f" f Jt'llMlro journal. THURSDAY, NOV. 9., 1882. DEIMJiGER & BIMILLER, Kditors and Proprietors. ■II -J.— A.'.-IE L 1 Local Department, —Phase briny thai tcood. —The season of sausage aud pon hoss is at hand. —Court begins next week and will ■continue for three weeks iu succession. —A good town property at private sale. luquire at this office. tf. —Mr. Wm. Kerstetter is building a bay window and making other im provements to his dwelling. -jTohn W. Luse, after an abseuco of Borne months in Crawford county, is lack again brisk and lively as ever. —Look out for the chap who sells carpet by sample. Don't buy any, don't sign any paper. —The election is now ovcrand the re sult all that could be desired. Now for work and business. —All kinds of leather sold and *ll kftids of hides bought, by A. J. ilarter at Mussel's Tannery, Millheiiu, Pa. tf —The Republican papers are not ex actly overjoyed about the result of the election. But these chaps are like spoiled children, a little hard to please. —At the regular meeting of the M. B.&L. Association on Monday evening money sold for twenty and seven eighth per cent, premium Cor permanent loan. —This week for the first time Old Winter gives notice that he is still a bout. The gruff old buffer may give us many a severe shakiug before he will let up on us tor a season. —M.S.Fiedler,executor,will make sale of the property of John Iless, dee'd, Tuesday Nov. '2lst. A good lot of household goods will be sold. See bills. —Have any of our farmer patrons a few bushels of apples to spare for the poor printer ? '"Whoever gtveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord" —or words to that effect. —The estate f John D. Focte still lias a number of Keystone Cultivators on hand which will be sold out cheap and upon reasonable terras. Apply to P. T. Muss EH, 3t Administrator —A stage line has been established between Mifllinburg and New Berlin, is a great convenience to New Berlin, whose mail matter and public travel had all to go around byNorthum betland. —The Journal Store is just turning into a full sized BAOIC & Stationery store, and the stock of notions, sucli as hosiery, gloves, handkerchiefs, collars, Gernaantown wool, zephyr, undercloth ing, neckties, will be sold out- very cheap. Come and buy. —lf the winter just ahead of us wil prove dearly as cold as is predicted we will need from 15 to 20 cords of wood to supply two families. Now, whoever of our patrons has more wood than cash may bring wood, the sooner tin better, until we "holler" enough. tf. OYSTER SALOON.— D.l. Brown has opened rooms iu his dwelling where ladies and gentlemen will be served with the test and freshest oysters done up in the every form and Lest style. Families supplied by the quart or gall on. A share of patronage respectfully solicited. 2t Inventors ntxd Patentees should send for instructions, reason able terms, references, &c., to Edson Brothers, Solicitors of Patents, Wash ington, I). C, who furnish the same without charge . Edson Brothers is a well known and successful firm of large experience, having been established in 18(56. tf —The election is over and people will again be obliged to give due attention to the ordinary duties and wants of life, chief among which are the ever-re curring questions of what to eat and what to wear. Fortunately the latter question can be solved easily enough. Lewin, the boss clothier, can help you out of that trouble nicely. For a small amount of cash lie will rig you out from head to foot in best style. Ilis oyeicoats especially! are indeed really fine and very cheap. You may need one any day, winter is squarely before your door. Don't delay to call on Lewin lor good and cheap clothing. 2t —ln looking over the election re turns of Union county we were much gratified to see that our young friend John F. Duncan. Esq. ? son of our for mer townsman, Hon.W* C. Duncan, is not only elected District Attorney of Union county, but that he has the big gest majority of them all. This is the more flattering to Mr. Duncan's social and professional standing,because he isa prouounced Beaver man in the strongest county in the state, and in a year when elections almost every where go helter skelter and no candidate could feel safe on a mere party majori ty. We knew Jonny ever since he was knee high to a grass hopper, and feel proud of our former pupil. —With the assistance of two cleiks we took the census of Millheim, the other day. It was on enormous job and the figures swell up to a grand to tal of 572. We could easily say it is a bout three or four thousand as the manner of some is when speaking of such things, but we have too much re spect for the story of Washington and his little hhtchet. SETTLEMENT NOTICE.— AIt persons knowing themselves indebted to or who have unsettled accounts with the estate of John 1"). Foote, dee'd, will save themselves expenses and trouble by calling with the undersigned and set tling up. I will remain at my home at Aarousburg for four successive Satur d lys next ensuig to accommodate those interested. P. T. MUSSER, 3t Administrator. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from active practice having had placed in his hands by an East Indiana Missionary the for mula of a simply vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Con sumption*, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asth ma, and all Throat and Lung affections also a positive and radical cure for General Debility and all nervous com plaints after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thou sands of cases, feels it is his duty to make it known to his Jellows. The re cipe, with full particulars, directions for preparation and use, and all neces sary advice and instructions for suc cessful treatment at your own home will bo received by you by return mail, free of charge, by addressing with stamp or stamped self addressed enve lope to DR. J. C. RAYMOND. 161 Washington Street, Brooklyn, N Y BELLEFONTE REJOICES. ' Celebrating tho Democratic Victo ry and Condoling With General Beaver. BELLEFONTE November 12. The Democrats cf Centre county held their jollification meeting here last night. Three thousand people were present and the town was handsomely illuminated and decorated. TlrCre was a large torcli-light parade and after wards a mass meeting in the Court House. Addresses were delived by Ex-Governor Curtin, Senator Alexan der, J. L. Spaugler and others. All expressed their personal regrets at General Beaver's failure, but rejoiced at the success of the Democratic party at large. Colonel D. 11. Hastings, chairman of the Republican county committee, was noticed in the audience and loudly called on for a speech. He responded, sayi.ig that while the Dem ocracy rejoiced at their victory in many States, there was not a man present who did not regret the defeat of Gen eral Beaver. He declared that General Beaver was stronger in Centre county than ever before, bee uiso of his manly campaign ai d the heroic manner in which lie took the difeat. These Sen timents were lordly applauded. At the conclusion of the Court House meeting the crowd headed by Major R. 11. Forster, chairman of the Democrat ic county committee, and a brass band, repaired to the residence of General Beaver and tenderel him tn a serenade. Major Forster and J. L. Spangler made addresses. General Beaver acknowl edged the compliment in a. happy speech, that was loudly applauded. Seas Miscellany. MURDER AT RENOVA. The other Saturday near Renova Gustav Pipher shot and instantly killed Thomas Mill er. Pipher tied but was apprehended later in a freight car near Williaoisport and is now in the Cliulon county jail await ing tiial. John Wanimraaker, the enterprising Philadelphia merchant, recently bought a number of lots iu South Renova, Clinton Co., on which to erect manu facturing establishments and dwelling bouses. Newspaper business is looking up iu Altoona. The editor of the Times was knocked down and kicked in the ribs, and the editor of the Call locked him self in a room for twenty-four hours to peveut a bo Id, bad man from vaccina ting him with a shot gun. 8. Duvi3 Page is talked of as Patti son's successor to the Controllership of Philadelphia. On Monday last, William Weimei, son of John M. Weimor, ofLewistown, whilst in the woods after wild turkeys, was mistaken by another hunter for a wild turkey and he shot liirn in the right breast. Mr. Weimer is lying in a critical condition. The hunter ob served a dark object in the woods, tak ing it to be a turkey, shot with the a bove result.— Ex. An Alabama Man With a Record. It is stated that John Ilolmes, of Morgan county, has raised 11 children seven boys and four girls \ that he has 73 grandchildren, 43 biys and 30 girD, and 30 great-grandchildren. And furth er, that he is 79 years old, weighs 30) pounds aDd has killed 1,500 deer and 1 bear. The entire family, excepting one live in Morgan county. All the older ones belong to the Missionary Baptist Church and the men all vote the Democratic ticket. MARRIED. On the 7th inst. 4 at the residence of Mr. Charles Hennich, Spring Mills, by Rev. John Tomlinson, Mr. Cornelius Mussea to Miss Cath arine S.Haines. On the 12th iLst., at the Lutheran parsonage, Rebersburg, by Rev. A. K. Zimmerman, Mr. Edward A. Glontz, of Jefferson Co., and Miss Orplm Cooney, of TylersvHie, Clinton Co., Fa. Hj|i THIS Journal Store TO ITS MANY fficnfe and patrons—^rcdiiijl We haye greatly enlarged our stock and now have a full line of BLANK BOOKS, LEDGERS, DAY BOOKS, BLOTTERS, BUTCHER BOOKS, DUPLICATES, MEMORANDAS. ALSO Fine Family Bibles, Presentation Bibles, Sunday S. Bibles. SCHOOL BOOKS, DICTIONARIES, SLATES, School Satchels and STRAPS. Beautiful Papeterie Boxes, Fine Writing Paper, Envelopes of every grade & price, Large Line of Pen cils, Penholders and PENS. PHOTOGRAPH & AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Ladies' Promenade Satchels, Eeautifal Shell Boxes,Ladys'Pnrses Fine Velvet Frames SCRAP BOORS AM) PICTURES. Holiday /e&AKDS Birthday | „ARI)S 8. S. School^#AßDS Tp"X"S, OY BOOKS, OY TEA SETS, Variety of Toys. Paper and Envelopes ice mctke a specicility. Sunday School Requisites and all the publications of the American S. S. Union at catalogue prices. Remember that we are Headquarters for BOOKS and STATIONERY and e specially for HOLIDAYGOODS! Mllllieim Market. Corrected every Wednesday Wheat, 01d,...* 95 " new, No. 2 9>) •' 41 No. 3 80 Corn 75 Rye 70 oats White 40 Buck wheat Flour 5.00 Bran Ashot ta,pot t0n.......... . 25U0 Salt, per Brl 1.75 Planter, ground... 9.00 Cement, per Bushel 45 to 50 Barley 50 TymothysoFd 3.75 Flaxseed Cloversecd Butter 25 i lams Id Hides 12 Veal Pork ' Heel '.. Kggs Potatoes ' 40 Lard I*2 Tallow Soap 5 1 tried Apples Dried Peaches Dried Cherries COAL MARKET AT COBURN. Egg Coal fci.oo Stove 44 5.25 Chestnut 5 00 Pea 8.50 Pea by the ear load 3.20 Fifty cents per ton additional when delivered in Mill helm. ft f 1 " 10 | otrl Xos. 317 & 310 AKCII ST., PHILADELPHIA. HATESREDPCEDTQS2.O(I PER DAY. The traveling public will still find at this Hotel the same liberal provision for their com fort. It Is located in the immediate centres of business and places of amusement and the dif ferent Rail-Road depots, as well as all parts of the city, are easily accessible by street Cars constantly passing the doors. It offers special inducements to those visiting tho city for busi ness or pleasure. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Jos. M. Feger, Proprietor. C. A. STUROIB. P. 11. MUSSEIt. "II ME IS MONEY!" Slurgis & Musscr's JKWELHV STORE keeps a full line of Watches, Clocks, Necklacoa, Watch Chains, Cuff Sc Collar But tons, R-in&rs, Plated Castors, Spoons, Knives and Forks, Gold Ponns and Holders, ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICE. All repair work guaranteed. Every wrateh registered when brought to the store. The public's natronage. respectfully solicited. ST'URGIS & MUSSER. Proprietors. P. K. STOVER, DEALER IN Clover Seed, Flour & Feed, I Coa. ■ Plaster & Salt. aomm\ MARKET I'KICE ALWAYS PAID. full gupnly of Coal, Plaster and Salt al ways on band and sold at the lowest price ftrroal kept under roof at alt seasons of the year. darThe public patronage respectfully sotlrt ed. 3. ly JAR.J. W. KTAM is now permanently located at Millheim, and will give prompt attention to all medical calls at his office on Main Street. Try DR. STA.M'B SPECIFIC TII K MEDICINE— It gives instant relief. yA T N B ' S rAEMENaiNES. Vertical & Spark-A nesting Engines from 2 to 12 horse-power, mounted or unmounted. Best and Cheapest Engines made. $1 60 upwards. Send for Illustrated Catalogue IT for information and price to __ 11. W. I* A ¥ Nls & SONS, Box 840, Corning, N Y, §Mit ®mn, North Second Street, Half a square south b? tlie L. &. T. R. R. Depot, LEWISBURG, PA. New and commodious Building ; Equipped in all departmeuts with en tirely new Furniture. No efforts spared to make the BAKER HOUSE a pleasant, comfortable Home to all guests. An excellent Livery attached. W. N. BAKER, Proprietor. mmnmmmw | SLATE! | Tlio colebrated. Washington Vein of ROOFING SLATES for Hoofs, &c„ from the famous BLA.TB QUAR RIES or SLATINTON. LKIIIGMOO., I'KNNA. Can Now Bo Bought AT THK MOST REASONABLE RATKS of the undersigned who is a practical Slate Roofer of many years experience Thosa In want of Slate and UOOMIIK ♦ Olil ImlUfinyrs rc-roofcd at the lowe-t rates, without the assistance of other mechanics. For prices and terms call on or write to the under signed at 11. K. WHITMANS RESIDENCE, Broadway Street, near P. k K. Depot, MILTON, PA. DUAN NEFF, Agent. svMMEnmsom MILLS HOUSE, srUINH MILLS. CENTRE COUNTY, l'A., TKUMIJM'S OF TUB LKWISBURti & TYItONK It. It. AXD SIX MILKS FROM JIILLUEIif. This Is a new house end newly furnished xctth. crerythiiuj tending fo ennfort and con venfrnce of guests. The air is invigorating and perfectly free from malaria, and particularly fuvoral>!e for the restoration to health oj arsons afflicted uflh Pulmonary coir.plaints, Malarial disorders and Hay three. Neaf by the cele brated l'enn Caves, surpassing anything of the ktud known—sailing miles under giouhd— and inspect.ng hMIs Of wonder of gone by (iocs. Carriages to the cave daily. The table fit pleitSffnliy supplied with meats, milk and fresh vegetables and frf.lts in se is m, healthful ly prepared MU\ tastefully se reed. Good stabling accommodations. POPULAR PRICES: Per day, (less than a week,) $ 2 00 Pet week, (lessthan a month) 6 00 Per mouth 20 00 AH nqulry as to Rooms ami Board will l>e promptly artswcml. (IHO. It. NASn, Manager. RRABmS! When in want of a pair of Boots, Shoes or Rub bers send to KAMP'S in Lock Haven and you can get them as low as in Philadelphia, New York, or any other place. If they don't suit you you can return them and get your money back. First rate goods at low prices, is my motto. JASG3 KAMP. To Country dealers, I will sell at wholesale pri ces, freight added. BTTY THE BEST. DOQT Jt rrvQ GUARANTEED THE BEST: STRONG, STEADY LIGHT. SIX TIMES CHKAPER THAN GAS. By Experience we arc enabled to make Hie DEST HTVDEXT LAMP MADE, and the VSLY one that raises and lowers the wick HM shown In cut. Fully covered by letters patent. Price, Nickel Plated, $5,00. Überal Discounts to the Trade, bend for Catalogue. * f POST & COMPANY, Manufacturers and Patentee®,* CINCINNATI, OHIO. TECH 3 GKEnsrTTT3SnEn Williams Sewing Machines ARK ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST IN THE WORLD They have received highest Awards at the Centennial and at all other leading Exhibitions held in Europe and America. £7227 MACHINE WA2BANT2D 27 THE MA2E23. Factories located at Montreal, Canada, and Plattsburg, New York. THE WILLIAMS MAHUFACTDRIHG CO., 347 Notre Dame Street Montreal Chickering Pianos. The Standard Piano ofthd orld. General Agenty for these magnificent Instruments is at Nos. HO, 112, and 114 Front St., MILTON, PA. Cabinet Organs, Smith, American, Estey, Taylor & Farley Bridgeport and others. FURNITURE JJJ CARPETS. Largest Stock —Lowest Prices. Our sales exceed those of anr house !n our line in the fctatA. Buying * i in immense quantities direct from the manufacturers for CJISH, we defy competition. All Goods arc at Actual Value. A'o Fictitious Pi les. Ail Fully Warranted. It will pay Vmy one contemplating "the .purchase 6* an instrument, or anything in our line to call and get quotations. Cataloges and Prices by mail on application. J. R. SMITH & CO. CHEAPEST AND BEST-®* PETERSONS MAGA ZINE L\EQUALED PREMIUMS FOR 1883 ! *f The principal premium for getting up club*for 1883 will he a snperh steel engraving Xsite 27 Inch's bp i) for framing, after MUNCSKHT'S world- renowned picture. "CUKIST BKKOKE PILATE " for Kkjvh the French Government has just 'pcid 100,0 00 francs. X* such jtrcmium teas ever offer ed l>efore.'%.% CHOICE OF PREMIUMS iTIIE "CHRIST BEFORE tILATE *' FOR J PHOTOGRAPH OR QUARTO ALBUM. GETTING UP CLUBS. I EXTRA COPY OF MAGAZINE FOR 'S3 FULL-SIZED PAPER PATTERNS ! PETERSON'S MAGAZINE is the l>c*t and cheapest of the laor a handsome PHOTOGRAPH, PICTORIAL, or QUARTO AL -7 BUM, for getting up the club. 4 Copies for $6.50 i With au extra copy of the Magazine for 1883, as a premi- G 44 44 $9.00 j uui; to the person getting upAlieClub. 5 Copies for ss.oo \ With both an extra copy of the Magazine for 1883 and an ! 44 44 1 0.50 J sleel-engrayiiig, or eitherot the ALBUMS, to the getter i up of the club. FOR LARGER CLUBS STILL GREATER INDUCEMENTS 1 Addres, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, SO9 heatnnt M .PhilndelptiU, Fn. ta-Spccimens sent if written for, to get up clubs with. JLZtTIT~VJi>.Tj. OF FALL & WINTER MILLINERY GOODS AT Anna BL Weaver's I have now* in stock a complete line of TRIMMED AAD IOTRIM3IED HITS & BOSSEfS, AT THE LOWEST PBICES. ANNA M. AVE AVER, Penn Street, opposite llartmanAs Foundry, AiILLIIEIM, PENNA. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS ( LOTIIIERS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. THIS PAPER S-VJ Newspaper Advertising tsctreau (10 Spruce Street), where advor. bj BftfßKfLy tisiu g contracts may Hi §■ §*? Vls KM . be &iU4c lor it ia iSrarf B lllllm* A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE & &ETAIL GROCERS, keep the largest Stock in the city. ■ ■ - . 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. ET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE. Prcmpt and fine wont reasonable rates.