AGRICULTURE. TREATMENT OF THE COW. —There are conflicting opinions among good dairymen in regard to the treatment of cows after calving-some preferring a low or moderate diet, at most nothing more than good hay, with free access to the usual watering place and an avoidance of all warm drinks. The arguments in favor of this course for the first few days after parturition are, that is better calculated to allay fever ami scouer brings the cow round to a healthy condi tion, On the other hand, it is urged that the animal during labor becomes more cr less exhausted, and that if the weather is cold, the taking of considerable quancities of cold water to slake thirst, has a tendeucy to chill the animal and impede circulation, and hence, a gruel made of bran or oaten meal, and tepid water can be given soon after calving with the best results. The latter course has been our practice, and uniformly with success. After a lapse of several hours the cow is allowed to drink as usual. It is perhaps unnecessary to say that stock at this season of the year should be entrusted to careful hands—they de mand almost constant oversight and atten tion. They should not be hurried in r out of the stables, or allowed to flgbt or worry each other at the water trough or in the yard. Accidents, of course, will occur, under the most careful treatment, but by the adoption of a uniform system of kind ness to all neat stock, with a reasonable share of attention, there need be little, if any "bad luck h to be anticipated. Oue thing we regard as imperatively demanded for success in the management of stock. Never allow a cow to be kicked or in any way abuted by hired help. Whatever good qualities a man may have, better part with him at once if found disobeying orders in this respect. State the case plainly at the time of hiring, and make ss a condition the forfeiture of a part or the whole of the man's wages who is found guilty of kick ing or beAting cows. The practice has be come common and should be broken up. The animal losses from this source are im mense. if every dairyman would make it a rule that his milch cow must, be treat ed kindly, and that no expense can be taken for blows and kicks, snd that no person would be employed who maltreats stock, the wbcle country would be greatly benefitted We have kuown ot valuable animals being lost by a kick, and oihere renc'tred valueless for the season by an ap parently slight thump with a milking stool from bad-tempered persons. Laborers of this kind are dangerous, and tne sooner one is rid of them the better. Much cau be effected in this matter by good example for if the owner so far forgets himself as to abuse stock he cannot expect the men in his employ to do otherwise. The start should be made witn sound, healthy and vigorous stock, and from such, reason able results may be anticipated. A TABLE just con.pleted by the Indiana bureau ot statistics, with a view to ascer taining the benefits derived from tiled rait ing, shows that land which yielded an av erage of 9 J bushels of wheat per acre for five yrars before drainage, yielded 19 bushels for five years after being drained. With corn the increase was from 31 to 74 bnshels per acre. During the same peri od the number of cases of malarial sick ness diminished from 1,840 cases to 490 cases after drainage. SEEDS found with coins of the Emperor Hadrian in an ancient barrow in Eugland, and a heliotrope from a Roman tomb 1,600 years old and more, vegetated and grew vigorously. The same was the case with wheat, rose, and clover seeds found with an Egyptian mummy, and, Indian corn Irom a Peruvian mummy, 1,200 yeais old. There would seem to be no known limit to the duration of the principle of life in vegetable seeds. I? HEELERS have noticed that a remarka ble deveelopment of the tendency to lay on fat is usuahy accompanied by a delicacy of constitution, a diminished secretion ol milk and a loss of febundity. Very fat animals are not likely to be good breeders; in fact, the excessive production ot fat is incompatible with a high development of the reproductive powers. IN arranging perches tor fowls allow six inches for each bird. The perch should not be placed high when there is no space for the birds to fly down with a gradual 6woop, as is natural to them when roosting in open places. Three teet from the ground in confined places is high enough, and it should be far enough from the back wall to keep the tail plumage clear. THE Rural New Yorker says. "There is quite as much necessity for barn-clean ing on the farm as for house-cleaning, and if farmers were as punctilious about the renovation and purification about the out building as farmennes are about dwellings there would speedily be an impiovement in the appearance of things; and of con veniences too." THE beet sugar interest does not flourish in this country and there seems to be very little prospect that it ever will. Most, if not all, the old establ shmenta have failed, closed up or devoted their buildings to other purposes and we hear of no new ones gomg into operation. According to the report of our Consul at Cologne, how ever, the business is prospering on the continent of Europe. IN Flanders it Is customary to churn the milk in Summer after twenty-four hours, but in Winter three days are allowed to expire, when the milk is poured into the tub that stands in tne cellar. If it then does not become sour, the dairymen place a can with warm water in the tub to ac oelerate it. To get rid of the Buffalo or carpet motb, wet a folded sheet or other cloth, lay it over the place near the edge of the carpet, and use several hot irons, movine them about from time to time, so as to send the steam down through the caipet and into all the cracks on the floor, and it will kill the moths. Where properly trud it has been effectual PROBABLY the very best WAY to protect wheat in the bins from the weevil is to thoroughly fumigate the bins with burning sulphur. This should be done before the grain is put into the bins, and repeated in the course of a month or so after the grain is stored. Some persons use lime and but there is nothing betier than sulphur. IF a breeder keeps several varieties some of one variety will be bred as close as pos sible to another, which he may have. But few breeders possess an eye sufficiently critical to breed several varieties and keep them in peifection of form, color and points, as one breed must lollow another to some extent. THE principal food of the farm laborers of Orkney Islands is oatmeal, potatoes, fish and milk. Bread of fine wheat flour does not give strength to work, and English tourists express surprise at the apparent vigor and youthlulness of the Orkney oc togenarian*. CANE syrups show a greater tendency than beet syrups to become acid and pass into tbe inert form of sugar in the process of boiling down. The loss of crystallized sugar from this cane is very large. DOMESTIC. QUICK PUFF PUDDING. —Stir ono pint of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking pow der and a little salt into milk until verv soft; plao© in a steamer some well greased cups; put in each a spoonful of batter, then one of berries, steamed ap ples or any sauoe convenient; cover with Another spoonful of batter anil steam twenty minutes. This pudding Is delic ious made with fresh raspberries, and eaten with sauoe made of two eggs, half a cup of butter and oue cup of su gar, beaten thoroughly with a cup of boiling milk and oue cup of berries. SPICED MOUNTAIN CAKE. —To the yolks of five eggs, well beaten, add one cup of sugar, one-half cup of butter, aue-lialf cup of sweet milk, oue teaspoonful of grouud cinnamon, one grated nutmeg, the whites of two eggs well beaten, one and a half cups of flour, having in it one measure of baking powder; bake in jelly cake pans; when cold spread each layer with an icing made of the whites of three eggs beaten stiff, and one and a half oups of powdered sugar. PRESERVING MEAT.—A new method of preserving meat is to oause the heart of the animal to pump boracic acid iuto the tissues. For example, a sheep is ■tunned by a blow, and blood being withdrawn from the left jugular vein, a strong solution of boracic acid, kept at blood lie it is injected. The heart < f the still living animal quickly pumps the antiseptio fluid iuto all parts of the body, and the sheep is then killed in the usual way. The cost is slight, aud the moat thus treated will keep several weeks in the heat of summer. RAISIN CAKE. —One cup white sugar, four tablespoonfuls molted butter, stirred together, eight tablespoonfuls sweet milk, one cup flour, oue teaspoonful baking powder; flavor with lemon; stir in last the beaten whites of four eggs; bake in layers: for Ailing, add a little water to one cup of white sugar; put it ou the stove to boil; chop ene cup of raisius and beat the white of one egg; take the sugar off and stir the egg and raisins in. ROAST SWEETBREADS make a delicate dish for breakfast. Dip the slices iu bea ten egg and broad crumbs till they are entirely covered, then put a lump of butter in a saucepan or a small pan used for baking. When it is melted lay the slices in, put a little lump of butter ou each 6lioe, cover with a plate, or, better still, with a tin cover made expressly to fit over the baking-pan. Let them bake for from half to three-quarters of an hour. Serve on toast. CREAM-COLORED SPANISH LACE can be cleaned anil made to look like new by rubbing jt in dry flour: rub as if you were washing in water. Thou take it out doors and shake all the flour out; if not perfectly clean, repeat the rubbing iu a little m >re clean flour. The flour must lie very thoroughly shaken from the lace, or else the result will I>9 far from satisfactory. White knitted hoods can be cleaned in this way: babies' socks also if only slightly soiled. CREAMED POTATOES. —Take some new potatoes cold boiled, and cut them in very thin slioes. This is important. Put in a saucepan with a little butter and cream, enough to moisten well; salt to taste. Stir lightly and constantly until they are very hot Put in a covered dish, and sprinkle a little black pepper on the top. Serve immediately. They should not stand on the tire a moment after they are done. This is a delicious dish. ONE OF THE READIEST and simplest tests for ascertaining if water is free from organic pollution is to cork np a small bottle nearly full of it, into which a piece of lump sugar has been put If, by thus excluding the air and letting it stand in the light for two or three days, there is not a milky cloud seeu but the water remains clear, it may be consid ered free from the phosphates with which sewage water is impregnated. HOMINY CROQUETTES. —Mix a table spoonful of melted butter with a pint of fine, cold, boiled hominy. Add a tea spoonful each of salt and sugar and two beaten eggs. Beat until smooth; then make into small cakes or balls, fiour each one well, and fry in butter or drip ping, or both. They will lie nicer if dipped in beaten egg, rolled in fine cracker ciumbs, and fried like dough nuts. Drain and serve hot. A YOUNG FOWL may be known before plucking by the largeness of the feet and leg-joints; after plucking, a thiu neck and violet thighs may be taken as invariable signs of age and toughness, especially in turkeys aud fowls. The age of ducks and geese is tested by their beaks, the lower part of which breaks away quite easily when they are youDg. To MAKE STEAK TENDER. —Put three tablespoonfuls of salad oil and one table sioontul of vinegar, well mixed together, on a large flat dish, aud on this lay the steak. Salt must now be put OJ the steak before it is cooked. The steak must lie on the tender-making mixture for at least half an hour to a side; the toughest steak will succumb to this and be perfectly tender when cooked. USE OF STALE BREAD.—A good way to use slices of stale bread is to dip them in well beaten eggs, then after fry ing ham, fry the bread in the ham gravy, adding a lump of butter if necessary; fry the bread until it is a light brown, and send to the table; but it is good also if fried in the fat cut from slices of steak or roast. To MASH TURNIPS.— After having been boiliug very tender, and the water pressed thoroughly from them, put them into a saucepan and stir them constantly lor some minutes over a gentle lire; add a little cream, salt, fresh butter aud pepper; coutiuue to simmer and to stir them for five minutes longer and then serve them. THE TASTE OF GINGER COOKIES can be improved by half a cup of cold coffee instead of water. There is almost always at least so much left after breakfast; or, if not, put a little water in the pot and let it boil for a minute or two, and strength enough will be given to flavor the cookies. TOMATO BROTH, —Stew tomatoes in a quart of white stock; strain it to get rid of the seeds, return it to the fire and add a cupful of rice. Let it boil until the rice is fully swelled, then dish and serve with more cut up chicken in the tureen. PRECIOUS STONES.— The ruby, sap phire, are simply modifications "of one substance, alumina, which, as clay, forms a great part of the earth's surface. THE HAIR. —To prevent the hair from falling out, the common application in Oriental countries is the biuised bulbs of the Asphodelus bulbosus, garlic or onions, mixed with gunpowder. HUMOROUS. "You ain't feeling very well, are you, my son, since you sat out under the back stoop all alone with the stolen pie?" The father spoke calmly, and his tone was so gentle that the apprehensive cul prit ceased trembling and plucked up courage enough to obserye: "Yes, father, dear, I'm pretty sick." "It's too bad," he responded, sympathetically uncoiling a trunk-strap; and then ensued a sceue of wild commotion, during which the sick boy bounded altout the room like an antelope that had never kuown a day's illness. Kneeling by his bedside that night he prayed long and fervently longer and more fervently than usual. He prayed that God would make him u pirate. A Noted Woman. The item in regard to the failure of "Yours for health, Lydia K. Plntham/'of Lynn, Mass., which has been floating through the papers, we are glad to learn is false in every respect., as we found on inquiring at Hubbard's International Newspaper Agency of this city. The Lynn lice said a few days since: The Lydia Pinkham Compound business is not financially embarrassed as reported, but is being conducted on a much larger scale than ever, doing a large and growing busi ness and paying one hundred cents on a dollar.'* Mr. Hubbard has whole charge of the advertising ot this and other similar houses, aud informs us that he has insert ed her advertisement on yearly contracts in over 8,000 newspapers last year, so that she is to-day the best known woman in America. In addition to this fact she is a live, earnest woman of over sixty, and doing a great deal of good In the world, as niauy of the best families in this city cau testify. Her advertisements, though worded plainly, are not equivocal in any sense, aud her remedy is one of tho few of great merit before the public.—iVew Haven Sunday Register. A QUESTION of wind: Barber to cus tomer, who, awaiting his turn to be shaved, is fanning himself vigorously with a copy of the New York JI( raid — •'There ore plenty of fans lying around the shop; why don't yon use one instead of that newspaper?" Customer —"Be- cause there's more 'wind' in this paper." Seirio, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1879. 1 am the pastor of the Baptist Church here, aud an educated physician. 1 am not in practice, but my sole family physi cian, and advise in many chronic cases. Over a year ago I recommended your Hop Bitters to my invalid wife, who had been under medical treatment of Albany's best physicians several years. She has become thoroughly cured of her various complica ted diseases by their use. We both recom mend them to our friends, many of whom have also been cured of their various ail ments by them. REV. E. It. WARREN PRINCIPLE, not men: "Yes,"says the railway magnate, "I suppose it is hard upon the freight-handlers to work for H dollar and a quarter a day, but you know it is principle, not men, that we must look after." Wouderful Power. When a medicine performs such cures as Kidney-Wort is constantly djing, It may truly be said to have wonderful pow er. A carpenter in Montgomery, Vt, had suffered for eight years from the worst of kidney diseases, and had been wholly in capacitated for work. He says, "One box made a new man of me, and I sincere ly believe it will restore to health all that are similarly silheted. '' It is now sold in both liquid and dry form.— Danbury News. A LITTLE Sunday School miss was asked by her teacher. "What must people do in order* to go to heaven ?" "Die, I suppose," replied the little one. For dyspepsia, indigestion, depression of spirits and general detnliiy, in their va rious forms; also as a preventive against fever and ague and other intermittent fevers, the "Ferro-Puosphorated Elixir of Calisaya,'" made by Caswell. Hazard & Co, New York, sold by ail Druggists, is the best tonic; and for patients recovering from fever or other sickness, it has no equal. _ "You are weak," said a woman to a son, who was remonstrating against lit r marrying again.—"Yes, mother," he replied, "I am so weak that I can't go a step-father." Vegetine FROM THE REYTST B. SWEETSER, Pastor Grace M. E. Church, SPRINGFIELD, MASS, SPRINGFIELD, MASS., Dec. W, 1881. MR H. R. STEVENS : Dear Sir,—One year ago about the present time I was afflicted with Scrofu oua Humors, also with CatatTh. For two mouth* my nights were Reasons of agony. After a troubled sleep in the early hours, I would walce anywhere between one and three A. M. with the most excru ciating Bufferings In my head, and be forced to walk my study floor the rest of the night. During the da. T also I was often attack ad with dizziness, both upon the street and at home, so that it seemed for a minute or so that consciousness was about to leave me. This state of affairs continued until my nerves were Badly unstrung, and I began to fear organic disease of the brain. By advice of Rev. Geo. W. Mansfield, who bad been much bene fitted by your medicine, I wrote to you and shortly afterward commenced using it. I took several bottles of Vegetine. and was entirely cured. I have waited to see If there would be any return of the disease. Nearly a year has passed; I find not one symptom of it. Ido most cheerfully recom mend Vegetine for the complaints for which It is recommended. I remain. Sir, Very truly yours, S. B. SWEETIES. Police Officer's Report. BOSTON, January 19th, 1881. MR. H. R. STEVENS : Dear Sir,—l am pleased to add my name to the long list of subscriners to the virtue of "VEGETINE. " Have been for some years on night duty In the "Police Department," and troubled with the worst kind of Ulcerated Sore Throat, consulting the best physicians in the city, taking nauseating doses, undergoing painful sur gical operations and laying off Horn duty for long periods. About a year ago I was oursuaded by friends (having no faith myself) to try "VKOB TINK." Am happy to say in that time have had no recurrence of sore throat or any other sickness, and have gained 25 lbs. of flesh, only taking three bottles of your Justly celebrated preparation. 1 am, sir, with much esteem, yours very truly. WAL G. HAWKS, Police Station 10. Vegetine. IS THE BEST Spring and Summer Medicine. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. ANAKESIS Dr. S. Silsbee's External Pile Eemedy Give Instant relief and is an Infallible CUREFORAII KINDS OF PILES. A CLERGYMAN questioning some child ren in Sunday-school asked an intelli gent little boy. who was the wickedest man mentioned in the Old Testament. To his surprise a ready answer came, ••Moses, sir."—"And why Moses?" in quired the olorgywan in amazement. •• *Oos, sir, lie broke all the Ton com mandments at wun*t." "With Oralolul Feel lugs. DR. PIEKOB, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir •'Your "Gtilden Medical Discovery" and "Purgative Pellets" have cured my daugh ter of Scrofulous Bwellluga and Open Bores about the Nock; and your "Favorite Prescription" has accomplished wouders in restoring to health my wife who had been bed-fast for eight months troin fe male weakness. I aui with grateful feel ings, Yours iruly, T. H. LONG, Galvestou, Texas. ONLY her husband: Mrs. McCoble, an Austin lady, rebuked her colored cook, Matilda Snowball, in the following words: "When I hired you you said you didn't have any male friends and now I find a umu in the kitchen half the time." "Lor brtss your soul, lie ain't no male friend of mine." "Who is he, tnen?" "He urn only my husband." "Golden Medical Discovery" is warrant ed to cleanse the blood from all impurities, from whatever cause arising. For Scrofu la, Bores of all kinds, Bkin and Blood Dis eases, its effects are marvelous. Thous ands of testimonials from all parts. Bend stamp for pamphlet on skin diseases. Ad dress World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N. Y. A SWEET girl: They were looking at the painting. "It's perfectly lovely," said she; but what mokes the animals look so queer? They don't look natural one bit." "Oh," said lie; "they look right a little way off. Tliev are fore shortened, you know." "Yes," she replied; "they do look short, but there aren't four of them, George; at least I can see but three." George says Clara doesn't know much about art, but she is such a sweet girl. "Fair Girl Graduate*." whose sedeutary lives increase those trou bles peculiar to women, should use Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription," winch is an unfailing remedy. Bold by druggists. "MOTHER, sond me for the doctor." "Why, my son?" "'Cause that man in the parlor is going to die—he said he would if sister Jane would not marry him —and sister Jane said she would not." _____ A Healthy State. Peop'o arc comtautly changing their hemes from East to West and from North to Bouth or vice vcrna, in search of a healthy Slate. If they would learn to te contented, aud to use the celebrated Kid ney Wort when sick they would be much better off. The whole sysem cau be kept in a healthy state by this simple but effect ual remedy. See large adv. A LITTLE boy quitely watched a beo crawling on his baud, till it stopped and stung him, when he Robbed: "I didn't mind its wn'kiug about, but when it sat down it hurt awful. A World of Good. One of the most popular medicines now before the American public,is llop Hitters. You see it everywhere. People take it with good effect. It builds them up. It is not as pit asant to the taste as some other Bitters, as it is not a whiskey drink. It is more like the eld-fashioned bone set tea, that has done a world of good. If you don't feel just right, try Hop Bitters —Nunda News. I HAVE no objeckshun, says Josh Bil ling, to a man partiug Ins hair in the middle, but I shall alwuss insist upon his finishing up the job bi wearing n short gown and pettikoat. Asthma and Hay Fever. For the newest and most comprehen sive treatise on "Asthma and Hay Fever; their cause and cure"—write to the L. A. Knight Company, 697 Broadway. New York City. Kuighl's Asthma and Hay Fever Cure is the most successful remedy yet discovered for these diseases. Bee testimonials in another oolurnu. A POWDKR is advertised by a man, that is warranted to cure cats and dogs of "running about and mukiug a noise at uight." It is black, and put in a gnu, and makes a noise itself. Is your hair falling out or your scalp diseased? Carboliue, a deodorized extract of petroleum, as now improved aud per fected, is just the article you need. 11 uy a bottle, and, like thousands who are us ing it all over the land, you will value it as the choicest of all toilet preparations. "Bo Garibaldi is dead," said ail Oma ha girl yesterday. "I remember his name perfectly because he invented those Garibului waists we used to wear a few years ago." There is nothing exact ly like fame. Ministerial Recommendation. JARRETTSVII.LB. Harford Co., Md., Jan. Bth, 1879. H. H. WARNER & Co.: iS'irs— Your safe Kidney and Liver Cure has greatly relieved me, aud 1 suffer but little 1 am anxious that others should try it. HEV. J. DCEY MOORE. AN Irish waiter in a Sheffield hotel was asked by a late vicar of the parish what in his opinion was the best cure for Fenianism, "Send to the Ould One for Oliver Cromwell/' was the prompt reply. Decline of M in. Nervous Wealuie-B D apetwU. Tmpot neo, Sexual D bilitv cured bv • W • l's Health lte newer," $1 Druggi-t-. 8n 1 for pamphlet to K 8. WELLS, Jar*ey City, N. J. A RUNAWAY couple were married at Gretna Green. The smith demanded five guineas for his services. "How is that?" said the bridegroom; "the gen tlomau you last married told me he only gave you one guinea." True," said the smith, "but he was a customer. I have married him six times, you I may never see again." VEOETINE was looked upon as an experi ment for some time by some of our best physicians, but those most incredulous in ! regard to its merit are now its most ardent friends and supporters. CIRCUS jokes: The jokes of the circus clo'vn must be made up of kind words. For, you know, "kind words never die." Dr. Kline'stt r eat werve Restorer is the marvel of the age for all nerve diseases. All the stopped free. Send to 931 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. THK book agent as a heroine: "Her Face Was Her Fortune" is the title of a 1 popular novel. Bhe was evidently a I book agent and traveled on her cheek. I The celebrated Vegetable Compound for females, which, within a few years, has made the name of Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham known in every part of the civilized world, relieves suffering by the Bare and sure method of equalizing the vital forces and thus regulating the organic functions. It is only by such a method that disease is ever arrested and removed. arithmetic: Parson— "l wish to complain, Mrs. Diggins, of the conduct of your daughter at the Sunday School to-day; it was rude to the extreme.'' Mrs. 1), —"Ah, it's what they taclies her at that theer board school on dun it; yesterday she come home and she says: 'Mother, they are a-toching of mo vulgar fraxsliuus.' What can youexpex after that, sir?" LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Ib ft positive f'nre For ull tkow Puliiful ('omp)itlnta and WealneMM to I'oitiDMin to our b<'>t fcoulc population. A Medicine for Womnn. Invented by a Woman. Prepared bj a Woman. The OrulMt Ifdlnl Wwiwry SI or* the tiwi of History. t#*lt revive* the drooping spirit*. Invigorate* And U*rm<>nlx Pt'RIFIFR will eradicate every ve.-lige ol Humor* from the lib**!, and trite tone arid nr.-ngth to the system, ' uuui umm ur child. Insist on having It. Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are prepAr at :E and 535 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of either, $L Bix bottles for $5. Sent by mail In the fori* of pills, or of losenges, on receipt of pries, fl per ho for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters** Inquiry. Enclose Sot. stamp. Bond for pamphlet. No family should >) (OSHFtHJ 6imf?s ror t qnarrer or a century or more noetettert Btomacb Bittvrs has been the retgulng spec tie for Indigesdon, (I vnpvpsia, fever ami ague, a loaa of physical stamina, liver complaint and other dta onern, and has been most emphatically indoraed by medical men an a health and strength reatom tire. It counteract* a tendency to premature de cay, anil sustain* and comforts the aged and In arm. For aale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. JUZ.SELL RSA CO PiTTSaUPOH. PAI WP of bUßlnesii.miak- mxn of l-t --ened by the strain of tcf Urstoilinjf ovormid yoar duties avoid M liiirht wort:, to res stimulants and nil V tore hraiti nrnrc and Hop Bitters. ■ waste, use Hop B. If you are young and H sufferinff from any in discretion or dissipn R tion ; if you an- mar ried or single, old or fji young, sutTerintr from poor health or languish Hmg on a bod of sick ness, rely on HopKA Bitters. Whoever yen ace, spfk Thousands die an whamrer you feel ■ B nuallyfrom some that your system 1&J form of Kidney needs - tJLrv-* disease that might ing or stimulating, W j hare been prevented without in toxiciitinu, tIK A by a timely use of ike Hop \ Hopßlttars Bitters. * a? Have you dj/s- ' v. kuinry gc- D. I. C. or uriiiarucom- Af 1 . , . plnint, disease MJ 1* an absolute of the stomach, V ITf|T) * n< ' Irresista bowelt, blood. 4| |II Ij K hie cure for liver or ncrres t Ha nLVJ A. drunkenness, ~ ... . iBl use of opium, You wl 11 be B nJTTrnn tobacc-o.or Hop 1, HIIIPRQ If you are aim- *| Ull ILI ,U Sold by dmg ply weak and ■> nr\/rn Plata Sondfor low spirited, try in . NLVLK Circular. .ar!your ICA I I " p "™ life. It has 1-jIA I L iTB ®O, saved hun- M , *-keter, H. Y. dredS. A Toronto, Ont. r IS A SURE CURE j' I for all diseases of the Kidneys and I LIVER It has specific action on thin most important organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and inaction, stimulating the healthy secretion of the Bile, and by keeping the bowels in free 1 condition, effecting its regular discharge. ' Msilstrio If you are Buffering from I IfIQIQI IQi malaria,have the chills, I are bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated, Kidney- Wort will surely relieve and quickly cure. 1 In the Spring to cleanse the System, every one should take a thorough course of it. £ I YOUNG MEN 11 yt ? u want to learn Tele *y u A,U *™vhy in a few months, and be certain of a situation, address VALENTINE bltOH. Janesville. Wlaoonsm. ASTHMA ' 4. HIEZ&a&PW ** IC f OITR.ED. " 1 hare had Aathma for 22 yean, u (ferine a thousand dead is; have Been so that 1 could not go out for four months at a time, hut tat In a chair night and day. I have tried every remedy I ever heard of, and spent thousands of dollars in search of a cure; but ail in vain until 1 found Knigkfs Asthma Cure. That was in Frbruary last. My Asthma had been unusually bail all winter. Six bot tles of this medicine have made me feel like a new man. I call myself well. 1 have not been oppressed for breath all through this trying spring, and can not express in words what this wonderful rcuicdy has douc for me." A. 8. Bradford, Arlington, Mass. " I feel like thanking Mr. Knight for his ex cellent Asthma Cure. It ha* done very much to relieve me of a case of Asthma; and, from my present improvement, I ex pect lo be under still greater obligations." Pres't R. Heber Holbrook, of the National Noiuial University, Lebanon, O. " I was severely afflicted with Asthma from 1855tol8K'J; tried many remedies (so called*, and spent much money (n vain, seeking relief. In February, IKK2, I received the first bottle of Knight's Asthma Cure. I commenced to improve at once, have had very few Asthma symptoms since, and am now as free from it as a person who never had it. 1 can say with certainty that Knight's Asthma Cure is the lest yet discovered." E. C. Weaver, Lawyer, 9"JQ F St., Wash ington, L). C. " I have traveled north, east, and west, and spent four years south in order to relieve rnyse'f of this terrible disease. Asthma; and, until I received Knight's Asthma Cure, found no permanent relief. After taking this medicine but a fortnight 1 obtained the greatest relief, and can say I am now cured entirely, and that my cure is considered al most a miracle by my fr.cnds. You can re fer to me at all times." Prof. 0. W. H.iwxhurst, 12 Willow St., Fatcrson, N.J. -'My wife has found Knighfs Asthma Cure a perfect success where all others have preved a failure. Having been a great suf ferer from Asthma, and having taken so much medicine for the disease without ob taining any permanent benefit, she hesitated to try any more. But she was induced to try a bottle of Knight's Cure, and from the day she commenced taking it regularly she has not had a single attack. This medicine is a great blessing to suffering Asthmatics." D. G. Drake, Supt. Schools, Mt. Washing ton, O. " I am over (10 vears old, and have had th Asthma over a5 years. Have tried many remedies, but obtained only temporary relief. Knight's Asthma Cure has helped me more than all others put together Since I com menced taking it, I rest well at night, and the neighbors all say 1 look better than for many years." W. A. Chandler, Traveme City, Mich. KNIGHT'S ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER CURE Is the Cheapest as well as the Best Price. SI.OO rr Bottle, or six bottles for $5.00 •*" Write for night's new treatise on "Asthma; its Causb and Curb. If your Druggist has not the medicine, send direct for it (inclosing money) to THE L. A. KNIGHT COMPANY, #7 Rrundway. New York, or JOnNSON, HOLLO WAY A CX>.) H KN KY TOTTEN, r Philadelphia, Pa FRENCH, RICHARDS A CO.) _ Prepared for Immediate Use. Buildings painted with Paints mixed by hand hate to be repainted every three year*. The beat Taint cannot ire made by hand mixing. The Paint used la the smallest Item In coat of painting, labor Che largest. Any building will be repatnted at onr expensa If not satisfactorily painted with our Paint. For sale by one dealer In every city and town in the United Slates. fc'-TsBT,. Rtevasnsss ■"■enreybr Pits, Epilepsy and Ktraa Affections. ■ nrvALLiaLi If taken as direct**. ,Y Pas after ■Arrtday'itoe. Treatise and SI trial bottlefrnet* nr.tDAU.nU.thay paying axpraaaaga. Send una M|f< 0. and express address to Da. KLINI, m] St. Philadelphia, Pa. Till i infinite ijilf? RUPTURE. SKSsKsSS •MI CN4 kr tku TTTWW (4 TKMTY TWTEUK MT |IM trntF AMmhm. a4. fc—.A.M. >MYM. W itiM |f,T>li I)RiS. J. N. & J. B. HOBENSACK. THOSK AFFLICTED WITH THE EFFECTS OF IN DISCRETION AND MKRCUKIALIZATION should not hesitate to consult J. N. and J. R. HO BENSACK, of 2<>6 North Second street, Phtladel filua, either by mall or by person, during the hours rotu 8 A. M. to t P. M. and 6 to V P. M. Advice free. Whosoever would know his condi tion and tue way to improve It should read "WISDOM IN A NUTSHELL." Sent on receipt of three-cent stamp. Swedish Insect Powder Kills POTATO RUGS DID ILL TROUBLESOME VERMIN. It will thoroughly exterminate Itoaches, Anta, Bed Bugs, Fleas, I .ice, Totwrco and Cotton Worms, Moth, etc. It is safe, sure, cleanly and cheap. It will not poison animals or fowls. Sample pack ages by mail SO cents, post-paid. Stamps taken. Circulars free. Agents Wanted. Address, J. H. JOHNSTON, Swedish Insect Powder Co., Pitta burgh, Pa. OR. H. W. LOBE, MEDICAL OFFICES. NO. aw NORTH FIFTEENTH BTREET, Philadelphia, Pa. 15 years' experience. (Estab> llshed for treatment with purely vegetable medi cines.) Dr. Lobb's long experience In the treat ment or diseases enables him to guarantee a cure in all cases. Consultation free and strictly con- OdentlaL Call in person or by letter. Office hours: 11 to 2 and Tto 10 evening. II riHENGLAND CONSERVATORY OF 111 I- UfMliein & SCHOOL OF ENGUSH II I TV iTltlalU BRANCHES,LANGUAGES. I 1L! I ARTS,ELOCUTIONS PHYSICAL CULTURE UniirSPLENDIDLY.FURNISHED. HI I Ml- IN THE HEART OF BOSTON. 111 111 I RARE ADVANTAGES.LOW RATES. IIU 111 LSENDFOR CIRCULAR. E.TOURJEE. RUPERTUS* Celebrated Single Breecb LoadluK Nhot tiuns at 912 np. Double Barrel Breech leaders, 816 Dp. Forehand un*. at 814.56 up lassie and Breech Loading Onus and Pla most approved English aiid American makes. All kind* of Sporting Implement* and arti cles required by *portsnien and Gun makers. JO*. C. (iRUKB A CO.. 712 Market It.. Bend 3-oent samp for Price-List Philadelphia. X 47 MONTH and board In your county. Men or Ladies. Pleasant business. Address, P. W ZIEQLER k CO.. Box 96. Philadelx>hia. Pa. A LLE.VV BRAIN FOOO!-Most reliable tonic XT, tor the Brain and Generative Organs. It positively cures Nervous Debility and restores lost virile powers. Bold by druggists, gl; 6 for 85. Free by mail on receipt of price. JOHN If. ALLKN, Chemist. 315 First Avenue hew York. J676 ~ I HEALTH IS WEALTH. Health of Body U Wealth oj Mind, RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent. Par* Wood makes sound flask, strong bone, and • cienr skin. If yon would hava your flesh Arm, your bones sound, without onrlea. and your oom aASfIAPAMLLUN A remedy composed of ingredlentr of extra ordinary medical properties essential to purify, repair and Invigorate the broken-down end wasted body—OUICK, PLEASANT, SAFE and PERMA NENT Fn Its treatment and care. No matter by what name the complaint may be designated, whether It be Scrofula, Cons amotion. Syphilis, Ulcers, Sores, Tumors, Bolls, Erysipelas, er Salt-Rheum .diseases of the Langs, Kidneys Bladder. Womb, Skin, Liver, Stomach or Bowels, either chronic or constitutional, the virus of the dtoease is in th BLOOD whioa supplies the waste, ftDu builds and repair) these organs and wasted tissues of the system. If the blood Is unhealthy, the process ef repair most be unsound. • Thk Smuufakuxun RnoLvurr not only Is a eompending remedy, bat secures the harmonious action of each of ute organs. It establishes throughout the entire system functional harmony, and supplies the blood-vessels with a pore and healthy current of new life. The skin, after a few days use of the Sarsaparillian, becomes dear and beautiful. Pimples, Blotches, Black Spots and Skin Eruptions are removed; Sores and Ulcers soon eared. Persons suffering from Scrofula, Eruptive Diseases nf the Eyes, Mouth, Ears, Legs, Throat and Glands, that hava accunulated and spread, either from onenred diseases or mercury, or from the use of Corrosive Sublimate, may rely upon r eure If the HarsapartlMsn Is oontlaued a sufflclen time to make Its Impression on the system One bottle contains more of the active prlnct Kb of Medicines than any ether Preparation an In teaspoontal doses, while ethers requirt Ave or six times as mock. ONE DOLLAR FIX BOTTLE. lOirtJTK BEMEDT. RADWAyS READY RELIEF, in from fn# to twenty minutes, never fails to re lieve PAIN with one thorough application- do mat ter how violent or excruciating the pain, the Rheu matic, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neu. ralflo or prostrated with diaeaae mar ssffer, RAD WAYU READY RELIEF wlii afford-nrr Inflammation of (to Kidneys, Inflammation of the Bladder, inflammation of tto Botrtlt, Con geet ion of tto Lunge, Bore Throat, Difficult Breathing, Palpitation of tto Heart, Hysteria, Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh Influenza, Head ache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold Chills, Ague Chills, Chilblains and Frost-bites, Bruises, Summer Complaints, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Coughs, Colds, Sprains, Pains la the Chest, Bask, or Limbs are instantly relieved. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER and AGUE eared for 80 eta. There h not a remedial agent in thia world that will core Fever and Ague, and other Malarious, Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid. YeQow and other fever* (aicftd by RADWAY'B PILLS) eo qulokly aa RAD WAY'S READY HKLIEF, It will in a few minutes, when taken aooordlng to the direction*, ear* Cram pa, Spasms, Soar Stom ach, Heartburn, Sick Headache. Diarrhoea, Dysen- Wind in the Bowels, and aUlnternal Traveler* should alwayi carry a bottle of Rad way'a Ready Relief with them. A few drope in water will prevent atckneaa or pains from chance af water. It ta better than Franeh Brandy or Bb ters ae a stimulant. Miner* and Lumbermen should always ha prm flded with 1L CAUTION. All remedial agent* capable of doetroylnc life by an overdose should be avoided. Morphine, opium, strychnine, arnica, hyosclamua. and other power ful remedies, do at certain times, In vary * doe**, relieve the patient during their action in the system. But perhaps the second dose, If repeated, may aggravate and Increase the suffering, and an other does cause death. There la no necessity for using these uncertain agents when a positive reme dy like Radwayl Ready Relief will stop the moat excruciating pain quicker, without entailing the least difficulty in either infant or adult. THE TRUE RELIEF. Rabway*i Rsadt Rxuxf is the only remedla. •gent in vogue that will instantly atop pain. Fifty Cams Far Battle. HAD WAT'S Regulating Pills! Perfect FHrgatrves, xoorntng Aperients, Act zeun out Pain, Ahxxit/s Reliable and S'alural in their Operation. ▲ VEGETABLE SUBSTITUTE FOB CALOMEL. Perfectly tMtelew, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and mreug- RADWAT* PIUA for the cure of all disorders of Sie Stomach. Liver. Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, ervoua Diseases, Headache, Constipation, cos ttveness. Indigestion, Dyspepsia,#BUiousuess, Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a perfect cure. Purely vegetable, con taining no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. f Observe the following symptoms resulting from Diseases of the Digestive Organs; Constipa tion, Inward Plies, Fullness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the Sto mach, Bour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the fleart, Choking or Suffering Sensations when In a lying posture, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deflciencj of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyea. Pain in the Bide, Breast and Limbs, and Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning of the Flesh. A few doses of RADWAVB PILLS will free the system from all the above-named disorders. Friee, 25 Cents Per Hew. We repeat that the reader must consult our books and papers on the subject of diseases and tkeg oure, among which may be named: "False and TrueJ' . 44 Radxcay on Irritable Urethra." "Radwan on Scrofula." And others relating to different classes of Disca. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. READ "FALSE AND TRUE." SendY letter stamp to RAD WAT k CO., No. a Warren, Cor. Church St., New York. em Information worth thousands will be sent to gem Medical and Suited Institute. For the treatment of diseases of men only. Die eases of the geuerattve organs recent or chronic, blood poison, pains in the flesh and bones, red spots, ulcers, strictures, kidneys and bladder, weakness, nervous aue general debility, prema ture decay, mental and Dhysical prostration, and other special diseases speedily and permanently cured. Patients may send a description of their symptoms, etc., and appropriate remedies with di rections will be sent to any address, DRS. J. W. GRINDLE and A. D. GREY, Physician* and Surgeons, 171 West 12th Street, New York. YOTTVfr MEN If yc l? v* to . u * n * IvURw, ALLXJIT graphy in a few mnwthV and be certain of a situation, address V A I.VMTTX ■ BROS, Janes villa, Wisconsin. CIV Wgr WABTI VOITITI TMMC AAA TF MM~ J wl* Up? ,ut Uxvutart awutMh*. fcnria. cts 5 us ihi. Ma MM. BMW. MMM TP J* A4% in abundance.—}vi Million pounds L ll V imported last year.—Prices lower r U J% than ever.—Agents wanted.— Don't I LB n V waste time.—Send for circular. 10 lbs. Good Black or Mixed, for 81. 10 Iks. Flue Black or Mixed, for 82. 10 lbs. Choice Black or Mixed, for $3. Send for pound sample, 17 cts. extra for postage. Then get up a club. Choicest Tea In the world.— Largest variety—Pleases everybody.—Oldest Tea House lu America.—No chromo.—No Humbug.— Straight business. —Value for money. ROBT WELLS,42 Yesey Bt.,N.Y., P.0.80x 1287.