C\ c jt l ll \ f i m journal. THURSDAY. APRIL 6., ISS2 TEE MILLHEIM JOURNAL Yi j wM V.:rHr of Main and Penn streets at Si I'FR ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or #1 not paid In advance. ADVERTISING RATES 1 wok. 1 mo. S mo. 6 tno. 1 year. 1 | f1 oo *2 00 1 *IOO $00 son 4 001 600 1000 1A 00 H . I .s oo soo|v oo 20 •*> as iShorter* Preach'* R*v. P. (\ Woidemyer will preach inext Sun day morning, Herman, Ssndajr Scliwl, l' Jr. M, —D. L. Zerby, Nupt. Missionary Society on the second Mon day ereniug ol each month. Methodist. He* fhtrman Adams Preacher-in-charge. Prmrhntg next Su'iday evening, uaday Sv-heolnt IL, r. M.—John Kimport, i*upt. Reformed. iCcr. C W*. £ SiegeU Pastor. Uuitod Brethren. J? jr. A'i nii 'ii. Preachcr-ir. charge. Lutheran. ZiOr. John 'lXhhX.is m. Pastor.— Prcacbimc iu Piradiv- church. Peun tovvn *bip. n tt Sitnrtlay cwninp, aiivl in Aarons tmrc on Sundry iiorniti Herman. tallies' Mite Society meets on ill Men da y evening of each month. United Sunday School. Meet* *: 2 x. m.—II. K. Lusc, Supt. Loiis & Society Directory. Miilh- iin l.tvijre. No. 9-VL I. O. O. F. meets in heir hall, Penn strew, every Saturday evening. Rebecca Demree Meeang every Thursday on . Sec. W. L. BRIGHT, N. G. Tr v- ience H range. No. 217 P. of ii.. meets in A! v,i?u!r > bio<-b on the second Saturday or • \ h month at IL. r. v.. an I on the fourth Sa t r lav f ■ a, h month at IL. p. M. D. L Zcasv. T. H. KKRAUO,Master. T. • = n it. & L. Assoeiation meets in the Penn m i vT house on the evening of IS-* ecs>n i Monday of each month. X. WALTER. See. ' B. O. DEISISGKR, Prest. The Miliheim Cornet Band meets in the T< r n HaH or. Monday and Thursday evenings. J. B. li.irtiu.ui. See. John Kreamer. Pres't. Octrr C'oanly Dmnrralic Coininit- Icc DBTHCTS N \MK P O ADDRESS. Bcllefoiut. X. W, W. F. Reber relief Mite, s. W, Cfcarkw smith W. \V. J .is schv9eM iliwini ..... 'T\ ' ;;r£ CK Etsiugton Milesburg *•:u.Vi i \ Walter Millhenn • m ;s iirg 1 W Holt PhiUusburg oiiviHe C smith Fieniiug i- .ner Uriah Stover ..Hellefonte !'. c-- UMcLaughlin.Milesburg F :r:.ide Win Hippie Pine Glen v oi>ce . —FranW Taylor ..Leiuont < ;rtin FreU.l Robb linvrarl spring Mills •* NP Ilenj l.iinbert.... *• Haines Geo Kister.. Aaronsburg HaiiiEiKia ... A T Gray „ Half Moon Ham- Janice hJmport .Hoalsburg ll IaviU Tauyer Howard ~ Host-Mi l o Miles —....Juiian f berty —W H Gardner Blanehard —J J Hoy _ Walker VI -v Geo Haines Wolf's store Patten 1 L Meek Buffalo Una T '-: n H E Puck Mlllheim ! ett. : N P <; \\ Soatigler Tusseyville " Sl* I W Wolf Centre "Hall PtiMi Wai Cuilen Sandy Kidge M .* - Wm Unines -Snow Shoe Hue T M l.amhart.-.Hellefonte "r*vh>r V Back with Fowler V -.I —Christ Htwiver Fleming H* *r ——A Kreamer Hublerslmrg W..ta \V G Morrison .Port Matilda K- 11. FOKSTEK. Chairman. 11. A. McXEE, •Secretary. Stealing Congress. 7oe Legislatures of Michigan and Iw have jus: completed the gerrv- of those States and ad j unied. Under the new* apportion ment il.ey are each entitled to eleyen tn mN-rs of tbe House, and the coun ties have been so twisted and placed ani displaced and jumbled together, : * ;jr- IMnocr.itic district is A, .-vt-tl in either .State. They are all u.ade so strongly Republican that a 1* litical revolution will ba required to wirst any of tLe districts from that party. Tlie Republican vote of lowa last fall v - Ivl.ooO and the Democratic and Greenback vote 137,000; so tint while t be >Lte will have one Republican rep rvsenUtive for every 10,000 Republican voters. 136.000 opposition voters (100,- 0O Democrats and 32,000 Gieenback er> are deprived of any representation whatever. In Michigan, the situation is about the if anything worse, as the Re publicans have a representative for every 16,705) Republican yotes while the opposition voters (132,000 Democrats and 36,000 Greenbackers) are denied any representation whatev er.—Altoona Sun. A Sound Opinion. Judge Allison's ruling in regard to )*>lltax receipts is important. lie holds that if an elector has not personally paid his poll tax, or authorized another person to do it for him, he is not enti tled to vote upon the tax receipt. This does not accord with the ruling of Ju>l cttiz MIS and carry with them the best wishes of their old friends and neighbors. We hope they may all do WILJ in their new western homes. —John Shannon, E q., one of the oldest and best citizens of Centre Hall, died at his home on Sunday morning. Mr. Shannon had served as Justice of the Peace for perhaps a longer time than any other man iu the county. lie also filled the ofliee of county treasurer very acceptably for ore teim. lie was an exemplary man, a useful citizen and a prominent member of the Presbyte- ' rian church. LEWIX, —of the Philadelphia Branch Store, at Belhfoute, sells more cloth ing than any other store in the county, lie is about to open out a new and im mense stock, such as was never before brought to Belh f uite. His prices will be kept down to the veiy lowest cash basis which his immense business en ab'e3 him to do. In making your spring purchases of clothing you are entirely safe to buy of Lewin, who sells at one price, and that the lowest, to all, and guarantees every article to be as represented. 2t THE CONTESTED ELECTION CASE. —From the Watchman of last week we learn that the Justice contested elec tion case of J/illheim, has at last been dec-iced in favor of J. 11. Iteifsvder, and the county to pay all costs. The eas3 was argued before Judge Elwill, of Bloomsburg, who held court in Belle fonte for our Judges in Jfarch, and it was he who decided the contest. Since the above had been put in type we were informed that Judge Elwill has changed his decision as far as the costs of the case are concerned by pitt ing them oil the borough, instead on the county. —About four weeks ago the Messrs. Lose, our enterprising Planing J/iil men and Undertakers, improved their shops on Penu Street by a new and powerful engino of about 110 horse power. Their establishment is now so well rigged out with machinery of eve ry kind, that they are able to execute all work with promptness and satisfac tion. The lower floor of their building is occupied us the workshop, while the upper floor is fixed up as a storero m where they keep the finest selection of Caskets, Collins, Shrouds and trim mings to be found in this or neighbor ing valleys. These gentleinou are bound to make things boom and to see them at work will almost convince you that they will succeed in their laudable efforts. J/illheim has certainly a right to be proud of such business places, and it affords us pleasure to encourage thorn. PATEWTS We eonllnue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United States, Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. We have had thirty-five years' experience. Patents obtained through us are noticed in the SCI ENTIFIC AMERICAN. This large and splendid illus trated week 1 y paper, $ 3.2 0 a year,shows the ITogress of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN & CO., Patent Solici tors, Pub's, of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 37 Park Row. yew York. Hand book about Patents free. J* THE VICTOR Eqrflfll Ctovßr*Machine tyr* cSSrlsPMS* the k ''" i ua * tTCr tK 'EsffiSSa? bulled 100 bu i.Helj o. td J ifrj/ffiBJKHpKSWpB In oa dvr ftri dajMD nr:d wet irn'.v Sen 4 be ■ ">rh!fy letter* eonSrm.nz II n*t?rr.tOMrn A*.rleulrnrul Itapir y lauds of Jacob Wiliuyer, and on the north, east and south hy lands of Belli. Kerstetter, being the property of Daniel s. Kersiettev. deceased. Thereon erected a good, new dwelling house, stable and other outbuildings. TERMS of SALE: One half on confirmation of sale, and balance in one year with interest, to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. Benjamin K kkstkttoi, Administrator. T EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters testamen tarv on the estate of Margaret E. Fisher, late of Miles township, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber, nil persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make i.n inediate pavmeut, and those having claims to present theiu for settlement. .t Bknjamin F. Miller. I" KG A L NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given J that the undersigned has tiled an applica tion ami deposited t lie pureliH.se money wi.h the Secretary of internal Affairs for a tract of land containing 2"n acres more or less, situate in Haines township. Centre Co. Pa., bounded on ihe east by lands of Jacob Fees, south by lands of Pardee & Cook, west by lands of Pardee & Cook and R. F. Brown, and north by hunts in tlie warrantee name of James Henry. 6t 11. Is. Caw ley. L.C.SS. C, RAILEOAP. T Si A INS LEAVE WESTWARD. 1 3 5 7 A. M. A. M, r. M P. M. Montandoil ••• Jit.su 1.45 <;.3 11.30 3.0 Millmoiit #.25 11.20 3.4 Laurel ton K35ar11.35 3..A Wicker Kuu tIOO 4.M> Cherry Run lU7 4.1S Fowler .. 0.37 4.10 Cubit I'll • 04# 4.50 Sprmji Mills 10.15 ar 3.20 TRAINS LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 0 8 A. M. A. M. 1. M. r. M. Mnntumlnn ur 0.4-/ iirlo.Ufmrl.l'A a: 5.2a Lewlaburs 6.85 9.50 12.50 6.10 Fair Ground O.A 12.31 4,1* Rielil 0.2.7 12.22 4.3'! Vfcksbnrjc 0.00 13.15 4.-2s Mifflin burg 906 12.35 4.10 MHhnont 8.15 11.55 3.42 1 aurelton ...... 8.35 11 50 3.35 Wiker 1inn...... S.lO S'.tw Cherry Run - 7.52 2.50 Fowler 7.;wt 2.30 ObUM . 7.20 2.19 Spiing Mills 0.50 I.x) Trains Nos. 1 ami 2 conn el at Montandnn with Erie Mail west for WiillHiusport, Lock Haven. Kuue, Oorry and Erie, ami Buffalo and Niagara Fulls yi i Emporium, a'o Klmira, \\;u. kins. Buffalo-nd Niagara Fails v.a Camnulai- RUH. Nos. 3 and 4 connect with pacific I'/jucss east for HarrUbuir, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia ami New York. NOR. 5 and 6 connect with I>ay KXNRCSS east for Jla iris burg. Baltimore, Washington. Foil wdelphia ami New York. and Niagara Kxurc.ss west f<-r WilHamsport, laiek Haven ami Itcn ovo, Tyrone. Altoona n l i'i!t-i>urg via Lock llavcu. aNo Flinira. Watklns ami Buffalo, ami Niagara F.vllsvlu tamimlamoa. Nos. 7 and 8 connect with Fast Line west for Williams;,ort and Lock llaven. No.B also connects with Eric Mail cist for Hurt isburtf. Baltimore, Wash-niGou, l'ai'.i i •!- phl.i and New Vork. IT WILT. PAY YOIT f 12 emitih Ml tWe J „ m,. &Hllll m> v§ S MAMMOTH SOPPLY OSPOT, NO?. 113 & 114 FRONI STK, MILTONT, IP.A.. Wo are now offeriugjthc largest stock and greatest variety of Furniture, House Furnishing Goods, &c. ill tile State. FKICEW BKYOXI) C OMPETITSO*, consisting in part or Elch an Furniture All the latest Designs in Walnut, Oak, Cherry, Mahogany and Ebony. We makea Specialty in Parlor Suits, and wiU'sel! them lower tnan any Party in tho stat". Prices ranging FROM $3) TO 83W. If you contemplate buying a PIANO, ORGAN OR SEWING MACHINE, it will pay vou to write us for prices. We also carry ala re lhie ol extra Super, Body and Tap csty Brussels Carpets. A Good Brussels Carpet at 70 cts. per yard. Our stock of Plain. Out and Engraved Table Glass-ware, Plain and Decorated French China, Silver Plated-ware, Lamps and Chandeliers, &c. is well worth your Inspection. Our sales exceed those of any House in our line in the state. J LOW PRICES DO IT. We extend an invitation to you to visit us and rrhl take pleasure in showing you through our various Departments. iriITCil£LL, LEWIS & CO., Racine, Wis., Manufacturers of FARM AJTJD FREIGHT WrAGOJTS. Also Three-Spring and Four-Spring Wagons, and Side-Spring Buggies. „ The MITCHELL, WAGON is Monarch of the Road; only the very best stock used in its con struction and made by the best wagon mechanics in the The Spring Wagon and Buggy De partment is entirely separate from the Farm Wagon shops. vAnd for the manufacture of this class of ••'or!; we have facilities unsurpassed. SeDd for Catalogue and Illustrated Price List. MITCHELL, LEWIS A; CO., Racine, Wis. , PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia & Erio B. R. Div. ■ ' WINTER TIMETABLE. On and aftei MONDAY, Dec IM-li, 1881, the trains 011 Iho I'liiludelplila & trie Railroad Di vision will run as follows : WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 51 p. in " " Harrlshurg 425a. in " " Hunbury C3O a in j 44 44 Wiillainsport 8 40a. m 44 44 Lock Haven. 940 a.in 44 44 Renovo 11 05 a.m 44 44 Kaue 850 p.in 44 arr. Nt Erie 7 45 p. iu NIAGARA EX I', leaves Philadelphia H oa.in 44 ,4 Ilarrishurg 1215 p. i 44 44 snnhnry 1 Sllp.in 44 44 Wiillainsport 3 15 p. m 44 44 Lock Haven. 4 'JO p. in ' 44 44 Renovo 5 00 p. m arr. at Kane 10.06*. in FAST LINK leaves Philadelphia .11 20 p. m. 44 44 llaiaisbuig 305 p.m. 44 44 suilniry 515 p.m. 44 4 4 Wiillainsport 710 p.m. 4,4 arr. at Look Haven 810 p. in. EASTWARD. Lock llav 4 u EX. leaves l ock Haven.. 750a. ni 4 4 44 Wiillainsport. 9 05a. in 44 44 Kluihurv 10 50 an 44 arr. at liarrisburg ...125 a p. in 4 4 44 Philadelphia, ft 15 p. m FAST LIN K loaves Canatipalgua 7 (5 d. in 44 44 Watkin 8 40 p.m 44 44 Fhnira 9 p. m 44 44 Wiltinasport 1*215 a. in 44 Sun bury 1 32 a. in 44 arr. at liarrisburg 3 15 a. in 44 44 Philadelphia 7 (If. a. in DAY EXPRESS leaves Kane 6 00 a, in 44 • 44 Renovo loo6a.ni 44 44 Imck llaveti 1115 a. in 44 44 Williainsport I' 2 15 p. in 44 air. at Harrisburg .. 3 30 p. in 44 44 Philadelphia 705 p. in Ell 1K M AIL leaves Li ie 11 85 p. in 44 44 Kane lie a. m. 44 44 Renovo 9 09 a. 111. 44 44 Lock Haven lOlop. ni. 44 44 vvilliamspoit 1130 p.m. 44 44 Sun bury 1 05 a. in 44 arr. at liarrisburg 3 Ooa. in Philadelphia i 00 a. in Erie Mail and Fusi Line and Pttolflc Expre.s East make close connections at Northumber. laud with L. & 15. R. it. trains lor Wlikesbarre and bcranton. Ki le Mall West, Niagara Express West and Fast Line West make close connection at Wil j liaiHSport with N.C. it- W. trains north Niagara Express West and l>a> Kx press East i make close eon ectiou at Lock Haven with n. E. V. R. K. trail s. Erie Mail Eas' and West connect at Erie with tratusou 1.. >'. & M. S. It. K.; at Curry with (5. P. & W. it- h : at Eniporium with H. N. Y. & P. it. It., and at ulftwood with A. V. it. It. parlor ears will 4 "un between Philadelphia and Wjlliainsport u Niagara Express West and Day Express E; -t. Him ping cars on all ; night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN. General Sup't. IA. SIMON & SONS, 1 WHOLESALE A KKTAIL CBOCERS, keep the largest stock in the city. m m 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, TIIE ISOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. THE BEE HIVE STORE i i i I OF LOCTt HAVEIT Was Closed Friday, January Gtli, 188"2, to mark down the entire stock of Dry Goods, to close them out be fore taking account of stock, Feb ruary Ist, 1882. A\ e will enumerate some of our Greatest Bargains, beginning in the DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Jn this we will offer you an elegant line of brocade dress goods at 6J cla ; a lot of all wool 23-inch cashmere at 121 cts , these are in black only ; a lot of fancy plaids greatly reduced, a lot of all wool arinurcs greatly reduced, together with a full line of all wool cashmeres in black and colors. Fancy flannel suitings in all the newest shades. Plain silks in black and colors, brocade silks in black and colors, Satins. Satin Marveloo, &c. NOTION & HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. In this line of goods we will save you 20 PER CENT, during this great sale : we have reduced all goods in this department as in every oth er, such as Hosiery, ( 1 loves, Buttons. Laces, Fringes, Gimps. Corsets, in fact everything in Notions that is kept in a first class dry goods store. Great Reduction in Woolen Goods. Such as ladies' cloaking, men and boys'suitings, cassimeres, flannels jeans, satinetts. Great reduction in table linens, towels and napkins ;of this goods we have an immense stock and arc offering them cheaper than ever befoer known. Great Reduction in Carpets, Oil cloths—floor and table, white and colored blankets; a good grey blanket for 75 cents, fine 5-plv Carpet Chain at 25 cents. We would cull particular attention to our GOAT AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT. We will sell jou during this great sale an all wool dolman, uicelv trimmed FOR 6 DOLLARS. Our shawls we have reduced gwatly. Wc would rather sell them now • LESS THAN COST ✓ than carry them over the season. Gents', Ladies' and Children's Underwear. On thestf goods we will guarantee to stfrs TOW m mis emr by buying chem now of us during the great sale. Great reduction in 5-6 G-4, 0-4 and 10-4 sheeting and pillow casing. GREAT REDUCTION" Jo our entire line of Domestic Dry Goods, such as'.Calicoos, Muslin, Ginghams. Shirtings, and all kinds of staple Dry Goods. During this great sale >ve will offer tlio MOST EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS EVER OFFERED BY ANY STORE IN LOCK HAVEN. 01 I\ T till MS (hiring this great sale, at priccstowhich we hare marked our goods, will be EXCLUSIVELY FOR ASII. WANTED- 1000 Poundi of Good Tub Washed WOOL in Ex change FOR CASH. BEE HIVE STORE 05 MAIN STREET, LOCKHAVEN, PA J. F. Everett & Co.