Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, September 21, 1882, Image 1

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    VOL. LVI.
Fashionable Barber.
Next Door to JOURNAL Store,
c. 6. MoMILLEN,
Good Sample Room on First Floor.
BURS to and from all Tralna Special
rates to witnesses and Jurors. 4-1
(Most Central Hotel in tbe CltyJ
Corner MAIN and JAY Streets,
Lock Havea, Pa.
S. WOODS CILWELL, Proprietor.
.Good Sample Rooms for Commercial
Travelers on first floor.
" Physician and Surgeon,
Office in 2d story of Tomliusou't Gro
cery Store,
BF hintfr,
Shop next door to Foote's Store, Main St.,
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters made to order, and sat
isfactory work guaranteed. Repairing done prompt
ly and cheaply, and in a neat style.
ft. R. PKALK. H. A. MCKKK.
Office opposite Court House, Bellefonte, Pa.
C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower.
Office In Garm&n's new building.
Office on Allegheny Street.
Northwest corner of Diamond.
Orphans Court business a Specialty.
Practices in all the courts of Centre county.
Special attention to Collections. Consultations
In German or English.
J. A. Beaver. J W. Gephart.
Office on Alleghany Street, North of High.
Consultations In English or German. Office
In Lyon's Building, Allegheny Street.
Office on Allegheny street, two doors east of the
office oocunied by the late firm of Hast
ing 40-tf
o robin blithe, your plumage lun
Ami cardinal shimmers in the sun,
As swift you fl.v from tree to tree,
Filling the air with melody,
And waking love, O merry one.
Your eyes diaphonous gleam with fun,
As you dissect the broken bun
The house-uiaid flings gratuitously,
O robin blithe.
Wood-chorister, eclipsed by none.
My thoughts to themes delicious run
Upon your flood of song. Ah, me l
Lookout! here slyly comes, Just sec,
A barefoot urchiu with a gun,
O robin blithe.
Mr. Johu Bayberry strode into the
house, and stamped along the hall, and
through all the rooms below stairs,
dashing open every door he came to and
leaving it so, until he reached the kitch
en, which he found deserted like all the
other rooms ; for even black Aunt Peg
had forsaken it, aud was out iu the
back yard, hanging out the Monday
" Has < IH % ryl>o<ly evaporated ?" de
manded Mr, Bayberry, grimly address
ing space.
Receiving 110 reply, he banged open
yet another door, which swung back
against a precarious and shaky shelf,
thus upsetting the equilibrium of a
brass candlestick, a flat-iron and three
tin cans, and they all went bumping
down on to the floor together.
Bess was iu the pantry, washing off
the shelves with hot soapsuds ; for Bess
was a busy little body, and insisted on
performing a certain part of the house
hold duties every day.
She was standing on a cheese-box
during the present performance—for
Bess was so sliert she could not reach
the second shelf—and she hud a big
table-cloth pinned over her dress, ami
her silky hair twLted tight upon the
top of her head and pinned with three
great hair pins, that bristled up and
looked like three pair of budding horns.
She heard the rapid footsteps outside,
and smiled.
" Tliat'a Uucle John," saiil she, *' and
he wants somebody likely. But I can't
go just yet. Men always wapt some
thing or somebody."
And she went on, calmly removing a
row of jelly-glasses, every one dark
and rich with its luscious ooutouts-
Then she was startled by the thump
" Dear me !" said Bess, dropping the
wing with which she had been brushing
the shelf. " I suppose if some one don't
go, he won't scruple to tumble the
the house over ; and where Aunt Jule
is, the man in the moon couldu't tell."
She jumped off the cheese-box, care
fully holding up the table-cloth to avoid
stepping on it, and opened the pantry
door. Aunt Jule had also appeared, in
a loose, greeu wrapper, from which a
piece of torn ruffling, two yards in
length, was dragging on the floor, with
au old magazine, minus its covers, in
her hand,
" Dear me, John—" began Aunt Jule,
looking injured.
•'And dear me T interrupted Mr.
Bayberry, "if this house had legs, it
might run away twenty times over and
no one to prevent. Come out of there.
Bess, and both of you listen ! I've got
some abominable news. Jule, your late
lamented's cousin, that tall, electioneer
ing widow, wants to come down here
and board all summer, with her
daughter. • dear Leonie,' who modestly
wishes to give her ' numerous lovers' the
slip, and rusticate at 'dear Meadow
lands.' There's no end of ' dears' in her
letter, and a string of compliments that
are all in her eye, I'll wager my biggest
squash 1"
Mr. Bayberry's sister sat down, look
ing helpless ana mournful; but black
eyed Bess, whose ideas and opinions one
could never foresee, favored the cause
of her kinswoman, tliopgh they had
made a point of ignoring her com
"Do let them come, (Jucle John!''
said she. " 1 always did want to see
my styli-h cousins awfully 1"
" Oh," answered Mr. Bayberry, shrug
ging his broad shoulders, "if you want
to cook, and iron, and slave for two fine
city relations that doirt take the trouble
to remember your existence, go ahead !
Write to 'em to come, by all means;
but don't expect me to 'tend to 'em and
hdd their yarn and turn their music
while they squeal sentimental songs
into my ears—"
"Goodness, Uncle John !" inter
rupted Bess; "no one would suppose
how warmly jou praised Dr. Dare's
last sermon on charity, to hear you take
" Hold your tongue, Miss Imperti
nence !" answered Mr. Bayberry, as he
stalked away.
But there was a flush on his cheek,
and perhaps his conscience echoed Bess'
reproof. For Mr, Bayberry's words
and manners occasionally expressed
more harshness than was in his lieurt,
and, owing to his rather irascible tem
per, few dared to take the liberty to
ecture him.
Bess, who was not his niece at all,
but only the niece of his late brothc r in
law, was one of the few ; and thong'i
she sometimes stood half in awe of him
herself, there was a conscientious
straightforwardness about her which
led her to spook her mind when ever she
considered it Iter duty to do MO.
Perhaps she might, advantageously to
herself, hove cultivated a rather less ab
rupt manner, and so have found favor
in more eyes. But, nevertheless, it NO
happened that Mr. John Bayberry, who
was rather peculiar himself, never took
real offense at her words and occasion
ally profited by them. And this .perhaps
was at least partly because she had a
way of popping out her little sermons
in a concise, epigrammatic manner, and
never "harped " on one subject.
A week later found the large pallor
at Meadowiands gra:ed by the presence
of two stylislily-arrayed lfdies, just
from the city, and indulging in a series
of rapturous exclamations over the
charm of rural scones, to the astonish"
ment of Aunt Jule, who saw nothing to
gusli about in fields and vines, and wo
secretly wondering if the grease spot in
the side-breadth of lier over-skirt was
very noticeable.
"And here's Bess, your little country
cousin," said Mr. Bayherry, drawing
her forward from the shadow of the
window-curtains, from which she had
been admiring Miss Leonie.
"Dear me!" drawled the elegant
Mrs. Horton, as she gazed down an
immcaNiirable distauce at the girl, for
Mrs. florion was very tall, and of a
lofty carriage withal, " this is Bess, is
it? We didn't dream of finding you
" Why should we ?" queried Miss
Leonie, languidly settling baek against
the rich-colored sofa cushions. "She
isn'n any relation of yours, is she, Mr.
Bayberry ?"
"Not at all," returned Mr. Bayberry,
a trifle stiffly ; " but she is quite as wel
come to Meadowiands as if she were ;
especially as her blood relations choose
to ignore her existence."
Mrs. Horton flushed a little ; Miss Le
one bit her lip; and Bess shook her eur
ly head at Uncle John ou the si v.
That same evening, Bess was sitting
on the back-door step, peeling velvety,
crimson, rare-ripe peaches for supper,
when Ashley Gray came along the clo.
ver-edged path leading from the stile
down in the orchartl. which he, as a
very iutimate friend of the family,
whose home adjoined Meadowiands,
found it convenient now aul then to
iimke USd of,
"Go rouud to the parlor and see the
ladies." said Bess. as she luid the last
peach, glowing and pink-hearted, iu the
high cut-glass dish.
"I don't want to see city folkH," said
the young man.
"But yon must go this time," an
swered Bess, "for I must go in. 1
promised to sot the table for Aunt
So he went, and it somehow' happened
thut the next night he went without
urging: and the next night. Ah, Bess,
little, rufil d white pillow soaked up two
or three, pearly tears!
The long summer days were waning
at last. It was late August, sultry but
sweet, softening with the vague premo
nitions of the coming autumn, odorous
with the spicy scent of herbs, and bright
with dashes of intense color here and
there. Mist crowned the hills, and
languid loveliuess was everywhere.
Bess stood, in the pinkish gray of the
gloaming, upon the broad balcony, her
head resting against a square, white
pillar, the sprays of the Madeira-vines
above just sweepiug her dusk-brown
And Mr, John Bayberry stood and
watched her—watched her with his
black eyebrows drawn together in a
line and a set grinmess about his mouth
scarcely visible beneath liis> shaggy
"Bess," he said, at last, "you have
seen all this flirtation and tomfoolery
going on between young Gray and your
Cousin Leonie?"
"Yes," answered Bess.
"And—do you care? Excuse me
Bess, but I want to know."
"No, Uncle John, I don't care a
snap," replied Bess, lifting her head and
smiliug straight iu his eyes. "J cared
a little at first, but I don't now— not a
Mr. Barberry came a little nearer
"B *MS —Bess," be said, lingering a
little over tlie name, "I have found
cause lately to rejoice tbat you are
really no relation of mine. Can you
guess wLy, liens ? Are you glad,
Blie dropped ber bead again, answer
ing nothing.
"Tell me," be said. "Toucan sure
ly guess my meaning?"
"I—what right have I—I—"
"Never mind about the right. Just
tell me if you are glad. You shall not
regret it."
"Y'es, then," she muimured, radiant
ly Vushing; "I am glad."
Meanwhile Mrs. Hort >n and ber
daughter were holding a private con
versation in their own room.
"Mr. Gray proposed last night, Leo
nie ?"
Mrs. Horton spoke carelessly, yet she
glanced half uneasily at the young lady
rocking idly by the window.
"He did!"
"I hope—l suppose you refused
him ?"
"Of course," returned Miss Leouie,
carelessly. "That was only a neat flir
tation. Hess is welcome to him now. I
presume she w ill be consoled, if he is a
cast-off glove,"
"Meadowiands is a splendid place,
Leonie, and valuable."
"And Mr. Bayberry is u yery hand
some man."
The two ladies smiled aud understood
each other perfectly.
Later Miss Leouio sauntered down to
the balcony.
Bess was still standing iu the shade of
the Madeira-vine.
Leonie Hat down upon the step and
Bess was nobody, thai Nhe should
trouble herself to l>e ceremonious.
• Don't you find your jnisition here
very trying?" asked Leonie, in her most
languid, indifferent tone.
"Why?" queried Bess.
"O, it must be very unpleasant to be
dependent on a intiu who is in 110 way
related to you."
"I don't mind it a bit," said Bess, in
dulging iu u little laugh all to herself in
the Madeira shadow.
"You see, Mi-s Leonie." said John
Bayberry, directly behind liur. "Hess is
soon to J uve the best right iu the world
to be dependent on me. Y'ou have
often observed that we are not relat
ed ; but we shall be, for Bess will be
Mrs. Bayberry before the autumn
lu a reccut interview Commodore
Shufeld said: Of course you know
that Corea is a country tint has long
been inaccessible to the world. I be
lieve I am the first white man who has
ever trod the soil of the interior, and
there fere, perhaps, I am a curiosity.
So far as I saw them the people of Corea
are greatly attached to their country,
tiaye no disposition to emigrate—which
accounts for their exclusiveness hereto
fore—but are possessed of a lively
ouriosity. On lauding in Corea to meet
the two Ministers apiKiinted by the King
to negotiate this treaty two officers
accompanied me for some distance
into the interior. We were unarmed,
but were not molested. The roads over
which we traveled were lined with
people for miles, attracted probably by
their first opportunity to look upon the
face of a white man. In some instances
they crowded around us. Wo pardoned
tiioir obi r" uctHj, t>ocßiie we were
probably a great mystery to them"
4 'ln what respect do the Coreans
resemble the Chinese?"
,4 I could soo but little resemblance.
The Chinese of different 1 icalities look
very different, as you Know. The
Mongolians of the North do not very
much resemble the Mongolians of
the south, who mostly cooio to Califor
nia, and the Oor&m looks much unlike
either class. Their complexion is light,
their hair dark, long and wiry and their
eyes black. They remind me of the
North American imliih and X believe
the resemblance is sufficiently close to
justify the belief that Corea furnished
material to populate this country orig
inally. All the difference between the
two races could have been produced by
climate and mode of living after immi
gration hero. Owning to the fact that
naturalists have never litul an opjwrtu
nity to investigate Coiva, this resem
blance h s not been carried out to its
logical conclusion.
••All the occupation tie Coreans have
is agriculture and the product of the
soil is mostly oonsum?d at home.
They export a little rice ind a few beans
to Japan, but they have nt commerce and
no marine. All their carry ing is done on
animals or by means of inperfect boats,
on the livers. They appear inoffensive
and not disposed to go to war with
anybody, and yet the mais of the people
are said to be curious in regard to
oulside affairs. The couitry is ru'ed by
a King, who in his own dominion is an
a'solute despot, having loinplete power
over the livos and propeity of tlie most
noble of his subject. He is assisted in
g< wrning by a council selected from
the nobility, who have (barge of the
various departments—judical, war,
financial and iutorior departments. Tho
person of the King for oenturies lias
been absolutly inacceible, and no
person of his own race, much less a
foreigner, has been abb to get into
his presence. It is sacrilege to utter the
name he lias received fron his suzerain
and tliut by which he is ktowu 111 history
is only given him aftei his death,
it is high treason to toudi his person
with u weapon of iron. Ndwithstandiug
the monarch's exclusiveiess, howeve-,
111 thecry his ear is alway? open to the
people, and an appeal to Jbim in alt grave
mattets is nominally permitted. The
interference of the nobi/ity in politics
is also high treason and the princes of
the blood excluded wholly from power.
About a year since a plot to gain control
of the governmeut was discovered
among the nobles, and every person in
any way connected witlit was beheaded.
This treatment of the pariciponts in the
imbroglio was a salutary lesson.
Although the King wields such power,
there are two political parties among
the nobles of Corea. One party is
called the Progressists, the other by a
name wich implies their antipodes—
those opposed to progress. The foimer
party is at present in power, a fact
which rendered the negotiation of our
treaty possible."
Home of Bold,
Somewhere in Southwestern New
Mexico, in the Sierra Madre, it is said
there is a wonderful valley. Saudi,
enclosed iu high rocky walls and
aooessible by a secret passage, which
is known to butfew, is this extraordinary
plae. It is about ten acres in extent,
has running through it a stream, which
waters it throughly and makes it a
perfect TTlraltso, with its exquisite
flowers and beautiful trees. In it are
thousauds of birds of the most beautiful
plumage. Kunning across it is a lodge
of pure gold about tliiity feet wide,
which glistens in the sunlight like a
grout golden belt. The stream crosses
this ledge and, as it runs, murmurs
around blocks of yellow metal as other
streams do urouud pebbles. The ledge
of gold is supposed to be solid gold and
to run down into the centre of the earth.
The legend is of Indian origin and
around it cluster a number of Indian
stones, 111 which the name of the ill
fated Montezuma occurs frequently.
The descendants of the Azteos believe
firmly that tho day will cemo when
Montezuma will return and free them
from the dominion of the descendants of
the Co lquestodores. They believe that
the money necessary for this work will
be taken from the Madre d'Oro. The
secret of the entrance into the valley is
carefully guarded by a tiibo of Indians
living near it. and among them it is
only communicated to the oldest men,
amid the solemn ceremonies of the Med
icine bulge. Having such a story to
work upon there is little wonder that
the vivid imagination of the Mexicans
should have built upon it tales of men
who have found this wonderful place.
One is that a certain Jose Alvarez,
wiiile wandering through the mountains
iu search of game, saw the valhy from
the top of tho wall. Finding that he
could not hope to enter bv climbing
down, he took up his abode with the
Indians who guard this canyon leading
into it. The daughter of the chief fell
in love with him and betrayed the secret
to him. Exactly how she found it out
they do not tell. Having been shown
the entrance, Jose went in and would
possibly have gotten away with some of
the gold had he not weighed himself
down to such an extent that he could
not. got ni the declivity at the lower end
of the passage. He was diseoverd and
the Indians sacrificed him 011 the golden
ledge with all the terrible ceremonies of
the old Aztec religion. She, in des
pair at losing him, tlirew herself from
the high walls into the valley below.
Hundreds of prospectors have spent
months of toil trying to find the Madre
d'Oro, but it is scarcely necessary 11
say without result.
A Few Simple Recipes.
The Small Boy—Take equal parts of
uoiso, clirt and four horse-power steam
engiue; mix with bread and butter to
the taste (the boy's taste), and set the
mixture to cool in the middle of a ten
acre lot. If you find you have put in
too much noise (which you undoubtedly
have), turn over and knead with the
hand or split shingle.
The Saleslady—This is a very easy
di-li. All that is required is a little
giggle, brass to season, and a garnish
ing of frizzles, bangs a d cheap jewel
ry. Mix man empty skull and serve.
The Politician—Tact, one part; two
eyes for the main chance; one tongue,
well oiled, and as much cheek as possi
ble. If you have a little braiu handy,
it may bo added sparingly ; but it does
not matter much, and most housekeep
ers consider any use of brain in this
connection as extravagant. Bake in a
slow oven, so that it need not be done
brown. If it be more than half-baked
it is ruined.
The Poet—To make a poet, take lib
erally of shimmeriug sunshine, strain
through a rhyming dictionary, and add
equal parts of lovesick adjectives,
archaic adverbs and such other words
as you may never have heard of. Set
in a warm place, where the whole may
become iutimately miugled, and garnish
with long hair, seedy clothing and an
empty stomach.
The Author—Take such facts as you
have iu the house and mix with twenty
gallons of gush and twaddle for each
fact, and boil down one-half, Then add
of classical allusions, threadbare stories
and übiquitous ancedotes ten ports each,
and serve in a greasy coat and bald
head. Some prefer to send to the table ;
in curl papers, triced with hair-pins
but in this case the sauce must not be
forgotton, and a little politico-poetic
transcendentalism is also a great im
A Kiss—This is composed of equal
parts of honey, sugar, ice cream, soda
with four kinds of syrup, love in a cot
tage and supernal bliss. It can be made
in the dark just as well as in thu light.
Bake iu an elliptical uish, and seive
Charity—This is usually served cold.
When warm it is very apt to spoil, and
must therefore be used at home. Take
one part heart and one hundred parts
talk, and stir together until the heart is
dissolved, and add sufficient policy and
worldly wisdom to give it a flavor.
Cnarity made by this recipe will keep a
long time iu any climate.
The Tide of Immigration.
The Bureau of Statistics has issued
its annual report, showing the total
immigration to the United States for the
year ending June 30,1882, IU first and
most notable feature has reforence to
the enormous proportions which this
foreign influx lias assumed. The total
immigration for the current year
amount to 789,003, 119.572 more than
last year, when the highest total was
reached ever known in the history ol
this country. Some idea of the relative
umount of this foreign addition to onr
population may be gathered by the
statement that four years of such
increase would aggregate a number
equal to the total population of the
United States at the time of the
Revolution—a population which it had
required one hundred and fifty years to
reach. Of this enormous sum Germany
furnuhed the largest instalment, hor
quota aggregating 149,505. England
and Wales furnished 85 175; Ireland,
70,432, aud Sweden, 04,697, while the
Dominion of Canada iscredited with 98,-
308, considerable portion of them
undoubtedly being Europeans who
came through Canadian porta. Nearly
two-thirds of the whole number, or
502,171, lauded at New York. Huron
stunds next in the list, with 71 424;
Boston follows, with 58,887; Baltimore,
with 41,739, while Philadelphia stands
fifth in the list, with 30,284. The
most marked proportional increase over
the immigration of last year was among
the Chinese, 39,579 of whom arrived in
188*2, as against 11,890 in 1881. If this
extraordinary rate of immigration
should be maintained for any great
lentil of t me Uncle Sam's remaining free
doma.n will be circumscribed very fast.
A farm each for 100,000 families, be
sides what is required for the natural
increase of our own population, will
rapidly exhaust our surplus lauds.
Notwithstanding strikes and others
evidences of discontent among our own
workingmen, this enormous migration
to our shores indicates that the laboring
people of the Old World believe that
they can better their condition very
materially by coming here and sharing
the lot of these discontented wage
oaruers. "The land of the free and the
home of the brave" seems to be still the
most attr&otiye couutry on the green
eartli, judging by the rate at which the
peoples of nearly ali civilized countries
are flocking hither.
Ilow Sltobeleir died.
The evening General Skobeletf died
he was in his usual health and spirits
and dined heartily with some boon
companions at one of the best restau
rants in the town, After dinner the
party proceeded to the Ermitage Gar
dens, a place of entertainment in the
environs of Moscow, of the same
character as the Cremorue Gardens
used to be in London. Mora friends
were met at the Ermitage, and after a
very lively evening the party returned
to the town. Skobeletf invited some
of the company to join him at supp r
at a small hotel of indifferent repute
in the Petrovka street, named the
Hotel d'Augleterre. Ia this hotel and
iu this society the General died.
Skobeleff had numerous enemies,
and by many it is believed that he
was a to foul play; but those
who best knew his character, aud who
also know who were in his company
at the time of his death, consider it
far more probable that he was killed
by one of his male companions in a
drunken brawl. A writer says: I my
self, immediately on hearing of his de
cease, sought information at the Ho
tel d'Augleterre. I was refused ad
mittance, and when I attempted to
question the proprietor he declined to
reply. lie "had never seen General
Skobeleffho did not know lie was
dead, and he did not know why I
asked him about it. Other inquirers
were iu my presence similarly refused
information. The General's body was
at night secretly removed to the Ho
tel Dusaux, where the next day it was
giveu out that Russia's greatest mil
itary chief had suddenly expired from
heart disease.
Odd Notice*
A gentleman near Wmckester made
a rockery in front of his house in which
he planted some beautiful ferns, and
having put up tiie following notice,,
found it more efficient and less expen
sive than spriug-guiis or man-traps.
The fear-inspiring inscription was:
"Beggars beware, Scolopendriums and
Polypodiums are set here." The wall
of a gentleman's house near Edinburgh
ssome year* six M <- ■* - * ~~
which was paiuted a threat quite as dif
ficult for the trespasser to understand
as the preceding : "Any person enter
ing these enclosures will be shot and
prosecuted." An eccentric old gentle
man placed in a field on his estate a
board with the following generous offer
painted thereon : "I will give this
field to any man who is contented." It
was not long before he had an applicant.
"Well my man, are yon a contented
fellowV" "Yes, sir, very." "Then
why do you want my field ?" The ap
plicant did not wait to reply.
—Rabbits are not poisoned by bella
[ donna or stramonium.
Rotterdam 1
It is nearly mid-day, says a writer
before we get through the sluice-gates
and drop down towards Rotterdam.
We pass many canals, which stretch
away from us into the country. There
are many of them o narrow that only
small craft can ply upon then. The
windmills multiply and then suddenly
cease, for we are now in a region where
they are unavailing; the land lies much
below the level of the sea, and is
irreclaimable. Most desolate, even in
the bright mid-day sun, Is the appear
ance of the shores. We are no longer
in a canal, but in a wide sweep of dark,
turbid water, fringed by a wilderness
of sedges and osiers. Flocks of teal
and brent rise with harsh discordant
cry; while wat.'r-hens bob in and out
among the twisted roots of the willows.
In the background rises the bare,
straight highroad against the the hori
zon. Here and there a tiny cottage
stands on its platform of brick; at the
foot of a flight of steps, a boat lies
moored; the only means of exit and
egress being by water. The occupa
tion of these lonely dwellers ol the
marsh is osier-cutting. The osiers are
split and made into hoops, an exten
sive trade being carried on between
Holland and other countries in this
commodity. Soon we begin to pass
numerous vessels; the water widens,
and a forest of masts i ises in the distance,
and there is Rotterdam. Very quaint
and picturesque looks the ancient city,
with its curious gabled houses, oyer
whose roofs the spires of more than one
old church appear. The broad quay is
planted with magnificent limctrees
which also rear their leafy branches
over the sidewalks of the many canals
which intersect the town like a network,
where busy craft pass up and down.
But when the noise and bustle of the
day are stilled, and I sit on deck and
watch the great round moon lilt her
yellow face above the tall ships' masts,
aud softly throw her magic mantle over
the scene, I thi ik that Holland, with
its ever-present waters, is a land of
beauty and wondre.
An Eccentric Bishop.
11l a sermon at the Calcutta Cathedral,
after a hubbub about some indiscretion
attributed to an officer elf rank, the
bishop Wilson after a powerful discourse
wound up by saying: "But my
brethren, there are sinners everywhere.
There are sinners even among these
dear little children (pointing to the
Sunday-school children right and left
of him), and-there are a vast number of
old sinuers in front of me," waving his
hands over the heads of the Governor-
General and staff, members of Council,
heads of departments, etc. One morn
ing I breakfasted with him. As usual
at family prayers, which he invariably
coi ducted himself, he prayed by name
for the people staying with lnm. There
was a gentleman from Madras for whom
he prayed, and then he said : "Let us
pray for his dear wife, and dear chil
dren.'* A thought struck him, he
paused, and he said to his chaplain :
"By-tlie-bye, is he a married man?"
"No, my lord, he is not married." "Ah,
well, never mind," he resumed. "He
may marry, and the children may come."
On another occasion it was related
that he was preaching against the sin
of avarice, when he delivered himself
of the following remarks: "Mybreth
ren, there are several forms of avarice ;
oue form has recently been brought
home to me most unpleasantly. You
all know my Arch-deacon there, a
most excellent man ; well, last week
he sold me a horse for five hundred
rupees— he is not worth ten. This, my
brethren,'! considered a most unpleasant
form of avarice.''
Treatment ot Disease by Outdoor Life
More rational opinions are gradually
making their way, and, in one particu
lar at least, a beginning is being made
of a revolution, namely, the system of
treatment followed in "climatic" san
itariums, and establishments for the
cure of diseases by air, difference of
elevation, etc. The proprietors of such
places it is true, speak of the "specific"
virtues of their climate ; but, inasmuch
as chemistry shows that atmospheric air
all over the earth has the same constitu
tion, the specific virtue must reside in
the special purity of the air—a thing
wanting in cities, but found in all vil
lages, provided they don't possess large
factories. Farther, it is an error to sup
pose that in the South—Florida, Colo
rado, or in the Tyrol, or by the lake of
Geneva—it is as warm as in a hot-houte.
In those regions, too, it is now and then
there, for usually the sun shines and the
landscape is beautiful. But, since we
connot send all the sick to the South,
we must devise some substitute at home,
the benefit of which may be enjoyed
even by the poorest. Then, too, when
we consider that the majority of those
who have spent the winter in a southern
clime return as—embalmed corpses, be
cause it is only when it is too late that
people make up their minds to make the
costly voyage, there is reason to expect
better results fron timely recourse at
home to "air-cure." With the means
of treatment at hand, disease might le
[ nipped in the bud and lung complaints
in general would be rarer.
NO 38.