fht jjiUhtint Journal. THURSDAY, SEPT. 28., 1882. DEIMXGER & RIMILLER, Kdltors and Proprietors. Local Department, —"Lock Ilaven had a SOOf teachers at Bellefonte, Saturday Oct. Vth beginning at 9 A. M., sharp, —Mr. Abs. M ingle moved the other day from Aaronsburg into au empty house in Petersburg—one of the su burbs of Millheiiu. \ -Jeremiah Haines, executor-, will Veil the estate of Geo. Weight, deceas ed, about five miles east of Rebersburg, on Saturday, Oct. 7th, next. —The Ladies' Lutheran Mite Society will meet at Mr. Jacob Alter's next Monday evening. A general attend ance is desired. —A fine line of Family and Presen tation Bibles, Photograph and Auto graph Albums, fine Stationary, &c, just received at the Journal Store. —Business is increasing at Muster & Smith's Hardware Store, and the latest addition is a brand new clerk. His name is Thomas E. Burd, and he seems to be just the chap for the place. —David Zt-lgler, of Bald Eagle town ship, Clinton county, was sentenced to the penetenliary for one y a- and fined one hundred dollars and costs, for cut ting off the tails and otherwise injur ing the cattle of Ileury Ilagor. —Mr. Andrew Ilarter removed from Swengle, Union county to Millheim, ou Monday. Mr. Ilarter expects to en gage in the leather finishing business. We extend our welcome and best wish es —The Synod of Central Pennsylvania met at Lewistown on Wednesday and is expected to remain in session over tiumlny. Pus tor 'Pemlinann with Mr. John H. Musser as delegate, are in at tendance. —Mr. John W. Sraull, formerly of Brush Volley, but for many years re siding at McConnell's Grove, Stephen- i son county, Illinois, paid the JOURNAL OFFICE a visit last Saturday. He re ports crops and business good in Illi nois. —lf any of our farmer patron? have a barrel or two of good, freahr cider to spare we would be ever so much oblig ed to have it. Nor are we overly par ticular as to the price—so we can pay it In JOURNALS. NOW just please don't all speak at once* tf —The prolonged strikes throughout the country are about over aid every where laborers are returning to work. The total loss to workingmen in wages alone amount to at least $10,000,000, but it Is hoped they gained considera ble wisdom even if dearly-boughti —Mr. A. C. Musser and family spent their vacation in Buffalo Valley last wehk, returning on Saturday eve ning well pleased with their trip. Clark is in ec3tacies over the beauties of old, historic Buffalo, and we believe every word be says on that line even without tbe formality of an affidavit. —The new uniforms for the band have come and give perfect satisfaction. They are made to tit elegantly, and the flashy trimmings give tbem a rich and novel appearance. This puts the boys on the level with any band in the coun ty, both as to music and dress. Inventors and Patentees should send for instructions, reason able terms, references, &c., to Edson- Brotbers, Solicitors of Patents, Wash ington, D. C. who furnish the same without charge. Edson Brothers is a well known and successful firm of large experience, having been established in \m. tf NOTlCE.— Subscribers to the Luth eran church at Millheim who have not paid their subscriptions aie most kind ly requested to do so. The amounts are loug overdue and the money is much needed. Friends help us along. JOUN TOMLINSON, JONATHAN HARTER, B. O. DKININGER, Finance Committee. —lt is announced that the Pennsyl vania R. It. Company has issued orders to all ticket agents to refuse to sell tickets to all persons whe are intoxi cated, and all gatemen are instructed to pass no one who is under the influ ence of liquor. This is a proper and most salutary order. Drunkards are not fit to take care of themselves and should not be permitted in company with sober and decent people. —A Lewisbug man lias a sunflower that measures seventeen inches in di ameter. Half a dozen such would be just too lovely for anythiug—except to trim a lady's hat in the most approved and latest schtylc. —The cheapest place to buy goods in these parts at the present is Stain's. They are selling out absolutely at cost to close out and quit the business. There is no catch or draw in the mat ter but a real, bona fide selling out afc cost. A full line of ladio* dross goods prints, clothing, boots & shoes, queens ware Ac,. all at Cost —at cost -at cost. —Our friend P. 11. Stover,at. Coburn now has everything in good working trim for business. He is prepared to pay the best ruling prl 3e for all kinds of grain and sells coal, plaster, Ac. at the lowest market rates. By strict at tention to business he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. See adver tisement in another column. A PitKAciiEKS Bio SNAKE STORY.— Rev. E. L. Krupp, of Laurelville, West moreland county, states that while his wife and a male relative were out ber rying, a few days since, they came a cross a den of 150 rattlesnakes, and kill ed them all in fifteen miuutes. —Doll A Mingle have now the full est line of boots and shoes f>r men, wo men and children, in Centre county, We know whereof we affirm ft hen we sav that they keep the very best in their line and sell as low as the lowest. They are good and reliable tnen to deal with and their customers are always pleased. 'it —We notice with infinite pleasuse in the B-llofonte papers that Mr.W. G. Morrison, the gentleman engaged to teach our Gtammer School, stands well in the profession. The school board of Worth township, where he taught with much success for eight successive terms upon learning that he had accepted a school here, passed a series of highly complimentary resolutions of Mr. Mor rison and his work. —Again the time is here when stove pipes must be "Jtceii," and in the inter est of domestic happiuess and harmony we offer a fine chromo of the man who was "First in War, first In Peace and first in the Hearts of his Countrymen" to the chap who will do it all nicely and completely without losing the sweet was of his temper. Competitors must bring certificates duly attested by their better halves. --Before you buy your stock of win ter clothing—and the lime to do so is soon at hand —make up your mind to call at Lewin's Philadelphia Prancb, Bdlefonte. If you can wit your self there it is not likely that you can be suited anywhere. Lewia is deter mined to lead and doe 3 dealers in clothing this part of the state. He strictly adheres to the "one price system" for all. 2t —Last week ihe sad news reached us from Guntoor, India, that Rev. A. D. Rowe, tie beloved Lutheran mis sionary in that county, had died of ty phoid fever. Toe d ite i,f Mr. Rowe's death is not given, but it was ceitainly recent, as no news >f his sickues9 had reached this coHnty. We know two little of Mr. Rowe's history to attempt a biographical sketch, but will at a later date lay be fore our readers the principal facts of bis truly interesting life. —The Sunday School picnic in Ev ert 's woods on Saturday was well at tended, notwithstanding the disagreea ble state of the weather. The Elk Creok, Liberty and St. Pauls' schools were present. The Millheim, Wood ward and Farmer's Mills bands made the music, and Revs. J. Tomlinson and Z. A. Yearick delivered the addresses. Those who ought to know say that the cakes and other good things embraced a wide range in variety, and all were delicious iu flavor. —Jfr. F. P. JfusSer left home on Jfonduy morning for the Yellowstone Valley, the new Eureka of the west. He is one of a committee of three which started together on Jfonday from How ard, to spy out the land with a view to forming a company of emigrants Their destination is 3iilea City, 3fontana Territory. Quite a number of young men in Centre county, especially in and around Howard, expect to join the new colony, if the report of the pioneer committee will be as is now expected. Read, Mark and Learn! That a fine, enclosed Picnic Ground, with eyery convenience, Swings, Cro quet Ground, Quoits, Pavillion, and a Fine Spring of purt water with plenty of shade, has now been completed at Spring Mills. Societies, Clubs, Lodges and all respectable parties will be ac commodated on reasonable terms. Carriages and tickets to the celebrated Penn Caves at moderate rates. Ad dress GEO. B. KAMI, 3m Spring Mills House. The largest chestnut tree in Lancas ter county stands within a few hund red yards of Manheim borough liQe, on the public road leading to Sporting Hill. Its circumference is twenty three feet six inch es one foot above the ground. The tree was measured forty-five years ago, when its circum ference was twenty-one feet four inch es.- —We call the attention of our read ! era to the new advertisement of Messrs J. R. Smith A Co. Milton, Pa. and are happy to assuro tlum from personal knowledge that there is no better place to buy house furnishing goods in the state. They keep a largo assortment of elegant parlor suit 6, chamber suits, chairs, or any single piece of furniture desired, all oft lie best material and workmanship and cheaper in price th n can lie bought at most places. Their music room is full to repletion, rang ing from the low-priced but really good organ up to the costly and elegant Chickering piano. Resides these they keep every standard tnake of sewing machines, a large lino of china and queenswaro, flue paintings and engrav ings, in fact almost everything in the house furnishing line. We had the pleasure of visiting this tine large establishment hist week, and were ahowu through all the depart ments by the enterprising and gentle manly head of the (Inn, Mr. J. It. Smith, and we take pleasure in recom mending it to our readers as a very good and safe place to buy. —On Thursday evening of last week the hospital le mansion of Mr. J. W. Snook was the scene of a happy social gathering. It was the occasion of the wedding reception of Mr. A. Mrs. J* W. Stover, who were married on Tues day evening before The following in vited present: Rev. John Tomlinson & lady, Aaronsburgt Mr. A Mrs. L. B. Stover, Mr. A Mrs. (ieorge B. Stover, Woodward; Mr. A Mrs. A. Walter, Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Frank, Mr. A Mrs. 11. If. Weiser, Mr. A Mrs. Jonathan Harter, Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Duck, Mr. A Mrs. John Keen, Mr. A Mrs. B. O. Peininger, Mr. A Mrs. S. I). Jfoaser, Mr. A Mrs. J. C. Smith, Mr. A Jifrs. Fred Catherw.ro, Mr. Tito's Frank, Miss Sallha Gephart, J/iss Ada Eisenhuth, J/illheim. At 74 o'clock the company was in vited to be seated to a dinner that would have done honor to a princely feast. The spacious table literally groaned under the load of good things and the guests did full justice to the in terosting subject as well as to them selves. After the demands of the ''in ner man' 1 were satisfied to the full, the company resolved itself into smaller knots and parties, to engage in free and easy conversation and to listen to ♦he sweet strains of music furnished by our celebrated cornet band. The whole affair was much enjoyed by all present, and at a seasonable hour the guests left for their homes, with the best wishes for the happy couple as well as for the kind host and hostess. BPRINQ MILLS ITEMS. Prof. Wolf is rather rigid in his ex aminations of teachers, but none too much so. Let the standard be raised. All but the Spring Mills Grammar School and two others in Brush Valley are now supplied with teachers as fol lows: Decker's—F. F. Jamison; Fann er's Mills—W. A. Krise; Penu Hall— E. F. Smith; Cross Itoads—E l. Jordan Gate—Amanda Grove; Mountain—Jer emiah Ileckinan; Polk Hill—ll. M. Cain; Reaver Dam—R. Fetterhoff; Spring Mills Primary—Clara Guise; Spring Mills Intermediate —Maggie llanna. Prof. Reiter will close a very success ful term of the Academy with a public exhibition on Friday evening. The Profesjfor did his whole duty but some of the students should have been more industrious. Happy to say that our sick arc all; im proving Grenoble is doing a lively trade. Andrew Korman bought the farm of the late Rev. P.S.Fisher for sso3o. Andy is a very successful farmer. Samuel J. Hering had the misfortune to losa three valuable cows. They dad eaten too much young clover and burst | cd. SAM PATCH. ! The Farmer** Friend. Published at South Bsnirmsr ' Frietui are''Farm Top ics' "The Orchard," "Live Stock." "The Paul try Yard," " Home and Health," "Domestic K conoiny," "Young Folks," "The Puzzler," "The Story Teller,'' "The Funny Place," "Sun day Reading," "The Clover Leaf," "The Api ry, "letter B isket," "Various Topics, ' "Cor respondence," "Hints for the Season," "World' Record," etc. Practical farmers uud the best writers coutri bute to it. Agents make money canvassing for It. Any subscriber authorized to act as agent. Send 50 cents for a year's sub scription, or write your name and those of your neighbors on a postal card for free sample copies uid our Illustrated Premium List. Ad dress, Farmers' Friend Pub. Co., South Rend, Intl. Lewis M. Roberts, the horse thief re cently arrested in Butler county, has been identified as the Rogers who was convicted of counterfeiting at Will iarasport in 1871 and sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment, but who was pardoned in 1875. He is a of Mifliintown, and the Altoona Times says his family are of'tho highest re spectability. The fifth annual convention of the Pennsylvania Miller's State Assciation will be held at the Lochiel house, Ilar risburg, this year, commencing on Tuesday morning, Oct. 10th. All in terested in milling are cordially invited Orders for excursion tickets can be had by applying to the secretary, B. E. Isenberg, Huntingdon, MONTROSE, litis organized a Stewart Club of one hundred and fifteen mem bers. That does right well for Galusha A. Glow's home. DIED. On the 31st. ult.,ln Sugar Valley, Mrs. Sarah J. Moyor, wife of Mr. Danlfel Moyer, aged 47 years, 2 months and Bdnys. On tlie 11th in A., near TylorsvlUe, Autilo Al wlrda, daughter of Jesno and Diana Orennlng. or, aged 11 years, 2 mouths and k days. On the 20 years, 7 months and lk days. On the 24th tnst.,ln Penit township, Mrs. Isa bella K. ltarter wife of U. IV. Haiter, ?l£ed 41 yiars, 4 montlis and 2 days. , Mrs. Harter was a faithful and consistent member of the Reformed Church, and died in the birs*;*l hope of a glorious immortality. The rcmaluswtre Inteicd on Wednesday in the Mllllielm Cemetery, upon which occasion Rev. Z. A. Veartek preached an appropriate and Itn pros-dee weriuon from 1. Cortnthans 15;2t>— '"Tin* last euoiny that ah.i'.l no destroyed is death." Mllllielm larkvl. Competed every Wednesday by Uepljart A Musser. Wheat, old, l.On " new, No. 2 (it " No. 3 75 Com pn Rye mi Qat* White 4(1 Ruck w heat. 4 .....' Flour 5.00 Bran A Shorts,pel ton 25 00 Suit,per Bid 1.7 V Plaster, ground 9.00 Cement, per Bushel 45 to 50 Barley An ] Tymothyseed 1.75 Flaxseed C'loverseed Butter 25 Hams lfi Sides 12 Veal Pork Beet Kggs 24 Potatoes 90 Lard IV Tallow Soap.. 6 l>ried Apples \\ Dried Peaches i;;..' Dried Cherries COAL MARKET AT COBUUN. I Egg, Coal ; $5.00 Sbjv s " 5.20 Chestnut 4.0 Pea $.50 Pea by the ear load ; 3.20 Fifty cents per ton additional when delivered in Millhelin. "TIME IS MONEY!'' C. A. Sturgis' Jewelry Store Keeps a full line of Watches, Clocks, Necklaces, Watch Chains, Cuff KALKR IN Clover Seed, Flour & Feed, Coal, Plaster & Salt. comm* 44-IIIUIIEST MARKET PRICE ALWAYS TALI). " ' 49*A full supply of Cr'nl. Plaster and Salt al ways on hand and sold at the lowest price. * " 1 " ——— 4^*Coul kept uncer roof at all seasons of the year. + I 4S*The public patronage respectfully solicit ed. -ly J-JU. J. W. BTAM Is now permanently Ideated ni Millheim, and will give prompt attention to all medical calls at his office on Main Street. Try I>R. STAM'S STEARIC PILE MEDIC'IN*—ft gives instant relief. G e ! your Job Printing done at the JOURNAL OFFICE. Prompt and fine work executed at reasonable rates. 30 DAYS'TRIAL FREE! We send free on 30 days' trial DP. DYE'S ELECTRO-VOLTAIC BELTS And other ELECTRIC APPLIANCES TOMKN suffer ing from NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOST VITALITY and KINDRED TROUBLES ALSO for RUKUMA.TIBM, LIVER and KIDNEY TROUBLES, and many other diseases. Speedy cures guaranteed, illustrated Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshal!, Mich. P otterY Milllicim, Ventre Co., Penna. ULRICH & CO., PROPRIETORS, would most respectfully inform the public that they me now prepared to manufacture every ti,login tnelrllne of first class quality. Thcv have found a superior klrvd of clay and will constantly keep on hand a full line or CROCKERY, BREAD St PIE DISHES, PLAIN & FANCY FLOW ER POTS, STOVE COLLARS, &O. yslloplng to merit the confidence of the public qa furnishing the best wade of ware they would epectfully solicit a share of its patronage, ly -fca "■ pjt A m i.i i jw if SLATE! § Tho celebrated Washington Vein of ROOFING SLATES for Roofs. Ac., from the famous SLATE OP Alt- ItIES OP SLATIXTON, LKHIGHOO., PENNA. Can Now Be Bought AT Till! MOST REASON A BI.K RATES of the undersigned who Is a practical State RoOfer of many years experience Those In want of Slate and Roofing done wn secure It At The Lowest Rates. —— -J- '* —- . <>ld*|tui!dings re-roofed at*the lowest rates, without the assistance of other mechanic*. For prices and t. rnm call on or write to the under signed at 11. K. WHITMANS RESIDENCE, B •' ft Broad tiny Struct, near P. G. B. HARRIS, 224 Market St., LiEWISBtJKG. HAVE NO COMPETITORS. • Our first instalments of New Spring Goods are sold dto, coiupcliiii to ■' • • • make n S'ccOffd Trip to tli"6 Eust'erii Cities, wliWi goods will r. 9 Arrive during this week. ! cc will not admit what Bargains wc liavo got. . Sufficient t sav, with our increased business facilities our patrons will always firii •9 * * r the Largest and Best Assortment of MILLINERY GOODS j 1. ' f •' • • / • :*i ai f //atr, Bonnets, trimmed and unlrimmed, Feathers, Flowers, Silks, Sat I, Bilibdh in all New Shades, Laccs, Embroideries Dress Trimmings ill endless variety ifosiery ,Glove and orsets Ladies bhd Clill drenli Slides, LookingJGlassek and ■% New Goods received every day THROUGHOUT THE BE AS ON; A Simple Fact —We can't be Undersold; V . !§• II A. lit HI & 9 t 224 Market St., Lewisburg, Pa; Chickering Pianos. The Standard Piano of the World. . General Agency for these maguificent Instruments is at Nosi 110, il&, and 114 Front St., MILTON, PA. Cabinet Organs. j a , r r . * " ~ "v. Smith, American, Estey, Taylor & Farley,' Bridgeport and others. 4 FURNITURE AND CARPETS. 1- ? Largest Stock —Lowest Prices. Our sales exceed those of any house in our line in the state,. Buying, in immense quantities direct from the manufacturers for CASH. , we defy competition. All ftoftls are at Actual Value. No Fictitious Prices. All Fully Warranted. It will jmy any one contemplating the purchase of an instrument, or anything in our line to call and get quotations. Cataloges and Prices by mail on application. J. R. SMITH & CO.' GO TO ! SIMON BROTHERS, TIIE BOSS CLOTHIERS to r your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. THISPAPERS^I Newspaper Advertising tinreau (10 Spruce Street), where adver- aa BBECB 0% VB gjf CKsnews KW YORK. A. SIMON & SONS; WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCERS,' keep the largest stock hi tlie cltf. 1 ' * ; ■ 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK IIAYEN. ~ • • * f i pi ET YOUR JOB PRINTING. DONE AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE. ! prompt and fine wort at reasoaable rates;