Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 30, 1882, Image 2

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    |V jf iUl|cira jonrush
>i puhll*litl every Thursday, in Munser'sßuild
ing, om#r of Main and Penn streets at
Or (d 25 if not paid in advance.
1 week. 1 mo. 3 mo. 6 mo. 1 year.
1 square,... $lOOl $-2 on woo #< oo i00
1 4 •olumn,.. 300 400 000 1000 13 00
ttaolumu,.. 500 800 12 00 30 00 35 00
1 ♦olumn,.. 800 1200 30 00 35 00 60 00
One ineh mrtkes a square. Administrators
and KxecviUirs' Notices $2.50. Transient ad
v*j-tisKieite f.nd locals 10 cents per line for
first ins#rtlon and 5 cents per line for each a<t
'itiMnnal insertion.
dob Work done on short notice.
Kdltors and Proprietors.
Enroll & Saaday School Directory.-
Scvs r CWeidemvcr and JD Shortens Preach'*
Rev. J. 1). Sliortess will preach next Sunday
fnnday School, 11* r. M.— IX L. Zerby, Supt.
Missionary Society meets on the second Mon
day evening of each month.
Jltv. Funnan Adam* l*rcachcr-in-charge.
Sunday School at I 1 * p. M.— John Kimport,Sttpt.
Jtmv. C, IF. 72. Sifffd, Pastor.
United Brethren.
7iv. Shannon, Preachtr-in charg*.
Frvachnlg next Sunday
x Lutheran.
Jiv. JohnTtnnlin*on, Pastor.—
Preaching in Aaronsbure next Sunday morn
ing EnKlish—Communion services in Millheiin
lu st Sunday evnening. Freparatory services.
German. Saturday morning, ten o'clock.
Preaching also on Frsday ana Saturday eve
Ladies' Mite Society meets on tho first Mon
day evening of each mouth.
United Sunday Sohool.
Meet# at 9A. M.— IF K. Lit*, Supt.
Loiie & Society Directory.
Milihclnt Lodge. No. 035, I. O. O. F. meets in
heir hall, Penn Street, every Saturday evening.
Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on
or before the full moon of each mouth.
('. W. IJAKTMA>, See. W. L. BRIGHT, N. G.
Providence Grange. No. 217 F. of H., meets in
Alexander's block on the second Saturday of
each month at IJ£. P. M.. and on the fourth Sa
turday of each month at IS p. M.
I>. L.ZERBV. Sec. T. G. EKBARD, Master.
The Millhelm P. & L. Association meets in
the Fenu street school house <u the evening of
the second Monday of each month.
The Millheiin Cornet Band meets in the
Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings.
J. B. ilurtman. Sec. John Kreamer. Pres't.
Centre County Democratic Coram ft
Belief,mte. N. W, W. F. Rebor Bellefontc.
" S. W. Charles Smith "
W. VV, Jas Schofield
Miiasburg CK Kasiugton Milesbnrg
MilUieun - A Walter MUlhetm
J'hiUpsbnrg D W Holt Philinsburg
Unionville -1 C Smith Fleming
Eenner Uriah Stover...Bellefonte
Boggs - <' McLaughlin. Milesbnrg
Baruside - Win Hippie line Glen
College F ran k Taylor ..Lemont
Curtlu - Fredd Robb Howard
Ferguson O P A J Oiendorf... .Pine Grove
" NP Heberling Rock Springs
Gregg S P - M L Rishel. spring Mill's
•' NP BenJ Lambert.... "
Haines Geo Kister Anronsburg
Halfmoon - A T Gray Half Moon
Hai ris -...James KimporL-Boalsburg
Howard David Tanyer Howard
Huston I U Miles Julian
Liberty W H Gardner Blanchard
Marion -J J Hoy - Walker
Miles - Geo Haines Wolf's Store
Pattou - .I)t Meek Buffalo Run
Penn - ~..H E Duck Milhelm
Potter N P G W Suangler Tusseyville
" y p T W Weir Centre Hall
Rush Win Cutkni -Sandy Ridge
Know Shoe Wm Haines Snow Shoe
spring.— -T M Bam hart. -.Bellefonte
Taylor ~...V Beckwith Fowler
Union —Christ Hoover Fleming
Walker—-...A Kreamer Hublersburg
Worth W G Morrison .Port Matilda
R. H. FOBSTEK, Cliairinan.
11. A. MCKEE, Secretary.
IION. Charles S. Wolfe, while at
tending to professional business in
Pittsburg the other day, was interview
ed by a representative ot the Dispatch,
of that city. After giving a glowing
account of the vitality and hopefulness
of the Independent organization, lie
said if the Democrats would nominate
Judge Trunkey for Governor, L'hiltp C.
Garrett, chairman of the committee of
cm* hundred, for Lieutenant Governor;
J. Simpson Africa for Secretary of In
ternal Affairs, aud Major A. M. Brown
or George Shiras for Judge of the Su
preme Court, the ticket "would sweep
the State like a whirlwind."
The Anti-Chinese BiJl.
In the Senate the Chinese Immigra
tion Bill passed by a vote of 29 to 15.
The Bill provides that for 20 years be
ginning 90 days after its passage, the
carrying of Chinese laborers to the U.
S. shall be suspended, and prescribes a
penalty of one year's impisonment, or
SSOO fine against the in aster of any ves
sel who brings any Chinese laborers to
this country during that period. Chi
nese merchants, teachers, students,
travelers, and diplomatic agents are ex
cepted. It also prohibits the admis
sion of Chinese to citizenship. The bill
made no distinction between skilled
and unskilled laborers.
TIIE Tax Payers' Convention came
off according to notice, at the Court
House, on Tuesday tiie 22til inst. D.
G. Bush, Esq., was elected chairman,
and S. D. Kay aud C. Dale, Esqrs.,
secretaries. Letters were read from
several gentlemen expressing their
sympathy with the movement. An
other meeting was appointed for April
21st, and Wm. J. Dale, James Sterns
and William J. Iddings were made a
committee to secure a full representa
tion and report a plan by which the
desired object may be obtained.
Our opinion is that the "desired ob
ject" can l>est be secured by electing
good competent men to the several
county offices —especially should our
board of commissioners be fit and watch
ful men—and holding them to a strict
performance, of their official duties.
T.iis is the bast possible reform that
e.iii be inaugurated.
Five Murderers Hung in Pennsylvania.
Friday tbe 21th of March, will
be memorable in the criminal annals of
Pensylvania as the day on which no
less than five murderers paid the
dread penalty of tbe law for the bloody
crime of murder. At Harrisburg
Frank and Henry Rumberger were ex
ecuted for the murder of an old man
named Daniel Troutraan, near Gratz
town, Dauphiu county, Nov. 11th 1880
Mr. Trainman was a highly respecta
ble man and useful citiz'ii. He was
murdered for money which lie had in
hiS)posaesßion at the time as thecxecutor
of a neighboring estate. He was sixty
eight years of age at the time of his
murder, and had a family of fourteen
children, tbe youngest of whom is nine
years. The Itumbergers are not related
to each other, although they bear tbe
same name. .They hati two trials and
were convicted at both. The state
ments of the two men differed materi
ally, and Rev. Lee M. lleilman,
Fiauk's spiritual adviser, lias a poor
opinion of Frank's truthfulness. To a
Patriot reporter the minister said: "He
has become so accustomed to telling
untruthful stories that I really believe
he does not kuow when he is telling
the truth. I have much sympathy for
the man and hope that lie may yet give
us the truthful story about the sad
At Pittsburg Edgar Frank S.rall
was hung for the murder of Nicholas
Jacobv. lie protested that he was an
innocent man to the very last. The
execution was strictly private not more
than a hundred people being preseift.
At Clearfield John A. Neveling paid
the penalty of the law for the murder
of Samuel Pennington, Feb. 17th 1880.
His mother came to see him last Sun
day. The meeting between them was
very affecting. Jack told her that his
death upon the gallows was but the
natural end of the life he'hafi l ed, and
exhorted her to warn his brother bo
fore it would be too late. His friends
have treated him coldly since his con
viction; neither his father nor the wo
man with whom he lived as his wife
has visitel him in his sell. He em
ployed himself for several days writing
a sketch of his life, which is quite
lengthy. He lays the whole blame of
bis ciime to whiskey.
At 3/iddleburg, in our neighboring
county of Snyder, Jonathan A/oyer,
oue of the four murderers of the old
Kintzler couple, was launched into e
ternity from the gallows. To the very
last he stuck to the story he has told
all along, that he kuew nothing of the
murder until the day after it was com
mitted, when he was told of it by Et
tinger, with whom and Uriah Jlfoyer
he then went to rob the house. They
burned the old people's bodies in the
building and divided between them
seyentv-five dollars in money, which
they obtained. He concluded by saying
that "two committed the murder and
three went to rob." After he had been
bound hand and foot there took place
one of tire most remarkable scenes that
ever occurred at an execution. Au
gustus A/ayer, one of the principal
witnesses for the prosecution and a
cousin of Jonathan's, in an effort to
vindicate himself in his connection
with the case, availed himself of the
sheriff's general permission for, anybody
to ask the prisoner questions. lie ask
ed several questions in regard to the
testimony, which Jonothan answered
readily, fctid presently persons from all
sides began to propound queries
erbad already been standing on the
platform for nearly half an hour and
the terriblestraiu was beginning to tell
upon him. Suddenly Mr. Wunderly,
one of the counsel for the defense,
cried out dramatically, yet with a voice
unsteady with indignation and emo
tion. "In the came of God and hu
manity I protest against cross-examin
ing this poor mall on the scaffold 1"
The crowd at once took up the con
demned man's cause and loud cries of
"Shame! shame!" compelled the ques
tioners to cease. Just as the noose
was being placed around Jfoyer's neck
he looked calmly at the crowd and said
"goodbye." "Goodbye" came back
from a number of persons, "and may
God have mercy on your soul!" added
one. "Thank you," replied 3/oyer.
The trap was sprung at 11.29, out ow
ing to some mismanagment, ODly one
side fell, leaving 3/over struggling to
keep his balance. Instantly the sheriff
struck the trap again and the body fell
thirty-two inches. With but little
struggling 3/over strangled to death in
nine minutes, after which the body
was cut down and consigned to the
care of one of his brothers for inter
A Forcible Contrast.
The IJarrisburg correspondent to
Sunday Morning , in speaking of our
State Legislature says that some years
ago the House consisted of one hun
dred and the Senate of thirty three
members, now the former body is com
posed of two hundred and one and the
latter of fifty members. Then, the pay
was $1.50 per day; now, $lO. From
$1.50 per day the salary was made S3OO
per session, without regard to time.
It stood at S3OO probably a dozen years,
tilth was raised to $500; then to $700;
then to SI, 000; then to SI,OOO for the
first hundred days and $lO a day for
each succeeding day, without regard to
time; then the present constitution lim
ited the excess over the hundred days
to fifty. When tho pay was $1.50 per
| (lay railroad passes were unknown, as
wore railroads. Then, boarding was
$2 per week, and the member who paid
an extra half dollar for the extrava
gance of fire in his room was esteemed
prodigal of his means. Then, tin re
wore no pages; now, there are ten in
the Senate and fifteen in the House, at
$1 each per day. Then, there were no
pasters and folders;'now there are seven
iin the Senate' and eleven in House.
| Then, there was nothing to paste and
fold; now, there is the Legislative lic
! cord (commenced in 1857, and which
! generally get all pasted and folded u
j lout the Ist of August) and a score of
: reports, from the eight-page Fish He
pert tract to tho four-pound Family
! Bible Internal Affairs, Report. Then
none Of a member's constituents ever
I visited Harrlsburg; now, they come by
' every train and always lack a dollar or
! two of money enough to buy a ticket
home. Then,all a candidates, expen
ses was two or three dollars for ticket
printing; now, ho is expected to sub
scribe to every church, base ball club,
Y. M. C. A., tiro company, missionary
society and brass band, and attend
evefy barn raising, revival, horserace,
Sunday School picnic, circus, camp
meeting, county fair, uiite society and
public sale in his county, besides giv
ing to every colporteur, tramp and or
gangrindvr be meets in bis canvass,
! and bailing or indorsing for all his 'del
egates and their friends. Then a can
didate's public record alone was the
! subject of criticism; now, liis own, his
I wife's and even his mother-in-law's
; private character from the hour of
i birth to the going down of the sun of
election day is raked with a line comb,
j Then, SSOO a session was enough; now,
; $1,500 is not 100 much.
THE Democratic State committee
met at Harrisburg on the 22nd, to fix
! time and place for holding the next
I state convention. Heading and Har
risburg were the only places named.
: Heading had 17 votes, Harrisburg 20.
I The convention will meet on Wednes
| day, June 2sth.
A resolution was adopted directing
j the chairman of the committee to add
| to his call for the state convention an
; announcement that a proposition to
j reyise the rules'of the party will be
I considered by the convention.
WASHINGTON, Match—. iU>,
Tho Senate Committee on the Improvement
of the Mississippi River and its Tributaries
have agreed upon a bill lop tS.COO,
000 for the improvement of the Mississippi Riv
er, and $1,000,000 for the Missouri River. to bi?
expended under the direction of the Secretary
of War, in accordance with the plans of the
Mississippi River Improvement Commission.
A part of the appropriation for the Misslssipp
is to be made immediately available, In order
to repair as quickly nsf possible some of the
damages caused by the recent flood*.
The action oi the Senate in confirming Samuel
Blat eh ford as Judge of the United State* Su
prems CofiM gives that body a full boncti for
the first time in nearly five years. The latter
appointment has notably strengthened it, and
it will now bo able to do work which has here
tofore been nogl>oed from sheer inability to
perform It. It K too, a very respectable judi
cial body as now constituted. although It does
tiot come up to the standard It ha* reached
during some periods of the history of the conn -
The PresMent having signed the anti-polyga
my bill the suppression of the crime which has
so long flaunted Itself in I't.ah will now begin
in earnest. No differences have existed as to
the desirability of legislation which would re
move this rank offense from the soil of the
United States, though there have been disagree
ments concerning the policy which otiglit to be
pursued to make it effective. Now that the bi'l
has passed into law there will l>e general ac
quiescence In tiie desire that it should be exe
cuted with the simple intent of removing the
evil. With wise management ft is not improb
able that polygamy will in two years have be
come a thing of the past.
Doubts a* to tit* efficacy of the Anti Chinese
bill are already beini, expressed. Mr. Colby,
one of th v employees of the House, who has
spent some time in China, called the Munition
of the wrfter to an easy way tor Chinamen to
•evade the restrictions placed upon their emigra
tion to the United States. Said be: '-The is
land of Hong K<mg is a British eofony, and
large numbers of Chinese go there and become
naturalized. Mongolians wishing to conio to
this country can go to Hong Kong and tieconie
British subjects ana then come here without
violating this new prohibitory law I under
stand that the Six Companies are fully aware
of this fact, and 'have made arrangements with
British Companies who were previously inter
ested in the Coolie trade, to import Chinamen
into Hong Kong, have them naturalized there
in due season, and send them in large numbers
to tlie United States.
All the papers received by the rresident bear
ing on the case of Sergeant Mason have leen
referred to the Secretary of War, who lias plac
ed them in the hands of Judge Advocate Gener
al Swaim fr report. It has leaked out that
sufficient irregularities have been discovered In
the proceedings of the court-inn tial to nullify
the 7rdict. W Idle declining to divulge in ad
vance the nature of the report lie should nuke
the General yesterday remarked significantly
that he "would be heard from.*'
It was estimated from advices received up to
10 o'clock last evening that the contributions
already received at Philadelphia and Washing
ton for the benefit of Sergt. Mason's wife and
child would amount to at lca*t Ave thousand
dollars. Evidently tho "Am 'rican people" so
often quoted by Oultcau as his Arm supporters
have transferred their sympathies to a more de
serving object, and thus have driven another
nail in the coffin of his egotism.
We continue to act as Solicitors for Tatents, Caveats,
Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United States,
Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. We
have hud thlrty-flve years' experience.
ratents obtained through us are noticed in the Rci-
RNTIKIC AMERICA*. This large and splendid illus
trated week 1 y paper, SS. 20 a year,shows the Progress
of Science, is very Interesting, aud has an enormous
circulation. Address MUNN A CO., Patent Solici
tors, Pub's, of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 87 Park Row,
ftewYork. Band book about Patents free.
Doubi© hutler
Clover KtachiflO
Is tho only lint', ihtt ever
i toehcU o. wl
iT ' n <U>e di/ ft srt -tciA'p nd
\ wft straw, bend lor l>n
sr.rbitive (S.-oi v. ~'d .ri •
fi V/Vyr .ni'-y
r "OA—... letter* entidiM.a;
lla{er<tew Ari.ttl: ui-il .Mplisstn. W*. Co,
Utalc wkeirt vau ww Ajxt-rlv* -urn*. H--am -.t.v . -* A
I KQAL NOTICE.—NotIeo is hereby given
J that the undersigned has died an appli
cation and deposited the purchase money with
the Secretary of Internal Allans, for fitly acres
of land, more or less, situate in Miles township.
Centre Co. Pa., bounded on the east by lands of
M.J. Hall, north bv lands of Philip and
others, west bv lands of C. Derringer and oth
ers, and south by lands Snyder and others.
t3 A. W. HAITKK.
TEGAL NOT ICE,—'Notice Is hereby given
J thai tlio undersigned has filed an applica
tion and deposited the purchase money
the Secretary ®t Internal Affairs for a tract of
land situate in Haines township, Certtre bounty,
Pa., containing 150 acres, more or less, bounded
on the east by lands of M. K. liens, and on the
south, west and north by vaeant lauds,
it J. L. kUCVMKK.
ORPHANS' COIMtT SALE.—By an ordei is
suoil by the • h'phun's Court of Centre Co.
the sutser|lhir will oner at public salo on the
premises at Coburti, on
all that certain lot. containing one-fputll) acre
more or less, bounded on the west by lands of
Jacob Wltniyer, and on the north, -oast and
south by lands of Betil. Kewtctter, being the
property of Daniel S. Kerstetter, deceasetl.
Thereon erected a good. new dwelling house,
stable and other outbuildings.
TERMS OK SALE: Onohnlf on eontlrination
of sale, mid balunce in 0110 year Willi Interest,
to be secured by bond umt mortgage on the
promises. BKNJAMIN K I:ASM mm.
TIXEGUTOK'S NOTICE.-Letter* tesfamea-
U tary on the estate of Margaret K. Fisher,
late of Mllos township, deceased, having la-en
granted to the sultscrllier, all net sons indebted
to said estate are hereby notiln d to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims to
present them for settlement,
ot BKNJAMIN F. Mii.i.kk.
LEGAL NOTICE. —Notice is hereby given
that the undersigned has tiled 1111 applica
tion and deposited the purchase tnouey wUh
the Secretary f internal Affairs ' for u
tract of land containing 'Jul acres more or less,
situate in Haines township, Centre Co. Pa.,
bounded on the east by lands of Jacob Fees,
south by lands of Pardee A; Cook, west bv lands
of Pardee & Cook and It. F. Brown, ami north
by lands in the warrantee name of James
bt " 11. B. Cawley.
L. R. & S. C. RAIL ROAD.
13 5 7
*.in. a. m. r. m r. m.
Montamlob ;. 7.U5 licfo ].<'
Lewisburg a r 7.25 10.45 2.05
i.ewisbui g lv 7.25
Kulr Ground 7.;t0 in.52 2.12
Kit hi 7.41 11.14 222
Vlcksbtirg 7M7 11,10 2. 4
Mlttlmhurg 803 11.30 3.<
Millinont R. 25 11.20 V.'l
Kaurelton R.35r11.55 3.35
Wick or Kun 9.00 4.00
Cherry Run - I.17 4.1H
Fowler .. ............ 9.37 4.40
Cobnfb . 9.4S 4\f.9
Spring Mills 10.13 or 5.20
2 4 6 8
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. 71.
Mnutxndnn nr 6.45 irlo.o3arl.inlirs.2o
I.ewlSVurg 6.35 9.50 12..'0 ..MO
Fair Ground 9.35 12.33 4.45
Rielil 9.25 12.22 4.36
Ytcksburg 9.20 12.15 4.28
Mlfllinburg 9.05 12.25 4.1H
Millinont 9,4.5 11.55 3.42
luturelton t 4.35 11 50 3.35
Wiker Kun. .8.10
Cherry Kun ,7.52 2.50
Fowler .7 2.30
Ooburn . - 7.20 2.19
Spring Mills 6 50 1.50
Trains No*. 1 and 2 conn ct xt Montandon
with I'.rtc .Mail west for Willlamsport, laick
Haven, KHIIC, Corrv and Pile, AND fnifTalo xnd
Niagara Falls via Finporiuin. also Klmira. Wat
kins. Buffalo and Niagara Fails via t'auandai
No*. 3 and 4 connect with Pacific
cast for aiTlsbu'i, RaUiihore, Washington,
Philadelphia and New York
Nos. 5 and 6 connect with Pay Kxnrcss east
for Harrlsburg. Haltimore, Washington. Phil
adelphia nnd New York. and Niagara Kxnrcss
west for \y Kb aw sport, lank Haven and Kcn
ovo, tyroil"'. All'imil Mild Ibtsl'lllg Via l.ook
Haven, also I Imira. Watkins and Run alo, ami
Niagara Falls via Canuudaigu u
Nos. 7 and * connect with Fas' Line west for
Wlllianisport and Lock Haven.
No. 8 also connects with Erie Mail for
llarrisburc. Italtbuore, Washington, Plnladel*
phia and New York.
J. 1- Smith & !Vs
NO?. 113 A 114 FROM STU,
W6 arc now offcrlngthe largest slock and greatest variety of
Furniture, House Furnishing Goods, &c,
in the state. VRICES BEYOXD ETITION. consistinß in part of Rich an
Furniture -
All the latest Designs
in Walnut. Oak, Cherry, Mahogany and Ebony. We make A
Specialty in Parlor Suits,
.botf, lower fan S 1 " 1 r " , " , " T ° * ss# '
it will nav yon to wrttc us fbr prices. We also carry ala tro line of extra Super, Hody and Tap-
J ' esty Brussels Carpets.
• A Good Brussels Carpet at 70 cts. per yard.
Our stock of Plain. Out and Engraved Table Glass-ware, Plain
and Decorated French CUlna, Silver Plated.-ware> Lamps and
Chandeliers, &c.
is well worth your Inspection. Our Bale# exceed those of any Ilouse In our line in the state.
We extend an invitation to you to visit us and will take pleasure In showing you through our
various Departmeute.
MITCHELL, LEWIS 3c CO., Racine, Wi.,
Manufacturers of JF *M Ml Jff JF JO JF Mi MB MGMM T MMP GOJF S•
Alto Three-Spring and Four-Spring Wagons, and Side-Spring Buggies. . .
The MITCHELL WAGON i .Monarch of the Road; onlv the veiy be.t stock used in iU con.
struct ion and'madc by the best wagon mechanics in the fl r tlm
partment is ennrelv separate from the harm Wagoir shops.'And for the manutactura ot Ull class W
v ork we have facilities unsurpassed. Send for Catalogue and Illustrated Pnoe List.
iTHTC'HELI-, LEWIS & CO., Racine, Wis.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Div.
On and after MONDAY, Doc lWh. IMI, the
traits* on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Di
vision will run an follow s :
ERIK MAIL loaves Philadelphia 11 *5 p. m
" " Harrishurg 425a. m
" " Hunbnry 6.10 am
" " Wllliamsport 8 40a. in
" " Dock Haven-
" Kenoyo 11 Oft a. m
" " Kaih 3 ftO
" arr. at Krle „?'4s|, ni
NIAGARA KXl'. leave* Philadelphia'* !;m
" •' Harrishurg I'J 15 u. m
" " sunbnry . )%m
" " WllllamspfcH SISp. m
" " Dock Haven. 4 28 p. m
" Kenovo 5 :V> p. m I
" Kane 10.85 a. m
FAST UK K leaves Philadelphia .11 20 p. m.
" " Ilarrlsburg 305j. in.
" " authury , 51.Tp.nt.
" " Wllliamsport 7
" arr. at Lock Haven 8 10 p.m.
Lock (lavcn EX.leaves Lock Haven.. 7.V)a.nj
WllllainHport. 005a. in
•• " Sun hut T 10 60 a ni
" arr. at linrriKborff ...126 A p. ®
" '• Philadelphia. 515 p. ni
FAST LINE leaves Caminpaigua 7 Ofcd. Nt
'• " Watkiu 8 40 p. m
" " Kirn Ira ylOp.m
" " Williuasport 1215 a. in
** " Sunbuty 1 32 a. 111
" Arr. at Harrlbnrjr & i- r a. m
" " Philadelphia 700a. •
DAY KXPUKSS leaves Kane 6 00 a. in
" " Kenovo 1005 a. m
" " 1/oek Haven 1115 a. m
" " W'Hlianiaport 12 15 p. in
'* arr. at Harrisburg ..J 80 p. m
" •' Philadelphia 706 p. m
EKIK MAIL leaves Erie 11 85 p. in
" " Kane 410 a. m.
'• " Kenovo 9 00 a. m.
" " Lock liavcn lopip. m.
" '• \v lilt*mspot t 11 30 p. in.
" " Sun bur v 1 Usa. ni
" arr. at Harrisburp 3
'Philadelphia 7 00 a. m
Erie Mail and Fast Line and Paclfle txprevs
East make close connections at Northumber
i land with L. $ B. R. K. trains for Wilkesbarre
1 ami Heranton.
I Erie Mai! West. Niagara Express West and
| Fast Line West make close connection at Wit
' liaiiispnrt vijth N.C. K. W. trains north.
Niagara Exfess Westtind Da.v Express East
make close em*. icctlon at Lock Haven with B.
! K. V. K. U.trains.
! Krle Mali Kas' ami West eonneet at Krle
with trains on L.H. & M.S. K. K.: atCorry with
ft. p. A W. it- h : at Kmporlutn with B. N. Y.
1 & I*. It. It., and at trifiwood with A. V. It. K.
Parlor ears will -un between Philadelphia
and Wllliamsport n Niagara Express West
and Day Express Kt -t. Sleeping ears on all,
1 night trains.
WM. A. BALDWIN. General Sup't.
' keep the largest stock In the sify.
for your Clothing.
Was Closed Friday, January Glh, 1882, to mark down the
entire stock of Dry Goods, to closo them out be
fore taking account of stock, Feb
ruary Ist, 1882.
TY e will enumerate same of our Greatest Bargains, beginning in the
Jn this wc will effer you on elegant line of brocade dress goods at
G$ cts.; a lot of all wool 23-inch cashmere at 12$ cts , these are in black
only ; a lot of fanej plaids greatly reduced, a lot of all wool armurei
greatly reduced, together with a full line of all wool cashmeres in blaek
'Und coloft.
Fancy flannel suitings iu all the newest shades.
Plain silks in black and colors, brocade silks in black and colors,
Satins. Salin Marveloo, tc.
In this line of goods wo will save you 20 PER CEXT. during this
great sale ; we have reduced til goods in this department as in every oth
er, such as Hosiery, Gloves, Buttons. Laces, Fringes, Gimps, Corsets, in
fact everything in Notion* that is kept in a first class dry goods store.
Great Reduction in Woolen Good's-.
£uch as ladies' cloaking, men and'boys' stifling?, cassimcros, fla'Trffete jeans,
Groat reduction in talJo linens.tCwel? and napkins; of this goodg
we have nr. immense stock atid lire'offering them cheaper thaVcVer befoer
known. *
Great Redaction in Carpets,
Oil cloths—floor and table, white and colored blankets; fc good grey
blanket for 75 cents, fine o-ply Carpet Chain at 25 cents.
We tvould call particular attention to our
We will sell you during this great sale an all wool cftlman, aieely
Our shawls we ha reduced greatly. We would rather sell then
than carry the mover the season.
Gents', Ladies' and Children's Underwear*
tfti these cgdsj w will guarantee to
&* m roe 2# ma
by buying diem now of us during the great sale. Great reduction in 5-6
6-1, 9-4 and 10-4 sheeting and pillow casing.
In our entire line of Domestic Dry Goods, such as Calico us, Mnslln. Ginghams. Shirtings, aa<L
all kinds of staple Dry Gouds. During this great sale we will offer the
OUR TERMS during this great saleat prices to which
We have marked our goods, will be EXCLUSIVELY FOR
WANTED— 1000 Poundi of Good Tub Washed WOOL in Ex
change FOR CASH. .
J. F. Everett & Co.