|V Ifillljfint J otirnnl. TiII"R.SPAY. ATlilF, 27.. ISS2. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL •s p.Btllshed everv Thursday. In 51 usser'sßuild ing, corner of Main and Ponn streets at SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or 31 25 if not paid in advance. ADVERTISING 1 week. 1 mo. .1 mo. 6 mo. 1 year. 1 square I $1 no $2 00 1 $.'.90 | 61001 $6 00 V A column,.. I 300 4DC j 600| ID lV> | 15 00 \column... I 500 So:> 1200 120001 35 00 1 column,.. I 8(H) 1200 | 20 00 I 3500 | 6000 One Inch mak°s a square. Administrator* and Executors' Notices $2.50. Transient ad vertisements ;.nd locals 10 cents per line for first ins-ertion and 5 cents per line tor each au dltional insertion. Job Work done on short notice. DEHIXGER & BIHILI.ER, Editors and Proprietors. Sy ,—n-- . , , fc&wcli & Snsday Scfiool Directory. Evangelical. P C Weidemver and J DShortens Preach'* Rev. J. D. Shortess wiii preach next Sunday eveulnt, Sunday School, D* r. m.—l). L. Zerby, Supt. Missionary Society meets oa the second Mon thly evening of each mouth. Mothodist. Jicc. rurmin Adams Prcachcr-incharre. tuiday School at l* jr. m.—John Kimport,flfupt. Reformed. 7 lev. C. TP. K. Sicjel, Pastor. Preaching in Aaronsburg next Sunday after noon English. United Brethren. Iter. Shannon, Praachcr-iu-charge. Preachnlg next Sunday morning. Lutheran. Per. John 7b tn'inson, P-. r,*2r. Preaching in Millheim next Sunday after noon, and in Aaronsburg in the evening. I-adies' Mite Societv meets on the first Mon day evening of each month. 1 United Sunday School. Meets at 9A. m.—II. K. I-use. Supt. Lofes s Saoioty Dirdery. MllHieim Lodge, No. 055, 1. o. O. F. meets in beir hall, lVun Street, every SufurUay evening. lteiocca Degree Meeumr every Thursday on or before the full moon of each mouth. C. W. Hautman, See. W. I- Bkijut, N. G. Frovidenc Grange. No. 217 P. of H.. meets in Alexnntl r s block on the second Saturday ot each MONTH at L V 4. P. M.\ and OH the fourth Sa turday or i ach month a; l'. f i\ m. L>. L.V.ERRY, See. T. G. LT.n vim, Master. I Th-> Millhetm P. & L. Association meets in the Penu - trect school lu.nse on the evening of the second Monday 01" each month. A. WALT EH. sec, * B. O. DEI NI NO ER, Prest. 1 The MiPheim Cornet Band meets in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. J. B. Unrtiaan, See. Jolm K reamer. I'res't. WAR ON SENATOR CAMERON Senator Mitchell Captured by the In J- penpent Republicans. Philadelphia, April 22.—Senator Mitchell's alliance with the anti-Came ron republicans is thought to have been completed to-day, when he met twenty lour out-and-out republicans at a con ference that lasted four hours. Wolfe, the leader of last year's revolt; Repre sentative MeKee, chairman of the inde pendent st ate committee; F. 1?. Reeves and many other members of the Phila delphia committee of one hundred were active participants. The burden of the talk, which at times was marked by vehemence, was that unless the repub licans cease to uphold the spoils system all the thinking republicans in the state will desert it. The civil service spokesman was Henry C. Les, but all the speeches were against any compro mise with Cameron. The capture of Mitchell was deemed complete when he was induced to appoint Wolfe, Me- Kee, John W. Lee, Barker and Reeves a committee to confer with the Came ron men, for it is recognized that every member of this committee is bitter in his hatred of Cameron and itching to hit him a hard blow. Though Mitchell railed at spoilsmen and affected to hope for peaceful adjustment of faction troubles, his appointment of a full fledged independent committee is gen erally believed to indicate his surrender | to those whom he met to-day. Demo crats are satisfied that by to-day's work the breach between the factions is widened. Vest Pocket States. From the Philadelphia Ledger (Ind.) It is recommended by a congression al committee that Washington territo ry shall be admitted into the Union as a state, and that a part of Dakota shall be accorded the same high dignity. Theterritory of Washintion had in 1880 a population of 75,116, about as many people as the Nineteenth and Thirty first wards of the city of Philadelphia. The whole of Dakota at the same pe riod contained 135,,177 inhabitants, a bout equal to the First, Fifteenth and Thirty-first wards of-this city. Yet each of these pocket states is to have two senators, and the two inchoate states are to be placed on "equal foot ing" with the states of New York and Pennsylvania, with nine and a quarter million people. There was a time when acquiescence in that kind of inequality was a necessity in the formation of the Union. It was tolerable then, but is not now. If Washington territory shall be admitted, 25,000 voters there will be entitled to one electoral vote in Penn sylvania. In the same way 45,000 vo ters more or less in Dakota are equal to 142.000 in our_ state. Tiie pocket state of Colorado, with its three electoral votes, cast by its legislature at that, decided presidential contest of IS7G. Gov. IIOYT last week appointed llou. Charles H. IStinsoa, of Norristown, to sueeeed the late Judge Ross. The new judge is an ex-state senator and is considered an able fclawyer. THE Republicans of Union county are usually a happy family and always have things their own way as against the wicked Democrats. Foil just now they have their own troubles. At a re cent meeting of the county 'committee, the chairman, Mr. John V. Miller, took matters pretty much into Ins own hands, and by arbitrary and nnreasou abl decisions shaped the result of the meeting favorab'e to stalwart ism. I)r. Drown and J Merrill Linn were elected representative and senatorial deh gates respectively. The Wolfe men, who are largely in the majority, are very indig nant over chairman Miller, hue what they are going to do about it does not yet appear. Fearful Cyclone in Fayette Uounty. PITTSBURG, Apt lL 21.- Further re ports to-day show that the cyclone in Fayette county yesterday crossed southwest to the Pennsylvania Road and destroyed timber and trees on the Wilson, Royle and Play ford farms. It unroofed tne "Disciple Church" and otherwise seriously damaged it. On the Mount Pleasent Road the house of a widow named Miller was demolished j and her barn carried so far that it has not yet been found. W. C. Lyon's propei ty was also damaged to the a mount of SI,OOO. John S. Detwiller's barn was unroofed and his house badly damaged, as was also the house, barn ami orchard of G. D. Atkinson, half a mile further on. E. Ileminger and 11. i>. Fret* suffered similar losses. The elements seemed to gather strength as the stormed tiaveled on. Before it reached Mounts creek it took an easter ly course, and here the deadliest work began. John UundorfTs house was the lirst to succumb. Strange to relate, | the lower story of the house was swept instantly away and the uper portion came tumbling down. Mr. Uundorff was outside and when he saw the storm approaching lie sought shelter inside. lie was, howev er, overtaken and whirled about in the air at the mercy of the gale. Ilis dwell ing place was rendered a shapeless mass of ruins. lie relates that rails, rubbish ' and timber could be seen flying through the air as if they came from the clouds. Mr. Bundos fit was struck j byoneofth.es missiles just below the' small of the back. It penetrated an artery and it is feared the wound is fa tal. Joseph (ilassburn's house was ut terly destroyed, as was also his bain. The last he saw of the roof of the latter it was going up the mountain at light ning speed Nothing was left standing on his farm. Mr. Glassbuni's wife and five of the children are badly huit. A half mile from Glassbuni's the storm struck the house of John Wingrovc. lie ! was about 500 yards from his home, 1 driving thither a load of oats. lie • leaped from the wagon and ran toward his house. Fifty yards from the house his wife lay dead, with her babe of e leveu months clasped tightly to her bosom. Bhe had seized her youngest born at the instant the storm struck the building and had been hurled so far that the violence deprived her of life. The babe was unharmed. Mr. Wingrove's other children were trying frantically to extinguish the flames which had caught on the cloth ing and was consuming them. They assert that the flic bui.st upon theiu from a cloud overhead. Alexander and Harry, two of the boys, aged 11 and 13 years, respectively, have since died of their injuries. The other children w ill probably not recover. About a mile further on J. Stauffer's two houses and a nam were leveled to the ground. Mrs. Staulfer was seriously injured, as were also her two daughters . The last point in the track, so far as can be as certained, was two miles beyond Stauff er's at Ilimnn Ilozopsnider's whose house was carried away. Whether the tornado spent itself or went oyer the mountain it is impossible to state. I What a Disguised Detective Did. BEADING, April IS. —A detective, belonging to Piukerton's force disguis ed as a tramp, was wardering about Miflliu, Schuylkill county, recently, when he fell in with a youngraau nam eh Elisha Kringl". The tramp inci dentally spoke of George 11. Wagner, whose bain, with all the cattle, was burned a short time ago, and who lias received numerous threatening Mollie Maguire letters recently. In the course of conversation Kring'e told the tramp many things, w hicli caused the detec tive to have him arrested on the charge of being the leader of the Mollie Ma guire gang who have committed many depredations recently. He was teiii bly bewildered when he found the tramp was a detective. K uncle was put under bail to answer the charge at court. It is alleged that there are quite a number of others connected with the affair. Watsontovvn had a destructive fire the other Tuesday night which entire ly consumed a large lumber mill at a damage of about SIOO,OOO, only partly insured. ! ■■■■■■MMnnßHtPC^MHMDHaapiaiaraMranacaMßaawawuM TO STOCKHOLDERS.— The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Lewisburg & Tyrone Ua Iroad Company j will be held at the office of the company, No. 1 233, South Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa.., on MONDAY, MAY IST, 1882, at 1114 o'clock a. m. Election for President and Directors same day and place. JAMES R M'CLURE, 2t Secretary. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—letters of administration on the estate of Joim D. Foote, late of Millheim, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate settlement, and those having claims against the same, to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. P. T. MUSSZR, Administrator. Aaronshurg, A pill 13th, ISB2, 1-5-ft rpKEAMRnr* KAI.FOF UNSEATED 1 I.ANIM FOU TAXI'S KOU ISBO AND IHHI. AND PRKVIOI'H YKAKs.—Notice is hereby Riven tlut In iHii'snmiet* of an net of Acwniblv, passed to the l2Ri day of June. A. D, 1815, en {l tied ''An Act i<> anit'ini an Act, illreciinu the nmde of sollinu unseated lands In Centre coun ty," and HIM several supplements thereto, tliwre will be exposed at public sale or <>ut< ry, the followliiß tracts of unseated lauds in said coun ty for tin 1 taxes due and unpaid thornm. at the Ooui't House, in (he luiroiinh of Ih'llefonte. on Monday, June kith. A. IK, 18-82, nt one o'clock, p. in.: ACHES. t'Ett. WARRANTEE NAMES. TAXES. BKNNKit TOWNSHIP. 2 John Davis ..-I 1 23 M J D Harris 2"5 fit) T J I.liißle 2 05 WO Win Humes (owner 4 10 50 Charles Sltuey (owner) 15 0a BOGUS TOWN SHIP. .397 145 D OaiNonddeii. 3)7.1 306 112 John Coehruli. 157 15 12 id Poland Curt in 1 < w 111 Ann Deal 12H7 4XI 163 Win (irav 38 97 4:il 1.17 Martha O.Hlfrey 5576 4.1.1 tut Jonathan Harvey 1949 411 163 Joseph llitthv 8917 418 40 William H.khl 37 62 ,411 40 Moses Hood.. 10.18 150 Sarah Lane 13 .VI ! 4:11 161 David Lewis 10 17 181 .1 M lamas A .1 P Packer 18 28 100 Frank Met ley 27 00 of 196 Packer A Lucas 0 85 BVKSSIDK TOWNSHIP. 415 James Black 8 25 411 103 Itohert Brady 653 411 K$ William P Brady 1125 411 164 Jehu Brady. 6M 411 lilt Alexander Hell 20 42 ' 4H3 151 William Biußliam 04 97 415 John ltoyd 12 70 431 163 John ltyers 25*® 4:13 181 Willlalit Cook 1.125 411 181 John Cowden. 1325 1413 183 William Dewart ...... 851 411 181 John Dewart 6 53 421 181 Ilenrv Donnelly 853 421 153 "Samuel M Fox 1100 433 181 Robert Cray 6,51 | 4.11 ltd William Gray 851 413 181 Thomas Grant 1.3 25 4.11 181 Alex uider (Jreaves. 1.100 421 183 CharlesGohen. ...... 651 411 ird Thomas Hamilton HOO 431 153 Georjre Harrison 8197 411 183 John H usel 13 25 4.11 151 Pierson Hunt.. 64 9, i 433 183 Alexander Hunter 26 42 433 161 John lvidd 653 ! 4.11 183 John Lyon... 13 25 4.33 153 Blair MeLanahan 84 97 1 4.'U 153 George MeLanahan 84 97 421 153 Polly Mcl-inaha 11 6 97 4.11 1.53 Ann MeLanahan —.6197 413 IS3 George Mead., 6197 1 2><o William Miller 6 00 4it 163 Joseph Morris 13 00 ' 431 153 John Nicholson 64 97 216 S3 Jeremiah Paiker 844 411 153 Andrew Pet lit 6197 I 413 161 Henry Shatter 13 2* 411 id Samuel 5c0it...... -13 00 415 John Shym 12 47 i 415 Sarah M Talman 12 47 : 421 153 Touch Francis 61 97 433 164 James Towers 653 415 Joseph J Wallace - 565 413 163 Joseph Wallace 1300 415 John Wetzel 12 30 115 Jacob Weldtier 50 63 483 163 Bird Wilson 13M 413 163 Samuel Young 26 42 433 103 Benjamin Young 13 00 CURTIS TOWNSHIP. 4.14 Robert Ainesley 20 81 415 Charles Allen 7 "JO 5'76 Simuel Build. —. 9<l ISS William 1* Brady 1. 76 337 I.indlcy Coats 6 td 150 Paul Custer 3 61 3.) John Curt in 412 71 1.11 Roland Curiin...-. —.. 16 11 411 163 AMtali Davis 4155 a, of 311 Peter Denaven. 1137 lot Joseph Deviins 5 07 414 Joseph Deviing. .... 20 85 1.35 Henry 'Hon lid 25 9*2 H of .171 Cadwalader Kvaus 11 17 415 William t lliott 19 91 415 Esther Eddy 69 23 415 Robert Gray 9 97 415 William Gray .. 9 97 415 William Gilbert .. 39 84 .160 Martha liodftev. 88 40 300 142 John W Godfrey 28 86 120 Peter Halm - 2 88 415 Susan Hahn ...... 997 431 129 Charles Hall .. 5 91 60 Kd Hallowell 8 84 4X3 Joseph Hißby or Blgbe 41 55 142 Thomas lluiitplirey 339 203 James Irwin 14 61 3.514£ Joseph Kelso 06 48 4u3 Rebecca Kelso 38 67 •lot Joseph Kelso 19 20 •34) Mary Line l4 401 150 Sarah lame- 43 2)1 ! 207 Caleb Lawn* II *6 i 207'* Isaac I 207'4 Caleb Lawns 14 86 j 207 Isaac 1- •ngstroth 14 s<; I 70 JLnlin S Ma w on 671 : 415 .John McCauley 14 40 _\o Philip Meyers. 28 HO 100 Simon Meyers 14 40 420 18 Michael Meyers 0048 420 48 Valeuflne Meyers 60 48 106 James Miller -14 10 100 William I' Mitchell 10 20 4:i William 1' Mitchell 20 75 220 William P Mitchell 1056 200 John I* Mitchell 1.102 31.1 112 KlllS L OrVls - 1502 4.14 J W Packer 20 83 42 J W Packer 2 03 13 .1 W Packer. 37 320 J W Packer 15 63 110 William M Packer 5 28 5.1 (.'line Quleicy 1 44 100 Peter smith. 12 00 4.33 l r >3 Samuel Scott 41 V> 433 163 Mary Tallman 20 85 •jjO Uch*rtl Tunis 4 80 200 Kichanl Tunis 3 84 217 Fishburn Wharton., 10 41 217 Fisliburn Wharton.. 10 43 160 Jonathan Wilils 3 80 415 Casper Wister S6 40 43.1 163 James While 31 18 461 William Yard ley 1104 FERGUSON TOWNSHIP, j 150 A Barton sloat (owner) 11 25 GREGG TOWNSHIP. 40 .laniPH Barl>er 1 IS j 2-5 of 40 Henry Hiiitie® 27 1 2-5 of 40 llenry Haines 11 I 2-5 of 40 Henry Haines 11 , 2-5 of 40 llenra Hulne* .... 14 ' 460 William l-ouaa 14 80 | 400 John Painter 14 HO j 400 William Taggert 14 80 j 400 Davis Taggert. .. 14 ) I HAINES TOWNSHIP. 1 100 Thomas Burr 650 4uj GO Margaret Burr 6 Go 31.1 John Barron 2 25 87 John Burron 82 4*B) antes Barr 6 50 : 4f>6 00 Mary Barr 660 ! 4K) 60 Kbenezer Branhuin 3 25 ! 246 Henry Beck 233 | 4>o GO John Bell 3 '25 I*4 Henry Beck 2 7 ~'444 16 John Bolindcr 5 60 ! 338 ft) llenry Bollnder 6 52 | 525 ft) Frederick Bollnder 5 30 fl3 16 Adam Bolinder 512 400 fio John Boyle 3 25 i 4'tO GO Tnoin isCarstance 3 25 \ 406 .John Craig 3 28 • 400 60 John Darr, Jr 3 25 i 404 78 John Darr 3.40 ■ 403 70 Leonard Darr 3 .10 ! 382 163 Peter Kpler 12 45 ! 433 Andrew Kpler 14 23 I 181 Jacob Fees 147 ! 400 Bernard (4 *utz .1 25 | 250 11 Gill man & S Snyder 18 75 i 262 no II Giliman & S snyder 2" oo I 435 Charlej Hull 21 22 4.17 108 John Hartmau 0 84 430 103 Robert irwin 7'X) I 400 120 Margaret Irwin 650 400 Marsraret Jenks 6 50 ' 4'K) Mary Jenks. 6 50 418 (19 George Kreamer 26 92 ' 166 Lowery 82 223 150 William Mosby 1 87 200 William Parker 1 63 i 200 William Parker 163 I 410 CO William Pnilllps - 325 | 100 James Band. G 50 400 James Row 6 50 440 70 Charlotte llustin 358 1 428 80 Timmas Kustin 675 ; 3f>o 60 Albraight S-vineford 4 88 170 Stover & Wolf 2 82 ! 4'io Simon Snyder 3 25 l 88 William Tldd 75 I 400 60 John Tidil 3 25 I 312 William Tldd 2 62 150 I) Ifensel (owner) .. 1 22 125 D llcnse! (owner) 103 HALF MOON TOWNSHIP, 1 48 Daniel Keck 2% 40 10 Peggy Shearer 2 80 44 11 Tliomas HeyaklH (owner)... 596 HA UK IS TOWNSHIP. 1% ,T C Fishery 354 400 James Forbes.... 3 60 400 Win Harrison 3 60 150 John Irwin 1 34 400 James Heed, 3 60 100 Samuel Young 90 HOWARD TOWNSHIP. 107 1 04 Samuel Brown 8 36 40 Paul (Justin 1215 200 Samuel Custin 21 30 208 John W Godfrey 26 38 50 AD Harris 2 02 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. 433 163 James Baxter 3 26 433 163 John Price 326 483 163 John Rnliingtou 326 433 163 John Wbeeland 3 26 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. 406 120 Ebenezer Benham 16 70 805 120 John Dumvoody 12 51 166 Robert & James Hays 21 79 175 William Hays 4 60 1 ACHES. VEU. WARRANTEE NAMES, TAXES. 175 Georg< D Hess. 10 75 03 Robert Irwin 25 3-3 80S o Robert 1 twin 16 81 810 Jeremiah Jackson 25 42 150 Peter Lytic 615 175 James A Qtilglcy 10 75 4'X> 120 Steven Stevenson 24 99 MARION TOWNSHIP. 50 William Allison 4 30 42 66 John Carman 2 70 420 Robert Irwin 55 34 41.3% Jeremiah Jaekstm 53 2H 17 'J manna Lewis 556 35 .iTPTMeKlnney 3 79 79 Christ Kohrer 22 59 M • W A Thomas 10 I t 50 Jacob Deltz (owner). 4 30 5) William Tllgbman (owner) 16 14 50 0 M Bower (owner) 16 14 19 IS Kraln (owner) 6 42 28 Johu /.eigler (owner) 903 60 Simon larger 5 14 GO Simon Yarycr 5 14 MILKS TOWNSHIP. 450 Robert Brady - 6 47 4(0 Hannah Brady 617 255 Jane Brady 8 86 209 John Brady 8 00 4 to \\ Uliani 1* Brady 6 60 •29) William I' Brady 4 33 256 James Black 4 29 75 William Bartob - 56 424 George Calhoun. 6 3* 365 .luhu Cowden. 5 49 .V) John Gowden 77 150 William Cooper 2 27 427 William DewarL. 6 41 123 John Horsey 1 so 32i) Joseph I'Varon 4 80 1.30 23 Simon Gratx 117 •jot) Robert Gray 1 50 429 Robert Gray 6 63 476 Twoinas Grant 7 12 449 Jauvs llephurn.. 6 60 150 John Uotisel 1 It 405 Peter Ilonsel 6 09 460 Alexander Hunter 6 90 430 Jeremiah Jackson 6 47 4o<) Klehard Lake 6 00 3K) Aarou Levy.. 2 50 4<r.j 131 William Miles 606 425 Samuel Norton 6 59 300 William Parker 4 50 324 Richard Parker 5 04 324 Jeremiah Parker 4 81 419 John Reese 6 26 125 Wt IHa m stedmau 1 87 200 Thomas Smith 300 100 Abraham Scott..* 1 50 Samuel Scott 77 150 Abraham Seott 2 *27 i0 Samuel Scant 1 37 130 Robert raggurt. 177 425 Henry Toland 6.'?.) 125 Wharton Moore 1 89 4*25 David Williams .. 6 39 PATTON TOWNSHIP. 100 Henry dress 5 56 PENS TOWNSHIP. 300 150 Adam Bollnder, 298 383 William Cook Illy POTTER TOWNSHIP. 40) William P Brady 4 31 Mary Bound 302 R1 111 Alexander Cameron 80 138 134 George Koust 1 50 190 H B r nline ;• 200 W6 Kdwaid GarigUS 3 02 4uo William Garigus 8 02 400 William Harrison 7 o2 * 45 Jacob Ktnde border 51 ion s lures A Fullmer 3 30 327 S & A Scott. .. 3 02 SPRING TOWNSHIP. 216 41 Wl Ham McClure 20 38 bid 115 John Purdon 5 St 300 Catharine Knbison 9 45 ,3U) Rebecca KoblxOn 9 45 150 i Ichanl Roblson 3 66 Si) Jasper Brooks (owner) 6.50 100 J Gordon (owner) 3 15 SNOW SHOE TOWNSHIP. 43.3 Andrew Bayard 129 80 453 I*3 William Htughain 51 9.1 4.34 I*3 Felix Brunt 5196 453 l-VH George Campbell. 51 % 412 44 David Cai>>c i Idea 49 40 41.3 44 David Carseodden 49 49 ■JS7 SO lkivid Cacjldten .... 34 44 453 1-3 fiittl Cox —. f.l '.16 433 15.3 Thomas CntiiburL. 51 433 15v3 1) II Cunningham Ib3i3 60 George Clymer 7 2U 433 153 Sharp Delanev 51 95 ;VI Joseph Devling JS Of) 218 Samuel Dobson 13 05 V<3 George Eddy 26 04 200 Thomas Fitznouons 24 <*> i 0 Robert Gray 7'2<)l ,353 James T Hale - 45 v 5 so James T Hale 2 42 453 153 Thomas Hawthorn 51 95 4X3 153 James Hawthorn 51 95 433 153 William Lewis 51 95 W3 152 WiHlain Lewis (lawyer) 5195 453 Samuel Llnil 51 95 353 John Llgget 42 35 j OO J Z lamp 24 o0 *"0 J Z Long ... 24 0U 433 I*3 J isp l Mayhlll 51 95 4.35 I*3 Edward Mayston 519"> 433 Janus Mc Mail us 51 95 4 3 153 Blair M •l.anahmi 51 <<s 433 153 George Mead 51 $)5 433 I*3 William McPlicrson 51 95 153 153 M'f Millikea 5195 400 N J Mitchell 4800 409 7.3 NJ Mitchell 43 u7 433 120 Luke Mlsner 51 95 433 Benj imiu U Morgan 26 Ot 4: 151 Robert Morris 61 95 .308 71 John M Nesbit R9U3 .? P Norris 17 27 433 153 William Parker *J*i 04 43t George Parker 51 9'> •jic Jerendah l*avker 121*2 John Pin 43 "2D 360 114 Huifh Pi in 43 2H 300 Job Reilfy 45 00 360 141 John Ki'iiey 43 20 431 l. r <3 Thomas L Slilppcu 51 % 433 153 Edward Scott 51 95 433 153 Benjamin H Tjllman 26 04 162 Joseph Tom kins 19 44 433 153 A S Valentine 51 SO 433 153 Rebecca Wain 2604 433 153 Moore Wharton 5195 433 153 Elizabeth Wharton 26 04 433 163 Kearucy Wharton 51% 3*,0f5-9 ill 433.153 Mary Wharton 14 40 433 153 Francis West 5195 4:3 153 Benjamin West 51 95 265 Frnnci* West 1591 433 153 William H West 26 04 433 P3 J<hn West 2604 169 Francis West 10 1 • 433 Bird Wilson 51% RUSH TOWNSHIP. 104 10 James Allison 16 22 433 153 Jobn Allison M 26 James Allison 68 22 Andrew Allison 52 00 And Al.ison & John Lilly.. 62 40 3>7 io Andrew Armstrong 5 64 *4l} 10 Richard Atherton 624 433 153 Paul Black 62 40 .UK) John Black 67 60 4.3} 163 David Beverldge 564 433 163 Peter Brutzinan .....11258 s;j3 1.13 John Boivlaud 67 60 438 163 Prtl Bul 6? 60 433 163 John Bush 67 60 tio James .usn 20 80 200 John Burg 10 40 40 Samuel Chestnut 2 08 IO) John Copenhaver 10 40 •>SO John Copenbarer 26 00 770 Copen aver .5 Whiteoine.. 80 70 433 153 John Cunningham 26 78 100 George Clymcr . 5 A) liV) George Campbell a 20 300 TboinaS Cuthbert 15 60 PIS 163 Sharp Delaney. 564 150 Frederick D0r51i..... 39 00 433 153 William DcnUer. 22 52 433 153 Thomas Edwards 112 58 433 16.3 Daniel Ehl'-r..... 33 80 433 153 Daniel Fitzgerald 33 80 431 153 John Funk 1126 Thomas Fitzsimmous 13 00 217 Sabasllan Graff 56 42 433 153 Andrew Graff 22 58 216 156 Thomas Grant 5b 16 43-3 153 Thomas GraUt 33 84 .303 153 William Gray..... <6 <8 433 163 James Glentworth 604 60 Elizabeth Groe 2 60 100 Robert Gray 5 20 433 153 John Gundaker 22 £2 4.33 153 Michael Gundaker 22 o2 433 153 Christian Hair. 16 90 426 164 Chi istlan Hair, Jr., 16 64 433 153 David Hair..... 16% 4.33 153 /oh 11 Hainbrlght 22 58 216 150 Thomas Hamilton 50 16 4.33 153 Hugh Hamilton 22 52 433 153 John Hand lb 90 403 John Harrison 26 78 150 Joseph Harrison 33 00 4.33 153 Hugh Hamilton 22 52 75 Joseph Harrison 3!H) 112 George U Hartllne 4 48 Oi 433 1S Joeph Hopkins 56 29 433 15:5 Jol n Uubor 10 90 413 153 Robert Irwin 112 58 433 153 Hubert Irwin 22 32 433 15 Owden Jordon 22 52 433 103 John Kelley,,.. 07 00 100 Hubert Kins 20 80 2200 James T Laird 228 80 433 103 Latimer 5 01 136 G3 William G Latimer 1 77 15 Casper Lawrence 78 433 153 Christian Lenliure 7 00 313 106 John Low den i 22 433 153 Richard Low. ten 33 80 433 153 Joint Lowden 33 84 433 153 Leslie Malone 1! 28 433 1013 i d ward Aayston 504 200 William Mcrliersuu 200 433 153 Joint Miller 10 00 433 163 Jacob Miller 1 oo 433 103 Martini McCouneU 564 433 153 George Mead 22 52 433 153 Bit Morgan 22 52 217 John Musser 50 42 217 George Musser (Smith)..., 50 42 407 137 Christian Musser 21 22 6 Ellen Nelson 208 323 linffh Pattou 8 40 433 153 Kicltard Peters 22 52 433 153 Honry I'inkerton 33 80 150 11 iLirdntan Philips 30 00 177 81 Ilardman Phi11ip5..."....... 27 60 ACRES. PGR. WARRANTER If AMES. TAXES. I 216 HO Robert Kaincy 3610 433 1M Thomas Reese 112 58 433 153 Christian Kohror 16 00 405 47 Jacob Rush 631R , 4*tt 1(3 lienjan in Rush 53 84 433 133 CitNtwr Hhafner 07 60 ' 433 153 Andrew Hhenk 16 00 4.13 133 Christian Shenk 10 i*) 4.3.3 153 Michael Shenk 16 90 247 16 Jacob St eke 9 64 433 15.3 Robert spear 67 60 433 153 Mary Smith 112H 167 07 George Slough C 50 14 of 433 163 John Stoner 5629 219 Andrew Scolt 3 53 2 0 Joseph Stroud 10 40 43.3 15.3 Raul Such 66 00 433 164 John Such 67 60 4<6 Barbara Snvder 6.3 34 433 1,3 George Hlutiwh 2*2 52 43.3 153 George Slough 22 52 6 John Nelson (owner) 1 56 4.3.3 16.3 Kearney What ton 67 60 I*2*2 -11 John Weldtiian 19 o*2 402 116 Jacob Wetdinan 62 70 312 Joseph Wells 43 66 50 John Wells 2 60 250 I'aul Wells 1.3 00 103 joliii VVlNon 6 62 75 William Wilson 15 60 43.3 153 William Wilson 112 53 313 106 John Wlttjer 21 H TAYLOR TOWNSHIP. 76 GeorgO Ashuteg 7 61 lot) Jacob Beck *25 00 460 WHllam Red 119 00 250 Clement Beck with 75 00 132 William Bell 39 61 100 J C Hell 1000 54) A M Elder 17 50 4.34 Hugh Hamilton 65n0 433 163 Eliza be h llootinan 65 00 4.23 163 Leslie Malone 65 CO 434 W W Montgomery 32 55 434 John Montgomery 32 55 43.3 163 John McCnmmoud 65 00 123 Uhl Rway, lludd & Co.ti-act 1, 1 46 I*o 44 " - tract 2,27 00 I*9 " " " tract 13.47 25 141 " •• - tractH 21 15 210 . 44 44 44 tract 12, 52 50 K0 John Sherick 10 (*"> 128 John W Thoinos 6 M 438 John W Thomas 21 H9 119 John W Thomas 28 81 100 John W Thorn is 10 00 100 George Cowher (owner) 10 00 100 Michael Weinner 25 00 It*) Mlehael Welti net 2500 00 Joseph Yoder 15 00 CNION TOWNSHIP. 398% Kbenezer Hrenham 39 87 WALKER TOWNSHIP. 90 Robert Asken 2 04 3*17 154 Robert & John Baker 7 61 212 fbtmnel Bark man 9 r 4 129 120 Ruth Brooks 2 94 2H<) 129 Mary Cut rick 630 115 13 Margaret Dnoghertv 2 60 179 110 Elizatieih Daughcrty 405 100 .39 Joseph Evans 2 25 92 26 W tlllrtin Eckert 2 OR 211 72 Peter Halm 4 74 22 47 Kbenezer Halm 49 65 40 v\ llltam Halm 1 47 219 39 Margaret JinV'S 4 93 215 155 Edward James 456 59 40 David Johnston 134 191 Jolr. Knox V 24 327 169 William Manrcll 737 9) 94 John Mercer 04 327 100 David Mercer 731 3H4 35 William MHler 8 67 211 44 CaptOsmau 4 74 R' 4<) Jon Packer 1 92 Ho 40 Job Parker, jr. 2e2 192 Richard Purdon 819 100 John Purdon 2 25 150 David Reed 6 75 175 Richard Robison 783 100 R Roblson 9 00 74 76 Christian Rohrer 22 59 38*2 36 David Sutler 8 62 79 H Duck. Sr. (owner) 3 56 12 Robert Wilson 28 WORTH TOWNSHIP. *4 Robert Campbell 2 40 259 J R Gray 2100 25 Widow Morris 2 40 100 WiHlain Shlppen, jr. 9 60 104 Jonathan l.aird (owner) 9 6m 174 M i.J Spotts (ownei) 1070 I).C. KELLER, JVcosurcr. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Div. WINTER TIMETABLE. On and after MONDAY. Dec 10th. 1881. the tmius on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Di vision will run as follows : WESTWARD. ERIK MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p. m " Harris burg *25 a. in " Sunliurv 830a. m " W|illams|K>rt 8 40a. m " Look Haven- 9*o a. IU " Keiiovo 11 05 a.m " " Kauc .150p.in 44 arr. at Erie 7 4f>p. m NIAGARA EXP. leaves Philadelphia 8 (a.m " Harrlsburg 12 15 p. m " " sun bury 150p.ni " WiHiamsport 3 15 p. m " " Lock Haven. 420 p. m " " Re novo 530 p. in " arr.at Kane 10.05 a. in FAST LINK leaves Philadelphia .11 20 p. n. " Ilairlshurg 305 p.m. " sot bury 515 p.m. •* Williainsport 710 p.m. arr. at Lock Haven 810 p.m. Eastward. I-oek Haven KX. leaves Lock Haven.. 7 50 a. m Williainsport. 005a. in " " Sun bury 10 50 a m arr. at Harrisburg ...12 5 5 p. m '* Philadelphia. 515 p. m FAST LINE leaves Cananpaiguu 7 05 d. in " " Watkin B*o p. m *' Klmira 9.70 p.m " " Willmasport 1215 a. in " " Sun bury 132 a. in " arr. at llai risbure 3 15 a. in •* " Philadelphia 700a. ni DAY EXPRESS leaves Kane G 00 a, MI " " Renovo 10 05 a. m " Lock Haven 1115 a. m " " Williarnsport 12 15 p. in " arr. at llarrisburg .. 3 50 p. in " " Philadelphia 7(5 ji. m ERIK MAIL leaves l.rie 11 55 p. in " •• Kane 4 10 a. ni. " " Itenovo 9 (XI a. in. " " Lock Haven lo io p. m. *' " w ill larti sport 1130 p. in. " " Sun bury 105&.iu " arr. at Harrisburg 3 00 a. m Philadelphia 7 0J a. in Erie Mail and Fast Line and Pacifle Kxprevs East make close connections at Northumber land with & K. R. It. trains for Wiikesbarre and Scrauton. Erie Mall West. Niagara Express West and Fast Line West make close eonneetion at Wil liainsport with N.l'. R. W. trains north Niagara . xp-ess West and Day Express East make close cot; lection at Lock Haven with t. E. V. R. It. trail s. Erie Mail Eas' and West connect at Erie with trainson L. . & M. S. R. R.; atCorry with 11. P. & W. R- 1 : at Emporium with P. N. Y. &P. R. R., and at 'riftwood with A. V. R. R. Parlor \ns will -un between Philadelphia and Williainsport n Niagara Express West and Day Express Ki t. Sleeping cars on all night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN. General Sup t. L.D.&S.C. RAIL ROAD. TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. 13 5 7 A. M. A. M P. MP M. Montandon 7.05 10..30 1.45 6.00 Lewisbufg at* 7.25 10.45 2.05 6.1u Lewisburg lv 7.25 Fair Ground - 7.30 10.52 2.12 Btehl 7.41 11.04 2.22 Vicksburg 7.47 11,10 2.28 Mlfflinburg 803 11.30 3.00 Millmont 8.2. 11.20 3.24 Laurel ton ...... 8.35ar11.35 3.35 Wicker Run 9.00 4.00 Cherry Run 9,17 4.18 Fowler 9.37 4.40 Coburn 9.4S 4.59 Spring Mills 10.15 ar5.20 TRAINS LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 6 8 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Montandon ar 6.45 ar10.05ar1.05 ar5.20 1 Lewisburg 6.35 9.50 12.50 5.10 ' Fair Ground 9.35 12.33 4,48 Biehl 9.25 12.22 4.36 Vicksburg 9.2<> 12.15 4.28 Mifflillburg 9.05 12.25 4.10 Millmont . 8.45 11,55 .3.42 Laurelton 8.35 11 50 3.35 Wlker Run 8.10 8.08 Cherry Run 7.52 2.50 Fowler 7.30 2..3G Coburn 7.20 2.19 Spring Mills 6.50 1.50 Trains Nos. 1 and 2 conn<ct at Montandon with trio Mail west for Williamsport, Loci; Haven, Kane, Con y and Erie, and buffalo and Niagara Falls via Emporium, also F.lmira. Wat- , kins. Buffalo .ud Niagara Falls via Caiiundai- j gua. Nos. 3 and 4 connect with Pacific Ezpiess oast for Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and New York Nos. Sand 6 connect with Day Exoress east for Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington, Phil adelphia and New York, and Niagara Express west for Williamsport, Lock Haven and lien* ovo, Tyroue, Altoona and Pittsburg via Lock Haven, also Klntira. Watklns and Buffalo, and Niagara Falls via Canaudaigua. Nos. 7 and 8 connect with Fast Line west for Williamsport and Lock Haven. No. 8 also connects with Erie Mail east for Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadel- I phta and New York. J I SLATE! I The eeletrated Washington Vein of ROOFING SLATES for Rorff*. Sic., from the famous HI. ATE AK III LIS OKBLATINTON, I.KiiIUHCO., I'KNNA. Can Now Be Bought AT TJIR MOST REASONABLE RATES of the aoderstftfietl who hi a predion] slate Roofer of many years experience Those in want of' Slate and Roofing done can secure it At The Lowest Rates. Old building* re routed at the lowest rales, wlili MI! Hie assistance of other nvchanie*. For price* and terms call on or write to the under signed .it 11. K. WHITMAN'S KI-.HIDKNCE, Bi'ondviA) Street, near P. <1- E. Depot, MILTON, PA. DUAN NEFF, Agent. MILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS, finiagfr & USSfr > Proprietors. THE OLD, RELI ABLE PLACE. PATENTS Wo continue to act as Solicitors for mtenta. Caveats, Trade Marks. Copyrights, etc.. for the United SU'E<. Canada, Cuba. England, France. Geruianv, etc. We have had thirl) -11% e years' experience. Patent* obtained through us are noticed in theSci- KJCTmc AMERICAN. This large and splendid lllus t rated week Iv pa per. $ 3. 2 0 a year,shows the Pnogrerc of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN & CO., Patent Solici tors, Pub's, of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, S7 Park Bow, Now York. Hand book about Patents free. IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT MAMMOTH SUPPLY DEPOT, NOS. 113 A 114 FUOX7 STK, 7 IPA-. We arc now otferinrfthe largest stock and greatest variety of Furniture, Kouie Furnishing Goods, &c. In the State. PRICES BEI'OXD COMPETITION, consisting in part of Rich &n Furniture All the latest Designs in Walnut, Oak, Cherry, Mahogany and Ebony. We make a Specialty in Parlor Suits, and wlll'sell tlicin lower tnan any Party in th a state. Prices ranging FilO* $3) TO IW. If you contemplate buying a PIANO, ORGAN OR SEWING MACHINE, it will puy you to write us for prices. We also carry als rge Hue ol extra Super, Body and Tap esty Brussels Carptts. A Good Brussels Carpet at 70 cts. per yard. Our stock of Plain Cut and Engraved Table Glass-ware, Plain and Decorated French China, Silver Plated-ware, Lamps and Chandeliers. &c. Is well worth your inspection. Our sales exceed those of any House in our line in the state LOW PRICES DO IT. We extend an Invitation to you to visit us and tv!l take pleasure in showiug you through our various Departments. xiITCUELL, LEWIS 6c CO., Racine, Wis. Manufacturers of F•! R M .IJTD FII EI GUT IPJGO JT&. THE MITCHELL STANDARD PLATFORM SPRING WAGON. Also Three-Spring and Four-Soring Wagons, and Side-Spring buggies. . . The MITCHELL WAGON Monarch of the Road; only the very best stock used m its con sfmction and made by the best wagon mechanics in the The Spring Wagon and Buggy De partment is entirely separate from the Farm shops. 'And for the manufacture of this class ■ ""Oil; wo have facilities unsurpassed. Send for Catalogue and Illustrated Price List. PIITCHBLL, LEWIS & CO., Rnclne, Wis. READERS! When in want or a pair of Boot**, Shoes or Rubbers send to :KLA.JVX:F'S in Lock Haven and you can get thrill as low as in Philadclpla or Now York. Iftluy don't suit you you can return tlicni and get your money back. First rate goods at low prices is my motto. mm rap. To Country dealers, I will sell at wholesale pri ces, freight added. 130 DAYS'TRIALFREE! We send free ou 30 days' trial DP. DYE'S ELECTRO-VOLTAIC BELTS And other riectwc appuaxcks ToM N suffer ing fiOIII NMI VOLS DEBILITY, I.OBT VtTAUTY and j KSMUUD THOlbi.es Also for khklmatism, i ivLKa.nl musky TROCHLBB, and many other diseases. Speedy cures guaranteed. Illustrated ! I'.itnphlet free. Address j VOLTAIC BKI/r CO., narfttanll, Hirh. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE A IIETAIL GROCF.E9, Seep t*.e largest stock in tho city. 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK IIAYEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE ItO.SS C LOTIIIEUS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers