Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, July 27, 1882, Image 1

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    YOL. LYI.
Fashionable Barber.
Next Door to JOURNAL Store,
Good Sample Room on First Floor.
tyFrM BUM to and from all Trains. Special
rates to witnesses and jurors. • 4-1
(Host Central Hotel la the CltyJ
Corner MAIN and JAY Streets,
Lock Havei, Pa.
8. WOODS CALWKLL, Proprietor.
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial
Travelers on first floor.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office in 2d story of TomUnsoa'S Gro
cery Store,
Shop next door to Foote's Store, Main St.,
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters made to order, and sat
isfactory work gnanntead. Repairing done prompt
ly and cheaply, aud in a neat style.
ft. R. PKALK. H. A. MCKSB.
Office opposite Court House, Bcllefonte, Pa.
C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower.
Oflloe In G arm an'a new tralldlnf.
Office OB Allegheny Street.
Northwest corner of Diamond.
Offlce on Allegheny Street, 2 doors west of offloe
formerly occupied by the late firm of Yocom A
Osplians Court business a Specialty.
Practices in all the court* of Centre County.
Special attention to Collections, consultations
In German or English.
J. A. Beaver. J. W. Gephart.
Offloe on Alleghany Street, North of High.
Consultations in English or German. Offloe
in Iyon'j Building, Allegheny Street.
9. m. HASTUrOA W. V. RBBDin.
belleponte, pa.
Offloe on Allegheny street, two doors east of the
effloe oooupied by the late firm of To—Hut
-52L. -r -
flu pillheiw giinml.
JOY AFT HI SO it now.
rt may he Uiat the suushine
Would not seem so fair and bright
If before the rosy dawning
We bad not known the u glit.
Mayhap the dome of heaven
Might not stretch so calm and blue,
If we had not seen the storm-cloud
With its dark and sombre hue.
If the home returning sailor
llad not heard the billow's roar
Not wltn such a glad thanksgiving
Would he view His native shore.
So our Father seuds the tempest
of his chastening, stern and wild.
Till it seems like uugry vengeance
Falling ou his helpless child :
That when heaven shall dawn upou us
Through the fulness of llis grace
Brighter we shall see his glory,
Clearer shull behold his face.
"A letter from George," exclaimed
sister Kate coming up from the post
office and holding up for our inspection
a large yellow envelope. "And tnldri su
ed to mother ; isn't it funuy. ?"
"To me !" exclaimed mother, iu turn,
laying don-n the blue Bock she was
mending, and smoothing her apron, as
though she wire going to take the
baby. "Dear me!"
''vVhy, hoM' queer!" said Hattie,
dropping her buck and looking at Kate
wonderiugly. "George basn't written
to auy of us in an age, and never to me.
What secret's brewing now I wonder ?"
"Maybe he and Milly are coming
home on a vi>it," I said.
"Not so eaily iu the spring as this,"
replied Hattie, sagely. Milly and house
cleaning can't be separated.
At this moment, mother, u-ho had
sue -ceded in tearug off the envelope
with eager, trembling fingers, and had
commenced reading the letter, sudden
ly tMisted tbe chair around sc as to turn
her face from us, cleared her throat and
wiped liei eyes on a corner of a ging
ham apron,
"Auytliiug the matter, mother?'
questioned Kate anxiously, M'liile Hat
tie and I sat in wondering silence.
There M*as no answer for a moment,
then turning slowly toM-ard us, she held
out the letter, saying:
"Read it alloud. Kate; Milly is
taken ill with typhoid fever,and George
has M'ritten for me to come to them.
"Dear child, 1 wish I Mas so I could
"Go!" echoed Kate, decisively; of
course you'll go, and take one of us
girls a'ong to help nurse, too."
"But the work, mv dear. Hon Mil
you inauage?"
"Some May," said Kate. "Let's see ;
the express goes at hulf-past six, and
its hali-past five now—just one hour.
Go and get ready, mother, and Cad and
I will pack your valise."
"But your father —"
"We will take care of him, never
fear, and he w ill be home before you
go. Hat you are not tit for much at
home except to run errands and keep
awake nights, and you can do that there.
Get ready as quick as possible and help
mother; she la so "excited she will be
sure to get ber dress ou hind side be
fore, and forget to lace up her siio s."
My energetic sister had by tbis time
gathered together their clothes, and
bringing the valise from the wardrobe,
was packing them into it in a manner
which foretold their coming out a mass
of wrinkles, I, meantime, looking Help
lessly on. By dint of her earnest ef
forts they were ready in season, and
when father came homo from work he
found us hailing a street car to take
them to the depot.
"NOM-, what is to be done first ?" in
quired Kate, after wo had seen them
off, and had re-entered the house with
something of the realizing sense of the
responsibility we bad undertaken weigh
ing on our iniii'is. "There is supper to
get, of course, and now—Nellie can
wash the dishes. That is all, isn't it ?
'•Mother said something about bak
ing to-morrow," I suggested, with a
vague idea that a ceitain preparation
M-as generally made concerning the bread
the eveuiug before its manufactur .
"To-morroM- ? Wll let to-morrow
take care of itself," said Kate, so
promptly, that I was at once silenced.
"Let us see what is for supper ; light
bread, cookied, float and cold beef.
Very good. The clouds disperse and
the skv is most serene and fair. Set
the table, Cud, while I make the tea."
And now, M hiie I am doing that, if the
reader will take a little retrospective
glance over our lives up to this point
lie will, no doubt, the better understand
why we Mere all so ignorant of house
hold affairs. There was a large family
of us—ten children in all; John, mas
ter-workmen in one of the machine
shops in the flourishing town of which
we were residents ; Milly, the married
sister, and a general favorite; Kate aud
myself, twins but totally unlike, both
in'looks and disposition ; Hattie, a stu
dious girl of sixteen ; Ross, a boisterous
school boy of 14; Nellie, a delicate,
petted child of 11, aud three little boys
m a row, aged respectively 9, 7 and 4,
whom we called Tip, Eane and Benuy.
And mother did the work for us all. I
don't see how she managed it, but she
did. Milly was the only one who had
ever taken to house-work, and mother
was one of those domestic burden-bear
ers who never consider their burden so
heavy but that they can add another
Father had never been fortunate, pe -
cuniarily ; and beinar anxious to give all
their children a good education, the
labor saving for this end M r as added to
their other toil. And then like many
another go d and unselfish, but unwise
mother, she ulloM-ed us our own way,
and spoiled us through indulgence; and
as we had often heard her say she
would rather do a thing than take the
trouble to teach us how, we felt as
though M-e were actually conferring a
favor upon her by letting her have her
own way.
To be sure M r e could sweep, dust,
wash dishes and make beds, and M ere
familiar with some of the minor details
ol cookery; but to be able to keep the
domestic machine well oiled and in con
stant motion was like trying to converse
in an unknown tongue. And so now,
| without any adequate knowledge of
I work and its responsibility 8, we found
! ourselves with a mountain of difficulties
to surmount,, and a pretty mess we
| n ode of it for a few days, too.
1 It wuß not difficult to get through
supper, for, thanks to mother's provi
I dent hands, there was enough prepared
i fur that meal; but when, next morning,
we foumt the l>read was out, oookios all
! gone, and not astray pie for dinner, our
j troubles began—and they broadened
j and deepened with every passing mo
ment, AM we became painfully awake to
j the fact that making bread and pastry
was a branch of our education which had
been terribly neglected ; and when at
10 o'clock father, in blissful ignorance
of the novices in charge at home, sent
up a sirloin roust and the information
that a stranger would diue with us, and
fifteen minutes later the washerwoman
In ought in the clothes for us to iron. I
was ready to melt in teais, and Kate
miis so cross it wus dangerous to sjkMik
to her. Oh, that weary, weary day !
but only the begiuniug of many similar
ones that followed.
How we longed for mother's skilful
hands to siraighteu out the tangled
threads our UMkward fingers managed
to produce. There was something to be
done from early uioru till late at night;
so that no soouer did we fancy ourselves
free for half an hour than some duty
undone would stare us in the face, or
the children would come in with clamor
ing tongues and empty stomachs, and
in a few day* I became addicted to
ciironic fretfulness, while Kate was
transformed into a veritable scold. John
cowled oyer the miserable meals ; Kate
teased us in m every vulnerable point;
but poor, patient father pitied our in
firmitiies, and ate what Mas set before
him for conscience sake.
It went on this way about a fortnight,
when,after a very quiet, day we took our
books and sat down for a quiet evening.
But alas for our hopes ! (July ten min
utes of peace, and the houest "ahem"
from father, caused us to look up.
"I)o you know, girls," he inquired,
"whether mother mended my pants be
fore she went away ? I should like
them to put on in the morning. She
generally did her mending every week,
I believe."
"There !" burst out Kate, shutting
her book with a bang, M'hile I, after
one desponding glance at the fascina
ting pages of "David Cooperfield,"
Ment to examiue the mending basket.
Jt was full to the brim ; shirt-', socks,
little gingham cocts with the pockets
torn down ard the buttons pulled half
off, with shreds of cloth hanging to
them ; father's pants and Nellie's school
dress, Mith a great rent clear across the
With a doleful sigh I lifted the bas
ket, and without a word we sat doM ii to
the uuwelcomed task. Nine, ten o'clock
came and Ment, and the basket was not
half emptied of its contents. Father,
John, Ross and Nellie gaped and
stretched, and one by one followed the
children off to bed. Eleven, and still
M*e sat,rilent and grim as ghosts.solemn
ly stitching away at the endless rents.
"Cad," said Kate, at lust, jerking out
the words as if she bated tliem, "how
do you like it ?"
"Like what r" 1 asked, in astonish
"This life of slavery. This humdrum,
ever-lastmg-stick to it, unsatisfactory
existence. Without a speck of variety
a)cut it. Just over and over,round and
round, until we seek our rest low in tho
"Oh, Katel" I exclaimed, almost
shocked, 'not so bad as that; not nearly
so bad as that."
"Yes; worse than that whith many,
very many, Carl Rouucewell. My plain
opiuion, very plainly expressed, is that
women are fools."
"Why, Kate!"
"Don't 'why Kate' me. Just look at
the mending basket; it has been filled
and emptied year after year; filled up
by our carelessness and emptied by our
mothei's slavish toil, and we, creat,
healthy, overgrown girls sat calwnly by'
and saw her do it. And the weak, un
selfish women that she is hadn't snap
enough about her to rap us over our
heads for our ugliness."
I opened my mouth to say something,
but she made a dab at me with
her needle, and I desisted.
"Don't expostulate 1" she exclaimed.
—"I have it. Look at yourself as you
are and as you have been ever since you
were born, a little, useless bit of furni
ture, and see if you don't look ugly. I
have been taking just such a view of
myself ever since we've found ourselves
trying to fill mother's place and found
we couldn't, and have got so full of in
dignation at myself for being so blind,
and at mother for being so foolish, that
I shall burst if I don't out with it."
"But we cannot hell) it now, Kate," I
ven' ured to remonstrate.
"No, of course we can't, you goose.—
The past is not ours, but the present is,
and the future may be. That is what I
am coming at, exactly. We must not
let mother and father die, yet a while."
"Die 1" I exclaimed, shocked beyond
"Yes, Caddy, I didn't notice it any
more than you have, until the past two
weeks ; but it seems to mo now, that 1
could count every furrow in father's
care-worn brow, and every thread of
mother's whitening hair. They are old
beyond their years, Caddy. They have
been worked to death,and because tliey
loved us so well as to bear it all patient
ly, we never saw it.
' * Kate's voice was all of a tremble* and
I burst into tears.
"Mother is an intelligent woman,"
she went on in a moment, "with a mind
capable of rare development. But how
much time do you suppose she has had
for reading and reflection beyond the
wants and necessities of her large fami
ly ?" And don't you know, Cad, how
often we liave excused ourselves from
reading aloud to her, letting her sit dig
ging away into this very basket, soli
tary and alone through the long evening
hours ?'' I fairly hate myself when I
tnink of it."
I did too, by this time, and I said so.
—"But Kate," I added, "isn't there a
bright side to it somewhere ?"
"We can make one," she answered,
decisively. "I have been of
that; how would it do to work ami get
' the house cleaning all done before alio
' gets home? It will in* a vacation next
J week slid Ross and Nel ie Mill bo here
to help ua."
To this plan I gladly consented, ami
then we went to lied. When we arose
next morning it was with very diff. rent
vioM's of life and its atom reali ies from
what we had ever cherished before.
But we Mere determined to enter into
the conflict armed with a strength
higher than our own and through that
to conquer. And we did. Two weeks
more aud the house wore a diffeieut as
pect from garret to cellar; everything
wus a" fresh anil clean as could be ami
well repaid we felt for all our toil. One
spot iu the house was an especial attrac
tion, and that was mother's and lather's
room ; hitherto a hare, sparsely furnish
ed apartment, with the same stamp of
self-denial upon it there hod always
been upou everthing that, was individu
ally their own , but Bow tho most chee
ry, tastefully-atranged of any room in
the house—We girls have planned the
rouovatiou, and John, dear, good hon
est fellow, htul lovingly paid the bills.
And now with all 111 readiness for her
coming, with a Moll-cooked meal UJM>U
the t ,bio, with an air of thriftness upou
everything, which gave us the utmost
satisfaction, we looked for our mother
home. But when she came—when we
saw the dear face looking eagerly out of
the carriage wiudoM' to catch a glimpse
of home and its treasured inmuteß—the
revulsion of feeling was t)o much for
aud we ran behind the door to hide
tho tours. Such a foolish thing, but wo
did not stay there long. She called us
a* she carni in ami wo came out of our
1 hiding place, all tear-stained as we were
and greeted her. Aud such a time as
we had taking her over the house ami
witnessing her delight and surprise,
mingled with little ,oft-hearted rebukes
for our working so liar 1 while she was
gone. But when she came upon her
own room, and her eyes fell upon the
bright new curpet, ami the hod with iTs
little appointments, it was really re
freshing to hear her exclaim over the
extravagance we hud been guiltv of, and
all for the sake of a womau who was
fast growing old. But oh, when we
told her that we had done it all that she
might dwell in perpetual youth ; when
we whispered in her ear the lesson we
had learned by putting ourselves in her
pluce, when we told her w hat we pro
posed to do in the future, that she
might live, not as a slave but as a queen
among her .children, how her heart
melted into tears, aud what manifest
love she cluug to us.
Aud as the years still come aud go
we are reaping a blessed recompense.
The rich reMord of struggle Mith idle
ness and indulgence we see before us in
the faces of our loved and loving pa
rents, where sits a sweet content ami
beams a look of youth once more. They
share with us our pleasure and our en
tertainments ; we share with them tho
otherwise solitary hours, and iu the in
terchange of tho ight aud feeling find
M'isdom M e coulo have gained from no
other source. Rejoicing in the knowl
edge that we are something for them the
rugged pathway of mortality, MO feel
our recompense to be incorruptible
being assured it is as gold laid up in the
treasure hotiso of God, and bringing
forth a huudrei fold.
Flflnx Mitclilnvi lor ..arl'tei.
Germany anil Russia are Imth push
ing forward experiments in fly ing ma
chines lor use iu M*ar or otlierM'ise.
It appoa s that tho direction iu which
these are M'orkiug is tlie only one likely
to be successful. It ignor s tho ridicu
lous inflated gas-bag, which is enor
mous iu size, dfficult and costly to fill
iu war, aud floats—a gigantic derelict—
at the mercy of every current of air, a
huge mark for the first gunner MIIO can
hit and bring it to the ground. Buuci
gar [en in Go many and Baranovski in
Russia adapt tbe principle of the in
clined plane pressed against the air;
aud thus capable of making some at
tempt at least to regulate its own
cours<\ In the kite tlie force that
presses the inclined piano is tlie hand of
a boy acting through the string. In
the sail of a boat the resistance of the
M'ater to sidelong motion keeps the sails
pressed against the wind. In flying
machines the pressure is given by an
engine carried by the machine and
actiug by means of fans of one sort oi
the other. The difficulty at present is
the weight of etigin and fuel; but with
the development of e'eclrical practical
knowledge we may fairly expect to see
accumulators which will supply the
maximum of pouer Mith the minimum
of we : ght. Then the problem of flying
in still air will be solved. Whether MO
shall ever bo able to ride the storm is
another matter.
Wine In Virginia.
Virginia is another Statu in which
wino growing has become a promising
industry. The industry was commen
ced in 18G9 by two Germans on favora
bly located hill sides of the Blue Ridge
range, aud the crops were disposed of
in New York. By 1877 these pioneers
were producing nearly 3,000 gallons of
wine annually. Last year tlioy had
thirty-seven acies under cultivation,and
turned out 3,500 gallons. This year
they expect to make out of their own
grape crop, combined with those of
neighboring vineyardists who have had
the good sense to imitate their example,
from 8,000 to 10,000 gallons.' At first
they sold their wine through agents,
but now they have determined to be
their own middlemen, and ore doing
well at it. The two counties of Nelson
and Albemarle at the present produce
together from 50,000 to 60,000 gallons
The Wttnliliigtuii .Monument
It may bo mentioned as an interest
ing feature in Judge Marshall's history
that he was the projector of the Wash
ington Monument. Tho facts are as
folloM's: llie City of Washington had
just been occupied as the National Capi
tal when the "Father ol li s Country"
wiut removed by death. When the sad
event occurred a joint Committee of
Senate and House was iqqioiiittd to
"consider a suitable mode for com
memorating General Washington."
John Marshall, as Chairman of this
Committee, presented a resolution "that
a marble monument be erected at the
City of Washington, and that the family
oi George Washington be requested to
permit his body to be deposited under
it, and tliat the monument be s> designed
as to commemorate the great events of
his military and political life." It was
u.'so resolved that Mis. Washington
should be entreated to give her assent
to the interment of the General in the
above mentioned manner. The funeral,
however, was over, and the General had
been buried in the family vault before
this communication Mas received, aud
the idea of a removal of the remains
M-as very distressing to the i lustrums
widow. She replied, however, in an
appropriate letter to the President, in
M'liieh she submitted to the national
request, but added, "iu doing this, I
need not, I cannot say what a sacrifice
of personal feelings I make to a sense
of public duty." The r quest Mas
therefore waived out of respect for thi3
truly uoble woman, but the monument
has aluavs been a popular idea aud
will eventually reach completion.
Cow to I'irvent Fori.t Fires
The destruction wrought by forest
fires ou Long Island lately shows again,
and for at least tbe thousandth time in
the lnstoiy of the present generation,
iioM' careless the American farmer is of
such of his ground as is covered with
trees. The "forests" that burn are
generally small tracts of wooded laud
which are parts of farms, but as they
are utterly let alone except when the
farmer M-ants fire-wood, they are full
of uudergrowtli, brush heaps and dead
leaves. Forest fires are scarcely ever
heard of in Europe, for the poorest aud
busiest peasant who owns a bit of wooded
land finds time to cut aMay the under
growth, remove dead treiq ana fallen
boughs, and even to cart awav some of
the leaves to his compost heap. German
and English farmers who come here
begin by preserving their wooded lands,
but too often tiiey fail into the shiftless
American May, aud frequently they pay
the penalty. Any farmer can prevent
fires on his owu forest laud; he can clear
away undergrowth and leaves, the Mork
being easiest done in winter, when he
ha 3 little to do on any other part of his
farm, or h can fence this ground and
turn his cattle into it to eat or Weak
down small growth and trample leaves
to pieces and into the ground. Both
plans have been tried with great success
and neither is costly. Of course in
great wooded tracts of hundreds and
thousands of acres such preventives
would be impracticable, but these are
not tho lands most frequently' burned
A Fighting Octopus
The octopus is, without doubt, the
mo t disagreeable creature to be met
with in the ocean. They are found in
nearly all waters, from the Coast of
Maine in and on the borders of the Gulf-
Stream to tlie cold M aters of the North
Pacific Ocean. Imagine a bag of flesh,
over which waves of color are constant
ly sweeping, and from which eight arms
radiate like the arms of a gigantic spi
der, tlioir under sides lined with sharp
suckers, and between them, M'here they
join the body, two parrot-like bills. On
each side of the lower part of the bag
put two fierce green or yellow eyes,
give the MLOIC mass a tremulous mo
tion, and you have a general idea of the
appearance of the octopus a second
cousin of the giant squid. In size they
range from a foot across upward. The
suckers on the arms are so many air
pumps, so that when they are pressed
upon the body a piston-like arrange
ment exhausts the air, and the suction
presses (in many kinds) a sharp, 'saw.
edge," bony plate, or ring, into the
ttesli, making hundreds of terrible
In the Bahama Islands these animals
are very common, and often of great
sizo, and their capture affords consider
able sport to the winter visitors at these
isles of summer. The largest octopus
ever caught was found upon the beaqli at
Nassau. Each arm measured five feet,
and the entire monster weighed nearly
300 pounds.
Several years ago a party from Nen-
York spent the winter at Nassau, und
the boys—for there were four or five—
had a lively encounter with the octopus.
They had a fine cedar boat fitted for
their benefit; her bow aud stern were
decked over anil formed airtight com
partments, while a row of airtight cans
extended around under the seats so that
their craft would float when full of
water—a fact tested on many an occa
sion. '****♦
Sometimes they had to drag her almost
out of the water, but fiually the head
Jof "Yellow Tail," Reef Mas reached,
and they were upon unoxplorod ground.
Tho reef Mfta about three feet andor
Muter and covered with small heads of
the coral known as Meandrina, inter
spersed with fans and plumes.
The boat was hauled between two of
the heads, aud Tom, Harry aud the
others were Hitting on her gunwale rest
ing when they were attrae'ed by a shout
from Will, who had M- tided away over
the heads.
"Here's a queer-looking something
nmjer the coral!" lie shouted. "Come
The lnjys moved off in his direc
"It looks like a bundle of snakes," he
continued. "Well, here goes!" and
aiming his grains at the object, Will let
There Mas a commotion for a moment.
Will cluug to his spear, the pole bend
ing and writhiug about.
4 I can't see what it is!" he shouted.
"Come quick!"
The boys pushed hard, but were yet
twenty or thirty yards from Will when
he jumped upon a coral head with a
scream, and up from the M'ater, clinging
to his le. s, appeared a slimy, writhing,
clinging mass of flesh that horrified the
Will had lost bis hold upon the spear,
bpt courageously drew his case-knife
and cut at the monster, that had now
crept up to his M iiist.
"It is an octopus!" shouted Tom, as
tlie l>oat rushed in to the head of coral,
and seizing his spear, overboard he
went, aud as Harry grasped Will's ex
tended arm and tried to drag him into
or toward the boat, he hurled his spear
again and again into the creature and
endeavored to push it from Will s knee,
where it hail now settled under the
vigorous bloM's of the knife.
Two of the arms were severed in this
way, but the others clung like leeches,
winding about his legs, doubliug and
twisting all the while.
Will MAS faint and M'eak, but the rest
encouraged him, and finally he struck a
deep blow iuto the body of the monster,
aud Tom settling down almost under the
water, with a tremendous lift tore the
ugly creature from its hold.
At the same moment the boys in tbe
boat, M*ho had clung to Will, fairly
jerked him into the boat, with some of
the arms of the octopus still clinging to
Tom was not a moment behind, as
the creature had escaped from him, and
he Mas likewise hauled aboard.
Will was badly cut; his legs, arms
and neck were covered with round
marks, as if ho had been cupped; and
some of them bled badly, while other
sharp bites were evidently the marks of
parrot-like bills.
The water for many feet about them
still showinl evidence of the struggle.
beiug as black as ink from the sepia
the animal had ejected iu its fear or
Will was determined to have the body
of the octopus. So. after the water had
cleared, they oommenced the search,
and fiually the ugly fellow—or what
was left of it—was found under a clump
of branch coral. Tne boat was held
over the spot, and three spears were
sent into it at once. Even now it strug
gled bard, and as they lifted it aboard
the creature dragged at 'least fifty
pounds of dead coral with it But once
lm the boat it M'as soon finished with
a hatchet and packed away iu half
a barrel, which it nearly filled, and was
found to weigh afterward 170 pounds.
"You wouldn't believe a creature
like that would have so much strength,"
said Will, as they started for home.
"As soon as I hit it it seemed to run up
the sjrear, and nearly twisted the pole
out of my hands, and the water became
as black as ink; and the first thing I
knew I felt something like a red-hot
band clasp my leg, and then another
and then I made a jump for the 'head,'
and the animal tried to climb upon me.
I don't know whether he was trying to
attack me or escape; but I've learned
one lesson —never to strike' an octopus
unless you are in a boat."
Maria wai Sulking.
"I see ihe Armstrongs have gone to
light housekeeping, ' said Mr. Jones,
laying down the paper he was reading,
"it will be qnite a change for them."
"I wonder if they will use gas or ke
rosene?" asked Mrs. Jones.
"Perhaps they will have the electric
light," mused Mr. J., "it ought to be
just the thing for that purpose.
"Why, you cau't cook by the electric
light," retorted Mrs. J.
"I dou't see what cooking has to do
with it," growled Mr Jones in a dis -
gusted tone. "They can cook as other
people do I suppose."
"But you said that they had gone to
light housekeeping.
"Yes, I know I did," answered Mr.
J., sarcastically;but I should have ex
plained it more fully and said explicitly
that Mr. Armstrong was light house
keeper on Shad Island, and that the
American Government had sent him
and his family there. Understand Maria?"
But Maria was sulking, and wouldn't
Up the Hudson.
The beautiful aud varied scenery along
the Hudson river is familiar to all sum
mer tourists. But the constantly chang
ing lights and shades cannot be studied
from a railway car flying along at a speed
ef forty miles an hour. The travelling
public will, therefore, be gratified to know
that the passenger department of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will on
July Ist again place upon this popular
route the .magnificent steamer Richard
Stockton, owned by them, and make re*
gular excursions to West Point, New burg
and Xona Island during the summer sea
son. The boat has been put in complete
repair and subjected to a rigid inspection
so that ooni fort and safety are insured.
Its speed has been increased and six
matallic life boats, six Woolaey life buoys
with 1600 new life preservers have been
provided, furnishing provision for over
2000 passengers, while the carrying
capacity is only 1000. The time of leav
ing Pennsylvania Railroad docks, Jersey
City, will be tine o'clock every morning,
including Sunday, and arriving time on
the return trip at Jersey Uity, 630 P. M.
Connection may be made with regular
Pennsylvania Railroad trains every day
as far west as Trenton, and with a special
train every Thursday, from Broad street,
Kensington Station, or foot of Market
street, Philadelphia, aad the principal
points on the New York and Amboy Divi
Good meals are served on board. The
refreshment privileges are rat&ined by the
Company, and no intoxicating liquors are
sold, consequently perfect order id pre
served. These excursions have, also, the
merit of economy which is a consideration
in these days of high prices. Fare for the
round trip from Jersey City, Brooklyn,
and Newark, will be 60 cents, and for
chilcken between the ages' ot 6 and 12
years, 25 cents. Low rate excursion
tickets will be sold from stations on Penn
sylvania Railroad, and special arrange
ments for large organized parties can be
made by applying to C. W. Woolsey,
Bupt., Femes, Jersey City, or H. J. Fill
man, Div. Ticket Agent, Philadelphia.
A Hard Trial.
Last winter a great religious revival
wag held in a certain Ohio neighbor
hood, and several good men brought
all their influence to bear on a certain
farmer named Harris.
After many efforts he was brought to
the anxious seat,and then they had the
happiness of hearing him announce that
he felt himself saved. In the course of
tjiree or four days the minister met liim
and asked:
"Well, brother Harris, how do you
"Oh, kinder plaguey mean," was
the reply.
"You do! What is the trouble?"
"Well, I hadn't found the Lord over
twenty minutes before I run across a
fruit tree agent who beat me out of fif
teen dollars last year. There I was,
ready to flj into the gates of Heaven,
and* here he was, chuckling to think of
how he worked off a lot of crab-apple
trees on me for a new kind of pear! I
couldn't even break his neck, and the
old woman she got in and said I was
alius gittin' in a box and the hull thing
has sorter stirred me up till I can't say
whether I'd rather lick a lightning-rod
man or be an angel."
Petroleum in Mexico.
Petroleum has been discovered in the
State of Chiapas, Mexico, but oil de
posits are so far distant from any prac
ticable means of communication that
their utility must remain dormant until
the time when railways shall penetrate
southwestern Mexico. Oil is also re
ported to flow from a spring in the centre
of the great lake of Chapala, on the
borders of the states of Jalisco and
Miohoacan. The usefulness of this
spring must remain undemonstrated for
years to come. Meantime, the oil de -
posits ID the State of Vera Cruz, now be
ing d-vjlo.-vd by a boston company,
must form the reliance of the natives,
to whom the discovery of petroleum is
of great importance. Should the fuel
question reman unsolved by the dis
covery of abundant and accessible coal,
the introduction of ttie American patent
oil stoves would afford large profits to
their manufacturers. The matter of
fuel supply for cooking purposes is one
which is every day discussed by the
Mexican press both of the capital and
of the provinces.
Two-Handed Swordß.
The claymore, once famous in Scottish
history, was a very long sword, with
a hilt so large that it could be grasped
by both of the hands of the warrior
who wielded it, when there was verv
reason for the opposing soldiers to want
to get as far away as possible.* Long,
two-handed swords were in use in vari
ous parls of Europe during the Middle
Ages, but it is from Scotland that we
have heard the most about them. Some
of the German swords, used by the mer
cenary soldiers in the French religions
wars, were enormous two-handed wea
pons, with sharp po nts, jagged edges,
and great spikes near the base of the
blade; but these heavy swords were
used only by soldiers who were uncom
-1 monly strong aud skillful; for any
| awkwardness on the part of a man
! swinging such a tremendous blade,was
1 apt to inflict as much injury on his
companions as on the enemy. Some
of the long swords of the Middle Ages
were used more for show and ceremony
than for actual service. The sword of
Edward the Third, which is pres*. rved
in Westminster Abbey, is seven feet
long, and weighs eighteen pounds.
This, it is said, was earned before the
King in processions, and was probably
• never used in any other way.
NO 30.