A "just splendid" dinner at tlie Town Hall for only twenty-five cents. • , - ** * * • • * k * < ,* % - • * • ••• - ' : '* ' * { THE JOURNAL STORE, . | To its msny Friends and Patrons, Old and Young, Rich and Poor, sends its annual "b mxM s)m : is?MAß ABB \hwt mm ?iar y® m?' ! In order that chccriiiluc&j aud ui A y ro ign supreme in your families, especially during the glad festive season, we have carefully selected a fine line of GOODS, suitable for presents for all ages and conditions, which will be sold at the lowest living prices for cash. But we are anxious not to disappoint anyone and so we will name just a few articles which wc do keep for sale. People in need of these must call elsewhere. For example we have no Gigantic Vole woes, no .Rain bows nor Moonshine for sale. Neither have we Baby Elephant**, Walruses, Sea Lions, Giraffes nor Hippopotamuses on hand. Nor yet any Government Bonds. Mining took Railroads or Steamboats—and no Cigars, Tobacco Candies, Nuts or Oysters. But. wc do have a splendid lino of w i Family Bibles, Presentation Bibles, Sunday School Bibles,! Fine Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Scrap Books,! Scrap Pictures, Christmas, New Years and other Cards, Elegant Papeterie Boxes, Fine Writing Paper, Diaries, Toy Books, i Elegant Ladies' Satchels, Memorandas, Alphabet and Kin-| dergarten Blocks, Family Games, Velvet Frames, cabinet and card sizes, Vases, Harmonicas, Toy Teasetts, Wallets, Ladies' & Gents' Purses & Pocketbooks, Shell Boxes, ZFHTLXj XiIINTE OUT 1 TOYS AXLsTID ZDOZLJIDS, CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, CIGAR CASES, &c., &c. AVe cannot possibly mention all we liaye, but wc are Headquarters for Holiday Goods, and you can certainly select au appropriate present for a father, mother, uncle, aunt, cousin, husband, wife or child. 03£JMCX5 A2VD SEE I * Hon't forj-ef tlie Ladies' € inarch Festival when yon come to town!