Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, August 10, 1882, Image 1

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    VOL. LVI.
Fashionable Barber,
Next Door to JOURNAL Store,
Good Sample Room on First Floor.
49-Fre Bon to AND from all Train*. SPECIAL
rates to witnesses and Juror*. 44
(Most Central Hotel In tHe CltyJ
Corner MAIN and JAY Streets,
Lock Haven, Fa.
S. WOODS CILWELL, Proprietor.
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial
Travelers on first floor.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office In 2d story of Tomlinson'f Gro
cery Store,
Bhop next door to Foote's Store, Main St.,
Boots, Shoes and WAITERS made to order, and sat
isfactory work gnarautead. Repairing done prompt
ly aud cheaply, and in a neat style.
S. R. PEALS. H. A. McKx*.
Office opposite Court House, Bellefonte, Pa.
C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower.
Office in Carman's new building.
Office on Allegheny Street.
Northwet corner of Diamond.
D. " UASiiAUS,
Office on Allegheny Street, 2 doors west of office
formerly occupied by the late firm of Yocum A
Orphans Court bnslnesa a Specialty.
Practices in aifthe courts of Centre County.
Special attention to Collections, consultations
in German or English.
J. A. Beaver. J W. Gepbart.
Office on Alleghany Street, North of High.
Consultations In English or German. Office
In Lyon'i Building, Allegheny street.
•d. k. xusTikaa w. r. RMBiai
Office on Allegheny street, two doors east of the
•Ace occupied by the late Arm ol YP" > Bast
toga. SATF
lie pillbeitn §isl
In the silent hours of the IUI.IUIXM
When the drowsy world wius still;
While the golden beams of the starlight
Heated upon the hill;
1 stood where the noontH>aius quiver.
As the musical waters flow,
on the bauks of that sleeping river
Where we parted years ago.
I remember the tall tree's shadows
Made darker the river's aide,
As it wound through the hazel meadows
Like a silvery ribbon wide;
And 1 thought of those days of gladness
When we wandered long ago,
With never a thought of sadness.
Where the musical waters flow.
Days that were free from trouble *
And clear as a bright June sky.
Yet transient as airy bubble
That kisses the shore to die.
Thus love with the years forever
Far out of our lives will flee,
While the waves of this same old river,
Drift on and out to the sea.
"Come, Bessie, nurse is waiting! Run
now. and let lier attend to your curls,
you must look very neat, or Mr. Irving
will not love you. * It is almost diuuer
time," said Bessie's mother.
Immediately the child arose, raised
her sweet lips to kiss mamma, and fol
lowed the nurse from the room.
"It is perfectly wonderful how much
influence Mr. Irving has over that child!
Just tell her to do anything, and say it
will please him, and that is enough. I
never saw anything like it, said Mrs.
Wallace to a friend sitting beside her,
who answered —
"I have, and I would not encourage—
or rather I would endeavor to overcome
that influence."
"N>w, my dear Georgie. what is
troubling that wise head of yours? What
meaus that crave look and anxious light
in your eye?" .
"Fannie, I'm perfectly astonished at
people whose duty it is to watch over
and guard their little oms, especially
their girls, from sorrows, planting in
their young hearts seeds which may
grow to be thorns, and treating children
as though they were void of any deeper
thought and feeling than the apprecia
tion of a doll or box of toys. lam sure
some children of five years have hearts
that love as devotedly and suffer as
keenly as man yof maturer years. You
are shakiug your head. I want to tell
you a little story to prove my assertion.
We have half an hour before dinner;will
you listen?"
"Yes, certaiuly; but it must have a
happy ending." answered Mrs. Wallace.
"I cannot promise; perhaps the end
has not yet come. You know Hettie Le
*°y r ' , -IT
"I do, certainly; a loveher girl I never
knew. Why she* has never married has
been a source of wonder to me."
"Av, and to many who know lieruot
so well as L It is of her lam going to
tell you."
"Twenty-five years ago, when just as
loving, too, a young iiiau crossed her
patii. We will "call him Joe Hewberry,
He was the class mate and dearest friend
of Hettie's brother. At a party given
during the Cliristmas holidays by Mrs.
Le Roy, Joe, to pique one of the girls,
attached himself for the evening to little
Hettie, dancing with her, promenading
through the rooms, with her tiny hands
clasped in his, much to the mice of
many bright-eyed maidens, who reallv
were envious of the baby girl.
"Joe was handsome and very fascinat
ing, a universal favorite with the ladies,
young and old. Several mammas tried
to draw him away from his 'little love,'
as he called her, and maneuvered to get
her from him. But all in vain, until
wearily the sunny head dropped, and
with her arms around his neck, her
sweet lips giving the good night kiss,
she sank to sleep. Gently then he re
signed her to her nurse's care.
"Every day frcm that time he came to
the house. His home was quite near.
At the sound ot his voice Hettie sprang
forward wiih outstretched arms to meet
him. I have seen her, with her hand in
his, looking up in his face for hours,
seemingly perfectly happy.
"Of course this was noted by the fami
ly and commented upon. The child's
older sisters and brothers could win her
to do their will by saying, "I'll tell Mr.
Hewberry if you don't, and he won't
love you then."
"Daily she gathered a little bouquet
for him, and when the autumn days
oame and flowers were few, the 'little
love' would watch closely the slowly
opening buds, lest some one else should
get them. •
"So the days passed by for two years,
and then for a time she was separatod
from the one she had grown to love so
"Better than a brother?" they would
sometimes ask her.
"Yes," would come the whispered an
"Better than sister?"
Without any hesitation the whispered
answer come.
"Than father and mother?"
"And then the deep blue eyes would
grow so earnest, and the pietty lips
would part and close again,as if unwill
ing to utter the words she feared might
wound. When pressed to answer, her
eyes sought mamma and papa, as if im
ploring their forgiveness, and 'I can't
help it; just a little more," she mur
mured, and buried her head in Joe's
"She clung around his neck and beg
ged to be with him when the hour of
parting came. With promises of a
speedy return he managed to soothe
"Perhaps the child might have in tim 3
been weaned from this strange attach
ment if they had ceased to talk to her of
him. But possessing, as it were,a magic
wand to guide her actions, they used it
freely. ,
"How well I remember her as she
stood eagerly watching the postman, as
lie came from door to door. As nearer
he drew, she became so excited and anx
ious that her heart trembled lest she
should be disappointed. But the letter
came and with a wild cry ot joy she
pressed it to her bosom, and ran with it
lor her mmmy to read.
"His absence was short. He returned,
bringing her for a Christmas present a
pretty little chain to which was attached
a locket with his portrait* For Joe she
learned to rend, to write; for him she
would grow brave, and with his hand
holding hers, she had her first teeth
"When ill with fever, tossing restless
ly from side to side, his hand could al
ways quiet, his voice soothe. Wituoiit
a murmur she would take from him the
nauseous doses.
"How will all this end?" I asked her
mother once; and lightly she replied:
"Oh, all rigut, ol eouidv. She will
learu to love some one nearer her own
age when the proper time comes,aud he
will be married long before then. He
has a distant cousin whom,! tun inclined
to think, he is engaged to. lam very
sure their parents are anxious for their
"As Hettie grew older, a little shyness
crept gradually into her manner. Still
the love was there.
Ouoe, in a moment of confidence, she
came to me and asked:
"Do you believe Mr. Hewberry love*
Cora Cushiug better than he loves me?
Fred says he does—that he remained by
her all the time at the party last night.
I wish I was old enough to go to parties!
And I wish—indeed I do—"
"What, Hettie?" I asked, as she hesi
"I wish Cora Cushiug didn't live in
this world—indeed 1 do!" nodding her
head decidedly, while striving to force
back the tears.
" 'Oh! Oh! Hettie, this is dreadful!' I
said, drawmg her within my arms.
" 'Well, then, I wish Mr. Hewberry
and I lived somewhere else, where Cora
Cushing wouldn't come," she sobbed.
"I assured her that Joe did not love
Cora Cushiug; that Fred was only teas
ing her.
"When she was ten years old, Joe was
suddemy called away by the severe ill
ness ot his nearest relative, an uncle.
There was only time for a hasty good
by, my Tittle love'! Make haste to grow
fast and be a tall girl when I come back
he said kissing her.
"His going was so sudden she did not
seem to realize it. I was glad it was so.
But how I pitied the little thiug, when
day after day, as she had done for years,
she sat and watched.
" 'Maybe he might come," she said
once to me.
"Letters came often to Fred, with
messages of love for her, with sometimes
a little note accompanying a gift. Food
enough to keep her loving little heari
from the suffering he gave, and fuel
enough to keep the love brightly burning.
But he came not, nor promised of his
Time passed ou: the pretty child grew
to be a beautiful maiden. Youths gath
ered about her, and friends had ceased
to talk of Joe. Other names were men
tioned as his had been, yet none could
win an answering soiile or blush, 1
knew for whom her love was kept.
"The waiting, yearning look In liei
eyes gave way at last,and a joyous light
broke forth. Joe was coining back. A
letter to Fred brought the glad tidings.
He wrote—
"l've a secret to tell you, dear boy.
But no—l'll keep it for a surprise, in
which you will rejoice for my sake, 1
am sure. In a few days I shall be with
"Again, as in her baby days, Hettii
began her watching. Oh, I kuow her
heart was singing a joyous song, though
the sweet hps gave no Bound.
"She stood in the porch, waiting his
coming, clothed in fleecy white, roses in
her hair, aud a bright smile playing
upon her free.
"Fred came toward her. The boy V
face had lost its usual look of merriment
—his voice, its careless tone.
"Hettie, Joe came by the train awhile
ago'—he paused, darting an anxious,
searching glance at his sister's face
'and he was not alone. I'll not let him
surprise you. little sis. I've hurried
home to tell vou his wife is with him."
"The light went out of eye andneart.
The blush faded quickly on the young
face, and, whiter than the dress she
wore, she put forth her hand to grasp
the balustrade.
"Fred sprang forward to catch her
fainting form. Like a broken lily, he
bore her in. And when Joe came she
knew it not.
"For many days her gentle spirit
hovered between the shores. Some
times, since, I've almost regretted that
it passed not away to the other and
brighter one. But she was left with
us for a wise purpose, I kuow. #
"She has never seen Joe Hewberry
since his marriage. Three years after,
she sent to his little girl who bears her
name, the chain and locket she used to
"Where is he now?" Mrs, Wallace
"I have not heard f him for years.
I know not if he lives."
"Thanks for your story, Georgie. Bu
I wish its lessen would have been pow
"True. I must profit by it without
delay. I will send Bessie home to-mor
row with mother. The change will do
her good, and break the spell."
A few days after this, Geerce Clark
came to see Bessie's mother, and said,
with a bright smile—
"l've come to change the ending of
my story ol the other day. In fact, the
end has not then come. Here are Het
tie's wedding cards; her Joe has been a
widower over two years. Hear what
she writes to me:
"Forgive me for keeping my happi
ness from you, my dear friend, but I
have not been able to realize sufficiently
that this great joy was for me to speak
of to others. Now that it is so near,and
he is with me, surely it must be. You,
who have known so much, must know
all now, He loved and was pledged to
her before he knew me. You will be
glad to know this; I was. Had I known
it, it would haye soothed greatly the
agony of bygone days."
"We were at Hettie's wedding yester
day, a happier, lovelier bride I never
. saw."
| The only really bitter tears are those
which are shed in solitude,
• - %
Toulouse Geese, when not inordinate
ly forced for exhibition, are lpirdy,early
layers, aud reasonably prof olio, often
raising two broods of goslins a year.
The young early take care of themselves
on good pasture, and grow with aston
ishing rapidity. It is not well to let
theui depend wholly upon grass, but at
first to give a little wet-up oat-meal
daily, and afterwards a few oats or
handfuls of barley, thrown iu a trough
or shallow pool, to which they have
access. Geese bear, with little danger,
any degree of pampering and stuflling,
but iu our experience this is likely to
produce such accumulations of internal
fat as to prevent fecundity. These fine
fowls attain, on a good grass range,
uearly double the weight of common
geese, aud, forced by high feeding, a
pair have hocn known to reach the
weight of 60 pounds. Twenty pound
geese are not rare. Early goslings, if
well fed will attain that weight at
Christmas, and even a 10 pound "green
goslmg" is a delicacy which might well
suggest the devout proveib of the Ger
mans, that a "Good roast goose is a good
gilt of God." The tact is, that common
geese make a poor show upcu the table
unless they are very: fat. This is dis
tasteful to many jiersons, and they can
hardly be very fat before the late au
tumn, beeause we need grain to fatten
them. With this variety, however, and
the Embdein, which matures early aud
attains a great weight also, it is differ
ent; the goslings are heavy before they
are fat, carry a good deal of flesh, and
are tender and delicious early iu the
season, when simply grass-fed, or hav
ing hail but little Praia.
A SB Mon*ter.
The crew of a Shetland fishing boat
unite in declaring that they were at
tacked a fortnight ago by a monster, in
comparison with which the terror of
American waters is as insignificant as a
shrimp. They declare that they were
hauling their lines twenty-eight miles
east-south-east of Fetiar when they
aw at a short d ; atane3 from them
something that had the appearance of
three ainall hillocks, each about the
size of a six-oared boai, upset, which
blew when coming to the surface. It
disappeared in the direction of the boat,
and shortly afterward tuey saw the
monster pass underneath the boat
When it came up again it started right
iu their direction with its mouth wide
open—a mouth, they say, that to all ap
pearance could have taken in their
There seemed to be whiskers of a
3 Teeu color, aud about seven or eight
feet long, hanging from its mouth;
very large green eyes, and on its head
were great lumps about the sizo of a
herring barrel. They threw stones at
it, bnt it still came on toward them, and
only again disappeared below water
when a few y%rds from the boat, on a
charge ot swau-sliffit being c ischarged
out of a fowling piece into its mouth.
The lines were then cut aud all sail
was made for home, wheu the monster
igain appeared in the wake. This time
they observed that it had two large firs,
almost the size of the boat's mainsail,
which were stretched up from its back,
and its length they computed to be no
less than 150 feot. It followed them
up for a distance of nine miles and then
Sorrowing for the Dead.
A writer who was present at an Afri
can funeral said: The beating of a
drum announced that the danoe was
about to begiu. The men arranged
themselves opposite with the women as
in a ballet dance in a European theatre.
The dance opened by an advance of the
women, who kneeled before the men
and retired. The men next advanced,
slapped each other on the thigh, knelt,
and withdrew. After a pause both men
and women went through a figure some
what resembling "The Lancers.' The
women displayed some peculiar contor
tions of the limbs, and simultaneously
the men parsed in and out between the
contortionists. This was only the pre
lude to a more exciting scene—a very
lively dance not unlike tho French can
can accompanied by savage gesticula
tions. Some of the men threw them
selves violently on the ground ; others
crawled about on "all-fours," whilst the
women sat down clasping their knees
with their hands. Subsequently the
women formed a circle, and then retired
into line joined by the men. The danc
ers vied with each other in grotesque
contortions, and the one who succeeded
the best was the loudest applauded.
Every joint and muscle was brought
into play, and at intervals the men and
his wrongs. This gave lnm new resolve,
ane he returned to his hiding place, and
the women would drop outt o refresh
themselves with millet aud beer. In
this way the "sorrowing for the dead"
was kept up throughout the night with
out intermission.
If you think it right to differ from
the times, and to make a stand for any
valuable point of morals, do it, iiowever
rustic, however antiquated it may ap
pear; do it, not for insolence, but seri
ously as a man who wore a soul of his
own in his bosom, and did not wait till
it was breathed into him by the breath
of fashion.
Opera-(J INS* Whlaky-Fiaak.
The latest thing out, and certainly an
article that fill a want long felt, is an
opera-glass that will hold a Half pint of
whisky. It is, in fact, a whisky-flask,
with lenses and things just like an op
era-glaas, and a person can take a drmk
without going out between acts. It
can he used us an opera glass with o
without taking a drink. If you want to
take a drink there is a little spring that
you touch with the little fiuger, when a
silver tube drops into the mouth, and
the whisky flows as easily as possible.
It works best when you point the opera
glass up in the gallery, because that act
gives it the natural incline. Quite a
number of these oper-glasses are said to
be in use, and they give excellent satis
faction. A party of four gentlemen had
one between them at the theater one
night, and though they have been regu
lar corn jammers heretofore, going out
between the acts with unfailing regular
ity and walking over whole rows of peo
ple, on this occasion they did not go
out until the third act, when the opera
glass ran dry. It was amusing to see
them take turns with that opera-glass,
looking up in the gallery at some im
magiuary acquaintance. One would
take the glass and look up and take a
drink, and bow to somebody up stairs,
and hand the glass to auother and he
would look up. The last one to drink
out of it came near giving the whole
fchome away by shaking it when it re
fused to give down. After the last
drink the gentlemen sat IU solemn si
lence for ten minutes, and then they
could not stand it longer, so they got
up and filed out for a drink. It was
evident that they had got it filled while
out, becauso they again began looking
at the fellows in the gallery. If this
opera-whisky-glass-flask comes into gen
eral use it will save visitore to places of
amusement a great deal of annoyance,
as there is no greater nuisance at
theater than a gang of fellows getting
up and plowing through an audience to
get a drink. Quite a number of ladies
have beeu noticed lookiug up iuto the
gallery with opera-glasses, but we can
not think they have secured these new
flasks. However, if they have not, they
had better be careful about looking up
lngh for a time, for people will miscon
trues theii motives.
Bat Cave*.
A Texas hunter says : The bat caves
of Texas have been known to bear hunters
and turkey hunters and other adventur
ous persons a long time. They are nu
merous in the mountatns or tenn-moun
taiuous regions of the limestone districts.
1 dare say if any one should turn out to
hunt them they would lie found by hun
dreds. Wherever you And a considerable
cave with an opening there you will be
quite sure to tiud bats by the million. 1
have never seen the caves mentioned in
the article, but have •-en several. The
only one 1 ever vantured to explore was
either in Medina couuty or Bandera. They
are not very* pleasant places to go into,
as one is continually haunted by the fear
of rattlcsuukes, she bears with cubs aud
the danger of falling into unknown abys
ses. Tiiey are regular witch holes. I?
there be witches in the world there you
will find them.
1 should think 1 explored that one in
Bandera, or Medina, several hundred
yards, as I judged, until I came to a fine
creek rushing and roaring through it. 8.-
youd the creek I could see another open
lug leading, no doubt, to still deeper and
darker depths ; but I had got enough of it
aud refused to venture any further. In
this one 1 encountered the bat guano im
mediaiely on entering, and it continued a
great distance. I could uot judge bow
thick the deposit was, out it was certainly
many feet. There could not have beeu
less than several thousand tons of it, and
it wa9 accumulating with great rapidity.
1 should not be surprised now to learn that
the cave has been so completely tilled up
by the deposits that the bat 9 cau no longer
go Into it.
One can scarely conceive of the great
multitude ot bals there are iu the world
until he ha 9 gone .into one of these bat
caves. They not only cover the walls and
roofs completely, several tiers dejp, ap
parently, but they actually hang from the
roof in enormous bunches. V> iien you
siir up one of these great pendant bunches
of bills there is a squeaking and fluttering,
to be sure. The substance ca9t down by
these bats is rich in nitrate of pota9h. For
the manufacture of that salt no other sub
stance in the world can compare with it.
1 saw any quanty of it in the B ndera or
Medina cave, which, by some natural pro
cess, bad beeu converted where it lay into
pure saltpetre apparently. It would un
doubtedly make a very strong fertilizer,
besides furnishing gunpowder, etc., but
whether the raw stuff is worth S6O a ton
or not 1 cannot say. If it is worth any
thing like thai figure I should say a Texas
but cave is better than a gold miuc.
Wedding i'lpea.
The ci'y of Gouda, so famed for the
old stained glass in the cathedral, and
more generally associated with the man
ufacture of Dutch pipes, is about fifteen
miles from Rotterdam. Among-the va
riety of pipes made there is one oalled
the wedding pipe; it is three feet three
inches long in the stem ; the bowl is
ornamented with The
Dutch make festivals of the copper
wedding, the silver wedding, the golden
wedding and the diamond wedding. On
the occasion of the copper wedding the
stem of the pipe is ornamented with
copper leaves twining all the way up
the stem, and at each successive festi
val the leaves are renewed according to
the date of the commemmoration,which
seldom passes the golden. In Amster
dam I once saw a diamond-leaved pipe
which had been prepared for a seventy
-1 fifth wedding.
Animals That Die for VVatr.
For years the water question has been
a conundrum on the plains of Arizona
and Southern CaliforniA It is well
known that some of the land on the desert
is of the best quality, and would produce
the best crops in the world if rain would
fall or water were plentiful enough for
irrigation. This problem has been solved
by a South American gentleman who has
traveled over most of the world. It seems
that the geutleman was traveling in a dry
part of South America about eighteen
months ago, all alone, looking for a new
range for stock, lie had journeyed about
thirty miles from water and was beginning
to get used up when he discovered one of
those green spots on the desert that makes
the lonely traveler's heart feel light. On
ueerer approach he saw that there was a
town of small animals,similiar to the prairie
dog of this country. They had mounds
all around the green spot and seemed to
be vtry nuineroua When he rode up
among them they all scampered into their
holes, but soon came out agam and be
came quite tame. He rode up to the
spring or well and found it to be an.excel
lent quality of water. After quenching
his thirst he began to look around and in.
vestigate the new camp. The strangesL
thing that his attention was called to was
the similarity of the hole from which the
water flowed to the holes made by the
dogs. The spring flowed from the en
trance of a mound just the same as
that in which the dogs lived, but it was
much larger and on top was a large basin.
Noticing this fact, and knowing that
water was a great distance off, he began an
investigation, aud came to the conclusion
that the iittle dogs had bored the well.
Acting upon this decision he captured two
of them aud started for his ranch. On
arriving there a pen was made in a dry
place and the littie Icl'ows put in it Jo
a few days the work begau, They worked
v ry rapidly and soon had a hole fifty or
sixty feet deep ? They seemed to be able to
penetrate the hardest kind of soil, as they
kept right on, stopping for nothing. One
would work in the bottom of the hoie
while the other brought the dirt to the top.
On the fifth day they seemed to be ex
hausted, and be gave them some water.
1 bis stopped work for several days, but
they soon got thirsty and went to work as
hard as ever. On the morning of the
eighteenth day they both came up with a
rush, followed by a stream of water. How
deep they had gone it was impossible to
tell, as the hole was cot straight
"What kind of looking aaimals are
they f" asked the reporter.
"Very snnihar to the common prairie
dog in size aud color, only they have a
bony snout and the claws are much longer
aud larger. They soon become tame and
make nice pets. But I will have several
of iheni down here in a few days anif you
can take a look at them."
" What do you propose doing ?"
"I thirk there is large country south of
here that can be utilized with the assis
tance of my pet dogs. I feel* sure that
every part of Southern California and
Arizona can be cult'vated where the land is
ricn enough to raise grain. Tnese animals
will tiud water if it is within 4 000 feet of
the surface. 1 know it because I have
tried them
From the memorandum compiled by the
Commissioner of Pensions in Washington
it appears that the actual amount paid lor
peu9ions on account of the late war to
March 1, 1882, is $500,781,950. It is
estimated that there are now on the pen
sion-roll the names of 250,000 pensioner*:
of the late war. This does not include
30,000 (estimated) servic# pensions on ac
c -unt oi the war of 1812. The annual
value of the 250,000 late war pensions is
$27,500,000, and ot the 80,000 war of
1812 pea-ions, $2,800,000, or an aggregate
annual value in all of $30,300,000. Es
timating the disbursements for May and
June, the total paid lor pensions during
the current fiscal year will not vary much
from $65,000,000. Oa April 1, 1882,
there were on file 217,162 pending claims
which, if allowed, would he entitled to
arrears. There are 53,179 pending claims
which were filed subsequent to the limita
tion imposed by the Arrears Act, and,
when allowed, pension commenc s from
date ol filing. If the tw > classes just re
let red to should he at once added to the
roil, (233,032), it would increase the an
uual value ot pensions $24,500,000, which,
added to ihe present annual value ($30,.
300,000), would he $54,800,000.
French Fartulug.
Every square foot of ground is put to
use, has been in use for uunumbered
generations. Hre and there in the
distance appear patches of wood, care
fully preserved and guarded, but the
rest of the land is almost bare of shade.
There is no brush or tangle of weed and
wild flower by the roadside, no thicket
by the stream. The last of these tres
passers were eradicated ages ago, along
with the last stump. A grey stone wall
borders the high way. The crossroads
are often sunk 2 or 3 feet below the
general level. Narrow ridges of earth
mark the boundaries of the fields, and
the furrows are driven so close to them
that it is a wonder how the plough is
.urnedA Single rows of poplars
stretch with exasperating regularity
ucross the landscape. They are trim
med close, and sometimes every twig
is removed except a bunch at the ex
treme top, then they look like liberty
poles with bushes tied to them. There
are willows by the brook, but they are
pollard-willows, kept for their twigs
which are scrupulously cut off, and
they lift their scarred aud knotted
trunks like hands from which all the
fingers have been amputated.
The anniversary of Waterloo—June
18—was duly celebrated ia England and
elsewhere throughout the Queen's do
minions by every regiment that had a
part in the memorable fight. A feature
of the observance was the decoration of
the colors with laurel. In Chelsea
College as an inpensioner, but one
survivor of "Waterloo now remams. His
name is John Mackie, and he was
present at a Marlborough House parade
ou June 18, receiving great attention.
His age is 97, and he is said still to re
tain all his faculties. Ia various other
parts of England there are living several
other surviyors of the battle.
Baying a Stove.
i •'lt's human natur' the world oyer,"
, says Bill Mat son, the second-hand dealer.
"Everybody wants what they can't hare,
, or what they are told they can't have,
i which amounts to the same thing. If I
have a damaged article, I always put it
back behind the perfect ones, and nine
times out of ten it is the first one sold. It's
human natur', and 'specially in women 1"
"Why do you say women ?" queried a
reporter. "Aren't men as often swindled
in buying as women are f"
Swindled! swindled! My dear boy, who
said anything about swindling f People
swindle themselves; insist on being swin
dled. Men generally use their judgment
in buying, but a woman rarely does. Set
forty rocking chairs out there in a row,
mark one of them 'sold.' and every woman
who wants a rocking chair will want thai
particular one, and won't have any other.
Some men are the same way, but most
are not. You know Mitchell ?"
"The first tine you meet him, ask him
about that ar* stove.
"How's that f
"List fall i bought four stoves, ail
alike. When he came to black 'em, we
found a crack in the bottom of one of 'em
as wide as your finger. We wanted a
stove over to the house, so I told the boy
to shine it up, put it out of sight, .and the
first lime he had the wagon out to carry it
ever. 1 could put a piece of abeet iron
over the crack, and it would do well
enough for us. Well, that evening Mitch
came along, and, says he, "Uw much for
one of them stoves?'
"Twelve dollars," says Fred.
"Twelve dollars be blowed!' says
Mitch. 'Do yer take meior a Rothschild i
I'll give yon ten.'
" 'All right,' says FreJ, 'which one will
you have ?'
*\Mitjn OJiuieuCed a-looldn' of 'em
over, when suddenly he spied the cracked
one a sittin* over there with a piece of old
carpet thrown over it. 'What's ail that?'
says lie.
" 'One that Bill is a goin* to take over
to the house,' says f red.
•• 'Well, that's the one I want,' says
" "It'scracked,' says Fred.
'•'That'stoo thin,' says Milch. 'You
must take me for a sucker! you said
I could have my choice for tea dollars.
There's your money. Send it right up.'
And I'll be hanged if he wasn't so 'fraid
that Fred would take up one of the sound
ones thai he made him gj and hitch up the
team right then and take that stove up to
ins house that nigbt. 'Bout a week after
that Mitch kindled a fire in his stove,
filled her up wuh coal, and went to bed.
The heal opened up that crack, and 'bout
midnight that stove went off with a 'bang!'
that made Mitch think judgment had hit
him. 1 look the old stove back and gave
hm a good one in its piacs, but Milch
buys the beer reg'iar every time he goes by
h re. Jest \oa y to him, Mitch, bow
about ar' 6tove V aud you've got a drink
a com in', sure!"
Cattle Transportation.
A train of ten improved st jck cars,
containing 158 head of cattle, arrived in
New York on the night of Hay 28. The
train left Chicago on the 26th, and ran
to Buffalo on slo v time. From Buffalo
to New York a speed of from 30 to 45
miles an hour was maintained. This is
said to be the quickest trip ever made
by a live stock train, and th .* condi ion
oi the cattle on their arrival proved the
excellence of the treatmdnt they had
received on their long journey. The
weight of the cattle when loaded in
Chicago was 226,098 pounds, an aver
age of 1,430 pounds a head. They ar
rived in New York at midnight, and
early the next morning their aggregate
weight was found to be 222,870 pouuds,
an average of 1,410 pounds eacn, show
ing a shrinkage of only 20 pounds a
heal. The usual shrinkage for this
journey is from 70 to 100 pounds. Tne
eatt e were watered at stations along
the road, and at the same time supplied
with hay to be eaten while the train
was running. The improved cars are
each 40 feet long, insiie measurement,
or 10 feet longer thau the ordinary cat
tie. car. Eacn car contains sixteen
stalls, eight of which face to one side
and eight to the other. These stills
are 2} feet in width. 81 feet in length,
and 71 feet high, all jwing ample room
lor tne largest steer to he down on and
rise from at will his comfortable dried
sand bed of an inch and a half's thick
ness. They are sepraated by gates,
which are cushioned, with spring fast
enings, against which the animal can
lean without being bruised by the motion
of the train. For about one-sixth of
the width of the car the gates are per
manent, and extend from the floor to .
the ceiling, but for the remainder of
their length fold upward into the rigid
section, tuns making a free passage for
the cattle to pass out of or into the cars.
The gates are dropped down, one at a
time, as each animal is walked into its
stall, while the oar is being loaded.
The heads of the animals are between
the stationary sections, so that "hooking"
or quarreling about feed is eifoctualiy
prevented. In front of the beasts,
ulong the sides of the car, are continu
ous troughs for feed and water. The
food, which JJmay be cut feed or dry
hay, is easily introduced from the out
side by raising a hinged board that is
upheld by a houk while the food is
bung placed, and afterward dropped
and fastened by another hook on the
outside to p event tne feed from being
thrown out. The water is reeeiveu
through an aperture iu the top of the
car, and is conveyed directly to the
troughs through pipes. The train was
provided with automatic brakes.
uiu idea.
Yon Moltke, the veteran-chief of the
German Army, will smile, if he ever
smiles, when he reads, if he ever reads,
the debates in the United States Senate,
the "overwhelming argument" in favor
of the bill retiring army officers at the
age of sixty-four, that "successful wars
the world over have been fought by the
young and middle-aged," Yon Moltke
was only sixty-six when he began the
campaign of Sadowa. in 1866, and not
above seventy-one when, in 1870-71, ho,
captured Paris, after having annihilated
two entire armies in a short campaign
of less than a year.
NO 32.