Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, April 13, 1882, Image 2

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    flp j|ill!|cim journal.
* J J
THURSDAY. APRIL 13., 1882.
publishedevery Thursday, in Musser'sßuild
ing, tnriior of Main uud Penu streets at
Or 11.25 If not paltl in advance.
aeeaeem* *
Iv. ek. 1 mo. 3 mo. 6 mo. 1 year.
1 scnre,.. s ,l SIOO4 $2 001 *3 001 ft 00 MO9
\ column,.." 3on \OO I 6001 low 1500
V column... | 500 60011200 1 20 00 35 00
\ Mhun n... I 800 12 00 I2ooo| 85 00 00 00
One inch makes a square. Administrators
find Executors' Notices 4'..50. Transient ad
vertisement* t.nd locals 10 cents per line for
first insertion and 5 cents pur line tor each ad
ditional insertion.
Job Work done on short notice.
Editors and Proprietors.
J " gag """
Hiarch & Sanfiay abool Directory.
P CWtidmnytr and J7)Shortts* Pnath'i,
iter. P. ('. Weidomyer will preach uicxt Sun
day evening.
Sunday School, IS r* M.— l>. L. Zerby, Supt.
Missionary Society meets on the second Mon
day evening of each mouth.
fte*. Fannan Adams Preacher-incharpe.
Un lay School at L'.j r. M.— John Kiiuport,Supt.
Hew a ir. B. Siepel, 257 star.
Preaclitng in Aaron* burg next Sunday *vc
United Brethren.
22ar. Shannon. Preacher-iK-chmyc.
*Freachnlg next Sunday morning.
JS'v. JahnTbm'inton, Pa*t4%r.—
Preaching in Millheini nexß Sunday after
r.o n. and in Aaronsburg in the evening.
Indies' Mite Society meets ou the 11 it Mon
day evening of each m nuh.
United Sunday School.
Meets at 9 A. M.— B. K. I.u*e, Supf.
Loiie & Satiety Directory.
Millie im Lodge, No. 9V>, I. O. O. F. meets in
heir hali, IVnn'street, everySaturdayevening.
Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday ou
or before the full moon of each month.
C. \V. HAUTV.W See. w. I- liIUUHT, N. G.
Providence Grange. No. 217 P. of 11., meetsln
Alexander s block ou the second Saturday of
each month at l 1 *, r. M.. and on the fourth Sa
turday of each month at 1?.. v. M.
1?. L.ZsitßY, See. T. (5. ERMARD, Master.
Th MiPh im P. & 1.. Association meets in
the lVun street school house on the evening of
The second Monday of each month.
A. See, B. O. DEINISUKR, Prest.
The Millheini Corbet ltoml tar*w in the i
Town Halloa Monday and Thursday evenings. !
J. B. ilartman. Sec. John Kreamer. Pros't. j
"SCARCELY more than six months
haye passed since James A. Garfield
breathed his last and yet not a vestige
of his administration now remains.
Yesterday the only relics of his cabinet
retained by his successor disappeared
from the circle of the president's ofli
cial family. The resignation of Secre
taries Kirk wood and Hunt were accept
ed and their successors named to the
senate. Senator Teller of Colorado suc
ceeding Mr. Kirk wood in the interior
department and W. E. Chandler of
New Hampshire succeeding Mr. Hunt
in the nayy. Both Teller nnd Chandler
are men after Arthur's owu heart.
They are "smart" and unscrupulous
politicians. Neither appointment is a
creditable one, though that of Chand
ler is much the more disgraceful one.
What William E. Chandler does not
know alout rascality in the manipula
tion of-politics no aspiring artist in
that line would find it worth his while
to learn. If he were to tell his experi
ence in corrupt politics, in purchasing
and stealing electoral votes of states
and in the general deviltry which alone
can give power to the minority, he
would win the profouudest admiration
of the rounders, repeaters and ballot
st offers who infest the politics of the
great cities. Nobody ever heard of him
as a statesman and it is not likely that
anybody ever will. But he suits Ar
thur in his pnrpose to re-elect himself
and that no doubt was the controlling
thought in that cunning politician's
mind when lie appointed Mr. Chandler
to a place in ids cabinet. — Patriot.
"Our Member."
AndrewG. Curtin, the old War Gov
ernor of this State, In his speech in
Congress la3t week supporting the An
ti-Chinese bill, said that the negro as a
disturbing element in politics was gone
and he rejoiced in it; and then referring
to Mr. Hooper, of Mississippi, an ex
confederate General with an empty
sleeve, who had also defended the bill,
said that "beautiful and poetical and
classical as wore his remarks, there
was a deeper eloquence in the wave of
bi3 armless sleeve that brought the con
solation that the Uuited States were
now a nnit forever." Surely there was
no greater individual effort uiadi to ac
complish this result than that of the
splendid orator, and how much more
touching and patriotic are such words,
omingfrom such a source than the us
u<d incendiary, bloody-shirt vaporings
of too many who feel the importance
of having 3eryed in some capacity dur
ing the rebellion, yet whose services
were nothing as. compared with those
of the favorite soil of Central Penn
sylvania. The ex-Governor has lost
none of the fire and vigor that charac
terized him in those days that tried the
strength and perJetuity of our institu
ions, and bis powerful plea on behalf
of the bill, and the rights of American
citizius, probably carried more weight
than any other during the pending of
its passage.— Altoona Sun 'ay Mornin /.
The far-famed 30th Pennsylvania dis
trict has as much i\ ason to be proud
of her representative in congress as any
in the United States. Few, if any, a
bler statesmen to-day sit in either house
of our national council, than Andrew
Q. Curtin. Certainly none that better
understand the wants, wishes and sym
pathies of the masses of the i*ople,
than ho. llis speech 011 the Anti Chi
nese bill is no doubt more generally
read and carries with it more popular
and argumentative weight, than any
delivered on that important question.
Til? country very much needs states
men of Curtiu's culture, ability and
sterling patriotism.
Arranging for a Mass Meeting.
PHILADELPHIA, April <>.—The la
bor associations are making arrange
ments for a mass meeting on April la,
to express their indignation at the
president's veto of the Chinese bill.
The Electoral Count bill passed the
Senate yesterday. It should meet
with no serious delay in the House, as
it is of vast importance to prevent the
possibility of another electoraUcommis
sion. Our institutions stood the
strain of one, another might be the
feather which breaks the camel's eack.
Mr. Cameron, of Wisconsin, present
ed and read a memorial from the Good
Templars of Wisconsin, protesting a
gainst Mr. Logan's bill apportioning to
the States the revenue from the liquor
traffic as an educational fund. The
memorialists assert that, in their opin
ion, the measure "will fasten uixm the
country a devasting and devilish traffic
which has not the shadow of an excuse
for its existence except as founded in
avarice, unholy appetite and the deter
mination of the devil to make crimi
nals and paupers of the race and to in
crease the population of hell."
An appropriation of $30,000 for the
immediate relief of starving ludiaus
was also passed.
There are'now five Chinese hills be
fore Congress, two in the Senate, which
have been referred to the Committee
on Foreign Relations, and three in the
House, which went to the Committee
on Education and Lalior. Senator
Farley's and Representative Berry's
bills are identical, and fix the period of
suspension of immigration at sixteen
years. Those of Senator Miller and
Representative Page arc similar, and
make the limit ten years, while Rep
resentative Willis, in another bill, puts
the time at lifteen years. As -Senator
Miller's bill was introduced one day be
fore the others, it will first be consid
ered in committee—it was in part yes
terday—and will very likely be earliest
reported. It is by no moans certain,
however, to become a law. During a
chat with a prominent western Senator
at the Capitol yesterday, he being one
who (irmly advocated the passage of
the vetoed bill, in answer to a query as
to what they intended to do about it,
lit said, I doit't know what will be
done, but I'll tell you what I should
like to see done, and that is,Jabill pass
ed prohibiting the landing or embark
ing of any Chinamen or women in this
United States for ever except at the
port of Boston, Mass. By these means
only can the "hub," and those who
are controlled within the line of its in
fluence, be paid back for an interfer
ence to which 1 solely attribute the ve
to. That would be pretty hard on the
"hub," wouldn't it ?
The Comptroller of the Currency has
decided to issue five dollais national
bank uotes upon a new plate, the prin
cipal feature of which will be an en
graved head of the late President Gar
field, with the new charter numbers in
various portions of the notes, and par
ticularly in the border, so that the i
dentity of the notes may be easily as,
certained from any fragment.
Secretary Teller called upon Secreta
ry Kirkwood yesterday, and engaged in
a long conversation regarding the busi
ness of the Department. The new Sec
retary of the Interior will not assume
the duties of his office before Wednes
day next. Secretary Kirkwood will
leave Washington for his home in lowa
immediately after the iuduction of the
new Secretary into office, and it is his
intention to make a tour through the
southwest during the coming summer
for the benefit of his health.
Now Secretary Hunt is'going to Rus
sia, he can continue the search after
missing members of the Jeannette crew
in i>erson.
Easter eggs, "new bonnets, and the
circus demonstrates th it spring is Jup
on us—otherwise the fact would not be
George Scoviile, the Chicago lawyer
who defended Guiteau, now speaks of
that person as "an nngrateful brute
and the champion liar," supplement
ing the observalion with: "Also the
meanest man I ever knew." Mrs
Scoville doo3 not share her husband's
opinion of her brother.
Cornelius J. Vanderbilt, brother of
the millionaire, Wm. 11. Vanderbilt,
committed suicide at Glenham Ilolel,
New York City, on the 2nd inst, by
shooting himself, lie lingered con
scious for four hour 3 while his brother
was at his bedside. It is supposed that
his dissipated habits lead to this re
IEGAL JsOTICE —Xotlre Is hereby given
J that the undersigned has filed an appli
cation and deposited the purchase money with
the Secretary of Internal Affairs, for fifty acres
of land, more or less, situate in Miles township.
Centre C'o. Pa., bounded 011 the cast by lands of
M. J. Hall, north by lands of Philip and
others, west by lands of (1. Derringer and oth
ers, and south by lands Snyder and others.
administration 011 the estate of John D.
Foote, late of Millheim, deceased, having been
granted to the subscriber, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate are hereby
notified to make immediate settlement, and
those having claims against the same, to pre
sent them properly authenticated for settle
April 13th, IS3-. 15-fit
I.AND' I'DII TA\K> FOB I**o AND 1681,
AND PREVIOUS YEARS.—Notice Is hereby
given that in putrsu utee of an act of Assembly,
passed to the 12th day of .1 unc, A. D, 1815, en
titled "An Act to amend an Act, directing the
mode of selling unseated lands in Centre coun
ty," and tuo se v eral supplement* thereto, there
will be exposed at public sale or out' ry, tlie
following tracts of unseated lands in said coun
ty for the taxes due ami unpaid thereon, at the
Court-House, In ihe borough of Bellefonte, on
Monday, June 12th, A. I).. I*B2, at one o'cloek.
p. m.:
2 John Davis * 1 23
.50 J D Harris 205
,51 .1 -I t.lngle *<
ItlO Win Humes (owner. 4 10
,V) Charles Shucy (owner) 2 05
.507 115 D Carseudden 35 73
305 11J John Cochran *27 4-5
12 68 Poland Curttn 1 08
143 Ann Deal 12*7
433 103 Win Gray 00 0.
431 137 Martha G*dfrey '<B 78
433 ] i-3 Jonathan Harvey 19 49
433 103 Joseph liigby 89 17
4|S 40 William Hood 87 02
431 40 Moses Hood. .. 10 38
153 Sarah tame ....'. 13 50
433 I<>3 David Lewis 30 17
Isi .1 M Lucas A .1 P Packer..... 10 28
390 Frank McCoy 27 00
1 >4 of 106 Packer A Lucas. 0 85
41.5 James Black 6 25
43.! 103 KoltCli Brady 658
433 103 William P Brady 13 25
433 101 John Brady 653
47* 103 Alexander Bell 26 42
433 153 William Bingham 61 IT
41:5 John Boyd 12 70
433 163 John Byers 25 07
433 10.3 Willi!)in Cook 13 25
4.11 103 John Courden 13 25
4.33 103 William Dewart- ......... 653
433 103 John Dewart 658
42$ 103 Henry Donnelly.. 653
433 lit 3 Samuel M Fox 13 00
438 103 Hubert Gray.... 653
13.) 103 William Gray 053
4:i3 163 Thomas Grant 13 2->
433 163 Alex inder Greaves 13 00
1-'vt 163 Charles Goben 053
433 10.3 Thomas Hamilton 1-3 (JO
433 153 George Harrison 0107
ill 108 John II usel 13 25
433 15.3 l'lerson Hunt 010.
433 163 Alexander Hunter 26 42
433 lIVI John Kldd .6 53
415 Nathaniel Levy 12 44
483 103 John l.yon 18 2a
4x3 153 Blair MeLatiahun <*4 07
433 I*3 George MeLaiiahan MO7
4A! 153 Pollv MeLaliabati 01 9i
433 158 Ann Mclainahau 04 07
435 133 George AJead., 64 97
Ato Willi.mi Miller 600
4AB 103 Joseph Morris 13 00
483 1.53 John Nicholson 64 07
210 8.3 Jeremiah Parker 0 44
433 153 Andrew Pettlt f>4 07
C 53 103 Henry SUaifer 13 2*
4A! 103 Samuel Sooil 13 00
415 John Shym 12 47
415 Sarah M Talinan 12 47
48! 153 Tench Francis 01 07
4.33 105 James Towers 6 53
415 Joseph J Wallace 505
433 103 Joseph Wallace 13 00
415 Joliu Wetzel 12 -*>
415 Jacob Weld ner 5068
453 153 Bird Wilson 13 00
433 103 Samuel Youiig 20 42
483 hx) Benjamin Young 13 00
431 Robert Ainesley 20 83
415 Charles Allen 7 20
370 Samuel Baird 9 01
18.5 William P llmdy 1. 70
557 LI udley Coata 8W
150 Paul Custer 3 61
30 John Curtln.. 4 .32
71 181 Roland Curtln Wll
434 163 Abijah lhivis 4155
•L of 311 Peter Denaven. 11 37
106 Joseph Devling 5 07
4:>4 Joseph Devling. 20 55
1.35 Henry Donald 25 92
\ of 831 ( adwaltdcr Kvans 11 37
Go William Klliolt 19 9!
415 Esther Eddy 59.3.3
415 ltobert Gray 9 97
415 William Gray 997
415 William Gilbert. 39 84
;!iV) Martha Goilfrey 86 40
:ii)o 112 John W Godfrey —-2* so
120 Peter Hahn 2 88
415 Susan Hahn.. 9 97
4.3) 120 Charles Hull 591
60 Ed HaUowell 804
483 Joseph Higby or Bigbe. 41 55
142 Thomas ilumphrey 339
•AH James Irwin 14 01
3S4£ Joseph Kelso 3O 4S
408 Rebecca Kelso - 36 07
409 Joseph Kelso 19 20
2ts) Mary Lane 14 40
150 Sarah lame- - 43 2")
2 , i7-2 Caleb Lawns - 14 *6
207 1 „ Isaac l.ongstreth 14 80
207T6 t;aieb Lawns 14 so
2i*7lsaac L .ligstrcth l4 N'
7u " Johns Mason....— 0 ?2
415 John MCCauley 14 4')
2uo Pltilip Meyers. 26 SO
100 Simon Meyers. 14 40
420 48 Michael Meyers 60 48
420 48 Valentine Meyers 60 48
196 James Miller - 14 13
490 \N illiam P .Mitchell 19 20
William V Mitchell 20 75
220 William P Mitchell 10.>0
290 John P Mitchell 13
313 112 Ellis LOr vis - - W'JS
481 J W Paeker 20 83
42 J W Packer 2i
1.5 J W Packer - 3/
32.) J W Packer. . 15 03
1M William M Paeker 5 28
53 fliue gnigley 144
I'M) l'eter Smith 1200
4.8.) 153 Samuel Seott - —.4155
433 16-3 Mary Tall man —.20 80
2>so Riclurd Tunis 4 80
2no Richard Tunis 3 84
217 Fishburn Wharton., 10 43
217 Fishburn Whaitm 10 43
bW Jonathan Willis.. 3 8*)
415 Casper Wistcr 86 40
483 103 James White— 31 18
161 William Yardtey llO4
150 A Barton bloat (owner) 11 25
40 James Bat ler 1 48
2-5 of 40 Henry llaines, 27
2-5 of 40 Henry Haines. 14
2-5 of 40 Henry Haloes 11
2-5 of 40 Henra Haines l4
400 William letgan 14 80
400 John Painter 14 Bft
4(4) William Taggert 14 80
too Davis Tagged 14 W
400 Thomas Barr 650
4j6 60 Margaret Barr .. 6 00
313 John Barron 2 25
87 John Barron 82
490 dames Barr 6 50
100 00 Mary Barr 660
400 60 Kbenezer Bran hum 3 2-5
246 Henry Beck 2 33
400 60 John Bell 325
154 Henry Beck 2 87
344 16 John Bolindcr 560
338 60 Henry Bollnder 552
325 60 Frederick Bollnder ami ft:) 0
fl3 16 Adam Bolinder .512
400 63 John Boyle 3 25
409 60 Tnom isCaratanco. 3 25
406 John Craig '-—3 28
m CO John Darr, Jr. 3 2a
40) 78 John Darr i 3A>
4(>B 70 Leonard Darr 3 30
282 163 Peter Kplor •12 45
438 Andrew Epler 14 23
131 . Jacob Fees 1 4j
400 Bernard G iitz 3 25
2,'s) II Gillman & S Snyder 18 75
262 110 11 Gillman & S Snyder 26 00
4. Charle-t Hall 21 22
437 108 John Hart man 684
4fio 103 Robert Irwin 790
400 126 Margaret Irwin 650
400 Marcaret Jenks 6 50
400 Mary Jenks 6 ">0
418 99 George Krearner 26 92
l(y% 1 JIVYPI'V ..... 82
228 150 William Mosby 187
200 William Parker 163
200 William Parker 16:4
400 60 William Pnlllips - 325
490 James ltand 6 50
400 James Row 6 50
410 70 Charlotte Rustin 8 58
428 80 Thomas ltustin 6 75
300 60 Albraight Swiiieford 4 88
170 Stover A Woir 2 82
400 Simon Snvder 3 25
88 William Tldd 75
400 60 John Tldd.- 3 25
312 William Tldd 2 62
150 P Hensel (owner) 1 22
125 1) Hensel (owner) 103
48 Daniel Beck 2 96
40 10 Peggy Shearer 2 80
41 11 Thomas Heyskill (owner)... 596
196 JC Fisher 3.54
400 James Forbes 3 60
400 „ Win Harrison 3 60
lot) John Irwin 1 34
400 James Reed 3 60
100 Samuel Young 90
107 101 Samuel Brown 8 36
40 Paul Cuatin 12 15
200 Samuel Custin 24:40
208 John VV Godfrey 26 38
50 " Al> Harris 202
433 163 James Baxter 3 26
433 163 John Price. 326
483 163 John Rollington 3*26
433 163 John Wheeland 3 26
406 120 Ebenezer Benham 16 70
805 TAJ John Dunwoody l2 51
166 Robert & James Hays 21 79
175 William Hays 4 60
175 Gcorg D Hess. 10 75
309 (Vi Robert Irwin 25 33
398 80 Robert Irwin 16 31
310 Jeremiah Jackson 25 42
150 Peter Lyile 615
175 James A Qulglcy 10 75
406 120 Steven Stevenson 24 99
50 Willhun Allison - 430
42 60 .lohn Carman 2 70
42i) Robert Irwin 55 .34
413J4 Jeremiah Jackson 53 28
17 Thomas Lewis 556
35 ,f M Me Kinney 3 79
70 t intst ltoiirer 22 59
M W A Thomas 16 14
50 , J uTb licit r (owner) 430
50 Wllnam THghinan (owner) 16 14
50 "V>6 C M Bower (owner) 16 JI
19 I S Frill 11 (owner) 6 42
28 John Zelgler (owner) 9u3
TO Simon 5 arger 514
60 Hnmii Yurger 514
4'SO Robert Brady 6 47
410 llauoah Brady 617
256 Jane lb inly 3 86
2TO John Brailv 3 no
4hi \x illiaiu P Brady 0 60
290 William P Brady 4 33
28> James Black 4 29
75 William Barton 66
421 George Calhoun 6 38
365 John Cowdeil..... 5 19
50 J.illu Covvdeii . ... 77
150 William Cooper -J-J7
427 William Dew art. 6 41
124 John Dorsey 1 80
320 Joseph Fearon 4 HO
1:40 21 sinnm Gru 1 97
200 Kohert. Gray 1 59
429 Robert Gray 6 63
476 Thomas Grant. 7 12
440 Janes llcphurn 6 60
150 Jolm llousel ] 12
405 peter lioose 1 6 09
460 Alexander Hunter 6 90
430 Jeremiah Jaekson 6 47
4TO itieliani latke 6 TO
;kk) Aaron Levy.. 2 50
402 134 . William Miles 606
425 Sniuuel Norton 6 50
.um William I'arker 4 50
324 Rtehard Parker 501
.324 Jeremiah i 4 arker - 4 81
419 John 6 26
125 William stedmau 187
200 Thomas Smith 3 on
100 Abrulmm Sirott 1 s*i
50 Samuel Scott 77
lis) • Abraham Scott 2 27
90 Bamucl Scott 137
1.30 Robeit faggart 1 77
424 Henry 'Poland 39
124 Wharton Moore 1 89
425 David Williams 0 39
100 Henry Gross 5 56
300 150 Adam Bolinder 298
3*3 William Cook - 1119
4"0 William I* Brady 4 31
Mary Bound - - 3<r2
81 111 Alexander Cameron ho
13.8 1.34 George Foust IV)
196 • H U Kulnier 2 TO
4'ri Edward tiarlgus 3 02
100 William Garlgus 3trj
400 William Harrison 7 02
4.5 Jneob Kucleborder 51
100 Njnres A Fullmer 3 TO
327 , 8A A Scott - 302
216 41 Wi llani McClure...— 20 :t8
186 IKV John l'ordon 5 8|
300 GaUjuli ine Ri JOson 9 45
300 It -Bceca Itobison 9 45
150 i tchurd Robison 36
S) Ja-per Brooks (owner). .... ('.*t)
ITO J Gordon (owner) 3 15
4.33 Andrew Bayard -129W
4.33 I">3 William Bingham 51 96
4.3.3 I*3 Felix Brunt 51IW
4;t3 14.3 George Campbell 51 96
412 41 David Carscndden 49 40
41,5 41 David ('arsedden M 4949
2 , 7 so Darid Carseadncn . - 3144
4.3.3 153 I'aul Cox 61 96
43.5 1.4.3 Thomas Cuthbnii,. M '.6
433 153 1) H Cunningham 103 93
i George Clynier 7 20
433 153 Sharp Delaney 51 95
300 Joeeph Devling 18 TO
•_>lH Samuel Dobsou - 13 05
433 George Kildy 26 (>4
200 Thomas Fitzmmons 24 Oil
60 Robert Gray 7 2o
James T Hide - 45 95
40 James T Halo 2 42
43J l.Vt Thomas Haw thorn 51 9>
4.33 153 James Hawthorn 519*
433 153 William Lewis 51 93
433 *162 Willhun Lewis (lawyer) 6194
433 Samuel LinU - 51 9
353 John IJgget 42 3 >
400 J /. Long '44 TO
200 ' J /. lamg ... -.24 TO
153 Jfiv-r Maylan 51 ft
43.5 153 Edward Mayston 519 >
433 James McManus 5195
4.<3 lA3 Bluir Melana'aan 51 95
4A5 153 (Jenige Meiul 5194
433 153 Willi un MePher.-on 619}
133 15.3 M T Mllllken..* 51 9'
4K> N J Mitchell 4H(X
409 73 NJ Mitchell 49 07
4.3.1 120 Luke Mhner 51 94
43.3 BenjAinln R Morgan 26 o*
4-1.3 153 Robert Morris 5195
.368 71 John M Nesbit 89 03
ot® 153 J P Norris 17V7
433 1,43 William Parker 266)4
433 George.. I'arker 51 94
216 Jeremiah Parker 12 92
TOO John Pirn 43 20
::60 44 111 Hueh pim 4320
:*) " Job Reiley 45 00
.360 , 144 John Reiley 4320
133 1M Thomas L Shippen 51 95
433 * 1.V3 Edward Scott 51 95
4;a 153 Briijamin H Tollman 26 04
Mi Joseph Tomklus 19 44
433 1.43 A S Valentine 51 94
433 153 Rebecca Walu 2604
433 158 Moore Wharton 51 94
433 lA3 Elizabeth Wharton 26 04
433 163 Kearney Wiiai ton -.5195
of 433.1.Y1 Mary Wharton 14 40
433 153 Frruteis West 5195
4;'3 153 Benjamin West 5195
•jio < Francis West 15 91
433 7*3 William II West 26 04
433 153 John West 26 W
109 Francis Wert 10 1
433 Bird Wilson 5195
164 10 James Allison 16 22
433 153 John Allison 83*
.Mines Allison OH 21
2.*)0 Andrew Allison 52 00
•jjip Add Al.lson & Jolm Lilly.. 62 40
37 10 Andrew Armstrong 5.64
40 10 Richard Atherton 624
433 153 Paul Black 62 40
400 John Black 67 60
433 163 David Beverldge 564
43:1 inJ Peter Brut/man 112 .v 8
j33 163 John Bore land 67 TO
433 103 Paul Bush 67 TO
433 163 John Bush 67 60
400 James nusn JO 80
200 John Burg... 10 40
40 Samuel Chestnut 2 08
100 John Copenhaver 10 40
250 John CoiHjnhaver 26 00
77(5 Oopen- aver & Wliitcome.. so <o
433 153 John Cunningham 26 78
100 George Clymer . 5 20
100 (ieorge Campbell 5 20
300 Thomas Guthbeit la to
433 163 Sharp Delaney 564
150 Frederick Dorsh .WTO
4.-13 153 William Denller 22 52
43.3 153 Thomas Edward# 11-08
433 1 6.3 Datilei Ehler 83 80
4:13 153 Daniel Fitzgerald 33 TO
433 153 John Funk 11 M
Thomas Fitzsinnnons 13 oo
217 Sabastian Graff 56 42
433 153 Andrew Graff 22 58
216 156 Thomas Grant TO lo
433 153 Thomas Graut 33 84
303 153 WilUam Gray..... A
4.3.3 10.3 James Glentworth 564
50 Elizabeth Groe 2 60
100 Robert Gray.. 5 20
433 J 153 John Gundaker 22 52
rn 153 Michael Gundaker 22 oi
4.33 153 Christian Hair. 10 90
426 164 Chi istian Hair, jr., lo4
433 153 David Hair...... I<>.w
4:13 153 John Hambright
216 150 Thomas Hamilton V lb
4.3.3 153 Hugh Hamilton. 22 >2
<433 153 Jolm Hand 10 90
403 John Jo 78
ITO Joseph Harrison :18 00
rn 153 Hugh Hamilton 22 52
7:5 Joseph Harrison. 3 90
112 George M llartliiie 4 48
4: 153 John Huber loTO
433 153 Robert Irwin 112 58
433 153 Robert Irwlo £ W
433 15 Owdcn Jordon.... 2202
433 10.3 John Kelley 6i TO
100 ib>hert King 20 80
2200 James T lailrd 228 TO
433 163 George Latimer 564
136 G3 William G Latimer 1,7 (
15 Casper Lawrence 78
4.T1 153 (tpiTstian Lenhore 6" TO
313 106 John Lowden 12 22
433 153 Richard Lowden 33 TO
43.3 153 John Lowden 33 84
433 153 Leslie Ma one 1128
433 163 Edward Mayston o(>4
200 WilUam Mcrlierson 2 00
433 153 John Miller. 16 00
433 163 Jacob Miller lb 90
433 16:1 Martha McConnell ob 4
433 1.53 GeorgoMead 22 52
433 153 11 K Morgan 22 52
217 John Musser 5b 42
217 George Musser (Smith).... Sti42
407 137 Christian Musser 21J22
6 Ellen Nelson 2 08
323 Hugh Pattou 8.40
433 153 Richard Peters 22 52
433 153 Henry Pinkeiton.... 33 80
150 1 Jiardman Philips 39 00
177 81 HaAinan Phillips...: 2760
210 89 Roliert Knin y 86 JO
4:13 183 Tl'nmNM Ke<o 112.H
433 153 Chrislill Rohrir 1090
405 47 Jnroh Rush 03 18
4.13 153 Benjaii In Rush 33 84
•433 153 Cafiiter Bhafii<*r •>? <Vi
433 153 Andrew Shelik 16 90
433 1.33 Christian Slienk 16 '.*•')
433 153 Michael Shenk 10 00
247 10 Jacob Steke 004
433 153 Robert spear 07 60
433 183 Mary Sin lib ll 28
107 07 George Slouch 0 50
43.3 163 John Hloner 60 29
219 Andrew Seoft 853
2 0 Joseph Stroud 10 4(1
433 153 Paul such GO 00
41(3 164 .Tollii Such 67 60
4(6 Ihtrhara Snyder 6.3 34
43.3 153 George Slough 22 52
43.3 163 George Slough '22 52
6 John Nelson (owner) 166
433 16.3 Kcariicv Wharton 67 on
122 44 John VVchlnmn 19 02
402 116 Jacob Wel<ltn.tti 62 70
312 Joseph Well* 48 66
50 John Wells 2 60
260 Paul Wells 13 00
Kid John Wilson f2
75 William Wilson 75 61
433 153 William Wilson 112 68
313 1(6 John Wltaer 24 44
76 George Ashutes 7 61
100 liusih Beck *25 00
400 William He I 119(8)
2 r >o Pie cent Beck with 75 00
1 William Uell 31
I(M> JO Hell 10 00
SO A M Klner 17 *>o
434 llutrli Hamilton 66 00
4.33 163 KHz* he h Hoofmnn 65 00
433 163 l.eshe Malone 6S TO
434 \V VV Mon'trmnery 3*2 *5
4' ! 4 John bontgnmery 3255
453 163 John McCoimnond 65 00
123 Rldgwuv, Ituijil & Co. If act 1. Is 46
180 44 •• - tract *.27 0
189 " " 44 tract 18 47 25
141 " •• • tract 8 2115
210 44 •* - tract 12.ft? V
B 0 John Shertrk 10 00
128 John W Thomas 6 "'9
438 John W Thomas 21 89
119 John \V Thomas 28 Hi
100 John W Thorn is 10 oO
ion George t'owher (owner) loon
100 Michael .Weinner 25 (lO
lift Michael Wclduer 2-5 00
60 Joseph Yoiler 15 00
Kbene/.er Brcnhnni 39 87
(V) Robert Asken 2 04
.3.37 164 Robert Si John Baker 7 61
212 Sanmel Bai km an 964
129 120 Ruth Brooks 294
280 129 Mary Curricle 630
115 13 Margaret Daughertv 2 60
179 110 Kli/.aheth Dougherty 465
109 39 Joseph Kvans 2 i>
92 26 W illiain Kckert 2 08
211 72 Peter Iliih 11 474
22 47 Khenczer Halm 4'
65 40 U ill lam I latin 1 47
219 39 Margarpf James 4 93
215 1.5.5 Kdwa**d James 4 so
69 40 David Johnston 1 .'l4
191 Job-. Knox 7 24
327 160 William Manrell 7 37
9:1 94 John Mercer 204
327 100 Davhl Mercer 7 34
354 36 William Miller 9 67
211 44 ('apt Osman 4 74
86 40 job Packer 1 92
89 40 Job Packer, jr. 2 82
162 Richard Purdon 819
100 John Purdon 2 25
1.50 David Reed 6 76
175 Richard Robison 7 89
100 R Robison 900
74 76 Christian fiohrer 2250
382 30 lavld Sutler 8 62
79 II Duck. sr. (owner) 366
12 Robert Wilson 28
M Robert Campbell 2 40
250 j B Gray 2100
25 Widow Morris 2 40
100 William Khippcn. jr., 960
lot Jonathan Laird (owner) 9 60
174 M &/j Spotts (owner) 16 70
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Div.
On and arter MONDAY, Dec 19th. 1881. the
trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Di
vision will run as follows :
ERIK MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 56 p. m
44 " Harris burg 425 a. in
'* " Snnbury G3()a m
44 " Wiiliumsport 8 40a. in
" •• Lock Haven- 940 a. ui
" " Renovo II 05 a. Nt
" 44 Kaue 350
" arr. at Erie 7 45p.m
NIAGARA EXP.leaves Philadelphia 8
" " Harrlsburg 121511. m
•• 44 snnbury
" " WilHamsport 3 15 p. in
44 44 1-ock Haven. 429 p. in
44 44 Renovo .5 30 p. in
arr. at Kane 10.05 a. in
FAST LINK leaves Philadelphia .11 20 p. m.
44 44 Harrlsburg 303 p.m.
44 44 suthury .615 p.m.
44 44 WlHiamsport 710 p. in.
44 arr. at Luck Haven 8 10p. ni.
lock Haven EX. leaves Look Haven.. 7 50a.m
44 44 WlHiamsport. 905a. in
44 44 Sunburv 10.50 a m
44 Harrlsburg...l2 55p. in
" 44 Philadelphia. 51.6 p. in
FAST LINE leaves Cananpaigna 7 05 d. in
44 44 Watkiu 8
Elmiru ? .30 p. in
4 * 44 Willmasport 1215 a. in
44 44 Sunbury 1 32 a. in
44 arr. at Harrlsburg 3 15 a. m
• 4 44 Philadelphia 700a. m
DAY EXPRESS leaves Kane 6 00 a, in
44 44 Renovo 10 05a.m
44 44 1/ock Haven 1115 a. m
44 44 WilHamsport 12 IM>-m
44 arr. at Harrlsburg .. 3 80 p. m
44 44 Philadelphia 705 p. m
ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11 35 p. m
44 44 Kane 410 a. m.
44 44 Renovo 9 00 a. nt.
44 44 Lock Haven loiop. m.
44 44 v\ illiamsport 1130.p. in.
44 44 Snnbury 1 05a. m
44 arr. at Harrisburg 3 TO a. m
Philadelphia 7 00 a. m
Erie Mail and Fast Line and Pacific Express
East make close connections at Northumber
land with L. & B. K. It. trains for Wilkesbarre
and Scranton. _ .
Ki le Mall West, Niagara Express 55 est and
Fast Line West make close connection at Wil
llautsport with N.C. R. W. trains north
Niagara hxr'"® B # West and Day Express East
make close eon.iectiou at Lock Haven with B.
E. V.R. U.tralrs.
Eric Mail EaU and West connect at Frio
with trains on L. F. & M. S. R. It.; atCorry with
11. P. 8; VV. R- h : at Emporium with B. N. Y.
& P. It. It., and at Gift wood with A. V. It. R.
parlor ears will -un between Philadelphia
and WlHiamsport n Niagara Express West
and Day Express E..t. Sleeping cars on all
night trains.
WM. A. BALDWIN, General Sum.
13 5 7
A.M. A. M. t. M P. M.
Montandon 7.05 10.30 1.45 6.00
Lewisburg ar7.26 10.45 2.05 6.1u
Lewlsburg Iv 7.25
Fair Ground 7.30 10-52 2.13
Biehl • 7,41 11.04 2.22
Vickslnirg 7.47 11,10 2.28
Mifflinburg 803 11.30 3.00
Millmont 8.25 11.20 3.24
Laurel ton 8.35ar11.35 3.35
Wicker Run 9.00 4.00
Cherry ltun 9,17 4,18
Fowler 9.37 4.40
Coburn 9.48 4.59
Spring Mills 10.13 nr 5.20
2 4 6 8
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M.
Montandon ar 6.45 ur10.05ar1.05 ai'3.2o
Lewlsburg 6.35 9.50 12.50 5.10
Fair Ground 9.35 12,33 4,48
Biehl 9.25 12.22 4.36
Vicksburg 9.20 12.15 4.28
Mi mil) burg 9.05 12.25 4.10
Millmont 8.45 11.55 3.42
Laurelton 8.R5 11 50 3.35
Wlker Hun 8.10 3.08
Cherry Run 7.52 2.50
Fowler 7.30 2.30
Coburn 7.50 2.19
Spring Mills 6.59 1.50
Trains Nos. 1 and 2 connect at Montandon
with Erie Mail west for WlHiamsport. Lock
Haven, Kane, Corry and Erie, and Buffalo and
Niagara Falls yhi Emporium, also Elmlra, Wat
kins. Buffalo and Niagara Falls via Canandal
Nos. 3 and 4 connect with Pacific Ezpicss
east for Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington,
Philadelphia and New York.
Nos. 5 and 6 connect with Day Exoress east
for Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington, Phil
adelphia and New York, and Niagara Express
west for WilHamsport, Lock Haven and Ren
ovo, Tyrone, Altoona auJ Pittsburg via Lock
Haven, also Klnnra, Watkins and Buffalo, and
Niagara Falls via Canaudaigua.
Nos. 7 and 8 connect with Fast Line we9t for
WilHamsport and Lock Haven.
No. 8 also connects with Erie Mail east for
Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadel
phia and New York.
| SLATE! "
The celel r tted Washington V. l: of
for Roofs. Ac., from the famous Si, ATE QU \R
Can Now Be Bought
of tin* undersigned who a practical Slate
Roofer i f many y** ire experience Time in
want of slate and oflng done can nocu.e d
At The Lowest Rate?.
Old building* re-roofed at the l'nve t ratei
Willi ui' th: mnHtanee of ntho. in te'ntiilc*. Fo.
nrh es and ter iM e.ill on <r write o tie u' det
signed ai 11. K. WHITMAN'S it SIiH.N. E,
Broad \St I'l l, !♦*:>' P. AF. Pet t
We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats,
Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United States,
Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. we
have bad thtrty-Hve pears* experience.
I'stents obtained through us are noticed in the fkff
tirnnc AMERICAN. This large and splendid illus
trated week 1 y paper, $ 3.2 0 a the Progress
of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous
circulation. Address MUNN & CO, Patent Solici
tors, Pub's, of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 37 Park Row,
New York. Hand book about Patents free.
J. SL Smith & Co's
KO;!. 113 A 114 FIION7 STK,
We are now largest stock and greatest variety of
Furniture, House Furnishing Goods, &c.
in tlie State. PRICES BEYOND f'OMPETITION, consisting in part of Rich an
All the latest Designs
In Walnut, Oak, Cherry, Mahogany and Ebony. We makes
Specialty in Parlor Suits,
and will soll them lower tuXu any Party in the state. Prices ranging PRtr* $1) I*o BTOO.
If you contemplate buying a
it will pay you to write us for prices. We also carry al* rce Hue of extra Super, Body and Tap
esty Brussels Carpets.
A Good Brtissols Carpet at 70 cts. per yard.
Our stock of Plain Out and Engraved Table Glass-ware, Plain
and Decorated French China, Silver Plated-ware, Lamps and
Chandeliers, &c.
is well worth your inspection. Our sales enceed those of any House in our line in the state.
We extend an invitation to you to visit us and Will Uke pleasure in showing yon through our
various Department*.
iiiITCUELL, LEWIS & CO., Racine, Wit.,
Manufacturers of jF*f jRW FREIGHT JWJtG OJTS.
Also Three-Spring and Four-Spring Wagons, and Side-Spring Buggies. ...
The MITCHELL WAGON is Monarch of the Road; only the very best stock, used in its con
struction and made by the best wagon mechanics in the The Spring Wagon and Buggy De
partment is entirely separate from the Farm Wagon shops. "And for the manufacture of this class of
"'ork we have facilities unsurpassed. Send for Catalogue and Illustrated Price List.
HITCHELL, LEWIS dt CO., Racine, Wl*.
If yoo intend to " OR Tttjllgli"*
8M above picture in Wwlmtar, pw lie*, git*
log the nam* of each sail,— showingthe value el
The picturee in Webeter under the 1 worda,
Beef. Boiler, Cnetle, Colunaa. Ere, Horn,
Moldings, Fhrenologjr, Raielin, Ships,
Uiges 116* end 1219) SUw engine, Ite
rs, define l*t words end terms.
New Edition of WEBSTER, hma
118,000 Words, 3000 E*gmTin®n
4600 Now Words Ct Meanings, and
Biographical Dictionary
of over 9TOO Homes. .
W'EBSTKR'S is the Dictionary need WVT
in Gorern't Printing Office. IML- ff
Every State pnrcbsse of DietionerksVt
for Schools hss been Wtbeter's. MA
Books in the Public Schools of the YB
U. S. ere mainly based on Webeter. JD
SoU of WtbtUr't ia over SO tiroes the d f
sale of any other series of Diet's. KP
rIIATY-TWO THOUSAND here been pot ffl
in the pnbtic schools of the U. S-. JL
Each new edition has become more and VI
more The Standard. Jul
Ktcemmmdtd by State Snpt's Sohoots in
36 States, and 50 College Prests Xl*
PnbUahedby t.*C. MENlUAM.Sprtngfislil, ifpg
We send free on 30 days' trial
And other EI-E<TIUC appliances suffer
LIVER and KIIJNKY THOU BLEU, and many other
diseases. Sjieedy cure* guaranteed. Illustratod
Pamphlet Me. Address
VOLTAIC BELT CO., tlsrshal!, Mich.
keep the largest stock In the city.
for your^CTo'.idng.