Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, April 13, 1882, Image 4

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4nd treatment of the cow's udder, so inti
mately connected with all that ptrlmns
to the finer grades of table butter, is attract
ing that attention among dairymen which
its importance demands. This glandular
organ is too little understood, and its lia
bility to numerous and complicated disca
tea is frequently the cause of improper
Irealmcnt in tbe way of milking and im
proper food. The cow, if docile and gen
tle, does not manifest any uneasiness while
being milked; on the contrary she likes to
have the pressure caused by a full udder
removed if properly performed. Whenever
the cow shows signs of undue uneasim ss
something is evidently wrong and the
cause should be ascertained. In Europe
where the "milkmaid" has complete charge
of the cows they are said to be more lree
from disease than in this country, where
the "hired" man is allowed to do the milk
ing. How then should the cow be milked
may be a pertinent query to suggest, aud
if possible answer. Tbe teats are grasped
by both hands, the fingers being pressed
together toward the palms of the hands
and both brought clown so far as the udder
will admit- The milker should avoid all
unnecessary pulling or twitching of the
teats which ultimately affects aud disar
ranges the internal organs of the udder.
Some cows üblk very easily wnile others,
on account of the small aperture through
which the milk comes from the teats, milk
hard. A free milker will "give down"
her milk m from three to five minutes,
while bard milkers require from eight to
ten minutes in which to do the milkiug
Garget is one of the most common diseases
of the udder and is a serious one, not only
affecting the health of the cow but greatly
injuring the quality of the cream. When
ever this disease manifests itself a tea
spoonful of powdered saltpetre should be
given the cow, mixing with meal or bran
and repeating several times at intervals of
two or three days until the disease is cured.
It is a singular tact that this disease seldom
attacks poor cows —that is, cows that are
not "rich" milkers. Frequently the cow
is so badly affected that one of the teats
ceases to give milk aud she is kuown as a
"three-titted" cow. In ail cases where
fine butter is made the udder of the cow is
carefully washed and wiped before milk
ing. This operation is necessary in order
to secure pure milk free from all impurities
of the stable. The water used should be
tepid or blood warm, and in no case should
be hot or cold, since the one will chili, the
other cause the teats to crack. Too much
watei should not bt used, simply dip the
cloth into the water, nog ii and wash the
udder aud on both sides of it, alter wbieh
rub dry with a solt woolen cloth. The
operation may be done in a short time aud
will well repay one for the trouble. The
milk should be strained at once as soon as
tbe milking is performed and in no case
should wcodeu pails be used. Regularity
as to time of milking is necessary as much
as feeuing and ihe difficulty of cows not
"holding out" will be avoided.
IN Europe the carrot is grown to a great
extent for feeding to cattle in the winter
months. Roots of some kind are fed the
winter through to the cows. An lowa
raiser of Jersey cows says he is accustomed
to feed carrots, of which he usually raises
600 bushels per acre. Carrots increase the
flow of milk and improve the appearance
and quality of butter. Beets are prefer
able to carrots for increasing the flow of
milk; the milk, however, which is produc
ed from beets, is not as good for butter.
The breeder mentioned above has found it
difficult to raise bis calves ou clear Jersey
milk, and advises the feediug of that which
has been skimmed.
THE Cultivator and Country Gentle
wan say t: "It is mportant to sow barley
as early in spring as the ground can be re
duced to a good mellow condiiion. On
such soils as will admit fall plowing without
their becoming complicated again ty the
agency of rams and melting snows, some
advantage is derived txom tLe operation,
but it will be found best more commouly
to depend on thorough underdraining on
soils that have not natural diainage, and
early spring plowing, The time at which
the seed may be sow n will, ot course, vary
with soils and latitudes.'*
OUR readers must remember tbat only
recently has it been eleauly demonstrated
that a dead brancn on a tree makes almost
as great a strain on the mam plant for
moisture as does a living one. It is one of
the moat important discoveries of modern
lotanical science to the practical horticul
turist, as by this knowledge he can save
many a valuable tree. When one has been
transplanted some roots get injured, and
the supply of moisture in the best cases is
more or less deficient. Any dead branch
or any weak one iliould therefore be at
once cut away.
A STRIP of land bordering on the Medi
terranean, about 100 miles long and 5 or 6
wide is the raisin-prexluclDg teintory of
Spain. The Muscatel grapes arc carefully
cut in August, laid on a sou of bed made
of fine pebbles, and dried, being turned
often until they arc st fficiently cured.
Then they are taKen to the wine press-.s,
where, after being laid in trays, they are
subjected to a heavy pressure, when they
are leady for market.
THE general food of the Norwegians if
rye Dread, milk and cheese. As a parti
cular luxury peasants eat "sharke, '* which
are thin slices of salt hung meat, dried in
the wind, but tnis indulgence in animal
food is very rare indeed. A common treat
on high dayß and holy consists of a
thick hasty pudding or porridge of oatmeal
• or rye .meal, seasoned by two or three
picked herrings or salted mackerel.
PLASTER should always be kept on band
in the bain. It will promote the growth
of nearly all plants, allotds partial protec
tion sgainst drought, and will furnish so
luble lime to plants that n< ed it. Of all
the fertilizers known plaster is the cheap
est, and, for its cost, is the most remuner
ative, Two bushels only are needed for a
good application. It is a special fertilizer
for clover, beans, peas and potatoes.
TEE exportation of potatoes, cabbages
and othtr vegetables from Germany to this
country has constantly increased since it
began last fall. One steamer in October
took out 8190 heads of cabbage; four oth
have since left with 6000 bushels of pota
toes, 11 000 heads of cabbage and 80 bags
of turnips.
THE value of all manufactured fertilizer
depends upon their solubility, and these
manures should all be appropriated by tbe
growing crops. To expect any such fer
tilizing matter to remain in the ground for
another year is to presume that the fertiliz
ers are not properly manufactured. Bone
dust, however, will remain in the soil sev
eral years.
AN agreeable flavor in cattle food stimu
lates appetite and probably promotes di
USE chemical manure in preference to
any other for potatoes. Ordinary manure
may contain the mildew seeds.
THE roots of appie trees have been found
extend twenty-six fee; or more.
BUCKWHEAT CAKES. — One quart of
buckwheat meal, one pint cf flour, half a
teacupful of veaat; salt to taste. Mix the
flour, buckwheat and sait with as much
water, moderately warm, as will make it
into a thin batter. Beat it well, then add
the yeast; when well mixed, set it in a
wann place to nse. As soon as they are
very light, greaso the ((riddle, ami bake
them a delicate brown, butter them with
good butter, aud eat while hot.
your stale bread in water about two hours
before using it (it may soak all night if
you wish it for breakfast) break it thor
oughly with a potato masher, add to each
quart ot the batter one egg, one table
spoonful of flour two tablespooufuls of
Indian meal, a little salt, aud a dessert
spoonful of baking powder. Bake on a
griddle as you do buckwheat cakes. 1! de
sirea, milk may be used instead of water,
and the egg omitted.
PERSON. — Take a few slices of lean dried
beef, put to boil iu a quart of water or a
little more, wash two tablespooufuls of
rice, put it in with the beef and simmer
slowly till the rice has boiled very tender,
put in more water, if necessary, win e
boiling; when done take out the beef and
add one or two spoonfuls of rich sweet
cream; boil two or three minutes, pour in
a bowl, aud wheu cool it is ready for use.
PICK BLED Eoes. —Boil the eggs hard,
take them from the shell, and place them
caretully iu a small jar. Spice a sufficient
quantity of vinegar to taste, cover them,
(we like a little sugar added), and when
boiled pour it over the eggs and cover
iheci closely. Do not pour the vinegar
over them too h t. or it may split them.
To make "Honeycomb Pudding," take
one half cup flour, one halt cup sugar, one
half cup Mew Orleans molasses, half tea
spoonful salt, one dessert spoonful soda
dissolved in water one ounce butter. Beat
the yolks of four eggs very light, and mix
all together. Bake iu a buttered dieh
three quarters of au hour, not too quickly,
serve hot.
SPANISH CKKAM. —Beat the yolks of
three eggs in with naif a cup of granula
ted sugar; heat half an ounce of isinglass
in three pints of milk; when it is dissolved,
and the milk risen to a boiling point, stir
them slowly into the yolks; boil once more
aud then stir in the frothed whites. Pour
into moulds and set away to cool. This
very good the second day atter it is made.
IT is said that if linseed oil is applied to
sore teats for a few times, both betore aud
after milkings it will effeotually cuie any
case of the kind. Many cows are kickers
until their teals are so treated, when they
become as quiet as lambs, and seem de
lighted in being milked. Teats uiay ap
pear smooth, but still are tender, aud only
need a little oil to make the cow perfectly
willing to be milked.
UNION CAKE —One cup of butter, two
of sugar, one ot sweet milk, three of flour,
one halt of cornstarch, and four eggs; two
teaspoenfuls lemon extract; one third tea
spoonful of soda, and one of cream tartar.
Take one half of this dough, s >ice it to
taste, and bake in patti pans. Tne otber
half may be baked in a leal , making a va
riety for your cake basket.
WHITE SOUP. —Mash four large boiled
potatoes very fine, add one well beaten
eng. butter, celery, salt, boil a pint of
milk, and turn with a pint of potato water
boiling hot, on the mixture stir it wll,
strain and send to tbe table immediately.
This is a very nice soup and very econom
FRENCH CAKX. One cup and a half ot
butter, four cups flour, three cups sugar,
four eggs—always beat yolks and whites
of eggs separately, juice of half a lemon
and rind oi a whole one; just before put
ting in the oven mix one teaspoonful of
soda and the lemon with one cup of sour
Kiss PUDDING. —ScaId one quart of
mlik and dissolve six tablespoonfuls of
cornstarch in cold milk; add the yolks of
three eggs, and stir iuto the scalding milk;
put the whole into a dish and let it stand
and cool. Take the whites of the eggs,
beat with one cup of sugar, put on top,
and set in tLe oven to brown.
a pan, butter a little pepper and salt, and
a little milk when hot drop in the eggs
(slightly beateD), add cold ham chopped
fine, and with a knife scrape the egg from
the bottom. When done, eerye in a hot
CHEAP PAINT. —Slack clean, white,
fresh lime to a powder, and mix it with
water; add a pound of sulphate of zinc to
eveiy peck of lime, and half a pound of
salt. The addition of yellow ochre will
make it cream color; umber give it a lawn
color and t?mpblack a gray shade.
DOUGHNUTS —Mix one coffeecupful of
sugar, one coffeecupful of sweet milk,
two tablesDOonfuls baking powder, two
eggs, two teaspoonfuls melted lard, one
teaspoonful sait, spice to taste and flour
to roll.
GRAHAM GEMS —One coffeecup GrAham
flour, one cup sweet milK, two well beaten
eggs, two tablespoonfuls molasses, one
third teaspoon soda dissolved in milk; pour
in hot, well buttered gem pans and bake
in hot oven.
The Accomodation Car Company of
Chicago has begun operations with a cap
ital stock of $1,000,000. The object of
the company is to build and equip a thou
sand cars and put them upon tbe s'reets ot
Chicago. The car is the patent of Mr.
Presser, and as regards present appearance
is a queer oglesome looking craft, which
carries its track along with it, and to all
intents and purposes is designed to traverse
any and all lines of streets. The car,
which is of the ordinary kind, is mounted,
in the middle, upon a truck which sits on
four wheels, each aDout one foot in diame
ter. These wheels run around the inside
of two steel tires, each ten feet in diame
ter, and which rest upon the ground, and
are held onto to tbe car by a set of wheel
clamps. The car is designed to carry fifty
people, and the owners claim that the more
it carries the easier it runs. It will be
stopped in the usual manner, and two
horses will be required to pull it. The
owners say thev intend putting the cars
upon the principal streets of the city, and
placing the cash tare at 4c, and selling 80
rides for sl.
The leaf fibre called pita or bromelia,
which grows wild in large quantities in
Honduras, is said to be the strongest fibre
known, and "yet is capable of such finish
that it is used half and half with silk, and
also with wood and silk, making a very
durable fabric," Although the value of
this fibre has been known for not less than
twenty years, it is only recently that suit
able machinery for preparing it for manu
facturing purposes has been devised. When
finished and ready for sale the fibre Is
worth SIOOO per ton. It might be well for
paper-makers to examine this fibre, and
determine by experiment whether they oan
make it useful.
BRAND new: A "retinaisanco" whieh
bids fair to become very popular the com
ing seasou is Ibe art of riding "pillion."
for the benefir. of our young ladies whoae
knowledge docs not extend far, we would
say that riding ' pillion*' consists in sitting
on a saddle behind a gentleman friend who
is out for horseback exercise aud sustain
ing yourself by a tignt urasp around his
manly form, a situation that is most highly
appreciated by the gentleman. Most of
our young men express t thcniselvos as
willing IJ "go into traiuing" in this mat
Mather lCitlhusltlo.
The Wilmington (Del.) Daily Repub
lican lately contained the following item of
popular interest: Dr. J. P. Bpeck. who
is connected with the Wilmington Every
Evening, speaks rather enthusiastically of
Bt. Jacobs Oil. Dr. Bpeok stales that he
uses the Oil in Ins family as a household
remedy, a sort of universal panacea for all
aches and pains, and has always found it
to act nioet happily. His attention was
called to it by the mauy testimonials in its
favor, aud he one day used it upon him
self for sore throat. Two applications
were sufficient to effect a cure. lie also
used it on his little girl for sore throat
with gratifying success. The same child
had scarlet fever this winter which left the
tendons of one leg much contracted. The
little prattler couldn't walk without as
sistance aud suffered much incouveuieuce
and pain. Several applications of St.
Jacobs Oil restored her liuik to its normal
couditinu aud she lias uot experienced
any trouble siuee. Dr. Sj>eck states tnat
he has also seen the Oil r.ct charmingly in
toothache. lie thinks St. Jacobs Oil is a
slerliug remedy, and dues not hesituto to
recommend it for rheumatism, etc.
Two sides to it: "There are two sides
to everything," said the lecturer, "1 re
peat it, there are two sides " At this
juncture a tired looking little man stood
up in the front seat to say: "Well if you
have no objections, I will just step out
•ud see if there are two sides to this hall. 1
know there is an inside, and if I find there
is an outside you'll know It oy my not
coming back. You needn't We alarmed
if 1 shouldn't return." And as he walked
up the aisle he wa followed by the admi
ring eyes of the whole audience. Their
sympathies were with him, but they were
deUcieut iu moral courage.
SOCIAL agonies: Scene— Mrs Mont
gomery Morris' drawing room just before
dinner. Mrs. Sidney Moun'joy (to iioa'-
ias) —"Oh, yes, Biarritz was all very
well, but we got int > a quarrel with some
people there —a dreadful couple, who be -
haved most shamefully. I'm tcld the
husband, a certain Mr. Hamilton Allsop,
iutemts to pull Sidney's nose whenever
and wherever lie meets him, and his
horrid wife actually declares she'll—"
footman —"Mr. and Mrs. 'Amilton Hal'.*
The Nebraska City (Neb.) Press says:
St. Jacobs Oil strikes heavy blows for
all around, and its virtues for rheumatia
pains are lauded upou every baud. Try
it, ail jo who suffer.
A NEW \ork clergyman, in a sermou on
courtship and marriage, said that We be
lieved that there is a mate for every one if
thev will but wait till the right one comes
along. ' The female portion of his con
gregation who have passed two score years
said they never heard such nonsense, and
that the man didn't know what he was
talking about. If the right one doesn't
c'nic a'ong before a woman reaches foriv
the ctanccs are nine in ten tbat he is
snowed under, or dead; or worse still, has
mained the wrong woman.
(JOMMKXDABI E habits: A jocose old fel
low declares that his wife told the truth at
least three times a dav. Said he: "Be
fore rising in the morning she says: 'Oh!
dear, I must get up, but I don't want to '
After breakfast she added: "Well. I sup
pose I must go to work, but 1 don't want
to.' And she goes to bed saying: 'There,
1 have been on the move all day and have
not done anything.' "
Murder will out, so will the fact that
Carb iliue, a deodorized extract of petro
leum, the natural hair renewer and restor
er, is the best preparation ever invented
and excells all other bair dressings as
thousands of genuine certificates now in
our possession aoundantly prove.
A OOMB down: On the Bourse the dav
of the krack. "How are you coming out
of it?" "I lose seventeen millions!" "The
deuce you do!" "But I have a scheme.
Have you six millions about you!" Time
are twelve millions to be made for each of
us." "Six millions, no." "Ah! I am
very sorry." "So am I." "Well, no
matter, lend n.e ten sous?"
LATENT sulphur: "Oh, yes," says Fogg,
"John and Matilda sat side by side on the
soft, thinking of nothing but their own
sweet selves, and you say it is a splendid
match." "Well, supposing it is, what
then? They are gentle enough now, but
wait till that splendid match suffers a re
action andyou will see fire instanter."
QTTESIION answered: Miss Henrietta
Dewcome —In answer to your question
about "unkissed kisses" we may say we
are prepared to unkiss any kiss we may
have kissed outside of the family for the
last five year e.
Allen's Brain Food
Cures Nervous Debility and Weakness
of Generative Organs, $1 —all druggists.
Bond for circular. Allen's Pharmacy, 818
First av.. N. 1.
A CLINCHER: At a German ball. Lieut.
"Did you not ttell mi that your father
has an estate in Silesia?" "Yes, and two
in Pomerania," Lieutenant, "and an you
still doubt my love?"
CAUTION inherited: "Can't you trust n e,
darling?" said Spilkius to the daughter of
old Money lender. "Not without real
esia'.e security," replied Miss Isabella,
absent mindedly.
PERFECTION: "My daughter," exclaim
ed a fashionable mother, "is innocence
itself. You can't say anything in her
presence that will make her blush."
A BUNDAY school teacher m Albion. N.
Y., asked her class the question. "What
did Simon say?" "Tnumbs up!" says a
little girl.
AN old proverb amended: Never cry
over spilt milk. The milkman has al
read waited enough water on it.
LUCK. It is said "fortune knocks once
at every man's door." In most cases it
knocked when the man was out.
THERE are a great many excellent stoves
in the market, but there is no base burner
like a mother's slipper.
THE statement may seem paradoxical,
but there are persons who cau't sing and
yet they do,
In a recent address. Dr. Siemens com
mended the open fireplace for its sanitary
advantages. Unlike radiating stoves, it
warms the wails and furniture of a room
more than the air. If the air within a room
is hotter than the walls, moisture condeu
ses on the latter, causing mildew and fer
mentation, with resulting liability to dis
ease on the part of the occupants of the
••Throw l'h)tie to tlm l>oit, I'll Nous
of It."
We do not feel like blaming Macbeth
for this expression of disgust. Even now
adays most of the cathartics are great re
pulsive pills, enough to "turn one's stom
ach." llad Macbeth ever taken Dr.
Pierce's "Purgative Pellets" he would not
have uttered thoto words of contempt. By
druggists. _
C. M. iS]jeiicer % of Hartford, Conn., in
ventor of the "Spencer rifle," has invented
a single-barrel, repeating shot gun capable
of shooting ten times in five second.!. The
cartridges are stored in a tube under the
barrel, uud it is said that two gentle move
ments of the left hand will expel the ex
ploded shell, recharge and cock the gun.
"Golden Medical Discovery" (words
registered as a trade-mark) cures all hu
mors from the pimple or eruption to great
virulent caliug ulcers.
Too much attention cannot be paid to
the cleanliness and vintilaiiou of stables
aud pens. To insure the health and cuui
fort of auimals ihey must be kept dry and
warm aud have plenty of ligiils as well as
pure air aud pure water.
The "Favorite Prescription" of Dr.
Pierce cures "female weakness" uud
kindred affections. By druggists.
WcrNDs.—W hen a nnil or piu lias been
run into the foot, instantly bind on a rind
of salt pork, and keep quiet till the wound
is well. Lockjaw is ofteu caused by such
wounds if neglected.
A Healthy State.
People are constantly changing their
h urn s from East to West and from North
to South or vice vertex iu search of a
healthy State. If they would learn to be
contented, and to use the celebrated
K dney-Wort when sick they would be
much better off. The whole system can
be kept in a healthy state by this simple
but effectual remedy. See large adv.
TEAK is far more painful to cowardice
than death to true coio-re.
To LADIES ONLY. - The wish to be beau
tiful is preOominant in every woman, and
none can say she does not care whether
slie is beautiful or not. Dr. T. F. Uour
aud's Oriental Cream, or Magical Beauti
tier elicits a clear or transparent complex
ion, free from Tan, Freckles, or Moth
Patches, and so closely imitating nature
as to defy detection. It has* the highest
medical testimony as well as professional
celebrities,and on its own merits it has bo
come one of the laigest and a popular so
cially in the trade. Mas. M. B. T. Oow-
BAUD, Sole Proprietor, 48 Bond Street,
New York. For sale by all Druggists and
fancy Goods Dealers throughout the
Uuiled Slates, Canadas and Europe.
Cows that are running down in flesh,
says Col. K. D. Curtis, cannot give healthy
milk. To yield he best results they must
be kept in good conditio.
DEI.AVAN, Wis., Sep. 24, 1873:
GENTS—i have taken not quite one bot
tle of the flop BiUera. 1 was a feeble old
man of 78 when 1 got it. To-day lam as
active and feel as well as I did at 30. 1
see a great many that ueei such a medi
cine. D. BUY on.
Do not wrap knives aud forks in wool
ens. Wrap them in good strong paper.
Steele is injured by laying in woolens.
If you want to have a good appetite and
enjoy health, take ''Dr. Lindsey's Blood
Searcher." Nothing like it.
In purchasing fruit trees, see that the
roots are not too closely trimmed. Large
tap roots should be particularly intact.
Send name and address to Cragin A Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa., for cook book free.
GKOUOK FT ASUINOTUN never told a lie;
hut it must be rememl>ered that he entered
politics when the country was very new.
Juilgr Blatctifnrd's Decision In tlie McAl
plu >liield Plug Tobacco Case.
An important droision. uidelv affecting the
interests of the toba o * trade throughout the
oou try. wa-t rsn tcred recn'lv by Judge
Blatchford in the Unite! States Circuit Cnnrt.
In the suit nf P. Lorillard AO), agaiust D. EL
McAlp n !t Co.. mannfao'nrera of the fainoua
"Shie d Pin* Tobaooo "claimed to be an in
fringement of the '\Beidler Tin Tag Patent,"
His Honor refnaed to gran*, an injunction as
sign ng as hia reasons therefor that Mo tlpi;. s
Tin Shield does not Infringe the patent. The
case was regarded as a teat suit, being vigor
ously eonte-ted on bo'.h sides, and wa ohed
with interest by the wbole trade. Gilford A
Gifford appeared for Lortllard Samuel A.
Duocau and 15, F. Tnurs:ou lor McAlpiu.
Quack Nostrums.
a-e prcn un-ed bv iho medical pr fesaien
♦ Tlie bane of -ooiety" but the bible says ' To
him who is i ffl pi'v thinld be shown"
and Dr. Sdsb e, the discoverer of "Anakesie,"
the only infallible pile-cure known to medical
art. de-erve < a monument at the ban Is of af
fl cted millions as a b-nefactor of the human
race. If a* J atiP.ul R cbter says.—"Hap
p nets is tae sl>sence of pain." what shall be
raid of a remed.- that will relieve ins antly
■u< h pam as ih -so endure who suffer from
piles and f how mnch happiness most "Ana
k sis" bo the author. 600,000 of he millions
affl cted witn piles glaily t atify to PB heaiiug
v rtnea- Doctors or all schools prsenbe it,
and in 20 vears none have us 3d it without
benefit C >mbinng the virtues of ap m tioe,
an instrument and medicine, easy of upplica
tio i. safe aud us -fu! u ail cases it relieves
pain at once, holds up the tumors aud n.ti
mately cures the w.rst oses of piles and, is equally wor h knowing by following
the Doctor's prntod iustruo io is as to diet,
habits, e'c., keep* t em ouied. Hamplcs of
' 'Anake-ie - ' are en free to all sufferers on
application to P. Neuata-dter <t Co 80x391(5,
Now York. Sold by everywhere.
Price SI.OO per box.
Brain and Nerve*
Wells Health Reuewer, greatest remedy en
earth for imi otenoe, leanness, mental or
■hvs oal del ilitv, Aa 8.1 at druggie s. Pro
paid by express. 81.25, 6 for $5. El 3.
WELLS, Jersey C.ty, N. J.
Dr. Khne's Great Nerve Restorer is the
marvt lof the aje lor all nerve diseast s All
fits stopped free. Bend to 931 A. oh Street,
PhUadeq hia, Pa.
On Thirty Days' Trial.
The Voltaio Belt Co. Marshall. M oh., will
send their Ellectro-Voitaio Belts and other
Electrie Appliances on trial for thirty days to
any person affliote < with Nervous Debility,
Lost Vitality, and kindred troubles, guarantee
ing complete restoration of vigor and man
Address as above without delay.
P. B.—-No rink is incurred, as 36 days' trial
s allowed.
riuildiDg, Tenth and Chestnut s tree is, huye oa
hand a superb stock of extra line quality Dia
monds, which they offer at as low prioesas
stones ot the first quality, perfect alike in ooior
and shape, can he said fob
"Do you mean to call me a liar?" asked
one railroad man of another railroad man
during a d ispute on busmen they had on
Austin avenue, yesterday. "No Colonel,
I don't mean to call you a liar. On the
contrary, 1 say you are the ouly man in
town that tells the truth the whole time;
but I'm offering a reward oi twenty-five
dollars and a chromo to any other man
who will say he believes me when 1 say
you never lie," was the response. "Well
I'm glad you tooa it back, replied the
other party, as they shook.
To always protect the weakest parts Is a
duty, aud it is especially the duty of those
whose lungs are being weakcued by the
constaut wear of coughing to protect them
by using a soothing remedy, such as Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup. Price 25 cents.
A FKW evenings ago a little boy was
busily engaged at his lessons. His father,
one of the leading citizens of Austin, had
gone to the lodge, and his mother was
busy sewing. The little boy looked up
and aaked, "Mannua, what does the word
'pretext' mean?" "When your father
says he has to go to the lodge two or three
times a week that is a pretext to gat away
from his family." The boy did not ssy
anything, but the next day, when he read
out tea whole school his definition of pre
text, he created a sensation.
Wonderful l'ower,
Wheu a medicine perforins Biich cures
a9 Kidney-Wort is constantly doing, it
may truly be aaid to have wonderful
powers. A carpenter in Montgomery, Vt. t
had suffered for eight years from the
worst of kidney diseases, and had been
wholly incapacitated for work He says,
"One box made a new man of me, and I
siocerely believe it will restore to health
r.U that are similarly alii cted." It Is now
sold in both liquid aud dry form.—Van
bury News.
HKK mistake "Why do you suppose
Kev. Johnson Heed is always driving over
to Suiithville?'' asked one Austin trentle
m&u of another. "His wife sars he goes
over to admire the beauty f the place,"
WHS the reply. "Yes, but does his wife
know that the beauty of the place is a
young widow?"
What It Did (or an Old L*dy.
COSHOOTJN STATION, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1878.
G ENTS —A number of people had been
usiug your Bitters here, and with
marked effect. In one case, a lady of
seventy years, had been sick for years and
for the past two years had not been ab.e to
be around half the time. About six
months ago she got so feeble she
was helpless. Her old remedies, or
physicians, being of no avail, I sent
to Deposit, forty-five miles, and got a
bottle of Hop Bitters. It improved
her so she was sole to dress herself and
walk about the house. When she had
taken the second b >ttle she was able to
take care of her own room and walk out
to her neighbor's, and has improved all
the time since. My wife and children
havw derived great beuefit from their use,
Agt U. 8. Ex. Co.
DoonLK-barrehed metaphor: Lawyer to
witneas—'You've brvss enough in your
face to make a forty gallon kettle." Wit
ness to lawyer— "and you've sap enough
in your head to fill it."
Tl> Effect of ln<lu!guc*
in string drink can be removed from the
system by Warners Safe Kidney and
Liver Cure.
"SHALL I give you a dime, Freddie?"
"Yea, Uncle, if—"
"Y'es, if what?"
"If you haven't a quarter."
About twice every month I take a dose
of "Sellers' Liver Pills," aud I always
enjoy excellent health.
W UKN is a soldier like a carpenter?—
When lie is going to drill.
• ---- - ~ ~ ~ n
' HoHtettcr's Stomach Bitters Is ihe great house
hold medicine of the American people, ami in taken
everywhere us a safeguard against epidemics ami
endemics, as a remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness
and irregularities of the bowels, as a cure for
chills and fever and rheumatic ailments, as a se
dative In nervous cases, and as a general liivigor
ant and restorative.
For sale br all Druggists and Dealers generally.
Unllned,or with Copper, Porcelain, or Iron
Linings. Each one stenciled with my name as
manufacturer is warranted in material and con
struction. For sale by the best houses in the
trade. If you do not know where to get this
pump, write to me as below, and I will send
name of agent nearest you, who will supply you
at my lowest prices.
CHAJ3. G. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer,
308 Market St* Philadelphia, Pa.
U That Ami at ih® •nine (line on M
Z TBI LITII, TSX so wus.r
fl Because tee alio to thss* great organs to I
U become clogged or torpid, and poisonous 91
M humors are therefore forced into the blood W
y that shouidbe expelled naturally. n
j| WILL B^R&?fcUßE||
mm by causing free action of these organs and II
fl restoring their jtower to throw off disease.
fl Whf wlftr llllloaii paint tnd ichnl M
■■ Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! ■
y Whj frightened #r disordered Kidneys! P
m Why endure nervous oraick headarliest I
II Use KII)NEY-\VO UTandrejoiceinhealth U
R8 It I* pu'up In Mr? Vegetable Fora, In tin II
n caua oiw) parkage of which matri six quarts ot JH
fl medicine. AUo in 1 .iquld Perm, very < oncen-fl
M t r aifd, for ttiooe that cannot readily prepare it. VI
IB lyltau-M with equal efficiency in either form. ■
I a (WUleead the dry poet paid.) H BinflTM, TT. y
(A Medicine, not a Driukf)
Ti&a or all OTUXB BITTXBS.
All Diseases of the Stomach, Bowela, Blood.l
Liver. Kidneys, and Urinary Organ a, Ner- |
Vouaueaa, Sh-enlcMnem and eapeOoliy
Female Complaints.
Siooo IN COLD.
Will he paid for A cue they win not rare orfl
help, or for anything lmphre or Injurious |
found in th> m.
Ask ycir druggist for Hop Rilters an ! tryH
Lbctn before you aleep. Take no Oilier. ■
D.i C I* an absolute and irresistible curs for w
Oruulteuqisa, use of opium, tobacco and
■■■l BKVD rou CIUCCLAB ■■■■
j| Ail aboT* t,!d by drugjrUta.
WOKK Cal %AN,to be made AT laaiflE. Work
A LLKD FOR and delivered FKF.K. OloHe
14 nltllng Co . IS? Nonlh Nt.. Beeloa. Sat*.
f 4
m mr* TO r. A. R. (Vlorad f pr^t.
fi\ .bowisf UM Ancient Masonic M.'.lar. rwuiily
'AJTf la Egypt. Larj, aaw UluairaMg catalogs, at
lL AK Maaoste boeu and roid., wiih bottom prKaa, alaa,
f Iha hlfbiy lorraitve •molar"""* 'dfcfW
/ ▼ 'FA.M. REODIV6 A Ctt. AUwdl
FablUfcereoaA Maasfa—raw, 1U Broadway. New Tots.
and l>e certain of a situation. address VALENTIN*
BROS, Janeevllle. Wiaoouain.
01 II TO 014 a day Without capital. MM wonderful
NIU MH-rcte and methods of making mcoev last
withe >ut capital to commence with, aent by mail for M
oenta. MOKLKY k 00.. Southington, Conn.
U InCw 95c. package makes A gallons of A
1 delicious, wholesome, sparkling Temperance
bev entire. Ask your druggist, or sent by mall for
2Ae. C. E. HIKES, 48 N. Delaware Ave., Phila.
and be certain of a situation, sadross VALKMDI
BROS. Janesvllla. Wlsoanam.
write IH* AULTMAN A 'f AYXO& CO. Maoaiield.
H ■ ■ tm Marvelous success,
■■■cure/or Piu, Epilepsy and Nerve Affectum*.
HIjrrALUBLi If taken aj directed. Ne Pits sifter
Trp *i] 12 trial bottle free te
■ p Vi y Paying en prea e e. Send nam<v
gq?• Y-o*"!,* 1 1? r r" * d l re s toDa KLINM. y.w
Arch Sc Philadelphia, l a. Secprineipatdrupgists
* °f Beauty la a Jey Ferever.
you LAPncii wnt trsa THEM. I BBOOMMEKD
hitnt PREPARATIONS." Also Poudre Subtile removes
•uperflnotM hair without injury to the skin.
MME. M. BT. GOURAUD, Sole Prop.. Bond St, N. T.
For Rale by all druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers
throughout the United States, Canadas and Kuropa.
PR"F!F. lOOftELECTIOYB for Autograph Al
*T bums, 1 pk Transparent (Wd*. f pk
Cards, 1 pk EBcortCards, 1 pk Flirtation ('ardß, Lan
guage of Flowers, fl Actress' Pictures 1 Star Puzzle, 1
Chemical Puzzles, and an eight page literary paper oa
trial 3 months. All the above sent on receipt of 14c. ia
atampe to cover postnge. Ac. Address
KENDAL k CO., Boston. Mass.
f>r servioes and expense*. Baglnbus honornMq tmr
eaaily operxved. Write at.
CO.. su4 Goorg# .street, CinoianaU, Oil#, otrUA A <4
, \I f o PIANO AND ORGAN, by which any
I ffiTafffir ehild or person can play any of the popular airs
T nt\Dfl fC b I noce &t sight, without study, previous practice, or
fSr'ifi'-. even musical talent The Company will forfeit SI,OOO if any
—YTI t9Ulojg y j— child 10 years old fails to play any one of our popular tunes on
the piano, organ or melodeon within one hour arter receiving
'y,.> < the music and instructions, provided said child can count,
:.H?7 with the figures before it, from Ito 100 correctly. Our Music
/ lB not ' or b [7 accomplished musicians, but for the millions
s who know nothing about music or who have never plaved a
y^F \ jw\ tune. Our self-explanatory sheets of music are triumphs of
s j u-Wa - aaBSsL f x musical simplicity, brevity and certainty, and create a living
e_lp'ji§jinterest for mnsic with the delighted thousands who use them.
They teach any person to play by note at sight, while the eye
ANin jO Dor AU follows the illustrations, without even looking at the keys.
" tr WRBANt After the pupil has learned the simple pieces which we sell In
our first series, we give them a little more difficult music, aud lead them on until they play our tunes
w fi j ex P r ession of an old experienced performer. Seven pieces of music, with instructions,
mailed to any address on receipt of SI.OO. Inclose postage stamp for catalogue of tune A W Agents
wanted in every state and county in the Union.
EI3ISOI* MUSIC COMPANY, 929 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa,
Health qf Body ie Wealth of Mind.
Sarsaparlllian Resolvent.
Pure blood makea aqund fleah, strong bone, and
a clear akin, if you would have your fleah flrtn,
your bonus sound, without carles, and your com
A remedy composed of Ingredients of extra
ordinary medical pr jpertles essential to purify,
repair and Invigorate the broken-down and wasted
NENT In Ks treatment and cure.
No matter by what name the complaint may be
designated, whether it be Scrofula, Consumption,
Sypldlis, Ulcers, Sores, Tumors, Bolls, Erysipelas,
or Salt-Rheum diseases of the Lungs, Kidneys
Bladder, Womb, Skin, Liver, Stomach or Bowels,
either chronic or constitutional, the virus of the
(Unease is In the BLOOD which supplies the waste,
and builds and repairs these organs and wasted
tissues of the tystera. If the blood Is unhealthy,
the process ef repair must be unsound.
compensating remedy, but secures the harmonious
action or each of the organs. It establishes
throughout the entire system functional harmony,
and supplies the blood-vessels with a pure and
healthy current of new life. The skin, after a
few days use of the Sarsaparlllian, becomes clear
and beantlfuL Pirn pies, Blotches, Black Spots and
Skin Eruptions are removed; bores and Ulcers soon
cured. Persons suffering from Scrofula, Eruptive
Diseases of the Eyes, Mouth, Ears, Legs, Throat
and Glands, that hare accumulated and spread,
either from uncured diseases or mercury, or from
the use of Corrosive Uublimate, may rely upon a
core if the Harsapanllian Is continued a sufficient
time to make Us impression on the system
One bottle contains more of the active prlnci
61es of Medicines than any other Preparation,
iken In teaspoonful doses, while others require
five or six times as much.
Only requires MINUTES not BOCRS, to relieve
pain and cure acute disease.
in from one to twenty mtnutes, never falls to re
lieve PAIN with one thorough application: no mat
ter how violent or excruciating the pain, the Rheu
matic, Bed-riddeu, Infirm, Crippled,
ralglc or prostrated with disease may snffer, RAD-
W AY'k READY RELIEF will afford instant ease.
Inflammation of the Kidneys. Inflammation uj
Hue Bladder, Inflatnnuilioti of the Bowels. Qon-
Sstion of the Lungs, Sore Throat, LrtmTuu
'eathtny, PalpUatUm of the Heart, Hysterias,
Croup, IHpfahrrta, Catarrh, Influetaa, Head
ache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Itheumatism, Cold
Chilis, Ague ChUls, Chilblains and Frost-bite*,
Bruises, Summer Complaints, Nervousness,
Sleeplessness, Coughs, Colds, Sprains, Pains In
tlm Cftest, Back, or Limbs or* instantly relieved.
FEv ER AND AOUE cored for 60 eta There Is
not a remedial agent in this world that will core
Fever and Ague, and other MAlarious, Bilious,
Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and other fevers (aided
by RADWAY'S PILLS) so quickly as RADWAY'S
It will tn a few minutes, when taken according
to the directions, cure Cram pa Spasms, Sour Stom
ach, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Diarrhoea, Dysen
tery, Colic, Wind in the Bowela and all internal
Travelers should always carry a bottle of Rad
wav's Ready Relief with them. A few drops in
water will prevent sickness or pains from change
of water. It la better than French Brandy or Bit
ten as a stimulant.
Miners and Lumbermen should always be pro-
Tided with it.
All remedial agents capable of destroying life by
an overdose should bekvoided. Morphine, opium,
strychnine, arnica, hyosciamus, and other power
ful remedies, de at oertain times, '_n very small
doses, relieve the patient daring their action tn the
system. But perhaps the second dose, if repeated,
may aggravate and increase the suffering, and an
other anse cause death. There is no necessity for
using these uncertain agents when a positive reme
dy like Radway's Ready Relief will stop the most
excruciating pain quicker, without entailing the
least difficulty in either infant or adult.
RADWAVI READY RELIEF IS the only remedia.
agent in vogue that will instantly stop pain.
Flltjr Cants Per Bottle.
Regulating Pills!
Perfect Purgatives, Soothing Apertents. At tcith
out Pain, Ahratrs Bel-table and Natural in
their Operation. .
i Perfectly tasteless, aflegantly coated with sweet
j(Tim, purge, regulate, purify, cleause and streng-
RADWAT'S PILLS for the cure of all disorders of
tpe Stomach. Liver, Boweis, Kidneys, Bladder,
Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Coe
tiveceaa. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness.
Fever, Inflammation of the Bowelß, Piles, and all
derangement sof the Internal Viscera Warranted
to effect a perfect cure. Purely vegetable, con
taining no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs.
I bt observe the following symptoms resulting
from Diseases of the Digestive Organs; Constipa
tion, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in the
Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn,
Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the Sto
mach, Hour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at
the Heart, Choking or Suffering Sensations when
in a lying posture, Dots or Webs before the Sigut.
Fever and Dull Fain In the Head, Deficiency ot
Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eves,
Pain in the Side, Breast and Limbs, and Sudden
Flushes of Heat, Burning of the Flesh.
A few doses of RADWAT'S PILLS will free the
system from all the above-named disorders.
Price. 90 Cents Per Box.
We repeat that the reader must oonsult our books
aad papers on the subject of diseases and chair
eure, among which may be named:
" False and True."
" Jtadway on Irritable Urethra."
"Radrcay on Scrofula."
And others relating to different classes of Disease.
Send a letter stamp to RADWAY & CO., No. 88
Warren, Cor. Church St., New York.
rw~information worth thousands will be sent
to you.
I have a positive remedy for the above disoeiw: by its
use thousands of oases oi the worat kind and of long
standing have been cured. Indeed, BO strong i my
faith in its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES
FHSg, together witii a VALUABLE TREATISE on this
disease to any sufferer. Give Express and P.O. address.
DRTT. A BLOCUM, 181 Pearl St, New York.
CARD COLLECTORS—A handsome set of cards for
8-cent stomp. AG. BASSETT. Rochester. N. Y