Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, April 06, 1882, Image 1

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    VOL. LYI.
Fashionable Barber.
Next Door to Journal Stors,
Millhkih, Pa.
Good Sample Room on First Floor.
Bum to and from all Traioa. Spaclal
rate* to wuuesseu and Jurors. * 4-1
(Moat Ceutral Hotel In tbe City J
Corner MAIN and JAY Streets,
Lock Haves, Pa.
8. WOODS CALWKLL, Proprietor.
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial
Travelers on first floor.
Physician and Surgeon,
MAIN Street, Millhkim, Pa.
Office la 2d story of Tomlinsoa'i Gro
cery Store,
On MAIN Street, Millheim, Pa.
Br kintkr,
Shop next door to Foote'a Store, Main St.,
Boou, Shoes and Gaiters made to order, and sat
isfactory work guaranteed. Repairing done prompt
ly and cheaply, and in a neat style.
B. R. Pkalk. H. A. McKIK.
Office opposite Court House, Bellefonte, Pa
C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower.
Office la German's new building.
Office on Allegheny Street.
Northwest corner of Diamond.
Office on Allegheny Street, a doors west of office
formerly occupied by the late tlriu of Yocuui A
Practices la all the courts of Centre county.
Special attention to Collections. Consultations
In German or English*
All business promptly attended to. Collection
of claims a speciality.
J. A. Beaver. J W. Gephart.
Office on Alleghany Street, North or High.
Office on Woodrlngl Block, opposite Court
Consultations in English or German. Offioe
In Lyon'a Building, Allegheny street.
Office In the rooms formerly eooupled By the
late w p. wuasa.
lie pillleiw 31 omml
"A'e are horn; we laugh; we weep;
We love; we droop, we die !
Ah I wherefore do we laugh or weep ?
Why do we live or die?
Who knows tuat secret deep?
Alas, not 11
Why doth the violet sprlug
Unseen l>y human eye?
Why do the radiant seasons brtug
* Sweet thoughts that quickly (ly ?
Who do our fond hearts cling
To thlugs that die?
We toil! through pain and wrong;
We tight aud (ly ;
We love; we lose; and then, ere long,
stone-dead we lie.
O life, is all thy song;
" Endure— and die?"
Lrura had been making out a bill.
Miss Hayden,
To I .aura Stetson, l)r.
SaUn oversklrt. $->"> oO
Faid out on game IS 00
Kudltug skirt, seven bias rumes, corded ou
both sides is do
Belt, with sash ends braided l so
"That's all," said the tired girl, let
ting her pencil drop, and breathing a
sigh of relief.
"1 hope she will pay you to-night,"
murmured Mrs. Stetson.
"She is well aware of our needs," was
the sad reply. "At the same time she
oarries her old habits of Having into ber
new life, for she knows I shall not
charge one-half the price that a regular
dressmaker would. She would have to
pay Mme. Joliffe SIOO at the least."
"Well, it's a shame," replied her mo
ther, "that you can't get the regular
price when you do your work as well.
Time was wheu your father could have
bought and sold Walter Hayden; and
now you must work your fingers off for
his daughter, who has neither your edu
cation, urn* —"
"Oh, don't mamma!" pleaded Laura,
with a little laugh that was partly hys
terical. "You only make it worse for
me, you see, calling up old times. Just
say it will all come right in the fall, as
papa used to," and with the smile still
on her lips, she turned her troubled
eyes away.
For poor, proud Laura, earning a
scanty living for her mother and her
self, had a memory of the Haydens hid
den in her heart.
When Bart Hayden had goLC away,
only a year before, she had thought of
him for months after, nay, even till now
with quickened pulse aud heightened
color. The Haydens were not wealthy
then; but within a short time they hod
come into a fortune,and it was rumored
that youQg Bart was also growing rich
through luckly speculation.
It was just nine months since the
death c f Laura's father. He hod drop
ped down suddenly, while apparently in
the full enjoyment of health; and after
the funeral it was found that his affairs
were in a very tangled condition. In
fact only a small house was left to the
widow, through the consideration of
creditors, and that far from oomfortably
Laura, the child of wealth and fash
ion, her father's idol, a delicate, tho
rough bred, elegant girl, who had hereto
fore sunned herself in the warm rays of
prosperity, and hardly knew whether
she had a heart or not, proved herself a
heroine. Whatever she could find to do
she worked at with all her heart. Plain
sewing, embroidery, dressmaking, for
which she had a talent, and concerning
whioh she had 9ften laughingly said that
if she had not been rich she might have
been famous; everything was undertak
en willingly. She accepted the situa
tion, though not without some strug
gles with pride and many secret tears.
Mrs. Stetson thought of the time
when a carriage was at the call of her
beautifnl darling.
"Dear, cai/t I tike it?" she askeil
fazing at her anxiously. "You look
"I am ill—that is, my head aches;but
the walk will do me good," Laura re
sponded, trying to look bright. "Do
you think I would let you carry home
my work? No, indeed 1" and she bent
over and kissed her mother's forehead.
Out in the open air she felt better.
The nervous deprassiou from which she
suffered gradually left her, and she be
oame interested in the sights and sounds
about her. Soma of her former acquaint
ances passed her, a few with a nod of
recognition, but most without noticing
her at all—little stings these were, but
she held her bundle firmly, lifted her
head a trifle liigker, and passed bravely
on. Turning a corner she came full upon
an unexpected tableau. A smartly dress
ea boy, witn a feather in his cap, kicked
and struggled with his nurse, who vain
ly pulled the obstinate child till her face
was purple.
"Why, Lucy! Why, Benny!" exclaim
ed Laura, for the girl was nurse-maid
at the Hayden's, and Benny the young
est hope of the house. "What's all
"'Deed miss he's awful," said the
girl, nearly crying. "When he makes
up his mind, it's a tiger he is, miss.
Just see him now ?"
Laura spoke a few words to the boy
in a low tone, and he oeased struggling
for a moment.
"We're all at sixes and sevens," said
the nurse, "and the misses is orful ner
vous. Mr. Bart's just returned from
Californy, without no warning, and
brought a beautiful young lady with
him. I do suppose it's his wife, from
what I heard —and it quite upset the
misses, and made such a time. Now,
there's that polioeman; so you better
Laura heard, and for a moment street
and houses whirled round so that she
had much ado to keep herself from faint
ing. The words rang in her ears, "I do
suppose it's his wife." The strange and
sudden revulsion of feeling passed,how
ever, leaving her deadly pale. Certain
ly, Bart had a perfect right to get mar
ried; a perfect right to forget her —of
course he had. Men had done such things
ever since the flood, and would proba
bly, to the end of time.
The blood burnt her face now ; but
as she came in sight of the dwelling it
receded, leaving her pale ami almost
She stormed at herself for being so
supremely foolish; but the teara were
very near her tired eyes, for all that.
Huge trunks blocked up the hall. A
loud, cheery voice sounded, that struck
woefully against her heart; and the tirst
person she saw was stalwart, handsome
Bart Hayden, just coming forward as he
issued his orders to the men who were
taking the boxes up stairs.
"Laura —my dear Miss Stetson!" ex
claimed the young man, hurrying to
ward her.
But Laura's face was like steel. She
made a cold little bow.
"Welcome home, Mr. Hayden," she
said, in a set, cold voice. "I came to
bring some—" she could not say a work
—"something for your sister. 1 gener
ally go to her room. Is she there.
He fell bock a little. Strange how
the light went out of his face.
"I—l rather think she may be engag
ed," he said in a blundering confused
way, there might have been a little an
ger in the voice, "but—yes, perhaps you
had better go up," and he turned on his
"Ho didd't like to speak of his wife
and no wonder," half sobbed Laura to
"What in the deuce makes her act so
coldly?" muttered voung Hayden; then
in a tenderer voice," but she might have
seemed just the least bit glad to see me
I think," and then he kicked a box out
of his path, and went moodily to the
Aime Hayden was alone.
"So glaa you brought it." she cried;
"and, oh! dosen't it look beautiful?"and
she shook out the creamy satin with
exclamations of delight.
"Sit down, won't you? I've so much
to tell you. Bart has come home."
"Yes, I know it; out i can t wait —not
a moment. It must be getting dusk and
—and " She grew desperate with
the fear that Anne should see the tears,
and stopping snatched up the bill, a"d
placed it in the hand of her patroness.
"Oh. so sorry! SupjK>se you won't
mind waiting for the pay till next
week ?"
"We are out of coal and wood," said
Laura,her cheeks crimson; "and 111 fact,
we need the money."
"Dear me! Dear me! I was so
thoughtless as to spend every cent I
had. But stop—l'll go down and ask
Laura felt as if she could sink through
the tloor.
"Stop!" she said, detaining Anne by
a hold ou the arm, hor face quite whi e
and proud again. "I can wait never
"I'll run around, perhaps Must you
go? You don't know how much I've to
tell you. Well, then, good night."
Laura had not worn her veil. The
tears were running down her cheeks as
she hastily descended the steps of the
house, and Bart Hayden who happened
to be there, saw them. Oh! the humilia
tion to that proud spirit! She threw a
half-definant glance at the pitying face;
then, witli a gesture that repelled him,
she almost tlew down the street, uor
hardly drew a breath till she was at
How dreary and meager it all looked!
the few cheap dishes, the scanty table
cloth, the half-covered tloor, the worn
out chintz on chairs and lounge.
"I'm dreadfully tined, mamma; let
me lie down," she cried in a suppressed
voice and threw herself on the creaking
old lounge.
' 'What is the matter, my darling? I
see—she didn't pay, of course; and not a
stick of wood in the house. Oh! the
heartlessness, the wickedness of those
who are rich!"
A loud rap. Laura hid her face Her
mother answered the call and in strode
Bart Hayden, almost defiantly.
"At least you will welcome me, Mrs.
Stetson," he said, the old, fine ring in
bis voice.
Laura sat up, calm and cold agaiu.
"Anne sent this by me," he said, and
laid a sealed envelope on the table.
"When did you get home?" asked
Mrs. Stetson as soon as she had recover
ed from her surprise.
"Only a few hours ago," was Bart's
reply. "I brought cousin Jack's wife
with me; she was ordered home for her
health, and Jack couldn't leave, so I
took Mattie in charge. Poor girl, lam
afraid home is not going to help her
much, or indeed, anything else.
Laura made an almost imperceptible
movement. She was far from cold now;
her very temples burned.
"Well, good night," lie said, stealing
a glance at Laura as he rose, after an
swering Mrs. Stetson's inquiries, "I've
done my errand; and Mrs. Stetson, you,
at least, will let me come sometimes and
talk with you, won't you, for the sake
of old times?"
"To be suro!" was the quick answer,
"if you will come to so humble a place.
You see how the wheel has gone round
with us. Poor Mr. Stetson ■"
"Yea, I heard," lie said pityingly,
"long ago. Anne wrote me. But lam
not one of the fickle kind, Mrs. Stet
This with a reproachful glance at
"Good night!" he said the next min
ute and bowed to both women.
He had reached the door, when a faint
voice called:
He came back wfth half-suppressed
eagerness in his manner; his glance
wary, but anxious.
"I was just a little rude to-night,"she
said, looking dangerously beautiful in
her humility. Please forget it."
"Indeed I will;" and he seized her
pretty hands, his eyes radiant. "I un
derstand —you were always such a sensi
tive little creature! Bo you forgive me,
eh ?" he blundered.
"It was you who were to forgive me,
I believe," said Laura, demurely, her
lips quivering, ready to cry and to
laugh, too.
"Mrs. Stetson, will you allow me to
whisper?" asked straightforward Bart.
"Certainly," said the old lady, her
heart beating quicker. What was go
ing to happen? Had poverty done its
worst for them? Was there, indeed,
bright hope for the future?"
Bart put his full shining beard oloso
to Laura's ear, and tbe second time said
the mystic words that had so long lin
gered in her memory.
Laura did uot repulse him. He felt
then that her heart belonged to him,
tliut it had never gone out to any other.
Cold ttd hiiiup,
We wish to refer to certain errors
and causes of disease, that are uot rare
in cold and damp seasons of the year.
Catching cold is not often induced by
exposure to simple cold, but where cold
combines with damp, the company may
do a large amount of harm. The first
error, worthy of thought, is wearing an
overcoat, or furs in a well warmed
church (luring the usual services. Pos
sibly such garments may be needed to
warm such wearers into a due degree
of interest in the subject the preacher
may discuss.
it can hardly be necessary hi say, that
damp clothing on entering the house
should be removed, hst it should in
crease the radiation of heat and so rap
idly reduce the temperature of the skin
and more and more augment the sad
results. Those who are feeble and deli
cate, may take a warm bath, or soak
their feet, rub the surface to a glow and
drink some hot fluid, as hot milk, beef
tea, or beat of all, hot lemonade. These
hot drinks may safely urge the heart to
increased activity, drive the blood to the
outer surface and relieve the fullness of
the inner organs.
A second error in damp and chilly
seasons of the year is exposure to a
draught of air, as sitting at an open
window, or in an open door, or at the
corner of a street or sitting in a vehicle
whose back is opeu,
It is wise to avoid these exposures as
much as possible, and equally wise to
protect the chest by extra clothing, lest
a draught of cold and damp should check
the perspiration and drive the blood to
the inner orgaus and thus induce suffer
ing and disease.
Another error, or way of catching
cold is putting on overcoats that have
been long hanging in some cold place.
Cold outer garments should be some
what warmed, before they are put on,
and then when we reach our homes, let
the garment remain upon the person
uutil its chill has been removed. A
still other way of catching cold is thinly
covering the feet. For several years
we have worn cotton stockings and over
them woolen ones. This way of cloth
ing the end of the lower limbs we have
found sufficient to keep our feet dry and
warm, instead of moist and cold. Rub
ber over shoes should not be worn for
any leugth of time. Thev increase the
l>erspiratiou of the feet, check the evap
oration and leave the feet damp and
cold. Rubber boots are worse than
shoes, because they generate a larger
amount of prespiration and lesseu the
amount of evaporation, and so soon
place the feet in a sodden state. Those
who have tender feet and so suffer are
in a dangerous condition. Such is the
connection of the lungs and feet, that
the coldness and dampness of the latter
imply that the lungs are inclined to be
ooine diseased. Ladies, especially should
keep their feet warm and dry. For this
purpose arctics are efficient. If riding,
or if not, in cold and wet season, they
should wear thick woolen hose and the
arctics made expressly for their use. Cold
and dampness of the feet indicate poor
circulation of the blood and may be
usually removed by plungiug them into
cold water, wiping them dry ana then
rubbing them vigorously with mittens
of crash, or of hair.
If simply rubbiug the feet does not
promote the circulation of blood rub
them with pulverized ginger. This
treatment may need pursuing for sev
eral weeks, but the time aud labor
spent will amply be repaid.
Rubber over-coats or cloaks are by uo
means healthy. They retain too muoh
heat and perspiration and prevent evap
oration not of the feet alone, but of the
whole surface of the body. They
should not be worn except when abso
lutely necessary, and for a short time.
In the moist condition ot the skin they
usually produce, they expose the wearer
in cold seasons of the year to the dan
ger of catching cold. Children running
from the inner to the outer air expose
themselves so often* to takiug cold, that
they need the constant watching of the
mother. They need complete suits of
umler-olothiug. They need thick stock
ings aud over-leggings, and thick coats
and cotton and woolen socks, when they
expose themselves to the inclemency of
our usual winter weather. The mother
may need to often change their olothing
so as to adapt it to the temperature in
which they live and move. Children
should have more clothing rather than
more heat by artificial means, or if the
sleeping-rooms be too warm the cloth
ing should be gradully diminished.
Experience must teach the mother,
how much children need and not pro
duce perspiration, which is always to
be avoided, because it makes the skiu
delicate and tender. In sleep the body
loses nearly one degree of temperature.
All the luuctions are less active iu wak
ening hours. Delicate children or adults
who easily take cold may wear overalls
of flauuels. Those ohildren who are
restless and throw their arms aud legs
about may need woolen socks attached
to their flannel overalls. Some children
are in the constant habit of throwing off
the bed olothes. For such children we
have repeatedly advised that the night
clothing be a cotton and flannel overall
with stocking attached, iu plaoe of cot
ton and flannel gowns.
A Sensible Father.
Senator Sawyer is one of the moat
practical of rich men. He called his
daughters to him one day, and asked
them as a testimony of their affection
for him, to learn to make their own
clothes and cook a good dinner. The
young girls cheerfully promised, and
not long after iuvited their parents and
a few friends to dine. They cooked the
perfect dinner themselves, and each
wore a dainty gown made by her own
hands. So pleased was the Senator that
he gave to each on© of them a check for
How to Deodorlxu Stable*.
Wo often wonder why the occupants
of large costly dwellings permit stables
for horses ami the pits adjoining hold
ing the excreta so close to the house,
and have hostlers and aoadimen to come
there, to kitchou and dining-rooms, with
rank-smelling person and clothing. When
yellow com, mixed with mill feed is fed
to horses generally, or hard-husked old
oats given to old horses that cannot
duly masticate aud consequently fully
digest them, the droppings aud uriue
are uuusaily acrid, aud will badly scent
whatever absorbents are about. All this
injurious unsavoriuess may be avoided
by simple and cheap means. Very dry,
ivantt plaster of Paris, or fiue powdered
laud plaster dusted on stable floors
where said voidings generally accumu
late, will cover or coat them and pre
clude the escape of ammonia.
When the bottom and sides of the
vaults are dusted, and the ordure nicely
levelled therein, then firmed by treading
them down with the feet of stablemen
standing on a thick board ; finally, hav
ing a moderate coat of plaster scattered
over as painters sand-coat oiled walls, no
effluvia will issue, because the am
monia is bound. On emptying these
vaults the contents may be properly
culled manurial matter unless too much
salt hay or long straw, not fully soaked,
or badly carbonized litter be there. The
wagon loads might likewise profitably
be dusted top aud flanks ere starting,
and so further obviate the ungrateful
sight and odor of offal openly passing
through the streets. We have read of a
prominent livery man in Manchester,
Eugland, disinfecting his stables with
Douglas' powder,made for that purpose.
This did not only prove beneficial toman
and beast, precluding sore eyes and
coughs, Ac,,but the voidings were eager
ly bought by truckers, for these got the
full va'ue of their money.
The rubbmfi so generally bought for
manuring is almost worthless—hardly
worth hauling—for the substance has
largely evaporated, either before or dur
ing transit, and more yet ere said stuff
is covered with soil enough to prevent
still more exposure. It might be well
for the horse car companies to try this
process on a small scale.
Johu Jacob Aotor'i Start.
A business acquaintance of Mr. Astor
once asked him what particular transac
tion, or peculiar kind of business, first gave
him his great start. He said, in reply, that
at one period of his life he had accuraula
ted a large quantity of furs,such as beaver,
which were unsaleable in the American
market, and they were packed away in
whisky barrels down in the cellar. He
had no correspondent in London to send
them to, and no disposition to do so if he
bat. After talking the matter over with
his wife, they concluded it would be ad
visable that he should taae the furs to Lon
don himself, and he did so. The prospects
of the venture were very uncertain, and
therefore, in order to economise as much
as possible, he went out as a steerage pas
senger. On arriving in London he found
a ready market for his turs, and sold them
at a very high rate. He then made a list
of such goods as he thought would sell to
advantage in the New York market, and
purchased and shipped them. After he
had transacted all his business he was de
tained in London for a couple of weeks IU
consequence of the ship not being ready to
sail. He employed the time in looking
about London and picking up all the in
formation possible, especially such as he
thought would benefit his business in New
York. Among the places he visited was
the great Last India house, and the ware
houses and offices of the Company. On
one occasion he asked one of the porters
what the name of the governor was. The
man replied, giving a German name very
familiar to Mr. Astor, who then asked it
the governor was an Englishman, and was
told that he had come from Germany when
a boy. Mr. A stor thereupon determined to
see him, and watching for an opportunity,
sent his name and was admitted. On en
tering he asked the governor, "Is not your
name Wilheim?" "Did you not go to
school in such a tewnl" The Governor
rep.ied, "I did; and now I remember you
very well." A long conversation followed,
old school days were talked over, and the
Governor insisted that Mr. Astor should
dine with him. He declined for that day,
but on the next day they met again. He
asked Mr. Asior if there was nothing he
could do for him. Mr. Astor said no; he
had bought all he wanted, and needed
neither cash nor credit. They met several
times after that, and the Governor con
tinued urging Mr. Astor to name some
thing he could do for him. He asked what j
present would be acceptable, and Mr.
Astor declined accepting any. Their last
meeting took place two days before the
sailing of the vessel on which Mr. Astor
was to return to New York, and for the
last time the Governor asked him if he
would accept any present he made him.
Mr. Astor, seeing the anxiety of the Go
vernor replied, "yes." The Governor,
who was much affected at parting with his
old German schoolmate, handed Mr, Astor
two papers, saying: "lake these, you may
find their value." One of the documents
was simply a Canton prices current. The
other was a carefully engrossed permit or
parhement, authorizing the ship that bore
it to trade freely and without molestation,
at any of the ports monopolized by the
East India Company. Mr. Astor returned
to New York, without giving the docu
ments a second thought. He had no ships
and never had any trade with the East
Indies, and at that time never expected to
have. He then, of course, little imagined
that the parchment would be the founda
tion of vast shipping operations and a
trade amounting to millions of dollars and
embracing the Pacific Ocean.
The permit was No. 68. On arriving
home Mr. Astor showed the document to
his wife, and asked her advice, as he al
ways did in all matters relating to his
business, as to what disposition he should
make of thein. "I have no ships; it is no
use to us," he said. At that time there was
in New York a merchant named James
Livermore, who was largely engaged in
the West Indian trade, particularly with
Jamaica. He owned several vessels, seme
of them good size, aud Mrs. Astor advised
her husband to go and have a talk with
him. Mr. Astor we< t, showed tbe East
India Company ship pass, and the Caoton
prices current, and "now," said he, "if
you will make up a v -yage for oue of
your largest ships,you cau have tne pass aud
the prices current on one condition: You
are to furnish ship and cargo, but I am to
have one-half of the profits for my pass
and for suggesting the voyage." The West
India merchant laughed at the proposition,
and would not listen to such a one-sided
operation. Mr Astor returned home, re
ported progress, and for a time the matter
rested. Mr. Livermore, however, thought
it over. At that time no vessels traded to
Canton from New York. The Revolu
tionary War had just ended, and the East
India ports were as hermetically sealed to
American commerce as if it had not ex
sted. Only a few weeks elapsed before Mr.
Livermore called at Mr. Astor's store and
asked: "Were you in earnest the other
day when you showed me the pass of the
Ean India Company ?"
"I was never more so," was the prompt
reply, and again they talked over the mat
ter. Mr. Livermore finally thought be
saw his way clear, and an agreement was
signel by which Mr. Astor was to receive
one-half the profits, and Mr. Livermore to
furnish vessel and cargo, The ship was
selected and loaded partly with specie,
Spanish milled # dollars, about $80,000; and
the other halt was ginseng, a root some
what resembling licorice, which is highly
valued as a medicine by the Chinese, and
lard and scrap iron. The ship sailed
for Canton, and the pass enabled ber to
anchor at Whampoa, a few miles below
that city, aud she loaded and unloaded ber
cargo the same as if she had been a vessel
belonging to the East India Company. 'The
ginseng, which cost twenty ceDts per
fx>und in New York, was sold for $3 50
per pound in Canton. Tbe lead and scrap
iron also brought enormous prices. 'The
vessel was then loaded wilh tea and sold in
New York at $1 per pound profit on cost
in Canton. When the return cargo was
sold and tne accounts made out, Mr.
Astor's half share, which was $55,000, all
in silver, was packed in barrels and sent
up to the store. When Mrs. Astor saw the
barrels she asked what was in them. "The
fruits of our East India pass," replied her
husband. Mr. Astor got bis pass back,
bought a ship, loaded her wilh an assorted
cargo, and dispatched her to Canton. On
her voyage out she touched at Sandwich
Islands to take in water and fresh pro
visions and a large stock of firewood was
also taken on board. On the arrival of the
vcß~el at Canton a Mandarin came on
board, and noticing the firewood, imme
diately askod the price of it. The captain
laughed at such a question, but signified
that he was open for &b offer. The Man
darin offered SSOO a ton and it was all sold
at that price. That was sandal-wood. For
seventeen years Mr. Astor enjoyed the
lucrative sandal wood trade without a
rival. No other concern in the United
States or Europe knew the secret, and it
was only discovered when a shrewd, Boston
ship owner detailed a ship to follow one
of Mr. Astor's and observe the events of
the voyage. Then for some time that
house was a participant in the trade.
CapL Whetten commanded one of Mr.
Asior's ships, and he married the captain's
sister. Mrs. Astor knew more abont the
value of furs than did her husband, aud
she could select a cargo for Canton mar
ket and never make any mistake. When
they became very wealthy she demanded,
as an expert, SSOO aa hour for using her
judgment and knowledge of fur to promote
his commercial plans; and he paid her
whatever she asked.
Tt Hunter and the Treailt Urchin.
Several years ago, with a fine brace of
pointers, Frank and Dash, I left a little
town on the Ohio Canal some thirty miles
from Cleveland, after an early breakfast,
for the "Sedges," a well known partridge
ground east of the winding Cuyahoga.
Before I got out of the little hamlet a rag
ged little bright eyed, smart looking coun
try boy, between 12 and 14 years of age,
came trudging along at my heels. 1
"Where are you going my boy?"
"Hunting with you, If you'll let me."
"Youdo not look stout enough to stand
the fatigue of the tramp 1 am about to
make. Don't you go to school!"
""i es, but I'm runnin* away to-day to
show you where the partridges is. 1 know
ed vou was going hunting, for I see you
and them big dogs last night at the tav
"Arejou not afraid of getting a whip,
ping by both your teacher and your pa
"No; but 1 expect to have to lie some]
I'll tell the teacher I had the belly-ache,
and I'll tell pap I've been to school and
didn't want no dinner."
At this I smiled audibly, and believing
In his unsophisticated honesty, and tha
he might show me some new ground's as
he declared he could 1 told him to come
aloug, keep close to me and stop still when
1 did. He promised faithfulness in every
thing. We soon turned into a thicket in a
deep gully at his suggestion, and had pro
ceeded but a few rods when Frank stiffent
ed out and Dash backed him beautifully.
I stopped and looked bach to see if the boy
had stopped too. To my surprise I saw
ihm flat on his belly, with a look of aston
ishment cn bis face that I was not in a like
position. I had previously told him that
the dogs would stop and "point" when
they found a bird. I beckoned to him to
lie still, and looking out a clear place to
shoot, walked up and flushed the bird.
Luckily it rose fair and tumbled to the
bottom of the ravine. Frank had no re
tnevmg to do; that boy had the ruffled
grouse by the ueck before tbe dogs could
fairly flatten out their "down charge."
He came back with a face brilliant with
approving smiles and said:
"Is that the way you do it, by golly?"
"Oh, yes; we always shoot them ou the
wing, when we can."
"Well, by golly! You may do it that
way, but sitting on a log is good enough
for me."
—A good yield of eranoernes at Cape
Cod is a hundred barrels per acre. Sin
gle rods have yielded over a barrel, at the
rate of nearly two hundred .barrels per
A lion Tamer'* Experience.
"While with Robinson's circus," said
Mr. Neylan, "I became acquainted with
i Bill Reynolds, the well-known lion perfor
mer, and became a fast favorite with him.
He was growing old and was taken ill quite
frequently, thereby necessitating the with
drawal of that feature in the entertainment.
I was In the habit of playing with the am •
mals outside the cage, and one day 1 asked
Archie McCarty, the boss canvassuian,
who had charge of the cage, if he would
let me go inside. He laughed at me, and
insinuated that I would back out mighty
quick. 1 looked about for a cowhide, and
being unable to find one, substituted a
broom handle and started in. There weie
two lions in the cage, and a tiger, the ta
uious lion, Old Pnnce, the pet lioness,
Jennie, and a beautiful tiger of maguiflcei t
proportions. Old Prince was a stubborn,
bull headed creature, and meant mischief
every time. I was about sixteen years of
age at this time, and was in good physical
condition. '1 he moment 1 entered the
animals regarded me as an intruder, and
Old Pnuce commenced to assume a war
like deportment. I belabored him vigor •
ously with the broom handle, maintaining
my self possession and nerve, and ere I
left the cage he was humbly submissive,
and, with the otbecanimals, would prompt
ly do my bidding. I informed the mana
ger that I had found a substitute for Rey.
nolds, and would produce him that night.
The cage was drawn into the ring, and
at the appointed time I appeared, greatly
to the surprise and bewilderment ef the
manager. As I started toward the cage
be shouted: "Come away, you foil, you'll
get eaten up." But 1 went on with the
performance, and the animals behaved
beautifully. At another time Kobinsou
had a young liou, three years of age, of
great strength and ferocious disposition, i
determined to break him. aud selecting aa
em pty cage with two partitions, i had it
drawu into the woods one Sunday, and had
a terrible encounter with him f or three
hours. The enraged beast refused to obey
the lash, and it became necessary to use
hot iions instead of rawhide. After he had
been subdued I petted him for a time and
furnished him with a substantial meal, and
we Decaine the best of friends. All the
clothing I wore at the close of the encouu
ter was a pair of stockings and a wristband
to my shirt. 1 subsequently broke another
pair for Robinson, and had a tough tussle
with them, but nothing in comparison with
the three year old.
Mr. Neylan was asked if he had ever
found himself in extreme periL
"Well, yes," replied Mr. Neylan. "L
was once placed in a most uncomfortable
situation. Jemie. the pet lioness was with
} oung, and one day I had occasion to enter
her cage to repair it. The sound of the
hammer employed in driving nails appear
ed to frighten her, and suddenly she fas
tened her teeth upon the calf of my leg. 1
had the presence ol! mind to leave her alone
although she was tearing my flesh teiribly
and seizing my liammer i watched my
opportunity, when she had caught my
wrist between her teeth, and thrust the
handle down her throat, choking off her
hold. Then she sought to leap upon me,
and stripped me of my clothing, beside
leaving the bloody imprint of her claws
upon my back. The blows of the hammer
did not seem to have any effect, and at an
opportune moment, ODO of the keepers,
seeing my predicament, seised an iron bar
and belabored her vigorously, while I kept
accompaniment with my hammer. We
conquered her at last, and I left the cage
to dress myself and my wounds. She
never disturbed me again, and was always
gentle and tractable. Once, previous to
this, Jennie knocked me down, and Old
Prince evidently intended to make a meal
of me, but my good fortune and courage
did not deeert me, and I whipped them
both into subjectiou with my cowhide.
4 The best time to break lions," said Mr.
Neylan, 44 is when they are cubs of eight to
ten months growth. My practice was ta de
vote an hour a day to the tiaimng, always
exercising them on empty >tomachs and
feeding them immediately afterward; if
the animal is tractable and submissive, he
should be treated kindly, but if he is in
clined to be stubborn and ugly, then you
must obtain the mastery by a vigorous use
of the cowhide. They are inclined to be
treacherous even when the most frolicsome
and gentle, ana it can be shown that the
majority of lion performers who have been
killed, have allowed too much liberty to
their peta. The objective point of the
cowhide is the face aad eye to blind and
confuse them, and they smart and are
forced into retirement by a vigorous flagel
lation. It must not be thought for an in
stant Ih it one can look them steadily iu
the eye and thus disarm them. The liou
dot s become somewhat blinded by a steady
gaze, but tbe moment he lowers his nead
aud gives it an ominous shake, then look
out for danger, and the more promptly tbe
lash is applied the better. The tiger is
more treacherously inclined thaa the lion,
and more difficulty is experienced in their
training. I have trained Asiatic, African
and Mexican lions, and some of them have
developed remarkable power of intelli
gence and sagacity.
Colorado's Cave.
Colorado abounds in tlie finest scenery,
and now it comes to the front with a fine
cave at Manitou, which for beauty cannot
be excelled in the world. This wonderful
cave is situated about one mile from the
Manitou depot, up Williams'canon, and
snould be seen by every one who visits
that favorite resort during the summer
months. While this cave is not as large
as the Mammoth one in Kentucky, it is
equally as interesting. It was discovered
last year by a couple of boys from Colora
do bprings, but the wonderful beauties
under ground were not known until last
February, when Messrs. Rmeheart and
Snider purchased it and began exploring
the different chambers, and their trouble
was rewarded by finding some seventy
five or eighty different chambers, varying
in size from 26 feet square to one hundred
feet, while one chamber is 226 feet long
Dv 87 feet wide and the same distance
high. The caverns are covered with
limestone formations called stalactites,
and they can be found in every imagina
ble shape. Upwards of 3,000 people
visited this wonderful cava during the
past season. All were well pleased with
the sight. This cave is six stories high,
and when tourists visit Manitou next year
it will have been explored and made
ready for them.
Self-denial is the finest factor in ed->
NO 14.