Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, August 31, 1882, Image 2

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    jflp lilllpim journal.
TIiUItSDAY, AUGUST 31., 1882.
Is published every Thursday. In Musser'snuild
ing, corner of Main and Penn streets at
Ortl.2Xlf not paid in advance.
1 week. 1 mo. 3 mo. finio. 1 year.
1 square,... *1 AO s>ool *3 001 lion *0 00
If column,.. 300 400 | 000110 00 IX 00
Qcolumn... xoo Boo| v>ooi anoo 3500
Ycolumn,.. ROO 12 00| 20 00 1 35 00 GO 00
One ineh makes a square. Administrators
and Executors' Notices $2.50. Transient ad
vertisements ;.nd locals 10 cents per line for
lirst insertion and o cents per line for eaeh ad
ditional insertion,
yob Work done on short notice.
Kclitors and Proprietors.
Itocl & Sunday School Directory.
Kws P c WrMemocr and J D Shortens French's
Rev. P.C. Weidemycr will preach next Sun
day e.'en'ng,
Sunday School, llf p. M. —I>. 1.. Zerby, <Supt.
Missionary Society m vts on the second Mon
day evening of eaeli month.
lier. Furman Adams Prcachcr-incharge.
Preaching next Sunday morning.
Sunday School at v. M.— John Kimport.Supt.
Iter. Zirinp'f rt. Ycarick, Pastor.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services at ISt. Faul's
next Sunday morning, German. ; English
preaching at Aaronsburg in the afternoon.
United Brethren.
Rev. Shannon, Preacher in charge.
Rev. John Tom! in* on, Pastor.—
Pastor Tomlinson preaches in Rev. W. E
Fisher's charge next Sunday.
Ladies' Mite Society meets on tho first Mon
day evening of each mouth.
United Sunday School.
Meets at 9A. XL— ll. K. I.use. Sujt.
Loiie & Society Directory.
MllUuSm Lodge, No. 955, I. O. O. F. meets in
heir hall, renn Street, every Saturday evening.
Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on
or before the full moon of eaeh month.
C. W. Hahtman, Sec. W. L. Bright, N. G.
Providence Grange, No. 217 P. of 11,, meetsin
Alexander's block on the second Saturday or
each month at 1S '*• M - nnd on the fourth Sa
turday of eaeh month at iq P. M.
D. L.ZciißY.Sec. T. G. EitHAi>, Master.
The MUiheiin B. & L. Association meets in
the Penu street sekool house on the evening of
the second Monday of each mouth.
A. Walter. Sec, B. O. Djuxingkr, Prest.
The MUiheiin Cornet Band meets in the
Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings.
J. W. Foote, Sec. I). I. Brown Pres't.
. ,
For Governor,
For Lieutenant Governor,
For Judge of the Supreme Court,
For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
For Congressman-at-Large,
For Congress,
(Subject to the decision of the congres
sional conference.)
For Senator,
(Subject to the decision of the senator
ial conference.)
For Assembly,
For Jury Commissioner,
For Coroner,
11. K. HOY,
A Machine Candidate on the
The folia wing is from an inter
view with Win. T. Davies, Came
ron candidate for lieutenant govern
or, in the Philadelphia Times of De
cember 24, the day after the com
mittee of the Continental conference
issued its address. It svould be in
teresting to know what candidate
Davies' opinion now is:
11 You desire me to talk about the
object of our organization. Well,
our chief complaint is this: The
managers of Philadelphia political
affairs as well as those of Pittsburg
iiave everything in their cwn hands,
and by carrying a few counties with
them they secure political control of
the state. It makes no difference
what the wish of the people may be
their desires are set aside and prac
tically ignored. Why, in my can
vass for state treasurer I would
have been elected, receiving three
votes to one for my opponent, had
the people been allowed to carry
out their wishes. I could have had
the Philadelphia delegates with mc
but why I did not? Simply because
our party has been guided by men
who invariably deny that the mas
ses of people have any right to a
voice in the matter of nominations !
to office. The people declare that A 1
shall be nominated, but a junto says
he shall not but B shall. This is
not true republicanism and we pro
test and shall continue to proeesb
and we believe our protest will be
Politicians at a Loss to Know How
to Moot It..
WASHINGTON, August, 123.—The
rapid spread of the prohibition move
inent and its aggressiveness tonfWe
and alarm politicians here. They do
not know what to make of it or how
to treat it. All popular movements
resting on moral and sentimental
grounds are objects of annoyance to
the practical politicians. The re
ports from the west show that the
movement is assuming formidable
proportions, and is infecting large
districts of territory. That it will
play an important in determining the
results of the campaign in the com
ing elections is acknowledged, and
the movement is looked upon as one
that will not expend its strength in
the immediate future.
How the DistfracefuTWork gooaon.
WASHINGTON, August 23.— The
assessment agents of the Ilubbell
committee are visiting to-day the
army an 3 navy departments. All
the departments are systematically
worked. The modus operandi is as
follows: The committee assign one or
more agents to each department.
They visit the chiefclerks of the diff
erent bureaus and ask permission to
call on the clerks. 7'his is granted;
whereupon the agents, who have
complete lists of the clerks, showing
their salaries and who have and
who have not subscribed, go to those
who have iguored the Hu bbell cir
cular and ask them for a subscrip
tion equal to two per cent, of their
salaries. The demand is generally
complied with in cash or a promise
to pay 011 the following pay day.
7'he name is then checked olf and
the agent proceeds on his route.
IN Philadelphia tlic Committee of
One Hundred are determined to
have a fair election as far as in
them lies. Tlicy just issued a cir
cular offering SI,OOO, to be distri
buted as rewards to persons whose
testimony shall lead to the convic
tion of election assessors willfully
falsifying or ne gleeting their lists or
failing to sit for correction of the
list at the time and places specified
by law. For the first five convic
tions, rewards of §IOO each, and for
the next ten of SSO each, wili be
SENATOR Hoar, of Massachusetts,
has consumed five columns of small
tvpc to explain why he voted for
the river and harbor bill and it will
take at least five columns more to
make his vote satisfactory to the
people of his state.
CHAIRMAN llensel has appointed
P. Gray Meek secretary of the state
committee. Just the very chap who
can do the business right. Our
wide-awake chairman could not
have made a better selection.
IT is estimated that the ludcpcnd
cuts will poll 500 votes in Blair
county. Let them ] oil away.
A Significant Prophecy.
Beaver has been interviewed fre
quently .since bis nomination and al
ways confidently predicted his election.
Stewart has beeu interviewed once or
twice and expressed faith in fiia suc
cess. Arinstong now comes to the
front and declares that the battle is
between Beaver and himself, and that
he will defeat Beaver. Pattison is the
only candidate who hasn't proclaimed
his own election in advance. He seems
to be busy controlling the public ac
couuts of Philadelphia, but he may
rise up about the morning after the e
lection and express his confidence in
his own success.— Times.
SILAS M. CLARK, Democratic uomi
nee for Judge of the Supreme Court, is
a successful farmer as well as a distin
guished lawyer. Ilis farm will yield
one thousand bushels of wheat and rye
this year, all which is harvested and
partly threshed.
Governor Colquitt, of Georgia, is an
open advocate of prohibition, and
makes speeches in which lie tells his
hearers that Georgia will never amount
to anythiug great until liquors of all
Kind are banished from her borders.
That's it Exactly.
All the Pennsylvania Democrats
have to do to win a great victory in
this fight is to attend to their own bus
iness and leaye the Republican factions
Meeting of the Northern Con
The Northern Conference of the
Synod of Central Pennsylvania met at
Hartleton, Union county, Tuesday
evening Aug. 22nd ISB2. In the ab
sence of the President, llev. J. A. lvi
ser, Rev P. A. Ileilmun preached the
opening sermon.
Wednesday morning c inference for
mally opened for business. Rev. \V.
ll.Diven was elected President pro ton.
The following delegates answered to
their names: '
CLERICAL.-- Rev. .T. G. Anspach,
Rev. S. Ilenrv, Miftliuburg, Rev. S. F.
Green hoe, White Deer, Rev. P. A.
Ileilmun, Lock Haven, Rev. W. 11.
Diven, Salona, Eev. C. W. Stcrist,
Nittany Hall, Rev. S. E. Furst, Belle -
fonte, ltev, W. E. Fisher. Centre Hull,
Eev. John Toralinson, Auronnburg,
Eev. A. K. Zimmerman, Rebersburg,
Rev. M. L. Furst, HartMon.
(AUSKNTEES. — Rev. J. A. Koser,
Pine Grove Mills, Rev. J. K. Miller,
Centre Hall, Rev. It. 11. Fletcher,
Lock Haven.)
LAY. —Chailes Ruhl, Buffalo, W. 11.
Harter, llarlleton, W. S. Ranch, White
Deer, John A. Swartz, llublcrsburg,
B. O. Deuiinger, Millheiui, George
Brumgard, Wolf's Store, Chiistian
Dale, Boalsburg.
Goodliu, Secietai y Board of Home
Missions, York, Prof. J. M. Biekle,
Pennsylvania College.
After the usual routine business was
disposed of, an able and comprehensive
essay on the Sxond Article of the Atujs
burg Con fession was read by Rev. 8.
Heuiy, followed by a discussion on the
same, until the hour of adjournment,
In the afternoon Rev. J. W. Goodlin
delivered a very inteiesting address on
the home mission work of the church.
Eev. 1\ A. Ileiliua.i followed with a
well-prepared essay on The Object of
Cu'echfiical Instruction. The essay e
licited some veiy practical and instruc
tive remarks by ltevs. Fisher, S. E.
Furst, and others.
In the evening Rev. A. K. Zimmer
man preached a discourse on Jknevo
lence, to a full audience, after which a
collection for home missions was taken
Thursday morning Prof. Biekle, in
! an address of half an hour, gave a very
satisfactory statement of the status,
work and prospects of Pennsylvania
The mooted question, How shall Pro
tracted JUcettngs be cmdncicd ? was
opened by Rev. W. E. Fisher. This
subject was discussed by several minis
ters with much earnestness ; and while
it was plainly manifest that. differences
of opinion do exist on the vexed ques
tion, it was agreed on all hands that
all religious services should he con
ducted "decently and in order."
In the afternoon an interesting chil
drens 1 meeting was held. The spa
cious church was well filled. Rev. J.
W. Goodlin spoke to the children on
Little Things , B. O. Deininger on Jew
els, and Rev. W. E. Fisher on A Miss
of P's.
Thursday evening Rev. i>. E. Fursfc
delivered the closing sermon to a large
and attentive audience, after which
conference adjourned to meet at Salona
Monday evening Nov. 27th next.
The members of conference were
most royally entertained by the good
people of llartleton. All the sessions
were well attended and much interest
was manifested in the exercises. There
is reason to believe that mutual and
lasting good will result from this meet
ing of the Northern Conference.
# *
_ *
SENATOR John Stewart and Levi
Bird Duff are announced to speak at
Somerset on the 30th instant.
Sews Siiscciinny.
Yellow fever rases i:i Texas, and the Health
Board of the State of Mississippi lias quaran
tined many railroad stations on the border* of
the State.
Dime novel reading inspired three Shaniokin
boys to play "go west and slioot Indians/' The
affair had a tragic end, one of the boys accU
dently shooting himself with a revolver, the
shot proving fatal.
A rattlesnake with seventeen rat
tics was killed in the streets of
Muncy recently,
The house of a Somersot county
fanner was entered by a gang of bur
glars who chlorofoimed the sleeping
inmates and stole thiiteen hundred
In Illinois potatoes arc offered for
twenty-five cents per bushel for fall de
livery, with no takers.
At asocial gathering in Washington
a riot was inaugenftcd in which stones were
thrown, windows demolished, doors smashed
down, chairs broken, while one young man
had all his teeth knocked out and another was
stabbed with a butcher knife. The ringleaders
in this pleasant entertainment were arrested.
A .Johnstown landlord failed(to put the print
ed notices in his hotel in accordanae with the
law of IS7<>, and when lie bronght,*nction against
aboarder retaliated by bringing suit against the
landlord for not complying with the law in
having notices posted, and there .Is a fair pros
pect that lie will go to jail for something less
than six months unless the matter is com pro.
mised. Landlords and boarding bouse keepers
will save trouble and expense by having the
law pbsted in office and bedrooms.
The new postal money order bill promises to
be a measure of real convenience to the pub
lic. Orders for a sum less than $5 will cost 3
cents, and t.e service is extended so as to
raise the limit of orders from *">o to *IOO. Far
ther, persons win not be required to fill out a
blank, as at present, for an order, but will re
ceive au order payable to the bearer at the
money-order office designated by the applicant,
flie hew notes are to be handsomely engraved
and in appearance will not be unlike bank
There is excitement in sporting cir
cles at bhaoiokin over tho shooting
match soon to take place between
Karstetter and Fromelter for a purse
ot SIOO.
SHORT WlLT..— Thomas Kcl ley's
will, recently probated in Philadelphia,
read as follows:
"1 will that Margaret Kellcy, ray]
wife, shall have this property and
j house while she lives and do as she
wishes with it."
Ambrose Lindsey, of North Carolina
can go to Europe. His potato crop is
gathered and sold, and his net profit on
the SSO,OOO he rec eivt d something over
A good farm in Indiana has been al
lowed to run to weeds foi five years,
because of a belief that it is under the
curse of a former owner, whose ghost
walks the field night, and would
make it unpleasant for a tenant.
Tho Law and Order League of
Mount Joy, Lancaster county, have
posted up throughout that town the
following notice. Tho League crald
find lots of work in other towns than
Mount Joy, throughout tho state:
"The Law and Order League hereby
gives notice that the laws against pro
fanity will be strictly enforced. All
citizens are requested to bring informa
tion aud assist in rooting out this per
nicious practice."
Doeperate Battle Botwoon a Cat
and a Snake.
Pussy's Clever Stratagem.
From llm New Yurk Sun.
Garter-snakes abound In Tromonfc.
A gentleman win* recently took a
liouse near One lln nil red and Seventy
eighth street and Third avenue said ys
teiday to a remitter: 4, 00 Wednesday
morning as 1 was dressing I looked out
of the wiudowand saw the cat acting
oddly. She was springing from side
to side and evidently trying at times to
avoid something and then to seize it.
I hurried into the garden and found
the cat engaged in a fight with a gar
ter-snake. The reptile was so intent
on keeping its enemy in-fore it, it's on
ly hope for life, that it did not see me,
but the cat noticed my approach,
though she lost none of her vigilance
in doing so. She is a small animal, a
capital raouser, but certainly inexperi
enced as a snako- killer. She seemed at
first a little frightened, but seeing me
she gained courage and her attacks up
on the snake Ixcutm fieioer and more
4 lt was like a sparring match. Eve
ry effort of the cat to seize the snake
waß foiled by the rapid movement of
the reptile, which repeatedly struck
fiercely at it? u. c suilant, heating her
back, but apparently not iijuringher.
Finally the cat adopted curious tactics.
She walked roun d and round the snake,
forcing the latter, with its I ead raided
high above the grass, to twist in one
direction in order to face her, until its
body assumed a spiral form. Of course
it could not continue t! is movement
indefinitely, ard wh< n it could go no
further and the cat still moved a
roand it, th reptile, with lightning
like rapidity, twirled the other way.
For the infiuitessiiual part of a ] second
its eyes were not turned towards its
enemy; but it was enough. The cat
had been watching for the opportunity
thus offered, and, quick as it was the
snake's movement, her own was quick
er. Before it could face her she had
seized it about four inches below the
head. In vain the snake writhed and
coiled around her. Itcculdnot shake
off the cruel hold, which wa3 only ro
ll r,quirked v! en tl.e reptile's head was
entirely severed from its body.
"The cat then made an attempt to upon her yictim', but, appar
ently not liking tbe meal, turned and
walked away. I examined her, but as
far as I could see the snake's teeth had
not penetrated her fur. The snake was
a little more than three feet long."
—lXm't forget that it takes money
to get uniforms for our band and that
you ought to help them along next
Friday and Saturday.
administration on the estate or Daniel
Grimm. late of Miles townsip, deceased, hav
ing been granted to the subscriber, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate are
hereby reu nested to mako immediate payment
and those having claims against tlio same, to
present them duly authenticated for settlement
Madison burg, Aug. 17th 18S2 Administrator.
administration on the estate of George
Darter, late of the Borough of Mill helm, deceas
ed, having l>een granted to the undersigned,
all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate are hereby notified to make inime
diate payment, and those having claims against
the same to present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
u. w. HAUTKH, 1
Venn township, "
MICIIEALS. FKIDUSK, F Administrators.
Dailies townsu ip "
Aug. 10th, 1882. Ot.
I7IXECUTOUR' NOTlCK.—Letters testumen
LJ tary on the estate of Thomas Dostermati,
late of Dailies township, deceased, having been
granted to the subscribers, notice is hereby
given to all persons knowing themselves indebt
ed to said estate to make immediate payment,
and to those having claims to present them du
ly authenticated for settlement. We have ap
pointed Saturday August 12th as a day of settle
ment, at the late residence of the deceased.
Woodward. July 271882. Executors
E7IXKOUTORS' NOTlCE.—Letters testamonta-
U ry on the estate of John Bierly, late of
Miles township, deceased, having been granted
to the undersigned. all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate are hereby noti
tted to make immediate settlement, anu those
having!claims against the same, to present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
J. B. C'UAWFonn,
llebersburg July 21. 1832. Executors
Lcwisirg and Tyrone Railroad Time
13 5 7®
A. M. A. M. I'. M. I'. M. I*. M
AFOIITAHDOIT 7 UF 1. 10 2.05 0.00 7.56
LowiHbui'tf 7.25 10 05 2.20
KulrGrouiul 730 10.13 2.25
IMelil 7.H) 10.27 2.35
Vlcksbui'K 7.45 ROW 2.40
Mifllinbuip B.War 11.00 ar 2,55
it'. 3 on
Millmont 8.22 3.28
I.n 11 rol ton H.:w 3.40
Wlkcr I'tiii 8.57 4.(Mi
Cherry Run 9.15 4.25
Fowler .. 9.35 4.17
Cobuui 9.43 5.00
Spring Millsar 10.15 ar. 5.: i)
•J I AH 10
A. M. I*. M.
SnrliiK Mill* 5.50 MM)
Cobiini - 618 2.20
Fnw lor ti.2B 2.34
Cherry Run 0.48 2.55
Wlkor Run 7.05 3.14
Liiuroltoii 7.30 3.40
MUlimuit 7.40 3.42
A. M.
MlftHubnrg 8.IX) 11.45 4.15
P. M.
Vlcksburg 8.15 12.10 4.32
Hlehl 820 12.17 4.38
Fnlr <ii'Ulid A. H. R. 30 12.31 4.48 P.M.
Lowinburg.. 0.35 8.15 12.50 5.10 7.30
Moiituudouar. 0.45ar.9.U0rr 1,0-5 nr. 5,20 ar 7.40
Nos. 1 and 2cotiw -tat Aliiiitandnti with Krio
Mall West; 3 and 4 with Sea Shore Express
East; 5 and 0 with l><iy Express mid Niagara
Express West: 7 ami K with Fast Line West: 9
and lo with William sport Aecoiitmndulioii
East. _
Official Announcement.
Change of Time on Pti la. & Erie R. R.
Sea Shore Erpren* leaves M<ntamlon at 9.07
A. Mstojipinu at Intermediate stations, ar
riving at ll.inisbnrg 11.40 A. M., PblladtdpUla
3.2-1 r. AL, New York ft 25 P. M., making close
eonr.ectlon at Philadelphia lor ah sea shore
Jhi y Erpres* leaves Montaodon at 1 30 P.M.,
stopping at principal stations, arrtvingat liar
ribbing 3.55 V. y... Philadelphia 7 35 J". Al.. New
York 10.35 I*. M., Jkilli inure 7.3-t P. AL. Wash
ington 8.47 P. AI. Parlor Car through to Phil
WiUinnumort Accommodation leaves Mon
taudoii at (.48 P. Al_ stnpp ng at tntennediate
stations, arriving at llan tslnug 10.24, l'lillam-l
phia2.4"> A. M . New York 1.15 A. M. Sleepfng
ear accommodations can he seiuted on this
train it liarrisburg for Philadelphia and New-
York. Philadelphia passengers can remain In
sleeper undisturbed until 7 A. Al.
Erie Mailt tnd Fast Line Fast will be consul i
dated into one train, leaving Aloiiiaiidon at 1.30
A. Al., stopping at piincipal stations, arriving
at Uallisburu 4.UT. A. Al., Pliitadelplua 7 20 A.
AL, New York 10.25 A. AL, Italtiinoie 7.40 A. AL.
Washington 9.02 A. M. 1 (trough sleeping cars
will be run >n this train lo Phil.ulcipliU, Laili
ntore and Washington.
Eric. Matt leaves Montundoii at 5.52 A. At.,
for Erie and intermediate points,Cumuidalgua
and intermediate point*.
Xiapnra Exprci w leaves Motitnndon at 2.00
I*. AL. for Kane and intermediate points, Can -
andaigua and intermediate point*.
East Lin*' leaves Montandou at 5/8) P. AL,
for lock Haven and interinadial-J points. W il
kins ami intermediate points.
f iningr r ussfr,
We continue to net as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats,
Trade Marks. Copyrights, etc., for the United States,
Canada, Cuba. England, France. Germany, etc. Wo
have had llilrty -Ave year*' experience.
Patent!obtained through us are noticed In Uie Srr-
RNTinc AMERICAN. This larjn; and splendid illus
trated week 1 y paper. $ 3.20 a year,sh< iws the Pri>press
of Science, la very interesting, and bos au enonnous
circulation. Address MUNN A 00.. Patent Solici
tors, Pub's, of SctK-vriric AMERICAN, 37 Park Bow,
New York. Hand bwk about Patents free.
were first manufactured a3 early aa 1850 at. Itrat
t'.eboro', Vt. For a number of years the extensivo
CAKrEKTKn ORGAN Woiuaa and General OLTLCE have
bet u located at
"Worcester, Mass., IT. G. A.,
WiUi Branch OSlccs otul Warerooms in
New York (N, 7 YYeit Fourtsonth Street),
London, Madras SL Petersburg,
City of Mexico, Berlin, Barcelona.
Pwaotneea of Tae in erery reod.
Durability in every part,
Pjrfection in every dctuil of manufacture.
Are Characteristic of thCA2P£FTZ2 023AR3.
Erery Instrument
CAKRINTEN OIMJAN, but if any do nothavo them to
fihow you, write direct to the factory for a Cuta
loguo and information a.3 to whero you can see
Ranging in price from $20.00 to $1,200.00 and over.
A beautiful 100-pago Catalogue, the finest
ever published, SJEN'A' FIIEK to intend
ing purchasers.
Address or oall upon
£. P. CABMTER, Wcrcesto, Mass., U. S. A.
UftaiFa 3A. A. THOMAS, St. Cloud
K|l| f Building, Washington, IXO.
gw fiS v Prafdicos before tlie united
rs states General Land Offlco.
Contested cases, private land claims, mining,
pre emption and homestead cases prosecuted
before (lie Department of the Interior and Su
preme Court; and all classes of'claims before
the Executive Departments. Special attention
given to town-site eases. Land warrants, home
stead floats, and all kinds of land scrip bought
and sold.
Vertical & Spark-Arresting Engines from 2 to 12
horse-power, mounted or unmounted. Best and
Cheapest Engines made. $l5O upwards. Send for
Illustrated Catalogue U for information and price to
Box 846, Corning, IN, Y.'
-=M 0 R £-
Fourth Stock Just Arriving for the Spring and
Summer at the
( •
Lock Haven, Fa.
And we can safely say at prices that will suit everyone. Cotton Good
have never been as cheap as now. On account of the cold and backward .Spring
New York and Philadelphia jobbers over-loaned themselves in the early part of
the season, and are now willing to sell their goods at a loss rather than carry
them over the season. We took advantage of these bargains and are now pre
pared to sell you goods lower thai! you ever bought them. We will give you a
list of a few of the
All Prints in Standard makes, such as Coelieeo, Pacific and Merriiunc
Prints (>i cents, never sold lower than K cents. Dress Ginghams in a beautiful
line of colors. 8 cents, former price 124 cents. 33 inch Percales 8 cents, former
price 124 cents. 4-4 Hill Muslin, bleached, 84 cents, together with a full line of
Sersnckers. French Ginghams, Dawns in Cotton and Linen, Unbleached Mus
lins, Crashes?, Tickings, Table Linens and all other Domestic Goods at prices in
proportion to those just mentioned. In
We have some bargains to offer. The l*-st thing we have now for tlio
money is an ull-uool-iilling CASH M Kit Eat 8 ecu is: they are in medium and
light snades only, but the former price,on them has been 124 cents; at b cents
they aic belter to buy than Calico, lit member ihey are half wool.
in all shades at 124 cents.
Buntings ; 1 wool at 20 and 23 cents.
Buntings in a little l etter grade at 33 cents.
Buntings in double width, Gne, all-wool at To cents.
Another Lot of Summer Silks
These goods are scarce, hut we. have the styles now better than at anv
time this season and prices are equally as low ; together with these we have all
the new things in Summer Dress Goods in sill the new shades. Large line of
Plain and Colored Silks, liest goods $1 2-3 ; lowest prLe 474 cents. We still have
a big trade on our SI.OO lilack Silk, the best in the city for the money. <•
nun's mum s
You have heard a great deal about this fabric no doubt. We have all the
desirable light shades such as pink, light blue, cream and white. Fringes and
Passe roent cries have bad their day ; laces are tlie rage now. Spanish and Span
ish Gimpure—these we can not give prices on here as there are so many quali
ties aud widths, but they start at 25 cents and go to $1.50 per yard ; in the fine
goods we have 2 and in some patterns 3 widths. We can tell yu better about
them when you come to see them ; we do not ask you to buy if prices are uot as
low and varieties greater than any other place iu town.
With as fine a line of Embroideries in match goods ever brought to this
city ; it is worth your lime to come in if for nothing else than to see them, we
will take great pleasure in showing them together with the above named goods
We have all the new things in
Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Lace Col
ars, Linen Collars, Handkerchiefs,
Lace Mitts, Etc.
Ladies' White Kid Gloves (Foster Pattern), in lOJiooks; sizes from 51 to
8. Still a few more
we cany Brussels left at 55, 87* and 95c. We have given you a list of the goods
la and will guarantee prices as low as you ever bought them.
8.—10,000 pounds Wool wanted in exchange or for cash.