Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, July 27, 1882, Image 3

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    ([ R t j| ill h4 i m Journal.
Editors and Proprietors.
■. i >_ i. ■ ■ --■■" ■■ ■ i ■
Local Department.
Wo are authorized to announce that R. F.
HUNTER, of Benner township, is a candidate
for member of the legislature, subject to Dem
ocratic rules.
"We lire authorized to announce that John A.
WOOPWAKO of Howard township, is A candidate
for member of tlic legislature, subject to Dem
ocratic rules.
—Mrs. Chas. A. Sturgis, from Lew
isburg, is here visitiug.
—A good town property at private
sale. luquire at this office. tf.
—Wednesday night thieves stole a
lot of fresh meat and some milk from
11. 11. Tomlinson's cellar.
—Mr. Valentine Breon, at Wood
ward, has a large number of fine celery
plants which he sells very reasonably.
—A new postal route has been estab
lished from Coburn via Mihheiru to
Lock Ilaven.
—The Evangelical camp meeting for
this circuit will begin at Woodward
August 3rd.
—Rev. C. F. Deininger and lady, of
Berlin, spent a few days with
their Millheim friends last week.
—Mr. Dua:: Neff, of Slatington,
completed the slate roof and steeple 011
the new church 1 ast wetk. It is an ex
cellent job.
—The festival of the Methodist La
dies' Mite Society ou Saturday evening
was a success and quite a haudsome
sum was realized.
—Frof. Kuizenknabe is running
two sieging classes at Lewisburg
now. The old Professor understands
how to do it exactly.
-Gen Beaver estimates his majority
at "about 50,000." Hope he will cou
sent to be satisfied with 49. 9 9, if he
can't do any better. Cameron men
would be happy with half that many.
—The administrators of Adam Zer
by, deceased, will offer some valuable
property at public sale on Saturday Aug
sth. See notice ia an othes column
and sale bills. ts
—Last Wednesday night a mink
made sad havoc among the chickens of
Mr. Valentine Breon, of Woodward,
killing eighteen of tliera. That was
mean, low business even for a mink.
—The Mifllinburg Tdegrapk ha 3 a
notice to the effect that application
will be made at the next sessiou of the
Legislature for a State Road from
Cherry Run Statio >, Union Co., Pa.,
to Woodward, in Centre Co., Pa.
—The papers say that the public is
heartily sick of the Guiteau business
and all that haDgs around and about it,
and yet every paper is anxioiu to say
something to keep tr.e subject fresh be
fore the public. "Let 113 have peace."
STILL THEY COME.—M. Ulrich, Jr.,
sent in an oats stalk that measures G
feet 2 inches in length. Mike did not
say whether it is Beaver or Stewart
oats, but he would hardly raise the In
dependent breed.
—We regret exceedingly that we
have not room this week to publish at
least the more pointed paragraphs of
Gov. Curtin's great speech delivered in
Congress, June 27th, on Internal Rev
enue Taxation.
—Mr. Milton E. Bollinger, a recent
graduate of the Central State Normal
School, Lock Haven, will open a sub
scription school at Aaronsburg on
Monday July 81st inst. The patronage
of p&rents respectfully solicited. Tu
ition moderate. 2t.
—Dr. A. J. Orndorf and Mr. Jona
than Hess, of Pine Grove Mills, spent
a few days in and about town last week.
Both are substantial, intelligent men,
first class citizens and very clever fel
lows generally. They are welcome to
call again.
-Inventors and Patentees
should send for instructions, reason
able terms, references, &c., to Edson
Brothers, Solicitors of Patents, Wash
ington, D. C. who furnish the saipe
without charge . Edson Brothers is a
well known and successful firm of large
experience, having been established in
1866. tf
land county has some lively veteran
iiaryesters. Gates Shoemaker cut in
one day fifteen acres of wheat that
made 288 dozeu. Mr. Long, aged sev
enty-six years, bound his section with
three after the reaper. Mr. Shoop, a
ged eighty-eight years, gathered all the
Head, Mark and Learn!
That a fine, enclosed Picnic Ground,
■with eyery convenience, Swings, Cro
quet Ground, Quoits, Pavillion, and a
Pine Spring of pure water with plenty
of shade, has now been completed at
Spring Mills. Societies, Clubs, Lodges
and all respectable parties will be ac
commodated on reasonable terms.
Carriages and tickets to the celebrated
Penn Caves at moderate rates. Ad
6EO. a. WSil,
Boring Mills Hous.
June a man giving the name ot Amos
C. Smith, and his residence at Philadel
phia, obtained lite signatures of the
following farmers in Lancaster county
to receipts for small payments made on
timber lands: John Balmer, Androw
Tleisey and Abraham Herr. These
signatures have come back attached to
promissary notes aggregating SII,COO.
"MAUD.*' —The other day neighbor
Fierce Musser launched a beautiful .lit
tle pleasure boat on the old, historic
mill dam. (Spell the word D. A. M.
leave tiie n off, then it isuT swearing.)
Pierce had the neat little ship painted
in best style and named it Maud, after
his charming, rosy-cheeked young
daughter. All decent persons can hire
the Maud for a trifling fee. For "terms
and particulars apply to CLYMER MUS
SER. -T.
— S. K. SANKEY & Co. are making
preparations to manufacture on an ex
tensive scale the celebrated Keystone
Cultivator. This is one of the best
agricultuial implements ever invented
and was largely manufactured by the
late John P. Foote. The new firm
should have every possible encourage
ment by our citizeus and the communi
ty at large. The concern has the smack
of pluck and enterprise about it and we
wish it every possible success. -t.
—John It. Koenig, In tel keeper at
Womelsdorf, has a hog that will be
three years old next August, and is es
timated to weigh 1,300 pounds.—Haul
ing Adlcr.
What a striking coincidence ! Why
Womelsdorf is our native home too.
But we are much older and not nearly
so heavy —and that again makes at least
two marked points of difference.
—The Centre County Sabbath School
Association will hold its thirteenth au
nual convention in the Presbyterian
church at Centre Hill, Thursday, Aug.
17th. It is intended to make this meet
ing a point of interest, if possible a lit
tle in advance of any similar meeting
yet held in the county. All ministers
are delegates ex-oflicio without appoint
ment or special invitation. Particulars
with regard to the convention will be
published in season. ***.
—The idea used to prevail veiy
largely that to appear in tattered or
patched up clothing was a sure sign of
manly dignity and moral worth. But
people are fast getting notions
on this subject. Men do not get much
credit these days for being slovenly in
their appearance, while to be filthy is a
downright disgrace. Of course much
depends on the work or business in
which men are engaged, and it 's for
this reason that Lewiu, of the Philadel
phia Branch Clothing House, Belle
foutc, Pa., keeps a full line of clothing
suitable for the laborer, the merchant,
the farmer, as well as the professional
man—and all at the very lowest cash
—We hereby tender our thanks to
Prof. W. T. Meyer for a very fine
piece of music for the piano, called
Moonlight in the F<> ra>t. It- is adorned
by an excellent engraving on the title
page, expressive of tiie name and spir
it of the music. Mr. Meyer, the author
is becomiug celebrated as a composer
of music aud it affords us pleasure to
state that the extensive publishing
house of W. F. Shaw, Philadelphia,
have permanently engaged his services.
Prof. Meyer will commence a term
of mu3ic ie ssons at Aaronsburg and
Millheim next Monday and Tuesday,
and will give instructions to a few
scholars efrery week 011 those two days.
On account of his permanent engage
ment with the mentioned firm lie will
not be able to teach a great number.
Temperance Meeting*
The Temperance Meeting at Mill
heim on Monday evening, July 24th,
was a success. At the riDging of the
bell many gathered into the Evangelic
al church to hear Mr. W. D, Black
burn deliver a fine lecture on the great
subjedt of Temperance, after which
the following were elected as officers of
the "Millheim Constitutional Amend,
ment Association:" viz Dr. S. Gutileus
president; W. K. Alexander, B. O.
Deininger, 11. K. Luse Vice President;
D. L. Zerby Secretary; Jacob Gephart
and an executive committee
of Seventeen ladie3 and gentlemen of
the town.
This was an excellent step and "is
but just begun." Mr. Blackburn re
ceived a rising vote of thanks for his
noble work so highly appreciated here.
The County Constitutional Amend
ment Association Convention shall be
held on July 28th at Bellefonte.
Places have been secured, free, for
all delegates.
Spring Mills Academy opened with
some fifty students.
There are quite a number of tourists
and city folks at the Spring Mills
House already and more are coming.
The paik is enclosed and a fine shady
retreat it is.
Mr. Grenoble is piping the water for
the hotel from Sam'l Leitzell's spring
into a reservoir, and then by a hydrau
lic ram to the third iloor of the hotel,
which will soon have all the modern
conveniences of the times.
THE Georgia Democrats have
nominated lion. A. FT; Stevens for
Harvest is about over in this
neighborh octl and a very good average
harvest it is. Ilay is more abundant
than it hasbeen for the hist forty year?.
Many of our farmers have made forty,
lifty, sixty loads and some even more.
Conrad Iramel, on t he Gentzel farm at
Penn's Creek, took in seventy-live
loads and left the grass of an entire
field out after mowing it. Oats, barley,
corn and potatoes all promise a rich
yield, while fruit alone will bo rather
scarce. To all human appearance this
will bo tin exceptionally fruitful year in
our valleys,whllejwe have been thus far
most graciously spared from casualities
and damages by storms, hail, lightning
and floods.
As a people—locally speaking—wo
have much cause for thankfulness to
our Heavenly Father for these rich
gifis. How are we affected by them ?
Will they stimulate us to renewed in
dustry, to new enterprises in our va
ritd business pursuits and callings?
Will we be more liberal in our benevo
lence, uioro charitable to the suffering
and poor ? Will we give any more than
our usual pittiance to the building of
churches, the support of the mission
ary cause, the endowment of colleges,
and to other benevolent and religious
objects which appeal to us so earnestly
for help ? Will we be any more public
spirited as citizens, more dutiful as
christians, or will we enjoy God's rich
est blessings without giving any prac
tical evidence of gratitude, as if we
were to live here forever, in groveling
selfishness, without any due apprecia
tion of duty—without any nobledesires
or aspirations to do some good as we
travel along the jo urney of life down to
the grave and eternity V Let us reflect.
I.lst of Jurors.
The following is the list of jurors for
August court, which is to continue but
one week:
cuam) jraons.
M YlcdelTer, Burnsith*. Isaiah struble, Walker
Jacob G Breon, IVun. O I'nderwooU, Union.
J O Go Keen Ferjmsou. ( ll C Kiee, Bush.
Win Dawson, Spring. SI. Gray. l'atton.
N Reeiliup, Belletonte. William Wolf, Spring-
James Carsou, Benner. John Gingery. Huston.
John Stover, Walker. W K Keen. 1 eun.
Charles Sellers, College. W D Smith, Unlonville.
JacobSpangler, Worth. B 1) Brisbin. Potter.
C It MeCorniiok, Kerg'n Joiuitlian Hess. Ferg.n.
it I. Itmnhait, Itngirs. IM !> Richards, IVtu-r.
Christ llolter, Liberty. I) It Runes, Liberty.
I) W Shivery Ferguson Sol S Peck, Walker.
J," Jr., Marion 1' W Baruhart, Bogge.
sI) Tobias, MUlheiin. John Braclibill, B.fe.
William Bright, Haines Henry Dale, College.
Luther Swaru, Walker Henry Beck, Spring.
Hugh Glenn, Huston. Jacob Brumgart, ?>liles
N 11 Williams Huston. J 1 Thomson. College.
John W Smith. Howard S A Marshall, Beuner.
B F Yea rick, Fergnson Patrick Dooley, B'Pe.
G W stover, Milil'cim, T Gunsaulus.SnowShoe
John Walter, Boggs Jt hu Kobb, Ferguson.
Rolert Heirlv, Itoggs. Al* Stephens, WorUi.
A Laportf, Ferguson. 11 J Taylor. Spring.
Thomas Snyder, Liberty Adam Ye trick, BTe.
A iron I.elUell, Miles. Jacob Breon, I'ottei.
M S Fiedler, Haines. I Jasper Brumgart, Miles
E Sehrover, Itoegs. Adam stover, llaiues.
W H Smith. llnionville. D G Wye he, Hush.
John Dnnlap, Benner. I) 11 Bote. Ilalncs.
James M Boss, Harris. Toner Noll. Spring,
John Spangler, Potter. ;Theo Gorden, BTe.
C W llartmau Millheiiu Is:tac stover, spring.
Calvin Dsman, Harris. G S G.utv. Half .Moon.
Absal'm MusserlLtlnes L C Woods, Spring.
GEN. Beaver has resigned the Pres
idency of the board of trustees, of j
Pennsylvania State college. Francis ;
Jordan has been elected to fill the va
THE Texan democrats held their
state convention at Galveston on the
19th instant and nominated lion.
John Ireland for Governor.
THE official majority in favor of
constitutional prohibition in lowa is
Sews Miscellany.
The Illinois prohibitionists have call
ed a state convention, to be held at
Bloomington, August 9.
Uriah Moyer, ono of the Kintzler
murderers,has made a sealed confession
and given it to Rev. Mr. Reed, not to
be opened, however, until after his ex
New Fairfield, Conn., a book agent
talked an old man sick uutil he fainted.
Hereabouts people are more upt to take
nausea under stiffi circumstances.
Two M en Killed while Fighting
BISMARCK, D. T., July IG.—William
Watson and Peter Stewart quarreled
last evening on the bridge trestle.
They clinched and both foil to the
sixty-five feet, and were kill
Murder at a Church Picnic.
AMHERST, Va., July 15. —During a
free fight at a church fair at Harrison
Grove this morning, Frank Washing
ton was killed by Sandy Williams, who
almost severed his head from his body
with a razor. John Brown's throat
was cut and his body frightfully slash
ed with a razor in the hands of Lee
Cane. Brown will die. All of the par
... i
ticipants were negroes.
TON, July' Ist.—At Lowell yesterday
three boys died from lockjaw, caused
by toy pistol wounds on July 4tb.Tbeir
names were John Ilayes, aged thirteen
years; John Beneu, aged eleven, and
Alfred Jarvis aged ten. Jacob Sckocb,
of this city, the boy who was injured
some time ago by a toy pistol, is lying
dangerously ill from lockjaw. John
Manning, another boy who was injured
in the same manner on July 4. died on
Tuesday lii ght. A boy named Joseph
Delaney also died 011 Tuesday. Alex
ander, son of Captain George H. John
son, of Gloucester, Mass., died last
night from lockjaw, caused by a toy
pistol wound. He was thirtheen years
of age.
POTTS VILLE, Pa., July 18.—Willie
O'Brien, aged ten years who shot him
self in the hand with a toy pistol on
the Fouth of July, died to-day of lock-
CINCINNATI, July 17.—There have
been six deaths from lockjaw in this
city and Covington within the past
three days. The victims are all boys,
who were wounded in the hand by toy
pistols on July 4. Inmost cases the
wounds were apparently trilling.
CIIICAOO, 111., July 20.—Fifteen fa
tal cases of lockjaw, caused by wounds
from toy pistols on July 4th, have
been reported in this city, and three in
the country. Six. boys have died In
llurliugton, lowa, and three in Peoria,
111., from the same cause.
Advices from Ireland state that there
is great danger of a general failure of
crops, which is the one tlnng yet need
ed to make the condition of that rest
less and unhappy country completely
miserable. A few weeks ago there was
prospect of an abundant harvt st, but
continued heavy rains have beaten
down the fields of growing grain and
already have injured the potatoes, and
even with a change to fair weather
now there will be short crops in many
parts of the country.
On the sth of August the annul en
campment of the First division Na
tional Guard, under command of Geu
era! llartranft, opens at Lewistowu,
and the camp will be maintained for
six days. The site is one mile from
town and lieawtifully located, having a
plateau for military movements, it is
expected that B,<KX) troops will partici
pate, and Governor Hoyt will review
them on the lUth. The First City
Troop of Philadelphia Is to march homo
a distance of lfiO miles, in easy stages
of forty miles a day. The camp will be
rained after General John F. Reynolds,
who was killed at Gettysburg.
.11 illtielm MurHt'l.
Corrected every Wednesday by Ciephurt
& Muster.
Wheat l-W}
It ye
o:its White
Kuckw heat
Bran A Shorts,pel ton 25 >/}
Salt, per lirl 1.75
Plaster, ground 9.0U
CtMiient, j>er Bushel 45 to
Barley _ &5
Tymothyseed 2.00
Cloversced '
Butter y
Sides Bi
Bee I
Eggs ' *
l>ried A0p1e5..... h
l>ried Peaches
Dried Cherries
Kgg Coal £>-<W
Stove " 5.20
Chestnut *
Pea 3.50
Pea by tiie car load 3.20
Fifty cents per ton additional when delivered
in Miflhelm.
Lewistiirg and Tyrone Railroad Time
13 3 7 9
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M
-M on tan don 7 t*T 9.(0 2.t'5 G.OO 7.55
Lewisburg 7.25 10 05 2.20
Fair Ground 7 .10 10.13 2.25
Rielil 7.40 10.27 2.35
V'.cksburg -7.45 1*36 2.40
M i ill in bui i: R.ooarlLto) ar 2.55
le. 315
Mllltnont ~....R2-2 3.2S
l.airrelton 8.31 3.40
Wiker Run .8.57 4.08
Cherry ltuu 9.15 4.25
Fowler 9.35 4.47
Coburn - 9.48 5.0")
Spring Mills ar 10.15 ar. 5.00
5 4 6 ft 10
A. M. P. M.
Spring Mills 5.50 1.50
Coburn ...... 6 13 2.20
Fowler 6.28 2.33
Cherry Run fi.43 2.55
#Wiker Run 7.<*5 _ 3.1.5
laturelton - 7.30 3.40
Milhnbnt 7.40 3.52
A. M.
MiflUnbgrg 8.00 11.45 4.15
Vieksburg 4U5 12Jo' 4.32
Biehl 830 12.17 4.SS
Fair (bound...- A. M. 8.30 12.33 4.18 P.M.
l/Cwlsbure 6.35 8.(5 12.50 5.10 7.30
Moutandouar. 6.40ar.9.0Qar 1,05ar.5,20ar 7.40
Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Montandon with Erie
Mail West; 3 and 4 with Sea Shore Express
East; 5 and 6 with Dnv Express and Niagara
Express West; 7 and 8 with Fast Line West; 9
and 10 with Williauisport Accommodation
Official Announcement.
Clangs of Time on Ma. & Eric R. R.
Sen Shore Express leaves Montandon at 9.07
A. M., stopping at intermediate stations, ar
riving at llarrisburg 11.40 A. M., Philadelphia
3.20 P. M.. New York 025 P.M., making close
connection at Philadelphia lor uli .sea shore
Day Express leaves Montandon at 1.30 P. M.,
slopping at principal stations, arriving at Har
ri&burg 8.55 P. M.. Philadelphia 7.3? P. M.. New
York 10.35 p. M., Baltimore 7.30 P. M., Wash
ington 8.47 P. M. Parlor Car through to Phil
Willlamtport Accommodation leaves Mon
tandon at 7.4S P. M., stopp ng at intermediate
stations, arriving at llarmburg 1u.2-5, Fhlladel
pliia 2.5.5 A. M , New York 6.15 A. M. Sleeping
car accommodations can be secured on this
train at llarrisburg for Philadelphia and New
York. i'WhulelplUu passengers can remain in
sleeper undisturbed until 7 A. M.
Eric Mail and Fast Line East will he consult
dated Into one train, leaving Montandon at 1.39
A. M., stopping at principal stations, arriving
at llarrisburg 4.05 A. M., Philadelphia 7 20 A.
M„ New York 10.25 A. M., Baltimore 7.40 A. M.
Washington 9.02 A. M. Through sleeping cars
will be run on this train to Philadelphia, Balti
more and Washington.
Erie Mail leaves Montandon at 6.52 A. M.,
for Erie and intermediate points,Cauandaigua
and intermediate points.
Niagara Express leaves Montandon at 2.00
P. M..* for Kane and intermediate points, Cau
andaigua and intermediate points.
East Line leaves Montandon at 5.50 P. M.,
for i/ock Haven and intermediate points, Wat
kins and intermediate points.
THIS PAPER i° y " s
I niVf I ill ll* Jtowr-LL & Co's
Newspaper Advertising Bureau (K> Spruce
Street), whore ndver-I|kmbbj \Mf% Vll#
tising OOUtracts may Ko* Ewf yiß H K
be auudo lor it iu BvEiFf 8 VSlßli
CJf\T TVTTFT? CJ" 0W suffering from
IJ LJX. XIiJAIO wounds or disease
of any kind caused by military service are en
titled to PciiMiwii. Widows, minor: children,
dependent mothers or fathers of soldiers who
died from the effects of their services are also
entitled. Many invalid pensioners are entitled
to an Increase. Careful assistance given in
Delayed or Rejected Claims, "as many can
be allowed with but little more evidence. Com
plete instructions with references sent on ap
plication. Chas.A <e. A, King, Attor
neys-at-Law, 916 F St., Washington, J). C.
■ Bt &BSrfc fl A. A. TIIOMAS, Bt. Cloud
P 5% Em B 1 building, Washington, D/J.
&_ Stot gUj U m Practices before tiie United
States General Land Office.
Contested cases, private land claims, mining,
pre-emption and homestead cases prosecuted
before the Department of the Interior and Su
preme Court; and all classes of claims before
the Executive Departments. Special attention
given to town-site cases. Land warrants, home
i stead floats, and all kinds of land scrip bought
and sold.
1 Prsjnut asi flue m I a! rwiaMs nte.
jyt. J. W. STAM I
Is now permanently located at
and will give prompt attention to all modieal
calls at lils ofllce on
Main Street.
Try DR. STAM'S spiccirjo TILE MEDICINE— it
gives Instant relief.
Flour. &
& Salt
Highest market price paid for all kinds of
Delivered either at the BRICK MI 1,1, or at the
Always on hand and sold at prices that defy
A share of the public patronage respectfully
soUcitwd. 3;My
Millheini, Centre Co., Penna.
would most respect fully inform the public that
they are now prepared to manufacture every
tningiu their line of Urst class quality. They
have found a ouperior kind of clay, and will
constantly keep on hand a full line of
yslloping to merit the confidence of the public
yj furnishing the best grade of ware they would
epcctfully solicit a share of its patronage, ly
The celebrated Washington Vein'of
for Hoofs. A'C.. from the famousßl. ATKtyUAB
Can Now Be Bought
of the undersigned who is a practical Slate
Roofer of many years experience Those in
want of Slate and Roofing done can secure it
At The Lowest Rates.
Old.buildings re-roofed atithc lowe-t rates,
without the assistance of other mechanics. For
prices and terms call on or write to the under
signed at. 11. K. WHITMANS RESIDENCE,
Broadway Street, near P. A E. Depot.,
This is a new house and newly furnished |
t elth everything tending fo comfort and con
venience of guests. The air is invigorating and
perfectly free from malaria, and jxirticvlarly
favorable for the restoration to health oj jiersons
afflicted vith Pulmonary complaints, Malarial
disorders and Ilay Fkrcr. Near by the cele
brated IV.uu Caves, surpassing anything of the
kind kuowii—sailing miles under gtouud—ami
inspecting halls of great wonder of gone by
ages. Carriages to the cave daily. The table
is plentifully supplied with meats. milk and
fresh vegetables and fruits in seas >n, healthful
ly prepared and tasteftdly served. Good stabling
accommodations. #
Per day, (less than a week,) f 2 00
Per week, (lessthan a month) < 00
Pw month 20 00
All inquiry a.vto Rooms and Board will be
promptly answered.
GEO. B, N ASH. Manager.
A make sls HE S4O VIS.
We have stores in 15 lead ins: Cities,
from which our agents obtain their supplies
quickly. Our Factories and Principal Of
fices are at Eric, Pa. Send for our New
Catalogue and terms to agents, Address
Vertical & Spark-Arresting Engines from 2 to 12
horse-power, mounted or unmounted. Best and
Cheapest Engines made. $l5O upwards. Send for
Illustrated Catalogue U fbr information and price to
11. \V. PAYNE A SONS, ,
Box 840, Corning, N. Y,
"We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats,
Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United States,
Canada, Cuba, England, France. Germany, etc. We
have had tliirty-ftve years' experience.
Patents obtained through us are noticed in the SCI
ENTIFIC AMERICAN. Ttds large and splendid illus
! (rated week 1 y l-aper.s3.2Oa year,shows the Progress
I of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous
i circulation. Address MUNN & CO., Patent Soliei
! tors, Pub's, cf SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 37 Park liuv,
i* or York. Hand book about Patent - fret*.
224 Market St.,
I I II ■■ 1 I ■ 111,
• „
Our fij-st instalments of New Spring Goods arc sold out, compelling r.e U)
;nake c Second Trip to the Eastern Cities,-which goods will
Arrive during this week.
Space will not admit what Bargains we have got. Sufficient t say,
with our increased business facilities our patrons will alway find
the Largest and Best Assortment of
Hats, Bonnets, trimmed and untrimmcd, Feathers, Flowers. Silk?, Satins,
Tiibbon in all New Shades, Laces, Embroideries Dress Trimmings
in endless variety, Hosiery, Gloves and Corsets Ladies and Chil
dren's Shoes, Looking Glasses am!
New Goods received every day
A Simple Fact —We can't be Undsold,
224 Market St., Lewisburg, Pa,
This Season Shall Eclipse any Previous Ou\
Now doing a much larger business, we buy in larger quantities, thus
securing the manufacturer's lowest prices and largest Cash discounts,
which to sell much lower than ever before.
Largest and Best Stock in Lock Haven,
The Styles this season arc particularly choice and desirably and for
the quality are most reasonable.
Lower Prices than any other House in the County.
Von do not have to go into this house with a club in one hand and the
money in the other and make the salesman come down to what you think
is a finer price, when in reality you are paying too much j but wc
mark our goods down to Rock Bottom Prices.
Undeniably Good.
The Clothing we sell is just as it] can be made. Every gar-r
mcnt is so thoroughly finished that it serves to build up a trade for us.
Everyman and boy cau be fitted from our stocki
From the Coarse Brogan to the dainty Slipper for the Lady. The
stock in this department iscomplated,and customer will have UJ difficult
ccmingto an £, undei i tandirg'*
Of flatswe liavea larger stick Run ever be ore, an I we, hive aided
lately several large •purchasc6 - from the best manufacturers of fine goods
which'will lie sold at much less the same grades are general
ly. Please take a look at them
Our principles are that fair and honest dealing form- the only basis
of permanent prosperity.
The Best Value for the Money.