Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, August 03, 1882, Image 2

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    ftp Jfinipim journal.
Is published every Thursday. InMusser'sßuilA
ing. earner of MMft and Fenn streets at
Or f1 25 If not paid in advance.
1 week. 1 mo. 3 mo. 6 mo. 1 year.
1 square....] $lO6 $2 00 $3 00 $4 00 fciW
W column,..! 300 400 600 1000' 1500
Meolunuk-.l 500 800 12 00 20 00, 35 00
I <,.. | 800 12 (XI 20 (XI 35 (X) 00 00
Oncttl&h makes a square. Admlnfttrktttrs
*nd Executors' Notices $2.56. Transient ad
vertisements i.nd locals lo cents per line for
first insertion and 5 cents per line lor each ad
ditional Insertion.
•fob Work done on short notice.
Editors and Proprietors.
ttacb & Sunday Sdool Directory.
P C Wetdcmyer and JD Shortest French's
Camp meeting at WoodwaWt begins to-day
Sunday School, P. M,—D. L. Zerby, <9upt.
Missionary Society meets on the second Men.
day evcMlngwf•ouch month.
22ev. Fitrman Adams Piraoker-in-charije.
Quarterly meeting at Centre Hail next Satur
day and Sabbath.
Sunday School at r. M.— John Klmport.Nupt.
Xwinpii A. Yearick, rafter.
Preaching in Aaronsburg next Sunday after
noon. English.
United Brethren.
Jicr. Shannon, Prcacher-in-charge.
jjee. Johnl\>ntiinsjn, Pastor.—
German preaching in Aaronsbura next Sun
day morning,'and in Millheiiu in tue evening.
English. r
Ladies' Mite Society meets on the first Mon
day evening ol eajh month.
United Sunday School.
Meets at 9A. M.—H. K. LUSOYSUPT. '
Lodae & Society Directory.
Millheim i.ojge. No. 955. I. 0.0. F. meets In
heir hall, Penti Street," every Saturday evening.'
Rebecca Degree Meeting eVery Thursday ou
or before the full moon of each month.
Providence .Grange. No. 217 P. of 11.. meets In
A lex an fiib- l vofa't seeoutl Saturday" 'or
each monjtb at M., :ijid on the fourth..Sa-- 1
turdav of-each nibiith at P. M. ' '' : |
D. I-. ZHRut. Se.Cv T. G. KRH VRD,Masted.
The MjUhcim B. A L. AksoclatloH meetß in
the Pen* stiVH't svhtml house on the evening of
the secat)d"afonday of each month.
A. WALTBK T Bec, B. O. DEINING*R,"Prest.
The Cornet Band meets in the
Town HJUI.-o'n Monday and Thursday evening*.-
J. W. F6d|jk3ec. D. I. Browp; Pres't.
i • - t ;
For Governor, •
For Lieutenant Governor,
For Judge of the Supreme Court,
' For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
For Congressman-at-Large,
Ex-Go v. Curtin for Congress.
The friends of Ex-Cov. Curtin a
gain bring our distinguished mem
ber before the people of the county
and district for re-election to a seat
in congress: and while the people of
Centre county will give him their
suffrages vrith flattering unanimity,
it is hoped that the other counties
composing the far-famed Twentieth
District will cheerfully accord the
member to Centre county without a
serious contest. There may be oth
er gentlemen in Union, Mifflin, Clin
ton, Clearfield or Elk, who would
fill the position with credit and whom
the Democrats 01 their respective
counties would delight to honor, but
it will not be claimed that any one
local candidate is the equal of Gov.
Curtin in point of ability or experi
ence. When a statesman of nation
al reputation consents to serve the
people on the floor of congress, local 1
preferences and interests should be
of little consequence.
Gov. Curtin has met the high ex
pectation of his friends so fully, as a
congressman, has served the inter
ests of the people with such marked
ability, that the party in honoring
him witl£a unanimous re-election,
will honor and benefit themselves.
Throughout the valleys there is but
one vioce and wish as to who should
be elected our next representative in
THE State Committee of the In
dependent Republican held a meet
ing in Philadelphia last week to con
sider the four propositions of the
Stalwarts for union, all of which
were rejected with entire unanimity
and emphasis. There is now no
probability whatever remaining that
the two factions of the Republicans
will unite, and this fact alone, inde
pendent of the great popularity of
our candidates, would in itself be
almost enough to insure the success
of the Democratic party in the state
It only remains for the Democrats
to organize, carry on an active and
vigorous campaign, and victory will
follow. _
THE Republican party of Centre
county—in its collective capacity of
course —is bankrupt, and a cam
paign debt of some SBOO is anxious
ly waiting to be paid. The debt
wa3 contracted in 1880 under chair
man John I. Rankin. The creditors
are losing paiience and have employ
ed a Democratic lawyer to institute
legal proceedings. Lively times
and interesting developments are ex
pected. Go in, gentlemen.
To-Aay we publish the law governing
primary elections, and we trust every
voter wili read and familiarize himself
with the same. The better our citizens
understand their lights and duties the
better will they lie qualified, the more
anxious and active to elect good and
pure men to office.
Aw Act ReguMiiig Primary Elections
See. 1. Be It enacted,&c., That from and ab
fertile passage of this act it shall be lawful and
it Is hereby made the duties of the Judges, In
spectors ami clerks or other officers, of the pri
mary elections, meetings or caucus held for the
purpose c-f nominating candidates for state, city
and county offices within tho common wealth OT
Pennsylvania, before enterimt upon tlie dis
charge of their du 1-s si vera.lV to take and sub
scriber to an oath or affirmation in the pres
ence of each other inL>rin as follows, namely:
"I (A B) do that I will as Judge, in
spector Or clerk (as the ease nuv 1h1 at the en
suing election. Impartially and faithfully per
form my duties,ln accordance wlthlaws and eon
stltutlon of tho common wealth of Pennsylvania
and in accordance with the Vtiles and regula
tions adopted by HiO parly of tlie
county of for the government of the
said primary elections, meetings or caucus, to
tlie best of my Judgement and abilities; the
oath or affirmation shall be,first administered
to the Judge bv one of tlie Inspectors, then tlie
Jud„e so qualified shall auminister tlie oath to
any elector offering to vote as to his qualifica
tions to vote at such election.
See. 2. If any judge, inspector, clerk or otli
er officer of a primary election as aforesaid
shall presume to act in "such capacity before tlie
taking and subscribing to the oath or affir
mation required by this act lie snail on convic
tion be fined not exceeding two hundred dol
lars, and if any Judge, inspector, clerk, or ot h
er officer, when" in the discharge of his duties as
such, shall willfully disregard or violate the
provisions ot any rule, duly made by tho said
- * party of— ' ■ - county for the
government of tho primary elections of tlie
part v, he shall on conviction he fined not ex
ceeding two hundred dollars; and If any judge
or Inspector of a primary election as aforesaid,
shall k owingly reject the vote of any person
entitled to vote under the rules of the said
party, or shall knowingly receive tlie
vote of any "person or persons not' qualified as
aforesaid, shall on eonvicilou be lined not ex
ceeding two hundred dollars; and if any Judge,
inspector, clerk or other officer of a primary e
icciion as aforesaid shall be guilty of any will
ful Iraud iu the discharge of his duties, by de
stroying or defacing ballots adding ballots to
the poll, other than those lawfully voted, by
stuffing the ballot box, by false counting, by
m iking false returns or by any act or thiug
whatsoever , the porson so otfemling shall be
deemed guilty of u misdemeanor, and U|H>H con
viction shall be fined not exceeding five hun
dred dollars or imprisoned not exceeding one
year, or both, or either, at the discretion of
| the court
All acts or parts of acts of assembly inconsist
ent with this act are hereby repealed, except
in counties or cities where special acts are in
force for the same purpose; Provided, That the
{►revisions of the act shall entail no expense to
; the counties or cities.
Api'KOvkp—The 29th day of June, A. I>. 1881.
What the Cameron Boss Rule
Costs the People.
The Republican party came into
power ift this State in 1861. and the
cost of the State government then was
SUtT,9I I.B3,exclusive of interest and
reduction of debt. The Republican ad
ministration of Governor Curtin, even
with all the enormously increased ex
penditures of war and the highest in
flation of values known in this age, in
creased the State expenditures to only
*1,481,485,67 in 1365. In ISC6 the
Cameron machine entrenched itself in
the Republican citadel and for fifteen
years it has been supreme in every
channePof Republican power in the
State. With it came reckless profliga
cy; the creation of offices for favorites;
the lavish waste of public money to re
ward partisan henchman and the abso
lute subordination of Republican integ
rity and manhood to the cohesive pow
er of public plunder.
In 1870, after three years of machine
rule in the State, the anDual expendi
tures, in time of peace, had grown to
$2,228,970.27, being an increase of
$1,281,058.41 over the expenses when
the party assumed power, and an in
crease of $707,436.60 over the expendi
tures under Governor Curtin with the
extraordinary demands of war to meet.
But the profligacy of Boss government
was not conteut with the expenditures
of 1870. The Auditor General's report
shows that the cost of the State gov
ernment for 1880, including its share
for the Legislature, foots us the enor
mous amount of $4,962,105.56—the
fraction over its millions being more
than the entire cost of the government
in 1860, when the Republican party
first attained power. This expenditure
does not embrace either interest or
principal of public debt. It issimply the
regular annual, and presumably legiti
mate expenditures of the State govern
ment. There is a Jigitimate increase
in schools and judiciary, made by the
Constitution, but t hat is little more
than half a million, and the other ex
penditures are mainly or wholly the
creation of machine legislation.
THE people of Pennsylvania have
'lately been carefully reading and con
sidering the record made by Controller
Pattison in Philadelphia, and tliev
have learned that his entry into the
Controller's office dated the beginning
of the practical reform that has chang
ed the city from a $2.25 tax rate and
three millions annual increase of debt
with little or no improvements, to a
$1.95 tax rate, an annual surplus of a
million and substantial inprovements
in every department, and that is just
the sort of an administration they want
in Pennsylvania. They see the State
expenditures more than double the
first ten years of Republican adminis
tration and then more than double a
gain in the second ten years, swelling
the expenditures from $947,911.83 in
1860 to $4,962,105.59 in 1880, and when
they study the history of Philadelphia
under Controller Pattison they will
strongly incline to the opinion that he
has just about the qualities for their
complaint. As a mere regulation Dem
ocratic candidate for Governor Mr.
Pattison would baye few elements of
strength. He has never popularizod
himself in the regulation machine way;
but as the most stubborn and success
ful representative of honest govern
ment the State can boast of he is cer
tain to prove the most formidable
Democratic . candidate presented by
that party for many years, and fiiends
and foes may as well look the fact
squarely in the face.— Philadelphia
■' ■-i ■ ■ ■ ■ — 1 ■ 1 ■ ■ 111,1 ■
Gov. Hoyt expressed the opinion in
Philadelphia last week that the Stal
warts would not have bothered their
head%about peace propositions if they
bad not believed that the Beaver ticket
would need the support of all the yoters
who could be drummed up.
Clinton Democratic Nominations.
LOCK HAVEN, August I.—The dem
ocratic county convention assembled
here to-day nominated the following
ticket, to wit:
Congress, A. G. Curtin, unanimous
ly; senator, S. Woods Caldwell; assem
bly, Joseph W. Merry, by a two-thirds
vote over L. A. Mackey; prothonotary,
L. R. McGill; register and recorder,
James W. Clark.
Titos. M. Marshall, who declined to
! accept the nomination for Cor.grcss
! nwi-at-Large on the Cameron King
ticket, said to a Pittsburg Post report
er, a few days ago:
"You Democrats have nominated a
great man for Supreme Judge, and by
Ileaven I will vote for him. I have
known him for years. He is a big
beaded, strong man. Ido not know in
Western Pennsylvania a lawyer of
more straightforward moral, Natural
strength than Silas M. Clark. He is
clean cut and courageous in asserting
his principles. If lie is elected he will
do himself honor and ahttl luster upon
the Supreme Bench. lie is a big man
all over and in every way. tlV* will
have the courage to pursue Ids convic
tion In every opposition. 1 have often
heard him before the Supreme Court.' 1
What tho Mormons Propose To Do.
OGDKN, Utah, July 26.—A wholesale
persecution-of the Gentiles has lieen in
augurated and arrangements have been
made for testing the constitutionality
of the Edmunds act in the Supreme
Court of the United States. If tlie de
cision should be adverse, tho Mormons
have determined not to submit, at any
cost. The polygamists, from President
John Taylor down, with the apostles,
bishops and elders in the most extreme
part of their domain, lmve separated
from their wives and are living openly
with one only. All t>olygamists have,
under orders, resigned from all muni
cipal offices, and monogamists, as
strong in the faith as those de
posed, have I Kim Selected and com
missioned in their places. Every effort
will be made to lieat the government on
all the sections of the Edmunds net.
REGISTER'S NOT I CMC.—The following uc
counts have been examineU ami passed by
mo and remain filed of record in this office for
the inspection of heirs and legatees, creditors
and all others in any way interested, ami will
be presented to tlm Orphans' Collit of Centre
county on Wednesday, the 30th day of August,
1882, for allowance and confirmation:
1. Account of John Hoffer, guardian of Ellen
Searson, a minor child of Thomas Searson, late
of Beuuor tow nship, deceased.
2. Account of Daniel Bruingart, administra
tor of Ac., of J. P. Kruider, late of Allies towu
ship, deceased.
3. The first and partial account of Jane K.
Hoover, administratrix of Ac., of A. J. Hoover,
late of Huston tow nship, deceased.
4. The account of JJ. O. Doi Dinger oxectilor
of &c , of Catharine Held, late of Mlllhelin Bor
ough, "o eased.
sth. Account of Jacob F. Hover, administra
tor of &c., ot John 11. Itoyer, late of l'otter town
ship. deceased.
6. The nocount of Sarah Randall, executrix
of &c„ of Juno Brooks, late of Milcsbnrg Bor
ough, deceased.
7. The account of James L. Snmmerville, ad
ministrator of &c., of James Soinitiervllle. Br.,
iate of Snow Shoe township, deceased.
8. The account of A. K. Stemson, guardian of
&e., of l)avid L. Ray, a minor child of David
ltay, late ot Ferguson tow nship, deceased.
9l Tlie account of David B. Fletcher, guar
dian of Orrie 1.. Heverly, a minor cliUd of
James Heverly, late of Howard township, de
10. The account of John Coldron. adminis
trator ol Ac., of Samuel Jamison, late of Gregg
township, deceased,
11. The account of J. 11. lteifsnyder, adminis
trator of &c„ of Jacob Immel, late of I'oun
township, deceased.
12. Tlie account of Samuel Snyder, adminis
trator de bonis non cum testamento annexo of
Ac., of George Snyder, late of Uulues township,
18. The account of Samuel HUH ken, Jr., ad
mluistrator of Ac., of Nancy to. Keed, late of
Belicfonte Borough, deceased.
14. Tlie account of J. W. Stewart, trustee ap
pointed to sell the real estate of Scott Williams,
late of Huston township, deceased, under pro
ceedings in partition.
15. Tlie account of Henry Eckenroth, guar
dian of Sarah B. Gross, a minor child of John
Gross, lato of Spring township, deceased, us
filed by Charlotte Eckenroth, administratrix of
&e., of Henry Eckenroth. deceased.
16. Tlie account of John K. Hrstertnan, ad
ministrator of Ac., of Jared Fullmer, late of
Milts township, dece sed.
17. The account of J. C. Zimmerman, ad
ministrator of Ac., of Rachel Matkle, late of
Walker township, deceased.
18. The account of J. I>. Sliugert, guardian of
Elvina Bayard, minor child of Lieut. John A.
Bayard, late of Belicfonte Borough, deceased.
19. Final account of George B. Coole, ad
minlstrator cttm testamento anneio of Ac., of
George Buchanan, late of Gregg township, de
c ased.
• 30. The final account of IT7 Harshtorger, ad
ministrator of Ac., of Dnvid Harshberger, late
of Walker township, deceased
21. Final account of John Bower and 1). O.
Bower, executors of Ac., of Adam Bower, late
of Haines township, deceased, as fllej by D. O.
Bower, acting executor.
22. Second and final account of John H.
Royer, one of tlie administrators of Ac., of
Samuel Royer. late of Hotter township, dee'd.
23. The account of John S. Yearick, adminis
trntor of Ac., of Samuel Yearick, lato of
Walker township, deceased.
24. The account of Anaellne Mcßrtde, testa
mentary guardian of John Mcllrlde Sununy, a
minor child of Caroline C. Sum my, late of Ben
ner township, deceased.
25. The account of David Sharer, executor of
Ac., of Conrad Struble, late of Walker township
26. The account of Jacob P. Valentine,
guardian of Anna J. Valentine, a minor child
of Reuben B. Valentine, late of Spring town
shin, deceased.
27. The account of H. Harshberger, trustee
appointed to seil the real estate of Davhl Harsh
berger, late of Walker township, deceased.
28. The account of J. H. Kamels, adminis
trator of Ac., of George Raiuels, late of Harris
township, deceased.
i£9. The account of Samuel Gram ley, trustee
appointed to sell the real estate of Philip
Grumley, Sr., late of Miles township, deceased.
30. The account of Henry Smith and Mary A.
Smith, adminlnistrators of Ac., of Joun Smith,
late of Boggs township, deceased.
31. Tlie first partial account of Henry F.
Bttner, executor of Ac., of Jacob Bitncr, late of
Gregg township, deceased.
32. The first and final account of Rebeoca G.
Hosterinan and 0. W. Sechrlst, administrators
of Ac., of Will. C. Hosterman, late of Walker
township, deceased, as filed by c. W. Sechrist,
acting administrator.
33. The account of W. J. Mattem, executor
of Ac., of It. D. McKinney, late of I'liilipsburg
Borough, deceased.
34. The first and final account of John W.
Mattern. guardian of Joseph F. Newman and
Walter Clark Newman, minor childreii of
Richard Newman.
35. The account of Jacob Dunkle, adminis
trator ot Ac., of John Duukle, late of Walker
township, deceased.
36. Ihe first account of John F. Lucas, ad
ministrator of &c., of Warren Lucas, lute of
Curtin township, decesised.'
37. Second account of Jacob W. Snook and
E. W. Snook, administrators of Ac., of Levi
Snook, late of Miles township, deceased.
38. First and final account of Jesse Woodring,
guardian of N. C. Spotts (formerly Cow her) a
minor child of Ellas Cowher, late- of Worth
township, deceased.
39. The account of Wm. H. Miller and Catha
rine Miller, administrators of Ac., of Henry
Miller, late of Spring township, deceased.
40. The second and final account of John Ir
win, Jr., and M. H. \\ ilson, executors of Ac., of
"Win. P. Wilson, late of llellefonte Borough,
41. The first account of James Iluston and
Jumes P. Coburn. executors of Ac., of Thomas
Huston, late of Walker township, deceased, as
filed by James P. Cobui n, one of the executors.
42. Account of James F. Coburn, executor of
Ac., of Samuel Husiou, late ofPottor township,
43. The account of John Meyers, acting ad
ministrator de bo ids non cuui testamento an
nexo ot Ac., of Catharine Bohn, late of Harris
township, deceased.
44. The account of Jennie B. McElroy, ad
ministratrix of Ac., of Thomas B. McElroy, late
of Hotter township, deceased.
45. The first and final account of John D.
Thompson and Henry Thompson, administra
tors of Ac., of .John Thompson, late of Liberty
township, deceased.
46. The first partial account of John Hess
and J. G. Heberfing, administrators of Ac., of
James Dunlap, late of Ferguson township, de
ceased. ■*.
47. Tlie first and final account of J. G. Irwin,
administrator de bonis non of Ac., of Daniel
Riley, late of Harris township, deceased.
48. The accouut of Thomas Dale, executor of
Ac., of David Dalft, late of College township,
49. The first and final account of Peter Rip
ka, guardian of Susan R. Decker, now Bubb, a
minor child of Conrad Decker, lato of Potter
township, deceased.
50. The first and final account of John Hof
fer, administrator of Ac., of Jesse Fulton, late
of College township, deceased.
51. The account of John Augustus Hender
son, acting executor of Ac., of A. A. Hender
sou, late of Brooklyn, New York, deceased.
52. The acoount of M. L. liishel and W. F.
Rearick, administrators of Ae., of Col. John
Kishel, late of Gregg township, deceased.
53. The second account of MRS. Dora Hire h
(formerly Sussman), Aaron Guns and Henry
Lehman, executors of Ac., of Abraham Suss
man, late of Belief on te borough, deceased. *
3Mt Mcqistcr.
ORPHANS' COURT BALK.— By nn orilor |s
-8U(| \)y flu* Orphan's Court of Centre Co.
the subscriber Mill offer at public sale on the
premises at Cobnru, on
all that certain lot, containing one-fourth acre
more <r less, bounded on the west by lands of
Jacob Wltiuyer, ami, on the north, east and
south l>v lands of BetiJ. Kerstettor, belli# the
property of l)au|el &.• Kerstettor, deceased.
Thereon erected a jrood, new dwelling house,
and other ontbulluWn.
TERMS OK SACK: Ono half on conflrmiitloVi
of sale, and bahtnee In one year with Interest,
to be secured by bond and -rfcort#n>iC on the
premises. Sahj to comrtenee al.l p'tlook.
ORPHAN* COURT HALK—By virtue of an
order Issued by the Orpluins Court of
Centre county, the subscribers, administrators
of the estate or Adam Zerby, iate of Penn
township, deceased, will olfer at nnbllc sale on
the o remises, on Saturday Aug. fttli, IM2, tho
following described real estate, viz:
No 1. A messuage, tenement ana tract of
land In Penn township Isuinded on the North
by lands of Ouo. W. Mover and Jacob Gent
*el, on the enst bv lands of Ueiitzel Itrothers,
on the South by lunds of Ncese & Mltohell,
widow Krater et nl, and on the west by lands
of Thomas Uentzel and Daniel Smith's heirs—
containing about 72 acres more or less, of
which Irt acre# are cleared and In a good state
of cultivation, the balance well timbered wlili
white pine ami hemlock. Thereon erected two
good dwelling houses, barn and •11 necessary
out building* taw mill uml orchard of choice
fruit • _
No 2. A tract of timber land In Dregs town
ship, bounded on the north by lands of l„ &
T. it. U. &J. lb Heckiunn, east by lands of Da
vld Smith and Charles Snyder, south by lands
of F. F. Jamison and Charles Madura, and west
by htnds of Peter A. Confer, containing 20 acres
more or less. ; ■
Terms: Duo third of puryhuso money to le
paid on day of sale, otto third In one year there
after, and one third in two years, ull with in
terest and to lav secured by • bond and mort
gage on the premises
* D. L. Zkrby,
' , . Administrators.
IT'XKCUTOns' NOTICE Letters testjimrnta
rv on the eat at a of John Hlrly, late of
Miles township, deceased, having been granted
to the undersigned. all persons knowing them
K>lves itidebtoil to said estate are hereby nott
ed to make Immediate settlement, and those
hnvlnnMalms against tle;aame, to present theln
propeuy authenticated for settlement.
J. B. L'KAWIMIin, i
lleboiwburg July 24. 1K22. Executors
171 XKCUTORS' NOTlCK.— Letters testunien
li tarv on the estate of Thomas liosteaman,
late of Haines township, deceased, having been
granted to the subscribers, notice is hereby
given to all jcrsens knowing themselves indebt
ed to said estate to make immediate payment,
and to those having claims j,o present them du
ly authenticated ft*settlement. Wo have ap
pointed Saturday August 12th as a day of settle
ment, at tho late residence of the deceased.
Thomas W. llostkkman,
Woodward. J|y2J-18Sh Executors
Prompt ani floe wo'd a[reasoDa]le rates.
I A All* | A. A. Til OMAN, HL Cloud
Bm Svi H 1 V Building.Washington, D.'J.
1m Sf| U ■ Practlcos before the United
*• a km ■ (ienenil Und ORIoc.
Contested cases, private land claims, mining,
pre-emption and homestead cases prosecuted
before the Department efthe Interior ami Su
preme Court; and till classes of claims before
the Executive Departments. Special nttcutlon
given totown-sUo cases. Ltind warrants, home
stead floats, and all kinds of laud scrip bought
and sold.
We send free on 90 days' trial
And other klectkic appliaceß VOW N suffer
ing from SKItVOPS MKSILITY. lost vitautv and
LtVEßaitd KIDNEY THOUULEH, and many Other
diseases. Speedy cures guaranteed. lllutrutel
Pamphlet free." Address
VOLTAIC BELT CO., Mnrfthall. Mich.
keep tlie largest stock In tho city.
, for your Clothing.
r . *
J. 3L Smith & Go's
i . NOS. 113 & 114FKON7 STK,
We are now offorlngjthe largest stock and greatest variety of
Furniture, House Furnishing Goods, &c.
in the State. PBICES BEYOND COMPETITION, consisting In part of Rich an
Furniture •
All the latest Designs
In Walnut, Oak, Cherry. Mahogany and Ebony. W.e make a
-Specialty in Parlor Suits,
and wiU'sell tho er tnan any Party In tho stato. Prices ranging FROM S3O TO R3OO.
If you contemplate buying a
It will pay you to wrlto us for prices. We also carry ala rge line of extra Super, Body and Tap
esty Brussels Carpets.
or 1
A Good Brussels Carpet at 70 cts. per yard.
Our stock of Plain, Out and Engraved Table Glass-ware, Plain
and Decorated French Ohina, Silver Plated-ware, Lamps and
Chandeliers, &c.
Is well worth your Inspection. Our sales exceed those of any House In our liue In the state
We extend an invitation to you to visit us and will take pleasure in showing you through our
various Departments. • <
When in want of a pair of Boots;
Shoes or Rubbers send to
in Lock Ilayen Jarni you can get
them a$ low as in Phil&delpia or
New York. If they don't suit you
you can return thorn and get your
money back. First rate goods at
low prices is uiy motto.
To Country dealers, I
will sell at wholesale pri
ces, freight added.
The Carpenter Organs
wore flrnt manufactured u early M IKSO at Brat
tloboro", Vt. For a number of years the exteusive
CxarKNTEu OauAjt Wuuua and General OCQce have
bet. 11 located at
Worcester, Mass., U. 8. A.,
With Branch OfQcea and Warerootu* in
New York (Nc. 7 wt fourteenth stroet),
London, Kzdras SL Petersburg,
City cf Mexico, Berlin, Barcelona.
SwMtßNa tf Tare in every reed,
Durshibty in every part,
PerfKtian in cvory detail of man r. fact Tire,
Are <'Wa rate t crlst Ic of tho CASPXSTO 020AM3.
Every Instrument
Caiu- enter Oiuus, but if any do not have tliem to
fcbow yon, write direct to the factory for a Cata
loguo and Information aa to where you can tea
Banging In price from 120.00 to $1,200.00 and over.
A beautiful 100-pago Catalogue, fh* finest
ever published, SEA't FItKE to Intrud
ing purchasers.
Address or call upon
t P. CAIPBm VTc-csstcr, Km, O.S.L
t'i >.v-M - AS '
o Tiwav.uii-'.
V r ; | UtVEV.W9.tSM Wo ,
T i*
■ 1 , : i** ,G vdi&k '.
V.eBY j'll
THE, 1, V/DRIP: -
CAS. By Ions: Experience we
are enabled to make the BEST
HTVnEItT MADE, and the
oxjjY one tbat raise* and lowers
the wicXc as nhown In cut. Bully
covered by letter* patent. Price,
BilckTel Plated, *6.00. Mberal
Discounts to the Trade. Bend
lor Catalogue. * ?
Manufacturers and Patentee*,"
1 - ' - -
• 1 * * J:
FOR THE SUfflfflE § 1882.
Fourth Stock Just Arriving for the Spring and
Summer at the
. A*
Lock Haven, Fa.
And we can safely say at prices that will suit everyone. Cotton Good
have never been as cheap as now. On account of the cold and backward Spring
New York and Philadelphia jobbers ovei-loaaed themselves in the early part of
the season, and are now willing to sell their goods at a loss rather than carry
them over the season. We took advantage of these bargains and are now pre
parer! to sell you goods lower than you ever bought-them. We will give you a
list of a few of the
All Prints in Standard makes, such as Cocheco, Pacific and Merrimac
Prints Bi cents, never sold lower than 8 cents. Dress Ginghams in a beautiful
line of colors, 8 cents, former price 121 cents. JKPinch Percales 8 cents, former
price 121 cents. 4-4 Hill Muslin, bleached, 81 ceuts, together with a full line of
Sersuckers, French Ginghams, Lawns in Cotton and Linen, Unbleached Mus
lins, Crashes, Tickings, Table Linens and all other Domestic Goods at prices in
proportion to those just mentioned. In
♦ V
We have some bargains to offer. The best thing we have now for the
money is an all-wool-dlling CASIIMEKE at 8 cents: they are in medium and
light shades only, but the former price on them has been 121 cents; at 8 cents
they are better to buy than Calico. Remember tliey are half wool.
• •
Buntings ill all shades at 121 cents.
Buntings al wool at 20 and 25 cents.
Buntings in a little better grade at 35 cents.
Buntings in double width, fine, all-wool at 76 cents,
i * *
Another Lot of Summer Silks
These goods are scarce, but we have the styles now better than at any
time this Season and prices are equally as low; together with these we have all
the new things in Summer Dress Goods iu all the new shades. Large line of
Plain and Colored Silks, best goods $1.25; lowest price 471 cents. We still have
a big trade on our SI.OO Black Silk, the best ia the city for the money.
i •
IL'OU have heard a great deal about this fabric no doubt. We have all the
desirable light shades such as pink, light blue, cream and white. Fringes and
Passementeries have had their day laces are the rage now. Spanish and Span
ish Gimpure—these we can not give prices on here as there are so many quali
ties and widths, but they start at 25 cents and go to $1.50 per yard: in the fine
goods we have 2 and in some patterns 3 widths. We can tell you better about
them when you come to see them ; we do not ask you to buy if prices are not as
low and varieties greater than any other place in town.
With as fine a line of Embroideries in match goods ever brought to this
city ; It is worth your time to come in if for nothing else than to see them, we
will take great pleasure in showing them together with the above named goods.
We have allifhe new things in
Kid and Lisle Thread Gloves, Laoe Col
lars, Linen Collars, Handkerchiefs,
Lace Mitts, Etc.
. < * • :• . . • 2 - "•
Ladies' White Kid Gloves (Foster Pattern), in 10 hooks; sizes from 5i to
8. Still a few more .
% v • '
In Brussels left at 55, 874 and 95c. We have given yon a liat of the goods
we carry and will guarantee prices as low as you ever bought them.
N. 8.—10,000 pounds Wool wanted in exchange or for cash*
j. F. srjtasTT* co.