Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, January 11, 1883, Image 2

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    11|e j|tll!|ftnt journal.
fa published every Thursday. In Musser'sßulld
ing. coiner of Main and Peim streets at
Or $1.25 if not paid in advance.
AD 1 "ER TIS!. \"& R / TES.
1 week. 1 mo. 3 mo. tjnio. 1 year.
1 aqua re l $1 0 I $2 00] $3 001 sloo] $0 00
W column,.. I T fV> | 4n| (t no I ID 00-|
"U eo! num... I f> OJ | 800 | 12 tX) I 20 M I 3.7 00
1 eolumn,., I 800 I 12 00 1 20 00 I 37 00 j 00 00
One Inch niakes a square. Administrators
and Executors' Notices A2.70. Transient ad
yertt-* ments t.nd locals 10 e-nts per Hits for
first iuser.ion and 5 cents per lino for each a<t
ditloiial insertion. *
Job Work done on short notice.
Killlorf* and Proprietors.
Glinrcii & Simiay School Eirectory.
Err* P C Wcidcmver awl JDShorlcM rrcach'*
Rev. P. C. Weidernyer will preach uext Sun
*l ty morning Herman.
fi.iud.iy School, lV<r. M.— Rev.C F. tJephart.Supt
Xtissionary So- lety meets on the second Mon
day evening of each month.
Xrv. Fiirmin Adams fr'acher-in charge.
Regular services next Sunday evening,
fiucday School at K'S A - M.—L>. A Musser, Sup't
Per. XxlngX A. Yea rick. Paster.
Preaching In Aaronsburc uext Sunday eve-
United Brethren.
Tier. J. G. W Herald. Preachcr-ir. charge.
Protraelrd uieetine in progress. Regular ser-
Tlcas i*c xt Sunday morning.
Sunday School, n. M —A. R. Alexander, Sunt.
Per. JahnTbtuliastn. Pu*ter.—
Sard *y School at 9U A.M. l. O. IVlnlnger. Supt.
T< c Augsburg P-Iblo ClabS meets every oatur.
d tv evening at 7 o'clock.
I-au;e.s' Mite Society meets on the Crat Mon
day evening of each' month.
Loflog s goaety Cirectary.
Vlllholm T o<ige. No. Mo, I. O. O. F. meets In
her hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening.
Kabeeca Iegree Meeting every Thursday on
or before the full moon of each month.
Providence (Iniitge. No. 217 P.of H.. nveetstn
Alexander s block on the second Saturday or
each month at !V P. M.. and on the fourth Sa
t-nrday of each tuoutii at Iki i\ M.
L>. L.ZEKBV.SCC. T.(2. Eititißn,Master.
The Millltelm H. A L. Association meets in
the Perm street school house on the evening of
the second Monday of each month.
A. WALTER. See, P.. E. HEININQBR. Prest.
The Millheitn Cornet Band meets iu the
Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings.
J. W. Foote.Sec. D. I. Brown Pies't.
Gov. Hoyt's farewell message is rath
er lengthy but .i very able and thorough
state pap j r for a!! that, dealing largely
i i facts and fig ras. The finance* of th
state are in a very sat factory condition.
Th- total debt- now is $20,22 >,OOO, and
the assetts of the sinking fund amount
to *7,092,983, leaving the actual debt
only sl2 232.017. The Governor re
commends that the sinking fund be
largely diverted in'o the general fund,
ar.d that the state debt shall hereafter
not be paid any faster than to sitiafv
the requirements of the constitution,
which is not less than 82)0,000 a yea;
on the principal and all the interest.
The Governor takes up the report of
the Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion, which has l>een published, and is
gratified at his official prese itatiou of
of the magnitude and progress of the
work In this department.
After strongly recommending the
earlv completion of the state Industri
al Reformatory at Huudingtou the
Governor speaks in high terms of the
care the commonwealth exercises over
Iter unfortunate insane, nearly 4do) of
who n are now well provided and treat
ed with the best nursing and medical
skill at our five asylums at Norristown,
D uiville, Ilarrisburg, Dixnout and
The closing of the message
shows that Gpv. Iloyt is deeply im
pressed with the significance of the po
litical revolution that has swpt over
the country like a huge wave, for tho
go;-d of the people. Oa this point ho
says :
"The occupation of the professional
politician i 3 gone, lie belongs to a
doomed species ;he has outlived the
only environment adapted to his nor
ishoiont and must shortly pass away."
The New York Sun publishes a table
showing how the e'ejtoral votes of the
several States would be divided between
the two parties, if the States should go
-in 1334 as they have gone this fall. The
total shows 25 States, including Penn
sylvania, in the Democratic column,
with 298 electoral votes, 13 States in
Republic in column, with 103 votes.
Democratic majority 195.
Senator Pendleton has scored a tri
umph in tie passage of his civil service
bill through the Senate. Whether it
wiil ever get tli rough the House, or
whether it will ever be honestly enforc
ed should it become a law, are questions
-Which the future must determine.
Thursday the 4th inst., t|ie civil ser
vice bill was passed in the House by
the decisive vote of 155 yeas to 47 nays.
Brumm, the Greenback-Labor member
from Schuylkill, was the only Penusyl
vaniaa who voted against it.
It is so near the time when Gov.
Patti3oa*s real cabinet will be known
that it hardly pays to discuss the mer
its or demeiits of an imaginary one.
Pour Territories are now seeking ad
mission to the United States -Dakota,
Washington, Utah and New Mexico, '
The election of Re'burn as President
pro lan of l lie Senate attd of the notor
ious Dekney as Librarian, ptove? con
clushrely that tho Stalwart b sses of
Pennsylvania learn nothing ami forget
nothing. The lessons of the election
of 18v2 have no meaning for them and
Cameron is Kitt£ as far as the Stal
warts are concerned, as much as ever.
Key hum, although a Stalwart, is still
art honorable man and otherwise fully
fit for the important, position, but the
eleetbn of Pelaney reflects nothing but
shame and disgrace 011 the Senate, lie
is a bold, bad man, a corruptiouist and
political huckster and trickster of the
tirst watpr.
Next Tuesday young Hobby Paliison
Will bo i nan curat ed Governor of Penn
sylvania, and it will be a proud and
happy day for the grand old Keystone
THE Democratic State Committee
will meet at Uamsbun; to-morrow
(Friday) to elect a chairman, perma
nent secretary and an executive com
mittee of seyen. If is to be hoped that
chairman Ilensel will be re-elected.
lion. Grover Cleveland was iimtigur
ted Governor of New York on tlie Ist
inst., at Albany, in a plain, practical
common-sense manner, without any
public demonstration whatever. This
wis entir* ly in harmony with his ex
pressed M isnes.
The ?ut vivinir nn mbets of the Con
stitutional Convention of IS3 hell
their annual reunion at Lancaster. Dec.
28:1). Ex-Gov. Cnvtin was re-elect*d
president of the association. The n*'xt
meeting will be held in Altoona, Dec.
S<> Ren Butler is Governor of Massa
chusetts t last, lie was successfully
inaugurated at II >ston on the 4th inat.,
aud it was a proud day for Ren.
will be conducted with decencv, order
and simplicity, which is really all that
is necessary iu this year of reform.
Additional locals.
—O.i Monday evening the Millheim
Building & Loan Association had i:s
last monthly meeting for the cunent
fiscal year, closing the eighth year of
business since its incorporation. The
annual report will he distiibuted to th
stockholders at the next monthly meet
ing, Monday evening. Feb. 12th, when
the annual election will also b 1 held.
The A*s ici.ition lia* go >d reason to
congratulate itself for good tuanage
mettt. It ltas handled thousands of
dollars and the oftlcers leave regularly
accounted for every dollar expended.
Every proper demand on the treasury
has been fully met within the time
sjeciQ-d by the charter at-.d by-laws
and not a lime has boen misinpropria
ted in any way.
The stock iu Series 1 will mature by
the close of the present fiscal year,
probably even a few months earlier.
There are still seven Series or clas-es in
operation—exclusive the first but the
board of directors his not yet decided
whethea thty will offer a new series or
Roception to Mr. & Mrs. P. B.
Saturday evening Dec. 23rd a very
pleasant reception party was given to
Mr. & Mrs. P. B. Stover, of Kansas,
who are now here visiting, at tlie resi
dence of Mr. George 13. Stover. After
partaking of a feast of good things that
would do honor to a prince's table, the
party was delightfully entertained with
music by Miss Clara B. Stover, Mi*s
Mary Stover, Mr. L. B Stover, Mr. &
Mrs.M S. Fiidier & others. Tie b thrice
of the evening was. pleasantly spent in
conversation. Altogether it was a very
agreeable social affair and will be long
reuiembe ed by all present.
Besides those already nauifd the
guests present were Mrs. John floater
man, Mr & Mrs. John C. Stover, Mrs.
L. B. Stover, Mr. M. t\ I leas, Mr. J.
W. Ruitkle, Miss Lazzic Staldecker,
Miss Jennie V. llostennm, Miss Katie
Stover, Miss Annie Stover, Mr. John
A. Grenoble, Miss Ella Stover, Miss
Cora B. Stover, Mr. Clyrner Stover.
Rev. Furman Adams will preach in
the M. E. Church next Sunday morn
i Rev. W. E. Fisher commenced a ser
ies of meetings in th- George's Valley
j Church on Tuesday evening. Mr.
i Fisher's meetings are generally inter
; esting and fruitful of good,
j Mr. Geo. 13, Nash. Jr., who lias been
! prostrated on a bed of sickness nearly
all fall and winter is still very low.
J. A. Grenoble sold his house and lot
to J. N. Leitzel for $837. James has a
Mr. A1 Krape who has returned from
the west is going back again. I hear—
&c. &c. SAM PATCH.
—REPORT of the North Street School
for month ending Jan. 3rd. 1383.
Pupils in attendance during month,
males 23, tern ties 27, total
I Average attendance during mouth,
males 25, females 22, total 47.
Per cent, of attendance during month
males 92, females 86, total 80.
Tne conduct and progress in general
during mouth were go id. The school
was vistied by directors Dr. D. 11. Alia
gle and Mr. Jacob Gephart,
B. F. Edmunds,
SHERIFF'S HALES.-dlv virtue of sundry
writs of floi't facias. Wv.u i facias un<i von
| dltloni exponas ismcd out of the Uottii of Cotn
i moil Pleas of Outiv County, and to mo ducct
j cd, tlierc will bo cxiiosod at public sale in tl>o
I Court House, in Hcllcfontc, on SATURDAY,
JANUARY 201 11, A.!>.. ISSIk at 1 : 3, l o'clock.
■ P. M . the following described real estate of
| tiie defendants, to wit:
No. 1.
1 All Mint certain mosstiajre, tenement and
i tract of land situate lit the townshiii <>t Rush,
i Countv of Centre and state of Pennsylvania,
i bounded and dcsciite<tas follows, to wit: l>e
l ginning at sugar on line of land in warrantoe
{ imino of duo. McClellau, thence by tiie said
I ,lno. MeClidlan and other land In warrantee
I name of Tliotnas Allison north 6P° east, l*k)
I perches, tlifiteo nortii west, 101 IHMYII*'*.
tin nee south MV west. 8 • perches, thence :t"m°
west. OS pe rones to Mosliatition Creek, thence
by said creek south ns° west, :u porches, thence
by saute north Oil 0 wost, 17 peri'hes, thence south
I 02° perelp'si west t>2° 22 perches, tiionee
j west Id perches, thence south os-r. 'Jit
! perches to place of beginning, loiflalnltig I 1
jso res and 1-2 pi'irliea Thereon oteeted a two
: story frame duelling liouse, barn and other
| buildings. S'lzetl, taken in execution and to
i la'* sold as Hie property ot F. 11. Pule.
No. 2.
AH tlie light, title and interest of the df fond
ant, also Id* bfe est tie In and to aM that eei tain
messuage sind lot <>t situate in the town
of llublrrsbui'K, Walk* i tow tisltip. Centie coun
ty, r* una., containing iM pereltes net of land IHI
the north tUde of Main st and n the west by
Teats alley, beginning at a eornerin the middle
of said alley, thence north 4'.'" east, 4 4 in per.
to corner, tin nee along ether land of tiie said
eoruet north W t\c-t 21 2-JO porches to corner,
tto'iioo along land of A. Decker, south tVi c we--t,
4 4-10 porches to corner and thence south as*®
east, 22 pereltes alone the middle of said alley
to the place of beginning, it Iteing part of a
larger lot ot land the tit he to which by menus ot
; siimtn eonveyan es tnu aine vested til Jno. H.
I (PIT who with Rachel, ins wile by deed dated
April Ist, lSn'A grtutod and continued unto An
! thouy earner In fee. Reference to sat t Inrten
-1 ture will more fully at large appear. Thereon
erected a decking house, stable and other out
buildings. Seized. taken in execution and to be
so dus the property of Fred. stager who aur
-1 rived Elizabeth Stager, deceased.
No. 3.
All that certain messuage, tenement or tract
of land situate in Curtio township, Centre
county, I a., hounded and described ns follow*,
to wit: On the north nv hinds of Christian
( JJeveriy. on the west By laiidsoi Wesley Young
i on the south b\ lands id ,lno. P. Delias- and
on tiie east bv lands of other, heirs of Jo.
i Met lo.skev, deceased, containing 4h acre*. more
i or !e-.s. seized, taken in execution and to bt
sold as tke property of do*. T. ilctloskey.
No. 4.
Alt that certain rare*'l or tract of laud situate
lyilU' and bring in Hoggs town-lop, t enttxi
county. Pa., bounded I n.l d- sccilied as follows,
to wjt: on the south by lan *of Jacob Yontli
; on the west by lauds of Michael Healon, on the
north i > lands now or late of U J. rutin & On.
i and on the east by lands of P. J. Cm tin A Co.,
j c attaining one hundred errs, more or less
( Thcteou erected a dwelling house, l*iu and
! other outbuildings, .seized, taken in execution
i ami to be told as the wopertv <>t David wtlH
i ants. Adm's of Ac. of James WtHums, debased
I and David Williams.
No. 5.
All the right, title and Interest of defendant
1 In ami to all that plantation or tract of land
situate in Hpring township. Centre county. Pa.,
adjoining ot the north by lands of Henry
Hroekcrliott ami hunts of Danl d Z. Kline, on
the east by an Is ot J. and p. Hnmhart ami
j Geo. Valentine, on tltetnu'u by lands of John
• Curtin and Jacob I'. Valentine, and on tiie
west by lands late of the estate ot H. N. McAk
lister, deceased, containing 402 acres and two, more or less. There *n eretne l a two
story dwelling house, bank barn and other out
bn:ldiogs, including frame liou-e for tenant.
Ail t lie tight, title and interest oi the defend
ant tn and to ail that cert tin tract or pb*ce of
land situate in spring township, t eutre c**unty,
l'u., known as tiie bogan ore bank, containing
■ 30 acres, more or less. Thetvun erected several
| small cabins.
All the right, title and interest of defendant
i In audio all that certain property situate in
j Centre county, Pa , connected wr. li and former
ly tiie "Hagif Iron Works." including ail the
lands in any way eonne-tcd Herewith, hiving
thereon eteele i forge, furnace, dwelling house
and othei necessary buildings.
All the right, title and interest of defendant
In and to aii that certain piece of ground situate
iu the borough of Mile-burg. Centre county, Pa.
! fronting on Water street in said through,
• known as the black llor-e property, having
I tlr ie.n erected a two-story dwelling house,
I composed ot atone and frame.
A l.S'h
All the right title and interest of defendant
• iu and to alt that lot o. piece of ground situate
in the boroagn ot Mile-burg, Centre county,
1 Pa., adjoining the It iptisi church, bavin. tn -re
I *>n erected a uno and a half story lraiue dwt-l
--< ling house.
All the right, title and interest of defendant
| tn and to all that lot or pp.-ee of ground situate
|in ttie boiough >*t Beilefonte. on the corner of
j liign ami Ridge street, aud rutiuing back t
Cherry Alley. having thereon erected a two
' story frame dwelling house. Seized, taken in
execution and to be soi.l as the properly ot
Au.-tin Curtin.
Tei til* Cash, no dee*t will be acknowledged
uutii tue purchase money ts ptid iu full.
\DM IXISTu ATIilX' NOTRE.-Letters of
administration on the cstnte of Levi * tov
er, late oi Haines t >wn diip, deceased, bavins
been granted ti> the subscriber, all fersous
knowing themselves indebted to said estate are
hereby requested t. make *nm>-diale payment
and those having claims to them duly
proven for settlement.
Aaronsburg, Jan. 11., ISS3. I cati stovbr,
2—tit, Administratrix.
STRAY NOTICE.—Came to the residence of
the subscriber in Miles township, on or a
bout tliel'ith of Sept. last, a steer about two
years old, reddish yellow Color. \Miite along bel
ley. without iii right ear. The owner u re
quested to prove property, pay charges mid
take the same away, otherwise it will be dn
posed of according to law.
V. S. S?haF.H..
Oct. 26. l c *l 3m
8 Tit AY Bt'l.L—Came to the residence of the
undersigned, near Woodward, some time
ago, a stray bull. ulhmu * year and a half old,
brown color, with white spots on each side.
The owner is requested to pay charges, and
lake, the same away, otherwise it will be sold as
the law diieoiS.
59-3 m HENRY VON A DA.
ORPHAN S 1 COURT .\LE.—By an order is
sued b\ tiie Orphans' Court of Centre Co.
the siibcnb"f will oiler at public pale on the
premises at Coburn on
Satuudav Jan. 20tli.
all that certain lot coiiTaminw one-fourth acre
more or less, bounded on the west by lands of
Jacob Witoiyer. and on the north, east and
south by lauds of ItenJ. K rsteitcr. eing the
property of l>aniel s. Kerstetter. deceased.
Therein erected a good, new duelling house
and other outbuildings. Sale to begin at one
TEItMS OF SALE : One half on confirmation
of sale, and balance in one year wilh interest,
to be secured by bond and mortgage on the
premises. Bxkjamik Kr.KsrKTVKIt,
Lcwistn:g sni Tyrone EaiM Time
1 S R 7 9
A. M. A. M. P. M P. M. P. M
Montandon 7 0a P.4u 2.05 6.00 7.56
L* wisb urg 7.25 10 05 2.20
Fair (Round 730 10.13 2.25
Biehl 7.40 R27 2..'15
V'cksburg 7.45 10.36 2.40
Mittliuburg B.ooar 11.00 ar 2.55
le. 3 n5
Milltnont 8.22 3.28
Laurelton 8.33 3.40
Wiker Run 8.57 4.<"6
Cherry Run 9.15 4.25
Fowler 0.35 4.47
Coburn 9.48 6.00
Spring Mlllsar 10.15 ar.5.30
2 4 6 8 10
A. f. P. M.
Soring Mills 6.50 1 50
CobuYn 6 18 2.20
Fowler 6.28 2.33
Cherry Run 6.48 2.55
Wiker Run 7.05 3.15
Laurelton 7.30 3.40
Milltnont 7 40 3.52
A. M.
Mifflin burg 8.00 11.45 4.15
P. M.
Vicksburg 8.15 12.10 4.32 •
Biehl 820 12.17 4.38
Fair (Round A. M. 8.30 12.33 4.48 P.M.
Le wisburg 6.35 12.50 5.10 7.30
Montandon ar. 6.45ar.0.00.\r 1.05ar.5.20ar 7.40
Noa. 1 ami 2 conne.'t at Montandon with Erie
Mail West; 3 and 4 with Sea Shore Express
East; sand 6 with Day Express and Niagara
Express West; 7 and 8 with Fast Fine West; 9
and 10 with William sport Accommodation
Kv the use of the EXCELSIOR RUPTURE
tc'HmbmaMo F. H. MenrrOK. Ogdcnsbtnff, Y.N'
1 IN
Furniture, Carpets, Sewing Machines,
China and Silverware, &c.
\' ■'* • 1 - • t
For the next two weeks we will offer our immense stock at a
great reduction from
Consisting of Furniture of every description, Parlor and Chamber Suits,
Library, Diuing-Kooin ami Kitchen Furniture. Chairs, Lounge*, Patent
Rockers, Rattan ami Rued Chairs in great variety. Mattress sof tine
finest curled hair to the cheapest straw, springs cf cyery description.
An unusual large stock of
Ottomans, Hassocks, Foot Rests, Commodes Ac. All to be slaughtered
for TWO WEEKS ONLY previous to taking our annual account of stock.
When you remember we occupy over 33(ft)0 feet of Floor Space packed
FULL OF 1 stock:
von can tonn an idea of the ej.tent of our "stock. We would advise all
who contemplate buying anything in our liue fr the next year to avail
themselves of these bargains while our stock is complete and oui lines un
broken. lu order to give you some idea of the
Bargains we are now Offering
We quote you soin? of our Lending (100 s •
Painted Chamber Suits sls 00 Reduced from $ 25.00
Solid Walnut Chamber Suits.--** 2800 44 •• 4000
44 Haircloth Parlor Suits—33.oo *' 44 50 00
44 44 embossed plush parlor suits 75.00 44 44 P25.00
Extra Super Carpe s G5 44 44 1.00
Choice 4 " 44 - 75 44 4 1.10
Rag Carpets 30 to 60c. 44 44 45 to 90
Brussels 44 50 to 85c. 44 44 85 to 1.25
French china Dinner S< ts 75.00 44 " 150 00
Sewing Machines 18 to 25.00 44 44 40 to 50.00
J. R. SMITH & CO.,
UP, 112,114 Front street, Milton, Pa.
S 3L> Z2E3 7 I
Look at some of the Reduced Prices :
Men's best Calfskin Pegged Hoots. $4 50. for $3,50.
Mfii'.s Calfskin P'ggt d Boots. $2.73. for $2.00.
Men's best Kip Hoots 3 Sole. $4 00. for $3 00.
Lumbermen's Driving limits, $5.00, for $4 00,
Men's best Calfskin llaud sewed Hotton Shoes. $5.50, for $4.50.
Mali's Caifskin Machine-sewed Hutlon Shoes. $3 s'h for $2.75,
Men's le>t Kublx-r Hoofs, $3 50 and $4.00, for $3.00.
Ilovs' Iloots and Shoes reduced accordingly.
Ladies' Fine French Kid Hutlon Mines. as good :is nn r . $4 50. for $4.00.
Ladies' Fine Cnraco very best American Kid lbitton Shoes, $4.00 for $3.25-
Ladies' American Kid Button shoes. $2.25, for $1.90.
Misses' and Children's Shoes reduced great I v in price.
Men's LumiHTinan Solid Heel, overs, the best in the market, $1.75, for $1.43
Men's Wool.lined Buckle Arties. $1.75, for $1.50.
Men's best and finest Velvet Slippers. $2.00 for $1.50.
Infant's Pebble Coat Button Shoes. 50 cents for 40 cents.
Men's Hoot Paggs or Moccasins. $2 75. for $2 00.
Men's Cloth Wool-lined Hoots, $2.50, for $2.00.
NOTICE.—Some of 4 goods are way below theii wholesale rrites. To
any one wishing to.start in the business, 1 will sell my stock, sell the budding,
or if not sold in 30 days I vvili rent it.
lhave now ID mock a complete line of
Penn Street, opposite II art man's Foundry, MIi.LIIEIM, PENNA.
J. j.. .. ..■ . . 1 1 1
Esto/blislied. 1841
Manufacture nil kinds of
* cm THTS
kXD kt
Big Fall in Prices
JU m > tmmt n ■ u,**. ■>, fcm.
We have just received another Big Stock of
r.o* TIIK
Fall and Winter, 1882-3.
►-. :c.awgpyit
Our Departments are weil tock£*l snl wc€ bought
From Closing out Salts in New York and Philadelphia, and will gfv# our
Custom cis
Advantage of these Bargains
as long as these goods will last, many of them we will he unable to get
at t c rail fir t'ua n 1 so it will be to jour advantage to
come soon. Wc will give you an idea of how wc arc selling Goods by
the following lists of prices ;
10-4 White Blanket $2.75
11-4 Gray Blanket $1.75,
11-4 7!b3 Gray Blanket $3.00
Former Friec S4.QQ.
t %
Brocade Dress Goods, 12
Former Frico 22c. i
38 inch Chasin in all colors, Lupin's Go 'ds 7 ctfnts, worth 90 cents.
Fancy Fluids GO and 73 cents, worth 90 md §1 25, these are wonderful
low prices. Merrimack Calico 4$ cents. Uill yard wide Muslin 8$ cents,
Utica 10-4 Si eeting 25 cents. Manchester Ginghams 8 cents., and many
other goods equally as low in price. We will
Only to January Ist, 18S3. So come now ana you will save 20 per cont.
. . .' ' A
J. F. iiiVEBETT & CO.