AGRICULTURE. OVER FEEDING YOPNG ANIMALS —Over feeding an animal is worse in its effects than a spare diet. A deficiency of foNl prevents growth to sm equivalent extent, or at least it prevents fattening, while it may sustain the animal in moderate growth. But a tpare diet, especially of rich food, is indispensable to the thrift of young ani luals. A great many more of these are stunted and injured by over-feeding than by under feeding. A case has recently occurred with me which may be worth noting: A rather opinionated and wilful hired man, who requires the closet watch ing In feeding the stock, in defiance of strict orders, gave some young Berkshire pigs, gome cotton seed meal in their feed, in the expectation that it would help them grow. Their teed had been skimmed milk with a quart of middlings to the pailful. Con siderable more cotton seed meal was added to the feed during my absence from home for a day and a night, and, on my return the next day, two of the young pigs were taken with convulsions and severe spasms. Ihey died the next day, when two more were taken, and soon after two more. First they slowly turned round and round, then stood with the head in a corner and pressed against the wail or yard ieuce; the jaws were chopped together and they foamed at tne mouth. After a tew hours they lay upon their side and struggled violently with the legs until they died. A dose ot l&rd oil allayed the symptoms for a time, aud had It been given at the fit at would probably have saved them. On opeuing them the lungs were found congested and very red in patches, the brain, also, was much congested, the blood-vessels be ing a dark blue. The stomach aud mtes tines were filled with cotton-seed meal, Le milk having been digested, bo short a case of indigestion, or stomach staggers, as it is popularly called, is rare; but the pigs were but 2 mouths old, and had pro bably been misted previously. Coitou-seed meal is too rich a food tor young animals, and so rich a food that it should be given with caution even to an old one. This is the first loss of any animals by death that has occured to me in over 25 years' expe rience. LlME. —Much of the reading winch forms the literature of liming lands is of au Eug lisn origin. English wheat growers are loud m iheir praises of lime, but it must Dot be forgotten that the best wheat land of England is its dry laud, and that the English wheat growers use manure much more liberally tnaa our farmers, as a rule, are accustomed to da Of itself lime is of no benefit to the pla it. it acts chiefly in p eparing other material for food. Lime is found W the auaJyeia of plant remains, but it seems to be taaen up only when iu combination with something else. Pr&c --t cally, our fanners find benefit from it on ly when a heavy dressing of stable manure is given with the lime, or when a large ami unt ol vegetable manner is already in the land. Thus, if a piece of wood-land be newly bioken up, a liming of the land is as good as a heavy coat of manure. Swamp muck, wtih a little lime added, is made of considerable more value. S.wply oats or wheat stubble limed and turned down has given good crops, and every green manure, such as clover, if huicd oefore being turned under, is much more p iweiful in its action on the succeeding wiop than if the simple green-growing crop alone is used. But if the lime aloue is applied to the laua, and that laud has al ready been well worked, or if naturally light and poor, there is no surer way to make the poverty worse. It is a good old maxim that c rcumst&nces alter cases. In no farming operation can this be better applied than iu the use of liixie. It is a capital thing in some cases, but a very bad agent m many others. .FEEDING tr jughs for poultry, properly constructed, ought to be generally substi tuted for the wasteful practice of feeding from tbe ground. Tbe 'reasons why" aie obvious. Wbere tbere is a scramble for tbe food tbat is tbrowu belter skelter, tbe weak are prevented by the stroug from get ting their snare until the latter are oatisfied, and the food is trampled into tbe dirt. It is no advantage to fowls to eat sand, dirt or gravel mixed with their food. Tbe graytl and other indigestible substances necessary to the proper trituration of tbeir food in tbe gizzard can be given separately, and should be. A simple trough may be made, detended by slats placed vertically or on a convenient angle, with space sutli cient for the passage of the bead, th is pre venting tbe trampling and soiling of the food, which will not be wasted, ns iu the case wiere it is tbiown carelessly on the ground. ALL food yeyond such amount as is pro perly digested and assimilated by tbe ani mal is a source of loss to tbe owner, and tbat in two ways: First, the food is lost; second, the animal is uot kept in tbe best condition for getting tbe most out of its feed—its stomach is overloaded and its uigestive apparatus more or less disarrang ed! Just inside the limits of assimilation is tbe point to have in view in feeding; in tnis way the animal will have a good ap petite, and other things being equal, is sure to give tbe best returns for food con sumed. There is a golden mean in feeding lann stock, which the farmer Bhould find. TOE poul'ry keeper who takes advantage of aii the litile aids to successful poultry keeping wiil always see that the drinking water is uot only renewed in cold weather, as well as in summer, but that tbe water in tbe winter is warmed before it is given to tbe fowls. It is not necessary to iet iorth tbe why and the wherefore of the benefit of warming the drinking water, bet it down for a fact tbat waim water is better than cold for poultry in the winter, and act accordingly. CONDIMENTS and stiuiuLn's are not ap proved ot by many breeders, but we must remember thai birds feedieg on nuts, in sects, berries, etc., in a wild state, require no conainients ot any kind, yet domesti cated fowls need a little spice in their diet. Red pepper is a healthy seasoning for the regular diet, as it is a harmless tonic, warm and stiinulaiing. DJ not be afraid to put a liberal dash of it in the morning meal for the fowls. It will do them good, and the cost is trifling. JN winter and early spring, to keep up egg production, the fowls must have some tt.iijg to work on. The best way to supply them, if there is not enough of waste meat scraps from the breeder's table to meet the required demand, is to get scraps from the buicher or slaughter house. The waste meat, offal aud the bloody pieces which are unsalable, can be bought for a cent or two a pound. Frofessor Foote ol Philadelphia, has a group of quartz crystals measuring about four feet by three m superficial area. A group iu the Umversity of Naples weighs nearly half a ion. A crystal at Miian is three and a quarter feet long and five and a half in circumference, and weighs 870 pounds; and another crystal, at Pans, is ihree feet in diameter and the same in length, weighing 800 pounds. Fifty tons of crystals were discovered in one cavity at Zmken, more than a century ago, and were sold for SBOO,OOO, HUMOROUS. HONEST, BUT NOT RELIABLE ; Not long since a lady called on Mose Schaumburg to find out if a colored woman, who had formerly been a servant at his house, waa honest, she having given him as a reference. "She vas honest, too hon est to suit me, put she vas not reliable." •'How in the world can that be?" "Veil, von day I leaves a live tollar pill on de floor and 1 tells Matildy to sweep dot room out. I slioost vant to see if she keeps 4ot bill." "Well, did she keep the bill?" 4 No,she brings me dot pill." "That was not reliable, for dot pill vas counterfeit. I vas in hope she duke dot pill and den I would never have paid her dot twenty dollars I owed her, but she fooled me' by bringing me dot pad pill pack, so I caunot say she vas relia ble, but maybe she was honest." REAL ESTATE NOTE : "When I mar ried," said Boggs to a party of gentle men who had been bragging of the*suc cessful marriages they had made, "1 got a tine house and lot." "And I, gentlemen," exclaimed Mrs. Boggs, en tering the room just in time to hear her husband's remark, "1 got a flat, the top story of which lias always remained va cant!" INTER-URBAN AMENITIES : 4 'She's a dear, good girl," said a St. Louis young man in reference to a Chicago fair one ; "] assure you, father, she is all soul." 44 Yes," replied his stern parent, the old prejudice against the Garden City em bittering his words; "I saw her foot j print in the sands by the lakeside. You are right ; she is all sole." A SUGGESTION : "Lend me five dol lars, Joe?" 44 Can't do it ; iu fact, I am just going over to try to borrow five from the doctor." 44 We11, then, you might as weU make it ten and I'll take five of it. It will make it easier to pay, you know, if it is divided up between us," RHCEPE : 44 How do you keep off the canker worms?" said the visitor ; 4 'they destroy everything that grows." 44 Oh very easily," said Mr. Emerson, in his mild way ; 44 we kill them as we do poli ticians—with printing ink." MAKING ROME HOWL : "Amicus Cato, amicus Plato, amicus Cicero, sed major Veritas : The uext morning the lawyer found himself reported in the newspa pers as follows : 44 1 may cuss Cato, I a ay cms Pluto, I may cuss Cicero, said Major Veritas." 4 T am afraid, dear wife, that while I am gone absence will conquor love." 44 Oh never fear, dear husband ; the longer you are away, the better I shall like you." THE Oil City Derrick man thus aadlv moralizes : 4 'A great many men would rather be a receiver of a defunct insur ance company than a door-tender iu the house of the Lord." 44 D0 you play croquet?" 44 N0, I don t play croquet, but my sister May, who is very gay, plays croquet, every fiue day, in a most charming way, and is quite au fait." POVERTY is hard, but debt is horrible; a man might as well have a smoky house and scoldiug wife which are said to be the two worst evils of our life. WHY do you call this brand of whiskey the 4 'Horn of plenty?' 4 asked a traveler of a bar-tender iu Kentucky. 4 'Because it will corn you copiously," was the reply. PERVERSE: "Women are so contra ry," said Blobbs : "I thought when I got married my wife would darn mv socks and let me alone : instead o? that she lets my socks alone and darns me." HEARTLESS" : "But." continued Mrs. F., "tbere is reason in all things, you know." "Excepting, of course, most of the things you say," replied Fogg, the hard-hearted monster." IN a Danburv clothing store is a eanl aunou icing, "Pefectly fitting garments. Every article sets as good as a hen." "BET'S strip the light fantastic," as the chiropodist said to his corned pa tient. "JULIUS seize her?" exclaimed Sambo, as he saw Julius reach for another chicken. FOOD for reflection—eating a big sup per and goiug to bed to lie awake and think about it. ENGLISH CLASSICS : Ben J olinson was the first Englishman to drop his h. IT is easy enough to have a temper of one's own ; the great thing is to keep it. OF interest to mothers— A switch in time saves nine. CHAR-I-TABLE people—Dealers in fur niture. GREATLY to liiscreuit— A "fat" band box. Copying Engravings. —To copy en gravings in ink trosrpaper or glass: Flow the glass plate with good photographer's negative varnish thinned down somewhat, ami wheu this has partly dried (so that the varnish will not run into the p tt per)lay the smoothly printed side down upon the var nished surface, and put it under s igbt uni formly apportioned pressure tor twenty four hours. Then moisten the back of the paper, and by means of soft rubber rub off tbe softened paper. If this is done with care the inked lines will remain at tached to the varnished glass surface. As the thin varnish is quite transparent, this is equivalent to transferring the engraving to the glass surface. Tne transfer is fre quently improved in appearauce by giving the plate (and transfer) a second coat of the varnish. For 1 intern purposes it is bet ter to cover ihe surface bearing the transfer with a second plate of glass, and bind the edges with thin cloth or stout paper. Dr. George lhin t of London, empha sizes strongiy the advantage of using some preparation of bon.e e acid to overcome the offensive odor of tlie feet, and gives in stances in which this treatment has been thoroughly successful. In some cases he recommends the Wearing of stockings and cork soles saturated with the acid. In others he prescribes an ointmen-, or rather a kind of giycenne cream, as follows: A solution of boracic acid is incorporated with a fatty basis of wLite wax aud almond oil, which produce a soft, homogeneous mixture, free from the irritating crytalline plates of the crystal that are apt to separate from vaseline, lie finds that this is also a very useful remedial agent for inflamed feet, as after long wa king tours, and in such eczemas as are produced by the irri tation of dyed under-clothing. DOMESTIC. COUOANUT CAKE. —Cocoanutcake made from this recipe is as nice a caKe as one need wish to make : Tiike the whitos of Ave eggs, one small cup of sweet milk, one cup and two thirds of another of granulated sugar, two-thirds of a cup of butter, one teaspoon fill and a half of baking powder, about three cups of sifted flour, flavor with almond ei tract, bake in layers. Beat the whites of two or three eggs to a frost, add pulverized sugar enough to make rather thin frost ing aud put between the layers ; ou this scatter ooooauut; put on enough to make a nice layer; for the top and sides of the cake the frosting should be a lit tle thicker. • The best way to get the cocoauut ou the sides is to put it ou with your hand; you can press it gently upon the frosting and make it stick toil. The Doctor* D!*agree. as to the best methods and remedies, for the cure of constipation and disordered liver and kidneys. But those that have used Kidney-Wort, Agree that it is by far the best medicine known. Its action is prompt, thorough aud last inc. Don't take pills, aud other mercuria's that poison the system, but by using Kidney-Wort restore the natural action ot all tiie organs.— New Covenant. BEEP SOUP. —The day before the soup is to be eaten, boil a beef shin or knuckle iu considerable water for several hours, or uutil the moat is in rags. Then set away iu the pot. The next day, about three-quarters of an hour before dinner, take otl carefully every particle of the fat which encrusts the top, strain the soup and put back on the stove with a few tomatoes, aud some sliced carrots, and perhaps a red popper pod. Boil until tiie vegetables are done; thou strain through a sieve, and serve piping hot, A little chopped parsley may be put in the tureen. Answer this. Can you find a ease of Blight's Disease of the Kidney's, Diabetes, Urinary or Liver Complain!s that js curable, thai Hop Hit ters has not or caunot cure? Ask your neighbors if they can. ORANOF. PUDDING. —PeeI and cut fiue six oranges ; sprinkle u very little sugar over them; make a steamed custard of oue pint of milk, one tablespoonful of cornstarch, the yolks of three eggs,one half a cup of sugar and a pinch of salt ; wheu cool pour over the oranges. 13.nit the whites to a froth adding a table • spoonful pulverized sugar, pour over the custard and then set iu the oven five minutes to brown. To be eaten cold. THFL Conqueror. . IRVINOTON, N. V., May 2.1, 1881. 11. H. WARNER & Co. : Sirs —l have used your SSate Kidney and Liver Cure, and 1 take pleasure in recommending it as the conqueror of all diseases of the kid neys, liver aud urinary organs, IRA STOCK MAH. PUDDING SAUCE.—A nice liquid sauce may be made in this way. One cup of sugar, one half cup of butter, two table spoonfuls of llwiir; stir the butter and sugar together, and pour upou it about a pint of bruling water; thicken it with flour, and let it simmer until the flour is cooked, and flavor with the lemon or vinegar | from sweet pickles, peach c r cherry preferable. STEAMED CORN BREAD. —Two cups Indian meal, 1 cup flour, 2 tablespoou fuls white sugar, 21 cups sour milk, tea spoonful each of soda and salt, large ta blespoonful of lard, melted. Boat hard and well, put iu a buttered mould, cov er tightly and steam a half hour. Then set in the oven teu minutes. Eat while iiot. This will do for a plain dessert, eaten with padding sauce. VIGETISE is composed of tbe best vege table ingredients tbe dispensary of Nature furnishes. Their juices are extracted in a way which preserves their undiminished medical properties, makmg it one of tue greatest cleansers of the ulood that can be put together. BARLEY TEA, says "Aunt Adclie," is to be recommended wbere there is a cough. To make it, take a teaspoonful of barley, add to it a quart of water, and let it boil slowly until the water is milky thick in appearance; then strain through a small sieve, adding the juice of a lemon slid sugar to taste. ICEING.—A lsdy thus describes her mauner of preparing ieeing for cake: Whites of three eggs well frothed, one pound of sugar (icing sugar is the best); wet with water and boil until almost canK, aud has been compelled to give way before the stronger evUtenoe nffavUt. About two yeai a ago I was In duced to give a fair trial of your VEUETINK as a detergent in some Stmuioun (Sorofulosis) cases of hereditary transmission, attended with swelling of the lymphatic glands aud Joints, carious ulcera tions of bones and constitutional syphilitic taint, and, injustice, I feel 1 should te derelict to duty did I not testify to the great value of your V EME TINE. Without except ion* I have found It an ad mirable udjitucl In the removal of the above con stitutional disturbances. lam now using it freely lu my practice. lam awure that I atu reuderir.g myself amenable to the charge of unprofessional conduct in thus outraging the rules of medical ethics, In fostering a so-called Quack Slnttchir. This is sun ply /,'o.s/i / Facts tell the story, au I I again assort that VEGKTINE la a valuable adjunct to our Materia Medico. If this testimony to its value will aell one more tsrttle, I shall feel that I have done some poor sufferer a Samaritan benefit. Yours very truly. JAIIVIS K. WILCOX, M. D. I am Cured. BOSTON, March 2-i, 1881. Mr. 11. It STKVKKS— Pear sir: I Buffered from Canker a great while, aud tried most every well known remedy to cure uie, twit to no avail. At laat I bought a bottle of \ EGKi INK, which help*'d me, and 1 continued to use it. Now 1 can truthfully Buy 1 am permanently cured. Vours very reapectfullv, MLis L. A. BPOONER, 8 Hawthorne pL Vegetine. 13 TBI BEST Spring and Summar Medicine- A^A^E^IS Dr. S. Silsbcs's External PileHemedy Gives Instant relief and It an Infallible CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF PILES. Bold by Druirfflst* everywhere. Price, ft.oo per bo* prepaid bv ma!l. Samples went fret to Physicians snd sll sufferers, by P. Keustaedter A To, Box 8916. He w Y ork City. Sole manufacturers of "Ana AMU.' 1 § HAS BEEN PROVED i The SUREST CURE for I KIDNEY DISEASES. I Doe. alamo back or disordered urine indi- " S oate that you aro a victim ? THEN DO NOT C HESITATE; use Kidney-Wort at once, (drug:- g R gists recommend it) and it will speedily over- u ® come the disease and restore healthy action, o O I oft! AC For complaint, peculiar > •£ ladUlvd. to your acx, tuch m pain J and weokaoaMS, Kidney-Wort is unsurpossed, .. 5 as it will act promptly and safely. ® Either Sex. Incontinence, retention of urine, m '£ brick dust or ropy deposits, and dull drugging C O pains, all speedily yield to its curative power. 5 I* 48- SOLD BY ALL DRUOOIBTS. Price tl. * WORTH SENDING FOR. Dr. a. kl. Soticnck, of Philadelphia, hag Just published shook on "DISEANKS of the LDXtiN and HOW THEY CAM BE CUBED," which he offers to send free, post paid, to all applicants. It contains valuable infor mation for all who suppose themselves afflicted with, or liable to, any disease of the throat or lungs. Address DR. J. H. SCIIENCK & SON, 624 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE LARGEST FEATH ER> M ATTRESS AND BEDDING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE STATE. (fpk less steam cured ODORLESS W "*" ° r,M:l " s rjgg furniture and K GEESE Wl K ° n * JQUT merclunt i.u. u. u x 15 Bternberger, This Cut ts on every Bag. 53 Beware of ImUalU/ns. 1216 Market St., Send stamp for price-list. PHILADA., pa ♦AT A MONTH and board in your county. Men or Ladies. Pleaeant business. Address, P. W. ZIEGLER & CO . Box 96. Philadelphia, Pa. Cg V Wilt WASTE MONEY ! Toiing m.n or j.d. OIA If you W.nt . Luiurint mou.Uch., flow I. iena nTC hik.n or . jrowth of hr on bald V ' ■ ® "d. o, to rniCBTKN STRENGTHEN and LH INVIGORATE the HAIR wbere don't bo liumbuf.od. s P ini h diMortn which liu NEVER lET FAILtD. Bond ONLY SIX CENTS to Dr. J. OONZA IK, Box 1(49, Bcton, Mom llouc of all imttaliono. MHSHrY PATENT Crock Hanclie'and Circulars sent by mail for lo stumps. B. Goodyear, Oarlis.e, Pa A/AUSC AUAViefiUii AUVVCUJWIIIWI* A 1 router m iavor upon the Advertiser and she Publisher byatntioff tfcalthey sa ar the adrer. - •* fr Vis na*toir ?-• •' 266 ••Now Well and Htronj." Shjpman, Ulinoia. Dr. R. V. Pikbok, Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sir— l wish to state that my daugh ter, aged 18, was pronounoed incurable and was fast failing as the doctors thought with consumption. 1 obtained a half dozen bottles of your ''Golden Medical Discovery" for her and she commenced improviug at once, aud is now well aud strong. Very truly yours, REV. ISAAC N. AUGU&TIN. "Discovery" sold by drug gists. BAKED BEANS. —Pick, wash, and put to aouk over night a quart of small white beans. In the morning, put one half into the baking dish, and wash well. Score into small squares rind of one pound of pickled pork. Lay it in the centre of the leans, pour the other half around it, and pour boiling hot water enough to cover the beans. Bake slow ly several hours. Brown nicely. Sick'llvailacliA. Mrs. J. C. Henderson, of Cleveland, Ohio, writes : "The use of two of Pierce's •Pleasant Purgative Pellets' a day, for a few weeks, has entirely cured me of sick headache, from which I formerly suffered terribly, as often, on an average, as once in ten days." Of all druggists. CERE ron DANDRUFF. —A preparation of one ounce of sulphur and one quart of water, repeatedly agitated during in tervals of a few hours, and the head sat urated every moruing with the clear liquid, will iu a few weeks, remove every trace of dandruff from the scalp, and the hair will soon become soft aud glossy. Young and middle-aged men, suffering from nervous debility and kindred affec tions, as loss of memory and hypochondria, should inclose three stamps tor Part VII of "World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion,'' Buffalo, N. Y. To POACH EUGS. —Lay small muftiu rings in boiling water, and break an egg in each ring, The egg will be smooth and the shape of the ring. A teaspoonful of vinegar put in the water will keep eggs from breaking when be ing poached. Liquid or Dry. Borne people prefer to purchase medi cines in the dry state so that they can see for themselves that they are purely vegetable. Others have not the time or desire to prepare the medicine, and wish it already to use. To accommodate each claa the proprie tors of Kindey-Wort now offer that well known remedy in both JLiquld and dry forma. Sold by druggists everywhere. Truth. INSTANTANEOUS EMETIC. —Two tea- Bpooiifuls of mustard mixed in warm water. For a child with croup it relieves at once. A tablespoonful of lard warmed and given is said to be an in stantaneous cm* tic. The successful man has many imitators m his peculiar line of business, but still there is only one originator. So, also, the great petroleum hair rcnewer, Carboline, as new improved and perfected, holds tfce palm against all imitators as a genuine ar ticle of merit. Try lL CHOLOCATE CANDY can be made at home with but little trouble or expense. Simply take one cup of grated chocolate one cup of milk, oue cup of mobAses, butter size of an egg, and one of sugar. Boil an hour. Can't Gat It. Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Kidney, Uri nary or Liver Complaints cannot be con tracted by yon or your family it Hop Bit ters are used, and if you already have any of these diseases llop Bitters is the only medicine that will positively cure you. Don't forget this, and don't get some pulled up stuff that will only harm you, STALE BREAD. —Bread or rolls that are very stale may be made quite fresh for an lionr or so by dippiug them into milk and leaving them in a brisk oven till quite hot through. They must IK? < aten at once, however; for when cold they will be as stale as ever. On Thirty Bays' Trial. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall Mich., will send their Electro—Voltaic Belts an l otin.r Electric Appliances on trial tor thirty days to any person afflicted with Nervous Debility. Lost Vitality, and i indred troubles guarantee ing complete restoration of vigor and man hood. Address an above without delay. P. B. No risk is Incurred, as 30 days' trial is allowed. TOMATO SAUCE. —Stew down well oue pint of tomatoes; Then add one quart of milk ; boil, season to taste with but tor, pepper and salt like oyster soup. Add a tiny pinch of soda, and broken cracker, if desired. Every one of our lady readers should send five three cent stamps for a copy of StrawbridgcA Clothier's Quarterly, one of the largest fashion magazines pub lished. The present number contains 120 large pages, with 1000 engravings, illus trating the new fashions and four pages of new music. Strawbridge & Clothier, Bth and Market streets, Philadelphia. BAKED TOMATOES. —Put in a pan al ternate layers of canned tomatoes and bread crumbs, seasoned with salt, pep per and butter. Bake slowly about three-fourths of an hour. Flies end Hags. Flics, roaches, sots, bedbugs, rata mice, grphers ohipmunks cleared out by '-Bough on Bats." 15a FOR A COUGH.— For a tight, hoarse, cough, when phlegm is not raised, or with difficulty, take hot water often, as hot as euu be sipped. This will be found to give immediate and permanent relief. 4 What's the matter, John?" "O, a big ( boiL" "Well, why den't you take 'Dr. Liudßey's Blood Searcher,' and be cured." CLASSICAL ITEM: "Have you got a copy of 'Milton's Paradise Lost?'" asked Gilliooly of Colonel Schneider McGiunis, one of our Austin aristocrats. "What in the world is that?" replied Mcginuis. "It's a book," responded Gilhoely. "No, sir; I have not got such a book. Whenever I find any thing that's lost I return it to the own er. When did Mr. Milton lose his book? What reward is he offering for its return ?" Dr. JUine's (treat Nerve Restorer Is the marvel of the for all nerve diseases. All fits stopped free. Seud to 931 Arch Btrcet, Phiiad. Jphia. Pa. MISSUS. MOKOAN A HKADLY, MUtUal Life Building, Tenth and Chestnut sweets, haye on hand a Buperb stock, of extra fine quality Dia monds, which they offer at as low prices as stones of the first quality, perfect alike In color andshape, can be sold for. MRS. LVDIIE. PiNKHIM, OF MM, MASS? LYDIA E. PSNKHAM'B VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure for ell those Painful Conplolst* end Weakness*# turoaan to our beat frmali populates. It will cure entirely the worst form of Femala cons plaints, all ovarian troubles. Inflammation and t'leera tiou, Falling and lH*pl*cemcnt*, and the euniwqaent Spinal Weakness and U particularly adapted to tea change of Life. It will diMtolvs and expel tumor* from the uterus in an early stage of development. The teudency to can oerou* humor* there fat checked very epeedlly by it* usa. It remove* faintne**, flalulencv, dretroy* all craving for ritlmu last*.and relieves wralnessvif tbnaJtoinarh. It cures floating, Headache*, Nervous Prostration, General Debility Sloepl**u**, Dcpreuion and ladi gaetton. That feeling of bearing down, can ring pain, weight and backache, 1* alway* permanently cured by It* lim it wilt at all time* and under all ctrcumiitauoee act In harmony with the law* that govern the festal* eyctem For the cure ef Kidney Complaint* of either *ex tbl Compound 1* un*urpa*aed. LYDIA E. PIN KB AM** YECETABLE CSM. POUN D la prepared at SSS and 336 Western Avenue, Lynn, Man*. Price gl. Six bottle* for $5. Kent hy mail in the form of pUla, also In the form of loccnges, on receipt of prica, $1 per box for either, lire, ltnkhara freely answer* all letter* of inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Address as above. Mention this paper. No family should he without LYDLA E. PINKIIAM'S LIVKK FILL& They oure ooustipation, biliousnea* and torpidity of the liver, tb cent* tier box. tar Sold by all Druggists. "88 §200.00 REWARD. Will be paid for the detection and conviction of any person selling'or dealing in any bogus, coun terfeit or imitation Hor Bitters, especially Bit ters or preparations with the vrord Hop or Hopr In their name or connected therewith, that Is intend ed to mislead and cheat the public, or for any pre paration put In any form, pretending to be the same as Hop Bitters. The genuine have cluster of Grxkn Ilora (notice this) printed on the white label, and are the purest and beat medicine on earth, especially for Kidney, Liver and Nervous Diseases. Beware of all others, and of all pretended formulae or recipes of Hop Bitters published In papers or for sale, as they are frauds and swindles Whoever deals in any bat the genuine will be prosecuted. Hop Bitters Mpo. Co., Rochester, N. T. STOMACH ®ITTER S For r quarter of a century or more Hosts tteiH Stomach Bitters has been the reigning spec iflc for Indigestion, dyspepsia, fever and agne, a loss of physical stamina, liver complaint and other dis orders, and has been most emphatically Indorsed by meaical men as a health and strength restora tive. It counteracts a tendency to premature de cay, and sustains and comforts the aged and in firm. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. YOUNG MEN and be certain of a situation, address VALKNtTDiB FBOB. Janes villa Wisconsin. | Our Illustrated Uvea of the J antes ILV \ L Brothers is enlarged to 600 Pages JLVvk with 0 I lluotratloM. and is complete including the Death and Burial of Jma AND We also Illustrate the killing, the house, _ _ mmm Jesse limcs after death, nit wife, his FQ A All# two children born in outlawry, the Fords fK O |V| fa who made the a full-page ■ lillvi* engraving of Gov. Crittenden. 1(i I NTS _ i _ WANTED. Circulars free. Outfits4oeta. I A A A L V This is ,he only true history. Beware of I tt IWI Paw smaller editions. One Elegant Illustrated w "If I ■saw Yoluneof 60U Page*. Set ure only the Beat, Largent and Cheapest. CINCINNATI rCIL CO., No. 173 West ath St.. Cincinnati. O. niinTimr colli Oetrmntwd by 3. R MATIN'S Kill' 1 IIK9" Muha' r.-tieiita, they paying expressage. Send nama ■ " 0 and express address to Da. KLlNl,sag H * TY st. Philadelphia, Pa faprindpaikrumrisU, ®QA Per Week can be made in any locality hN > U Samething entirely new for agents. $6 ou fit free. G. aOnGRAHAM & CO., Boston, Mas HEALTH IS WEALTH. i Health of Lcdy is Wealth of Mind, RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent. Pare blood make* aoand fleeh, strong bone, and a dear akin. If yon would have your flesh firm, your bones sound, without caries, and your com pletion fair, use RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAIN Ri£BOLVKNT. A remedy composed of Infredlentr of extra ordinary medical properties essential to purify, repair and invigorate the broken-down and wasted body -OUICK, PLEABANT, BAFB and PERMA NENT fb its treatment and core. No matter by what name the complaint may be designated, whether it be Scrofula, Consumption. Byphilta, Ulcers, Sores, Tumors, Boils, Erysipelas, or Salt-Rheum .diseases of the Lungs, Kidneys Bladder. Womb, Skin, Liver, Stomach or Bowels, either chronic or constitutional, the virus of the disease Is in the BLOOD which supplies the waste, and builds and repairs these organs and wasted tissues of the system. If the blood is unhealthy, the process ef repair must be unsound. Thk B*swafahii.i.ian Kkbolvknt not only is a compensating remedy, but secures the harmonious action ot each of the organs. It establishes throughout the entire system functional harmony, and supplies the blood-vessels with a pare and healthy curren; of new life. The akin, after a few days use of the Sarsaparillian, becomes clear and beautiful. Pimples, Blotches, Black Spots and Skin Eruptions are removed; Sores and Ulcers soon cured. Persons suffering from Scrofula, Eruptive Diseases of the Eyes, Mouth, Ear*, Legs. Throat and (ilan.Ta, that have accumulated and spread, either from uncured diseases or mercury, or from the use of Corrosive Sublimate, may rely upon a cure if the SarsaparUliea la continued a sufficient time to make It* impression on the system One bottle contains more of toe active prtoci- Ces of Medicine# than any other Preparation, ken in teaspoontui otaee. while ethers require Ave or six time* as much. ONI DOLLAR PER BOTTLE MINUTE REMEDY. Only requires am urn net f mm, te relieve pain and cure acate dleeaee. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF, in from one to tweaty minutes, never fails to re lieve PAIN with one thorough application; no mat ter how violent or excruciating the pain, the Rheu matic, Bed-ridden, Infirm. Cnppled, Nervous, Neu ralgic or prostrated with disease may suffer, RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF will afford instant ease. Inflammation of the Kidneys, Inflammation o tw i3B.Chlcaco.llL FOR KALE Indian & Mound Relics, Ancient Coins, Confederate Money and Bonds, Minerals, Fos sils, Stamps, Curiosities, Ac., Ac. Send stamp for circulars and prices paid for rare coins. Mercer's Brio-a-Brac Bazar, 147 CENTRAL AVE., P* BAI Traction <£• FortalUY.ot ¥• ill IT- 1 111 §*" Sa Farm, Saw Mill A Pisa- totoiWtation. For prices. etc. write THE AULTMAN A TAYLOR CO. Mansfield, O. SALESMEN WANTED.—Address f>r twin* ©HAS. W. ST©ART, "S. wa.k Nurse ries," Newark, Wayae Co., N. Y. saeaa ■ 8 ■ I Morphine Habit Cured In IS nPIKIIHa to 20 days. No pay till Cured. Ul lUlwl Da. J. rirKFUUNU, Lebanon, Ohio,