Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, November 23, 1882, Image 1

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    VOL. LVI.
Fashionable Barber,
Next Door to JOURNAL Store,
Good Sample Room on First Floor.
Ban to and from all Trains Special
rates to witnesses and Jurors. 44
(Most Central Hotel In the City J
Corner MAIN and JAY Streets,
Lock Havea, Pa.
8. WOODS CA.LWKLL, Proprietor.
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial
Travelers on first floor.
Physician and Surgeon,
MAIN Street, Millhjum, Pa.
Office la story of Tomlinsoa't Gro
cery Store,
On MAIN Street, MILI.HKIM, Pa.
Shop next door lo Foote'a Store, Main St,
Boot a, Shoes and Glitera made to order, and sat
isfactory work guaranteed. Repairing done prompt
ly and cheaply, and in a neat style.
C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower.
Office in Garm&n's new building.
Office on Allegheny Street.
Northwest corner of Diamond,
Orphans Court business a Speclalty.
Practices In all the courts of Centre County.
Special attention to Collections. Consultations
in German or English.
J. A. Beaver. J. W. Qephart.
Office on Alleghany Street, North of High.
Consultations In English or German. Office
in Lyon's Building, Allegheny Street.
~ iiisTiNGfl. w. w. anion.
Office on Allegheny street, two doors east of the
office occupied by TTE late firm ol gast
lllfeA eo-t7
tleman stepped on the coal dealer's
platform scales and asked to be weighed.
The dealer said: "Why, certainly I" and
called to the man inside to take the
weight. And the man thought it was
coal he was weighing and shouted back
the weight six hundred pounds.
®ie pilllelii iiiwal
You ami I, am) (hat night, with Its porfuiue ami
Thj seeut of the lorusta, the light of the moon,
And the violin weaving the wait sera a sory,
Enmeshing their feet in the weft of the tune,
Till their shadows uucertaiu
lteeled round on the curtain.
While under the trellis we dra A hi the June.
Soaked through with the midnight, the cedars
were sleeping,
Their shadowy tresses outlined in the bright
Crystal moon-smitten mists, where the fountain's
heart, leaping
Forever, forever burst, full with delight;
And its lips on my spirit
Fell faint as that near it
Whose love like a lily bloomed out iu the night.
Oh, your glove was an odarous sachet of blisses!
The breath of your fan was a breeze of Cathay !
And the rose at your throat was a nest of spilled
And the muslo—in fancy I hear it to-day,
As I sit here confessing
our secret, and blessing,
My rival who fouud us and waltzed you away.
"It cannot be!"
As these words fell from Helen Arm
strong's lips she arose from her seat, an
old overturned boat, and moved slowly
toward the water's edge.
For a moment her companion, a mau
of perhaps twenty-five, hesitated; then
he joined her, repeating:
"It cannot be, Helen? Surely you are
not in earnest. You love me, have you
not said it? Aud yet you refuse to be
come my wife!"
"Edwin, I—"
"l r ou did not mean it,'* quickly in
terrupted Edwin Bennett, adding;
"Come, darliug, why should not we be
happy?" And he drew her hand witlnn
his arm.
For an instant she let it rest there,
then slowly but firmly she loosened his
clasp, as she said:
"For two years you and I have beeu
friends. In that time did you ever
know me to change after I hud once
decided upon anything?"
"No, but—" answered her companion
quickly while she, unheeding, gi>es on
"You know the one great desire of
my life is to win lame as an artist.
Could I do this as your wife?"
"Why not, Helen? Would I not do
anything in the world to help you?"
came the proud answer, as Edwin Ben
nett bent his eyes fondly upon the fair
lace beside him.
"No, Edwin; as a wife I could never
hope to obtain fame. Marriage brings
to women so many oares that there is
very little time left oyer for other work.
I should not make you happy. I should
be constantly longing for my old, free
"If that is all I am not afraid to nsk
my happiness, Helen," answered her
lover, a more hopeful look lighting up
his handsome face.
"Think how for five years," continued
Helen, "I have worked with the one
end in view. My home, you are aware,
has not been particularly agreeable.
Uncle and aunt are kind in their way,
and have always let me have my own
will about painting, proyidiug it lid
not cost them anything. As for love or
sympathy, you have seen how much
they have yielded to me."
"Seen and felt for you, Helen, God
knows. And now that I will make your
life, if love can do it, one happy dream,
you will not; and yet you do not deny
your love for me."
For a second Helen's eyes rested
longingly upon the face of the man
who loved her so dearly; then into their
dusky depths crept an intense, passion
ate longing, as they swept the horizon
and noted the glorious splendor of the
setting sun, while she exclaimed:
"Oh, Edwin! If I only could repro
duce tnat sunset just as it is! If I only
With an impatient sigh ho turned
"Always her art, never me; perhaps
she is right after all. It would always
stand between us."
She, not noticing, went on with—
"Jf it could only stay long enough
for me to catch those colors, but, no, it
is fading now.'*
Turning, Helen found that her com
panion had left her side, and stood a
few yards away.
"Edwin," she called.
In an instant he was beside her, every
thing forgotten except that she wa J the
woman he loved.
"I wanted to tell you how good Mr,
Hovey is. It seems that he was ac
quainted with poor papa years ago, when
I was a baby, and therefore feels quite
interested in me. You have heard how
he praises my work, and last night he
"Proposed!" exclaimed Edwin Ben
nett hotly. "Why, you don't mean to
say that old man actually bad the au
dacity to aak you to marry him?"
"How ridiculous! How could you
think of such a thing?" answered Helen,
a ripple ot laughter escaping from be
tween her pretty teeth, as she con
"No; he proposed, if I wtre willing,
to send me to Italy for two years, he,
of course, defraying the greater part of
the expenses. He said when I beoams
famous I could refund him the little
amount if I wished. Was it not gene
rous of him! Just think, two years at
work among the old masters. What
could I not do then? It would be such
a help to me. My little income would
do, with care, I think."
"And you would go?" AH Edwin
Beunett naked this question a look of
pain crossed hia face,
"Why not?" came the reply, aa Helen
rained her eyes questiomngly to her
"You say you love me; ana yet you
would put the sea between us. Helen,
wait; I will work hard and earn money
enough to take us both abroad. * l)o
you think I could deny you anything.
You .should paint to your heart's con
teut, from the old masters, or any tiling
else you pleased. So long as you were
happy, I should be. Perhaps I might
turn painter, too, some day, with you
to inspire me," he added, smiling
"I do not doubt your loye for me,
Edwin; but I shall never marry. 1
intend to devote my life to my art. As
a wife it would be impossible for me to
do so. 1 should be hindered and tram
meled iu a thousand ways. Believe me,
I have thought very earnestly of all
this, and I—"
"Helen, when I ourne to spend my
vacation here at Little Bock, so as. to be
near you, I said to myself, Now you
ask the woman you love to be your
wife, and know that you have a home to
offer her. For your sake I wish I were
rioli; but I am still young; and with the
good prospects I have, I do not see why
I shall not be able before many } ears
to give my wife all she can wish."
"It is not that, Edwin. I should not
love you one bit the more if you were a
millionaire," interrupted Helen, glanc
ing reproachfully at him.
"Helen, my holiday is over to-morrow.
I must have my answer to-night."
The words came somewhat slowly from
betweeu Edwin Bennett's teeth,
Mechanically, with the end of her
parasol, Helen Armstrong traced 011 the
glittering yellow sands, "Fame versus
love." Then, as she became aware of
what she had done, she sought to efface
them. Too late, Edwiu Bennett's hand
stayed hers, as pointing to the letters,
he said hoarsely;
For a second she hesitated, then
slowly came the auawer:
"I accepted Air. Hovcy's offer this
moruiug. lam to sail iu a week,"
Spurning her hand from htm, Bdwiu
Bennett, cried out passionately:
"God forgive you! I cannot!" Then
without another word, he turned and
left her.
A faint cry of "Edwin" escaped her
lips, as her arms were held out implor
ingly toward him. They thou fell to
her side, and she, too, turned .and went
slowly across the sands in the opposite
direction. If he had looked bacx and
seen those outstretched arms, how dif
ferent their lives would have been; but
no, he plodded angrily along the shore,
glancing neither to the right nor the
left. Little by little the waves crept
up and Love was drowned, while Fame
stood out bold aud clear upon the yellow
Ten years have come and gone since
Helen Armstrong and Edwin Bennett
parted on the shore, and daring that
time they had never met. Helen had
won that which she had striven for.
She had become an artist of renown.
Even royalty had been pleased to com
pliment her upon her art.
For the last mouth one of Helen
Armstrong's paintings had been 011
exhibition at the Academy of Design,
aud crowds had been drawn thither to
see this last work of the celebrated art
ist. The subject was simple, nothing
new, yet visitors returned again and
again to gaze at it.
It was the last day of the exhibition,
when a lady and gentleman, the geutle
mau leading a little girl of perhaps
three years by the hand, passed iuto
the room where the painting huug.
"Oh! isn't it too bad there is such a
crowd; I wanted to see it!" exclaimed
the lady, to which the gentlemau re
"We will look at the other pictures
first and come back again; perhaps there
will not be such a crowd then,"
An hour or so later the gentleman and
lady returned; then the room was almost
deserted, except for a few stragglers
here and there. It was just about time
to close the gallery.
For a few moments they stood in si
lence, before the painting; then a little
voice said:
"Baby wants to see, too, papa."
Stooping down the gentleman raised
the pretty, daintily-dressed child in his
arms. Alter gravely regarding the
picture for a second; the little one asked.
"Is they mad, papa?"
"I am afraid one was, pet," came the
low answer, as E.lwiu Bennett softly
kissed the fair cheek of the little girl.
Then his gaae returned to the picture.
A stretch of yellow sands,
here and there by huge boulders and
piles of showy pebbles, against which
the over-hangiug cliffs looked almost
bleak, Gentle little baby waves rippling
in toward the shore, while majestic
purple-hued, silver-edged clouds seemed
floating en masse toward the golden,
crimson-barred sun that flooded the sky
and water with its warm light.
In the centre of the picture, where
the beach formed a curve resembling a
horseshoe, was an old boat, turned bot
tom upward; some few feet off, the fig
ure of a young man, apparently walking
hurriedly away. Although the face
wan not visible, the gazer felt that the
man suffered; that the glorious sunset
was this day as naught ta him. Per
haps it was in the tightly-clasped hand,
the veins of which stoinl oht like great
cords, or, maybe the man's apparent
diregard of his surroundings.
To the right of the picture the figure
of n young girl, trailing a parasol in
the sand, as she appeared to move slowly
iu the opposite direction from her com
panion. Only a little bit of a delicately
shaped ear and a mass of glossy braids
showed from beneath the shade hat,
but 0110 could readily btfievo that the
pretty girlish figure belonged to an
equally attractive face.
About naif way betweeu them, traced
upon the sands, woie the words, ' Fume
versus Love."
"Is it not lovely, Edwiu?" and Mrs.
Bennett laid her liuud upon her hus
band's arm us she added:
"Yet how sad it somehow seems. I
can't help feeling sorry for them. I
wish 1 could see their faces, ] feel as
if I wanted to turn them round."
Clasping the little hand that rested
so coufidiugly upon his arm, Edwin
Bennett inwardly thanked God for the
gift of his fair young wife, as he said:
"Come, dear, they arc commencing
to close up. Baby's tired, too."
"Ess, me's tired. Baby wants to
tiss mamma," lisped the child, holding
out her tiny arms.
lliibbahii and wife failed to notice a
lady who stood hear, gazing at a paint
ing. As the pretty young mother
stooped down to receive her baby's
kisses, which the littlo one lavished on
her cheeks, lips and brow, a deep,
yearning look gathered in the strange
lady's eyes and she turned hastily away.
"Oh, Edwin!" exclaimed his wife, as
they pasted the silent figure in black.
"Wouldu't it bo nice if baby should
grow up to be a great artist like this
Miss Armstrong."
"God forbid, Annie," came the earn
est reply, followed by, "let her grow to
be a true, loving woman, that is all I
ask." The lady's hand tightened its
hold upon the back of a settee as the
words reached her cars, but she did not
move until the V were out. Then lifting
her veil sue went and stood before the
paiuting that had won suoh fame. Tears
gathered m her eyes as she gazed, and
with the words, "I will never look at it
again," she, too, passed out of the
building, and in her own handsome
carriage was driven home.
Scorn shone in her dark eyes as they
fell upon the costly works of art scat
tered in lavish profusion about her luxu
riously furnished apartments. Hastily
throwing aside her wraps, she crossed
over to a mirror. A very handsome
face it reflected. Not looking the thirty
years it had known,
Helen Armstrong—for it was she
had heard of Edwin Bennett's marriage;
heard that he had succeeded iu business
beyond his most sanguine expectations;
heard that his wife was one of the love
liest and gentlest of women, and that
El win Bennett idolized both wife aud
child. This day she had seen them.
Then came the thought that she might
have stood iu that wife's place; she, too,
might have had those baby lips pressed
as loviugly to hers; but she had put it
from her. She had chosen Fume versus
Love. If she could only go bßck to
that day on the sands, how diflereutly
she would now act.
Turning away from the mirror, she
exclaimed, bitterly;
"Too late, Helen Armstrong. As
you have sowu so must vou reap."
Yaver Ami.
iaver Agu, tne emiueut Albanian nri
gaud chief, Is juat now a iuuch-to-be-pitied
mat). He commenced business early 111
the year 1858, ever since which tune he
has been actively engaged in the pursuit
of his avocations, extending his connec
tions steadily until all the banditti of 4 ,he
proviuce came to be in his employ und un
der Ins supreme command. Having
amassed a handsome fortune, his sole re
maining ambition was to complete his
twcuty-fifth year of his public Oureer in
harness, f-o to speak, and then, alter cele
brating bis jubilee iestivitv, to retire into
private life, carrying with him the respect
and esteem of his surviving clients. Wow
but for th 3 iucouaidciately precipitate ac
tiou of the Turkish auttionties of Janina,
the worthy Aga's wholesome ambition
would doubtless have been real.z d a yery
few months licnce. Unhappily for bis
hopes, a milita r y expedition was sent out
against bun the other day, which succeed
ed after a severe engagement with Yaver's
principal hind, in capturing him as well as
the managers and cashiers of his several
b/aneh establishments, who were iu atten
dance upon him with their annual reports
of profits und losses at the tune when his
retreat was surrouuded and stormed by the
Ottoman soldiery. As Yaver Aga has
been lorwarded to Btaniboul in chains,
thereto he dealt with accord eg to the
rigor of ilic law, it may be considered im
probable that he will celebrate his jubilee
as a free and independent baudit next
spring. Let those who will drop a tear
over the frustrated aspirations of one
whose predatory perseverence has been so
ill rewarded by destiny.
Professor Outhri • has succeeded In
producing a blue-black protective coating
on polisued steel by dipping it in melted
nitrate or potassium. The bloom greatly
improves the appearance of the steel, and
it appears to wear well.
It is wonderful that oue doesn't
lieur of more scorpion stiugs, consider
ing how abundant these pernicious in
sects ureiu nearly every tropical country.
They are fairly hardy, too, and will sur
vive a much greater degree of cold than
centipedes. One morning, when I had
just returned from a voyage and was
repacking and arranging some things
in my bedroom at the hotel in Southamp
ton, a lively, vigorous scorpion fell out
of a shell upon my bare foot ; luckily,
it roiled off, and the earpet retjeived the
emphutie tap of its tail which wus in
tended as a delicate attention to myself.
A bath Hpouge seems to bo their
favorite haunt, and it always belooves
one to carefully examine that article be
fore getting into one's tub iu regions
where these little pests abound. 1 think
that over u dozen were killed in my
cabin during one fortnight—brought
there, no doupt, iu a box of Espirito
Santo orehiils from Panama. Cargoes
of coir, bales of medicinal woods, bunches
of bananas, and other fruits and vege
tables iu bulk often introduce them on
board vessels, and in old wooden ships
especially they will remain and colonize
the bulkheads uud interspaces. 1 got a
nip once, and only once. Walking the
main deck of a steamer lying in Hide
Janeiro, loading up with coffee, being
barefooted and in the dark, I trod as I
thought, on a piece of glass ; but, draw
ing my foot up instinctively, I felt the
tickling of a scorpion's feet on my heel.
It seemed to have curled up after its
tail. The local symptoms were about
equal in intensity to the bite of a com
mon vi]er of the sting of u maribunda,
but with less costitutional derangement;
the ulcer wus a long time in healing,
however. There is a ghastly story told
of a gentleman in India, who, pulling
on his boots oue morning, ieU a horrid
prickly object in one of them. With
great presence of muni, lustead ot with
drawing it, he forced nis foot violently
down and stamped on it furriously.
though enduring exquisite agony in the
process. But it was not a centipede,
only a small blacking brush left there
by a careless servant. The Psylli of
Pliny and other historians, as well as
their modern descendants, who swallow
live scorpions and carry them in their
caps next their shaven crowns, probably
deprived them first of the means of do
ing harm, as they serye the venomous
serpents with winch they juggle, by
by blunting their stings. It is, never
theless, very easy to hold a scorpion,
and possibly to handle them Ireely,
when accustomed to them. Bee how
some people can pull about wild rats
and bees and ferrets without injury,
though taking no apparent precaution.
Manipulation ot suakes, too, only re
quires a little obseiyance of their weak
poiuta and respect for their prejudices,
which only glides into insensibility by
Bill Arp' lUliv Talk.
The poet bath *ai<l that "a baby in
the bouse is a well spring of pleasure."
There la a brau new one her* now, the
tirat'iii eight yeara, and it haa raised a
powerful com motion, lt'a not our baby,
exactly, butitiaiutlieliueofdeacent, and
Airs. Arp takea on over it all the same
as ahe uaed to w hen ahe was regularly
iu the buaineaa. 1 thought maybe ahe
had forgot how to nurse 'em and talk
to 'em, but ahe is singing the same old
familiar songs that haye sweetened the
dreams of half a acore, and she blesses
thi little eyes and sweet little mouth
and uses the same infantile language
that nobo.iy but babies understand.
Tor she says "turn hereto itadandmud
der," and "bess its 'lttle heart," and
talks about ita sweet little footsytootsies
and holds ft up to the windows to see
the wagon go by and the wheels going
roundypoundv aud now my liberty is cur
tailed lor as Igo stamping around with
my heavy farm shoes she shaaes her
ominous finger at me just like she used
to and says don't you see the baby is
asleep, and so I have to tip-toe around,
and ever and anon she wants a fire, or
some hot water, or some catnip, for the
baby is a-orying and surely has got the
colic. Tiie doors have to be kept shut
now for fear of a draft of air on the
baby, and a little hole in the window
pane above as big as a (lime had to be
patched, and 1 have to hunt up a passel
of kiu'hngs every night and put 'em
where tin y will be iiaudy, and they
have sent me off to another room where
the buby can't hear me snore, and all
things considered, the baby is running
the machine, and the well spring of
pleasure is the center of space. A
grand mot her is a wonderful help and a
great comfort at such a time as this,
lor what does a young mother with her
first cnild know übout colic and thrash,
and hives, aud hiccups, and it takes a
good deal of laith to dose 'em with sut
tea and Catnip, und lime water, and
paregoric, aud soothing syrup, and
sometimes with ail of these the
child gets worse, and if it gets better
Ive always had a curiosity to know
which remedy it was that did the worn,
(rinildreu born of healthy purents can
stand a power of medicine and get over
it, for alter tiic cry comes the sleep,
aud sleep is a wonderful restorer. Hock
'em awhile m the cradle and then take
'em up ami jolt 'em a little on the knee,
and then turn 'em over and jolt 'em on
tne other side, aud then give em some
sugar in a rag, and after awhile they
will go to bleep and let the poor mother
rest. There is no patent on this busi
ness, no way of raising 'em ail the same
way, but it is trouble, trouble from the
start, and nobody bui a mother knows
liow much trouble it is. A man ought
to be a mighty good man just for his
mother's sake, if nothing eise, for there
is no toil or trouble like nursing and
caring for a little child, aud there is no
grief so great as a motner's if all her
care and anxiety arc wasted on an uu
giatetul child.
IN China, table salt is served in a fluid
state like vinegar, and is said to be very
convenient when used iu this way.
BOILED starch is much improved by
the addition of a little sperm, or a little
salt, or both, or a little gum arable t is
Ufa in Ceylon.
Professor Earnwt Haeckle, after descri
bing his arrival in Ceylon and Its capitol,
Colombo, goes on to give an account of his
3tay with Mr. Stipperger, In his beautiful
villa of Whist Bungalow. He says:
'The charming villa of Colombo, where
1 stayed the Irst two weeks in Ceylon, lies
at the northern eod of the city, or rather
of the suburb, Mutwal, iu an angle formed
by the sea and the mouth of the river Kel
From Colombo through the Pettah (nat
ive quartet) and neighborhood it takes
fully an hour to reach Whist Bungalow.
The solitary situation of the villa, in the
midst of lovely scenery, far from the busy
city and its public gardens, is one of the
sources of the peculiar charm which the
quiet country house at once exercised upon
me. Whist Bungalow formerly was
merely a small, simple house, hidden in a
thick shrubbery. It was enlarged and
transformed into a stately country house
by a later proprietor, Mr Morgan, an ad
vocate. Mr. Morgan was a man of pleas
ure and spent the greater part of his for
tune in beautifying the villa—the little
"Aliramare" of Ceylon—in a manner
worthy of its charming situation. The
large garden was planted with the most
splendid trees aod ornamental shrubs. A
noble colonnade and airy verauda rose
around the enlarged house, and the lofty
saloons within were luxuriously furniahed.
For many years dinners aud evening par
ties succeeded each other, much more
brilliant—if not so noisy and merry—than
the drinking bouts of the whist-playing
officers. It seems, however, that Mr.
Morgan's colossal expenditure, and bis
Lucullian mode of life, at last exceeded
even his large income, for on his death
his seized on the villa, and were
glad that its sa'e by suction restored to
them at least a portion of their money.
Bui now came a turning-point in the history
of the beautiful villa, and its new pro
prietor had not mucii plcsAure m his pos
session. For the legend ran that the gin si
ot Mr. Morgan, who had died suddenly.
haunted the house every night. At 12
o'clock, whether moonlight or not, the r e
was heard a terrible noise; white forms
glided through the spacious chambers,
winged spirits flitted through the columned
halls, aud forms with glowing eyes wan
dered on the roof. Mr. Morgan, as chief
spirit, WAS said to lead the ghastly troop.
So Whist Bungalow had remained long
uninhabitated when my friend Stipperger
heard of it, and on s<emg it determined
to hire it. But at first not a servant could
be persuaded to live in the ill famed house.
That was only possible when the supposed
ghosts hd been proved to be of zoological
origin. On the first night of taking pos
session Mr. Stipperger waited for thespirits,
armed with gun and pistols, and, as was to
be expected, they turned out, on being
shot, to be flesh and blood animals not the
least akin to Mr. Morgan, but wildcats,
baudica rats, and flying foxes. The scru
ples of the most timid domestics were thus
overcome, and Mr. btipperger confidently
look up his abode in the solitary villa.
"Long before dawn the fisher famihes
assemble to take their morning ba'h in
the river. Then comes the turn of the
horses aud oxen. Industrious washerwo
men are olten enployed all day long in
beating linenou fiat stones &Bd spreading it
the shore to dry. Numerous fishing boats
pass to and fro, and when the fishermen
draw them upon the laud in the evening
and spread the large, square sails to dry,
the tongue of land, with its long row of
reposing bouts, forms an uncommon and
picturesque scene, especially when the
evening breeze swells the sails and Ifce
setting sun dips into the sea, pouring over
the wnole a flood of glittering gold, orange,
and purple. My friends informed me that
this sandv piece of land frequently changes
its form in the course of years. It is, in
fact, a moving bar, such as are found at
the mouths of all the larger tivers in Cey
lon. The kelany-Ganga, rushing wildly
iroui the mountains, brings with it a mass
of sand and stones, and as the abuDd&nt
rains daily carry into it a quantity of earth
and mud during its slower course through
the plain, considerable banks are foi med
at its mouth in a very short time. These
banks alter in shape and size accordiug as
the various streams seek their way hither
and thither through the flat delta. It is
said that formerly the chief mouth of the
Kelany was four miles further south, in
Cinnamon Gardens. The lagoons there
left, and still in connection with the river
by means of small channels, are the rem
nants of the former mouth, so that the
greater part of the city of Colombo lies on
the old delta. The picturesque bar now
directly opposite Whist Bungalow has al
ternately been connected with the firm
its northern and southern points
and the wooded island opposite has some
limes been a peninsula aud then again an
"The coast of this island, like the shore
of the garden next to that of Whist Bung
alow, is thickly grown with mangroves,
and 1 had the pleasure of observing with
my own eyes the remarkable laud creating
activity of this most important and char -
acteristic of tropical growths. The trees
comprehended under the name of man
grove belong to very difierent species and
families, but they all agree in their pecu
liar lorm of growth and consequent typi
cal physiognomy; thick and busny crowns
of leaves resting on a thick trunk, and this
truuk again resting on a mass of naked
many branched roots, rising from six to
eight feet alove the surface of the water.
Between the forked branches of this thick
dome of roots is collected the mud and
sand brought down by the river, and de
posited on its banks, and especially at its
mouth, and thus a forest of mangroves
fayors greatly the increase of firm laud.
But at the same time many organic sub
stances, such as dead animals or plants,
re caught and decay among the entangled
roots, and are the cause of dangerous fev
ers. This is not the case, however, with
most of the mangrove woods of Ceylon,
and the Kelany is free from fever, as well
as the lagoons of Colombo. The reason
of the exemption is that the frequent aud
copious falls of rain often renew the water
and wash away the decaying substances
before they have any bad effect.
"The garden itsilf, under the tasuful
oare of Mr. S ripperger, has become a
small Ceylon paradise, and contains repre
sentatives of a'most all the important spe
cies of the flora of the island, lormmg not
only a pleasure ground rich in flower and
scent, but also an instructive botanical
garden. The very first morning, when,
drunk|witb delight, I wandered under the
grove of palms aad tigs, bananas and aca-
cuts, I gained an excellent Insight into the
composition of the flora of the plains.
First in rank comes the noble family or
palms, witn their stately, valuable trunk %
cocoa and talipot, areca and borassus, cary
ota and palmyra, then the splendid light
green bananas, with their delicate but
gigantic fronds split by the wind, and val
uable golden fruit. Besides different
specimens ot the common banana, our
garden contains a tail and magnificent
specimen of the strange, fan-shaped 'tree
of the traveller* from Madagascar. It
stands where the principal pathway bran
ches off on the left to a splendid example
of the sacred fig tree. This latter, with
its pendant air roots, is very curious; many
beautiful Gothic arches open between
these roots, which support the trunk-like
columns. Other trees belonging to differ
ent groups, (laurels, myrtles, ironwood
trees, bread fruit trees, etc.) are enveloped
by splendid creeping plants and overgrown
with the lianas that play such a chief
part in the flora of Ceylon; for the fulness
of life and constant damp, heat has such
an effect that in the densest forests crowds
of the most various plaDts struggle upward
towards the light and air. Among the
other ornaments of the garden 1 will spec
ially mention the large leaved callas or
Aroidw, and the beautiful feathery ferns,
two very important groups both for the
quantity of examples and the Deauty and
size ot their fronds. Then there are stil 1
many of ibe most magnificent tropical leaf,
and-blossom plants, which, partly indige
nous to the island, partly from other tropi
cal regions—for example, oouth America
—thrive here excellently. Above them
towers the stately hibiscus, with the large
yellow-and-red dowers; acacias with mass
es of beautiful flrc-colored blossoms and
mighty tamarinds with their aromatic flow
ers; while from their branches hang climb
ing tbunbergias with gigantic violet-colored
bells, and aristolochiae with large yellow
and brown funuel-soaped flowers. Many
rubia< a, lilies, and orchises show particu
lar! v large and heautiful blossom*.
Don't You Forget It!
A woman who wanted the Common
Council of Detroit to ptas an ordinance
to forbid goats from running at large in
her neighborhood, called at a store on
Michigan avenue to ask the proprietor
what sort of a petition she must send
"Why, you waut to state the case
just as you have stated it to me," he
"But how shall 1 begin?*'
"Well, let's see. I believe they usu
ally start off with: "To the Hon. the
Common Council.'"
"I don't believe it!" she exclaimed,
and turning to a customer she appealed
to him to decide.
"I am not certain how a petition
begins," he said, "but I know that it
must end up with: "Aud we will ever
"Not much we won't," growled the
woman, "after a drove of goats has
walked all over the roof of my house
for the past year, and eaten up three
calico dresses, two sheets and a bed
quilt for me. Maybe the butcher next
door knows how to fix it."
She went iu aud stated the case to
the butcher; aud he thought it over and
"It seems to me that it should begin
with somethiug like: 'To your very re
spectable body,' and close with: *1 am
youi very obedient servaut; but I'm not
"Servant! Do you suppose that I'm
doing anybody's kitchen work.
"No, madam; but it's the form, you
"Well form or no form, I'm not going
to call myselt anybody's obedieut serv
ant. I'll write the petition myself."
The stepped to the desk', drew a
long breath, and in five minutes hail
finished. It read:
"I'm being bothered to death by
goats; and if you don't pass a law to
stop it there will be a row in the old
Eighth Ward, and dont you forget it!"
Lighter and Keener Tools and Im
plement*.—As implements made of steel
are lighter, stronger, and keener thai tuose
of iron, so are they better adapted to use
by manual labor, by horse power, or by
the power of water and steam. A man
walks easier with light shoes, light clothes
and spends his time more directly upon
the work before him in proportion as there
is less labor between himself and that work.
Give a man an iron axe, and he, besides be
coming discouraged, finds his blows to tell
less efficiently and with less precision than
when there is an edge of sharp steel be
tween his hands and the tree. The same
applies with all kiuds ot blunt, unscienti
fically shaped implements. A hoe of right
inclination will go under and lift the soil,
while another will drag over it. A lipped
drill will go under the grain of a Bessemer
steel rail, while such a drill as is ordinarily
used in boring cast iron will only operate
to render the fibers more compact, and
will have about the same difference ot ef
lect in boring as a blunt and a sharp edged
ax do in cutting. Every carpenter knows
the difference in a properly and improperly
filed saw, and in two different lipped au
gers. A sloping plowshare will scour and
run lightly under the soil, while a blunt
one will "clog and drag through it with
difficulty. The same is true of the cutting
edge of a turning tool tor iron, wood, or
steel, or the plane for either of these. With
the discovery of a process, for cheaper
steel, it is practical to give a very much
diminished weight of metal in carriages
and carts as well as in railroad cars and
any other machinery requiring strength
and lightness. The chief success of Amer
ican manufactures in competition with the
older nations, where labor is cheapei and
manufacturing iongar and mire economi
cally established,is their lightness,streagth
and pecultar adaptability to the labor they
are to perforin. A ditch digger haudliug
ash >vel weighing but five pounds and
lifting five pounds of dirt will work with
much more animation and to much more
purpose than if raising five pounds of dirt
on a shovel eighing ten pounds. The
same is true in all mechanical appliances
and powers, whether of a pump, a steam
engine, a water wheel, or any other. Tne
cost of raising dead weight is often the
difference between failures and success.
GOOD roads are evidences of civilization,
and a true index of the thrift and
pint of those sections which they traverse.
NO 47.