M • , *T * ft) if V * tin 1 lit ei m Jour it'a 1. ; THcILSDAY, DuceiißEn 21,1882. mmU & BIMILLEB, Editors and Proprietors. SKT* - Local Department. —'TH E VERB -TO COM E 1 am coming, you are coming, he is coming. We are coming, you are coming, thev arc coming— ev , rybxly is coming, from Aannsburg, Woodward, Penn Hall, Spring Mills, Centre Ilall, Bellefonte, llebersburg, Madis inlmrg, and all the intermediate country. They are com ing a-foot, on horse-back, in sulkeys, buggies, carriages, wagons, and even in sleighs and sleds, any way, eve ry way, to the GRE.VrCHICKE.V, WAFFLE AND OYSTER FESTIVAL IN* TIIK TOWN HALL, MILLIIELU, ON CHRISTMAS AND TUES!> \ V AND WEDXBSDA V FOLLOWING. All last week the weather was rather cold in this latitude and longi tude. —A large lot of very fine ice was homed last week by those of our citi zens who have ice houses. —As already announced there will be no paper issued nor any j>b work done ,t the JOURNAL iffice next we.k. Don't pass over the revised and re c instructed advertisement of the Bee Ilive Store, Lock Haven. —Ye who live in your comfortable, well-warmed and well-furnished houses, do you ever think of the suffering, the poor, the siek and the distressed around you in this inclement season, and do you help and ooa-fort them ? — Mr. J. A. Limbert our accomoda ting mail carrier on the Coburn — Woodward roule hereby informs his many friends aud patrons along the line that he will carry packages of almost nil kinds aud sizes at veiy reasouable rates. Thanking them for their past f .v rs be respectfully solicits their fur ther patronage. Mr. John S. Philips,of McConnell's Grove, 111., was here last week to see a bout the "Erbsehaft." He is good, solid Pennsylvania German, and kind le g iV€ us a dollar. He left us for Mifflin and Schuylkill (county to visit L ieml3. -O ir County Com miss ioners have ;his year pa d oft 32 >,OOO of the c >uniy debt, mosilv with funds realized fioua tvl oulYa'iding taxes, liravo ! That's what ?.e call practical reform. The Lo idofc s deserve much red it for good ui mage ment. Centre county never h id t better one. —M. S. Fi- dlt-r, executor, will sell valuable real estate of the late John ilees, deceased, Thursday, Decbr. 28th next. The farm is reputedly the finest and best iu llaines towrship, and the several tracts of timber land are very valuable. Read notice in another column. —IY.OF. KURZENKXABK'S Musical Convention and Concert list week, were veiy successful as far as the per formances me concerned. These were of a high ord*r trulv, such as smaller tu .vns rarely have the pleasure to enjoy. The attendance, altbougti good, was not what it should have been, princi pally because the affair struck many of our people at a veiy busy time. —Wm. Miller's new smithy near D. A. Musser'* foundry, is now complete aid rvidy for business. Mr. Miller is one of the best and most skillful black smiths in this section, especially in ag r'culrural implements and machinery. Give him good material and good tools and he vvil' make almost any tiling, sub stantial and neat, that cau be marde out of iron tmd steel Custom respect fuiy solicited. 2t —Read D. 11. Looker's advertisement in another column. Mr. Lenker is known as a most excellent mechanic as well as a fair and square man to deal with. If you need furniture of any kind yon can do as well right at home H3 you canVv going away. It is good policy to patronise home industry, if you can do as well as elsewhere, and That you surely can in this case. 2t —The ladies of the Lutheran Mile Society made a most excellent choice when they appointed Andrew Jackson couatnander-iti-chief of all their daring the coming Enteitain- IRif-nt siege. Exactly the right man in r the tight place. We predict that he will achieve as great a victory as did his illustrious namesake down at New _ Orleans. J r sos. 317 & 319 A ECU ST., PHILADELPHIA. RATESR2DUCEDTOS2.OG PER DAT. The traveling public will still find at this the same liberal provision for their cora 1< rt. It is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts ot jhe eity, are easily accessible by Street Cars nulls tan tly passing the doors. It offers special aducements to those visiting the city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger, Proprietor. To-mr, n P:LSOF tnfe Mll.mikim jhhooib Boys and pirls : For several years past the JORKNAI. STOHK gave you little Christmas Klits. The reason the presents wore little is bo caiiHo we could not afford to lvo big presenUto so many. We expect to give you utile presents a*in an Christmas morning, but in order that the matter may bo done orderly the following rules must be strictly observed. l. Only pupils of our three schools, over six years and under fifteen are Invited to come. Those over fifteen would hardly thank us for the little presents we are able to give. 2 You must oome between and 9'4 o'clock In the morning. Ry 10 o'clock of the -latest the whole business must be over. 3. When you have received your presents you must leave at once and not come a train tliat day —excepting on businessorif sent, by your parents. We ex|>ect. many people on Christmas-both customers and visitors—aud cannot bo annoy ed by you ail day, 4. Yon must ho civil and orderly while here, else we might "skip" some of you, or shut down altojrolhei. We have a complete list of your names and anes and no oue will no able to run the blockade Oil us. Lots of business in town 1 ist Sat urday. And -besides the general bus iness we had Prof.Kurzenknabe's musi cal convention and grand concert, the Evangelical 'quarterly meeting. Dr. Stamps popular auction, Yon y Dar ter's s tie of mountain land, and last but not least the spike buck law suit. Big town, that Mdhteim. v TiB for a mackerel fact, as John Chambers used to say. THE BOSS NUMBER. —This week we put out the best paper, the nearest ap proach to perfection ,ever issued from the JOURNAL office. Look at it, ex amine the general make up and display; read if, the "leader," locals, selections, advertisements—all, and suy yourself whet! er the MILI.UEIM JOURNAL is not entitled to iauk among the better class of lojul newspapers in the state. At least we are unanimously of that o pinion. —We have concluded to give our patrons a good supplement this week, becasse we are obliged to ask them to shift along without the JOURNAL next week, as best they can. On the one page they w ill find a delightful Christ mas story of our own get up, printed mostly in " groszen Frackturbuehstaben," while the other page is brimful of good reading matter by other euiineut au thors, —The other day I). A. Musser and J. P. Gephart sold about 2500 acres of timber land situate in Poe Valley to Judge Whitmer of Lewisburg, for the the sum of SIO,OOO. DEDICATION. December 31st, instant, Deo Volcnte, ■dhajtsi of the St. John's Evangelic al Lutheran Church at Millheim, Pa., will be dedicated to the worship of Al mighty God, with appropriate ceremo nies. Rev. W. E. Fisher, of Centre Hall, will preach the dedicatory sermon in the morning at ten o'clock. Rev. b. Henry, of Mifilinburg, will preach on Saturday evening previous, also on Sab bath evening, and do the soliciting on Sabbath morning. J 'JUS TOMLINSON, Pastor. ACCIDENT.— Mr. Calvin It. SUm,eld est son of Dr. J. W. Slam, of this place, come home on Friday last to spend the holidays with his friends,but had the misfortune to break bis litub the same evening. lie was walking a lottg on the sidewalk, which was very icv, slipped and fell, lie had a gun in his hand at the time, but for which he thinks he might have saved himself, lie suftered considerable pain but is getting along as weK can be exacted under t he circumstances. FATHER'S An vies To HIS SON.— "My son. l have heretofore presented you with a copy of the Holy J'.ible. If you study only one book let that be the Book, as the truths it contains •are able to make you wise unto salvation.' I herewith pivsen t you witfc a copy of the re cent edition of Webster's Una idged Diction ary. If you study only two book* let this be the other, as it is not only a dictionary uusur pasedin spelling, prmancUtlon an I definition of words, but is ais* ariencyclopedia of iuforma tjon inlts VocalbaUriosof persons and places neted in Fiction, Scripture, Greek, Latin, and Geographical Names. Biographical Dictionary, Pieturial Illustrations, &e.. make it a book to which von vvjll have occasion frequent ly to refer during tfcL*."— Ftev. J. J. Scherer, A• J/1, PrtsiCnL Marioi. Female Oolkge. July 11, I*Bl —CHRISTMAS will be celebrated by the Reformed Sunday School of Aa rousburg on next Saturday eveiving at 7 o'clock. The service will consist at devotion al and the aaliphenal reading of Script ure prophecies and their fullfillmant, concerning the birth of Christ. These exerei jes will be plentifully interspersed with Christmas chants and anthems, under the leadership of Prof. Wm. T. Meyer. The ch*rch will be decorated, a treat given to the children and a collect! >n lifted for the benefit of the orphan. It promises to be a pleasant occasion. All are invited. **# OFFICERS OF TIIK CENTRE COUNTY TEACHERS' INSTlTUTE.—President,ex oflicio, D. M. Wolf; Vice Presidents, D. M. Lieb, Miss Rose De Woodie ; Secretary, Henry Keller ; Ass't Secre tary, F F. Jamison ; Committee o Per. Certificates, Henry Meyer, C. L. Gramly, E C. Emeiick, A. D. Houtz, Miss Sallie Meek; Supt. of Enrollment, J. C. Meyer. Rev. E. E. Iligbee, D. D., Superin tendent of Publ'c Instruction, will at tend the Institute. Thursday, t>'e2Bth, will be Directors' day, and our worthy Countv Superintendent verv much de sires the presence of a? ma.iy Directors as can come to hear Dr. Higbee. —Ex-Recorder Tobias has again made his houie among us for the pres ent. Thinks Millheim is about as good a placo to stay as can conveniently be found. —James D. Luse moved into hisfnew house last Thursday. That's business. The advantages of having an own home are so great and many that every young married man should beud all his ener gies to secure one as soou as his cir cumstances permit. —RFPOHT of Millheim primary school for the month ending Nov. 23rd. Pupils—male 27—female 4—total 81. Average attendance pel day—male 2) —female 22—total 47. Per cent, of attendance—male fe male 92—total 96 Mary E. Strohra, Teacher. —Fkeburg, in Snyder county has perhaps the best musical home talent of any town of its size in the state—or to sjeak more exactly the Fresburgcrs i pay more attention to the cultivation of uiuxic than most other towns. The Philharmonic Society of that plaoe will give a grand musicsl convention begin ning on Christinas. Prof. W. O. Pei kius, a celebrated musician from Bost on,will conduct the convention,and we are i! -used to add that our friend Prof. Win. T. Slayer, of Aaroniburg, has al so "been -engaged as pianist. —The Bellefonte Denux-rat pays the JOURNAL a very neat couipluaeut f>r an article we published the other week, while the Centre Hall Report*r , our nearest neighbor, iiler maliciously per verting what, we did say, expresses its utter contempt over the same article. Well, we have the satisfaction of knowing that the contempt between the JOURNAL aud the Htportsr is mu twil. But is it not "Strange that such difference there should be, 'fwlxt twee die—duui and twecule—deet' —The other week we bought some clothing at Lewin's Philadelphia Branch Clothing House, Bellefonte, and embraced the opport unity io look through the mammoth establishment. It is really a big concern, whether w consider the snacious store room or the immense stock of goods on hand. In tlie clothing line proper you will find simply everything, from an overcoat down to a garter, that meu wear either for use or show. Overcoats and suits are especially fine aed cheap. Besides clothing Mr. Lewin keeps a full line of trunks, satchels, umbrellas, Ac. We know of no better place to buy than the Philadelphia Branch. They understand their busiuess thoroughly and know how to treat their customers. Try them if von never did before. 2t The Mllllifim Journal makes lis usual annual announcement— iwo months democratic and ten months neutral— boldly too, " vn at tb risk, of having its party orthodoxy called into ques tion ." Never mind about the d*xy, good fellow, but who'd take care of the part j id the u*xt tea months ? Guess when supper iton t"he Journal man will be ou baud for lunch and full wages JL'pjrUr, Why, the "Official paper and largest in the county " published in a town of "800 population, on Lewisburg, Caxtrc it* 7'yront H. J{.," with its tre mendous circulation, ought certainly to be able to take care of that little job— of course. "Unser Fritz'* seems to have been spiling for a fight with the JOURNAL, ail summer. To use a common ligure he has been stiutting around us this long time like an impudent little Ban tam cock, witu u chip ou his hat. Guess we must aceomuiod*te hina some of these days. jNot now, though, we are otherwise too much engaged. Af ter the holidays—perhaps—unices iu the meantime he should take the im probable notion to improve his erode manners and learn something of the amenities of JoußNALisra. A KIND WORD TO OUR PATKOSB.-- Friends We have not asked for money in this public way for a long time, and are therfore the more free to do so now. We need funds to carry on our business and to support those dependent on us. The business of publishing a pajer is very different from almost any other. Expenses are regular, constant—all the time, for example if our paper is all we cannot wait in buying a new supply until some body takes the notion to pay.his account. We must have a certain fixed quanti ty every week. The same is true of other material, wages, rent, fuel and contingencies. All these expenses we can meet and still have a little margin left for ou? own work if our subscri bers pay us regularly everv year. When we reduced the subscriptin prices of the JOURNAL from 3150 to sl.oo,it was a rhkv exp.niaear..but we are now sati died that it was a good one. We can afford to publish the JOURNAL at that price if paid yearly, although we know of but o e pai>er in Cen tral Pennsylvania that does the same thing, and that is our respected name sake. the Philipsburg Journal. Now then, friends, we have said our say anu don't expect to do so soon again. You will come to Millheim, of course, sometime during thp h did ays Don't forget the printer, and if you are flush and cau do it as well as not, we will not refuse a year's advance pay ment It will make us feel so happy and vou will get the benefit of it all in an improved paper. MARRIED. * On the 12th inss., at the residence of Mr. Reuben <5 rain ley, in Miles township, b\ Rev. A. K Zimmerman, Mr. Georwe \V. Ocker, of Middle Creek, Snyder Co.. and Miss DelUo M. Gfamly. of cram Co., r. DIED. On tht 12th Inst, In Congress township, Wayne county. Ohio, Mr. (laorge llubler, form erly of this county. On the 15th Inet .-s# Treasler Orphans' Horn#. Loysvllle. I'd., I'dgar Oei*welt, son of W. C. Si Rebecca llofcioruian, aged 11 yours, 5 months and 4 days. milheiiM .Harhel, 1 Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, old, " new, No. I " "• Ko. • 75 Corn W Rye 40 (Kits White Ruck wheat Flour 6.00 Bran A Mho. ts ,pei ton 25 oh salt, per Hrl 1.76 Plaster, ground #.(W Ceuient, per Hanhel 45 to 50 Karley 60 Tyrnothrseed 1.75 Flaxseed Cloverseed. Mutter 5W Hams Id Hides 12 Veal Pork IV e i Kgcs 3k Potatoes 40 lotr.l 12 Tallow Roup € Dried Apples Dried Peaches Dried Cherries COAL MARKET AT COUURH. Kg* Coal AVOO Htcre •' 6.25 Chestnut 6 Oh Pea 3 ,Vj Pea by tha car load 5.20 Fifty ecnta per ton additional wh*a delivered in Millhelui. P. H. STOVER, DBAI.KK IN Clover Seed, Flour & Feed, Coal, Plaster & Salt. CQBWBN. 9-iri6H;3T MA* KIT MIC* ALWAYS l*Ail>. *•*" A fnll aapnly I Coat. Wtlr and Rst; *!- *'*>• n k*ad au* ol(i at the l*t price *W-Ooal kepi anger roof at all aeavoni of tk year. r*Tka pabllo patronage rcapoctfolly aollct *4. *>!y D. H. LIMIer; MAKUYACTURCK AND DKALKK IN FURNITURE, Aaronsburg, Penna. Chamber Hults, Bureaus, Lounges, Bedsteads. Stand*, Marble-Top Centre Table*. Breakfast Tables, Dining Tables, Extension Tables, Sideboards, Sinks and all kinds of Kitchen Furni ture, Cane or Wood Seat Chairs. li>cke!H, Spring Beds, Wire, Wool and Hair Mat reuses, every style of Mould ings for Picture Frames. Frames of any site made to order. Indertaklng a Speciality. 1 keep a complete line ot undertak er'* jdrkls always on band. Having a Branch Shop In Millheim, I can accommodate custouiets at either place. A share of public patronage re spectfully solicited. 50-6 m PATENTS. Send a vouch sketch or a mode! of jAO r invention to EOKdfi E lE* ON, WaxktuKtoa. I. I'., ind a fMllial nary Eiaaluallaa will b mad* wllb oat tkarf*, of all t'nitcd State* patent* of Vh<* same elaiui of Invention* and y< u will b. advived whether or not a patent c n be ob tained. If you are adv|**d that your Invention la pat •uU.de, *e-1 *y>, to yay Government fee-of *I.N and $5 for drawine* required by th Govern ment. Thi* i* payable when apnlleiWoii I* mad*. When allowed, the attorney a fee and the final Government fee (*2O) i* payable. An attorney whose fee drpendson hie *ueo*H*lii obtaining a Patent wIM not advise vou that your liiveugcm 1* patentable unless It really l*. so far as his bent Judgement can determine; hence, you can re!y on the advise given alter a preli minary examination 1* had. lißSia", Tatkwts and the KsoisrHiTios or Labkl, Tradk Maker. ani ItK-issuaa secured. CAVBiTa pre pared and filed. Application* in revivor of it EJECTED. Abandon*!*, ar FomrtiTan Capbb made. If you have undertaken tosecare your own patent and failed, a skillful handling of the ca*e may lead to aucces*. Hend ie a written request addressed to the Commisalouer af I'at eut* that he recognize Gkorux K. I.bmox. of Washington, D. 0, a* your attorney In the case, giving the tit'le of the invention and about the date ofyour application. An examination and report t ciil cott you nothing, he me in tier, thi* office, has l|>rt4iii hca AMIMI CMUA Oa page IW), see the el>ove picture and iiiaw •f the M pert*.—a boning the value Webeter's numerous Illustrated Definitions. II ts the beet practical KnaUeh bletleMry i extant.— Lxrruitm Hevtmt. a It 1* aa cvr-prrut and reliable school maeter to the whale family S. 8. UoalA. { •. S C. ■URIAH A CO., Pub'rt, bprlagfleld, Sua. i B. HARRIS, 224 MARKET STREET, LEWISBURG, PENNA. Our Stock is now complete in all its de partments, and we are receiving New Goods every day throughout the season, ALL THE LEADING SHADES It HATS & BONNETS, TRIMMRD & TT ZtSTTZRIIVIIjUIIEI} FOR LADIES. KI3SES AND CUDDIES. FCR LINE OF Ladies' Ready-made Ulsters, Dolmans, Coat 3 and Jackets cannot be excelled. Goat and Dre3i Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Laces, Silks, Satins, Lace and Linen Collars, Jet Combs, Real Hair Goods, Jewelry and oth er Fancy Goods, at PRICES that will hear COMPETITION. WE WILL NOT ADD MORE, RUT SIMPLY SAY THAT YOU WILL FIND THE BEST ASSORTMENT 0E GOODS IN OUR LINE, AND THAT WE mmi BE 3JN3SRSOLD! Respectfully, 18. Mtrkot Street, Lyvisburg, Pa, Established 1941.~- . THE FOBSIH SHE Wilt TOUKQBfOWNi Q M&aul&otxure alf kinds oi S: 0 A. L E; S JTj FIRST QUALITY H REASONABLE PRICES. 9 Send for Catalogue. Letts; Presses, WAREHOUSE TRUCKS," i ' tiuifltng uwm JJB.J. W. STAM is now permanently located at Millheim, and will give prompt attention to all medical calls at bis office on Main Street. Try I>A. BTAM'S Npscinc PILI MBDICW*—It five* lustaul relief. TWO GOAD KOftiS. CKnmher'% Information far th* reople; or (tOl Tiling* Worth Knowing. comprising the history timl mysterv or everything In common use. Oriiht) n Handy Cycl*p"dia; or Explana tion of Words and Things connected with ail the Arts and Science-, illustrated with ovar.VV , engraving* ii|eej% bound in cloth,gilt,size about •> , v.m'ATK. "Worth ten times tlm money."—T I I BUM ANI FAITMEK. "A perfcet dictionary and librarv of leference."— F.KSLTS lixoa. NKWS. "We have frequent'nceaalon to use the New A nierlern Dictionary In our office and regard tt WELL worth the price."—CmtieTiA* I'aio*. "With tlm New American Dictionary In the ll brgry for reference, ninny other much more ex pensive work* can be < Isjenscd with, and Ig norance of hi* country. nDtoiy, business, law. etc. I* Inexcusable in any man."—Hcißtrriric A Mohican "There's more real worth than In uiiat tooks at ten times the cost."—N. Y.W OHLO Price. post paid *, 2 for $1 7s. Extraordinary Offer. will get up a Club of Ten at SI.OO each we will send PKKR as a premium the American Water bury Stem Wind Watch. For CLUB Of IS we will send free a Solid Silver Hurtling Case Watch. For CLUB of 30 we send free, a fArties' Solid Gold Hunting Caw Watch. For CLUB of 5i wo will send free, Gents* SoKd Gold Hunting Caw Watch. R'ttd s Dollar ut once for a sample copy. You can canity secure o • of th-'se wate'res lu a day or two or durintyour leisure time evenings. As to our red Ability we can refer to the pub ; ll*her of this paper, the coin utercla! agencies or HII v express Co.. in this city. Address WOULD MANUFAOTUIUNG CO . 122 NASSAU STUKKT. N KW YORK. BUY THE BEST. POST A CO'S '■*s AMERICAN STUDENT LAMP, GUARANTEED THE REST. BTRONC, STEADY LIGHT. , BIX T131K9 CHKAPF.R THAI* I (*Atl, Sir long Experience we are enabled (c tn*ake live JBTjir LTUTtZXT LAMP M IDE, i*ml th* , only one that raises and lower t the wick an shown in cut. Fully covered by let tern patent. PVice. NlcSiel FUttil, 00. X-lfeeraJ iMocounlo to the Trade, bond lor Catalogue. POST & COMPANY, M&nufacturors and Patanto©#,* CINCINNATI, OHIO, TUTT 7 S * §. msßmmsmßEm A HQTED MM SAYS: I;a. Triri-fkar Sir* For ieb yvxr* X hart \"tn m matlyr to Dyipejvis, Constipation and Tilt*. l.m*i *.n r.g your pill* vrc.-r=iaordod n;ef i ti*peUta,y.tueaBo*algoontiv% Pain'in the lleadj with adnllaahjtatlon fn t&ebacli part, Paintnulor theifeonltieg Had^lhiiiif-o i Rrter e^.• ACLC, yntSTa dia- Inclimdoat ex":Uou c fLxlyona iu, IrritobiTT yui tow op i tdts f Xicna (TmeiijcnV, svith a f- < lh:vct Ldvicx nc fectad* a'cmoiiity, Wem.rines >, iSiazinims, #iiittcriyf o? the licnurt, Dote, b-forotfio iiess ut night, higridy Co.'orei t/nce. iv tnttx Aiix BEIUSUS D'.S|AStS Vt'iLL EE DEVEICPtft. TtJTT S Til Li are e|o< tally adapted tw iacktut,citei!e<4 aritßSg* •rr this reaiMly fairly, mdyea vdK niM a healthy i)icttle% Vigorous Body, Pur# Blitod, Strong Worveo. and a Kviuul l.l* er. i'rloe. 9ft CU. f>(Qo, SR SfniTsr Y. TuTTTMIfm Grey If r.tr a.sd "A kbkr-.c eliastored to a O!oy fderk bynzlnclo ajitiiicetion oi tali liyt. It fai))>itt a natural color, srts 1 urta ai.''o.r-!y. No'd by Drwn- Cists. or scut i >iv '* iHTSf a an receipt ofsl. Cilice, *5 Farrsr St.. N'eir York. / DH.TVTT aAC * Kfl'Al.of Yaluabio\ ' I rmit DEALERS J MATNTENANCEOF GOOD RETAIL PRICM; ]S'O POiOMrsCUOUS SCATTERING OF WHOLESALE PRICES. Agents WANTED. roa PARTIOCLAOS A DI)R ESS Th Leader Sewing Machine Eo., 1 CLEVELAND, OHIO. FA 11.VI CAV*}! Tf r r,u wan iv sample copies of the latest nrd best agricul-.u 't i-ui "r i < tim couatry wiJir years ami yo ir m- iiba' 'untoi >■- a piutal card and r.u ' i* w tawf frUnd hvh. Co . South Ltn,:, P. up fu cen'.s * il.m' ai.U i n inuiittM ut evvi r sub-ci incr. #PB sa Bjfer.t t lite is sweeping by. y ■ I l | d-r lfore you sv.iub i i'"',; Sa migiuy ami sul'lim * leave ■ CtfSavh/ jI ~il u! lU p.;,, I'.cr '.IMC.' *(# yv week in your own town. * r > outfit f i". N> risk Evryf iug new. Ca'v'ni not required. \W will furuisii yon -v-iytliii:g. Many are making fo,limes. I.arih* make as much as men, and boys am! . ake giit pay. Reader, if you v mi. birnoess ,l wit ch you cm make great puvail the time, wiiu-Lo p .rti u lurs to H. It. lIAJ.LKvr Oc>., i*. i t;a-. i -vial THIS PMES'SI Ncwsp .per Aavcrtlsing —':• au (10 f-pn ;e Street), where adver- sewvi*2 tof 4 ishtg contracts mny S Xa vf % k% j' i .•, t*e KkUc for it iu leu*' a u wßih-tii