Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, November 16, 1882, Image 1

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    VOL. LYI.
Fashionable Barber.
Next Door to JOURNAL Store,
Good Sample Room on First Floor.
•9-Free Buss to and from all Trains. Special
rates to witnesses and Jurors. 4-1
(Most Central Hotel in the City,)
Comer MAIN and JAY Streets,
Lock Have*, Fa.
8. WOODS CALWJELL, Proprleter.
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial
Travelers on first floor.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office ia 2d story of TomUnsoa't Gro
cery Store,
Shop next door to Foote's Store, Main St.,
Boots. Shoes and Gaiters made to order, and sat
isfactory work guaranteed. Repairing done prompt
ly and cheaply, and in a neat style.
C. T. Alexandet. C. M. Bower.
Office in Garm&n's new building.
Office on Allegheny Street.
Northwest corner of Diamond.
Orphans Court business a Specialty.
Practices In all the courts of Centre County.
Special attention to Collections. Consultations
in German or English.
J. A. Beaver] " jTw. OepbartT
Office on Alleghany Street, North of High.
Consultations In English or German. Office
in Lyon's Building, Allegheny Street.
"nTHTHisTrNoa. w. F.lwiDM. -
Office on Allegheny street, two doori east of the
office occupied by the late Ann of YP* -vA Past
ing. 4A-t7
VICTORIAS. —One cupful sugar, one
egg, one teaspoonful of soda dissolved
in one pint of water; beat butter and
sugar together, add the water, stir in
enough flour to make a thin batter;
bake on a hot griddle without turning
over; butter each one the instant it is
done; nice for lunch.
line pilllnelin §iil
I Dear the clarions of the day :
NUtht's tnlghtv votl Is upward drawn.
And with its go'den fringes play
The jewelry Augers of the dawn.
The curling vapors one by one
Are shot with opalescent gteains,
And now the almost risen sun
Darts up a thousau l crimson streams.
From heaven to entlh the spleu lor steals,
Down glided vanes to windowed towira,
The conscious bells break out In peals,
God l what a wondrous world is ours!
The fler.v colors slowly fade,
In sapphire depth they pass away ;
The sun begins his graud parade;
From polo to pole lis perfect day.
Earth's children feel their mother warm;
From drowsy beds they wake and start,
And forih, through streets and alleys swarm
In myriads to the noisy maru
0 happy toll I O blessed fate 1
To no one thought too close coutlued,
That, with each motion, drop- a date,
And shifts the pictures of the rntud,
1 envy you your changing strife,
Your weary hours, your eveutug rest,
Whtn ah the little oares of life
' Are lulled to slumber in the breast.
For my poor soul, that still will float
Near one Idea of stern jtevice,
Dnfts on, like the Laplander's boat.
Close moored beside its berg of ice.
Lily Vennor was late home from her
work oil this particular night.
A dismal February night it was, with
a grey fog above, through which the
lamps shone like yellow dots of sickly
But Lily was used to all sorts of
Lily Yennor was a milliner.
All day long she sat, with seven and
twenty other girls, in a long low-oeiled
room on the upper door of a monster
building in one of the narrow streets of
the West End, working until she vaguely
wondered within herself if there were
women enough in all the world to wear
out the dresses she aud her companions
It was hard work, and it was poorly
paid; but Lily Yennor had known what
it was to be without employment for
weeks at a time, and she was thankful
even for Mr. Murex'.s four shillings a
day, with the stipulation that, in case
of extra haste, an hour or so ertime
should not be objected to.
The poor are generally worsted in
their bargains, nor was our little hero
ine an exception to the rule.
Bnt the work was over at last, and
Lily was in the outer room, tying her
curls under the brown felt hat, whose
tasteful loops of ribbon had been
sponged and turned so often, and fold
ing her worn shawl across her shoulders.
And as she took .up her dinner-bas
ket, she heard the gay voice of Mary
lieid, one of her fellow-workers, saying
"St. Valentine's Eve I
"You don't me in that you have for
gotten it, Ida ?"
"Why I expect a dozen valentines at
least to-morrow."
Lily Yeanor glanced up at Mary
Reid as she spoke.
A dozen ralentines ?
Yes, there was every probability that
she would receiye as many as that,
She was a dark.eyed brilliant com
plexioned young beauty, with a pretty
Greek nose, a dimple on the left cheek,
and teeth as white as sliced cocoanut.
She would be one to nianry early, and
escape from this bondage of toil and
poverty ; and for a moment Lily wished
that she too were beautiful.
And then came a second thought.
St. Valentine's Eye—and she had
promised Midge and Edith, the two
little twin sisters at home, a valentine
for tliis year, when Midge had submit
ted to the ordeal of vaccination, and
Edith had been so docile at the task of
learmng to make stockings.
For Lily Vennor, girl though she
was, had already been burdened with
the cares of life.
Her father had married a second
time, and lost his wife, leaving Lily at
his own death with the charge of these
two little ones, Edith and Margaret,
commonly known as "Midge."
It was a hard, hard task, but Lily
never quailed.
She had accepted it simply as she
would have accepted any other decree
of Providonce, and the two little or
phans had learned t J love her with all
their innocent hearts.
And now she paused in front of the
brilliant show-windows, with her worn
purse in her hand, trying to decide up
on some particular style of valentine
which would be pretty enough to suit
the children, and which would uot be
too dear.
So she went into the shop, humbly
awaiting her turn, and bought two six
penny valentines, which the clerk super
ciliously tossed toward her.
"I should like two postage stamps,"
said she meekly.
"Stamps I" echoed the clerk. "This
aiu't a post-office !"
Lily pointed to a printed placard in
the window —"Stamps for Sale Here"
—and the clerk, grumbling under his
breath, gave her the two stamps.
The next morning however little
Midge and Edith danced up and down
with joy when the postman left the two
valentines at their door.
"And here's a valentine for you, Lily,"
said Midge.
1 "Only the envelope hasn't got such
pretty gilt roses on as mine aud Edith's
Lily was standing with her hat on as
the child ran up to her.
"A valentine," said she, "for me?
"But I think you are mistaken, little
She opened the letter with a sensation
of woudor as to whom it possibly could
be from.
For she got so few lottos, this gentle
drudging little oreature, that the very
sight of an envelope iu a strange hand
was a circumstance to startle her.
"From Doctor lugraham," blio said
to herself.
"He will call here toeeeme this even
"Oh dear, dear ! I knew how it would
"He thinks it's so strange that I
haveu't said anything about paying him
for his attendance on Midge and Edie
when they had tlie scarlet fever.
"But he doesn't know how poor wo
are !
"And he doesn't know—how should
he?—that I was going to his office this
very week ; to ask him for the bill, and
try and save up the amount, little by
little, until I had got enough,
"Oh dear! oh dear !
"What am I to do?"
She luid out the children's rations on
the table—a bowl of milk, and two lib
eral slices of bread for each—and cau
tioning them not to go near the tire—
which smouldered in a little east-iron
stove —went to her daily work with a
heart which felt like lead within her
Mary Roid was talking in her high,
soprano voice, about the valentine she
Leila Payne and Sarah Howell were
giggling over gilt and tasselled epistles,
directed in masculine Hands, but Lily
went straight to the forewoman.
"Mrs. Dobbs," said she, "can you
lend me ten dollars ?"
"I?" said the fore worn an, iu sour sur
"I ueed it very, very much !" said
poor Lily ; "aud if you will give it to
me to day—this very afternoon, I mean
—I will pay you my next two weeks en
tire wages as they eome in."
Mrs. Dobbs did a little mental arith
metic in the recesses of her brain us she
stood there staring with fishy eyes on
Lily Vennor,
Yes. the interest was not so bad.
She thought it might "pay and so
she lent the ten dollars for a term of
fourteen days, Sundays and holidays
And Lily, mustering up what cour
age she could, stopped at Doctor lu
graham's office on her way homo from
"I wou't give him the trouble to call,"
said she to herself; 4 'for, of course, it
will be a disappointment to him to know
that he can't get his whole bill
"But I will tell him I will pay the
rest as soon as ever 1 can.
"And I hope he won't be very much
vexed ; for, oh, he was so good to me
when the little oues were sick."
Poor Lily Vennor!
Dr. Ingraham's pretty little broug
ham was at the door when Lily went
into his office, and Dr. Ingraham him
self stood at the table, in his fur-trina
nied coat, pouring some mixture from
one vial into auolher—a tall, dark man,
with eyes as black as sloes, and a beard
as long and soft as floss silk.
He glanced up with a smile as Lily
entered, and something like a flush of
color crossed his dark clieek for a mo
"Sit down, Miss Vennor," said he.
"I have just finished my visits for
the present.
"In five minutes I shall be ready for
home practice."
Lily had turned pink and white, by
turns, as she olasped the ten dollars
tightly in the palm of her hand within
her worn little muff.
"I—l will not detain you long," said
she; aud she waited until he had pre
pared the compound and sent it off" by
his man.
"And now ?" he it> standing opposite
to her, with folded arms, and a height
that seemed to her positively command
"I received a note from you, she said,
"this morning."
"Yes, and why did you not wait for
me to call ?" he asked quietly.
"I was ashamed to put you to the
trouble," said Lily, in a low voice.
"I knew, of course, the object of your
"Did you?"
He elevated his brows slightly.
"And I knew very well that I had not
the money for you," she added in des
"But here is ten dollars, and if you
will please let me know the whole
amount, 1 will endeavor to pay it by
instalments as best I can."
44 You are mistaken, Miss Vennor,"
said the Doctor.
"My motive in calling, had nothing
whatever to do with the collection of
my bill."
Lily looked at him with innocent sur
She did not understand him.
"I had a question to ask you," said
the Doctor.
"About the children ?"
"No; about yourself."
"Yes," he said, "and I will ask it
now. Miss Yennor.
"In those weeks when I came daily
to your bouse, and saw you stand like a
little angel at the bedside of those little
ones, 1 made up my mind that you, of
all women, came nearest my ideal of
sweet, womanly perfection.
"Aud I vowe 1 withiu myself to ask
you to be my wife.
"So now, Miss Veuuor—Lily—you
know why I was coming !"
It soemed like a dream of unreal bliss
to Lily VeLuor, that homeward walk
through the twilight, with Bruce Ingra
hain's arm to support her, his beloved
presence so near to her.
She had been a toiler in life's sha
dow ever since she could remember ;
but she was coming into her heritage of
happiness at last.
Little Midge and Edith were looking
out for her, over the stairway, as she
earne home.
"It's Lily," cried Midge, in an audi
ble stage whisper.
"Our Lily !
"But she isn't alone.
"There'b some one with her.
"Oh, Edie, I guess it's her valentine !
"Old Mrs. Noma says that everyone
has a valentine to-day."
"You dear little prophet," cried Doc
tor lugraham, catching up the little
child iu his arms.
"You are right.
"It is Lily's valentiue !"
Doctor lugraham !" exclaimed Edith,
"Well, if I was to chose a valentine
out of ail the world for Lily, I should
say Doctor lugraham!"
And Lily, in a voice that was almost
a whisper, added
"So should I!"
Children'* Eye*.
Dr. Mitteudorf, of Now York, recent
ly said that myopia, or shortsightedness
has been oalled a disease of civilization,
and, unless prompt measures were taken
to counteract the injurious influences
which led to the development of the dis
ease, it must more and moro be regard
ed as a disease of civilized life. The
cause of the disease, he explained, were
debility of the sclerotic, hereditary pre
disposition, long ooutinued tsu of the
eyes on small objects and an increase of
interocular pressure by interference with
the circulation of the iutorior of the eye.
The disease was incurable, but could
l>e successfully arrested by the applica
tion of proper glasses. f lhe most dang
erous period of myopia to set in was
from the ages of 5 to 15 years, and an
examination of the pupils attending
schools of New York led to the follow
ing discoveries; Out of 203 scholars
attending the Thirteenth street gram
mar school only 6 were nearsighted. At
grainroer sohool No. 58 628 ohildren
were examined, of whom 8| per cent,
wore suffering from myopia. This in
cluded 425 American children, among
whom there were 34 cases of myopia,
and 273 Germans, of whom 26 wero
suffering from myopia. At grammar
school No. 35, of 030 Americans 10 per
cent, were myopic, and of 266 Germans
per cent, were afflicted with disease.
At Columbia College 201 students ware
examined, and of these 62, or 35 per
cent., wero found to be nearsighted,
the percentage beiug greater iu the
academical department than in the
school of mines. Further iuvestigation,
with a veiw to testing the hereditary
nature of the disease, showed that, of
45 Jews, AO per cent, came from myopic
families; of 82 German myopics, 2, or
35 per cent., came from myopic families,
and of 16' American children, only 42,
or 31 per sent., had myopia in their
families. In all oases it was found my
opia increased with the length of school
life. Very serious complications arose
in this disease by neglecting the use of
glasses, and frequently total blindness
resulted from this neglect. He advo
cated, as a means of relieving the dis
ease, rest and application of suitable
glasses, which, in many instances,
should he tinted blue, in order to avoid
irritation from bright lights lJie popu
lar prejudice of the poorer classes led to
very mischievous results, and often to
hopeless blindness.
A Lar;e Private Library.
The owner of one of the largest pri
vate libraries hi tue country died re
cently his home in Albany, N. Y.
His name was Koyal Woodward, and
he was not an author, a professional
man or a rich connoisseur, but a pedler
of sewing siik For many years he had
invested the greater part of his earn
ings, which were considerable, in books,
and '"is supposed to have left," says the
Troy Tiinss, 4 'more than 30,000 vol
umes. His tastes ran in the direction
of theology, genealogies and town his
tories. His library was never arranged,
but was stowed from garret to cellar, in
parlor and woodshed. He also owned
large collections of engravings and auto
graphs. Mr, Woodward was an hon
orary member of a number of antiqua
rian and literary societies in this coun
try and Europe."
Tame benevolence: Fogg says he
never tinisnes a cigar but he thinks,
"Another temptation removed from the
young men of America J"
KRdr Wit.
History is full of example* of the suc
cess attained by quick-witted men. De
Gram moot, when a young man, waited on
Cardinal Richelieu, and surprised the
great minister in a somewhat undignified
amusement of leaping on a wall. The
cardinal looked annoyed—a less ready
witted man would have apologized and re
tired. But Be Uratmnont was wiser, and
exclaimed, "1 will wager that I can leap
higher than your eminence." The chal
lenge was accepted. I>e Orammont was
courtier enough to allow himself to be sur
passed, and the cardinal was his friend
for the future. This readiness is confined
to no rank of life. Horace Walpole gives
an instance of it in a Pans tishwoman.
The dauphin having recovered from a se
rious illness, the "dames de la Halle''
waited on the King (Louis XV.) to offer
their congratulations. "What would have
become of us bad our d&uphiu died?'' said
the spokeswoman: "we should have lost
our all." "Ves," put m a second fish
woman, who observed the King's brow
darken at this somewhat <q uvocal com
pliment to himself," we should, indeed,
have lost our all, for our good King would
never have survived bis son's death." It
was ready wit that enabled William the
Conqueror to persuade his followers that
bis tall on stepping ashore in England,
was an omen of good instead of evil for
tuue. "1 have taken 'seisin' of this land,"
he exclaimed, rising with his hands full of
earth; and the ready turn dispelled the
superstitious fears which the accident had
occasioned. The lower orders often pos
sess great readiness at repartee. Few re
torts are better than that of the paver to
Sydenham the great seventeenth-century
physician. The doctor was complaining
of tne bail manner in which the pavement
was laid in front of his house, adding,
now you throw down earth to hide
your had work." "Well doctor," said the
man quietly, "mine is not the only bad
work that the earth hides." Old biogra
phers are fond of including "a ready wit"
among the virtues of the subject of their
memoirs; indeed, dull folks appear to
have been looked upon in former days
with extreme contempt. Dr. Johnson was
very outspoken in his opinion regarding
stupid people. Inveighing against a
worthy hut extremely foolish female ac
quaintance, a lady present reminded him
that she was a very good woman, "and 1
trust that we shall meet her in paradise."
"Madam," roared the exasperated doctor,
"1 never desire to meet fools anywhere."
Judging Women by tueir Mode of Walking.
Female gaits are Just as much the sub
ject cf fashion's caprices as are bonnets
and bustles. Of necessity, they must be,
for the width and length ot skirt, whether
it be bouffant or serpentine, and a dozen
other things, which are regulated solely by
the prevailing mode, determine the proper
caper in pedestnauism. The conventional
girl has to bring her adaptability into play
just as much wtieu she selects her style f
walk as she does in deciding upon the style
of her hat or the stuff for her gown.
Congruity, too, plays an important part in
her street appearance aLd is an important
factor in her success. The plump girl,
who is all rich, riDe, round curves and
massiveness, can bound along with a quick,
elastic step that would be ridiculously out
of place in her lank and sweetly-awlhetic
sister. The first can travel with that easy,
springing sway that is as suggestive of
physical luxury and solid comfort as a
pineapple- fiber hammock under an apple
tree; the other must glide—her very ap
pearance suggests the frailties of her struc
ture aud the possibilities of her being
jarred out of shape in the bounding pro
cess. Between these two extremes of gait
there is the happy mean, that is much less
obtrusive, as it is more graceful, than
either of the others; it is, too, much more
rare. These three constitute the generic
gaits; the specific ones are as numerous as
the girls who go them
Every woman has a peculiarity of gait
essentially her own—a sort of warping of
the general principle to her idiosyncrasies,
it may result from almost anything, from
a how leg to a splayed foot, but it will
give a clew to her character, from which
much may he gathered with proper observ
ation. To one who whtches the crowd it
becomes a question whether, with a proper
description of the steps and motions of the
body, it would not he possible to classify
each girl with a tolerable degree ot aecu
racy. The matter-of-fact girl brings down
her feet with such prosaic force that she is
readily distinguished. fck>, too, is the ro
mantic young lady, whose step in itself is
suggestive of rope ladders and mysterious
mooulight. There is a go-out am oug-tne
heathen g.iodness of gait that will mark
the evangelist damsel ten blocks from a
prayer meeting, and the step of the liter
ary woman has an onomatoposia about it
that proclaims her at once. So it is
throughout the whole catalogue of female
traits, aud no one who studies the subject
with any degree of care can help being
convinced that a womau's walk is not an
obscure factor in the giaud results of her
street victories.
A Foeiu Written on Gralu of Rice.
A Chinese teacher has just presented
quite a curiosity to the City Hall Museum.
Many of our readers have doubtless seen
specimens of printing compressed within
very small limits, such for instance as the
whole of the Lord's Prayer contained with
in a circle the siea of a finger ring. This,
however, is not a specimen of minute ty
pography, hut of caligraphy, for it consists
of a stanza of poetry, c imposed by the
teacher himself, which coutains thirty
three distinct and well formed Chinese
characters written out iu full style without
any contractions, though the most compli
cated characters are not introduced into
the iil'P itian poem. It seems almost in
credible, but it is a fact that the whole of
these thirty-three characters are iuscribed
on one grain of unhulled rice. It is only
another instance of the patient toil which a
Chinaman will spend over apparently un
remuuerative work. The grain of paddy
in enclosed under a magnifying glass, in a
silver locket. Accompanying it is a wood
en box containing a sort of discourse, of
which the grain of paddy is the text.
There are also other papers with it, some
relating to the presentation of this curiosi
ty to the Royal Princess, Prince Albert
Victor, and George, of Wales, for whom it
was originally intended, hut owing to the
hitch which occurred in the whole of the
arrangements at that time, and the intend
ing donor was never able to accomplish
his object, though he used every means in
his power to do so.
Diamond Thlmi.
A New York diamond thief worked the
following plan all over the country with
great success. He company with
a lady, enter any "marked" jewelry house
and select a lot of valuable gems. With
the utmost suavity he would order them
sent to hia hotel, (J. O. D., immediately,
and with the lady would quit the store,
enter a hack and "drive to the hotel. The
messenger arrived at the hotel, would be
directed up lo the purchaser's room, the
latter having previously left word with
the clerk to send him up immediately upon
his arrival.
The messenger upon knocking at the
pretended purchaser's door, would be in
vited in, and very politely requested to
produce the diamonds and receive his
money. Immediately upon the diamonds
being handed to him, the sharper would
by a cough give a signal to hia accomplice
in the next room. • She would then call
hioi and ask him to come into her room,
just for a minute, immediately. The knave
would thereupon place the jewels in a ca
binet that stood in the room, and excusing
himself, would withdraw for a moment.
The messenger would wait a reasonable
time for his reappearaece.and then,becom
ing weary, would go to the cabinet to take
possession of the jewels, wnen voilai they
would be non est. The cabinet has been
made in such a manner that its drawers
pull out from the back. It has been placed
against a door connecting with the next
room, a part of which has been cut #ut.
1 he thieves from the other room have ab
straoted the jewels and fled.
Another scheme that is very often
worked is for the thief to enter a diamond
establishment and look over certain dia
monds. After makiug a minute examina
tion of them he will leave, promising to
call the next day. He will call at the ap
pointed time and again ask to be shown
the "sparks." After examining them he
will request the clerk to haud him an en
velops. Upon receiving it he places the
gems in the envelope, in the presence of
the cierk, puts his name on the envelope,
pays a small amount deposit and asks that
they be kept for him until the morrow,
when he will call and pay the balance. To
this the salesman gladly consents, and lays
the envelope one side from the customer.
The next day and the next arrives and go
ing without the appearance of tbe purcha
ser, the envelope is opened and to the as
tonishment of the unlucky seller, counter
feits ol the gentune articles are found en
closed. The thief's mode of operation is
as follows; Upon calling at the store the
first time he takes away in his mind a mi
nute description of the diamonds he has
examined. Repairing to some "crooked"
jeweler he has duplicate paste ones made
with the same setting. Piacing these in
tbe palm ot his baud so as to conceal them
iroin the pirty who is to wait on him, he
re-enters tbe jewelry house at the appoint
ed time. Upon being handed the stones
he dexterously lets the counterfeits fall
liom the palm of bis band to tbe ends of
his fingers,at the same time rapidly carry
ing the genuiues to bis palm. Tins feat,
as a mailer of cour&e,is ak n if egerdem&in,
and requires a vast amount of practice,
combined with a wonderful control of the
iacial muocies. Having changed tbe arti
cles iu tbe position desired, it is a very
easy matter to deceive the clerk into a be
lief that the"Donas"are being placed in the
envelope. A Philadelpoia expert was
amassing a fortune at this game, when be
coming too bold or reckless,lie either by
accident or intent attempted to 4 'walk"
the same estaohebment twice, and was
The plan executed by the gang in Louis
ville recently w*s the oldest known to
crooks, that is of employing a "staul' to
attract the attention of the "main guy"
while one or more men do the work. The
propiietor in the case hardly deserves sym
pathy for his loss, as robberies of the same
nature are reported m tbe press almost
daily, together with a description of how
tne work is done.
Perhaps the latest and most unique
manner of purloining diamonds is as fol
An apparently old decrepit old man, ac
companied by his wife or daughter will
enter a first class jewelry store and
ask to be shown some loose diamonds, or,
in other words, diamonds that ha?e been
removed from their settings and placed
together on a paper, which are all exhibi
ted to the purchaser together. The old
man in enacting his part, is very near
sighted and partially blind, and m order to
obtain a good view of the diamonds) places
bis head in close proximfff to them. At
this instant the lady will point to some
other articles in the case and ask their
price. Ihe condescending clerk, thinking
he is sure to make a good sale, diverts his
attention for a moineai from the old gen
tleman and reaches in the case to produce
tor inspection whatever the lady has asked
to be shown. Wow is the opportunity,and
with the rapidity almost of thought, the
old man darts his tongue into the midst of
the loose diamonds. As many of them as
touch that member, adhere to it, and are
drawn back into the possessor's mouth .The
tew that are taken are not missed for the
time being, as the stones are never coun
ted, but weighed. Ordering some article
to be sent to a given address for a blind,
the pair take their departure from the
store and a hundred chances to ODe are i
never detected. Once obtained,the thieves
easily dispose of the diamonds to any
jeweler, first, of course, removing them
from their settings,so ihey cannot be iden
While not belonging strictly to the
branch ot diamond thievery,a great deal of
money is realized by sharpers in the fol
lowing way.
They get off to some provincial town
and stop at its best hotel. After having
cultivated the acquaintance of the propri
etor, they, in a plausible strain, set forth
that iil-fortune has overtaken them, been
unlucky at gambling, or something of that
sort. However, they have adi iinoiid pin
left which they would pawn to pay their
bill if there was only a pawn shop in the
town, which, of course, there is not.
Would the landlord accommodate them
with the loan of SSO on it until they re
ceived money by express, which was on
the way. The uusophiscated landlord
sends the pin to the best jeweler in the
berg, who pronounces it to be worth not a
cent less ihan ssl>o, Such is rtally the
fact, the sharpers having tendered a genu
ine diamond pin. When the ornament is
brought back from the jeweler, who has
declared it genuine, the knaves undertake
to show the landlord some peculiarity
about it While so doing, right under the
victim' eyss, they change in for a dupli
cate paste one, which has been concealed
in the palm of one or the other's hand. The
accommodating host carefully locks the
bogus pin in the 4 'gopher,"and hands over
the stipulated amount, only to find out IU
time that he has been "done."
Monk* and Ma ♦tiff*.
A variety is given to the little streets
immediately adjoining the college and tne
abbey by the frequent appearance of a
couple of monks, accompanied by a dozen
or more splendid specimens of the ot.
Bernard mastiff. The race of this floe
dog is kept vigorous and pure, though all
throughout the canton I notice a number
of these animals whicft evidently have
strains of other blood. In fact, excepting
from the monastery itself, the Valaisiaus
say you cannot procure a thoroughbred
dog, and not always even there, Their
peculiar training for the assistance of way
farera begins, of courja,only on the moun
tains, and it was from the monastery on
the St. Bernard that the Prince of Wales
obtained, when passing there, the fine can
ine specimens which are the ornaments of
his kingly kennel at Sandringham.
These dogs are fed three times a day
with vegetable and animal food. The
Christian dog here, contrary to some
"dogs of Christians" elsewhere, observes
the monastic regime, and is ii nited, on
fast days and days of abstinence, in his
food. Next to Lindou joint stock com
panies, I never saw canine creatures with
so much "limited liability." There we
about two hundred dogs held here in
training orders for the final lessons in hu
manitarian seeking and finding on St.
Bernard's bleak top.
These dogs have most attractive names,
and respond to them as intelligently a9 a
corporal's guard on roll call. A sort of
of stud-book is kept, which, for its detail
and accuracy, would draw tears of envy
from the racing authorities at Newmarket,
and which I look over with an in'arest in
dog pedigree that would amaze and amuse
a Darwin in a ileraid's Cellege. The first
family of dogs here are proud of their
lineage as if they belonged to the blue
blood of all dogdorn, chronicled in the
"Bow-wow Peerage" or the canine " Who's
Who "
One old family traces its origin to the
dog days of the celebrated Bishop Leon,
who was hurled rrom his palace windows
in the fourteenth century by a spendthrift
nephew, who was the roue cur of this can
I may mention, on the subject of theee
dogs and their sense of smell, that it is
keener than in dogs of the smaller and
more domestic type. It is by the smell
that they are guided in their chief works.
It has been said thai " pet dogs," lap dogs,
and dogs undogged, it I may use the term,
by silly fondling and female nursing, are
less strong in their sense of smell than the
natural dog pure and simple. A dog de
prived of smelling powers ceases to be a
dog. Bchiff, in Lis treatise on dogs and
their faculties, says the dog with a loss] of
smell loses its faculty of faithfulness to
ward its master, whom it recognizes and
loves simply on account of his individual
perfume. ' He caused some other dogs to
be deolfactorizec 1 , and forever after they
forget their cunning, and knew no master,
be he ever S J kind. The olefact >ry nerve
in the Mount St. Bernard mastiff is par
ticularly large, liDeraliy containing sinuses
tor increasing the olfactory surface, and
you do not discover it so developed m
small dogs.
FlalierlM att Cueale.
The fishing fleet of Cane ale, both for
dredging oysters and catching fish, num
bers more than 200 lugger-ribbed crafi of
small tonnage. These boats are owned
partly by single individuals, partly by their
crews, who have clubbed together for co
partnership. Their tackle and gear cost
as much as the boats and sails; the nets,
which are chiefly made at Nantee, being
the great item of expense. The seine is
never used; the trawl, which is fitted with
a huge head-bag or receptacle, being the
sort of snare generally adopted. Each boat
ha 9 a functionary called a "mistress:" that
is, a woman who has contracted, under
certain conditions, for the sale of the take
•f the craft. The crew have, therefore,
nothing to do with the disposal of the fish.
The produce of the sale effected by the
"mistress" is generally divided into five
parts—two to the owner or owners of the
boat, one to the skipper and two to the
crew, the woman having previously deduc
ted her legitimate profits. The life of a
'Kjancalais", as these fishermen dub them
selves, is one even more rife with danger
than that of others of their calling. The
Bay of Mont St. Michel is one of the most
perilous seas iu the world. Equatorial
tides rise in it to the height of titty feet,
and ordinary tides to thirty-five feet. The
distance between high and low water
marks is moie than six miles in some
places, and the rapidity of the currents,
especially on a stormy day, maelstrom
like. Quicksands, too, are numerous, and
a boat siioaled on one of them during ebb
tide has little chance of its crew being
saved; as regards itself, none. In calm
weather the boats fish m the shallowest
waters, their keels occasionally heeling in
the mud; and here they take soles, turbot,
doree, brill and skate in considerable
quantities. Government forbids fishing
within a mile of the shore; but so soon as
night sets in and screens the fishermen and
their fleets from the lookouts of the steam
gunboat at Granville aDd the coast guard
sailing schooner at C&ncale, the boats are
run withm the prescribed limits, and the
forbidden fruit tasted. Oysters are allow
ed to be taken only on certain days at cer
tain times of the year, a strict watch being
kept by the two vessels above mentioned,
from which signals are made when dredg
ing is to commence aid to cease. Fi3hing
proper, however, goes on all the year, the
ODly restriction, witn the exceptioa ot the
fixed distance trom the shore, as already
mentioned, being that of mailage, or size
of tne meshes of the nets. Meshes wider
by the fraction ot an inch only, having
been ordered bv the Government to be
used and their use continued for a few
years, brought the population of Cancala
to the verg of starvation, fishes that were
entangled before escaping now. In fact,
so momentous a question is this one of
mailage among a class of Individuals who
earn their living from the depths of the
sea that candidates for State or municipal
offices invariably promise tbe electors to
obtain for them the privilege of smaUer
meshes for the fishing nets, thai promise,
whether earned out or not, being the only
safe "card" for securing success. Mailage
is the bug-bear of Canotdais.
NO 46.