AGRICULTURE APPLICATION clr I.IMF, — Thousands of bushels of lime are annually thrown away by improper methods of application, Every fanner is a believer in tfce benefits derived from lime, and even on limestone lauds it ia used with advantage. As all plan s contain more or less lime it not only rerves as an m portant element of food but lu some sections its use is an absolute necessi ty. It may be safely said that all soils contain some lime. Lime in the soil, being principally in the shape of carbonate, is little influenced by the action of rains. When limestone is burnt it merely loses its carbonic acid, and when we slack it with water the lime urites with water, which crystallizes and forms hydrate of lime. After awhile, by attiacting carbouic acid from the air, the lime becomes again a car bonate. and is then in the same condition aa before burning- that is, it has become once more limestone in a fine condition. Lime is often bought and slacked, and then placed aside until some convenient time arrives for putting it on the laud; and as the process of slacking is considered an ordinary occurence it is sometimes done carelessly. When it is ready to be broad casted it generally goes to the tieid in lumps or in the shape of fine gravel. The farmer who knows how to use lime is very careful to apply the lime, if possible, as a tine powder, for then the benefit from its application is more direct; it reaches every part, and less quantity is required, which amp l )' repays lor the labor of nrepajation. Clover, peas, beans, potatoes, &c., are lime plants, and we can account for the benefi cial effects of plaster (sulphate of lime) by knowmg that it is slightly soluble in water, and every ram dissolves portions of it,thus furnishing ready lime food, The freshly slacked lime when m the shape cf a hy drate is also dissolved by water, and as its effects are not oalj shown in the growth of the crop hut also as a chemical agent in the soil, the advantage ot using judgment and care iu its preparrtion and application can be seen at oDoe. In the first place, in slacking the freshly burnt lime too much water should be guarded against. Use it sparingly, as the lime will become liner, and contain fewer lumps. After the lime is dry every bushel of it should be sifted, lumps broken and the whole mass brought t* a fine, powdered condition. Applied in such a tine condition, time will convince the fanner that the labor expended will be as nothing compared to the difference be tween the lime in that condition and when in a Jumpy or giavelly sta f e, The tenden cy of lime is downwards in the earth, for the rain always takes with it mere or less lime whenever it fails, and the kinds of lime mcst subject to the action of moisture are those that are in the finest possible state of division. Hard lumps that have revei ted to limestone are almost useless, and their application is extravagance. It is admitted that there arc UDScen and often unknown agencies that work even upon the lumps, but the processes are slower and less certain than when by a little care the lime is broadcasted over the so l in a fresb, pulverized condition. PROVIDE FOR SHORT FEED. —The provi dent dairyman, whether milk-raiser, but ter or cheese-maker, will soon be putting in some kind of forage crop to help the short pasturage that is almost sure to come about the first of July. We urge attention to this matter now. It is full feed that makes the full bag. One of the best crops to sow for this purpose, is oats, barley and peas, a mixture of one-third each. This crop can te put in as soon as the ground is enough to wcrk. The ground should have a liberal dressing of manure or fertil izer, spread on alter ploughing and well worked into the soil with the harrow, and then seeded at the rate cf three bushels per acre. The Canada pea] is best for this crop, but we have bad good success with the marrowfats and advancer. Put in the crop, and if not needed as help for the pasture, it can be cut and cured for hay. if the land ie highly manured and the crop is cut before the seed is formed, or just before blossoming, it will continue to grow the same as grass and will produce another crop. The peas will not amwunt to anything in the second growth, but the oats and barley will cover tbe ground and make a heavy second crop. Tnis mixture is one of the best of our forage crops. ROOT PRUNING. l'he experiments were made on the apple and pear. A vigorous apple tree, 8 cr 10 years old, which had scarcely made any fruit buds, has done best when about half the roots were cut in one season and half three years lat*r, by golnir half way around on opposite sides in one year and finishing at the next pruning, working two feet underneath to sever downward root*. It has always answered well, also, to cut from such trees all the larger and ionger roots about two and a half feet from the stem, leavine the smal ler and weaker ones longer, and going half way around, as already stated. The oper ation was repeated three or four years later by extending the cut circle a foot or x two furtner away from the tree. By this oper ation unproductive fruit trees became ttuckly studded with fruit spurs, and after ward bore profusely. This shortening of the roots has been continued in these expe riments for twenty j ears with much suc cess, the circle cf roots remaining greatly circumscribed. The best time for the work has been found to be in the latter part of August and beginning of September, when growth has nearly ceased, aDd whde the leaves are yet on the trees, causing grea'er increase ot bloom buds the followin? year than when performed after the leaves have fallen. THE old fogy farmer's orchard is al ways overrun with insect pests of every description. His "oply remedy, " when they become unpleasantly noticeable is to cut down the infected trees and burn them. Intelligent farmers don't plow under grow ing crops to kill the weeds which have ■pruhg up since the last cultivating. Fight insects as you fight weeds. ALL crowding of branches should be prevented by regular attention, for the sudden removal of quantities of wood is not unfrequently attar ded with loss of crop aDd impaired energy for years after; there fore, when necessary, remove annually a few of the worst crossing branches, aud prevent other young ones from proceeding in wroEg directions by cutting back or re moval. DE. YOELCKEK rtcentiy stated before a meeting of the Butish Dairy Farmers' Association that he found that food given to a cow while in milk would be converted into milk within six hours from tne time it is eaten, and that a rapid improvement in the quality of the milk follows a change from poorer to richer food. He also spoke very decidedly in favor of soi'ing as against pasturing, the latter being a most wasteful method of feeding. A NEW JESSEY farmer reports that a dressing of eight bushels per acre of salt to land badly infested with white grubs enabled him to raise good crops of corn for three years past, which was impossible previous to this application. IT is estimated that 11,000,000 bushels Ol corn will be used this year by the vari ous manutactories of glucose in the United States. DOMESTIC. TilB&K slice* of bread shown by a Lewiston flour dealer Thursday suoko for themselves. Placed side by side, they shaded very abruptly into three strikingly distinct tints. Onjp was of the hue of Graham and fell iuto your hand like a half-baked brick. Auother was nearly whiie, and would be greet*d with pleasure by a hungry niau. The third was so white that snow would have to be bleached to compare with it; moreover, it possessed that spongy tex ture which is so gratifying to the eater, and a source of so much pride to the cook. It threatened to dissolve in one's mouth, and would tempt a gorged epi cure. It would be a strain to say one could distinguish them in the dark. The flour dealer deposed that the three pliees of bread were made by three women from one and the same kind of flour. The cook who produced the first slice was dissatisfied with the flour, while the woman who made the broad last mentioned said she could make good bread out of flour that didn't cost less than four dollars a barrel. It is evident that bread-cooking is not one of the lost arts, but it is an art which still contains sufficient mystery to puzzle many and confonud not a few of the angels who hover over our flour barrels. EELS IN MATKLOTTK. —CIe.iu two pounds of eels, cut them in two-inch lengths, put them over the tire in plenty of cold water with a tablospoonful of salt, aud bring them to a boil; adi an onion stuck with cloves and two table spoonfuls of vinegar; boil them 15 rniu utes, tako them up, dry the eels 011 a clean cloth, roll them iu flour, and fry them brown iu a saucepan with about two tablespoonfuls of butter. When they are brown add a bouquet of herbs (which is made by tying together a few sprigs of parsley, celery, a bay leaf, half whole, ani half a dozen peppercorns) and a pint of boiling water; season the matelotte with a teaspoonful of salt and a quarter of a salt-spoonful of pepper. Pet 1 a pint of button onions, put them iu a saucepan with a teaspoonful each of butter and sugar, and toss them over the fire until brown; then add them to the matelotte and simmer it one hour. If the sauce evaporates add enough l>oiling water to make up the origiual quantity. When the matelotte is done add a glass of wine to it, and serve some croutons of fried bread, made by frying small heart -shaped slices of stale bread light brown in smokiug hot fat. DUST FURNITURE WITH A WIT CHAMOIS. —A Paris jourmd of bygmie warns housekeepers against the use of u feath er duster, instead of a wet cloth. The duster simply chases the particles from the furniture into the air, where they arc inhaled. Dust is formed of innu merable quantities of spores aud eygs and germs, as well as of inert matter, A flourish of the duster may set loose au assassinating germ. The dangerous par tides attach themselves roadily to the dampened cloth. The origin of many diseases is traceable to the mere s|>eeks which ought to be removed, aid nit simply stirred up. RHUBARB JELLY.— Take some rhubarb, wipe it with a clean wet cloth, peel it, aoii cut it into pieces an inch long. To each pound of rhubarb add J pound ol white sugar. Put it to boil tor about ten minutes, or until the juice is well drawn. Strain it into a preserving pan, let it boil quickly until it clings to the spoon, skim it aud put it into jam pots or moulds. The quickest way to know if it will set is to drop, a little oil a plate to cool. CEMENT FOR GLASSWARE. —For mend ing valuable glass objects, which would be disfigured by common cement, chrome ceaieut may be used. This is a mixture of five parts of gelatine to one of a solution of acid chromate of lime. The broken edges are oovered with this, pressed together and exposed to sunlight, the effect of the latter be ing to render the compound insoluble even in boiling water. HAM TOAST. —Mince finely a quarter of a pound of cooked ham with au an chovy boned and washed; add a little cayenne and pounded mace, beat up two eggs; mix with the mince, and add just sufficient milk to keep it moist; make it quite hot, and serve on small rounds of toast or fried bread. AyrrooTE FOR IVY POISONING. —Bathe the parts affected freely with spirits of Ditre. If the blisters be broken, so as to allow tlis Ditre to penetrate the cuti cle, more than a single application is rarely necessary, and even where it is applied to the burface of the skiu three or four times a day, there is rarely a trace of the poison left uext morning. A VERY easy way to poach eggs is to get boiling water in your muffin tins and set them on the hottest part of the stove; break the eggs in the saucer, then drop one in each tin; iu two or three minutes they will be done, and can be taken up one at a time m good shape with the help of a small straiuer; season with butter, pepper and salt. BREAKING GLASS.— To break glass any required form may make a notch with a file on the edge cf the glass; draw your finger, starting from the notch; make a small rod of iron red-hot and draw it aloDg the lines; a crack will follow the iron, and the glass can then be easily broken. WHITE WINK JELLY.—Pour one pint of cold water on six sheets of isiuglass; let it stand until dissolved. Then pour a pint of boiling water on it, and add the juice and grated rind of one lemon, one pint of sugar and one wineglass of white wine. Let it stand until it hard ens. LAMB STEAK dipped in egg, and then in biscuit or bread crumbs, and fried until it is brown, helps to make variety for the breakfast table. Wiih baked sweet potatoes, good coffee and butter ed toast or corn muffins, one may begin the day with courage. To WASH Calicos, put wheat bran in a bag, boil and tako half the water to wash in; else no soap. This will cleanse them without fading and stiffen them without starch. Iron the wrong side and they will look like new. IF THE stove is cracked, a good ce ment is made for it as follows: Wood ashes and salt in equal proportions, re duced to a paste with cold water, and filled in the cracks when the stove is cool. It will soon harden. CALEDONIA CHE AM. —Two ounces of raspberry jam, two ounces red currant jam, sifted loaf sugar, the whites of two P u t into k bowl and heat with a spoon for three-quarters of an hour. This is a mixture that is much used in Scotland as a delicacy. HUMOROUS. Hk was considerably intoxicated us he came up to a sober-looking citizen 011 Central street this morning, and, grasp ing him bv the lappel of his coat, in quired, 44 'R you p'leshn'l niau?" "Yes, air, I am a professional man." answered the sober citizen. 4 "What's wanted?" 44 P'f*hn'l man? That alio? Who are you?" "I am a clergyman, sir," winking to the bystanders— 4 'Methodist clergy man." "Meth'disli clergyman? Duzzer be Meth'disli clergyman zan masher 'll base ball niue." 4 'What do you mean, sir? This lan guage is insulting to a clergyman, sir!" "No lushult.m' frien*, no iuskult. Know whut I'm talk'u 'bout. J3eeu boss mosher'n base ball nino myself. Druzzor be a Meth'disli clergy aiau, tell yer." "Well, go ou, tell me why." 44 Te1l yer why? Cert'nly will. Der season's longer. Don't yer shoe?" Ills Lust IIOHO. Said a sufferer from kidney troubles, when asked 10 try Kidney-Wort, "I'll try it but it will be my last dose*' The man got well, and is now rec miuieuding the remedy to all. When derangement of the stomach acta upou the kidneys and liver bringing dis ease and pain Kidney Wort ia the true reniody. It removes the cause and cures the disease. Liquid (very concentrated) or dry act equally efficiently. // Culti vator. THK other day a colored lady of stand ing, Mrs. Simpson, purchase ! a (hiirs borough and visited Mr-\ Fennel. It was evident that Mrs, Simpson possessed a few airs which she wished to display over Mrs. Fennel. "My husband," sai l Mis. Simpson, "wanted me to get a tiuer hat den dis, but reflecting dat de S2O bills in de bottom of de drawer was getten saut r scarce lik*, I concluled to content myself wid ass hat." "Well, yer was savin'," remarked Mrs. Fennel, and then, stepping to the door, exclaim ed : "Tildy, take dat SI,OOO bill away from dit chiß He tore up two yester day. Dar ain't no sense in allowin' chillun to 'atroy money iu dat way." Mr*. Simpson retired, realizing that her hut was a failure. KALAMAZ >o, Miou., Feb. 2d, 1830. I know Hop Bitters will bear recom mendation honestly. All who use them confer upon them the highest encomiums, aud give them credit for making cures— all the proprietors claim for them. 1 have kept them since they were tirst offered to the public. They took high rank from the first, and maintained it, and arc more called for than all others combined. Bo long as they keep up their high reputation for purity and usefulness, I shall continue to recommend them —something 1 have never before done with any other patent medicines. J. J. BABOOOK, 31. D. THE cresc nt slave of the first quarter of the moon hung like nn electric lamp in the western sky, casting a subdue ', cool light upon the path they had cho sen. They walked with slow an 1 meas ured step aud said little. The scene was rapture inspiring At last slv, looking up into his thcewitli a sort of a sca-e t to d >atli like a young fawn look. "Albert, how many walks like iliis we've taken—" "tea, Rosalind, we have taken a great many walks like this au d —and—ail' l —" "Oh Albert, now don't." "Well, I won't, seeing it's you." Anotlior case of snapping at the bait too soon. Both Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable C impound ami Blood Purifier are prepar ed at 23:1 and 235 Western Lynn, Mass. Price ot either, #l. Six bottlcg for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on receipt of price, #1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely an swers all letters of inquiry. Enclose 3c. 6tamp. Send for pamphlet. Meution this piper. THE Marquis' valet has lost his wife and is drowning his grief in the flowing tumbler. "I say, John," s'ys his master after three mouths had clapped, "how is it that vou are always drunk nowadays, eh?" " "Itsh caush I wantsli coiishole my self, sir?" replied the inebriate, busting into tears. "But, I sav, how long is it going to last?" "Oh, sir, I'm iuconsholable! I can never sh'fisbingly mourn her losb!" For dyspepsia, indigestion, depression of spirits and general debility, in their va rious forms; also as a preventive against fever and ague and other intermittent fevers, the "Ferro-Pbosphorated Elixir of Oalisaya,' made by Caswell, Hazard & Co, New York, sold by ail Druggists, is the best tooic; and for patients recovering from fever or other sickness, it has no equal. CLASSICAL ITEM: "Have you got a JOpy of 'Milton's Paradise Lost?'" tsked Gilhooly of Colonel Schneider McGiunis, one of our Austin aristocrats. What in the world is that?" replied dcGißuis. "It's a book," responded Gilhoely. "No, sir; I have not got uich a book. Wlieuever I find any thing that's lost I return it to the owii >r. When did Mr. Milton lose his l>ook? What reward is he offering for its return?" Mind and Body. PORT Br ION, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1882. H. H. WARNEK & Co: Sirs— For years I suffered unspeakably from kidney ancl bladder diseases. The doctors could do me no good. Your Sare Kidney and Liver Cure not only removed all bodily pain, but banished the agonies of mind also. KKUBBN HADDEN. A FEW days ago a little child gave ex pression to un old story in the followiug manner: It seems that the little fel low had discovered a bee crawling upon his hand. Finally the bee ftop ped for a moment, and, a ter remaining stationa y for an instant,stung the little fellow. When the cry of the pain was over, the little child said to his mamma that he didn't care for the bee's w; Ik ing about on him, but he didn't like his sitting down on him. Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, and constipation cured at once, by "sellers' Liver Pilig." 25 cents a box. AN Irish emigrant who stood shiver ing in front of Castle Garden one morn ing last fall, thus addressed his equally forlorn and gruesome companion : "I don't und, rstand it at all, Pat; when we left owld Oirel nd it was in the month of May. Tin days wo tuk to cross the ragin say, aii' begorrah it's JDecimber." yMr. J lit'am Maxim has invented ah automatic (Ire extinguisher, in which eho riciiy plsvs an important part. The sys tem consists of an automatic apparatus, which closes the circuit when the tempe rature is elevated by Are, a series of pipes containing water At a high pressure, and a series of cocks which are opened by the electric current, and through which water is discharged on the dames. A new and interesting proof that the earth is round has been presented by M. Dufour in a paper recent read before the Helvetic Society of Natural Scieuces. In calm weather, the images of distant objects reflected 111 the Lake of Geneva showed just exactly the same decree of distortion which calculation would predict thn ugh taking luto consideration the figure ot the •artli. Immense Demand for Vegetine. WK are not at all surprised to learn tnat the demand of the people everywhere for that famous medicine, Yexetliie, 1m constantly becom ing more and more extended, it IIUM long been in demand all over our own country, amf had some time ago made Its way luto various foreign lands. At the present time the esteemed proprietor, Mr. 11. It. Stevens, of lloston, is sending It to order to some of the remotest foreign countries; and It seems now evident that Vcxctine Is to become a universal medicine. It is a "patent medicine," but it has gained its fame and made its way every where on us own Intrinsic merits. Such were the unmistakable and umlcuiable results of the use of this astonishing and, at this day, world-renowned medicine, in speedily effecting cures of the very numerous diseases or ills for which It was de clared to be a remedy, that people everywhere were open and decided in expressing their opinion that this "patent medicine" must not only be ranked eqiiul with, but altogether superior to, all the regular "doctors' stuff'' thut had ever beeu given lu sickness. There was ami there could be no dispute at>out the astonishing cures effected by the medicine. The doctors could not deny them—especially as many of such cures had been effected in the most resectable, wealthy and well-known families, where the suffering invalids had obtained and taken the Vegetine as a last resort, after the regu lar physicians had utterly failed to do them any good. Moreover, testimonial letters from perfectly well-known persons ut high standing an 1 of un doubted charact t*r ami veracity t>egau to pour In upon Mr. 11. It. Stevens, the proprietor, in abund ance, declaring, and often with the deepest grati tude, the surprising cures wrought by the great medicine. Such testimonials have continued to flow In upon Mr. Stevens, from first to last, until he has enough to make volumes were he to print them all. Hut he don't publish, even lu the newspapers, only a suull fraction of them. Is it any wonder, then, that the sale of Vegetine is now Increasing at a surprisingly rapid rate ? — JYortdence (It J.) Ga leae. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggist*. [PILES ANAKESIS Er. S. Silsbee's External Pile Remedy Give* Instant relief and la an Infallible CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF PILES. Sold by PriUTrfsteeverywhere, price, |1 00 per bo* prtpiint bv nail. Sam pica sent Crt* to Physicians and alj sufferers, by P. NcusucdVer A Co„ Box SWA >"ew lorkCity. bole manufacturer* of "AnaiMl** 1 WTfl li\G FOR. Dr.-. if. Ncliclick, of Philadelphia, has Just published a book on "DIME4NES of the I.I7XU* mid 110 W Til FY CAN BE CURED,*' which he offers to send free, poet paid, to all uppllcants. It contains valuable Infor mation for all who suppose themselves afflicted with, or liable to, any disease of the throat or lungs. Address DR. J. H. SCHENCK & SON, §24 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 5200.0(T REWARD! Will be paid for the detection and conviction of any person selling or dealing in any bogus, coun terfeit or Imitation Ilor BITTERS, especially Bit ters or preparations with the word HOP or noes In their name or connected therewith, that Is Intend ed to mislead and cheat the public, or for any pre paration put in any form, pretending to be the same as HOP BITTERS. The genuine have cluster of GRKRN HOPS (notice this) printed on the white label, and are the purest and best medicine on earth, especially for Kidney, Liver and Nervous Diseases. Beware of all others, and of all pretended formulas or recipes or HOP BITTERS published In papers or for sale, as they are frauds and swindles Whoever deals in any but the genuine will be prosecuted. HOP BITTERS Mro. Co., Rochester. N. Y. 547 d- MONTH and board tn y.tur county. Men or -ArvT,, x Pleasant business. Address, P. W ZlhULKlt A CO.. Box W. Philadelphia. Pa. Tl™Afl ,n abundance.—Bs Million pound* I L l| V Imported lost year.—Prices lower U ttian ever.—Agents wanted.—Don't | La f| wubto time.—Send for circular. 10 lbs. Good Black or Mixed, for sl. 10 lbs. Fine Black or Mixed, for $2. 10 lbs. Choice Black or Mixed, for $3. Send for pound sample, 17 cts. extra for postage. Then get up a club. Choicest Tea In the world.— Largest variety.—Pleases everybody.—Oldest Tea House in America.—No chromo.—No Humbug.— Straight business.—Value for money. BOB'T WELLs,43 Yescy StN.Y.,P.O. Box 1287. JN If DUST IN WATER .makes Ink at once. Package, to cents. Last writer o years. Mailed, r. Spare, New Bedford. Mass. S*V, I i 8 !? l lL N WANTED.—Address for terms CHA* W . *t ART. "Newark Nurse nes. Newark. Wayne Co.. N. V. rtrtllßßE la or.. ...iuitturwl in 10 |lf 111 fin to 'todays. No pay till Cared. VI I will DR. J. BTJTPHIESS, Lebanon, OBTA "DON'T talk to me about the adVAn tuges of education/' indignantly ex claimed a certain manufacturer lately. "Here I spent $9,000 on that boy "of mine. He e&me out of college with Hying colors. I put him in clnirce of the factory while 1 went oj for a little vacation, and what do yon suppose he did ? Shipped 50,000 of my new patent improved snow-shovels to South Amer • . ica. Pard Lamp* to Bra*L Dr. It. V. PIEKOS, Buffalo, N. Y. : Dear Sir —l wrote you some time ago that I thought I had a cancer. There was a large lamp on my breast as large as a walnut, and had been there four months. I commenced taking your "Golden Medi cal Discovery," "Favorite Prescription" and "Pellets" in June, and the lump u gone. Yours gratefully, Mita. ft. K. CL.tlUv, Irving ton, Mich. "GOD writes asses against the m&n who voted for the Chinese bill," says Henry Ward Boecber. Mr. Beeober is undoubtedly correct, on principle, but at the same time we think if God writes "ass" against the imme of a congress man every time the houorable member does and says a foolish thing, the celes tical congressional record will lie mista ken by visitors for a live stock journal, "liecame Sound and Well." It. V. PIKKOE, M. D, Dear t S!ir.— My wile, who had been ill for over two years, and had tried many other medicines, became sound and well by using your fa vorite Prescription." My niece was also cured by its use, after aevral physicians had failed to do her any good. Yours Truly, THOMAS J. MKTHVLN. Hatcher's Station, Ga. "What harm lias the lad done you?" auked an old gentleman, roughly collar ing a boy who WAS wanning the jacket of another urchin witk a bit of wild grape vine. "He am't done me no harm." "What are you thrashing him for then?" "Cause his father and mother never licks him, and I'm a doing it for charity." No Trouble to Swallow, Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" (the original "little liver pills") and no pain or griping. Cure sick or bilious headache, sour stomach, and cleanse the system and bowels. 25 cents a vial. A YOUNG medical student ut Bowdoin College once asked the late Professor Parker Clcaveland if there were not some more recent works on anatomy thm those in the college library. "Young man," said the professor, meas uring the entire mental calibre of the youthful scholar at one glance, "there have been very few new bonrs added to the humau body during the last ten years." Humbugged Again. I saw so much said about the merits of Ilop Bitters, ard my wife who was always doctoring, and never well, teased me so urgently to get her some, I concluded to be humbugged again; and 1 am glad I did for in loss thau two months' use of the Bitters, my wife was cured, aud she has remained so for eighteen months since. 1 like such humbugging.—H. T., St. Paul* —Pioneer Pre*. A NEW YORK man went into a crowd ed car and asked if he could not have the seat which was then occupied by a hat, whose owner was sitting in the next seat. The man angerly grasping his hat answered : " Yes, take it, if you're a hog." "I'm ao near one, that I guess J'll take it," said the other. * "Mother lias Recovered* wrote an Illinois girl to her E wtern rela tives. "BUe took bitter j for a loug time without any good. Bo when she heard of the virtues of Kidney-Wort she got a box and it has completely cured her, ao that she can do as much work now as she could before we moved West. Since she has got well everyone about here is taking it.' Bee adv. "PA, am I a little sinner?" "Yes, my son, we are a'l sinners." "And, papa, the Bible savs the devil is the father of all kiuuers, doesn't it?" "Yes, dear, I believe it does." 1 'Then, papa, are you the devil?" His offspring's logic was too much for him aud he slipped out of the room without auswer ing. There was a young lady quite fair, Who had much trouble with her hair, Bo she bought Carboline And a sight to be seen, Is the bead of this maiden, I declare. "ARK you going to tako that ugly pug dog with you again, Carrie?" asked Charles. "I really believe you take him simply to make yourself look pret tier by the contrast." "Don't be jeal ous of poor Pug, Charley," replied Carrie. "I'll take you some time when I want to look especially handsome." "Ruchupaiba.* Quick, complete cure urinary affections smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kid-, ney diseases, ft at druggists. Prop* id by express. 26, 6 for $6. E, 8. W kllm, Jersey THE Gothic style of handwriting,now so popular among young ladies, may have its disadvantages. It is said that a young mau who recoutly received a specimen of it could not tell, for the life of him, whether it was "YOB, with pleasure," "No, thank you," or a sketch of a picket fence. "Lindaey's Blood Searcher"—the great medicine for fever and agqe, malaria, and all blcod poison. Don't fail to use it. THE best p'>ach growing belt of the Uui ted Btates extends from middle North Ca ro'ina, through Bouth Carolina, Georgia, Altbams, and a part of Mississippi. Nervem Debility. Weakness. Eta Horns cure by timple herbs. Sufferers may learn Just how to oure themselves at home, by sim ple and harmless herbs, free by mail. Address Baku Hkbb Cuke, Newark, New Jersey, THE only plan for keeping down the undergrowth of those varieties of trees which sprout from the root, is to cut the young growth from time to time at or just below the surface of the ground. Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer is the marvel of the age for all nerve diseases. All tits stopped free, tiend to 931 Aroh Btreet, Philadelphia. Pa. The term Gauchos, so often seen in books m Bouth America, is not a race name, but implies rather a certain mode of lite, and at San Jorge is given to negroes, Bra zilians, pure Spaniards and even to Northern Europeans. NERVOUS SUFFERER.—A dose of Vege tine, taken just before going to bed, will ensure a comfortable night's rest to the nervous sufferer. ORonARD grass is very early in growth and furnishes good hay. it starts out freth immediately alter each mewing. MXTHEAIJ H OF womaX yQsvwpathize withTis the hope of/ RACE^ LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEOETAELE COMPOUND. A flare Cote for all FEMALE WEAK. NESHEM, Including Lrncorrbcrn, Ir regular and Painful Menstruation, Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb* Flooding, PRO* LAPSUS UTERI, &e. IVrPlsazant to the tato, eflleaciouA and Immc'lnlf In 1U effect! It Is a groat help in pnrrnaney, auJ r-.- UvTut pain daring labor and at regular j ei ioda. I KE IT AXD PBESt ClliC IT FREEI.T. IF-POB ALL WEAKKESSES of the generative orr*n of either ri, It la second to no renudy that ba. ev i born before the public; and for all diseases of the KIDNEYS it la the Greatest Ktmcd Y in the World. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS of Either Sex Find €• rent Relief In Ita I'M. *" LYDIA E. PINKHAM'M BLOOD will craduate vestige of liumora troni the 111.>od, at the name time will gi*e tone and rtrrngth to the xy view. AJ marvellous In reeulta an the Compound. IT"Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are pre pared at 233 and 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Maen. Price of either, ft- 81* bottler for $3. The Compound la aent by mall In the form of pilla, or of lozenge*, on receipt of price, f 1 per box for either. Krt. I Ink ham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose 3 cent stamp. Send for pamphlet. Mtntum this Paper. ITT-TTHU E. PTCEHAE'H LSTUU Pn.ia cure C<>nrt'.pa tlon, BJioubiiesa and Torpidity of the Liver. 23 tenia. fid-Sold by all 1 p s ' J i . ) : i • i 6 I FITTERS ror a quarter or a century or more ITost# ttWa Stomach Bitters has been the reigumg spec ills for Indigestion, dyspepsia, fever ami ague, a low of Mrslcal stamina, liver oonaplalnt and other dla **, u '•* Tela. XIsUJY IT in Hi 19 graph/ in a few months, sod be certain of a situation, address VAUCNd'ENI F&OH. Janeevilie. Wlaoomnn. DFTOESSbS® I IlorvM AN,P.O.Box 133, Chicago, ILL THE LARGEST FEATHER, MATTRESS AND BEDDING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE STATE. t furniture and general stores. 'lr'nT"! TM.CUU H.S.iitukrgr, Beware of Imitations. 1218 Market St., Send stamp for price-list. PHILADA., PA. a7O HEALTH IS WEALTH, Health of Body U Wealth of Mind. RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent. Pare blood makes sound flesh, strong bone, and a clear skin. If you would have your flesh Arm, your bones sound, without oaries, and yonr com plexion fair, use RAD WAY'S SAKSAP ARILLIAN RESOLVENT. A remedy composed of Infredlents of extra ordinary medical properties essential to purify, repair and invigorate the broken-down and wasted body—QUICK, PLEASANT, BAFF and PERMA NENT In its treatment and care. No matter by what name the complaint may be designated, whether it be Scrofula, Consumption, Syphilis, Ulcers, Sores, Tumors, Boils, Erysipelas, or Salt-Rheum .diseases of the Langs, Kidneys Bladder, Womb, Skin, Liver, Stomach or Bowels, either cnronic or constitutional, the virus of the disease is in the BLOOD whion supplies the waste, and builds and repairs these orgaus and wasted tissues of the system. If the blood Is unhealthy, the process cf repair must be unsound. TBS HARSArARiixiAN RESOLVENT not only Is compensating remedy, but secures the harmonious action of each of the organs. It establishes throughout the entire system functional harmony, and supplies the blood-vessels with a pure ana healthy enrreni of new life. The skin, after a few days use of the Saiuaparillian, becomes clear and beautlfuL Fimpies, Blotches, Black Spots and Skin Eruptions are removed; Bores and Ulcers soon cured. Persons suffering from Scrofula, Eruptive Diseases of the Eyes, Mouth, Ears, Legs, Throat and Glands, that have accumulated ana spread, either from uncured diseases or mercury, or from the use of Corrosive Sublimate, may rely upon a cure if the Barsaparlllian is continued a sufficient time to make its impreaalon on the system One bottle contains more of the active prlncL Ces of Medicines than any ether Preparation, ken in teaspoonful doses, while others require Ave or SLX times as much. ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. MINUTE REMEDY. Only requires uiflUTt not BOTTUA, te relieve pain and cure acute disease. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, In from one to twenty minutes, never Mis to re lieve PAIN with one thorough application: no mat tcr kow violent or excruciating the pain, the Rheu matic, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Cnppied, Nervous, Neu ralgic or prostrated with disease may suffer, RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF will afford Instant saee. Inflammation of the Kidneys, Inflammation QJ the Bladder, Inflammation of the Bowels, Con gestion of the Lungs, Sort Throat, IrijncuU Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, Croup, Diphtheria, Catarrh, Influenza, Head ache. Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cold Chills, Ague ChUte, ChUblains and Frost-biles, Bruises, Summer Complaints, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Coughs, Colds, Sprains, Pains in the Chest, Back, or Limbs are tnstanllt/ relieved. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cured for 80 eta. There Is not a remedial agent In this world that will core Fever and Ague, and other Malarious, Billons, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other fevers (aided by RADWAY'S PILLS) se quickly as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. It will in a few minutes, when taken according tfithe directions, cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stom ach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhoea, Dysen tery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and all piteraai Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rad way's Ready Relief with them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than French Brandy or Bit ters as a stimulant Miners and Lumbermen should always be pro vided with it CAUTION. All remedial agents capable of destroying life by an overdose should be avoided. Morphine, opium, strychnine, arnica, hyosclamoa, and other power ful remedies, do at certain times, 'JB very smaL doses, relieve the patient during their action In th< system. But perhaps the second dose, If lepeated, may aggravate and increase the suffering, and an other dose cause death. There is no necessity for using these uncertain agents when a positive reme dy like Railway's Ready Relief will stop the most excruciating pain quicker, without entailing the least difficulty in either infant or adult. THE TRUE RELIEF. RADWAVS READT RELIEF is the only remedla. •gem in vogue that will instantly stop pain. . Fifty Cents Fer Bo (tie. RADWATS Regulating Pills! Perfect Purgatives, Soothing A per tents, Act unit out Pain, Always HetiatMe and, yaturuU in fn their Operation. A VEGETABLE SUBSTITUTE FOB CALOMEL. Perfectly tasteless, elejrantly coated with sweet purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and streng- KADWIT'S PILLS for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach. Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Co©- tiveness. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Plies, and au derangement sof the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a perfect cure. Ptjely vegetable, con. taluing no mercury, minerals, or dale tenons drugs. f Observe the following symptoms resulting from Diseases of the Digestive Organs: Constipa tion, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the Bto- , maco, Soar Eructations, Sinking or Flattering at tbe Heart, Choking or Suffering Sensations when in a lying posture, Dots or Webs before the Sight. Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Breast and Limbs, u READ "FALSE AND TRUE." Send a letter stamp to RADWAY A CO., No. a Warren, Cor. Chum. St., New York. BWinformatioo worth thousands will be eenc te voa • Prepared for Immediate Use. Buildings painted with Paints mixed by hand have to be repainted every three years. The best Paint cannot be made by hand mixing. The Paint used is the smallest item in cost of painting, labr the largest. Any building will be repainted at our expense if not satisfactorily painted with our Paint. For sale by one dealer in every city and town In the United States. ItltAlX FOOD!— Most citable tunio lor the liritlii and Meliorative Organs. It positively curej .Nervous i ebility and restores lost virile powers. Rold by druKHl ts. 91; 6 for 95. Free by mad on rece pt of price. aOHhf it. ALLEN, Chemist, 315 First Avenue, Dew York. CIV wrr wißTi Mowrri TMaaa* M. ~z— V "_a If jom llnl a Luwul moMmlm. Imaf PTC >ktkn rr t kt< mik rfkabN Ml fW^ V 1 9 kMda. r m thicken, strenuthes ut Lm DCVIGOEA*E h. HAIR mjwW. tn'i W kntani T.~ Try Um put Spuiafe diMoun .tuck ku NEVER TXT FAILED. BmJonTt BIX CENTS U Dr. J. OONIA- SwiMß, iwa ttw* haw© akS M*iiaa.