Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, August 03, 1882, Image 3

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    Jlitlttfim journal.
Kditors and Proprietors.
Local Department.
We are authorised to announce that B. F.
Hunter, of Bonner township, Is a candidate
for member of the legislature, subject to Dem
ocratic rules.
We are authorized to announce that John A.
WOODWARD of Howard township, is a candidate
tor member of the legislature, subject to Dem
ocratic rules.
—The thermometer did right brave
ly last week.
—A general picnic is to be held near
MadisoDburg next Saturday,
—Lock naven sports an Old Maids 1
Literary society. Good idetv
—Pine Station camp meeting com
mences Weduesday, August 23rd.
—A good town property* at private
sale. Inquire at this office. tf.
—And will there be no Snnday
School picnics in these parts this sum
mer ?
—The West Branch camp meeting at
Wayne station will begin on the 15th
Inst, and continue ten days.
—The Centr e County Pomona Grange
Will meet at Centre nail, Wednesday
August 9th.
—Charley Shttgis, of Lewisburg,
smiling and pleasant as usual, was here
over Sunday.
—The attention of heirs and other
interested parties is directed to the
long list of Register's notices in anoth
er column.
—The Democrats of Clinton county
hold their delegate elections next Sat
urday, and the coiinty Convention will
meet on Wednesday following.
—Nearly the wholo of the western
wall of Musser & Smith's Hardware
building is papered with the large and
attractive show-bills of the coming
menagerie and circus.
—The administrators of Adam Xer
• by, deceased, will offer some valuable
property at public sale on Saturday Aug
sth. See notice la an other column
and sale bills. ts
—N'oHhumberlaDd county lias thirty
two prisoners in jail at this tine, while
Ceotre county has but one, which
amakes majority in favor of Northum
berland of thirty-one.
—Mr. John Wilson of Half Moon
township has a wheat field that is ex
pected to yield thirty bushels to the a
cre. Good farming and phosphate did
—The finest display of monuments
and head stones ever made in- Centre
Countv can now be seen at the old
Millheim Marble Works. Material and
work are the best, prices the cheapest.
—A York county man sports a corn
stalk already over eleven feet high, but
there are plenty of stalks inPenn's Val
ley whose tops couldn't be touched by
a six foot man standing on the back of
the biggest borse.
—S. K. Sankey & Co., have rented
the store building and shops of the late
John D. Foote, deceased, as a place of
business. Sam has fixed up and fur
nished the store in best style, for an
office, and the old place will soon re
sound with the hum of industry* and
—The Millheim C. Band elected the
following as its officers for the ensuing
year last Monday evening: D. I. Brown
Resident; John W. Foote, Secretary
and R. A. Bumiller, Treasurer. Sever
al new members were admitted into the
band, filing all the vacant instru
—John H. Frank brought two wheat
heads into our office that measure eight
inches in length, each. John did not
say how long the ent ire. stalks were,
but the usual scale of a foot to an
inch would make them eight feet. At
least we do not feel authorized to strc tch
them any longer.
—The Evangelical campmeeting on
Mifflinburg circuit will be held at
Swengle station, beginning Aug. 10th.
Boarding will be provided at reasonable
rates. There will be excursion tickets.
Inventors and Patentees
should send for instructions, reason*
able terms, references, &c., to Edson
Brothers, Solicitors of Patents, Wash
ington, D. 0. who furnish the same
without charge. Edson Brothers is a
well known and successful firm of large
experience, having been established in
1860. . tf
Read, Mark and Learn!
That a fine, enclosed Picnic Ground,
with every convenience, SwiDgs, Cro
quet Ground, Quoits, Pavillion, and a
Fine Spring of pure water with plenty
of shade, has now been, completed at
Spring Mills. Societies, Clubs, Lodges
and all respectable parties will be ac
commodated on reasonable terms.
Carriages and tickets to the celebrated
Penn Caves at moderate rates. Ad
3m Spring Mills House.
—Our friend "Dick" John Chafer of
Brush Valley sends us an oats stalk
that measures six feet three inches in
length. Of conrse such oats can only
grow On goocl l)emocratic soil. It is
genuine Simon Pure (not Simon Came-
oats and beats Mike Ulricirs Bea
ver oats exactly one inch. Mike must
step down and out.
—We learn from reliable sources that
the County Prohibition Convention
was a decided success, both as regards
the number of delegates and visitors
present,*as well as the spirit that pre
We had hoped to bo furnished by the
seoietariss on official account of the
proceedings, but nothing of that kind
has reached us up to thq time of going
to press. ✓
—S. K. SANKEY A CO. are making
preparations to manufacture on an ex
tensive scale the celebrated Keystone
Cultivator. This is one of the best
agricultural implements ever invented
and was largely manufactured by the
late John D. Foote. The new firm
should haVeCVery possible encourage
ment by our citizens and the communi
ty at large. The concern has the smack
of pluck and enterprise about it and we
wish it every possible success. 2t.
Your LoCAfc, Paper.— Do your city
papers give you home news V Do they
contain notices of your ehttrtfoes,
schools, meetings, improvements andl
hundreds of other matters of interest
which the local paper publishes with
out pay ? Do they say a word calculat
ed to draw attention to your own town
and aid in the progress and enterprise
of your immediate vicinity ? Answer
these questions and then determlAe for
yourself whether the city or local pa
per is deserving of your support, first
of all.— Ex.
CUS.—"Wait for Uie wagon I ' —or, in other words
save your 'Mollars of tho dad\ es" for the com
ing of the above-named confederation of ani
mals and artists which will mass its multitude
of amusement marvels at Millheim on Thurs
day Aug. 10th 18S2. Aud mark well that It Is
a solid, honest road show; bringing savage
Nature, in all the ni ost majestic illustrations of
her living lessons, dlßMty to your doors, and
added thereto a far greater and purer circus
than yon were ever decoyed into visiting at
some distant point. It comes among tho peo
ple as It ought to, and does not ask them to un*
deriake tedious, expensive and dangerous Jour
neys to go to it; and it comes In the good old
fashioned and only genuine caravan, menagerie
and circus way, and the only was* In which a
really great show of the kind can be successfully
mo veil And managed. It prt rposely marches so
that Its reputation may precede It, and what
that reputation is, Is sufficiently Indicated by
tho enthusiastic voice of the press and the pub
lic all along the line, and by the patronage and
hearty approval of the leaders of thought and
morality. Remember the date of; exhibit lon,
and bo on hand in time to sec the grand free
street paradoin the morning.
—John D. Keen (the D. stands for
Deininger) is as bis a man for his size
and as old for his age as any man We
know. Moreover he is sober, indus
trious, kind, social, and one of the best
farmers that ever followed the plow.
His speciality is rye, and his crop this
year was so heavy that he was obliged
to occupy the adjoining field with the
shocks. Strange as it may seem we
know that it is a mackerel fact.
Frof. Reiter*s Academy is BO well at
tended that ho is obliged to employ an
assistant. Mr. Harvey Twitmeyer fills
the place.
Mr. Chas. C. Cummfngs, of Philadel
phia is now visiting here. Always
The new hotel is dally receiving
guests and will soon be filled.
David Burrell is getting his build ing
under way.
Mr. Isaac Lose, of Bellefonte, has
started up a livery here. The demand
for "rigs" is so great that two liyeries
cannot supply the demand.
The Mountain Sunday School will
hold its annual basket picnic near Ben
jamin Ripka's on Saturday, Aug. 12th.
Four Sunday schools will participate.
The Loop Cornet Baud will enliven the
occasion with music. Able speakers
will be present. All are invited.
M.M. Hilliard's Great Family
Field Show.
This great and honest menagerie,
trained animal and circus combination,
which is to exhibit at Millheim on
Thursday August 10th, 1882, moves
steadily and sleekly on; meeting every
advertisement and obligation most
honorably and promptly; daily educat
ing and amusing thousands, and leav~
ing everywhere an illustrious reputa*
tion. It comes to us triumphant, and
everything points to such an ovation as
it deserves to receive and from all clas
ses, for the rigid decorum and scrupu
lous delicacy of its management are as
conspicuous as its pre-eminent superi
ority in all ether respects.
As regards the special possessions
and presentations of this exposition,
they will be found duly set forth in the
various advertisements; suffice it here
to say that they embrace a host of gen
uine features, many of which would
once have alone made the stock in
trade of a satisfactory 50 cent show,
and added to these is a grand arena,
brimful of illustrious riders,
inent gymnasts, seven-league-boot leap
ers, clever clowns, and a whole Caravan
of acting-up, educated animals. Europe
Asia and Africa, and North and South
America, rffiied into one, and all for
one ticket. Go ! of course you will; and
want to do so more.'
—Candidates are busy as leavers.
They are all patting in their last and
Befct licks. All are good deveV fellows
find it makes us sad to think tot some
of \hem must go under.
—Dr. P. S. Fisher, of Zion, who is a
candidate for Legislature, gave us a
caTl last week. The doctor is a gentle
mfufi ot excellent social qualities, good
character and reputation, and would
if nomiuated and elected, represent Our
county with credit. lie is a son of
Rev. Peter S. Fisher, of blessed mem
I.tftt of Jnror*.
The following is the list of jurors for
August court, which is to continue but
one week:
M Vtodeffer, Burnslde. Isaiah struble, Walker
Jacob ÜBreon. renn. O Underwood, Union.
J O Goheen Ferguson. It C Hlee, llu*h.
Wm Dawson, Hnrlng. 8 LGray, Patton.
N Heeding, Bellefonte. William Wolf, Sarin*.
James Carson, Banner. John Gingery. Huston.
John Stover. Walker. W R Koen, Fenn.
Charles Sellers, College. W 1) Smith, UnlonviUe.
Jacobsnangler, Worth. Ill) Brisbin, I'ottcr.
C 11 MoCorinlck, Ferg'n Jonathan Hess. Fergj*
11 L llnruhart, Boggs. M H Richards, Potter.
Christ (loiter, Liberty. D B Runes, Liberty.
I) W Shivery Ferguson!Hoi S Pock, NValker.
J Gar brick, Jr., Marlon P W Barnhnrt, B6ggs.
S1) Tobias, Mill holm. John Braohbill, 11.1 e.
William Bright, llalnes'Henry Dale, College.
Luther Swarf*. Wat kor! Henry Beck, Spring.
Hugh tilenn, Huston. Jacob Brutngjwt, iMhwi
Nll Williams, 11 usten.lJ I Thomson. College.
John W Smith, Howard s a Marshall, Benner.
B F Yearlck, Ferguaon Patrick Donley, B'f'e.
G W Stover. Millheim.,T lJunsaulus.anowSlioe
John Walter, Hoggs J< bnttobb, Ferguson.
Koliert Belrlv, Hoggs, a P Stephens, Worth.
•A Lajort, Ferguson. H J Taylor, Spring.
Thomas Snyder, Liberty Adam YCvrfck, B'f o.
A iron Letteell, Mile*. Jacob Breon, Potter.
M S Fiedler, Haines. | Jasper Bruntgart. Miles
K scimtyers Jloggs. 'Adam Stover, Ilainos.
W II Srhltb. Union villa. D ti Wyche, Kusli.
John Hunla'jS. Rentier. DII Bote, Halm's.
James M Boss. Harris. iToner Noll. Spring,
Jubu Spangler, Potter. Theo Uordeu, UTe.
C W Hartmau Millheim Isaac Stover, Spring.
Calvin Ostnan, Harris. G S Gaay. Half Moon.
Absal'm Musser llalue* E C Woods Spring.
News Miscellany.
Rev. W. Dolman, of Greene town
ship, Erie Co., was brought to faM,
charged with attempt to kill his wife
and family by poißon and a knife.
A young lady of Reading received a
proposal of marriage from a gentleman
traveling in Europe, and it cost $3.15
for her to cable her acceptance consist
ing of the staple word "Yes."
RCM DID IT. —William Hufnagle
was kicked to death by Henry Myers, a
youth of 18, in a quarrel pall of
cherries at Nescopeck township, Lu
zerne county, Friday evening. Huf
nagle had drawn a pistol on Myers.
Both were drunk at the time. Myers
escaped but was captured in Wilkes
barre Monday.
Death &6tlted by Extreme Heat
NEW YORK.— July 28.—Tho num
ber of deaths reporte dup to noon to
day for twenty-four hours reached 184.
One hundred and twenty were children
under five years of age, and of those
eighty were killed by cholera infantum,
directly due to the heat. Five addition
al cases- of sunstroke were reported
this afternoon, two of which proved fa
A Midnight Battle in Berks
READING, July 26.
The full details of a sanguinary bat
tle with a gang of at least a dozen de
termined thieves have been received
here from the small village of Ilere
fordville, In the eastern section of
Berks, The fight with guns and pis
tols at the dead hour of night lasted
several hours and resulted in the wound
ing of several of the farmers who were
engaged Id driving off the intrnders.
The object of the thieves was to rob a
rich farmer named Menno D. Clemmer
residing a few miles from Claytonville.
The thieves first made their appearance
on Monday night and surrounded the
house. They c ame in a large wagOD,
and it 13 supposed they are Strangers
who were encamped in the hills near
Perryville. Several attempts were made
to enter the house by battering down
the heavy oaken doors, but Mr. Clem
mer aroused the neighbors by sharp
firing at the thieves and they disap
peared. Apparently they were unarm
ed, because they did not return the Are
and it is now supposed that they had
not anticipated such a warm reception.
Mr. Clemmer yesterday was impress
ed With the idea that the thieyes
would make a secon d attack and he
succeeded iu getting a number ofneigh
bors in the house early hut evening.
The neighbors were Jacob Mover, Da
vid G. Clemmer, James B. Funk, Ed
ward Kluts, James Henry, William
Wiegner, Xathan Winner, William
Geisler, N. G. Clemmer, Christian
Clemmer and Joseph Us Gerhard. These
parties were fully armed With guns,
pistols and rifles, and were quartered
on the ground floor and stationed at
the windows in the Upper stories. A
bout eleven o'clock a noise was heard
on the outside and two men halted in.
front of the house, apparently wearing
black masks. Th ey were observed re
connoitering about the front and a
few minutes later three more strangers
Closely following them were three
more and finally four others arrived,
making a dozen in all. Their team
must have been tied some distance a
way, as it was not seen near the
housoi The thieves advanced towards
the rear part of the house, but before
they reached £he house the farmers in
side opened the doors, rushed out and
discharged a volley at the thieves.
Sharp cries of agony and pain followed j
but none of them dropped. The thieves
i fell back to the road and returned the
fire, wounding Wm. Gaulmah in the
arm foith a ball from a revolVdr. The
fartAera were led by Jacob l&oyer and
they ftfdght with a will. "Wftey after
vorlley was Are d at a distance of twenty
yards at the slowly retreating fciarau
der& and the firing was briskly Return
ed. ftulleta wlilstlod by freely, but as
they were from revolvers the aliftt was
unsteady. During the third rotind
James Henry was struck in the left
shoulder, inflicting but a slight flesh
wound. The night was quite dark - and
the farmers kept well together and fir
ed slow. After at least one hour's
fight one of the thieves, apparently the
leader of the gang, shouted that if the
firing did not cease they would burn
down every stable, barn and house on
the place. Ammunition being exhaust
ed the farmers fell back to Cletnmer'B
house, It was a'so feared that the
thieves might have separated and re
turned to the house by a flank move
ment and robbed the premises. It is
supposed the thieves retreated in their
WAgon, although two suspicious char
acters were seen in the neighlorhood
to-day. It is also believed that sever
al of them were badly wounded and
were taken away in that condition.
No o*ue to the Berks Ooufcty
mob which has been about Mfcnno B.
Clemmer's residence for several nights
did not make-Prt appearance last night, j
as was expected, and to-night All is
quiet. No clue has been obtained.
On the 28th ult, In Penn towmshlp, Mr. Chris
topher Kern, aged 78 years, moutiia and 4
days. *
On t¥i e 20th ult. at Spring Mllla, ln'tant son of
John S. & Kate l-eltzell, aged 24days.
JIJII helm Marfcel.
Corrected every WodnfcWOy by Ucphart
A Mutser.
Wftoat 100
Corn 90
Rye 90
Qat* White 60
Buckwheat .
Flour V v-. 6.00
Bran A Shorts,pel ton.v.-.i.uv. . 25 00
Salt, per Brl 1.75
Planter, groti nd 9.00
Cement, per Bushel 45 to 50
Barley #•■
Tymothyseed 2.00
Flaxseed *
Butter 20
Hams v. 16
Sides 13
Veal : ;
Eggs 10
Potatoes.., 1 00
Lard 13
T a 1 lo vr........... ; ■......... \ v.
Sbfcp ;;;; 6
l)rred Apples.. 6
Dried Peaches
Dried Cherries . . .r.
Eur Coal $5.00
stivr> ** 5.20
Cnestuut 4.90
Fen 5.50
Pea by the car load 3.20
Fifty eents per ton additional when delivered
In MilUielm.
Lewislmrg ani Tyrone Railroai Tiie
'1 S 5 7
AM AM p, M, P. M. jp, M
Montandon 7.05* 9.40' 2.05* 6.00" 7.55
Lewlsburg 7.25 10.05 2.20
Fair ({round 730 10.13 2.25
Bichl 740 10.27 2.55
Vlclcsburg .7.45 19.36 2.40
MiOllnburg ftOtar 11.00 ar 255
le. 3 o5
Mlllmont .._8.22 5.28
Laurel ton
Wiker Run -8.57 4.06
Cherry Run 9.15 4.25
Fowler „....y.25 4.47
Coburn 9.43 5.06
Spring Mills ar 10.15 ar. 5.30".
2 41 * ft ft 10
A.M. r - P. jl.
Spring Mills 5.50 1.50
Coburn 618 2.20
Fowler 6.28 2.21
Cherry Run..— 6.48 2.55
Wiker Run. . 7.06 215
Laurelton....... 7.10 240
MUltnent..... M . T. 40 8 52
A. M.
Mlffllnburg 8.00 11.45 4.15
P. M.
Vicksburg 8.15 1210 4.53
Bieltl 8.20 12.17 4.88
Fair Crpund.— A. M. 8.30 12.33 4.48 P.M.
LeWi5bUrg.......6.25 845 J2.50 5.10 7.30
Montandon ar. 6.45ar.9.00ar 1.05ar.5,20ar 7.40
No*. 1 and 2 connect at Montandon with Erie
Mall West; 8 sthd 4 with Sea Shore Express
East; 5 and 6 with Day Express and Niagara
Express West; 7 and 8 with Fast Line Wen; 9
and 10 With WlMiauisport Accommodation
j Eaftt.
Official Announcement.
Change of Time on_Phila. & Erie I. R.
JUNE a, 1882;
Sea Shore Express leaves Montanddn at 9.07
A. M., fjtbpplnir at Intermediate station*, ar.
firing jt Harrtsburg 11.40 A. M., Philadelphia
3.20 P. M:, Now YPrk 6 25 P. M., niakltig Close
connection at Philadelphia for aU nea shore
Day Erpftss leaves Montandon at 1.30 P. M.,
stopping at principal stations, arriving at Jlar
ribbiirjr 3.55 F. M„ Philadelphia 7.35 P. M., New
York 10.25 P. M., Balfithore 7.30 P. M., Wash
ington 8.47 P. M. Parlor Car through to Phil
Wtlltanixport Accommodation leaves Mon
tandon at 7.48 P. M stbpp nj? dt intermediate
Stations, nrritiug at Harnslmrg 10.25, Philadel
phia 2.55 A. M., New York 4.15 A. M. Sleeping
car accotiimddsttions cdn be Bhfclirted On this
train at Harrtsburg for Philadelphia fttlu New
York. Philadelphia passengors can remain In
Sleeper undisturbed until 7 A.M.
Jfrie Mail and Fast Line East will be consoll
dated Ihto ohe train, leaving Montandon t.1.39
A. M., stopping at principal stations, arriving
at Harrtsburg 4.05 A. M., Philadelphia 7 20 A.
Mi, New Yock 10.25 A. M., Haiti roots 7.40 A. Mi
WashtrlgtOil 9.02 A. Mi Through flumping cars
will be run on this trrtln to Philadelphia, Balti
more and Washington.
Erie MPH leaves Montandon at 6.52 A. M.j
for Erie and intermediate poluts,Canandalgua
and intermediate points.
Niagara Express leaves Montandon at 2.00
P. M., for Kane and intermediate points, Can
andaigua and intermediate points.
Enst Line leaves Montdndon at thflft P. M.,
for Ixmk Haven and intermediate points, Wat
kins and intermediate points. (
Newspaper Advertising Bureau (io Spruce
Street), where adver- sewn If Ami#
tiring contracts may MEifllf VHP la
bo wado lor It in MaPV I IfilffVi
of any kind caused by military service are en
tttlea to Pensiort. Widows, minor: children
dependeut mothers or fathers of soldiers who
died from the effects of their services are also
entitled. Many invalid pensioners are entitled
to an Increase. Careful assistance given In
Delayed or Dejected Claims, lag many can
be allowed with but little more evidence. Com
plete instructions with references sent on an
plication. t'hn*. A (Jeff A; King, Attor
neys-at-Law, 016 F St., Washington, D. c.
tjr. j. w.
is no'to peithanently located at
ni|d wilt Rive prompt atleutlon to all m'erficM
(Aril at his officio on
liain Str%^%.
gives Instant reller.
Flour. &
Hlgbent market price paid for all kinds of
l>el!vered either at the BRICK MILL or tfie
•hi MUHSKR MILL, lift khLL^EIM.
Always on bftftd and aAMat tWeth that dory
A shatj of the public patronage respectVftflV
Millheim, Centre Co., Penna.
. hl&ich a go.,
wonfi most respectfully Inform the publla that
they are now prepared to raanufactureevery
thlng tn their Hue of first claw quality. They
havo found u styerlorlkliul of clay, and will
constantly keefc cm band a full line or
yallojiinc to merit tlie confidence of the public
qj furnishing the best grade of ware they would
epectfully solicit a share of Its patronage, ly
Tho celebrated Washington Vclnjbif
for Roofs. &e.. from the famous SLATfeoi'AR
Ca3 Now Be bought
of the undersigned wljo Is a practical Slate
Roofer of many years experience. Those In
watt* of Slate and Roofihg done can secure It
At The LoWest Rates.
outbuildings re-Poofed at'the lowest ratee,
without the assistance of other mechanics. For
prices and terins call on or write to the uuder
slßued at. rf. K. WHITMAN 8 RESIDENCE,
Broadway Street, near P. k K. Depot,
DUAN NEPr, Agent.
This is a new house and newly furnished
with everything tending to comfort and con
r enience of guests. Tlie air is invigorating and
perfectly free from malaria, and particularly
favorable for the restoration to health of persons
afflicted vrith Pulmonary complaints, Malarial
disorders and HaFever. Near by the cele
brated Penn Caves, Siftpassiug anything of thfe
kind known—sailing mllfet under ground—and
Inspecting halls of great wonder of gone by
ages. Carriages to tlie cave dally. The table
is plentifully supplied with meats* ntllk and
fresh vegetables and fruits In season; healthfut
ly prepared and. tasteftllij/ terved. G&tid stabling
Ptr day. (WW than a week.) $ 2 00
Ter week. (Ic&ullan ft indtilh fi 00
Per month - ........ ..20 00
All inquiry as to Rooms dnd board kill be
promptly answfered.
GEO. b. &ASII, Manager.
sls 3 S4O
We Have stores In IS leaditig CltlfciS;
from wbleli our agents obtain their supplies
quickly. Our Factories and Principal Of
flheSArc at Erie, Pa. Send for our New
Cfttoldgtie and tefms to agents, Address
HU TfWDTT Ffonch Street,
. 11. lIU VijUj ERIE, PENN'A.
lit 11 it I.
Vertical & Spark-ArrSstlng Engines from 2 to 12
horse-power, mounted or u amounted. Best and
Cheapest Engines made. illOupwards. Send foe
Illustrated Catalogue U for information and pries to
Box 846, Corning, N. Yr
We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats,
Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the Cpi ted States,
Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, Ctc. W6
have had thlrtfflve years' Experience. .
Patents obtained through (is are noticed in the Set
fjrnnc AMERICAN. This large and splendid illus
trated week 1 y paper, $ 3.2 0 a year,shows the Progress
of Science, Is very interesting, and has an enormous
circulation. Address MUNN A CO., Patent Solici
tors, Pub's, of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 87 Park Row,
NawXork-_ , Hani book about Patents free
Our record of the past a gf&rantft of the futur
Millheim, Thursday, Aug. 10.
A GMRB'stmct niis
at 10 o'clock, A. M., introducing all the ..Famous Mardf-grak Critftirtrics,
Ladies and Knights in glittering armor. The Lion "Wallace" with his
keeper riding on top of cago. Camels and Etapharit% 4 Watitifajly capa
risoned, thorough-bred Horses, Dens of Animate. Prof. Cooincr's Golden
Band, in their gorgeons chariot, Somalia together with many novelties.
3rf iff/1/ ■\iM * f
The wonderful and sagacious PERFORMING
ELEPHANT "JULIA", whose seemingly thcredibk
Feats astdnlsh all beholders.
veritable ships of the desert, the finest specimens that can be procured.
from the river Nile, Egypt. The largest specimen ever imported, and
only one now o exhibition in America.
ZB,"ST will introduce his wonderful Trained
Trick Stallions, "Excelsior" and "\Vhito Hawk" at each circus
224 Market St,
ijltf first instalments of ftcw Spring Goodsjire sold out; compelling us td
make a Second Trip to the Eastern Cities, which gobds will
Arrive daring this week.
*"— •
Space will not admit What Bargains we have got. SuflicicHt t gavj
• * A
with our increased business facilities our patrons will alway find
the Largest and Best Assortment of
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*• • . , •-. •- r • • #
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Hats; Bonnets, trimmed and untrimined, Feathers, tldlfrert; Silks, Satins;
JRibbon in all New Shades, Laceg, Efnbroiderieb bf-feSs Trimmings
inJbhdlbSS variety* Hosiery; Glbves and Corsets Ladies and Chil
dren's Shoes, Looking Glasses and
New Goods received every day
A Simple Fact—We can't bd Undsold.
224 Market St., Le wishing, Pa,