Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, December 14, 1882, Image 4
AGRICULTURE, TILLAGE AND EVAPORATION —A few years ago a contemporary announced with great positireneas the discovery that culti vation of the surface soil promotes instead of retarding evaporation, and is therefore labor worse than wasted, so far as it hail previously been supposed to help iu retaiu i noisture. Experiments by Professor Stock bridge, of Amherst, were subsequently published, which seemed sufficient to con lule the position above referred to, and to establish the correctness of previous teach, ings on the subject. And now Dr. Slur levant, of the State Experiment Station at Geneva, reports the following experiment, which If similar in result to those of Pro fessor Stock bridge, though not couducted in precisely the same manner. The ques tion of drought is one which periodically engages attention, and any means by which its injurious effects may v be ungita ted should certainly be known to the far mer. That cultivation, by forming a loose soil upon the surface wuich acts as a aiulch, conserves the water to the soil, is a fact which is well established, and should be more commonly appreciated. For the purpose of offering numerical values which shall express the influence of cultivation, we have tried the following experiment: Oak boxes of one cubic foot capacity wei e made of half-inch stuff, and ihoiouuhly soaked with oil. The bottoms being re moved, the frame was torced dowu into the earth in the corn Held, and the bottom afterwards put m position. We thus had a foot cube of soil in its natural position. The surface or the earth in one box was left undisturbed, while the surfaces of two boxes were kept cultivated. By weighing these boxes the gain or loss is assumed to measure the evaporation which has taken place from each. From July 20 to Au gust 1, six days, the cultivated soil evapo rated at ihe rate of 906 gallons per acre lets than the undisturbed soil, or less 151 gallons daily per acre. From August Ito August 10, nine days, the cultivated roil evaporated 2367 gallons per acre less than did the undisturbed soil, or less than 263 gallons daily per acre. During the whole period from July 26 to August 10,. tifteen da) s, the saving of water effected through cultivation figured up 212 gallons daily per acre, or expressing these tacts i i another form, the undisturbed soil lost per acre from July 26 to August 10, 4243 gallons; the cultivated soil 1060 gallons. In caicu our results to the acre by multiply ing ihe evaporation which has taken plate Horn a square foot of ruiface by 43,560, ihe unavoidable eirors are correspondingly multiplied, and while duplicate series can never be expected to give the same numer ical results, yet the one fact becomes ui - questionable—that through cultivation we are enabled to conserve to the soil a large arnouDt of water during a drought, iu deed, observation through extended peri ods of drought, also plainly shows the su periority ot fields that have been well cul tivated over those where cultivation has been neglected. CUTTING SKKD FQTATOKS. —The best of farmers uiffer materially in regard to the beet way to prepare seed potatoes for plant - iug. One farmers has obtained the best results from planting whole potatoes. An other has been most successful in cutting his potatoes, giving only one good eye to a cutting. Another has met with the best success with one eye, but the cutliug was made deep with a picked pointed knife, so as to giye the eye plenty ct nourishment before it throws out roo's to draw its sup plies from the soil, bo it teems that pota toes have made tine yields from all styles of cut seed, and from small aqd large whole potatoes. The fact is that in a tolerably sandy soil, containing plenty ot vegetable mat ter, with plenty of cowyard manure, and some ashes and superphosphate, and pro per cultivation, the yield will be apt to be large in a good potato season if the seed is of the right kind, cut in almost any style, or planted whole. THE muck or peat of some localities may be applied directly to the land, either ireah dug, if dry enough to haul, in which condition it is best to apply it in the au tumn, so that it may l>e ameliorated by the fiosts and thawiugs ot winter, or after such weather?Dg. Other kinds ot muck cannot be used advantageously without composting with lime or manure, or white ashes, or some other active substance, while that of some localities applied raw is pos itively deleterious to the crops of the nrst jcar. As a general rule muck may be made uselul in ordinary farm o|>era lions by mixiDg it with manure from the stable, in the cow-yard, the pig-pens, or the sheep-yards, and it is safe to say that the addition ot muck of good quality in this way may easily double or triple the value ot the manure made upen the farm. That is, a yard capable of furnishing, under ordinary circumstances, 100 loads of manure, may lie made to furmsn twice or even three times as much, both in quality aod value. OOTOBKR is a good time to get out a sup ply of swamp muck. It is impossible to answer the q lestion as to the exact value of this material as applied to land. The quality of muck varies greatly, some of it not being woitb the expense of removing it from the beds, even when this can he done with ease. The fertilizing value ot most mucks depends largely upon the ni trogen they contain, and that this element may be available the muck needs to un dergo a process of decomposition. The * nnrogen must be liberated from its lnsolu bie organic compounds, and form soluble substances, as the aitrates and ammonia compoudds. To secure this, muck should be either placed in a heap and subjected to the influence of freezing and thawing— weathering, as it Is termed—or be mixed with manure in a compost heap, and there undergo a decomposition, to tit it for use as a fertilizer. At ttiis season the muck beds are usually filled with water, but by beginning at one side, a boat or scow may be used to advantage. THE English farmers are congratulating themselves that the lean years which had come upon them are now ended. The crops are almost universally good,and thus far the weather—usually so treacherous in this country—has been very favorable for harvest work. In the Southern part ol the British Islands the wheat is now nearly all in, hut in the northern part ot England and south of Scotland they are just in the midst of the harvest. The wheat crop is said to be below the average in yieiJ, but it is really above it, for the so-called aver age can scarcely be called a just one. VIOLETS.— Few things are more valued in winter than a bunch of Bweet Violets. Some may new be potted, and they will flower in the window towards spring: or a small bed of them may be made in a frame which should be protected by a mat from severe frost. The same of Pansies. For a number of years a German paper maker has been utilising the waste water from his engine, conducting it by ditches to and upon the meadows, adjoining bis mill. He asserts that his profits from bis grrjss ct op bave been trebled DOMESTIC. TOMATO Sorr. —Always use cold wa ter in making all soups; skim well, especially during the first hour. There is a great necessity for thorough skim ming, and to help the scum rise, p >ur in a little cold water now and theu, and as the soup reaches the boiliug point, skim it off. Use salt at first sparingly, and season with salt and pepper; allow one quart of soup to three or four per sons. For tomato soup allow one gal lon of stock made from nice fresh beef to three quarts of fresh tomatoes; re move the skin and cut out the hard cen tre, put through a fine sieve, and add to the stock; rnako n paste of butter and flour, and, when the stock begins to boil, stir in a half teacup of the paste, taking care not to have it lumpy; boil twenty minutes, seasoning with salt aud pepper to taste. Two quarts of the canned tomatoes will answer. "Durability is better than show." Durability of health is worth more than the wealth of Vanderbilt. Kidney-Wort is man's co-laborer in maintaining health. With healthy liver, bowels and kidneys, men and women will always be in good health. If the bowels are torpid, if piles tonqent, if the back is full of pam, get a package of Kidney-Wort and lie cured without more suffering. Jtar*The most brilliant phades possible, on all fabrics are made by the Diamond Dyes. Unequalled for brilliancy and du rability. 10 cents. FORCED TOMATOES, —Two ouuees of mushrooms, miuoed small; a small quantity of parsley, a slice of lean ham chopped small, with a few savory herbs, a little cayeune pepper aud salt. Put all the ingredients of this stuffing luto a saucepan with a lamp of butter, stirring all together until quite tender. Theu set away to 0001. Have ready some bread crumbs and the yelks of two eggs well benten. Choose large tomatoes, as near the same size as possible; and cut a slice from the stalk end of each. Take out carefully the seeds and juice, and fili with the mixture. S l rew them over with bread crumbs and some melted butter, and bake in an oven until they have a rich color. Serve with baked calf's head or cold real. PEIKVAN, Wis., Sept. 24, IS7B. GENTS —I have taken not uuite one bot tle of the Hop Bitters, 1 was a teeble old man of 78 wteu 1 got it. To-day I am as active and leel as well as 1 did at 30. I see a great many that need such a u edi cine. D. BOYCEi SPICED APPLES. —Spiced apples are very appetizing, and the new and usual ly almost tasteless early apples can be prepared in this way: Take four pounds of apples (weigh them after they are peeled), two pounds of sugar, half an ounce of ciunamon in the stiek, one quarter of an ounce of cloves and one pint of vinegar; let the vinegar, spices and sugar come to a boil; tben put in the whole apples and cook them untii they are so tender that a broom splint will pierce them easily. These will keep for a loug time in a jar. Put a clean cloth over the top of the jar be fore putting the cover on. E irly pears may also be spiced in the same way, and are nice for dinner or tea. CoiiHumptlou Cured. An old physician, retired lrom practice, having bad placed in his hands by au East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive aud radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after hariug tested its woudertul curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve hu man suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this rcceipe, in Ger man, French or English, with full direc tions tor preparing and using, bent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 149 Power a Blocks JRochester, iV, CRABAPPLE MARMALADE. —MarmaIade made of the ocmtnou Siberian crabapple is not to be despised, and for chilelren's lunch or lor tea with good bread ami butter it is looked upon aa a luxury. Stew the apples, skins and all, till they arc very soft; mash them, adding light brown sugar to your taste. This may be put up in cans or in little earthen jars anel sealed for winter use. Marma lade may also be made of nice peach parings, with now and then a half peach left iu. The latter dish is not recom mended exoept when fruit is scarce, and you feel like making the most of every part of it. PRESERVED GRAPES IN BUNCHES.— Take out the stones from the bunches with a pin, breaking tliem as little as possible; boil some clarified sugar to nearly candying poiut; then put in sufficient gropes to cover the bottom of the preserving kettle, without laying them on each other, and boil for nearly five minutes, merely to extract the juice; lay them in an earthen pan and pour the syrup over them; cover with paper, and the next day boil the syrup, skim ming it well for five minutes; put in the grapes, let them boil a minute or two; put them in pots, and pour the syrup over them, after which tie down. FROZEN PEACHES.— Pare and divide large, fresh, ripe and juicy peaches, sprinkle over them granulated sugar, freeze them like ice cream for an hour; remove them just before serving, and sprinkle with a little more sugar.. Canned peaches and all kinds of berries may be prepared in the same way. PEACH PlE.— Line a deep dish with soda biscuit dough, or pie crust rolled one-fourth of an inch thick, fill with peaches pared, sprinkle with sugar and a little flour, and if not too juicy, add about two teaspoonfuls of water, put on the upper crust, secure the edges and bake. Eat with cream. PRUNE WHIP. — Sweeten to taste and stew three quarters of a pound of prunes; when perfectly cold add the whites of four eggs beaten stiff, stir all ©f this together till light; put in a dish and bake twenty minutes; when oold, serve in a larger dish and cover with good cream. CORN MUSH.— Put a quart of water on to boil; stir a pint of cold milk with one pint of corn meal and one table spoonful of salt. When the water boils pour in the mixture gradually, stirring well; boil half an hour, stirriug constant ly- STUFFED STEAK.— Make a stuffing of bread, herbs, onions, salt and pepper; spread over the steak, which should be an inch thick. 801 lit up and tie tight ly with cord. Bake or stew slowly for two hours! Serve with brown gravy. HUMOROU& II IR people were not. prompt in paying bim his salary, much of wbiqli ho hail to take "in kiud," One day a church member asked him to bring Mrs. Htim sou to dinner. "Certainly," said Father Btimaou, "and I gueaa ill put some liay on the wagon when I go back home." "All right," replied the church member; "but firing a oue-horso wagon." He came with n wagon in which was a hay rick big enough to hold a haystack. "Is that a one-horse wagon?" asked the parishioner. "Yes," said Father Stim sou, "but it's a two-horse hayrick," and he loaded in a ton of hay. He was put ting up a gospel teut when a loafer came along and asked him if he was going to have a circus. "Yes," said he, without looking up, "and I want a baboon; ho* much will you take ?" He was Chaplain of the Niutli New York Cavalry, whose Colonel liked to take his regiment through the puddles. One day the Chaplain rode around thorn, so the Col onel at the close of the drill said to the officers: "If Chaplain Stimson is ufraid to ride th.iough muddy water for fear of soiling his clothes i will carry him across the puddles myself." "Thank you," the Chaplain said; "but as the Government provides horses I don't see any reason why I should ride on a jackass." " Entirely Dteanpeared." 77 GEORGE STREET, ( NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J., Sept. 5, 1881. ) H. U. WARNER & Co.: Sirs— A severe attack of kidney difficulty entirely disap peared after using your Safe Kidney aud Liver Cure. Jons 11. INSLRK. "Is this the annunciator?" asked a frightened looking mail of the chap who ran the hotel lifter. "No, sn; this is the elevator." "Does it go up, or down?" "Both ways, sir," "1s there any danger of its falling and killing anybody?" "Perhaps so, Do von wish to try it?" "I don't kuow. By the way, where would I go to if I did get in and the whole thing should drop down ?" "That would depend upon your re'ig ious belief. Do yon, or do you not want to go up ?" "Weil, just one more quostion. Sup posing I should—" But the door slid into its place, and all that the timid man could seo was the bottom of the car as it glided out of sights Yegetine Is now acknowledged by our best physicians to be tbe only sure and 9&fc remedy for all diseases arising from Impure blood, such as scrofula and scrofu lous humors. OKR of Mrs. Grote s proteges was Fanny Ellsler, of whom she had under taken, in a fit. of enthusiasm, to make "an honest woman," and also—some what more difficult task—a recognized ornament of Loudon society. It was in the midst of this quixotic experiment that the celebrated dancer took her departure for America, leaving her child, a little girl of 6 years, in Mrs. Grote's care. "All I said to her," said this strange, kind hearted woman, "was: 'Well, Fanny, send the brat to me; I don't ask you whose child it is, and T don't care, so loug as it isn't that fool, d'Oi say's," Is your hair falling out or your scalp diseased! Carbollne, a deodorized extract of petroleum, as now Improved and per fected, is just the article you need. Buy a bottle, and, like thousands who are u*log it all over thelaod, you will value it as the choicest of all toilet preparations. PAT MALONEY kept a terry ever one of the small Western streams. A crank whooped and hollooed one storm}' night for Pat to come and ferry him over the river. As the boat neared the shore he apologized to Pat for calliug him out snch a night. "That is all right," aaid Pat; "I make me living with this old boat." But, Pat, I have not a cost of money to pay you with." "Oh, and l>e jabers, that's it," said Pat, as he quickly pullod for the other shore; "if you have no money it don't matter which side ol the river you are on." . Rupture Cured* NIWTOWN, PA., Sept., 29th 1382. DR. J. B. MATER, Dear Sir:— 1 will stale to you that 1 am all right, and have not worn the support since the tp,h of July, and since then have been hard at wjrk on a farm. There is no pain or soreness about me nor has there been since. Yours Respectfully, G L SUWARIZ. "LET US have some fresh air," said a fat-faced old man to the sleeping car porter, "the air in this car is terrible." Just then an Irishman entered sat down, and, tilling his pipe with vile tobacco, began puffing the smoke in the old fel low's face. Brigliteuing up at this un expected change, the old chap said, "Ah ! thank you, I'at, thank you; that will help it some !" Allen's llralu Food, Cures .Nervous Debility and Weak nee of Generative Organs, $1 ail druggifts Send for circular. Allen's Phurui acy 313 First av. N. Y. DR. HALD says that taking a walk before breakfast has put more people into their coffins than the ailments they were seeking to get rid of. The atten tion of tramps is particularly called to this statement. One pair of boots saved every year by using Lyon's Patent Metallic Heel Stiffeu ers. "No, sir," said Dr. Jalap, "I wouldn't have that apple tree cut for money," "But you never get any fruit from it," argued Brown; "the boys steal all the apples before tliey are half ripe," "That's just it," replied the Doctor, with a quiet smile; "the tree stands me a good 81000 every year." See advertisement beaded " How to Live " in auother column. A OKNTDEMAN who, in a public meet ing. was telling that he was eighty-one years old and had not been an abstainer from liquors, interrupted by the remark: "You would have been a hun dred by this tim if you had !" ♦Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pouud strengthens the stomach and kid neys and aids digestion. "DEAR Mr Jones," said a learned woman, "You remind me of a barometer that is filled with nothing in the upper story." "Divine Amelia Brown," said he, "you occupy my upper story." Don't fail to read the twenty dellar Sewing Machine advertisement of 6. A. VV ood A Co., then send for a tircul&r. CiVAwnieLncrw and iron wall brackets that, have becoma rusty and worn may be made to look equal to new by apply ing a coat of bronze powder mixed with oopal varnish. The fellow, who, by mistake, seut his auburn-haired sweetheart instead of a hot. tie of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup a bottle of hair dye, wants to kuow the best way to commit suicide. 9 FOR those troubled with the gout, boat two ounces of almonds with a tea apooufnl of rose water autl then pour 011 one quart >f milk and water ami sweeten to tush*. Vegetine. Kidney Complaints. DISEASE OF THE KIDNtYS. The symptom* of n acute attack of Inflamma tion of the ttnlney* sre a* follows : Fever, pain In the small of the back, ami thence shooting down ward; nntulmesa of the thighs,vomiting, usually al ttrat a deep red color of the urine, w hlcli becomes pale and colorleaa as the disease increases, and is discharged very often with pam and difficulty; oostlvem-ss, anil some degree of colic. lu chronic diseases of the kldueya the symntoms are pain lu the hack and limbs, dryness of the skin, frequent urinations (especially at night), general dropsy, headache, dizziness of night, indigestion, and pal pitation of the heart, gradual loss of strength, paleness and puffluess or the face, congh and short ness of breath. In diseases of the kldneva the VRORTINK give* Immediate relief. It has never failed to cure when it is taken regularly and directions followed. In many cases it may take several bottles, especially cases of long standing. It ads directly upon the secreiions, cleansing and stieiigthenlug, removing all obstructions and Impurities.—A great many can testify 10 cases of long standing having been perfectly cured by the VKURTINR, even after try ing many of the known remedies which are said to be expressly tor this disease. Kidney Complaints. CINCINNATI, 0., March 111, 1671. N. R. STIVKVN: Dear Sirl have used your VRQKTINR for some time, and can truthfully say it has been a great benefit to me: aud to those suffering from dis eases of the Kldnevs, I cheerfully recommend it. Respect fully, O. 11. SMITH. Attested to by K. B. Ashfleld, Druggist, Cor. Eighth ami Central Avenue. CINCINNATI, O , April 19, 1877. MR. 11. R. STKVKNS: I have suffered several year* with the Kitliwv Complaint, and was Induced to try VRORTINK. I have taken several bottles of your preparation, and lam convinced It Is a valuable remedy. It has done me more good than any other medicine. I can heartily recommend it to all suffering from A'fcfuep Com plait i/x. Yours respectfully, •!. S. McMILLEV, First Book-keeper lor Newha'l, dale A Co., Flour Merchants, No. 86 west Front St., Cincinnati, t. VBOKTINR has restored thousands to health who have been long and painful sufferers. Vegetine rnrrAimn BT H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Ma s s. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. D. r BULL'S 11 SYRUP i-■ - ! Tbe Bad and Worthless. are never imitated or ctrtntrrfeued- This ti especial!.* true of a family mediojne, and it is positive proof that the remedy imitated is of the highest value. As soon as U had been tested and proved by the whole world that Hop Bitters was tho purest, best and most valnabls family medicine on earth, many imitations sprung op and began to steal the notices in which the press and tne people of the country had expressed the merits of H. 8., and in every way trying to in duce suffering Invalids to use their sioff Instead, expecting to make money on the credit and good name of L ii. Many others started nostrums jiut up In similar style to H. 8., with variously devised names in which the word " Hop," or " Hops" were used In away to Indnoe people to believe they were the same as Hop Bitters. All snoh pretended remedies or cures, no matter what their stvle or name is, aud especially those with tne wont •• Hop' or M Hops" In their name or in anv way connected with them or their name, are luutatlous or counterfeits. Beware of tbem. Touch noue of them. Use nochiig but genuine Hop Bdters, with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on the white label. Trust nothing else- Druggists an I dealers are warned against deailug In imitations or counterfeit* §1 HAS BEEN PROVED g i The SUREST CURE for ® I KIDNEY DISEASES. I Docs a lam* back or disordered urine lndl- ® ® onto that yox ft re n victim ? THEN DO NOT L HU HTATE; uso Kidney-Wort at onoe, (drug- § " gists recommend It) and it will speedily over- k ® como the dineaso and restore healthy action, © ® | MXIOC For oomplalnts peculiar £ j= LuUlCO* toyouricx, (uchatpaln J * and weaknesoes, Kidney-Wort is unsurpassed, . t! ae it will act promptly and safely. • Either Bex. Inoontlnenoe,retention ofurlne, ® • brick dust or ropy deposits, and dull dragging *j O pains, all speedily yield to Its curative power. 5 < g. SOLD BY AIL Price 1. DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE LIVER PILLS do not produce sickness at the stomach, nausea or gripiug. They act directly on the Liver, the organ which, when ill a healthy con dition, purities the blood for the whole hody. In CONSTIPATION they cleanse the stomach and bowels without disposing; them to subse nent Cos tiveness. They are the only perfect preparation of MANDRAKE, the great substitute for Mercury, Tuereis not their equal in the whole range of Cathartic Medicines known to man. . They nre mid hy (lmgglatt everywhere. Dr. Schcnck's Book 011 Consumption, Liver Complaiut and Dyspepsia is sent free, post-paid. Address DR. J. IT. SCHENCK & SOX, Philadelphia, Pa. ~ 2S tONX.V S2O for this style of ■'MLAOELI'IIIA BINGEK. Equal to any Singer In the market Remember, tco •raid it to be exam incd before you pay for it. This ia the same style other companies retail for SSO. All Machines warranted for 8 years, geud for Illustrated Cir cular and Testimonials. Address CHARLES A. WOO!) A COL 17 3. icatlt St., lUadelyiuj, Pa If you feel duTJ, drowiy, dctftlluted, have sallow color or skin, or yellowish brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dir/.inese, bad taste In mouth, interna) heat or chiJla alternated with hot hushes,low spirits and gloomjr forebodings, liregular appetite, and tongue coated, yo i are suffering from "torpid liver," or '•bil iousness." In many eases of u liver com plaint" only part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases Dr. Pierce's ''Golden Medical Dis covery" has no equal, as it effects perfect and radical cures. At all drug storea. As a Newport clergyman was last week marrying two fashionable young people he onmo to the clause in the ser vice where the bride promises "to love, honor, and obey." She was silent. There was an awkward pause. The clergyman asked the question Again, No auswer. The clergyman said it called for an auswer. But it was not uutil the bridegroom nudged her with his elbow and u good deal of emphasis that aha faintly said: "1 will." She had rashly declared thut she never would say it, but when it came to bringing the aftuir to a full stop had to think better of it. Young or middle aged men suffering from nervous debility, loss of memory, premature old age, as the result of bad habits, should send three stamps for Part VII of Dime Beries pauipli'eti. Addrtss WORLD'S DISPKNSAKY MEDICAL A>S oia- TION, Buffalo, N. t. Mine. Cr culled at a friend's house on a wet day, and, her foet being damp, slie said to her Iritnd: "My dear, will you let your moid bring me a pair of your slippers?" "My love," replied her fiiend—there were several people in the room—"do you think my slippers will tit you ? ' "Oh, I think so, my dar ling, if you will tell her to put a cork sole inside of them." Bad temper often proceeds from those painful disorders to which women are sub ject. In female complaints Dr. K. V. Pieice's "Favorite Prescription 1 is a cer tain cure. By all diuggists. A SOUTH END WHO lias taught his dog, when offered sausage, to smell of it and then turn away with a mournful howl, and when he goes into a butcher's' shop where there are a lot of folks, offers the dog a sausage and ihe dog does the act, it is awful einbanishing foi th® bntehtr and, it he gets a chance, he kicks the dog. %*' Ketp to your place acd j-our place w:n keep you." Bui you cannot expect to keep your place wit bout health, the foundation of all success. For iustauce, a ratfroait engiueer in the en ploy of the C. M. & St. Paul H. K. had been grievously affected wltb diabetes for six years. He took four boxes of Kidney-Wort and now writes that he is entirely cured and works regularly. flaT"Feathers, ribbons, velvet can all be colored to match that new hat by using the Diamond Dyes, 10 cents tor any oolor. "Do you luy vonr music by the roll?" "WELL, I shall do my best to have, justice done you," said the lawyer to ilia client. "lu-deed, if yon are going to do that," replied the rascal, "I think I'd better be off at once." What it did f.r an Old Lady. Cor H'XJTPH STATION, ft. Y., Dec. 26, 1878 GENTS —A number of people had been using your Bitten here, and with marked t fleet. In one case, a lady of over seveu ty yea.B, had been tick lor years, and for the past leD years has not been able to be around half the time. About six months ago che got so feeble she was Kelpies Her old remedies, or physicians, being ol no avail. 1 sent to Deposit, fotty-flve miles away, and got a bottle of Hop Bitters. It improved her so she was able to dress her self and walk about tbe bouse. When she bad taken tne second bottle she was able to take care of her own room and walk out to her neighbor's, and lias improved all the time since. My wife aod children also have denyed great beuetn 1 rum their U9e. W. B. HATHAWAY, Agt. U. S. Ex. Co. NOTHING annoys the keeper of a rail road restaurant more than to have one customer ask in a rather loud tone of another: "Have they over tried plating war ships with this kind of sandwiches?' RESCrED FROM DF.ATfT. William J. Coughlin. of Somerville, Mm**., says: In the fall of 187(1. I was taken with BLBKDDIO or m LCKW, followed by a severe cough. 1 lost my appetite and fieeh, and was confined to my Wl. In ISff I was admitted to the Hospital. The doctors ■aid I had a hole in my lung aa big as a half dollar. At oue time a report went around that I was dead, I gave up hope, but a friend told me of DR. WIL LIAM HALL'S BALSAM FOR TUB LUNGS. I got a bottle, when to my snrprlee, I commenced to (eel better, and to-day I feel better than for three /ears past. BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA enraa pain In Man or Beast. For use externally or internally. IT IS the cosiest tiling in the world to distinguish between an English lord and his American oopy. commonly called a snoti. The Englishman slways speaks well of his owu country. Pure cod liver oil. from selected livers, <n the seashore, by Caswell, Hazard & Co., N. Y. Absolutely pure and sweet. Pa tients who have once taken it prefer it to ail others. Physicians declare it superior to all other ods. Chapped hands, face, pimples and rough skin cured by using Juniper Soap, mads by Caswell. Hazard & Co.. New York, OIL may be removed from carpets by laving a thick biottiug paper over theui and pressing a hot flatirou on it. Use a cleau paj>er each tiuie the operation is repeated. Rupture Cured. PHOENIXVILLK, PA., August 20 h, 188*3. DR J. B. MATER, 881 Arch Street, Phi ladelphia. Dear Sir: —l have lieen rup tured very badly, it gave me a great deal of trouble and very severe pain, so that 1 was confined to my bed. I received your treatment lor rupture in December, 1880, and the following March 1881 I left my support off and feel sound to day. Yours truly. F. B. ROSBITKR. BEF.F TEA. —Cut raw beef into small pieces; to a half pound of meat pour on a pint of cold water, set on the stove and let it simmer until all the juice is extracted from tiie meat. When wanted tor use skim and let it boil just two miuutes. "Rough ou Rats." Clears out rats, m : ee, flie-, roacaes, bed-bags, ants, vermiu. IOJ. MOTHER SWAN'S WORM FCTROF. for reverlsh liees, restlessness, worms. Tasteless. 250. Dr. Kline's (treat nerve Restorer la the marvel of the age for all nerve diseases. AH flta stopped free. Bend to 961 Arch tJereet, Philadelphia, Pa. LYDIA E. PINK HAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is ft Positive Pure Fer all these Palsftil Complaints and Weeks suae se eoaameu te ewr best fensolr yspulsUea A Hediclne for Woman. Invented by n Woman. Prepared by n Woman. The Ores test isdlrsl Dtiewrf (Hers Us Dsns #f History. rwit revives the drooping spirits, invigorates and harmonises the organic functions, gives elasticity and Armnaaa to the step, restores the natural lustre to the eye, and plants on the pale eherk of woman tba fresh roses of life's spring and early summer time. LW" Physician* lite It and Preterite It Freely *tfft It removes faintneea, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. That feeling of bearing down, canal ng pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. Fer the esure of Kidney Complaints ef either sen this Cempennd Is unsurpassed. LTDTA F- PIMKHAkT* BLOOD PrRITIER will eradicate every venture of Humors from the Blood, and give tene and strength to the system, ef man woman or child. Insist en having It. Both the Compound and fHood Purifier are prepared at *33 and S3* Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of either, fl. Sis bottles for sf. Scut by mall In the form of pills, or of losengee, on receipt of price, gi per bos for either. Mrs. Pink ham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Enclose Set. stain p. Bund fer pamphh-t. *o family should he without LTDIA E. PIVKHAM'S L'VCR HILU-i. Tttrv ouiw eonatipailon, blliouaU' sa, and torpidity of the liver. t cents per box. gqroll by all PranLu.fl 0) cTHE GREAT CURE a I I Jott . 1 I RHEUMATISM—° _ Aa It la for all the painful dls eases of the yj E KIDNEYS,LIVEM AND BOWELS. £ C It cleanses the system of the aorld poison W that causes the dreadful suffering which g g only the victims of Rheumatism ean realise. > £ THOUSANDS OF CASES □ 7. of the worst forms of this terrible disease g have been quickly relieved, and In abort time ■ • PERFECTLY CURED. 0 nucx, ft. UQtTD OK DBY, SOLD BT DKTCCIBTB. < lir Dry can be sent by maiL 3 WKX.LS. MCHAHDSOIf to Co. .Burl lngton Vt. * PITTSBURGH. PA^~ " b I' * Jrfifil ir/dlfcl hoshpeiis Bitter 5 old fashionable remedies are rapidly giving ground before the advance of this ooaqoermg specific, and old fash 100 eil Ideas m regard to de pletion as a means of cure, hare been quite ex ploded by the success of the great renorant, whloh tones the system, trauquiUzea the nerves, ueutra - lzes malaria, depurate* and enriches the blood, ronaes the liver when dormant, and promotes a regular habit of body. For salo by all Druggists and Dealers generally. Agents Wanted. The Culminating Triumph. HOW So LIVE! A complete Cyclopedia of household knowledge for the masses inner ready. Nothing like it. (.oing laat. Low priced, Illustrated, uuequaled in authorship. Send for Pm notices and full particulars now. Outfit andtnstruo. tloim how to sell, free to actual sgont*. Buceessguaran- AGENTS WANTEDS '. malce mowv 1-apTdly "filing our NEW BOOK I TOMS bowing up the Xew Vork of lo dtv, with Its palace*. Its -rowib-O thoroughfares, its ni -hing elevated trains, its count .esa sights, its- rouumce. its mystery, its dark crimes uid terrible tractile*. Ita charities, and in fact every plia-eof life in th:> gieat city. Don't waste time selling .low I looks, but send for circulars giving full table or oontenu, terms to Agents. AO. Pro-pectus now ready nd territory in gr eat demand. Address C JTJOLA 83 BRf>B.. S3 N.Seventh St. Philadelphia. Pa tThis N.Y. Singer, S2O With fin set of Attachment* Free. Warranted perfect. Light running, quiet,handsome anddursble. Sent on test trial-plan when desired. Happy Horns OrgauSs 4 sets Reeds. 12 stops; Mechanical Sub Bass, octave coupler,! knee swills, with 9-1 stool and 91 Book.only S;.V Abo sent on test trliU-plan If de sired. Elegant case, magnificent tone, durable inside and out. glr cttlar, with testimonials, free. Ask O. l'ayne A C 0..*7 Third av,Chicago A OF.XT* WANTED for the Best and Fastest. /V selling Pictorial Books and Bibles. Prices re duoed 83 iter cent National PUB. CO., Philads., Pa. VBtirs Cnre ior Epilepsy or Fits in S4 bourn. Free to poor. DR. KBCSF., *844 Arsenal st., St. Louis, Mo, TRIITU IB MIOHTT. Prof. MARTTNEI. ■ aw" ■ 1 ibe Great SpanishßHl, Atttolofar f am. PrjohologlM. WIU, for SO oonts, with Ui, h(Li, / \ jolo'w' <J *d loo* of hair. and CORRECT PRE/ Vgjf | TURK of jour hituro biuband or wtfo, with nam*. llmo' -ia, WsliA i •Sd pUo* of mooting, sod dato of mnrriaco. poyeboioa. -*nj prfd oted. Monoo roturaod Co all pet oaiiatlod. WWK|j/ ddrooo frof. f. Martinet. 10 tloat'j R.,Bstoa. Ms* NBHSRo those ABswerinf an AavsrUMinMu . tObler m isvor upon the Adrerllser and ttt 'ubitsher hyittUiigtl>Atth|y ttwUis dti ' ■*• a I- 'H * ln*.r*' •- *> - QONSUMPTidN. A nave a positive retnody for the above disease', bv Its qse thousands of eases of the worst kind and of long etaiidniK have been cured. Indeed, so strong is mvfaltn to its i wiu Lip FKgg, atecVii, HI YsrtL 41 *y. porcelln-lln*d Pump* art manufactured tinder llcwita,and buyer* are guaranteed agahit any and ail claim* from the Cbmpany holding the patent. Don't fail te tnaU*> • mat* mf tMs paint. ( tP\ \.A Vp K9R9I Carefulli made AU of i \ the mo*t Best Selected \ \ Valuable Timber. sji\ • m P''o*en:ent. wancaw; *,*> ■■*■ The BLATCHLEY PUMPB are for sale by the beat house* la the tnue. Name of my nearest agent will be furnished en application te C. 0. BLATCHI EYp Manufacturer, SOB MARKET ST.. PHILADELPHIA. PA. I areeeotanywhereoatrialtHT>peret agialo*tanother m JK Pr#aea,tne customer keep- A ft k\k lug the one that autu beat. /#v. _ N'oonehaaerercAf ashuw *- " f - ' * op any other Trtn., ct W-KzJmieCk LUJ I>" <t" rlck'a Frees la known ■■ beyond CompetiUen, with twice the rapidity and . /.,EPI .. "T-liifwßd*- load mere In a car than any ffirirr'lff' fc TYr 1 ->■-- - 1 - way Inferior mar hi Dee can be aold la to m deceive the Inexperienced * . TP by ridiculously false state- 4k meau.eadtho* eel! without rlW. eight or teeing, end swinc'.o ~ 6ES2HSPwe'tifcJl l '•* purchaser. Working Jiifll JBI IjWln. [' I J other Press elt. r* o* I>ederiek*s i lways sella i ■! purchaser a Dederick ■^^9HSACa<MMß^niPress, end ell know It too well to abow op. Address for circular end location or Waaiern and Southern storehouses and Agents. P. K. DEDERICK ft CO., Aibkny, *. Y ACIEhTK Wat test, Banner M'fv- Co..Plttehtinr.P OA CAIID CIA LAIiUK rocr 0U Ciuomcwa Ciiroiuos |" || t L with Use P*Olb'b Mau.-iina. AGENT.-. V\A.m taj bend 36 cents for complete owtnt with all the dirunu* A fW a MONTH aud board unyour owu county. Yk #1 f For M en. Ladies, Boys or Olrla Address. *P*T f 1-EOFLn's lixiusis*, Boa W, Ptilla, Pa. ANYBODY CAN KNTAKLISH A BUbl NKSS OX £"■ $5 Day $2 Sample Free Address" Gen 1 Agency, 159 Hudson Htreet,N.Y. TIT? HP* potaal card to Clakk Bros.. Bible Houho, 1/IUuX New York, the New Pub.Uhora of Flue, Cheap Subscript ion Book*, for their "Private Circi* lar to Ajfeiita." It will "puette* 1 and ajrtonibh you. The Improved Elastic Truaa* The only Truss that can b worn with eaee nbrbt and day. Toe recent improvement retain* it In po tdUon under the severe t >train. 'heat-t House iu the city. Ketid for circular to Improved Elas tic Truss t 0.. 533 sad A3l Breaaway, rev, 13th Ml reel. New York t'lty. STOPPED FREE ■ H B Macrvflcuj Mtoooi, ■ Hw m |<tin PermtßtnoMd '■ ■ fIS DR. KLINE'S 6BEAT ■„.® JW NERVE RESTORER pg' v " di Ba*M A N KKTI DIIKAIM. Only tmt !\tt, Einiepty end Jftrm Ajfaccltm. Bi r auiu tf takes M directed. A'# Ait m/Ur B| TreaU*s ud $X trial bo tile hast* r tiSaKasffrar ■i• -A. Philadelphia. Pa. AuritHtotUnmis* BA BCOTKH PFRrHAi IRQ AOEHCT bbopptmr of every kind done promptly end *oeurah ly. Send xtamp for circular. Address, 1". M. Bats rek,Wtattra A. BoUon, Mm*. - CI vt Blrh sailing our Rubber Stamp* and MUBM 1' Sample free. L.P. BliiallA Co., Cleveland,a ■J | Blf Farm* for Sala la the rich I HIM m A niksssskk LA N D ■ IffiT 0 % Baker,AXy.Eaaton.Taboto<fc,Ma n E ■ n|l*b k It onfall in® and tnfaili £ A Miini Ijl *>la Ineeon*n n* Kpilapfe A Alcoholism, Opium Eat Ik Ll*. Scrofula and all A .. . MEA Ksrvoua and Blood I Ma. WT" eaaea. To Clergyman, Lawyer*, Literary Men., Mvrohaata. Banker*. Ladle and all whoa* aadentary employment I cauao* N ervemn Proetr* AHA / Won, Irregularities of / th blood, ctomaob, I . bowel* or Kidney*, or 18a xk tak bo require a nerve II wAej*L-fk tonic, appetiser or ■ Tmflm I Stimulant. BAMARL BAKHV TAN NERVINE is u a. - valuable. Thousand* kk Ml VICE EAJL9. proclaim it the meet nllh w __,.a, WKJ wonderful Invigorant THE DR. 8. A. RICHMOND MEDICAL CO., Bel* Pr*|rleUr hi. Jgatph, Mo. VOtTNQ MSN U wautto men* i*w X vUIVIJ AAIV gtChy In a few mfmbj, Md be oertata of aattuetton. address VAJJEiTTrSi XROS. Jaaeevßl*. Wisconsin. H ALL'S LUN6S.B A LS A M Cures Consumption, Polds, Pneumonia. la. Ilvenxu, Rroiicliiul DlOtcnlilea. Bronchitis, Hoarseness, AKtliinu, Croup, Wbooninf Coogb, and all Diaeaar* of the Breathing Organs, It soothes and heals the Membrane Jf the Langs, inflamed ana poisoned by the iseuse, and prevents the nfkhi sweats and lightness arross the chest which aceouinaay it. Consumption is not an ineuruble niafudv. HALL'S BALSAM will cure you, even (WEM^AEBDBBBBSNSBHMMMHBSBHSAPHN berssi ua- MlwniMU SIBKI* BLtMI Leadluf Xtiot huua at fIS up. Donbln Barrel Breach lioadera, 910 Up. Farehaad A Wad*worth Choke bore la. tie Breech Loudhtf funi. at up, tunaloaad Breech Loading Dana and Pis S:a of most approval English ana American make*. II kinds of Kporting Implements and art*, olae required by sportsmen and Oimmaiiers. XtM. C. ORt BB 4 Cflt, 712 Market SL. ■end leant stamp for Price-Lint Phi Ist del oh la. RIIPTIIRF llUl I Uslbl MWiSMhutatrfswr *P *aNly OwA bv Ik* TrwtDMM. bad Stun ht TMtUualds jt mesa* wsTAmtia. akiSM.n.tmi'a teaoaw^rMn Engines* RsHahio, Durable and P/vmomlcal. wfS.fui uhb m home po*c7 wuJi W kw/Ma urni \+a'*r than way aOm Ungtm tmiU, not fitioa with ea Automatic Ont-eB vsad tor Liurtrstsu Oaial o*r as T7 1." for infannafeomj joiaee. B. B. A -**. hfawiSsaßl PHI Beat Cough Byrup. Taateagood. W Hh Use In tmie. Hofrt by drurglsta. jSj