|h( j|ill!t—D. I. Brown keeps a very full and complete tinshop and store. Every thing in the line of the business is kept on band or will be made on short notice- Mr. Brown understands his trade thoroughly and is a fair and square' man to deal with. WANTED. —The undersigned wishes to secure a man who wiTl either rent his blacksmith shop, two miles west of, Woodward, and carry on the business, or work for him as a Imnd. For par ticulars apply 'to 4T J. M. WEAVER. —The majority of our ladies were a little out of humor all last week, and we do not wonder. The weather was very unfavorable either fortto&ie clean ing or for displaying starkish new hats on the staeet. Their patience was sore ly tried—poor things. FASniON ABLE DRESS CUTTING.— Miss Alice R. Bollinger, of Aarons burg. will give instructions in dress catting according to the most approv ed rules, ller long experience in the business enables her to give full satis faction. Terms moderate. 3t —Dr. P. T. Musser, administrator of the ds'tate of John D. Foote, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will be present at the store of the deceased e very Wednesday afternoon and eyery Saturday, when and where all persons having unsettled accounts or other business with the estate are urgently requested to call. 3t CORNER STONE LAYING.— The cor ner stone for a new Lutheran church at Zion, this county, will be laid next Sunday, the 21st instant. Several vis iting ministers are expected to take part in the exercises. Services begin at 10 oMocfc. The public is cbidially invited to attend. % —Lewin's Philadelphia Branch is as popular as ever—even more so. His clothing are always the best and Cheap est, and people very generally go back to Lewin's after haviDg tried other places. Whether you need an entire outfit or only a siDgle garment, Lew in's is the proper place to go. He is just now giving away 10.000 musical whips and canes, an attractive and amusing novelty. Every purchaser of a youth' 3, boy's or child's suit gets one. Don't forget the place—Lewin's Phila delphia Braucli, Allegheny Street, Bellefoute. Pa. 2t —H. H. Tomhnson is now pre pared to sell anything in the titer cantile line, as cheap as can be bought in the county. Give htm a call and be convinced. Goods re ceived daily, always new and fresh. —No better place to buy boots and shoes in the county than Doll & Min gle's, in Bellefonte. They sell a lady's dress shoe*for $2.00; a fine button walk ing shoe for $1.00; carpet slippers for 25 cents; men's brogans for SI.OO, and oth ers in proportion. Ti\ Doll & Mingles' shoes. 'tf —An item is going the rounds of the papers stating thrft our colored friend, Samuel Nathan of Madison burg, is 10j> years old. We do hot know what Sam's age is, nor whether he authorized the statement, but it seem 9 that the majority is entirely too big. How is it, Sam V LARGE SALE.—Dr. F. T. Musser, ad ministrator, will sell the personal ef fects of John D. Foote, late of Mill heim, deceased, beginning Friday, May 19th inst. There is a very large a mount of'goods ou hand and the sale will be adjourned from time to time until all is disposed of. In the store there is a very full assortment of the va rious classes of goods, especially in the boot, shoe and clothing line, as well as prints and flresS goods. This sale will afford a good opportunity to the public to buy cheap. For full particulars see bills. 3t —The large new Spring Mills House will be forumll opened for business this evening, after w'h'ifch it xVfil l>e ready for guests, either tiansient or regular boarders. A great niinV invitations have been issued to attend the opening and a good time is expected. Mr. Nash, the proprietor, is represented to be an experienced hotelist as well as a thorough gentleman. It is his purpose to make the Spring Mills House a first class resort in all respects. Nature has highly favored this particular spot. We do not know of a place anywhere that has more varied or more l>eautiful scenery than Spring Mjlls and its vi cinity. It is aH that the itdmirer 6f naturre, the lover ot true rural beauty could desire. Under good management the Spring Milft House will be a de lightful retreat for people weary and tired of the dim and noise, the dust and heat of city life. THE ROYCE REAPER —Mr. Lem. Campbell, wh. has recently "become a resident of Sunbury, is general agent for the sale of the Royce Reaper, one of the popular machines of the day, manufactured i yL. Sweet & Co., at Wellsville, N. Y. As an indication of the increasing popularity of these machines we wril state tnat Mr. Camp bell took the agency for them in this neighborhood in INTO, in Which year be sold 24 of them; in 1880 his salesamoun tedto 52 and in 'Bl theuuniber he liand led ran up to 128, an increase of over one hundred psr cent, each year. He has orders already for over TOO this season, and will no doubt double tbatlrumber before harvest. We doubt whether any other machine '■can show an equal in crease in popularity in the same length of time. This may be attributed to the excellen' qualities of tlie Royce Reaper, it being of the lightest draught and is the easiest handled machine in the market, and a3 to durability it is unexcelled, lie is also selling the best in the market, together with rakes and a general variety of agricul tural implements. 3t For the JOURNAL. MR. EDITOR:— The visiting delegates to the Aaronsbnrg Sunday School Con vention and Women's Missionary Meeting, have returned to their homes Jiighly pleased with the christian wel come and fellowship of the good people of that Lutheran st ronghold. The es says and addresses by ministers and delegates, aud particularly the lectures by Rev. Dr. GotwaM, as well as the excellent music, were all greatly en joyed, and the woiken returned to their respective places in the great vineyard to labor with greater zealous ness and stronger faith. The kind hands who decorated the palpit and church with such magnificent, blootfi ingpU.its and flowers surely performed a deed of love. The floral display was regarded by many as one of the hand somest ever seen at any like occasion. May all the Sunday School workers present, as well as the ladies in their missionary work, have received a new impetus to work for God's cause while it is called to-day. MAUD MULLER. SPRING MILLS ITEMS. MR EDITOR:—I see Uncle Tom does not write to you any more, and so- I will send you a few items. Mrs. Rose J. DeWoodie is visiting here now. W. F. ftearick, the new grain mer chant, is as busy as a beaver, and as pleasant as a candidate. ftev. McGarrab; the MethodistjP. E., preached a very able sormon to a large congregation On Sabbath morning. The Academy, under tho able direc tion of Prof. L. Reiter, numbers 44 students and is in a flourishing condi tion. The mammoth Hotel; Mr. Geo. B. Nasb, proprietor, will open on the 18th inst. Some 300 invitations have been 1 issued and agrandgood time is expect ed. Success to the enterprise. I. J. Grenoble, the enterprising busi ness man of this town, is still selling building lots at a small advance over Cost; and that Is why the place is mak ing such rapid strides in improve ments; SA3I PATCH. —David, a son of our townsman, Mr. John Stoner, had the misfortune to shoot himself through his right hand DU last Sunday evening. After co ming home from church service he retired to his room taking along the lamp and a revolver, lie examined and adjusted the weapon when the load was discharged, the hall entering the palm of his rffcht hand and coming out on top of his third finger. 110 is doing as well as can be exacted. THE GREAT FRAUD STOPPED. End of the GraveyHd Ineuranoe Buaiuees. The Dauphin count/ court on Thursday the 11th, dissolved almost the entire number of mutual assessment Insurance companies "which Were lately proceeded against by the attorney gen eral at the instance of the insurance commissioners of the state. The num ber which the insurance commissioner alleges haVe been found doing business in violation of their chartered privile ges is 213, and against all these pro ceedings bad been instituted with a view to their dissolution. A large majority of the companies, which made answer to the order of the court, re quiring them to show cause why their business should not be closed, stated that they were constrained to submit to the revocation of their charters bo cause the mutual assessment insurance business has been rendered unprofita ble. Some charge their misfortunes 011 other companies which are claimed to have done a disreputable business. A bout twenty companies have filed answers contesting the right ot the commonwealth to dissolve them on the allegations made against them. These will all lie. held over until the first Monday in' June before further proceed ings will lie instituted. The work of the day W.TS very quiet, and little or no interest was manifested in the routine work of issuing such degrees. Thus ends one of the greatest frauds that lias ever cursed our good old state. The credulous public, and unfortu nately in most cases, people who could but illy afford the loss, have been stvir dled out of hundreds of ■thousands of dollars. And that the gigantic hum bug has even now been throttled, is due in a great measure to the independ ent and fearless voice of the public ■press. : Sews Miscellany. Judge Bacfter, of Lewisburg, is spo ken of as the possibleDemociatic candi date for Governor. Charles Smith, of Chillisqunque twp., Nortlfd county, was convicted at Sun bury last week of selling liquor without license. He had a U. S. license for bottling, but he sold without a county license. He was fined -in the sum of two hundred dollars.— Ex. PXTENT right men are now travel ing over the country with all sorts of new dovices to catch and fleece the un wary out of'tfcctr money. We advise farmers and others to be very cautious in bargaining or signing papers for strangers, no matter how glibly they may talk. Captain Bloomer, a veteran of the war of 1812, died at Ilawley, Pa., on the 27th ult. There was an insurance of $60,000 on his life by graveyard in surance simulators, who have paid over $30(0 in assessments, and who wr'd receive no return on account of the companies having been recently closed by Attorney General Palmer. A Horrible Mode of Suicide. IIARRISRURG, May B.—Mrs. Mary Blessing, aged seventy-two vears, re siding with her sou at Ilummelstown, this county, yesterday locked herself in a room, removed all her clothes, set them on fire and then threw herselt in the flames. Wheu discoyered she was horribly burned, and died a few hours afterwards. She was slightly dement ed. How a Wealthy Man Wap Treated by His Wife. CHICAGO, May 9.—John NewhouSe, a wealthy man, disappeared from View a few years ago, and his death has re sulted in an investigation. He has been kept all these years by his wife a prisoner in an out-of-the-way room in the mansion and denied any clothing with which to escape and all but the poorest food. When dying he was refused a pillow to lay his head upon. Michigan avenue society is ex cited over the developments. A decision was rendered by the su preme court of the United States in the case of Sergeant Jolm A., Mason, upon application for a writ of habeas corpus. The court, in a carefully prepared opin ion by the chief justice, decided that the court martial had full jurisdiction to try the offense charged; that its pro ceedings were all within its proper ju risdiction, and that the sentence pro nounced was not in excess of its power. The petition for a writ of habeas cor pus is, therefore, denied, and the rule to *3how cause discharged. The Watsontown Bedofd says that H rich silver Buffalo Valley about two miles from Vicksburg. was found The discovery consists vein of sil ver-bearing quartz, yielding an assured assay of from sixty-fiye to one hundred dollars per ton of silver, besides a rich yield of cop per. The vein, where first struck, was about four inches in thick ness, lying within six feet of the sur face Experts who have examined the pre mises declare this to be one of the most promising veins ever discoyered in t.liis State. Further developments will be I made shortly to test the real merits of the find. | AN ofllee lias betn opened in t):e Pennsylvania llailroad Station at Phil adelphia, for tho purpose of answering questions. On it is tho sign, "Bureau of Information," and at the open win dow stands a roan ready to answer all manner of questions about travel on the Pennsylvania and connecting lines. , Whenever he gets stuck by a hard que ry he uses tho telephone or telegraph to ; get his reply. This is intended to re lievo the other employes and accommo date the pasfcengert. Nf lllheint niirkl. Corrected every Wednesday by Gephart & Manner. Wheat 1-2-} Corn Rye Qatn White .*0 llack wheat Flour llran tShort,-poi tou 25 UO Salt, per lirl 1.75 Planter, Kroatul...., 0.00 Cement, per Btanhe! *5 1° $9 ! Haflcv . 8£ I Tytaothysced...'.. '2.00 Flaxseed < Chtwrseed 00t05.00 Uatter 25 Hams 1? Sides 0 VeW.;: •. Pork Heel K(SRS I s Potatoes 1 0t Lard 12 Tallow Soap 0 Dried Apples 8 Dried Peaches Dried Cherries COAL MARKET AT COBURN. Res Coal frVOO Stove " 5.20 Chestnut 1-80 Pea 3.50 l'ca by the car load 3.20 Fifty cents per tou additional when delivered In Mluhelni. T. GKI'HAKT B. A. MtSSKK GEPH&RT & MUSSER DEALERS IN Clover Flour. & Feed. tioa 1 , Plasler & Salt MILLHEIM PA., Highest market price paid for all kinds of C3-E-A.IIT, Delivered either at the BRICK MILL or at the old MI'SSER MILL, in MILLHEIM. COAL, PLASTER & SALT Always on hand and sold at prices that defy coin petit ion. A share of the public patronkge respectfully ttcliciled. 3^-Iy J. W. ST AM Is now permanently located at MILLHEIM, and will give prompt attention to af l medic calls at his office In C. F. DeiningeFs house on Main Street. Try Ik. Stam's Bpbcific Pilb Mbdicikk—it gives Instant relief. 2") H.HASTINGS, . AUerncy-at-Law. liEI.LEFOXTK, PA. Office on Allegheny stceet. two doors went of office formerly occupied by the firm of Yocum & Hastings. Q H. YOCUM, Altorncy-at-law, BELLEFONTE, PA. MILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS, - jjjpriningrr & Proprietors. THE OLD, RELI ABLE PLACE. THIS PAPER EE'S Newspaper Advertising Bureau (K) Spruce Street), where aclver- SIS" 111 IIHIII# tising contracts may gts B* MS Vg IM jfi. be made lor at ia HhPW I Wlmi IMIY" USTZEW STOCK: I OF II ©9 I sptner|) iooijs jf W, \ is a collection from Mdifch all tastes niay be suited, j - I It embraces a full line of ae9 l 4 1 •' * ; ahd all the new styles and colors. • SS §§ ........ , . . ... IV MY PRICES ARE VERY LOW!!! 1 Trimmed Hats and ilonnets, Untrihinied Goods, 22 i Silk Trimmings, Artificial Flowers, and everything belonging to my line. Your trade respectfully gg solicited. * g MRS. ANNA M. WEAVER, % Wl II PENN STREET, ■ => FJL. P OTTERY Millhcim, Centre Co., I'rtina. ULRICH & CO., PROPRIKTORB, would most respectfully Inform ihe pnbllo that they arc now prepared to manufacture every thing in their line of ilfkl class <|ii.ilily. They have found a>uperlorlklnd of clayi and will constantly keep on hand a full que of CROCKERY, BREADS Plil DISHESrPESS SLOW ER POTS, STOVE COLLARS. &o. ysllopliiß to merit the confidence of the public q.i furnUbinxUie best grade of ware they would cpectfull> solicit a share of itsjpatronage. ly Rock Island, 111. Af an u/ac t urers ot SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, Steel & Chilled Flows, MMNG AND WALKING CULTIVATORS, Listing Plows, FOMBIXED LISTER AND CORN DRILL, Harrows, etc., etc. Branch HOUMS. "I ST. LOOS, *O. RAINS AS CITY, Mo. ST. PAUL, Minn. ST. JOSEPH, Mo. COLUMBUS, 0. * MILWAUKEE, Wl. OMAHA, Neb. Q . Write for our Diary, mailed free, JK TNE'S FAEM ENGINE 3. Vertical & Spark-Arresting Engines from 2 to 13 horse-power, mounted or unmounted. Best and Cheapest Kngiurs made, g1 50 upwards. Send for Illustrated Catalogue ff for information and price 10 __ R, W, PAYNE & NON'B, Box 840, Corning, N. ¥• THE ONLY*PERFECT SEWING, MACHINE; THE LIGHT-BURNING f - NEW HOME Rapidly superceding all ethers wherever Introduced, r Pronounced by an army of happy purchasers to be the BEST. The NEW HOME Is positively YnVe Simp Test, Easiest Running, Most Reliable, and Most Durable Sewing Machine ever Invented. 0 It operates Quickly, Quietly, and without fatigue to the operator. Full Information, Descriptive Cat alogues, Ac., free on application. JOHNSON *C£ABE & CO. 30 Union N. Y. **" iAnd Orange, Mass. W. H. B. EISESHCTH, Agent, MUlbclni, Centre Co., Pa A THING OF BEAUTY, ~- LS A JOY FOREVER? #ur large £tock!!! some of the most elegant and genteel styles of STJITS I We have ever offered, and while we have elevated the quality and style, we have KEPT DOWN THE PRICE \ We have many advantages both in purchasing and handling goods, and we propose To Give You the Benefit I Always ahead in Low Prices and Good Goods, is what has directed the rush to our store tdr tfee past few years, and vfre intend to keep the crowd moving ifc that direction. ✓ BY GIVING THE BEST GOODS 1 And the Largest Stock to select from, fcHth prices that no one ever beat and seldom equaled. TRY TZR/AJDXavTG- WITH ITS ! YOU ARE LIKE THE REST OF MAN KIND, AND WE RATHER THINK YOU ARE, YOU WILL BE fT .EASED WITH THE RESULT. WHITCOMB—CLOTBIE& Lock Haven, Penna. 224 Market St., LEWISBIIRG, *" * * HAVE NO COMPETITORS; Our firßt'inßtalments of New Spring Goods are sold oufc, compelling us to make c Second Trip to'the Eastern Cities, which good's frill Arrive during this Week. Space will not admit what Bargains we have got. Sufficient to siv, frith our increased business facilities our patrons will always find i # the Largest and "Best Assortment Jof - MILLINERY GOODS! flats, Bonnets, trimWd and untrimmed, Feathers, Flowers,. Silks, Satius, Ribbon in all NewJShades, Laces, Embroideries bress Trimmings ,l; , %> * in eadle33 variety, Hosiery, Gloves and Corsets Ladies and Uhil- J drcn's Shoes, Locking Glasses and New Goods received every day / THROUGHOUT THE SEASON. A Simple Fact —We can't be Undersold; B. BARKIS, 224 Market St* Lewisburg, Fa;