AGRICULTURE, MILKING QUALITIES. —A copious flow of milk, sustained through many months, is a quality which has been produced by art in domestication. Wild cattle rarely provide more than enough milk to rear their own calves, and the flow of It is of compara tively short duration. Small in volume, the uiilk is rich in quality; but the lacteal organs soon dry off again. This, of course, is m harmony with the requirements of the young animals iu a wild state, and is a correlation of the roving life and the hap hazard feeding of the dams. More milk than the calf requires under such condi tions would be a waste of material energy which nature does not encourage. It would moreover, be an eccumbrauce to the mother. Wild cattle are neither good milkers, nor good latteners, and in parts of England where calves are allowed to rtiu with their domesticated dams generation after generation, the breed of such animals are not famous for milk-giving. Like that of the mare and ewe, the milk is smaller in quantity, rich in quality, and of short duration." The desultory and irregular sucking of the calf or foal or lamb is not oonducive to the development of a large flow of milk, aud it distinctly tends to shorten the flow. Rsnd-milkiug of a sim ilar character has the same effect. Young people are allowod to learn to how to milk on cows which are going dry for calviug, not on those which are still iu full flow. ISew beginners soon dry up a cow s milk, aud bad milkers do the same. Heavy milking properties, then, are ar tificial, in the sense that they have been developed under domestication, and, by careful breedmg, for a giveu end; yet, like many other qualities, which are little more than mere germs in nature, they become heredity by long usage. Few sorts of ani mals, if any, are more susceptible than cattle of being moulded into what we want, no physical quality is so easily train ed and developed as that of giving milk, it is a funcdon, which, constantly varying of itself, can be dwarfed or extended at will. By means of intelligent training, Kind treatment, and intelligent hreediug.u can be developed and made hereditary; an opposite system keeps it in a state of na lure. Tne nature of a cow and the food she receives have a great deal to do with her milking powers; quick and silent hand milking cows has all along tendered great ly to the development of the lacteal glands and this development has lecoine heredi tary in our best milking breeds. The ewes of the Earzae breed of aiicep, from whose milk the famous Roquefort cheese is made in France, have been haud-milked lor gen erations, so that their milking properties are now considerable and inherited. By repeatedly exciting the teats it is even pos sible to cause an animal that has never borne offspring to yieid a small quantity of milk, and a cow sometimes remains barren several years alter having had a calf, giving a pit fltable quantity ot milk all the while. Ho ▼ is IT WITH YOUR brrrKß. —To fas tiiuoiis persons butter can be spoiled before the milk leaves the 9table; it can be spoil ed by the filthy or unhealthy condition of a cow, by a careless milker, by dirty pails or pans, and in numberless ways. To avoid ail this every process should be under the management of one intelligent and cleanly person. To begin at the beginning, all ot the cows should be good, healthy animals and rich milkers. A single scalawag will deteriorate the gilt-edge quality ot the but ter and detract lrom the profits. Then their feed should be suitable in quality aed Quantity; the water absolutely fresh and pure, stabling clean and comlortable, lree from foul odors. The milking must be looked after closely to insure its being done in a cleanly manner with clean hands. EXPERIENCED feDce-builders and others who use wood in the rough tor posts, ties, etc., unite in the opinion ihat timber cut iu summer, while the bark will yet peel freely, is much more durable than that felled in the winter. There is less of so luble sap iu the trunk and dimbs to absorb moisture, ferment, and induce decay. IN husking, be careful to sort out all the poor ears and soft nubbins. Put only sound corn in the crib. Give the nubbins to the p ge. It will not do to feed such food to hoises;lhey need good sound grain. Feeding green corn to pigs and fatting begs should be begun judiciously. Don't overfeed. For the best results, fatting swine should be brought to full feed with quite as much care as a steer. THE proper way to test the butter from Jersey cows, considering the rivalry now existing, is to get all the best animals to gether and allow the milking* churning aud preparing to be done under the ob servation of a committee, as each owner differs in the quantity of salt used and the manner of working out the milk, which may affect the weight. THE best results from wood ashes are secured by adding a small proportion of common salt. Ashes contain all the min eral elements of the plant, and they exert a good influence in unlocking fertility that would not be otherwise available, in burn iug anything the chlorine it contains is car ried off witli the smoke and salt, chloride of sodium supplies the deficiency. AN old poultry raiser, who believes In milk for fowls, says, "It is meat and drink both. Some of the finest chickens 1 ever saw were raised upon the free use of milk with their food. Hens lay as well, or better, when furnished with this than any known article offered them." As a wash for the trunks and branches of lruit trees, Mr. Caarles Downing recom mends a solution of one pound of potash ash in a gallon of water. Apply with a brush at any time, but especially in the spring. One or two applications will rid the trees of the bark-louse, aud render the bark smooth and glossy. IF you have hens of the right breed and age, warm and sunny quarters tor them to stay in, and keep them supplied with eve rything ibey need, you will have eggs, simply becaaee hens can no more help lay ing than they can help breathing. SCRUB stock is generally fed at a loss and should be turned over to the butcher at the earliest practical date, and the pro ceeds invested in unproved atock, such as can under ordinary circuit stances be de pended upon to return the greatest profit lor the amount of food consumed. REDUCE as far as possible the amount of fencing upon your farm, and put that which is necessary inio first class condi tion. Fences at best are dead capital, lieduce that capital to the smallest possi ble amount. FIELDS intended for wheat should be cultivated frequently, especially after a warm rain. Pmnt food is developed very rapidly in soil at such a time, and espe cially if it be a stubble with grain com mencing to grow. KEROSENE will sol ten leather hardened by water, and render it as pliable as new. DOMESTIC. How TO HANO HAMS.—A wagon loa ded with hams drove up to a curb near where a couple of gentlemen were standing, when one of them asked the other why it was that nearly every one hung their hams by the hock or shank ? The reply waH "I suppose it is more convenient." The first speaker stated that it was probably the case, but that it was not the oorreet thing to do. The string should be put through the oppo site eud aud the ham hung the email eud down. When done in this manner, families and others would find that they would rarely, if ever, have a spoiled ham. The reason given was that the socket in which the hip joint worked would collect the juices of the meat alx>ve it, and having no chance to Alter through the flesh and evaporate, it would remain iu the cup or socket, and then putrify. He stated also that he always hung his own in that wanner and never had any difficulty with his meat. It was always as sweet about this bone ay auy other part of the lmiu, it not more so FACTS ABOUT FLOUR. —FIour is pecu liarly sensitive to the atmospheric influ ences, banco it should never be stored in a room with sour liquids, nor where onions or tish are kept, nor any article that taiuts the air of the room in which it is stored. Any smell peroeptible to the sense will be absorbed by the flour. Avoid damp cellars or lofts where a free circulation of air cannot be obtained. Keep in a cool, dry, airy room, and not exposed to a freezing temperature nor to intense summer or to artificial heat for any length of time above 700 to 750 Fahrenheit. It should not come in contact with grain or other substances which are liable to heat. Flour should be sifted and the particles thoroughly disintegrated and then warmed before oaking. This treatment improves the color and bakiug properties of the dough. The sponge should be prepared for the oven as soon as the yeast has performed its mission, otherwise fermen tation sets iu and aeiditv results. GAME SALADS. —Cold grouse, par tridge and pliejisaiff may be used in this way: Cut them into joiuts and put them into a pie-dish; season with salt and pepper, and pour over them the juice of a lemon and about two table spoonfuls of very fresh salad oil; let them remain in this for three or four hours. Having cut up and dried a fresh lettuce, place it in a tlat dish and arrange the pieces of game which have been m the oil and lemon juice neatly in the centre; over the game pour a salad sauce, which should be of the con sistency ot thick cream. Ornament the top with slices of hard-boiled egg, tillets of well-washed and scraped anchovies, and garnish with tiny bits ol parsley. Cold chicken or the white meat lrom a cold turkey cut into small pieces may be treated in this way. A NEW IDEA IN BREAD MAKING.— Stale but pefectly sweet home-made bread can be disposed of in this way: Soak it in milk or water til! soft, then mix it with your sponge. Squeeze the milk or water from it before adding to the sponge; its presence will never be perceived in the new bread. A some what similar economy can be practised m regard to buckwheat cakes; take those that are left at breakfast, break them iu small pieces and put them in the fresh batter; they wiil soon be com pletely assimilated, and the eokes will be even better tor having them in the batter; they will be of a more decided brown, and have a smoother surface. ESCALLOPED TURKEY. —Moisten bread crumbs with a little milk; butter a pan and put in it a layer of crumbs, then a layer of chopped (not very fine) cold turkey, seasoned with salt and pepper, then a layer of crumbs, and to on until the pan is lull. If any gravy or dres sing has been lelt, add it. Make a thickening of one or two eggs, half a cup of milk, and quarter of a cup of butter and bread crumbs; season, and spread it over the top; cover with a pan, bake half an hour, and then let it brown. JERSEY PUDDING. —One pint of sweet milk, live .boston crackers rolled fine and soaked in it over night; half a cup of butter, three-quarters of a cup of sugar, four eggs, oue cup of raisins, half a teaspooiiful of cloves, hall a tea spoonful of cinnamon, half a nutmeg. Bake and serve with "yellow sauce," made as follows: One-third of a cup of butter, beaten light, two-thirds of a cup of sugar and the yolk of an egg. Mix well, and pour on it one cup of boiling water. When it oooks a litttle. add the beaten white of the egg, stir ring in a spoonful at a time. WHITE CANDY —White candy marie from this recipe has the merit of being pure: Oue pound of sugar, two-thirds of a tumbler of water, one teaspoonful of vinegar, a pitoe of butter the size of a walnut, half a teaspoonful of cream of tartar; boil for twenty minutes, without ■stirring. Pour on buttered plates to cool, then butter your hands and pull; have a little vanilla or lemon in a sauce plate aud wet your hands with it occas ionally. FOR BOILING EGGS. —For breakfast boilod eggs, little wire stands are now sold. They are the shape of a tiny castor, with sockets for three, four or six eggs; in the mitiule is a handle— a long wire loop. Place tiie eggs in their sockets and stand the egg-castor In a saucepan of boiling water. The castor can then be lilted out, wiped dry and placed on the breakfast table, when the required number of minutes have elapsed. LOUISIANA CREAM CHEESE. —Have a clear white cotton bag in which to pour a large bowl of clabber; hang it up, and Jet it drip for two hours; then empty iDto perforated cheese moulds of differ ent shapes—stars, flowers or fruit; let it remain in them until wanted for tea. Carefully turn it on a plate, and have a pitcher of rich sweet cream with sugar and grated nutmeg in it. Serve the cheese in saucers, and cover with cream and sugar. MENDING JLACE CURTAINS. Old lace curtains that have little holes in the nettiag can be made to appear whole when they are iauudned. Take a piece of lace, or very thin inusliu, and when the curtain is scratched starch this piece also and put it oyer the spot which needs mending. It will show very little at all, and the starch will keep it in place. IF Mrs. P. will apply dry buckwheat flour at night she will be delighted to find in the morning the grease spots have totally disappeared without injury to the texture or color of the choicest fabric. The above is so valuable a fast that it is a pleasure for me to give the knowledge to your numerous readers. HUMOROUS. A BRILLIANT idea: "Y'ou are looking bad," remarked Snowberger to Colonel PercyYerger. "What's the matter?" "The doctor says my lungs are effected and that I must not take more than three drinks a day," "I would try some other doctor." 'T did, and he said tho same thing." "Well, then, if each one of them said you could take three drinks a day, that makes six drinks." "1 nev er thought of that before, I'll seethe rest of the doctors in Austin, and if they all say I can take three drinks a day, that will make about sixty drinks a day, and that is as much as is good for au invalid." A High Opinion, Capt. John J. Dawson, late of the Brit ish Army, residing on |j>ve street, be tween Mandevllle and Spain, this city,says he used Bt. Jacob's Oil with the greatest, possible advantage when afflicted with rheumatism.— Xcw Orleans Times De mocrat. IMMIGRATION incident: A clerk at Cas tle Garden who had been reading the debate on the anti-Chinese bill and just flu is bed Senator Edmunds' remarks about the necessity of homogeneity among the people of the Republic, glanced up at an Irish emigrant who was leaning against the desk and sober ly asked: "Pat, are you homogeneous?' "Divil a bit," slid Pat; "I'm a Corko liiau." *+*'' The same measure will not suit all circumstances. 0 But Kidney-Wort suila all eases ot liver, bowels and kidney dis eases and their concomitants, piles, con stipation, diabetes, ague, etc. Try it and you will say so too. the Diamond Dvesmore coloring is given for leu cts. than in any 15 or 25- cent dyes, and they give faster and more briiliaut colors. COOLER ami cloudier: ' There is no use of talking," said a New Haven wom an. "Every time 1 move 1 vow I'll never move again; but such neighbors as I get in with ! Seems as though they grow worse." "Indeed," replied a friend. "Perhaps you take the worst neighbor with yon when you move." An oppressive atmosphere prevails in that vicinity. Answer thin Can vou find a case of Brigbt's Disease of the Kulneys, Diabetes, Urinary or Liver Complaints that is curable, that Ilop Hit ters has not or cannot cure? Ask your neighbors if they can- Tin: Fabian policy: A bear, wishing to rob a bee-hive, laid himself down in front of it and overturned it with his paw. "Now," said he. "I will perfect ly still and let the bees sting me until they are exhausted and powerless; their honey may then l>e obtained without opposition." And it was so obtained, but by a fresh bear, the other being dead. Cunnumptlou Cured. An old physician, retired lrom practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumptiirn, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers iu thousands of cases, has felt it his duty make it known to his sufieriug fellows. Actuated by this motive and w desire to relieve hu man suffering, I will seud free of charge, to all who desire it, this roceipe, in Ger man, Freuch or English, with full direc tions tor preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing With stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, l*t9 Powers Block. Rochester, xV, Y. PREHISTORIC joke: "Did you present your account to the defendant ?" in quired a lawyer of Ins clerk.. "I did, sir." "What did he say?" "He told me to go to devil, sir." "Well, and what did you do after that?" "Why, I came to you, sir." MYSTERY SOLVED. —The ureat secret of the wonderful success of VKGKTNK. It strikes at the root ot disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigoraiiDg the nervous system. EXPERIENCE the great teacher: "Tf ever I marry I shan't Reck for mind: mind's too cold. I'll choose an emo tional woman." "Don't do it," eagerly exclaimed his bald-headed friend. "Don't do it, 1 implore you. My wife's an emotional woman." # Allen's Ilium Fond. Cures Nervous Debility and Weakness of Generative Organs, $ 1 all drugirists. Send for cirenlar. Allen's Pharmacy, 818 First av. N. Y. TEMPERANCE lesson: Last week a Whitehall gentleman, viewing the St. Patrick procession in New York, over heard a footman say: "Bcdad ! the whis ky sellers roides the horses, but the whiskey drinkers goes a-fut." A Valuaitie Medical Treatise. The edition for 1888 of the sterling Med cal Annual, known as ilostetter's Alma nac, is now ready, and may be obtained, free of cost, of druggists and general coun try dealers in all parts of the United States, Mexico, and indeed in every civi lized portion of the Western Hemisphere. This Almanac has been issued regularly at the coniT enceuieut of everv year for over one-fifth of a century. It combines, with the soundest practical advice for the preservation and restoration of health, a large amount of interesting and amusing light reading, and the calendar, aitrono rnical calculations, chronological items, &c., are prepured with great care, and will be found entirely accurate. The issue of Ho "tetter's Almanac lor 1888 will probably be the largest edition of a medi cal work ever published in any country. The proprietors, Messrs. tlosletter & Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa., on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any person who cannot procure oue in his neighborhood A LOVE story in four lines: '*l want to bite you," said he. "What for?" 8-tid she. "Kase 1 love you," said he— is a part of a conversation we overheard a few days ago by a couple in our town. Straighten your boots and shoes with Ljou's I'atent Heel Stiffeners, and wear them again. MRS. SAMUELS, mother of Jesse James, says she knows her dear boy has gone to heaven, and the Elmira Free Press begins to suspect, accordingly, that heaven is not a safe place. It's no sure thing that poor Coraeil Vanderbilt hasn't been robbed already. Having been troubled with a very bad Cough for about two years and having tried almost every cough mixture that was ever made, I have found none that has given me such great relief as Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and I earnestly recommend it to all allhcted. Benj. F. Duggan, 14 I'ark Piaoe, New York, A TRUE partisan: "No, sir,''said the Michiguu Republican visiting Washing ton; "I don't vote for that man Horr again. Why, he actually laughed at u joke made by a Democrat. 1H that stick - ing to his party ?" Vegcline. POLICE TESTIMONY. BOSTON, NOV. IS, 1876. IF. R. STBVRNS, ESQ. : Dear sir—During the past Ave yearn 1 have had ample opjsirtunlty to judge of the merits ot VROB TIN *. My wife hurt used ll for complaints attend ing a laiy of delicate health, with more beneficial results than anything else which she ever tried. 1 have given It to my children under almost every circumstance attending a large family, and always with marked hem-tit. I have taken U myself with such great benefit that I cannot flud words to ex press my unqualified appreciation of its goodness. W hlle performing my duties as a Police Offloei in this city, It has been my lot to fall In with a great detd of sickness. 1 unhesitatingly recom mend VKOKTINK, and 1 never knew ot a case where It did not prove all that was claimed tor IL Par ticularly in cases of debilitated or Impoverished stale of the blood, its effects are really wonderful; and, for all complaints arising front an Impure state ot the blood,lt appears to work like a charm; aud I do not believe there are any circumstances under which VKOKTINK can bo used with injurious results; and It will always afford me pleasure to give any further information as to what 1 know about VauK-riNK. WILLIAM H. HILL, Tallce Station 4. Rochester Policeman. "GAINED EIUU'I POUNDttLN THRJUf W liEKS.* MK. IL K. HTKVKKK: Dear Sir—Having nsed but three bottles of yonr VKOKTINK in a very bad case of liver complaint, I find myself Improving rapidly ; an. weighing eight ponnds more ut present than I did when I began taking It, and believe with a continuance of s small quantity more 1 shall be entirely cured. Be fore 1 begun taking the VKOKTINK 1 w as under the doctor's care; was sick a long time. Mr. Htnith, who had received great benefit from taking the VKOKTINK, advised me to try it. I can cacei fully recommend it to everyone as a good medicine, as the Vegetate has done more for uie than the doo tors could da JAb. A. JOUNSt 'N, Police officer. No. (21 Brownjstreet, Rochester, N. Y, Dr BULL'S A AAA A AA CM SYRUP f HAS BEEN PROVED , The SUREST CURE for 5 I KIDNEY DISEASES. * . . i J*. ~ l)oc lame back or disordered urine indi ® Olte that you are a victim ? THEN DO NOT £ HESITATE; use Kidney-Wort at ouce. (drug- ® £lfta roooicaiend it)wid H willupwdily over ® ooino tho dlaeuee and restore healthy action. © © | odicc For complaint* peculiar £ . jc LaUlvoi to your sex, uch a* pain -J ** and weaknesses, Kidney-Wort is unsurpassed. J % aa it will act promptly and safely. J Either Sex. Inoonttnence, retention of urine, ©| • brick duator ropy deposits, and dull dragging Cj 0 p Hop Bitters. If you are sick with (hat terrible sickness, Ner vousness, you will find a "Balm iu Gllead" ID tlie use of Hop Bitters. If you are a frequoater, or a resident of a mias matic district, barricade your system against the scourge of all countries —malarial, epidemic, bil ious, and intermittent fevers—by the use of Hop Bitters. , It you have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breath, pams and aches, afui feel miserable gen erally, Hop Bitters will give you fair skin, rich blood, and sweetest breath, health, and comfort. In short they cure all Diseases of the stomach, Bowels. Blood, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys, Bright's Disease. SSOO will le paid for a case they will not cure or help. That poor, bedridden, invalid wife, sister, mother,or daughter, can be made the picture oi health, by a few bottles ol Hop Bitters, costing but a trrtie. Will vou let them suffer * SELLERS COUGH SYRUP. FREE Marvelous Cures. %DR, KLINE'S GREAT ■ ■ ■ U NERVE RESTORER SB— B IB for oil BRAIN andKrß' K ■DISK ARES. ONLY SURK CCKF. roR NERVE Arrxo INFALLIBLE if taken ■ M direotsxi. Anyiuafter fir*l day'f use. Treatise ft ■ $J trial bottle free to Fit Cases,they payin* express on box,when received. Send naincs,P.O.aud address of afflicted to 11R.K1.1NK.931 Arcb ■■St..l'liilad ,I'a. .** Druggist. Beuare Vui. ASTIC TRUSS Has a Pad differing from al 1 other*, V sMf.r is cop shape, with Self-Ariiutlln# Bal 1 in center, adaptsi Uslf to all FAFSENSIBLE JH HV ON, .F F TH * BOJ 7- W . H "_V^* ¥*l Pi Ballin theenpproasee back the EWN TRUSS JO LNT*(TLN*IF N.T •apersußWOcid %# Na. JAW with the Finger. With light w pressors the Hernia la held securely tayand night, and a radical core certain. Itie easy, durable tftd cheap. Sent by mail. Circular* free. EGtiLESTON TBCSS CO..Chicago. 11L_ A UENTN WAftTKD for the lUw-t anil Fastimt /V. wiling J'lftorial Book* ami Bible*. Prices re fluced 33 per cent. NATIONAL PUB, CO., Philaaa., la. ' TIRE of jotir future busband or wife, with name, tlioa. -~~ tL and plane of meeting, and date of marriage, peyeholor- > . ft / Icallr preilieted. Money returned to ell not satisfied. Addiese l'rof. Y.Mtminm. ll> Vi FL.Uoeloa. Uaat. A Sure Cure for Epilepsy or Fits in 34 hours. Free to poor. DR KKUKE, 3844 Ar<-edal fit., St. Louis, Mo. ICUBE FITS! When I say cure I do not mean merely to atop thera for a time and then have tham return twain. I moau a radical cure. I have made the disease 6r FITS, EPI LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. 1 warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Be cause others have failed is no reason for not now re ceiving a cure. Send at onoe for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express and postofflce. It costs you nothing for a trial, and I will cure you. Address Dr. H. G. KOOX, 188 Pearl St., N. Y. 29 2 Fliose auswerfny an advertisement will confer a favor npon the adver tiser and tbe publisher by stating itiat they saw ttie advsrllsemsnl Hi tbls |urul, i(amlnK paper). WOOLEN goods may be nicely wnshed if yon put half an ox gall into two gal lons of tepid water. It might be well to put the goods iu the water also. If the mixture IH not strong enough, put in another ox gall. Should this fail to do the work, put in the entire ox, re serving the tail for soup. The ox gall is comparatively useless for soup and should not l>e preserved as an urticle of diet. "Test a man's profession by his prac tice. Physician heal thyself I" Physi cians not only heal themselves with Kid ney-Wort, hut prescribe* it for others for the worst cases of biliousness and consti pation, as well as for kidney complaints, If you feel out of sorts and don't know w by, try a package of lviduey- iVort and you will feel like a new creature. JBfct?" Millions of packages of the Dia mond Dyes have been sold without a single complaint. Everywhere they are the fa vorite Dyes. To remove starch ami roughness from flat-irons, hold the iron on u largo grind stone for twenty moments or so, then wipe off carefully with a rag. To make this effective the grindstone should bo in motion while the iron is applied. Should Uie iron still stick to the goods when 111 use, spit 011 it. rn't (let It. Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Kidney, Ur inary or Liver Complaints cannot be con tracted by you or your family if llop Bit ters are used, and if you already have any of these diseases Ilop Bitters is the only medicine that will positively cure you. Don't forget this, aud don't get some puff ed up stuff that will only harm you. To clean ceilings that have been smoked by kerosene lamps or the fra grance from fried salt pork, remove the ceiling, wash thoroughly with borax, turpentine and rain water, then bang on the clothes line to dry. Afterward pulverize and sprt ad over tho pie-plant bed for spring wear. Imagine for a moment the thousands upon thousands of bottles ot Carboliue, the deodorized petroleum hair renewer, annu ally sold, aud the fact that not a single complaint has been received trom all these thousands, ami vou may nave to ne idea of its good qualities. To wash black silk stockings, prepare i tub of lather, composed of tepid rain water aud white soap with a little am m >uia. Then stand in the tub till d.uner is ready. Roll in a cloth to dry. Do not wring but press the water out. This will necessitate the removul of the itockings. TWKNTT-FOUR HOURS TO LIVE. From John Kuhu. Lafayette, Ind., who auuouuces 'hat ha in now in "perfect health." we have the fol lowing: "One year a*o I waa, to all ap| friends then purchased a bottle of I>R. WM. (ALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS, which con iderably bnnetltod me. I continued until I took tine bottles. I am now in perfect health, having tsed no other medicine. DR. PrWITT C. KELLIXOEK'S LINIMENT is an ufallible cure for Rheumatism. Hjirains, nd Diseaees of the Scalp, and for piouioling the -rrowth of the liair. To soften water for household pur toses, put in an ounce of quicklime in i certain quantity of water. If it is not sufficient., use less water or more quick ime. Should the immediate lime con tinue to reuiniii deliberate, lay the wa ter down on a stone and pound it with a base-ha)l club. Mensmau's Peptonized beef tonic, the •nly preparation of beet containing its en tire nutritious properties. It contains >lood-making, force generating and life sustaining pioperlies; invaluable for indi gestion, dyspepsia nervous pros!ration,and dl forms of general debility; also, in a 1 ! •nfeebled conditions, whether the result of •xhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork >r acute disease, particularly if resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, ia/.ard & Co., proprietors, New York. Sold by all druggists. To remove oils, varnishes, resins, tsr, oyster soup, currant jelly and other selections from the bill of fare use beu ziue soap and chloroform cautiously with whitewash brush and garden hose. Then hang ou wood pile to remove the pungent effluvia ol the benzine. *Lydta E. Fiukham's Vegetable Com pound has done thousands of women more good than the medicine of many doctors. FIVE throes are fifteen: A servant with a turn for figures bad live eggs to boil, and being told to give them three minutes each boiled thorn a quarter of an hour altogether. TIATEHT from the seat of war: "Is the General on the retired list ?" they asked of his wile the other evening. "Retired! No, indeed!" she replied; he's down to the club playing poker." l)r. Kline's Great .Nerve Restorer is tlia in i v 1■ r the ago for all nerve ills ases. A.i fit-* siopp.ii lie., send to y3i Arch Sircet* I'uiludc.pu a, I'a. THE puns on wheels, spokes, felloes ami hubs go rolling down the grooves of time, trotting at about the same gait they were several hundred years ago. SHE had been in this country only a short time, coming from the Emerald isie, so her employer was not surprised when she casually asked if he'd have his eggs boiled in hot or cold water. * 4 'Rough on Rata." Clears out rats, mice, flies, roacuee, bed-bugs, ante, vermin. 15J MOTHER SWAN S WORM SYRUP, for leve iah ueae, re.-nleeauose, wurnia. Tasteless. 25c. To remove soars or scratches from the limbs of a piauo, bathe the limb in a solution of tepid water and tincture ot sweet oil. Then apply a strip of court plaster and put the piano out on the lawn tor the children to play horse with. EXCITING game talr<-*er where. Kifly CeuMa Uotti DtrooUonk in 11 l.kutuk.-. THE I'll A Kl.Krt A. VOiiKIKB CO. (SMMWII lu A. Vuun LK k CO.) llHllluaurr, .11 A MRS. LYDIA E. mm, Kim MASST V LYDIA E, PHIKHAM'S .VESETASLE COKPOUNP. In n Cur. for all HIM* L**lnf ul Couiplnlnls and Wenltngeees k<> t'Uiiinioii louiir belt fclUkle pupulaiioii. It will cure eiillrHy tlie worst iurtu of Female Com plaiuta, all ovarian trouble*, Inflammation and Ulcer* tion, Falling and l/toplareineiita, and the cons*(|U*nt Bptual tVeaknees, and Is particularly adapted to th* Change of IJfe. It will dissolve and erpel to mora from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there IN ciwclied very *|MdUy by Ha usa. It remorea faintneea, flatuleucy, destroysall craving for stlmuiants. and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Illoatlng, Ht-udncliea, Nervous Prostration, Genetal Lvbtllty, bleepleaaueas, Lepreaslon and Indi gestion. That feeling of tearing down, ranking pain, weight aud backache, Is alwsys JOI iiiauniUy cured by Ha us*. It will at all times and under all clrcnmstsnoas act la harmony with tbalawa that govern the female system. For th* cureof Kidney Complaint* of aitbar sax this Compound is unsurpaes- d. 1,71*1 A E. ITXKIIABK TrOETATtT.E COM POUND is prepared at 2H3 and 23j Western A>erase, Lynn, Mass. Price gl. Six bottles for $6. Sent by mall In the form of pills, also in the form of loxenges, on receipt of price, |1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention this PUpsr. No family should be without LYT>IA K. PI NTH AM'B IJVKR PI 1.1 A. Tiiey cure constipation, biliousness aad torpidity of lb< liver. 2b cents per box. gar Hold b* *t 11 llrtrgglaia. tg aqi.UlA'AVl.lrta cTHE GREAT CURE i , I roa S | —RHEUMATISM— i _ As It is for all the painful diseases of tliq ~o £ KIDNEYS,LIVER AND BOWELS. <' B call the resistant powers which battles against the causes of disease and death, is the gram! safeguard of health. It Is the garrison of fie human fortress, and hen It waxes weak,the true policy Is to throw in reinforcements. In other words, when such au emergency occurs, commence a course of Hos teller's Hitters. For sale by Druggists and Deal ers, to whom applv for Hosteller's Almanac for Ist! ADU I UiliNliUME OIU!M> <><--iin -Mni-nuo-i making regular inonthb profits from iuveNi meis of 81" to fumuor more dealing iu GRAIN. PROVISIONS & STOCKS Lai h niemlier gets th)' lieneilt of comhiuedCHnital oi the Flub Reports sent wwkly. Dividends paid monthly. Flub 13 paid shareholders hack their money in firotit* ill past three month*, still leaving origins) amount making money in Club, or returned on demand. Shares, #lO each. Explanatory circulars sent free. Reliable correspondents rained everywhere. Address 11. K. KENDALL & Co., VOUCH jjelits.. it. Si lis laßglle k,CUQAM, 111. UUNSUfitKHUN, 1 have a piwitive remedy for the abov* disease; by Its rise thonsands of car >s of the worst kind and of long ktaudiuß Imve been eaiod. Indeed, so strong la rev faith Iu its eifieacy, tlmt I will send TWO BOTTLES Fit ft K, to gether with a VAM'AHI.K TREATISE on this dlj.-aso, to auy suiluror. Give Express and I*. 0. address. DH. T A. .SLIV' M. IS) l'earl dt.. New Yor w WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE TO-MORR9W ? IPs Signal Service Barometer Oil STOItM GLASS AND THEItMOAIETER COMBINED, , „ , Wllili TELL YOU! It Trill detect and indicate correctly any change in the weather 12 to 43hours in advance. It will toll what kind of storm is approaching, and from what direction—invaluable to navigators. Farmers can plan their writ according to its predictions. Saves 50 times its cost in a single season. Has an accurate thermometer attached, which alone is worth the price ot the combination. Thisgreat WEATHER INDICATOR is endorsed by the most eminent Physicians, Professors DC C T IN TUT 111 DDI H I and Scientific men of the day to be the DkO I 111 I fill WUnLU; The Thermometer and Barometer are put in a nicely finished walnut frame, with silver placed trimmings, etc., making it a beautiful as well as useful or nament. We will send you a sample one, delivered free, to your place, in go d order, on receipt of si. or six for $4. Agents are making from si> to £2O - selling them. A Trial will convince you. Order at once. It sells at SIGHT. Just the thing to sell to fanners, merchants, etc. IpvaWble to. everybody. U. S. Postage Stamps taken if in good order, but money pre ferred. Agents wanted everywhere. Send for Circular and terms. Address all orders to OSWEGO THERMOMETER WORKS, (Largest establishment of the kind in the world >Oswego, Oswego Co., N. \ . Werefer to the Mayor, Postmaster, County Clerk, First and Second National Banks, or any business house in Oswego, N. Y. Write your Post Office, County and state plainly, and remit by money order. draft on 2iew York or registered letter, at our risk. This will mnke a Beautitul and Very Useful Present. READ WHAT THE PUBLIC SAY ABOUT IT. I find Pool's Barometer works as well as one that costs S6O. Ton can rel7 on it every time, Capt, CHAS. B. ROGERS, Ship "Twilight," San Francisco. Barometer received in good order, and must say that the instrument gives perfect satisfaction in every respect. It is neatly madeand wonderfully cheap at two dollars. GEO. B. PARSONS, M. Cf. R. R., Office, Detroit, Mich. Pool's Barometer has already saved me many times its oost, in foretelling the weather. It is a wonderful curiosity and works __ ___ F. J. ROBERTSON, Milwaukee, Wla. BEB ARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONrf. None genuine wituout our Trade Mark, and signature of J. A. POOL on the back of instru ■—'Stcouesi.v„v® Every instrument warrti n I od Perfer * and Reliable. Slsqit 1 2 inches long 3 1-4 wide. It not satisfied on receiving the instrument, returo it a? once and we will refund i our money. Please state where you saw our advertisement. kf Is untkiitna and iaWU l n* b >* n ® urin Rp*p* Fit*, Spasm*. Oonvul v" OUKCa AND Bt . Vitu. Dan.*. A Aloohotism, Opium Eat \V A in*. Scrofula and aft A. - - Mw Nervous and Blood Dt*. Mr •***#. To Clergyman, lawyars, Literary Men. . Merchant*. Hankars, {■fHUfeffiffif I.adie# anfl all who** JH|B ~ / sedentary amplaymsnl fgEft I cause* Nervous Proatra • jP.JfcpWk I turn, IrrwruUritia* of B I the blood, stomach. Br I bowels or Kidneys, or who require a nerrs Ml magJik tonic, appetiser 01 SAMARt TAN NKKVTNK la in _ valuable. Thousands few NEVES FAILS. proclaim it the must ._ wonderful Invigoraut 111 W t nl nil that ever sustained the THK PR. M. A. K It'll.>IOM MEDICAL Cl)e hslc Proprietor*. M|. Jssspft, Mo. TUC bCCT Family Hagazme inc. DCO I Two Dollars. DenorMt'l Illustrated Monthly* Mold i>r sail newMleel'ere and f*o*tmiMt era. Aciid Iwrntr rent* for is sprcimra ropy to W. Jt.WlSiiH DKMoBfINT, Fuh lUh *>r. 17 K. 14th Mi., Mew York. tw The New Volume. (19) commences with November. Send FIFTY CENTS for three months; it will satisfy you that you tan subscribe Two Dollars for a year and get ten times its value. !sT KTi'l •t > tKN.M F(K RECIPE Ft ' OJOLMU nntK . CKK or NIIILL-I'OA AM* NF AULO LI.VN. C. K FR vHEK, JistO GLJN'CY HTUEBT, BROOKLYN, N. Y. PiiMjliam AfriwHsril Works, Tori, Pi. i ■ * Addreea A. R. (MKO ril tR, York. Ii*. RFTTFR THAN EVER! DC I I Cm hotheJiTiioitE,"lm* BIE4VRM. 400 beat author* Pro e aud Poetry, introductions by T. L C.iyler, D. D. Thin elegant Home Book made KtUt more beautifnL Revised. En tire new plate*. 4fi pages added 54 new anllieri. Hiking It by ar the iu <* *,. SHU at urn— tmbnm tku m •Mtuaiiy a*4 pnSt by Ma ImmrUSf mtm* a * ttf *t luf t*y MMUI via upMWM a tt. nM we W Urrma. Ml S tk* MI ndi u4 MMUMMH nual f W. J. a uA i rx. IN d. sn AN b BUK. Hbiiu*!|*a, R a*I s* M 4 VI.F FCR !■>*■ I .1118 e lianicai Sub Bkw.octavecoupler.Skneeswella rff IWI with ft stool an :i Rook, only ftla _1 1 aA Jk Aleo sent on lent trial-plan Ifde tfTQI 7PKrf4 sireti. Kicpant easa, nia^mlficent Yf 'iiHr ** \ tun*, durable inside and out. Clr V cular. with testimonials.frsa Ask ems wiiui ILI ILK r "u. Bf Best Oough Syrup. Tastes rood. H| Us* In lima Hold bv druggists. Q asnmizßEOßßaOi Engine®, RBIaMs INtrahh. aad BooogateoL * bonse power wU W tow/ko md sir Moo oog gffiw vmgtm sum, mot ltted with go ▲•tomotfto (M-R 4eod tor lliuakstod Catal nrn i ." forlof ai uis i till 1 bva nwivs-usisnrMeu Singleßltsrii Leading Ihel ttuui at ||| ■(*. Double Barrel Breeob Loaders, 916 Dp. Forehand d Wadswarth Choke bore Riu* sir Breech ftiOHtling Anna, at §14.50 up, Iran sale and lireerh Loadiugßnnsaud Pia ftoisof tuoet am>roved Engli-haua American nrutkea All kind* of Sporting Implements and artt. otoereqmred by >rtemeli and Gun makers. J Ob. C. URVBBd CO., 71? Karket St., ■eudßoeut stamp for Prioe-List Philadsiphla f=G~~r\ ONLY 2C* | -ti.; i.f fori. l-UII.AUtI.I'IIH SIXOI u k °F this styie. Eijt'.al to any -j, in the mark t. ]t< - tlkfi tHtlnbir, ire arm] it tb ,'< % ( rwn exnmiurd brfnrr you J>nif \acy fMig J' r it. This is the same style Iff ft -tlterc.-mipaniearetailforsoo. Fly JtjL J Macldnee u 'irauted for 3 faj|l > '' ars - ? ,- "'l for Illustrated Fir- V < NlL^s<3r^ t -4 cti'ara dTestimonials. Addit-M - t'IIARLCS A. WOOD CO., li A.Tenth Sul'inlaileipaia Pa.