, "slice samee Meliean man;"
therefore, j>olitii*iiiii reason that he will
never be anything but a heathen, and
won't "afsiniilate with" Americans. It
is very sad.
Vegetme.—"The life of all tleH is 'he
blood thereof." And no one can possibly
be healthy when the blood is diseased
Vegetine is composed of substances identi
cal with healthy blood; and when taken
into the system for the cure of disease, it
is absorbed, and replaces the deficiency
which caused the disease.
AT a recent trial iu France the fore
man of the jury, placing his hand upon
his heart, aud with a v< ice choked with
emotion, gave in the following verdict:
—"The accused is guilty, but we have
our doubts as to his indeutity."
Any person having a bald head and
railing to see the benefit to be derived
from the great petroleum hair renewer,
CarboJiue,as now improved aud perfected,
in the face of the vast number of testimo
nials from our very best citizens, is surely
going it blind.
A YOUNG ladv whose family were very
much in the liahit of making conund
rums was one evening asked by her hus
band, in an excited tone, "Why are
these do*rs always left open ?" "I give
it up," instantly replied the wife.
rr. Roe>r'i Vegetable Worm Syrup.
Is one of the most pleasant or palatable
preparations for worms we have ever
known. It is thoroughly efficacious, and
never requires any other medicine to curry
it oil after using it.
\\ HAT can make more vocal noise
thau a lx>y driving ton cows through a
town? Why, a l>oy driving two cows, of
course. The more cows, the less noise.
Grocers, Farmers, receipt for making
cheap good vinegar, common and white
wine, no fraud —20 cents (silver) aud
stamps. G. BKNNSH, Lowell Mrssaohu
IN washing umslins and lawns put a
little pulverised borax in the water, aud
use but little soap.
Q ick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney,
15 hid r and Urinay I) -ease-. £l. Drily lata
Foil THICK iieAns, neavv stum&cus. nil on -
LIE o - IV.I e'Ma, ipplelMls. 10 and 25C-
A TOCGH piece of meat can be made
tender by letting it cook lor several
hours at simmering h at.
Allen's itratn FoorY.
(hires Nervous Debility and Weakness
of Generative Organs, #1 all druggists.
Send for circular. Alien's Puariuaey, 313
First av. N. Y.
lloos AND HAY. —Most persons, no doubt
have seen hogs eating hay during the win
ter mouth?, in but small quantities, it is
true, but still eating it. it clover is cut
when in fullest bloom, weil cured and
stored away, the hay becomes a valuable
food for hogs, especially when fed but lit
tle else Hum corn. To utilize it, cut it in
a cutting-box, a halt to three-fourths of an
inch long, mixed with bran, shorts or corn
uieal and moisten it with swill, or even
water; if made scalding hot the better.
Then let it stand for a few hours belore
feeding it out.
Dr. Kltne's (ire it Nerve Restorer Is tha
niai vel or the ago for all nerve dis' ases. Ail
tits stoop: (1 irtv. send lo s3t Arch str- et'
Philadelphia, Pa.
Making -uch institutions as the public
schools, residences for janitors and then
families is a very questionable practice. It
is necessary to have a careful man about
the premises, but not to have his wife aud
children. W beu a dangerous disease breaks
out in his household it is his policy to keep
silent about it so as not to be turned out of
doors and probably for a long time of em
ployment. Janitors should have a dwel
ling away from the schools.
Artificial wwj ol a nurc T*hite color
and v.-ry durable ha 3 lately been made bv
the inventor of celluloid. It is prepared
by dissolving shellac in ammonia, mixing
the solution with oxide of zinc, driving off
the ammonia by heatinv, and afterward
powdering the residue and strongly com
pressing it in molds,
X 1
m m
In a lenitive f'uro
i For all thnsr Pnlnful Com|>liitn'. and WfilneiKt
•o common to our beat fcmulc population.
A Medicine for Wontnn. InTcnled by a Woman.
Prepared by a Woman.
Tha Oraalrat Iwtlrtl IHiroorr Siare the Dawn of Watery.
tF"ltrenrc tho droipin* spirits, Invigorates and
hartuonixoa tho organic function*, gi vo> elasticity and
firmness to tho step, restores the natural lustre to the
eye, and plants on the pale check of woman the fit sh
rosits of life's spring and early sniuijvt tune.
t?T~Physicians Use It nnd Prescribe It Freely T*
It removes falntness, flatulency. destroys all craving
for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach.
That fooling of bearing down, causing pain, weight
and backache, Is always permanently cured by it • u-e.
For the curt* of Kidney Complaints of cither si x
'ills Compound U unsurpassed.
will enidicate every vestige of Humors from tlie
Blood, and give tone and Mrongth to the system, of
man w oman or child. Insist on Laving iu
Both the Compound and blood Purifier are prepared
at' 33 an 1235 Western Avenue, I.ynn, Mass. Price of
either, ft Six bottles for f *>. Sent by mail In tho form
of pills, or of loscngea, on reeaipt of price, $1 per !>ox
for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of
inquiry. Enclose Set-stamp. Bend for juunplih t.
Jfo fiunily -hould le without I.YDIA E. PTVKTTAM'S
L T VEtt I'lKI-S. Thev cure constlpatlnn, bilioutun ss,
atul torpldity of the liver. 20 cents per box.
IfSold by all IlriiKKlsls.'itt O
c 8
No other disease is so prevalent in this ooun- 00
F" try as Constipation, and no remedy has ever v
® squalled tho celebrated Kidney-Wort as a c
£ euro. Whatever tho cause, however obstinate 6
f3tho case, this remedy will overcome it. w
09 Oil FQ THIS distressing com- ®
® ■ I■■&0 j plaint La very apt to be
5 oompXior-ted with const ipation. Kidney-Wort ,
tho weakened parto and quickly a
C cureo all kinds of Piles even v. hen physicians J 1
• and medicines have befrre felled. C
£ A3- f?rlf you have either of the e troubles ~Z
< PRICE sl. i use r PruggistTlSein* 1
in the world cqnul t<> itforltir^^L
eurtr of Scrufti!.. i. Hoii>, burr, Olu
Sore Ftm, li. rcurlsl Dlkum. < i.ot< of
Appetite Fmaats Cseptalaia, mad all Hluod
a to.. Crop'., PilUlmp'b, uo every botUv.
J/arrtlout Cvrrt.
/<<r all liKjUN AM) Ni.KV r.
Hdi-kiffs. Oitly si rk ccur. Ron Nekvf. Arrrc-
if taken
Has dirertrd. AolWinA"/frkrfiy'i w. Treatise A
trial bottle trco to Kit Casoatliey paymt. xpren
harden on b.x,when received Send tiame.P.O ami
loxprftt ndirvu of ntlHctcd to liK.KI.INK.hiI A r .b
.l'hilada ,I'a. Sue Uruyyut. btuurt iy /ruuu*.
elastic truss
'n ■ rT*l IbttbiiiiflMarhonallotbert,
M®i?' b coptbapa with Sell-Adjianor
Hal 1 in c.uter, aiapul twlT to all
SENSIBLE jj r°'! £ , > " u, w f lbe \ hl, L'u*
rTW V--, vpiiqc J0 , ."F P r#,,M ll !
x&W jti with (be Finger. With light
prnecretb* Hernial* held iecorly
lay and and arad leal euro certalo. Ilia aaiy, donbla
tail cheap. 5-mtby mail. Clrcnlan fraa.
When 1 nay cure I do not mean merely to ston them
for a time and thon have them return again. I mean
a ra<lieai cure. I have made th'"(Unease oi KITS. Ei'l-
I warrant ray remedy to sure tho worst oases. B -
eause others have failed is no reason for not now re
ceiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free
Bottle of mv infallible remedy. Give Express and
lKtstoflloa. It oot-ts you nothing for a trial, and I will
cure you. Address Br. H. O. KGOT. ISI Pearl St, S. V.
I have a positive remedy tor the above dlseaae; by its
n-() thousands of cas-s of lbs worst kind and of long
..tanding havo b. eu r.ued. Indeed, co Btrotig In my faith
lu its etficary, that I will send TWO ItOTTI-KS KKftE, to
gether with a V tbPABI-K TKKA l'lBK on this diseaso, to
an v nalTeror. (live Kxpri'ss nn<l P. O. address.
DR. T A Sl,e" M. it Pearl St., New Tor
Q| V WHY WASTfc MONEY! men or
W1 A If you want a LuiuriAnt tnouftaciie. flowinf
*httk#ri or a b®Atj gruwih of hAir on bmkl
vI O b# 4, or to rmriuN. And LMH
INVIGORATE th HAIR Aiivwhtr# don't b humhufrM. y m
Try tL crtAl SpAJtiah It*©oTy whirh ha NKVKK VET
LEX, Box IM'J. iioawa. Vui r%rr C All tmtttUociA. y
These answering nn Hilrerllseineiii
will confer n tavor upon llio adver
lister and tlie publisher by tlaliii;
ihHt they saw the mlrertiaemeut ni
(hit* ItinruMl. (iiamlnK paitsrh
O Pool's Signal Service Barometer
r~ —-"J oil BTolli*l f;ir\SS AMI TIIF.IIitIOJIFTER COMBINED,
efc D Kiur-rr oVrTirl It will detect and indicate correctly any change in theweather 12to48hours
I |;,V " f.diiWg 1 1' i' " in advance. It will tell what kind of storm is approaching, and from what
i jl direction—invaluable to uuvignlor:<<. Farmers c.m plan their work
Wj I) oarsoi. j w |l| I according to its predictions. Saves 50 times its cost it a singleseason.
I'M W' 1 I I Has an accurate thermometer attached, which alone is worth the price oftho
Hi fh 2 ||H ■|) ijj combination. This great WEATHER INDICATOR is endorsed by the
'll " i ;| w M jii most eminent Piiysicians, Professors DCCT IN TUC IftiTIQI fl I
I'll J ¥I! Bn, i Scientific mon of tho day to be the DtLdl.lll I lit WUll LU .
jlpil o-: 1 W Irf i 'fne Thermometer and barometer are put in a nicely finished wainut frame,
1 Lm t* 1 with silvor plated trimmings, etc., making it a beautiful as well its uselul or
l||ilj| ; lor 1 jB I I'll natnent. We will send you a sample one, de/u'emi./'ra', to your place. in go d
B ,<Xhr , |Sa |fif '.HP I order, on receipt of SI. or six for 9-1. Agent* are making trom si>to Ip2o
'lll I . < |i .'sSiMi daily selling them. A trial trill convince you, Order at once. It sells tit
i 111 , n : it I HplW |j! 81(i HT. Just the thing to sell to farmers, merchants, etc. Invaluable to
H'M = iT,.> jt -ill |i|lj everybody. U. 8. Postage Stamps taken if in good order, but money prc-
HllW" I { 0 Plflli ferred. Agents wanted everywhere. Send for Circnjar and terms,
fill mI wfil Address all orders to OSWEGO TIIEIOIOMETEII WORKS,
it H - In I ||l| ( fyaraeet establishment of the kind in the wor/cOOswe-'fo, Ostveso Co.,
II R *°l I?! A, !|| £ N. Y. We refer to the Mayor, Postmaster, County Clerk, First and Second
Bills 4 ®' 5 *B| Ml National Banks, or any business house in CswegO; N. Y.
H B ao? *Sa Writevour Pmt Offt>-e, County and State plainly, ana rcnutby money
(til LI I order,draft on Sewxork or reaintered tetter, at our risk.
Bin!! a ,1 o fciis !!' This will make a Beantitul and Very Useful Present*
fliflif I find Pool's Barometer works as well as one that costs SSO. You can rely
ii Hi! M = ' i !•''"IS i'l H on it every time, Capt, CHAS. B. ROGERS, Ship "Twilight," Ran Francisco.
If Hi ' 3 H I Barometer received in good order, and must say that the instrument gives
i* w ' iSi i!ij|*,j: perfect satisfaction in every respect. It is neatly made and wonderfully cheap
ft Iff! SO J :N;- I F W& H I at two dollars. GEO. B. PABSONS, M. C. R. R.. Office, Detroit, Mich.
:* If " | j " §SSI n! Pool's Barometer has already saved me many times its cost, in foretelling
"Ml 40 - I Nfl} :a? | |{| : the weather. It is a wonderful curiosity and works to perfect ion.
It ■ • 1 : IG'-'SL : F. J. ROBERTSON, Milwaukee, Wis.
fie fe ! yQf H M!j without our Trade Mark, and aignature of J. A- POOL on the back of instru
j| 1|8M%9l Rverr instrument warrkn'Pil Perfect and H-liable. SiweUl-Sinchesfong
n< 314 wide. If not satisfied on receiving the instrument, return it a* Once tr-1
will refund} our j&q&crUsieO stutd TTLC'IW you Saw our advcrtlßumcuw*
Relieves and cures
Sciatica, Lumbago,
Soreness. Cuts. Bruises,
And another IxMtlly acltm
mid pate.
Hold ly till UruKKWlx and
iK-itler*. irlrectloiiH In 11
7he Charles A. Voqeler Co.
(*u<wr, in a, roori.Kß * i 0.l
Hulliuiorr, Sl., I'i H. A.
* My porcelaln-llned Pumps tre manufactured
andar I icense,and buyers are guaranteed against
any and alt claims from the Company holding the
patent. lton't fail to make a not* of
(Ais point. ,
tfJA ~
Carefully made *tL
of L \ the moft
Best Selected Z~ \ Valuable
Timber. \ -JSP V Improvementa.
The BLATCHLEY PUMPS areforjaleky the
b;.t houses In the tra e.
Name ef my nearest agent will be furnished en
application te
| C. G. BLATCH! EY, Manufacturer,
I *
fl VKK ll 11 oofnfltnc nnd InfklU
£ b, b> mxnnt Epileptic
ft Alcoholism.Opium Ke
m tb. Scrofula Mid *B
T-Y FRB Kroue snd Blood Dis.
wMW uw. To Clergymen,
xJ9KJI.' Lawyers, Litarary Men,
- Merchant#. Bankera,
''•diet ""d ell whoae
MMrm I cedent# ry employment
ATajija I cauMwlferrou* Proatre-
I Hon. Irregularitiee ot
Jffp wIT ( th* blooa, stomach,
Uf I bowala or Kidnajra, or
Afa A1 JTji_ "ho rwquir# a nerve
\m f s±lMZ\ tonic, oi
DL stimulant. SAMARA
MTUIPI R., , _ satneble. Thousands
Bw MEVt* FAI La. proclaim H, the moat
KI wonderful Invigoranl
Hk| nil Wu M Kid I bat erer suataiued the
\s 5 s,M sinking system. Foe
*• W A® eale by all Druaftste.
Hole Proprietor#, Ht. Joseph, Jlo.
YOUIfG MEN if y ?* WMt toi *n Tela.
■ \ . . grwphv lu a few months
JSX *2SZ?-
ItU I I mils fcuafcusW Sy rSeU trwianat mt oO.<
Sk*tti4 mt Mm MUM ikta ran vjirtu*.ij wut praii bj Um kawrisa##
pist utlibS htrS t' T HkUaW wltk upniM la tba worM SMS
ef Urn Ik. auak la ika Ml —enmft.l u4 awiawaa iMtiaaal of Ir. J.
e MATKIt Mem .*• kill Arrk Sort. Philakr!fAio, I'm AArlaa lrmm.
SO4 auaak Car ioaUM.rn.ola of IKIM* naif oa ottooa
VO i u ~ 4>ll> i;. *AlSTNE7TT>unorlor
:> i i.H ii. itii lu oiuiHity.krw Ymrfe, fives
Ha- J Jt.eull li I lite rollf-rtioti of rlolitta.
H|,'liil. I'roducr and Utuiiuikkion dene
era. St'r I la.
Tlir DCCT Family Eagazine
I lIL DLO I Two Dollars.
Demoral's Illustrated Monthly*
Sold by nil newsdealer* and Pmimaal.
era. Hi iid twenty rvnt# for n kprclmrs
ropy to W. JK\KI!RM ID:Sf()BlT. Pub
limber, 17 k. Ulli kU, Mew York.
Urr/le New Volume (19) commences
with November, bend FIFTY CENTS for
thrte month.t; it will satisfy you that yon
tan subscribe Two Dollars ftr a year and
get ten times its value.
baV to aendbcL stamp for the moot complata Calalofuat
A r.nVTS make 150 per cent j<mflt eellinf
i.tsriaUT' Ltmmcnt. Tht- oeetiu the
World. \* rite for partlftiiaes to r . UE< iiS'l r.u. Pro
prictor, 3a4 South ullr otioot, PLuladmpiiia, 1 m.
mud be oertKln at e einimtiou. a Jdrees VAJJtNTLNI
liKOS, J sues nils, Wlaoorua
If yon ars a infferer with this terrlbls dttemie, yon can
learn omethln| to your lntercit by reading onr new
pamphlet, which giee* fell partlenlars a* to the caste of
Rheumatism and Neuralgia, and the manner of treatment
required to effect a permanent cure. Do not fsl' to read
It Bent free on application. Address
Rheumatic Syrup Co., Rochester, If, 11
(t KOl'EitN. Farui-TS, receipt for makiirir cheap,
J1 K<> J viiK-K'ar,oouiuiou sud white w-ue, no lraua
S t'U (Mai\er) aud Hiaiupe. 11. Iti'iiuer, Loweli.MaaS
"Jll** KICII IBBV BOY".** to a day easily noid
Wc want an Arfiiut in every town. Sea l for circular*,
terms, and atrcuoy to Amerlean l*nb I IMII ing
So . Harlfori.. li >st MI. iui- ii.'>. C'mciiiuati, or bt,
Louis. AY. 11. TIIOMLPftOA. Plaits.. I'a.
a ■ HI
NM Best CXraffh Syrup. Tastes good. kSI
NjS Use In time. Bold by tiraggiat*.
of this style. Equal to any
Singer in tho mark t. lir
tnt v>l r, %rr Mi'iul it to be
vxambu tt before t/nu y><r/
for it. This is the same Style
<thT companies refcill forsjyO.
All Machines w rranted for 3
years. Send f >rlllnstratoil Cir
cnl.ira: tlTestiiuotiials. Address
11 A. Troth SL, Pliibiielnilia. Pa.
Ulnl'K otln> tliisun>t nicaiisoi muk n.t nv'tnar inoiitlilt
prortts from invcstiiici t<it>iut>aitMut>r in tc ili alliitrih
Kadi member cetstlu- uenctlt of ciunlntied eanital ot the
( tub Ueportk wilt weekly. Plvitlends paid monthly.
Cluh lit pHid shareholders biu k their money in in
past three months, still leaviag original amount making
money iu( lub, or rrturued on aetnand. lihsnrs. flu ssch.
Kxpliinator) elreularasent free. ilehahlecorrebiHUutents
wanted everywhere. Address 11. E. KKMULL & Co.,
COIN'U Mehts., 171 d- r.s Salle SL. CHICAGO, 111.
Fescsjlraaii Agricultural Works, Yo:L% Fa.
R. R. R.
The ChMpaH nnd Bont SlertlflM for
t'HmilY line tn Abe World
Dysentery, DiarrbCßa.
Cholera Morbus,
Fever and Ague
Bore Throat,
Difficult Breathing.
Bowel Complaints,
Looseness, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbna or Patnfu.
Discharges trom the Bowels are stopped In IS or
2n minutes by taking Railway's Ready Relief. No
rongehiion or Inflammation, no weakness or laes:
Utile, will follow the use of the R. R. KelieL
That instantly stops the most excruciating pains
allays Inflammations, and cures Congestion*,
whether of the Lunga, Stomach, Boa els or other
glands or organs, by one application.
No matter how violent or excruciating the pain,
the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, infirm, cnppleu.
Nervous, Neuralgic or prostrated with disease
afford Instant ease
The application of the Ready Relief to the par:
or parts where ihe pain or uimculty exists wis;
aff <rd ease and coralort.
Thirty or sixty drops in half a tumbler of water
will In a few minutes cure Cramps, Sprains.
Sour Stomach, Heartburn. Sick Headache, Dlai
rhaea, Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, an J
all Internal Pama.
Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rad
way's Ready Relief with them. A few drops IU
water will prevent sickness or pains from change
of water. It is better than French Brandy or Br.
tern as a stimulant.
FEVER AND AGUE rnred for 50 cW. There !s
not a remedial agent in this world that will curt
Fever and Ague, and other Malarious, Billon*
Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other fevers (alder
by R. 4 li'.V AY'K TILLS) BO quickly as RAIAVAYt"
t'Hty Cents Per Bottle.
Sarsaparillian Resolvent.
For the cure of Chronic Disease,
Bcrofula or Syphilitic, Hereditary or
Chronic Rheumatism, Scrofula, Glandular, si-.
itng. Hacking l>ry Cough, Cancerous Afle-tln*,
Bypmlitie Complaints, Hleedfng of the Lungs, Hy*
l-cpMa, Water Brash, Tic Dolereux, Wluie sw -
ings, Tann rs, Ulcers, Skm aud Hip Dihea-
Mercurial Diseases, Female Complaints, Got.'.
Dropsy, Salt Rheuiu, Bronchitis, Consumption,
Liver Complaint, &,c
Not only doev the S:raparlllian Resolvent ex
eel all remedial airents IU the cure of enrm
SorofuiouH, Constitutional aud sktn Ureases,
it is a positive enre for
Kidney and Bladder Complaints.
Urinary and Womb Diseases, Gravel, Diabetes.
Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence ut
Urine,' Bright s Disease, Aibumin ina. a id in all
cases where there are brick-dust depo-rs, ot I
w ater is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances lit.
the white of an egg, or threads like white .Ck, o;
there is a morb'd, <lark, bilious appearance an i
white isne-<iust deposits, aud when there is ■>
pricking, bnruing sen ation when passing watei
and pain lu the email of the back and along i. ,
loins bold by druggists. PRICE, uNE imji •
one bottle contains more of the active princi
ples of Medicines lhau any other Preparation
Taken in teasiioonful doses, wlule others require
five or six times as much.
Regulating Pills!
Perfect, Purgative. Soothing Aperi
ents, Act without Pam Always
Reliable and Naturai
in Operation.
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet
gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and streng
RADWAT'B PIRLS for the core of all disorders of
the Stomach. Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder,
Nervous Diseases, Loss of Appetite. Headache,
Constipation, Costiveuess, Indigestion, Dyspep
sia, Biliousness, Fever, Inflammation of the
Bowels, Piles, and all derangements of the inter
nal Viscera Purely vegetable, containing no mer
cury, minerals, or deleterious drugs.
HE* Observe the following symptoms resulting
flora Diseases of the Digestive Organs; Constipa
tion, inward Piles, Fullness of Blood in the
Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn,
Dog'ist of Food, Fullness or Weight in the Sto
mach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at
the Heart. Choking or Suffering Sensations when
In a lying posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or
Webs before cue Sight, Fever and dull Pain la tho
Head, Deflcleucy of Perspiration. Yellowness of
the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Cheat,
Lambs, and Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in
the Flesh.
A few doses of RAPWATS Pnxs will free the
•ysteiu from all the above-named disorders.
Price, 2.1 Cents Per Box.
send a letter stamp to RADWAY A CO., No. s j
Warren, Cor. Church St., Nevr York.
iwiufonuation worth thousan<ls will be sent
to you.
To tbe Public.
B® sure and a*k for Radwat's, and see that the
Qarno "KiuwiY" lion what jou bur.
Philadelphia, Pa. 16 years' experience. (Estah.
lished for treatment with purely vegetable medi
cines.) Dr. Lobb's long experience tn the treat
ment of diseases enables him to guarantee a cut e
In all cases. Consultation free and strictly con
fidential Call In person or by letter. Offln
hours: 11 to S and 7to 10 evening.
CwrCd Co nsanifVl on, Colds, Pneumonia. In.
InenSa, Bronchial Difficulties, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness, Asthma, Croup, Whoop in*
C° B ah, and all Diteases of the Breathing
Organs. It soothes and heals the Membrane
of the Lann, inflamed and poisoned by the
disease, and prevents the night sweats and
tightness across the cheat which accompany
rs ,\ d £
\ WASTED for the Bout and Faster
atihiig Pictorial Book* and Bibles. Pi Joes rt
cucedltJipeT cent. JiaTlokai. 1 pa, Co.. Phßads.. I'a