fi. inn <;im Journal. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 1., 1883. m.ti < l 1 -ur' *■■■; :■_ . CEIMSGER A BIIMILLER, Editors and Proprietor!. Local Department. HlEwpntm. The new firm of Tom linson & Frank, success ors to H. H. Tomlinson, have removed their store into Alexander's spaci ous & well-lighted fctiild ing, where they will be happy to serve their many Customers and Friends under better auspices than before. They will SELL AS LOW if not lower than ever be fore/ The store is in two departments but all un der one roof Thankful for past favors they kindly solicit the continued fa vors of the public. I Kespectfully, Tomlinson & Frank. St. lima ijoifl, soi, 317 & 310 ARCU ST., PHILADELPHIA. EiTES RSPMD TO $2.89 PER MY. Tho traveling public will still find at thi* Hotel the amin llbural provision for their coin fort. It Ulocate liatha immediate centres ot tr.mlae> au 1 of amuseni'Jiit and the dif frut iUll-Roid depots, us well as ail piits of live olty, ara easily accessible bv Street Cars e. ■itaufly p.iasing the door*. It offers special inducement* to those Ti*ltlug the city for busi w>or pleasure. Tour paU'jua*v rvpi;tfuUy solicited. Jo 3. M. Fager, Proprietor. <■ ——■www———— —Benjamin Ksrstetter, Administra tor, will again off jr a valuable proper ty, situated at Coburn. at public sale, tatorday, Jan. 20th. —Rev J. K. Miller, of Centre Hall has accepted a call from the Lv g.msviile crurge and expects to ui >/e to hia Arid of labor aext spring. —There will be a meeting of the Cen tre County Pomona Orange, at Centre Ilall, Thursday Jan, IStii last. James A. Keller, Sec. —The Jovrnal Stop.b is keeping up s full line of Family, Pocket and Sunday School Bibles, of Worship with mid or without tunes. Albums, Paper, Envelopes and tionery of all kinds. —Toose of our western subscribers : who have not yet responded to our re- j cent invitation are uiost respectfully I informed that wo still have a lot of blank receipts on band—"and don"t ?/ou forget it." Our friend, Prof. J. 11. Kurzon ka ibe accepted an engagement at Fay ette, Seneca Co., N. Y. which consists In conducting three large singing classes numbering about one huudred eajh for feu weeks and euditg with aconventiou of the three classes comblLtd. —Read Kamp'a closing outsvls notice iu another column. Mr.Kamp is noton lya square and successful business man, but a full-sized gentleman throughout. Ilis purpose is to retire from business and spend some time iu travelling, and we feel sad to think that our pleasant social and business relations will soon cease, at least for a time. The best wishes of the Journal will accompany him wherever lie may go. MUNIFICENT GIFT.—The bell on the j hew Lutheran church is simply first j class in all respects. It has a vsry me- j lodious minor or "A"weigh 3 745 j pounds, ar.d was cast at the Buckeye Bell Foundry, YatiDusen & Tift, pro prietors, Cinciiinalti, Ohio. The en tire costs including mounting & fixtures is between $225 and $230. 11. li. Duck. Esqand Mr. John 11. Frank pay for all and donate the bell to the congrega tion. Now if somebody would donate a j first class organ, somebody else the pews for the audieuce room, a third party a good set of pulpit furniture, a fourth person the necessary carpet and a fifth a Daily Reflector, we have no doubt that the congregation would out of sheer gratitude pass a vote of thanks to the donors without one dis senting voice. —Mr. W. A. Motz, of Berrien Springs, Mich, an old p-itron to the Jouknal I'Hid us a visit—also a few dollars cash—last tveek. Ilappy to make the acquaintance for the fi< si time of such an intelligent, good look ing man. —Nearly the entire local page of last week's Selmsgr-ve Tiniest is ti led with the proceedings of the Frceburg Mu sical C grand affair and we are glad to note that our fi iend, Prof, W. T. Meyer was a star of the fiiat mngniltiae in the brilliant constellation. Profitable Business. —Esq ti ire Mayes, of West Alexandria, Washing ton county, Pa., recently spliced his 2 tOOth couple, all in most approved form of law. He realized the gross sum ot §0204.14 from this business, so that each chap on an average the 'squire a fraction over $3.13 for getting married —and that is considerably more than we received for such jobs when we played 'squire. —We call the attention of our read ers to tire reconstructed advertisement of Messrs. J. R. Smith & Co., the en terprising house furnishing dealers in Milton. Their popular establishment is full-grown and first class in all re spects, fi lie Ito repletion alth eveiy ihmg'caleulated to make a home com fortable and onvenient, and at prices alsolutely lower than anywhere else in Central Pennsylvania. J. R. Smith A Uo's is a good place to buy. The Centre Reporter is out in a'ne'w, improved eight page T6rm, nas a new, neat title and appears light wvll throughout, externally. The local de partment is fuller and the items, obitu ary and marriage notices written with more care than usual for the Reporter— all of which stfrOufcly indicates that Mr. Kurtz must have employed a-me one else to edit this particular number. We are entirely willing to give even the devil his due, aud why not the Report er, although we never did and never ex pect to get the Same compliment \u re turn fiom that source. We heartilv with the Rejxtrter would still further impVuve bv admitting into its columns at Last a fair proportion of truth when-"Personal," or when it speaks of the Journal aud other pa pers. Fifteen years ago last Spring Mr. Kurtz left Aaronsburg, re'ircd as edit or of Der Center Jierichttr published there a*id started Tlu Centre ILdl Re porter, do novo. The publication of the Berichter was continued at Aaronsburg with some interruptioi b for years after by Ludwig Kurlz. Thos J. Kilter and John M. Miller. Later the press, type and al! that belonged to the concern was removed to Millheiin by Phil. D. Stover and the paper continued here for some time by Mr. Stover, afterwards by Geo. W. Foote, as the Benchter. In May ISTtj Walter & Deininger bought the raateiial. suhsci iption list and good will of the Berichter, but changed the name to that of Millueim Journal, for tfee only reason that to the n it seemed to be more appropriate and lo cal Since that Lime it has uninterrupted ly appeared as the Journal. Thesi* are the frozen facts of the case, and we never heatd our legitimate succession questioned— not even by Mr. Kurtz until now. Fifteen y-a:8 aftei starl ing a new paper, lie suddenly discovers that his paier is 5~ years old, and be gins the new year 18S3,with daunting a brazen falsehood at the head of his sheet, in the egotistical and arrogant words "Volume, Old Series XL, New SeiDs XVI," as if his own conceited ipsi dixit were sufficient to change plain facts. Candidly, what is wrong with that man? For SAbtt.—R**v. C. F. Deininger offers his valuable property in Millheitn at private sale. For particulars inquire of 11. K Lose, on the premises. tf —Good sleiging now and our people are making good use of it. —Yesterday the new engine for S. K. Sankey & CoV new saw mill was haul ed from Coburn to the site of the mill about half a mile south of Elias Kruin rme's residence. It is a large affair and rtquiied five teams of sixteen hoi sea to move it. Tub "Advertisement." When ever Yoney Deininger c > to Mill heirn everybody knows that the Build ing Association met ts the same even ing. Some of our people forget these meetings and would be lined for non payment of their dues hut for Yonny. When they see the "Advertisement" — that's what they call him —walk the streets they know that it ie the exact time to sock up—and they do it. Sews Miscellany. Governor Iloyt has granted 148 par dons during his term of office. •The chestnut crop of Somerset county this year was worth $25,000. Solomon Leibelsferger, of Berks county, has an almanac for eyery year from 1791 to 1883. JOHN HOWARD PAYNE'S original manuscript of "Home, Sweet Home," is owned in. Authens, Ga. The United Brethren of the State are erecliung a Theological Seminary at Sugar Grove, Warren Co. A Berks comity farmer was in court the other day with three of his daught ers, each one had a defendant in a breach of promise case. At a family gathering in Bath, Northampton county, recently, Samuel Straub presented each of iiis six chil dren with a United Stilts bond: The society for the protection of pub lic morals, of York, has notified the proprietors of cigar and other stores to close their places of business on Sun day. John M. Smith, of Womflesdorf, has a large collection of rare coins, among which is a coin of the period of Titus Antonius, one of the Roman Km|>ciois. The coin is 1743 years old at least. A loaded gun fell from the ceiling where it hung in a house at Kugels ville. Pa., and a child playing in the room was inwtantly killed by its acci dental discharge. Jacob Kogtus, Yormeily of Phillips burg, Pa., now living in lowa, is near ly 107 years old. and the railroad com panies in his adopted state all furnish him with free passe*. Rival hunting parties of Brady Hint Union townships, Clearfield recently indulged in a squirrel hunting contest which reseulted in the useless killing of 1,135 o* the little animals. York ho.i.tts of a church for eyerv 6 0 inhabitants. Grllyabutg has a church for every 301 inhabitants, and llanover one for about every .5 H.L Ex. And Millheiin has one for every 144. Anti gossip societies are forming in some portions of thd Statu. Very coiu lU'Midable. In Le\v isluug such a focie. ty would be a ''daisy," but the number of ileal and dumb ladies is too small ev en tor a nucleus.— chronicle Ex-County Commissioners Walker, Ehrtuau and Whiimayer, of Lebanon county, were arrested icceiitly for mal feasance in office, upon informal ion made by William M. Derr, a leading member of the bar. Matthias Fla£, a Lock Haven butcher recently built u sausage 374 feet long and 14 feet—no inches, in di ameter. The account does not state whether he intends to donate it to his preacher or present it to his printer. The rare occurrence of three members of one family being mairied at one time was witnessed in Emtnurinal Lutheran church Pottstowu. lately. The parties where John Walil and his sisters, Misses Christ Mary Wahl. A The South Carolina is credited withdo ing some work during its late session. It sat but twenty days, yet passed ISI important and much needed aeis. The distress in Ireland is on th£ in crease. Even the better class of farm ers are suffering from the famine. Re ports from some districts state that a large number of farmers with holdings of twenty acres are absolutely without stock and food. Tha Middlebnrg Post says : "A grim j ke is going tfee rounds to the ef feet that Judge Bucher has directed ;he prisoners finder sentence of death in the Snyder county jail, to go home tt til they are sent for to come back aud get hanged." A Human Brute Arrested. Lebanon, December 2?. Charles Peterson, a Swede, was arrested this afternoon near Fontana for haveing en tered the house of John Umber near Cornwall last night and delibeiaiely emptying a Kettle of boiling water over two of Umber's childten, scalding them severely and afterwards Knocking Umber down with a club and pealing him severely. A Woman Who Never Was Tireu. From the Detroit lTst hidl Tribune. Arbela, Tuscola county, boasts of a woman who has gone into the woods with her husband and done Mi half of the sawing, splitting and pilling four cords of wood in a day, and can keep \l up for any length of time. She weighs 120 pounds and is 3S years old of Eng lish decent, and the strangest of all is she says she never saw a tired day in her life. MARRIED. Nov. Slid. 18K2, by Rev. N. Shannon,' Mr. Jdhh 11. Krenuicr, of MlHhein , and Mi** Ailce K. Yanl* iner, of Belli fonte. <>n the 19th ult., at the home of thobi ide's par ents, by Rev. ,1. Alfred Koser, Mr. Kltuer C.. Muster and Miss Nora Fortncy, both of Purgu son township. On the 3rd last., at the Lutheran parsonage, Solona, l*a., by Rev. W. II Diven, assisted by Her. I'. A. Hetlman, Rev. R. 11. Fletcher and Mrs. Lucy C. Alkin, both of Lock Haven. PH. On tlie 20th ult.. ut Centre Hall, by Rev. W. I'. Fisher; M-, James Stall and Miss Mary Gfrerer, both of that place. DIED.~ On the stb Inst., at Millbeim Amos Haugha wiiut, youimeat child and only son of r. John F. and Mrs. Agnes Alexander, aged 3 years 2 months and 15 days. IN MKMOKIAM.— LittIe Amos is gdrtd to a bet ter world. The bright and bouynnt spirit that characterized his life on earth . endeared him to all his friends, and vet we rejoice i the cer tainty that lie now dw'efls with his Master, an other lamb of that blessed flock of which the Divine Shepherd was an fond on earth. His has now a happy life-free lroni;the cares and trials to which we are all subj feted in this world. He now reigns with llim who whlie on earth took little children in His arms and show ed His IOVJR to them in these beautiful words— "Suller little children to funic unto Me add for bid them not, for of sueh is the lvi igdom of Heaven;" while a treasure has thus been taken from earth, another lias Beeri added ill Heaven ; and where ydur treasure is there shall your hca it be also; * On the 3rd Inst ; irt Gregg township, Ada Flora, only daughter of llenj nln and Henriet ta Llinbert, aged 5 years, b nidtiths arid 0 days. T.he funeral took place morning at 9 d'Clnck. and was largely atte ded notwith standing the inclemency of the weather. Rev. A. K. Zimmerman pi cached a very ii strucive and consoling sermon from Mark 5:39, "Tlie damsel is not dead bill slbepeth." Ada was much beloved by all who knew her, but tlie Lord loved her even nior-* th in did iter parents and took tier to Himself, where all Is love, peace and Joy. Truly, parents, your Ada is ndt dead, but nas just begun to live in the holier, happier, Letter land. She shines in the light of God, His likeness stamps her brow; Thtough tlie valley of death her feet have trod. And she reigns in glory now. She has reached the Joy of heaven, She is one of the sainted band ; To her head a crown of glory is given, And a harp is In hor hand. Then why do your tears run down, Why your hearts so sorely riven. For another gem in a Saviour's crown, And another soul in heaVen. | WHAT AN OPINION.—'The Attorney General has given an opinion that all parsonages owifod by churches or relig ious societies must be taxed tho same i as any other dwelling houses. A IloVrible Accident rosultinjf in Death. j Mr. John S ShracK, of East Buffalo, nhet with a shocking accident last Fvi ! day, which resulted in his death that ' night at 10 o'clock. He, in company with a party ot hunters, were returning home ; theii Wagon rWn into deep rut and flirt w them out, one of tlie guns discharging, the load entering Mr. Sin tick's left arm above elbow, shattering it to the anu-pit. lie bled, prc'usely, and a few hours after the catastrophe the arm was amputated, hut he died shortly after thy operation. Mijlliiihurg 'lt Iryraph. Gov. l'.ittison writes a neat and pret ty hand. Very few public oOichils these days. are celebrated for good penmanship. tllllliciiu Uarktt. Corroded every Wednvbday Wheat, old WW, No. 2 " No. 3 75 Corn 70 Kye 40 nat* White Buckwheat Flour .VOO Bran A * ho; ts, pet ton •. f">oo Salt, pur llrt 1.75 I'lHMtci'.groniul ...v.. , 9.00 Cement, pfcV 8u5We1....'..v....v.. 45 to 50 Barley 5O Tyniothy.seed 1.75 Flaxseed Cloverseed khitter 23 i tains 1* Sides 12 Veal Fork B-e Kups n : Potatoes 4't ; Lard 12 | Tallow Soap § ' Dried Apples Dried Peaches Dried Cherries COAL MARKET AT Ct>BURN. tu>r Coal' $5.00 ; BtuvV " 5 25 ' Chestnnt 5Wi! Pea 5.50 | Pea by the ear load 3.20 j Fifty cents per tou add.liOual wh-u delivered ! In Millheiin. •* ? I ■—ne- mm ■ I m I ii , - P. H. STOVER, DRALKK IN Clover Seed, Hour & Feed, Coal, Plaster & Salt. CQ&UMX, Pat. UIOH EST MARKET PRICK ALWAYS PAID. full sapnly of Coal. Planter and salt al- ' *;i)' on hand and sold at the lowest price •trCoal kspt under roof at all seasons of • the year. diy-The ixbllc patronage respectfully sollrt- ' cd. > ly | D. H. LEirpl MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, Aaronsburg, Pennat Chathber Suits, Bureaus, Loungeß, lb 'lstpads, S, niidc, M.irble-Tup Centre Tallies. 15 eakftist Fables, Dining ; Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen FUrni l lure, Cane or Wood Seat Chairs. Hookers, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool And 1 lair Matresscs, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any sise made to order. I trJrrtiikiaif a Speeiatlty. 1 keep a complete line ot undertak ers goods always on hand. Having a Branch Shop in Millheita, : I can accommodate customers at either place. A share of public patronage re spectfully solicited. SC-Gm WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. Latest Edition has 118,000 Words, ( 3000 more than any otut-r English Dictionary,) Four Pages Colored Plates, 3000 Engravings, (nearly three timas the numhr iuany other Dict'y,) aiso contains a Biogrnph leal Dictionary giving brief important lactp Ancle at tutl*. On paga SOS, see the above picture and samss of tho S4 parte,—ehowing tho value of Webster's numerous Illustrated Definitions. It is the best practical English Dictionary extant.— London Quarterly Revittc. It la an ever-present and reliable school master to tho whole family.— S. S. Herald. •. kC. IIERRIAM k CO., Pub're, Bprtafield, Msst> i - I* 1 ?Oi k made at lining .hy the in— yL "j o-is. Best business now be ! |]| M JZI fore the public. Capital noj need— — We will start you. Men, women boys and girls wa" n ted everywhere i to work for us. Now Is the time. You can work j I'' spare time, or give your whole time to the ' business. No ot her business will pay you near ; Jy as well. No one can fail to ni .ke fcnonnoiis j pay, bv engaging at once. Costly outfit, and t terms free. Money made fast, easily, and lion oyaWy. Ao'drfs Trr r A Co., Attgttsto, Main* 224 MARKET STREET, LEWISBURG, PENNA. Our Stock is now complete in all its de partments, and we are receiving New Goods every day throughout the season. ALL THE LEADING SHADES IN HATS & BONNETS, TEtI3vTIMIJ±IID&TT2Sr'3?iEi-X]VEIS4:!EI3 FOR LADIES, HI3SHS AND CHILDREN. FOR INNS Of Ladies' Ready-made Ulsters, Dolmans, Coats and Jackets cannot be excelled. Coat and Dress Trimmings, Ho-ierv, Gloves, Corsets, Laces, Silks, Satins, Lace and Linen Collars, Jet Combs, Real Hair Goods, Jewelry and oth er Fancy Goods, at PRICES that will boar COMPETITION. WE WILL NOT ADD MORE, BUT SIMPLY SAY THAT YOU WILL iIND THE BEST ASSORTMENT OP GOODS IN OUR LINE, AND THAT WE CANNOT 3E UNDERSOLD! Respectfully, JEL llaar,:RlS^ Market Street, Lewisburg, Pa. J. w. ST AM 1 now permanently located at Millbeim, anl will K ; .V prompt ATTENTION to all medical cails t his offl on Main Street. Try TK ST<*is -rsjirio Pi; a M aDtCina—B gives iuAtani relief. T\VO eon BOIUS. CI im'f f' s TnformnUon for the ftrfple ; o" 1 '.Ol Thines Worth Kio*ing, comprising the history and mysterv of v -, vt in gomnun u"r. Orabb \i } futnfy Oiclmprdio, or Kxp'ana tion of Words and Tllilttf* cmttvcted witli nil the All a and Sc ence-. illustrated with over engravings nicely li iunit in clorli. si't. -lip- about Ctv it inch *K and • ir!v tw i Inch- * thick. LV. Ui'< at I'i 00. Sample of b her t • scn(\ only. foi t'.. or I .nth f r f_\ A td.eee K. BrcWl &v o. Moula Bead. IndWiA. [■ f HEtPEST BO'Bi In lltfl Witrld The New American Die ionarv. T RICE ONLY SI.OO. CON TAIN'S l'*>o I%N ;!{\V|NC, AX; ]O - P.Mifis tfoan'fiu* any O übk iuv>* <-y TMF KISD R vEH PI N: HIIRO. I !I|H tlse'ul njid elegant i volume Is a Library md Fine c|"pe,liai> r geier a! knowledge, a* well as t e b st Di-tVni rv In ■ the w >rld Snm'iblv tionml In vbdSt an I stilt No pocket fTmV MIV nla-re volume Cor.tilu ptpry useful wind in the Knglih l.ri.Tirw. with its true meaning. spelling ant pin .'.'eel 't|.in an in for n. ; njmu Science. My.'hobnry. Hi graphy. Ann ric I llud.Wv, Insolvent l,iml md b;t 'test l.i vp *te bring a r ysv r I tniiAKY or it r K'vr i \V"l)itpi's IMet'nii irv cosis f3>A). the X'w Am ' pr|.*an costs nulv II .Off. Real what tiis P rssSrs ■ cither in price, finish or —• H& Ai>- i Vor\TE. "Worth ten tin I ,ps th- niooy."—TKl jl*sg aßOFaxmbk " A perfect din'loiiarv Mini library f ltdeye 'CP." I.KSJ i E 11.1 vs. Nuns. "Wi' Intvp frequent occasion to use tli ■ N> v A mcrlcrn Dictionary In our offl-c and regard it | well worth the pricp."—CJt'.t'sTiA I *tov , "Willi th"* New Amnrtetn Dlotjduiry in t,ir it brurv for refeiTnce, many ot 't t much mor • ex j pensive works can bp di*petiA"d wdh. ami fg i norance >t his country, liDtnrv, business. tnw. j cm*, is inexcusable in any man " —sci.\NTinc A. wF.Klt'Av Tbere's mor" r "al 'yot'li ,1'""' i" I ui"st books at ten ti most he eo I'rlee. II postpaid : 2 for $• 7'\. Extraordinarv Offer. put soil wilt L'et UP a Club of Ten at *I.OO eabli we wilt send piuck ;n* preminni the A i erluan UaUji b'lrv Stool Wind Wateii. For' CLUB ot !"• we wit send fiee * Solid SllTer liunting Case Watbh. ror CLUB of iionn send free, a Ladles* Solid (.Jol I Hun'lntT Case Watch, i FdrCLUrt of VI we will S"nd free. tJr'.iti* Solid tlf 11 Hunting case Watch, i S i'd a Hollar at once tor a sample copy. You ?a i easily seen re one of flies" w ate'ies in a day or two or during vour leisure time evenings. As to our reliability we c.m refer to the pub lisher of this paper, life itgNncleeor any express (o„ in this eitv. Ad Irpss WOULD % ANIIKAC Tl'ltlN i.UO . 122 NASSAU STUFF r. nk\V YORK. t A. SIMON & BO AS, WHOI.ESALE A DETAIL k*f? the largest rtoclc In tS i 43 MAIN SraEET, LOCK HAVEN. J ■ I | GO TO ' SIMON BROTHSIT, THE BOSS CLOTIIIEU^ fr your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN, T. L. MILLER CO., B&XXBCU AKS IxrosTUS or HEREFORD CATTLE COTSWOLD SHEEP BERKSHIRE SWINE. &RACHE&, WILL CO., ILLIVOIA liTTY THE BEST. POST & CO'B J AMEBiCAtt GUARANTEED THE BEST. BYisOMG, STEADY LIGHT* SIX TISE9 FHCAPEn THAW GAS. By lon?r Experience TY© are enahlcd to make the B£SF STCJ>UJiT LAMP MADE, and tb O.YiF one that raloesnnd lower® the wich as nhonfi In cut. Fully covered hv letters patent. Price. ISicliel Plated, SU.OO. I4l©ra| to lite Trc.dc. (kind lor tatalo^uo. POST & COMPANY, Wanufactursrs end Patontotft CINCINNATI, OHKX BMIR BMBI, North Second Street, Half A SQUARE south of the- L. &. T 11. It. Depot, LEWISBURG, PA. New and Building; EqtiiVi in all dvimrttbents v,itli en tirely new Fnlnitule. No efTuis &piri?d to make the BAKER HOUSK a pleasant, comfortab'c UolDe to all gueMs. An e&bfllfent Eiverv attached. W. N. BAKEP, Proprietor: RE* tf > h®W l i lo n hfe ii sweeping by, go and c 53 nfc 0 dare before you die, something u n.iglity and sublime leave Sse himi to conquer time." $65 a week in your own town. ®* outfit free No risk. Everyt lug new. Capital not required. We will furnish y u everything, vi .ny are inaUng foitones. ladies make as much an inen. and boys and gills make great pay. I!cadet, if you want business at which you can make great p iy all the time, write for particu lar* to H. H. HALLETT & Co., I'oitlnhd, Maine. YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE. I FreKpt anil toe m l at Falto rates, TUTT'S ffWO a P** $ 9 £k*k ILLS h H3TED 91'ilKE Ln.lctt:—l>tar s**•! If<- '.n. yRj* T K#HI i.-*s a martyr ta Byfprpi v. C* aviAu.* *-*1 Pilot. J.-ut 6, yuwr t J!* cy •u:ir*ad*4 V) ra; 1 it*ad them ('>ut wr.b il'.tlO faitl). la* tow a wtll man, huT A>*UV.. f psrfac', l-ralrtr st'O *i *> '.*• **'* * gnina.l forty pounds aoiid fjtih. 1 h y Art **•• their weight m rd- 4 - L*r. 1t.1,. GIUrSOX. Loekrtne, Ky. 6Y!/-.Pfo?nr) cy A TORPID UVKR- I.ofcof * MnTiiTthe HS3lwl]i' 7 -ill eVy- •* u. • in kjad-s fultn cei *?. iiiciinv.ron i) ixerttorx r f c.:7.- or ' Yrmab'.ll'y 7 tvji * V, p-?T 1 , Jjt*4 cf'ir-inpr-r, with a. J'f]''J{n' ) c t ode oro• ifinvy, tTcnno***, r!*jnfc#, Fluttering of t£aJbo l rt, Jiotv E-fSr-- v-e Skin, ii ocaiaclie, nrai at niqLt,yjguly co^nd 'r.n*. "OTFtmi qfrzLSWJUI '£>*;#, syiigiH s;scAi:rs vm 2: C:LDI. TJIrS rilL'S r.a •fphliy md*v<+* * evikriut*. bixiiotvvtk'wMkurhAfHAAN or(cUntai itto mCirh. Try t!il fj,'ly. mtl yen wHi rrln a hrauliy Jf;wUou, Beily, Pnrt lilotxl, ftirc JVerree, aa4 kVoicnd I inr. I'rioe, 113 lukl^ Offit r, S Mr.mT fl{. R. r. mTnmroTf: fimy If p ir and T\ hi4lKri ckuyrd tw a GIOMV Hlaok byaitßglt AP jliewtlou oi thin liye. It impart* a *(nr" ©lr ali luetanUuatoualy. KolA by UrM tUn, or ktntby ripriw on receipt of fl. ViKce, IX7I 3fnrray Xw VOITT. ( DB.TTTT'* MAftlAfcof VJull\ 11forlstonnl I'kkfnl n*otpii will 1 kmtili i'HA£ on pvliwtln. / f| K nopyrighte. etc., far B RiJ Kl the United State*, and to obtain pet al El sS ente in Canada. England, France, 0 Im g Gormany, and all other ooontrioe. IMNSMBJI Thirty••iz yarf' prictio®. Jl charge for examination of mtdoia or draw ings. Advice by mail free. Patent* obtained throngh u§ aro noticed it the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which h M the largest circulation, andthe moet influ ential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantageecf auchanotio# bxtj patonteo undcratandfi. 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