I!| c i 111| ti m Journal. THURSDAY. SEPT. 21., 1882. THE MILLEEIM JOURNAL 'la published every Thursday, in Muster's Build ing, corner of Main and Pcnu streets ;:t SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or *l3 If not paid in advance. .'IDVBBTISIJCG BATES. I week. I rno. 3 mo. <5 mo. 1 year. 1 square,... | SIOO $2 00 S3OO $1 iKi I $0 00 \i column,.. 300 400 600 10 00! 1300 k column,.. 500 SOO 12 00 20 on j 3.3 Oft 1 column,.. I 300 12 00 20Oil 33(X11 60 00 'One iueh makes a square. Administrators rod Executors' Notices $3.30. Transient ad vei Useinon's :.nd locals 10 cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents per line tor each ad ditional insertion. Job Work done on short notice. DEDDGER & BMILEER, Editors and Proprietors. Gmrci & Snafiay School Directory. Evangolical. JRers P CWcidcmycr and JDSftortcss Vroach's Ilev. P. C. Woidemyer will preach next Sun day morning, German. Sunday School, r. M,— IX 1.. Zerby, tfnpt. Missionary Society meets on the second Mon day evening of each month. Methodist. Iter. Fur ma n Adams Pre. I. Brown J'res't. DEXOrittriC STATE TICKET. For Governor, ROBERT E. T ATT ISO N, OF PHILADELPHIA. • For Lieutenant Governor, CIIAUXCEY F. BLACK, OF vor.K. For Judge of the Supreme Court, SILAS M. CLARK, OF INDIANA. For Secretary of Internal Affairs, J. SIMPSON AFRICA, OF HUNTINGDON. For Congressman-at-Large, MORTIMER F. ELLIOTT, OF TIOGA. UiSIRICT A.\ I) COUNTY TICKET. For Congress, ANDREW G. CURTIN, OF BELLEFONTE. (Subject to the decision of the congres sional conference.) For Senator, O. T. ALEXANDER, OF BELLEFONTE. (Subject to the decision of the senator ial conference.) For Assembly, IIENRY MEYER, OF MILKS. B. F. HUNTER, OF BENNEII. For Jury Commissioner, J. 11. TOLBEIiT, OF WALKER. For Coroner, H. K. HOY, OF BELLEFONTE. Thß Big Wave. The Independent meeting in Hor ticultural Hall, Philadelphia, on last Friday evening wa3 a gran 1 de monstration. The spacious hall was literally packed with people while scores were compelled to leave with out being able to gain admittance. Charles Wheeler, Esq., of the firm of Morris, Wheeler & Co., presided assisted by cne hundred and sixty vice-presidents, of the best business and professional men of the city. Senator John Stewart and Hon. Charles S. Wolfe were the speakers. As these gentle men appeared before the vast audience they were greeted with rounds of applause. We can give only a few of the many strong points of the lengthy but able speeches which were list ened to throughout by the audience Stewart Arraigns the Big Boss" Let me particularize, so that there may be no misunderstanding. The one controlling will In the Republican party of Pennsylvania to day i* that of Jamc.s Donald Cameron. He it is who practically gathers up with himself all the fac ulties and powers of the people and relieves them of all active participation in public affairs except the perfunctory business of voting, by i determining .according to the counsel of lii.s own supreme pleasure who will best serve and what will most advantage the interest of his po litical dynasty. This is no sudden disclosure o' i a humiliating fact, but simply a public remind er of one which time and time again has put you to the blush. There is no necessity for the production of proof. No one denies the fact. It fs admitted even bv those who most violently prot..-st again a our urgent •';*:inizcd resist nice. You have seen your Mate conventions bow submissive to his impel ions will and signa lize their servitude by a base betrayal of the people's cause. You have seen your Legisla ture just as often display like servility an I dls r jgard of popular demands, and, as the crown ing act of all, you lately saw this same power deliver, as so mueh marketable commodity, the votes of a number of your Congressional Hep* resentatlves in a contest fertile Speakership of the l'< dei ill Congress, But why enlarge on thisf 1 speak only that which you yourself do know, and which has be come s< notorious throughout the la.nl, that we, the citizens of a free Commonwealth, are taunt - cd and derided as the subjects of a proprietary government, venal, corrupt ami prescriptive in its methods und its rule. May I not assume, in view of all this, that we arc in entire accord in our offended pride as citizens of a noble State, m our humiliation as members of a political organization which has been so abused and enslaved, in our indigna tion as men who desire chiefly the public wel fare, and in our sense of personal shame that throu h oar !Indifference and nupinencss this mo>tio.iN.usui p t ion has been ail wi d f Wolfo Tells Why Beaver was Nominated. They who toll us. be continued, that Beaver ' could have been nominated aguiust Cameron's will, and in spite of Ids opposition, must re member that General Beaver was a candidate for Governor in IS7S; that be was a one-legged soldierand a ChrlsUan gentleman then, but that the press and the people were not clamor ins for his nomination then. Why not? Why did he only receive twelve votes in the conven tion then ? Simply beeauso Mr. Cameron's or gans bad not been ordered to pipe for him ; Mr. Cameron's boys lu.l not been ordered to "whoop her up" for hint; Mr. Cameron's dele, gates had not been instructed to vide for him; and beeaus \ when things were a little stormy for Governor Hovt, and Senator Cameron was urged hy some of General Reavct's friends to take him as his candidate for Governor, lie, as he expressed it, was at:aid that he could not tin t him. Tell me any cunida'e that lias been nominated tor any State office—and it used to be for any local otilcc—against tie will of "Cam eron? Could Kenchum ie nominated ? Could Grow ? Could Wickeishnm ? Could Iteeder ? Could Davies ? Could Butler ? Could Brown ? Xo.no. It bad long come to bo well under stood that ho was a verdant or rash man who announced himself as a c tiulidate for a state office or undertook to influence delegates be fore h" h:vl culled upon Senator Cameron and received his royal nod of approval. Now and then the conscience, the manhood aiul the patriotism of some noble sou! would as sert themselves, and he would revolt against such tyranny and debasing Influence. In the next election he would find himself confronted by a strong opponent for nomination, porlvaps, and unless strongly intrenched in public confi dence and affection lie would find another man the candidate of "his party, or, if he chanced to get the nomination, ho was in danger of waking up in the morni.tg after election with the knives of all of Cameron's "pfditical assassins in his back ami a Cameron Democrat as his successor. Thus, too, the depositories of public moneys and disbursing officers were brought under tils control. When Presidents come to be nominat ed he had delegates at bis disposal to be ex changed for Cabiaet oosiUons and Federal pa tronage. ANOTHER and no tloubt final effort was made at Philadelphia list week to harmonize the two wings of the republican party, but it just added another Mure to those alieady made, and it seems now entirely safe to assume that tho voters of Penn sylvania must settle all matters at variance not only between the two leading parties but between all sub divisions and factions as well. All signs seem now to point unmistaka bly to the election of Pattison and the entire Democratic State ticket. The following is the Times' ac count of the doings of the ''confer ence." THE PEACE PROJECT DEAD Rumors Concerning: the Final Con ference. Mr. Barker Defines Kis Position. The gentlemen v. ho have been considering the subject or effecting a compromise between the two branches of the Republican party met again yesterday in the office of John WeMi, on Walnut street, above Third. Mr. Welsh. Thom as Cochran, Amos It. Little, Joseph Wharton and Edwin N. Benson, who formed the little party on Monday, wore all there, ami were joined only by John Wanamak#r. They re mained in session about one hour and fi quar ter, and upon dispersing declined emphatically twmake public any tiling that had been said or done, It was stated as a fact in political quar ters, however, that the conference had decided not to issue the proposed open letter to trie can didates, asking them to withdraw troin the con test in favor of a more universally acceptable person, and that no further efforts would be made in the matter. This was said to have been partly Influenced by th% fact that so few business men had enlisted In the movement, but more especially by the unsympathetic attitude assumed by the chairmen of the two State com mittees, as given in the interview published in tiie Times yesterday. In relation to the statement made by Thomas Cochran and other Stalwart members of the conference, that Wharton Baker and the Inde pendents made the overtures for the compro mise, Mr. Barber is reported to have denied it emphaticlally and to have said: "Any report to that effect i 3 gross misrepresentation. The Stalwart campaign Is largely made up of such- There can be no que stion that the Independent Republicans have gained ground everywhere in the state within the last ten days, and many of tiie Stalwart leaders admit this to me and to others. There can be no settlement between the Independents and the Stalwarts which does not make sure the absolute destruction of boss power and the honest acceptance of the riiila adelphia platform and tiie absolute withdrawal of General Beaver and the whole slated ticket. lam earnestly aiding to push forward the can vass for; Stewart and tiie whole Philadelphia ticket, and nothing will cheek se to go to sleep and put off their work till some other year. They have jjst issued a circu lar, signed by over one thousand lead ing business and professional men, in cluding Piesidents Elliot, of Harvard, and Mailt Hopkins, of Williams Col leges, and others of like piomincT.ee, declaring their intention to rote for no candidate for Congress who does not expressly pledge himself in advance in favor of a radical reform of our pres ent system. They also call upon all good citizens to follow their example and to orgamzi in their respective dis -11 icts for that pur pise. It is evident that the civil service idea has come to stay, and the politicians had better get their eyes and ears open pictty soon, or, like Othello, their' occupation will be gone.— Times. --•——■■ - ■ *■ The pie. j s is engaged, just now, in making estimates and calculations of the next Congress. Nearly all the pa pers agree as to the probability of Dem ocratic success. Everything, they siv, is favorable to it—the off* year, when the vote of Gift party in p->*ver o il --ways weak, the new apportionments and tho bolts within tho Republican party, caused by the protection ques tion in the west and the Stalwart-Half breed fight in the East. The New York Sun, analyzing every State and Ibstiict, figures out a house of 17-' Democrats, 139 Republicans and 7 Independents, or an absolute Demo cratic majority of 33, it believes that the Republican split hi New Yoik w ilj give the Democrats If, out of its 3 4 members of Congress, while the split in this State will increase tiie Demo cratic Congressmen from the Keystone State to 12 out of 2S. His Excellency, President Arthur actually rode in a common express wagon down at Newport last week, and the pipers make a big fuss over it. No occasion at all. Bigger men than Arthur have done that long be fore. Why wc have even seen edi tors riding on very ordidarv wa gons, and right glad they were for the opportunity. R KV. J, L. W Seibcrfc, of Mil ford. Somerset county, has been nomina ted as one of the Independent"can didates for assembly. Mr Scibert is a prominent minister of the Evangelic al Association and was once editor of TJic Evangelical Messenger. THE colored citizens of Bucks county arc after their white breth ren with] sharp sticks. They de mand the nomination for assembly of Edward Ilartless, one of their own race, as the price of their fu ture alligiancc to the party BLAINE Ins achieved a grand personal triumph in Maine over Ar ! thur, Conkling and all other Stal wart forces combined. The plumed knight again looms up as a formid able candidate on the republican side, for President in 188-1. Gov. Hoyt has recently express ed the opinion that den. Beaver falls so short of obtaining the re publican vote that he is hopelessly , beaten. ©.<>— THE Beaver Times has dropped the Regular Republican ticket from its j columns and conies out strongly and 1 squarely for the Independents. - GEN. Wolseley has achieved a brilliant and decisive victory over Aribi Pasha's forces which will prob j ablv terminate the Egyptian war. ! Cameronism Doomed. From the Now York Tribune, Hep. The plain fact is that there are two republican tickets in the field, and the e are not enough republican voters in the state to elect more than one. Indeed it is a fact that a first class republican ticket, satisfactory to both republican fa( tions, could l>B elected over Mr. Faltison, the democrat ic candidate, on ly by hard work. Nonparty can breed a quarrel liketli.it which Mr. Cameron"3 management has caused in Pennsyl vania and not lose strength hv it. In addition to this, there is Mr. Paulson's independent refoitn record, and the fact that thousands of republicans in Philafie ptiia have voted for him as Coi - troller, and havo seen no cause for re gretting it. What they have done once ther will find it easy to do again. It is absurd to say, therefore, that General Heaver has any chance of being elected, lie could not lie if the independent tick et were out of the field, lie simply blocks the way. Organized Operations of Bur glars. WiLLiAMspoitT,September 11—There | Is an organized baud of burglars opera ! ting in thiu section of the stale. A few nights since a safe in the store cf E. R. Weed & Co , at Trout Run, was I blown open, but the burglars failed to get any large amount of money. One i night last week the safe in the store of Chailes Coryell, at Pennlieltl, Clearfield county, was blown open by gunpowder ! ar.d S3OO secured and carried oIT. Last . night burglars gained entrance into the store of Charles Harris, at Waterville i Lycoming county, and carried off a lot lof gold and silver watches, revolvers, : razors, a dozen pairs of trousers and a ' lot of other clothing. They had piled a pit of clothing around the safe, evident ly for the purpose of deadening the j sound of an explosion, but before tie safe could be drilltd they were fright ened away. September 1. —Burglars are still at wcik in the small tcwi s in this j ait of the State. Last night the store cf S 11. Burrows, at Picture Rocks, was en tered by the use of tools obtained from a neighboring blac ksinith shop, but nothing of any value was carried c ft- The thieves then proceeded to the dwtl ! ling of Mr. Burrows, which they enter ed, but not finding any valuables they quietly retired. The jewelry store I Chuton Molyneaux was next broken in" : to, where twelve dollars in silver were I found and carried ff. They might have secured some valuable jewelry,but as they seemed to be in search of mon ey only thev passed it by or else the) were, frightened off before they had i time to appropriate it. The frequency ; of bnrglaiies and the Mowing open of I safes in the rural districts is causing ! considerable alarm, and persons having ; mrmy m it v*!:abh** arc taking ui*us 1 to place them where they wiil be safe. Ir Cameron find his lienchinen had been within hearing distumio at the bitr In lopea-le-it IU Thiladelphia on Friday evening they might have heard something 'lrop. GKX. Beaver n.iL'lit fount] at least j a few In lepemloMls in Philadelphia I last Friday evening, even without j the aid of a search war:cut. PATTISON and 1 leaver are both ex pected to he present at the Berks county fair next Thursday. THE CHEAPEST CAMPAIGN PA PER IN THE STATE. The DAILY FATRIOT v. ill bo sent ti single subscribers until the tenth of j November next, at the rate of $1.2") per copy; to clubs of L*ve ami up-! I wards at the rate of SI.OO per copy.! j The WEEKLY PATRIOT w ill lU sent until the wetk after the election at I the following rates ; Single c >pr. 40 cents; club 3 cents per copy; I club of ten 3.) cents per copy ; club of twenty 25 centsper copy; club fo fifty 20 centsper c opy. The campaign will be exceedingly I interesting,ant every citi?.eu should bo posted on its ssties and events. Send in your orders. A idress FATUIOI PUBLISHING CO.. liarrisburg, Pa j LEG.9L .VERTISEMEJTTS. S' TRAY/NOT ICF.—A red heifer, aged about one your, wltl hole in right ear, came to ! the premises of tie subcriber in Mi lea town, i ship, on or about t he 15th day of Aug. last. The owner is to pay charges and take the same away. WILLIAM KRE.VMK2<, 2m. EXECUTOR'S TuTlCE.—Letters testament ary on the eAate of Mrs. Mary Mark, late of Millheiin doceated, having been granted to the uudersigncd, all persons knowing them selves indebted tosaid estate arc hereby noti fied to make imrcfidiate payment, and those having claims to pesent them duly proven for settlciuent. C. ALEXANDHR, rean township, Executor. Sept. 7th, 1%. Ot \I>M IN LSTIIA'OR'S NOTlCE.—Letters of administratis!! on the estate ot Daniel i Grimm, late of Mies townsip, deceased, hav ; ing been granted t> tlie subscriber, all persons knowing t ln-mse! vs indebted to said estate are I hereby requested, o make immediate payment and those having eaims against tlie same, to present them dulyiiulhentieated tor settlement j It ELLEN (fltl.MM, Madisonburg.Aug 17th 1882 Administrator. | tit ADMINISTRATES' NOTICE.— Letters of administration an the estate of George Haiter, lata of the Roimigh of .Mill helm, deceas ed, having been granted to the undersigned, Jill persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate tire hereby lotilied to make Imme diate payment, and these having claims against tlmsame to present tlem duly authenticated for settlement. G. W. HARTEK, } Venn towndilp, A D -nlnlstrators MICIIBAL 8. EKIDLEK. 4 -aa.ninistiaiors. Haines to wish ip 7 Aug. lOt h, 1882. 6t. EXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Letters testamen tary on tlie estate of Thomas Hostennan, late of Haines township, deceased, having been gran ted to the subscribers, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebt ed to said estate to make Immediate payment, ami to those having claims to present them du ly authenticated for settlement. We have ap pointed .Saturday August 12th as a day of settle ment, at the late residence of the deceased. THOMAS W. HOSTKKMAN, CIIAKLES W. lICbTEUMAN. Woodward. J ulv 271882. Executors Lewis Miii siid Tyrone Eailrcad Time We. LKAVK WESTWARD. 1 .1 5 7 0 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P-M Montnndon 705 p.4<) 2.05 6.00 7.55 Eewlilnirg 7.25 10 n-5 2.7.0 Fair Qrouud 780 10.10 2.25 IMelii 7.40 10.27 2.:i5 VW-kstnuv 715 l.3fi 2.10 MjllUiJlmrt,' KOOaiTI.OO ar 2.55 l.. 3 t"> Mtllnmnt ...a2:! 3.28 Entire lion 3.40 Wlkor Kun 8.57 4.M CMtcrry Itiui 0.15 4.25 Kowlur 0.0 4.17 (Ulnnn O.iH 5.00 Syiing 51 Ulnarl'. 15 ar. 5.50 LEAVE EASTWARD. a 4 o * io A. M. P. M. soring Mills .> l.ao Coburn 6 H 2.20 Fow lor 0.28 2.22 C herry Kun..... 0.18 2.55 Wlker Hun 7."5 3.15 Uiurelton 7.30 2.10 Mlllmont 7.4J 3.52 A M. Mimil)ur 8.00 11.15 4.15 P. M. VloknUurg 8.15 12.10 4.52 Itiuhl 820 12.17 4.38 Fair (hound A. M. B.Mo 12.33 4.48 r. M. I.< wlsburg. 0.15 8.(5 12.50 5.10 7.30 Monbunion nr. 0.15ar.0.00.\r 1,05ar.5.2()ar 7.40 Noa. 1 and 2 con tie t at Montanln with Kile Mail West; 1 aim 4 with Sea Shore Express E;ut : 5 and 6 with l>ay Express nod Niagara Kxpress W st; 7 and K with Fust l.inc West; 0 ami 10 with Wll llamsport Accommodation East. Official Announcement. Cbaqe of Time on_Pli la. & Erie R. R. JUNK 5, 1083. AVa Shore E/prc<,\ leaves M>tandon at 0.07 A. M., stojipinir lit inter'mediate Malioit*, ar. riving at H inlshufK lI.M \.M . l'iilladelpbia 3.20 I*. M., New York 0 25 I*. M., miking close connection at Philadelphia lor u!i sea shore points. „ Dap Et press In.• vex Montandon at 1.30 P.M., -topl'in.! at principal stations, arriving at liar rhJ'Uig 3.55 P. I'hiladclpliia 7 :!5 |. M.. New York 10.35 I'. M.. Baltimore 7.3J P. M.. Wash ington 8.47 P. M. Parlor Car through to Phil adelphia. Willlamsport Accommodation leaves Von tamlon at 1.48 P. M., stn.p ng at intermediate stations, arriving at Harrjsbure 70.25, Philadel phia 2.55 A. M . New York 0.15 A. M. Bleeping car accommodations can be secured en this train at llarrisburg for I'lilbuleiphia arl New York. Philadelphia passengers can remain in sleeper undisturbed until 7 A. M. Eric Mall and Fast Line Fast will be eonsoli dated Into <>ne train, leaving Montandon at 1.30 A. M., stopping at principal xtiiiiniix, arriving at llartlsburg 4.05 \. M.. Philadelphia 7 20 A. M„ New York 10.25 A. M., UaUlnioie 7.40 A. -M. Washington 0.02 A. M. Through sleeping cars will be run <>n this train to Philadelphia, Balti more and Washington. WESTWARD. Erie Mall leaves Montandon at 5.52 A. M., for Erie and Intermediate points, I'auandaiguu and intermediate iH>ints. Xirujara Express leaves Mntftnmlon at 3.00 P. M., for Kane and intermediate points, Can - andaigtia and intermediate points. East Line leaves Montandon at 5.50 P.M., for 1-oek llaven and iulcnnediaUi points, Vrat kius and lutenncdiate points. MILLHEIM MAE LE WORKS 30 cininorr & 4 yl csscr, & 1 " tlc}d In tbePCT rxTiriC AMERICAN. This large and splendid illus trated week !y paper. $3.20 a year,shows the- Progress of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN A CX)., Intent Solici tors, Pub's, of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 37 iark Bow, New York. Hand book about Patents free. wore first manufactured as early as IS3O at Brat tleboro'. Vt. For a number of years the estcuaivo CAHPSNTEB OKOAN W'ocaa and General Office Lave boeu located at Worcester, Zlasa., T7. S. A., With Branch Offlce3 and Warerooms lu New York (No. 7 Was? Fourtoonth Streo*.), London, Madras St Petersburg, City of Mexico, Berlin, Barcelona. Bwcstnesg cfTona in every rocd, Dartb.hty ia gyery part, Perfection ia every detail of manufacture, Aro Characteristic of the CA2PEI7I2 OBGAN3. Every Ihntrnmant WARRANTED for EIGHT YEARS. MOST RELIABLE DEALERS eoll the Cahtenteb Ohoan, but if ary do nothavO tliem to ahow you, w-rito direct to the factory for a Cata logue and information aa to where you cau boo them. OVER (00 STYLES, Hanging in price front s2o.Coto $1,200.00 and over. A beautiful 100-pago Catalogue, the finest ever published, SENT FREE to Intend* ing purchasers. Addrosa or call upon E. F. CARPENTER, V/rrcssUr, Mass., U. S. A. 9 A CISPa H A. A. THOMAS, St. Cloud A* kw *5 m Buildiiu:,Washington, I>.C. tad tfG a hlrd a Practices before the United " SUtes (ieneral Land Ofllco. Contested cases, private land claims, mining, pre-emption and homestead cases prosecuted before the Department of the Interior and Su preme Court,; and all classes of claims before the Executive Departments. Special attention given to town-site cases. Lund warrants, home stead floats, and all kinds of la ad scrip bought and sold. FAB* ENGINES. Vertical & Spark-Arresting Engines from 2 to 12 horse-power, mounted or unmounted. Best and Cheapest Engines made. $1 SO upwards. Send for Illustrated Catalogue U fbr information and price CO _ 11, \V, PAYNE A KONS, , Box 846, Coriilagj N. Y. i MORE —i ■■ ■■■■ mwmnni—■ mim —mi X I "FOR THE SUMMER § 1882. \ V Fourth Stock Just Arriving for the Spring and Summer at the ✓ - i. Li 3 Lock Haven, Fa. * And we can safely say at prices that will suit everyone. CottoiijGood have never been as cheap as now. On account >f the cold ;uid Kick ward. Spring New York and Philadelphia jobbers over-loaned themselves in the early part of the season, and are now willing to sell their goods at a loss rather than carry them over the season. We took advantage of these bargains and are now pre pared to sell you goods lower than you ever bought them, We will give you a list of a few ot tlw GREAT BARGAINS ! All Prints in Standard makes, such as Cocheco, Pacific tfn'd Meniraac Prints 6i cents, never sold lower than 8 cents. Dress Ginghams in a beautiful line of colors. 8 cents, former price 12$ cents. 33 inch Percales 8 cents, former price 121 cents. 4 I Hill Muslin, bleached, 81 cents, together with a full line of Sersuckers, French Ginghams, Lawns in Cotton ami Linen, Unbleached Mus lins, Crashes, Tickings, Table Linens and all other Domestic Goods at prices in proportion to those just mentioned. In jy> ® ***> & Wo have some bargains to offer. The best thing wo have now for the money is an all-wool-filling CASIIMEKE at Scents; thev are in medium and light snades only, but the former price on them has been 121 cents; at 8 cents they are better to buy than Calico, itcmember they are halt wool. Buntings n all shades at 121 cents. Buntings d wool at 20 and 25 cents. Buntings in a little letter grade at 3-5 cents. Buntings in double width, fine, all-wool at 75 cents. Another Lot of Summer Silks These goods are scarce, but we have (he styles now better than at any time this season and prices are equally as low ; together with these we have all the new things in Summer Dress Goods in all the new shades. Large line of Plain and Colored Silks, lest goods $1.25 ; lowest price 47$ cents. We still have a big trade on our SI.OO Black Silk, the best in the city for the money. IBM'S VEILINGS You hove heard a great deal about this fabric no doubt. We have all the desirable light Shades such as pink, light blue, cream and white. Fringes and Passementeries have had their day ; laces are the rage now. Spanish and Span ish Gimpure—these we can not give prices on here as there are so many quali ties and widths, but thev start at 25 cents and go to $1.50 per yard ; in the fine goods we have 2 and in some patterns 3 widths. We can tell you better about them when you ccrno to sec them ; we do not ask you to buy if prices aro not as low and varieties greater than any other place in town. WHITE LINEN DeINDIES With as fine a line of Embroideries in match goods ever brought to this city ; it is worth your time to come in if for nothing else than to see them * we will take great pleasure in showing them together with the above named goods We have all the new things in Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Lace Col lars Linen Collars, Handkerchiefs Lace Mitts, Etc. dies' White Kid Gloves (Foster Pattern), in 10 hooks; sizes from 5$ to 3. Still a few more CARPETS, / ive carry Brussels left at 5-5, 871 and 05c. We have given you a list Of the goods In and will guarantee prices as low as you ever bought them. B. —10,000 pounds Wool wanted in exchange or for cash. S. F* EVE# €9.