A WIM Woman of tlie Woods, For months past there have been rumors of a terrible apparition which has 1 lightened all tue women and Chil dren in Clear Creek townsuip, North Carolina. The women say that lor two weens they have been suoject to tern fyiiig visns, m the absence ot tueir hus bands, lrom a creature like a sniny black ncgress, with long hair and gleam ing eyes. She asks IU hardly distin guishable gibberish for a baby to eat and makes efforts to get hold of the children. The meu, getting tired of the fears of their wives, determined to try to catch the creature, and lor the last week crowds ot farineis have beeu daily and nightly chasing her, without success. The hrst eilort to catch her was made a week ago by John lioberts, a blacksmith. The whd creatine Lad appeared several times at a tire, which it was the habit of Corey Moore, colored, of the neighborhood, to light alter dark in the yard ot his house lor the preparation 01 his meals, lioberts was put there to watch tor her and she appeared even belore the tianies were wen kindied. She presented such a wild look m the half light and asked for food in such a wild taslnon that iiooerts was demoralized. He recovered, how ever, made* an outcry aud attempted to seize the woman, but she slipped through his hands aud disappeared iu the dark shadows of the wood. Tues day morning Mauuar Steven Caw ell caught sight ol the creature and chased her across an open held. He was badly hurt in his efforts to keep up with her and reported that she outrun a buck and cleared four corn rows at a leap. That same uight she was again enticed fiom the gloom of the woous by the kindling of a lire aud was chased by thirty men, without success. Cap tain Marsh Aden later iu the day met her iu the neighborhood, witn her face torn aud bleeding and a long, bloody knife m her hand. The creature was naked and so unearthly and terrible looking to htm that he says he is not sure it is a humau being. Her hair reached almost to her leet, but was kinky, like that of the African. It is uot mere flight which has caused the country people to organize iu their attempts to catch the creature, wlnon has been lying in the lorest and swamps tor a year or more. Some mouths ago, it is reported, an lidant was spirited away trom its parent's yard wliue they were in the cornheid and Was never heard from, and the disappearance wits from that section ot the country in which the wild woman had oeen seen, and mothers, white and black, are in terror for fear their little ones may also be come food lor the cannibal ncgress. Yesteruay the farmers, some mounted and otheis on toot, assembled lor tlie purpose of surrounding a swamp in winch the creature is known to be nid. There were lour huuured men banded together lor the chase. At lirst it was attempted to run her down with blood hounds, but they reiused to chase her, which deepened the superstitious leeiing with whicn the men as well as the women ot the community began to re gard her. The men men made the attempt to catch her, but without suc cess. The excitement among the negroes aud simple country loiks is intense. By the more intelligent fai mers lrom that stction the uieory is advanced that the creature is some half-witted woman, who has been so long hunted dowu that she lives in terror ol all human beings and there - lore hvts like an animal in torests, her necessities having lorced her to eat anyming she can get, including eyen human flesh. Mr. Unckltuid on Animals. Otteis were favorite animals with Mr. Buckiaiid. A curious difference is boted between the gullet of tlie otter and that of tne seal. That of the otter is the size of a half-inch glass-pipe, hardly big enough to admit one's iiule finger. That of the seal is a large bag, down which the food is slipped in a minute. The reason of this is explained by the fact that the otter is provided with teeth for the mastitication of his food, whereas the seal bolts his prey, From otters, we pass to whales. Little is said a bout these animals that is not aiready known, but Mr, Buckland claims an original discovery on benah of Captain Gray, of the steamship Eclipse, of Pcter&head, with regard to the mode in which the whale packs away his plates of whalebone when his mcuth is shut. Captain Gray's account of the matter is that wnen the whale closes his lower jaw, he first gently pushes backward and upwards the palate the interior plates of baleen. The posterior plates go back under pressure in succession, till &xl the plates of baleen lie back in the mouth, packed beautifully in regular order, one over the other, above the angle of the eye. It is curious to remember that the whale, tnough in shape and habits a fish, is really a mammal. As such it produces milk, winch is described as being as rich as cow's milk to which cream has been added. We should like to suggest to the manufacturers of "oleomargarine" and "butterme," which is, we believe, made of the fat of animals, whether a whale dairy might not be practicable and inexpensive. The whales would feed themselves, and might be milked by divers. Gypsies. Bands of gypsies wander about in large numbers in some parts of Ger many, and occasionally, emboldened by their numtrical strength, and ren dered reckless by their necessities, they do not hesitate 10 make serious inroads upon the farms that they come across. Lately a band counting over two hun dred encamped near a small village • in the Hessiau terrntory, and turned their norses loose to graze at will over ihe meadows and farming lands of the neighborhood. The exasperated far mers and peasants thereupon armed themselves with pitchforks and other weapons, and attacked the intruders. A pitched battle followed, and it was not without a severe struggle that the native population remained masters of the lieid. The interference of the Government will probably be required to put an end to the growing evil. According to the (Jhemiker Zeitung there were IU Italy a short time ago no less than 250 powder mills, but there ara not 100 now running. It is only a tew oj the larger establishments that manage to make the ends meet with any degree of comfort, notwithstanding an import duty of S3O upon every 220 pounds of gunpow der. The Italian manufacturers take ad vantage of the "protectionl' the Govern ment affords them to place a very dear and a very bad article on the market. About the end of 1870 there were four dynamite factor.eß in the kingdom; now only the one at Axigliano is in opeiation. AGRICULTURE, DUCKS. Light-colored ducksare always of milder flavor than their darker brethren and those which are reared exclusively on a vegetable diet will have whiter and more delicate flesh than those allowed to feast on animal offal. The flesh of birds fatten ed on animal tood will be firmer than the other, and have a gamy flavor. The an cient notion that ducks whose beaks have a tendency to curve upward are better lay ers than another sort is simply absurd—all ducks are good layers if they are carefully fed and tended. Ducks generally lay in the night or early iu the moruiag. While she is in perfect health she will do this; aud one of the surest signs of indisposition among birds of this class Is irregularity in laying. The eggs laid will iuvariably icar ly approach the color of the layer—light colored ducks laying white eggs,and brown ducks greeuish-blue egg. Dark-colored ducks lay the largest eggs One time ot day the notion was prevalent that a duck would hatch uo other eggs thau her own; this is not true; nevertheless it will be as well to match the duck's own eggs as near ly as possible, for I have known instances where the duck has turued out of uest and destroyed eggs differing from her own in size aud color. The simple way to fatten ducks is to let them have as much sub stantial tood as they will eat. They will require no cramming, as does the turkey aud some other poultry—they will cram themselves to the verge of suffocation; they should, at the same tune, be allowed plenty of exercise and clean water. Bruis ed oats aud pea-meal is the standard fat tening fcod fordu.'ks. EVERYBODY should send 25 cents to Strawbridge & Clothier and receive tbeir bas/iion Quarterly tor six months. Nearly 100b illustrations and four pages of new music in each issue. * MAKING COMPOST. —The usual propor tions tor a compost of manure, muck, lime, aud ashes are 10 of muck, spread evenly for a bottom, in a pile about 10 feet wide aud 40 feet long. Tnen three or four bushels of flue air-slaked lime aud as much ashes mixed as much as possible with the muck by leaviug the muck rough ly spread, then a load of manure; then 10 loads of muck and lime and ashes as be tore, and so on until the heap is five feet high. This will give about 80 to 100 loads, which is enough for one heap. It will soou heat, but uot enough to hurt, as the muck will require a good deal of heat to rot it. But if it is turned over and well mixed once in the winter it will be In flue condition by the spring, and will make a rich top dressing for fall grain or grass. THE BEST FARM HOUSES.—I ears ago, when a faster horse than then existed was desirable, there was reason in the attempts to improve the speed of the animal, but there is hardly a doubt that the good of the farmer has been Dearly lost sight cf in the desire to get horses of great speed. The best farm horse is the strong horse, and one that can step out lively, and has en durance to get through a day's work with out great fatigue. The business of raising last horses Is altogether distinct from the business of the farmer, it is a source of excitemeut to tee a horse race but when a farmer thinks the horse he sees racing is one he ought, to have on his farm he makes a mistake. The heavy Norman horse would be more profitable than the one which is simply a trotter. PA STUBING wheat land is not common; but Mr. John Kosser.iu the Rural Worid says that as soon as his wheat is an inch high he turns in his sheep, changing them every two weeks, and keeps them there all winter. They cooie off in the spring quite fat. He pastures 375 head on fifty-five acres, and they cannot feed it down. He believes that the treading of the wheat is a benefit, to say nothing of the evenlv-spread droppings. The yield is from 25 to 40 bushels of wheat per acre. He claims that the first growth of wheat dies off anyhow, and the sheep do not rob the plants. Not only does he obtain a good crop of wheat, hut the profits from the sheep are no small while the land is benefitted instead of injured. BITING wheat bran and cot ton-seed meal for feeding milch cows, in connection with fodder grown on the farm, is oue method of buying fertilizers for the soil. When large quantities of either of these grains are purchased, fed judiciously and the ma nure saved, a farm should not grow poor er, even though the milk be sold for cheese making, BREEDKK3 have noticed that a remarka ble development of tne tendency to lay on fat is usually accompanied by a delicacy of constitution, a diminished secretion of milk, aud a loss of fecundity. Very fat animals are not likely to be good breeders; in fact, the excessive production of fat is incompatible with a high development of the reproductive powers. A PULLET owned in Middlebury, Vt., has distinguished herself by building a nest in a poplar tree, fifteen feet from the ground, where she flies every day and lays an egg. And the owner distinguishes himself every day by taking ten cents' worth of time and a heap vexation to climb up the tree and get the egg, which is worth about two cents. IT bas been well demonstrated that '.N case of all live stock a clean aDd open con dition of the skin is conducive to health and economical feeding, and no labor in the barns is more profitably expended than that which is employed ID a thorough cleaning, not only of the horses, but also of the cattle. As regards the exports of hops, in 1878, we marketed 78 949 bales abroad; in 1869, 69,563 bales. In 1881 our exports were but 30,015 bales, the lowest aggregate for seven years. In 1874 we exported but 1638 bales; In 1873, 9315, and m 1872, 6095 bales. From 1875 to 1882 our exports averaged nearly 45,000 bales per annum. TnE annual wheat crop of Minnesota is glorified in the four quarters of the globe, while the hay crop stays quietly at home and is seldom ever thought of by the out side world. Yet its value this year is reckoned at nearly $20,000,000. The crop is estimated at 1,500,000 tor.s of wild hay and 200,000 of cultivated. THERE IS no surer way to destroy the borers than to dig for them with a poiHttd knife and kill them when found. If they are high up they may be crushed with a wire pushed up into the boles. Coal ashes spread around the trees are beneficial. The wounded parts may be covered with a mixture of fresh cow duDg and clay. THERE is no gain in plowing up sod land in the fall. The most approved practice in the culture of Indian corn, which re quires a greater degree of heat than other ciops, is to plow in the spring, turning the sod under of sufficient depth to allow just enough soil for properly covering the seed. WHERE one wishes to keep a Jarge num ber of fowls, and to raise early chicks, a twe-story fowls house will be just the thing. HUMOROUS. THERE is a church iu Michigan which has been struck by lightning a dozen times, and now whenever the preacher shows signs of getting long-wiiuled anil passing from his "seventhly" to an "eighthly," the organist slyly imitates the sound of approaching thunder on the pedals. The way that preacher dives into the "conclusion," and rushes through it and starts the doxology is a caution. The congregation would not part with that organist for 51.000,000. "Better be wise by the misfortunes of others than by your own.*' Take warn ing in time. Avoid quack nostrums by which thousands annually perish. Use only such remedies as are demonstrated above suspicion, foremost atnoug which is Kidney-Wort, For torpid liver, bowels or kidneys, no other remedy equals it. It is sold in both dry and liquid form by all druggist a. JWTFor one dime get a package of Dia mond Dyes at tlie druggist's. They color any(lung the simplest and most desirable colors. A DAMPER: Londou guest, who had let fly into "the Brown" at eighty yards aud knocked dowu a brace—"Good shot, that, with one barrel, Jenkins. I should think it must have been a hundred yards.'' Keeper—"Yessir; master re marked as it were a worry long shot." Londoner (gratified)—"Ah; oh, he noticed it, did he?" Keeper—"Yesstr: master alius notices when gen'leman makes werrv long shot*.. They don't get asked again.'' I had severe aithcks ol travel and kid ney trouble; was unable lo get u medicine or doctor to cure me uutil I used Hop Bit ters, and ihey cured me iu a sbort tune.— A DISTINGUISHED LA* YEK OF WAYNK CO., N. Y. _______ PLEASING unanimity: "Well, Uucle Mose," said Reverned Baxter, "I expect your poor wife must be nearly worn out taking care of you while you were sick. If ever there was a woman that deserved Heaven, it is your wife. She am de desarvenist oomau in Austin." "Yes," stud Mose, "dat's a fao', and I has been pravin' to de Lord to gib her what she desarves right off." "Alt Omjlu to Know.** THCCVILLK, Fa., March 12, 1881. H. H. v\ AK NKR & Co.: Site—l am fully sati- fled that your bale kidney and Liver Cure saved my life, aud that 1 would have dea l mouths ago had 1 not used it. 1 look upon it as a great blessing to mankind and a reu ely that all ought to know. J. A. COUTAST. APPROVED: Irritated mamma: "No, it doesn't tit as if he had been born to it —it doesn't fit at all; and I shall expect the money back." Mr Moses: "But s'help me—!" Irritated mamma: "Your advertisement say, 'Money returned if not approved.'" Mr. Moses: "So they do, ma tear, so they do; but your mon ey vas approved—it vas very goot money." VtOETiNE.—Tue gnat success .j of the "Vegetiue" as a cleanser and purifier c.' the blood is shown beyond a doubt by the great numbers wbo have taken it, and re ceived immediate relief, with such remark able cures. UNDER the circumstances: "How far is it to Clyde ?" asked a weary-looking tramp on the tow-path of au urchin the other day. "Nine miles, ' replied the lad. "Nine miles yet!" excl Aimed the footman. "Are you sure?" "Well," said the sympathetic youth, "seeing you are pretty tired, I will call it seven." Solid men admire the beautiful, and this accounts in some measure for the thous ands upon thousands of bottles of Carbo line, the deodorized petroleum hair rc newer and dressing, which have been sold yearly since its invention by Messrs. Ken nedy & Co., of Pittsburgh, Pa. A BLIND pool: I jlrust you are putting a few pennies aside in your savings bank," said a fond father to his sou, who was beginning to earn money by doing errands and odd jobs. "Not any, pa. Ever since I saw you shaking out a dime from it I have regarded it as a blind pool. I have no faith in it." That ended the boy's catechism for that day. TWRNTV-FOLR HOURS TO LIVE. From John Kuhn, Lafayette. Ind.. who announces that he la now in "perfect health." we have the fol lowinc- "One year a#o I was, to all api>earanoe, in the laet stage* of Consumption. Our beet physi cians gave my case up. I finally got so low that our doctor Raid I could not live twenty-four hours. My friends then purchased a bottle of DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS, which con siderably benefited aa. I continued until I toot nine bottles. I am now in perfect health, having used no other medicine. DR. DF-WITT C. KELLINOKR'S LINIMENT is an infallible cure for Rheumatism, Sprains, Lameness and Diseases of the Scalp, andforpw—*h growth of the Hair. A ROYAL welcome: A German emperor made a visit to one of bis towns and was received at the gate by a long row of deputies. Just as they were about to address him a neighboring donkey set up a terrible bray. 4 'Gentlemen," said the emperor, "if you wish me to under stand you, you must speak one at a time. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired lrom practice, havmg had placed in his hands by au East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure fSr Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wondertul curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve hu man suffering, I will send free of charge, 10 all who desire it, this receipe, in Ger man, French or EDglish, with full direc tions tor preparing and uging. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 149 Power 8 Block. Rochester , JV, Y. ANECDOTE of FT de Le seps: One of his little ones had a boil at the finger's end; arrived at maturity, papa under took to pierce it. "How you tremble !'* said Mme. de Lesseps, afraid of the im provised surgeon's experiment. "Trem ble 1 I tremble at pierceing a fester—l, who have pierced an Isthmus ? ' * Women that have been pronounced in curable by the best physicians have been completely cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. HARROWING —Tourist— "I say, my man, do you know the wav to Harry?" "Rustio (contemptuously)— 4 'The way to arrer' D'you think I spent nigh on forty years on th's 'ere farm, and dunno how to 'arrer?'" TAKTNO orders: "He Henry has grad uated ?" remarked a friend of the family, "What is he to choose as a profession ? Take orders, I suppose." "Ah," replied Henry's fathor, a plain, oommou-souHe man, "ycu don't know the boy. I should laugh to see him taking orders from auy one." If you can't 1 Bear'' a cough, "Bull" it with Dr. Bull's Cough Byrup. At the root of the matter: Brown meets Fogg with his face tied up. Brown —"Got the toothache? Going to have your teeth fixed?" Fogg (with a groan) —"No, I am going to have one or two of them unfixed." Mensmau's Peptonized beef tonic, the only preparation of beef containing its eu tire nutritious properties. It contains blood-making, force generating and life sustaining properties; invaluable for indi gestion, dyspepsia, nervous prostration,and all forms of general debility; also, in all enfeebled conditions, whether the resu It of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork or acute disease, particularly if resulting from pulmonary complaints. Caswell, Hazard & Co., proprietors, New York. Bold by all druggists. A CRUSHED smoker: That was a rather unkind remark which a crabbed old fel low made the other day to one of those little boys who smoke cigarettes and offered him one. "No, thank you," he said; "I'm old enough to smoke cigars." Alleu'a Bralu Food. Cures Nervous Debility and Weaknes of Generative Organs, $1 ail druggists Bend for circular. Allen's Pharmacy 813 First av. N. Y. I N easy job : Robinson (after a long whist bout at the club) —"It is awfully late, Brown. What will you say to your wife ?" Brown (in a Whisper)— "Oh, I shan't say much, you know. 'Good morniug dear,' or something of that sort. She'll say the rest," Vegetine. FEMALE WEAKNESSES. NO better remedy in the whole materia-niedlca has yet t*en compounded for the relief and cure of Female Complaints, of the ordinary kind, than VBGKTINK. It seems to act in these cases with unwonted certainty, and never fans to give a new and healthful tone to the female organs to remove relaxed debilltv and unhealthy secretions, and restore a healthful vigor and elasticity. Oue of the most common of these complaints is I.eu corrhaja or Whites which are brought o e.ther by the presence of Scrofula tu the system, or by some alf-.ctlou of the womb, or even by general debility. For alt these complaints, and wnen danger begins to threaten woman at the turu of life, VECiidTlNEcan le commended without quali fication. The great prevalence of these disorders, and their care by VKUKTINE, has amply shown that the ure alleviating agent remains not yet to be discovered, but is already kuowu, and is a favorite with American ladies. Too long has It* been the custom to present* nauseating and on ce rtaiu remedies lu place of w hat is pleasant, efll oacious aud cheap. Irv VEGKTINK and do not daunt its power to carry you sate.y through dan ger and disease. FOR ALL LADIES WIIO ARE SUF FERERS. CINCINNATI, 0., March 2S, 1877. MR. STKTENS— Dear Sir: I have taken several not ties of your VKGKTINK for Female Weakness; aud in Justice to the medicine and to ail ladies who are sufferers from such oompiamts, I will recom mend the VBUKTINK. I must say it has helped me very much; indeed, it Is Invaluable for suet com p, alma MARY K. MEREDITH, 10 Eastern Av. FEMALE WEAKNESS. ST. Lot'is, Mo., March 10,167*. MR. 11. IL STIVKNS: Dear Sir—After having paid over fonr hundred dollars during the past two ieara, for doctors for tuv wife, who has been a sufferer from derange ment of the womb, I was recommended u> try VKiiKTINK. She has now taken four botLes of it. and It has done her more good than anything else, ami I am eucouraged to think she will be once more lu good health. I am with respect, yonrs, liENKY SPECHKR, Hock Springs City. Vegetiue is sold by all Druggists. n.'BULL'S ■-■ Vj? • > ' I ml ■'.. ->? > A SYRUP j The Had and Worthless. are never imitated or counter/Hied- This U especially true of a family medicine, and It la positive proof that the remedy imitated Is of the highest value. As aoon as It had l>een tested and proved hv the whole world that Hop Blttera was the purest, best and most valuable family medicine on earth, many Imitations sprang up and began to steal the notices In which the press and the people of the country had expressed the merits of H. 8., and In every way trying to In duce suffering Invalids to use their stuff instead, expecting to make money on the credit aud good name of tl. B. Many others started nostrums put up In similar style to H. 8., with variously devised names in which the word " Hop," or " Hops" were used In away to Induce people to believe they were the same as Hop Bitters. All such pretended remedies or cures, no matter what their style or name is, and especially those with toe word " Hop' or " Hops" In their name or In any way connected with them or their name, are Imitations or counterfeits. Beware of them. Touch none of them. Use nothing but genuine Hop Bitters, with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on the white label. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers are warned against dealing In imitations or counterfeits. .THE GREAT CURE < S I FOR | | —RHEUMATISM— s _ As it Is for all the painful diseases of the ■g c KIDNEYS,LIVER AND BOWELS. £ jg It cleanses the system of the acrid poison 09 that causes the dreadful suflhrtng which © a only the victims of Hheumatism oan realise. > £ THOUBANDB OF CASES J of the worst forms of this terrible disease • (3 have been quickly relieved, and In short time >, PERFECTLY CURED. g t) PRICE, *l. LIQUID OR DRY, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. v < 14- Dry can be sent by malL 3 "WELLS, RICILAJIDSOIf & Co., EurllngtonV DRS. J. N. & J. B. HOBENSACK. THOSE AFFLICTED WITH THE SFFECTB OF INDIBCKEI ION AND MEKCUItIALIZATION should not hesitate to consult J. N. & J. B. HO BENSACK, of 206 North SECOND street, Philadel phia, either by mail, or by person, during the hours from 8 A. M. to 2 P. M., and 6 to 9 P. M. Advice free. Whosoever would know his con dition and the way to improve it should read "WISDOM IN A NUTSHELL." Sent on receipt of three-cent stamp. IZIZZZZZZ_ g7 Those answering an Advertisement r>> oontar a tavor upon the Advertiser and lb nystatins kbattbey sawths advsi l this learns Knaaslnv tba pstsr RELIGION above aJI things: "What' other business do yon follow lieside* preaching ?" was asked of an old colored man. "I speculates a little." "How speculate?" "Hellschickens." "Where do you get the chlokeus?" "My boys fetch 'em in." "Where do they get them?" "1 doan know, sah. I'se al lers so busy wid my preachin' dat I ain't got time to ax. I was a gwine ter inquire de udder day, but a 'vival come on an' tuck up all my time." Being entirely vegetable, no particular care is required while using Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Puragative Pellets." They operate without disturbance to the coosti tution, die', or occupation. For sick head ache, CDnstipation, Impure blood,diaz-ness, sour eructations from the stomach, bad taste in the mouth, bilioua attacks, pain in region of kidney, iuterual tever, bloated feeling about stomach, rush of blood to bead, take Dr. Pierce's "pellets." By druggists. WHBKK ignorance is bliss : "No," said she to the waiter, "no, Ido not care for soup, but you may bring me some of that"—and she pointed to Con somme Brunoise cn the bill of fare 1 Where ignorance is bliss it is the height of übsurdity to be intelligent. Favoritism is a bad thing, but Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" deserves its name. It is a certain cure those painful maladies and weaknesses which embitter the Uvea of ao many women. Uf druggists. AN old bachelor leaving his boarding house for a week's journey, after tak ing leave of bis landlady, stepped up to a salt mackerel on the table, shook him by the tail, and said: "Good-by, old fellow, I will see you when I return." If bilious, or s utter tug iroin impunty of blood, or weak lungs and fear consumption (scrolulous disease of the lunge), take Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" and it will cure you. By druggists. A WIFE, having lost her husband, was inconsolable for his death. "Leave me to my grief," she cried, sobbing; "you know the extreme sensibility of my nerves; a mere nothing upsets them." *„*"Evil dispositions are early shown." Eva tendencies in our systems are to be watched and guarded against. If you find yourself getting bilious, head heavy, mouth foul, eyes yellow, kidueys disordered, symptoms ol piles tormenting you, take at once a few doses of Kidney-Wort. It is nature's great assistant. Use it as an ad vance-guard—don't wait to get down sick. Read advertisement. BcHTDiamond Dyes will oolor anything any color, and never fail. The easiest and best way to economise. 10 cents, at ail druggists. i WESTERN marvels A Denver paper professes to think it marvelous that a man whos brains were knocked out is still 'iving. If he were out this way he would not only be living, but would be holding some important ofiice. COLORLESS AND COLD. —A young girl deeply regretted t : iat she was so colorless and cold. Her lace w9 too white, and her hands and feet telt as though the blood did not circulate. After one bottle ol Hop Bitters had been taken she was the rosiest and healthiest girl in the town, with a vi vacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying to her friends. PROMPTLY answered : The following advertisement appeared in a daily news paj>er recently and was answered by about 500 young men : "Wanted—Ex perienced hands on ladies waists." Catarrh of the Bladder. Stinging smarting, irritation of the urinary passages. diseased d.scharges. cured by liu cliupaiha $1 at druggist*. Prepaid by ex press f 1.26, 6 for *5. E. S. WELLS. Jersey City, N. J. MR. GUNTBB sold his irish setter because he said, the dog had no scent. That's nothing. He'd dollar if you'd kick him, which is a hundred fold bet ter. Dr. Kline's (treat nerve Restorer is the marvel of the age for all nerve diseases. All rite stopped free. Send to 981 Arob Street, Philadelphia. Pa. Proorkks ; Arthur to llaoul—' We'll did you kill many partridges ?" "Not one; but still 1 am veiy well satisfied with myself—l came much nearer than last year I" Straighten your old boots and shoes with Lvon's Patent lleel Stiffeners, and wear again. •'HERE'S your match!" said G to a conceited wag, Lauding him a match. "By Luoifer, I ought to be offended," said the wag. taking a cigar from his pocket, "but I'll make light of it." Latin is a dead language, and tins is why the doctors use it in writing out their prescriptions. BARLEY is one of the best grains for a soiling crop It grows more vigorously at the start than oats aud has a peculiar rich, sweet flavor which all animals relish. It should be cut, however, before getting into head. Old meadows should have a sprinkling of tine manure early m the Autumn to give the grass a good start again before Winter. We do not believe in pasturing meadows much, if any, after the hay crop has been removed. Papered veneers have come to be an important article of manufacture, the ex tension of the industry being largely due to the new and wonderful processes of cut ting. The mechanism, cuts the logs to lengths or twelve feet, which are then halved or quartered, and bolted securely on a revolving iron table. As the table and wood revolve, the surface of the later comes in contact with a knife 12 feet long, ground to a razor edge and perfectly true, secured to a rigid iron frame—the entire cutting apparatus weighing about SO tons. The veneers roll off in sheets at every re volution, of from one-nineteenth to one hundred and seventy-fifth of an inch in thickness, and of the slightest vibration of either the knife or log,as the sheet of wood in such cases would be either broken or take up the spring like a wedge.The sheets are backed with paper. Among the most remarkable natural echoes is that of Eagle's nest, on the banks or Killarney, in Ireland, which repeats a bugle call until it seems to be souDded from a hundred instruments; and that on the banks of Naha, between Bingen and Coblentz, which repeats a sound seventeen tunes. The most remarkable artificial echo known is that in the Castle of Bimon etta, abovt twj miles from Milan. It is occasioned by the existence ot two parallel wails of considerable length. It repeats the report of a pistol sixty times. OF* WOMA A the the hope or? WOMAN. RACE^J y ydrTt zS i LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VE&ETABLE COMPOUND. A Bore Core for all FEMALE WEAK* NKBBEH, Including Leurorrfatrn* Ir# % regular and Painful Menstruation* Inflammation and Ulceration of Ike Womb* Flooding. PRO* LAPSUS UTERI, Ac. rg-Pleanuit to the taste, efßcaclous and Immediate In its effect. It la a great help In pregnancy, and re lieves pain during labor and at regular periods, rmainuxg ise it anu phi m hire it freely. nrFon all Weaknesses of the generative ORGANS of either aex, It is second to no remedy that baa ever hem before the public; and for all diseases of the KihESTa It la the Greatest Kerned y fit the World. BTKIDNET COM PI.AINTH of Either Sex Find Ureal Relief In lie Use. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S TtLOOH PURIFIER wtil eradicate every vestige of Humor* lrow the Blood, at the same time will give tone and strength to the system. As marvelluu* in results as the Compound. fgrßotb the Compound and Bl<>od Purifier are pre pared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn. Mass. Price of either, sl. 81x bottles f .rfS. The Compound ia sent by mail in the form of pill*, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, (1 per box for either. Mrs. I'inkham freely answers all letbraof Jn _ HUI.IMAWhI.-tAI DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE LIVER PILLS do not produce sickness at the stomach, nansea or gripiug. They act directly on the Liver, the organ which, wheu in a healthy cou dition, purilks the blood f'r the* whole body. In CONSTIPATION they cleanse the stomach and bowels without disposing them to subsequent Cos tiveness. They are the only perfect preparation of MANDIiAKE, the great substltnte for Mercury, Tiiereis not their equal in the whole range of Cathartic Medicines known to man. They art fold hy druggist* evtryrpfure. Dr. Schenck's Book on Consumption, Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia is bent free, post-paid. Address DR. J. H. SCHENCK & SON. Philadelphia, Pa. . —PITTSBURGH. PA,— IPETTIRJ BLFFJPS The true Antidote to the effects of miasma Is Hostetters's Stomach Bitters. This medicine is one of the most popular remedies of an age of suc cessful proprietary specifics, and is in immense demand wherever on this Continent lever and ague exists. A wineg assful thiee times a day is the best possible - preparative lor encountering a malarious atmosphere, regulating the liver, and iuvigoraung the stomach. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. CONSUMPTION; I have a positive remedy for the above disease; bv its Übo thousands of cases of the worst Mnd ami of long standing have been cured. Indeed, so strong Is uiY faith In its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE. to gether with i VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease, to any sufferer. GlveEapreas and V. O. address. DR. T. A. M LOCUM, 181 Tear! St.. New York. T|c!^sylSk?il elsHails?" GT nH Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. ESI ■jl Use in time. Bold bv dr'iggi3ts. ua * My porcl tin-lined Pumpi are manufactured under I lean*#, and buyera are guaranteed against any and ail claims from the Company holding the patent. Don't fail to make m note of thi* pHnt. fmmmm—m—mm—. , & \ • cV earn Carafully mad# \ ALL * of i \ the most Best Selected \jL\ Valuable Timber. \ Improvements. Y3> The BLATCHLEY PUMPS are formate by the best houses In the trade. Name of my nearest agent will be furnished en application to C. G. BLATCHI EY, Manufacturer, 308 MARKET ST.. PHILADELPHIA. PA. • I Is.. M*wmm mjm- Mieeniieu nsafie Breeek LenUlug Kliot Huns ml §l3 asp. Double Barrel Breech Loaders, §l6 Op. PerriiAßd e WsAtworih Choke here fUlss> ml* Brereh Loading Won*, at IU.SO up. ilunlennd Brerrh Loading On ond Pla int* of uio*t n|irovd Kngilshand American make*. All kind* rf .Sporting ImpiemenU and arts, ote* required by *j>ortHiueu and Gunmaker*. JOtt. C. LBGKB A C 0., 712 lorhrt SL. ■end Scent siacnp fur PriofrdLwt Pbilndoiphla, RIIPTIIRF SMKyfllE? Mt iWaho ISwI—,IUHM>A ■ISCSB.IM* P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ICTORIAL HISTORY"* EmhracltJt fall and authentic accounts of every n tlou of ancient and modern time*. and including a history of the rise and tali of the Greek and lb win Empire*. tb middle aires. the crusade*. the feudal system. the reformation, the discovery and settlement of the New World, etc.. etc. It contain* 672 flue tu-torlral engravings, and is the moot complete History of the World ever pulv liHle d. Seod for specimen pagea and extra terms to Agents. Add roe * NATIONAL PCBLIIHIXOCO.. Philadelphia. Pa. TOWBEAD. F>K H4LK.-A drag store in one of the beet lo calities ui the West For fullp rticilar < indnji ama for selling, address K. C. KAXKIX, Nortin ville, Kitnaaa The Improved Elastic Truss. The only Truss that can b worn with ease night and day. The recent improvement retaina it in po rtion under the neve re-1 strain, cheapest House in the city. Send for circular to improved Kin*- tie TruM S 0.. HSS and Ml Krosdwsjr, roe, 12th Sflreel. Mew York Ally. * AGENTS WANTED.^! to make monev rapidly helling our NEW BOOK : mmx Showing up the New Vork of with its palar-ea, its c:owd.-a llioroufrhfiire*. its rushing elevated train*, its courtLe*-. sights, it# romance. its imstery. ft# dark ics and terrible tragedies. Its charities. and in fact every pha.se of life >n the tr eat nty lk>n" t waste time selling slow 'molts, but end fur circulars irivinti full u.blc or contents. terms to Agents. ,vc. Pro pectus now read} and territory in gi eat demand. Address Dorr.T p T"i PMlmMoMt *- Qrt CARD P|A LARGE rijrP 0U Ciiioillos% ICkrouios ||| £ £ with the PEOPLE'S MAo-AiiiE. AGENTb d A., i to. bend *> cents for complete outfit with ail the ciirumoe A #"I a MUN iki aud board in your own com:ty. \/| I For Men, Ladies, Boys or Girls. Address, V*T I PEOPLE'S MAOABINK, BOX ki, Phils, Pa Sever ive ni the Ship. "Twenty one years ago I was dying with (sniomp tins. 1 here was no escaping that trrriUr death—at least so ali the doctors told me-when• friend tdvised me to send to I<'32 Race Street, Philadelphia, anu get Cannabis Indira, which finally and fully cum) me. "O. 8. BIBLFY. DeCalb. Rt Lawrnio* Co.. N. T." "Send another sls box of fsnnnbl* Indien fot a friend. Your medicine has cured me of ConaaiM p lion. lam as sound and well as I ever was." LOTTIE BENTON, Jan. X IWS. Key-vide, Crawford Co., Mo. K. B, This remedy speaks for itself. A single bottle will satisfy the moot skeptical U e know that it positively cures Consumption, and will break up a t reeh cold in twenty-four hours, sistiper boitle. or three bottles for Address Cit \DDOCK At CO. LOS Kace Street, Philadelphia Send stamp for book of testimonials at euros from promiuent persons. Engines BailabK Durable a *d Eeemovaifi, wa/krmm • verse pottr \ettA Lj tarn/pet and wirier Mae ossr efter Migrwi o%m. not fitted with en Antoinette Chit-eft -teed lor Illuetratel OWaJogtis *J." for inferm*UiJ Vfrm. iff. FATS a k Bow. Bex m. OCT ilia.Kjfc mfM Is unfailing and infafli £ R i J |kw hie in curing Epileptic Fits. Spasms, Oonvul- CURE! AND o ns. St. Vita, Dance. A Alcoholism. Opiuin Eat - A ing, Scrofula and all A . _ CNA Nervous and Blood Die eases. To Clergymen, yHRB Lawyers, Literary Men, ■JBft. - Merchants, Bankers, Ladies ana all whose fflßßw t sedentary employment jtBHgL f causes Nervous Proetra ißPealHh. f tion, Irregularities of v / the blooa, stomach, mw / bowels or Kidneys, or n \A who require a nerve 11 Rmrtß tonic. appetiser or ll ilwm'l stimulant. SAMARI - NERVINE is in- _ valuable. Thousands JAW IE "Eft EAJ LI. proclaim H the most MR M wonderful In vigors nt (1 Bq PRXS W w SVj El that ever sustained the V I sinking system. For * ■ W Bale by all Druggists. THE IIR. S. A. RICHMOND MEDICAL, CO., Sole Proprietors. St. Jpsrph, Mo. ■YOUNG MEN and be certain of asftoottou, address VALRStDBF BBOh. JsossvtOs. Wisconsin. IB I ®IP FT STOPPED FREE fl B ruccat, 1 B