Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 30, 1882, Image 1

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    VOL. LYI.
Fashionable Barber,
Next Door to JOURNAL Store,
Good Sample Room on First Floor,
Free Buss to and from all Train*. Special
rates to witnesses and j urora. 4-1
(Most Central Hotel in the Cltyj
Corner MAIN and JAY Streets,
. Lock Haven, I*a.
S. WOODS CALWELL, Proprietor.
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial
Travelers on first floor.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office in 2d story of Tooßiasoa'i Gro
cery Store,
On MAIN Street, MILT.HEIM, Pa.
BF KiatrM,
Shop next door to Foote's Store, Main St.,
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters made to order, and sat
isfactory work guaranteed. Repairing done prompt- ,
ly and cheaply, and iu a neat style.
Office opposite Court House, Bellefonte, Pa
& T. Alexander. C. M. Bower.
Office In German's new building.
Office on Allegheny Street.
Northwest corner of Diamond.
Office on Allegheny Street, 2 doors west of office
formerly occupied by the late Arm of Yocuin A
M. c. HETNLE,~ ~
Practices in all the courts of Centre County.
Spec al attention to Collections. Consultations
In German or English.
All business promptly attended to. Collection
of claims a speciality.
J. A. Beaver. J W. Gephart.
Office on Alleghany Street, North of High.
Office on Woodrlng's Block, Opposite Conn
Consultations In English or German. Office
In Lyon'., Building, Allegheny Btreet.
Si billxfontb, PA. O
Office In the rooms formerly occupied hy the
Into w. P. Wilson.
lie pillleiii fiieial
A mid-Mat night,
The fall tnoou light,
Ths singing of ihs nighnugale
Came through the casement, with perfumes
Shaken from nodding lilao plume*.
The sweet bird sung,
The fair light flung
Gleams on the laurels gUatenlug:
O sweet, O bright, O tuneful night I
Among the orchard blossoms white.
Old music streamed,
Old moonlight gleamed,
As softly 1 lay listening:
The saddest things, grown sweet at last,
Come blossom-laden from the past.
Tweeu prayer and sleep,
Began te creep
A dream upon me glimmering;
it deepened to a vlsloned noon,
Which was not of the son or moon.
Tween sense anil soul
The vision stole,
A strange pale splendor shimmering
And 1 with one was walking slow,
As in the moonlight long ago.
It thrilled my brain
With piercing pain.
It crushed my heart to perishing;
Vntil 1 dreamed It was a dream,
And woke and saw the mooulight gleam,
And heard the bird—the nightingale.
"I never did see such a sight in all
my life," quoth Mrs. Narley, elevating
her two rheumatism-twisted old hands
in the air. "Dust on them beautiful
carpets; glass m the com ervatory win
dows all broken; chickens scratching up
all the geraniums on the front lawn,
and the lazy servt.uts dawdling away
their precious time ; while poor dear
Mr. Aveuel aud Harry don't know any
more what's going on than if they was
boarders. Says I, 'Dear heart alive,
Mr. Avenel, this is enough to make your
poor wife turn in her grave.' Says he
—you know his pleasant way—'Well, I
know it isn't just right, Mrs. Narley;
but what can I do ?' And I answers,
says I, 'Get a housekeeper.' Says he.
'Where?' Says I, 'Advertiso,' Savs he,
'Mrs. Narley, you've hit the nail on the
head. I'll advertise to-morrow.' And
that's how that paragraph happened to
be in the papers."
Here Mrs, Narley stopped to catch
breath, and nodded emphatically at her
auditor, a pale woman dressed in deep
mourning, with the unbecoming frame
work of a widow's cap around her
"And do you think I should suit
the gentleman?" the latter usked timid
"You can but try," was Mr. Narley's
encouraging response. "Mr. Avenel's
as easy as a lamb, and not one o' them
as is everlastingly checking off bills and
counting nickels and pennies, and Har
ry's dreadful pleasant temuered. Any
way, if I was you, Mrs. Hawkhurst, I'd
go up and see."
And Mrs. Hawkhurst, holding her
pretty little daughter by the hand, went
up accordingly to the handsome stone
house on the hill.
There she found Mr. Avenel in a state
of temporary siege, for others besides
herself had seen the temptiug advertise
ment, and made haste to answer it.
There were fat women and lean, tall
women and short, Scotch women, and
trim, sharp-visaged women; women who
had seen better days, and women who
evidently hadn't.
Mrs. Hawkhurst looked around,some
what discouraged by the formidable ar
ray of rivals.
"There's no hope for me,' she thought
despairingly,aud was just about to turn
away, with timid Juliet clinging to ner
hand, when Harry Avenel advanced.
"Did you wish to see my uncle
ma'am?" he asked, courteously.
"I—l called about the housekeeper's
situation," meekly murmured the wi
And Harry bowed her in at once.
The fat and the tall, the German and
the Scotch, the sour and the sweet, went
away disappointed that day, for Mr.
Avenel decided to engage Mrs. Hawk
hurt as his housekeeper, with pel mis
sion to keep Juliet with her.'
"She is all I have, sir," said the
housekeeper, apologetically, "and she
will try to be useful about the house."
"How old is she ?" asked Mr. Aven
"Fifteen, sir,"
"Well, let her stay," said the widow
er, good liumoredlj. "She'll eat no
more than a chicken, and I dare say she
can do a great many odd things about
the place."
Mrs. Hawkhurst proved herself an
executive offlceress of the greatest abil
ity. Gradually the "chaos and old
night," of Ayenel Place was reduced to
system and order. The wheels of house
keeping revolved so softly that no one
knew they moved, yet these were the
results. You scarce ever saw the house -
keeper gliding about the halls, yet the
servant declared she was omnipresent.
Mr. Avenel found himself actually the
inhabitant of a home once more, as the
years slowly passed away.
He was sitting on the piazza one day
smoking his cigar and watching the
graceful movement of Juliet Hawkhurst
as she was planting trailing vines in a
marble yase tnat occupied the centre of
the lawn when Mrs. Narley came out.
"A nice evening sir," said Mrs, Nar
ley. "Oh, there she Is!"
"WhoI" Mr. Avenel asked.
"Why. that foolish child Juliet!"
answered the old lady sharply. "I
ha'u't no patiouoe with bar, that I
"What has she boen doing now?"
asked the widower with an amused
"Why, she's refused Bon Nicholas'
eldest son, as likely and forehanded a
young feller as there is in the coun
"B n Nicholas! Why, Mrs, Narley,
she is only a child."
"She's seventeen next week, " nodded
Mrs. Nailoy,"und high time she thought
o' setlliu'."
Air, Avenel looked across to where
Juliet stood in her pink gingham dress,
the soft summer wind stirring her curls
and her cheek us softly tinted us the
standard moss rose on the lawn. Seven
teen! Was it possible that little Juliet
Huwkliurst had grown to bo seventeen
years old? Oh, relentless Time that
would not stand Btiil! oh, eruel years,
that went by and stole the lair bright
ness of childhood away! So Ben Nicho
las hud actually asked Juliet liuwkliurts
to be his wife!
"I wish you an' Harry'd talk serious
to her about it," weut ou Mrs. Narley.
"Tom't likely she'll have many more
I such chances as that."
"No: to be sure not," said Air. Avenel
I i
"And o'oouree she d oughter think it
over well," added Mrs. Narley.
"Oh, certainly—to be sure!"
When Harry Avenel come home from
the city that evening, he found his un
cle in a brown study.
"Harry," quoth the widower.
"Yes, uncle."
"I've been thinking—"
"So 1 should conclude, sir, from the
H shaped wrinkle between your brow,"
laughed the young merchant, "Well,
and what has been the topic of your
meditations', uncle Joe?"
Why, I was thinking what would be
come of us if Mrs. Hawkhust were to
take it iuto her head to leave us."
Harry opened wide his merry haael
eyes at the idea.
"What made you think of such a thing
sir?" he asked.
"Oh, I don't know. She has a good
place here; but oue couldn't expect her
to be contented with a housekeeper's
situation always, Horry."
"No, to bo sure not."
' 'She has become very essential to our
domestic happiness, Harry," went on
Mr. Avenel.
"Yes—l grant you that. Uncle Joe."
"And I really don't know how we
could manage to exist without her."
"Raise her salary, uncle," suggested
"No, I hardly think that would an
swer my purpose; but, Harry—"
"Well, uuel'.?"
Mr. Avenel looked slightly sheepish.
"Can't you imagine any other way of
keeping her here?"
Harry stared at his nncle. Mr. Ave
nel felt disposed to give him a hearty
shake ferlris stupidity.
"Oh!" cried tneyoung man with a sud
den dawniug of lucidity over the dark
ness of his brain, "You don't mean—
matrimony, uncle?"
"Yes, I do?" quoth Mr. Avenel stout
ly. "Would you object Hurry?"
"I, uncle!"
•'Because you are the only person in
terested besides myself—and her."
"My greatest interest, uncle, is to see
you happy," the yuug man answered,
wringing the elder's hand. ' 'And—if I
too should conclude to marry at no di
dant day—"
"Why, then," cried Mr. Avenel gayly
"we can all live together just as we do
now, and be the happiest family iu the
And he went into the house, wistling
aa they went. "John Anderson my Jo,
John." as blithely as a boy of sixteen.
Juliet Hawkhurst was standing by
the little side gardeu gate that evening,
thoughtfully watching, over her right
shoulder of course, the slender silver
crescent of the new moon. Juiiet had
certrinly blossomod into a perfect little
lose of a maiden, during the years she
had been an inmate of Avenel Place.
She was fairhaired and rosy, with long
eyelashes, deep blue eyes full of sha
dowy purple gleams, aud a complexion
like rose-colored satin; and, moreover,
there was in her every movement a self
possessed grace and dignity of mieii that
was inexpressibly charming. Juliet
Hawkhurt had been born for a lady,but
untoward fate had made a housekeeper's
daughter of her.
As she stood there, leaning over the
iron rail of the gate, a footstep sounded
behind her:
She turned with a little rose blush
and a smile she fain would liaye con
cealed, and Harry Avenel came up and
stood beside her.
"Little elf, you thought you had hid
den, away from me, but you see I have
contrived to find you out, even here!
What makes you blush and look so con
"Do I?" And Juliet fixed her gaze
very steadily on the green turf at her
feet, where a single yellow dandelion
was closing its eye of downy gold for
the night.
"Listen I" cried Harry triumphantly.
I've got a piece of news for you."
"What is it?"
"What should you think of a stepfa
ther, eh, little one?"
Juliet looked up this time in real and
genuine astonishment.
"A step-father, Harry?"
"My uncle has confided to me, this
evening, that he thiuks of marrying,
Juliet, and from all that I can gather,
the bride is uoue other than your moth
er, when we are married there will be
a nieo little family circle of us, oh?"
And the audacious young man belted
her slender waist with his arm.aud ven
tured to draw her a little closer to him.
"Oh, but, Horry, you ore all wrong,',
cried Juliet, crimsoning and Bmiliug
like a June flower. "I—l meant to tell
you ot it, but somehow the words would
not come to my lips. Your uncle told
me also, that he had concluded to marry
agoiu, and—and he asked me to be his
"The—mischief he did!" cried Harry
Avenel,starting back as if some one had
struck him a blow, "You! Why, Ju
liet, you are youug enough to be his
"Perhaps I am," said Juliet meekly.
"Aud what did you tell him? You
accepted him of course? He is rich and
I am poor, and all gills like gold."
"Till me quick, Juliot?" he cried,
almost passionutely. "Don't keep me
longer in suspense."
"F told him," Juliet answered inno
cently, "that 1 had already promised to
marry you."
"My little dove!" and Harry Avenel's
dark faoe brightened iuto sunshine once
again. "And you were right, for May
ami November never yet were happily
mated. My nuole is an old fool; and
yet I can't blame him, Juliet; when I
look at your sweet face. *'
The counteimuco of Mr. Avenel was
slightly confused when he met his ne
phew at the breakfast table next morn
ing, but further that there was no signs
of the discomfiture he had undergone.
He gave Juliet an exquisite set of wed
ding pearls when she was married, and
congratulated Harry after a very cordial
fashion. But he never proposed to Mrs
Hawkhurt,and as she had never expected
anything of the sort, no harm wus
And everytliing goes on at Avenel
Place just precisely as it ought to do.
Mr. Avenel keeps his housekeeper, and
Harry has gained a wife.
Gemlah FUherfolk.
Cornish fishermen are peculiarly pa
tient under grinding poverty. Their
calling is a precarious one. The fish
upon which they depend for the greater
part of their winter food, often do not
come. What Bhall they do? They might
frequently and with good reason, cry
aloud for help, demanding some part of
the national subscriptions which the
Lord Mayor of London disburses to dis
tressed Bulgarians and other worthy
claimants of international oharity; but
no cry comes. They might on the other
hand, destroy the boats and nets of the
seine-owner to set matters right; but
this idea never suggest* itself to their
mimls. They simply faoe the hard win
tor without a murmur, keep their pov
erty to themselves, eat their dry orust
with oheerfulness, aud ask alms of uoue.
As a class they are certainly frugal. In
temperance, of oourse, exercises its usu
al influence in preventing the laying by
of a portion of the earnings for a rainy
day, but in truth in the majority of cases
it is a hard struggle to live, let alone
save. During the long hard winter ore
dit is often obtained at the grocer's aud
the baker's, who can not harden their
hearts to deny their hungry customer*
the necessaries of life; and spring finds
them with a burden of debt upon their
shoulders,which all the summer's fishing
is uuable to remove. Heuoe many ot the
fishermen are in a olironio state of debt,
a condition of things which can not be
remedied until some occupation which
may be resorted to when stormy unfav
orable winds prevent fishing is adopted.
The patch of garden ground tilled by
most fishermen is not sufficient to supply
the need. Theft is almost unknown. I
speak more especially of fishermen liv
ing in small hamlets and villages; those
who live in larger towns are probably
no better than their neighbors. But in
bona fide fishing places property is ab
solutely safe. Fishing gear, oars, arti
cles of wearing apparel, and the like,
may be left unguarded and uuwatched
without the slightest fear of their being
Cams** •ftlia DeM)ret Tweth.
In a recent work by A.. Weil, the au
thor states the cause of the decay of
teeth, whether external or internal, to
be theschixomycetons fungus, the mode
of entry and propagation and the life
history of which he follows out in detail
The aoids which occur in the mouth,
especially lactic acid, while they may
greatly promote the decay, cannot give
rise to it. The fungus can readily be
detected by its acid reaction. The author
considers further, that, in many cases,
diseases of various parts of the body can
be distinctly traoed to excretions from
the month and teeth. Other observers
had already traced a connection between
decayed teeth and septic abscesses, in
which was found a fungus similar to
that which occurs in decayed toeth.
—The average expense of one session
congress exceeds #3,000,000.
Hlnrtn Humor.
The Hindus have their epies, their
dramas, their popular talcs, and theii
poetry. Their Vedaa contain passages
aa aublime as any to be found in the
■acred books of other nations. Theii
law-books are full of wiso and humane
counsels. Their epics celebrate the
actions of men and women not unlike
the heroes and heroines of Homer; and
their dramas bear strong affinity to ours
—a fact which led Schlegel to declare
that the English version of the Bakuu.
tala of Kulidusa presents so striking a
resemblance to our romantic drama
that we would oonclude it to have been
unduly influenced by Ids love for Bhake
spearo, if his accuracy were not well es.
tabliahed by all Buuskrit scholars. But
still, we cannot look to Indian literature
for on CKdipus, a Hamlet, or a Faust,
nor conversely, for an Euleiiapiegel, a
Panurge, or a Saucho Ponza. The dogma
of quiescence prevented the creation of
great types of tears or of laughter which
will live lor ever. According to our
conception of the tragic, tho Hindus
have no tragedies, and the humor whioh
many of these writers possess is a humor
distinctly their own. While the true
humorist laughs At the follies of
mankind, and, even as ho laughs loves
them beoause they are so human,
the Eastern humorist inspired by Brab
nanism or Buddhism, laughs at men
for rejoicing or despairing in a world
which has no reality. He never could
thoroughly understand the "brotherly
sympathy with the downward side"
which was the inspiration of Shakespeare
Rabelais aud Cervantes.
It is at first difficult for tho Western
reader to define what is earnest and
what is humorous in Sanskrit works.
That which strikes us as grotesque and
ludicrous is to the Hindu sublime and
serious. The difference in the stan
dards of taste adopted by Eastern and
western Aryans is admirably exemplified
in their types of godhead. The Greek
gods and godosses are beautiful and per
fect in form; Hephsestos, whose trade is
little suited to divinity, is mis-shapen;
and the horns, toils, and goats' feet of
Pan and the satyr harmonize with their
semi-beastly natures. The Norse gods
are strong, brave, and energetic, and
are models of oomplete manhood. The
Hindu gods, however are tremendous
monsters, with eight arms and three
heads, like Siva; with an elephant's
head, like Gauesa; or black, bloody aud
terrible, like the much feared, Durga.
In the Maliabarata Aryuua begs for one
glimpse ot the infinite, universal deity,
and Krishna appears, with many arms,
stomachs, eyes, and mouths with pro- j
jeering teeth, in whioh the sons of Dn
tarashtra are sticking, even as the pil* \
grims, concealed in the salad, were held
fast in the teeth of Gargantua, There
is, moreover, the same wild luxnriance
in everything Indira. The Ramayana
and Mahabliarata are the longest epics.
Tho Pansha-tantra and other popular
talos consist of stories connected by a
single thread; and there are stories,
within stories, until an uninitiated rea
der, before he is half way through this
labyrinth of incident, has lost the thread
that was to guide him. It is in keeping
with the rich fertility of the Hindu im
agination that the early metaphysicians
evolved the most tremendous humorous
oonoeption that has ever entered into
the miud ot man. When the philoso
pher paused, in his speculation on the
infinite, to look out upon the world ;
about him, he saw a laud teeming with
life and beauty; and men and women who J
lived and struggled, loved aud hated, .
laughed and cried. The contrast be
tween the trutli which he in his wisdom j
had divined aud life as it seemed aroused
within him a grim sense of the humor
ous. After all he asked himself what
was the world, what WAS creation, but
Maya, a delusion?—a joke, colossal in
design, whioh Brahm, the only reality
had imagined for his own amusement.
It was even as Heine fancied it might be,
the dream of a jolly, tipsy deity.
A Daring Venture.
Mr. Horsberg is a young German who
lately came to Milton, North Carolina,
from New York. He is a frail, delicate
young man, but active and hold, and is
a great hunter. He hunts altogether at
night, has a bull-eye lantern he pins to
his breast, and goes out with his dog.
Brings down the game, too. The other
night during the freshet he was in Dan
ville, where he had gone horseback for
medioine for his wife, and returning
about midnight he was caught this side
of the river at Milton, the night b ring
as dark as pitch and the swollen river
raging and rolling in front. The Dan
river there is about two hundred yards
wide. He called to the ferryman, but
the river was too bold and the night too
dark to go. to him. So he deliberately
dismounted, took off his overcoat and
fixed it to the saddle, put his spectacles
in his pocket, and mounting liis horse
leaped recklessly into the river. For
tunately he knew how to swim the
horse by keeping his head turned up
stream and, remarkable to say, made
the trip, striking the bank on the other
side all right. He seems to think
nothing of it; says he has swam seven
miles at one time in liis life. But it was
a most daring and dangerous venture.
Hutlni tbe Hippo.
A traveler in Afrioa says:
Here, on my first day, I lost my way
n the jungle, abont four mile® inland,
and for a long time was in a great
fright, climbing trees to try and get a
iew. I fortunately met some natives,
who climbed a eocoanut tree and got
me some milk, and on my trying to des
cribe the Bea, at once made signs of in
telligence. Thinking I wanted to get to
a luke to hippopotami, they took me two
more miles inland, and, on reacliing
some swampy ground, inado signs of
caution. At lust, parting the foliage
they showed me a small lagoon, aud for
the first time I beheld the mighty hip
popotamus in his native lair, never dis
turbed by a white man before. My
disgust may be imagined as I had only
my smooth-bore, and on the opposite !
side of the lake lay some eighteen hip
pos basking in the sun, and now and
then giving a bellow that made me laugh
much, I took aecurate bearings of the
place by the wind and sun, and at last
succeeded (after much fatigue, walking
through swamp and jungle),in reaching
the boat, The next morning at day
break I was under way, with our black
interpreter, and armed with my Alar
. tini rifle. We arrived at a village
and some natives immediately volun
tcered to guide me, and ooine and se<
I the fun. They hate hippos, which d<
great mischief to their little crops,suga
canes, etc,, besides frightening then
out of their wits at night, and oftei
knocking down their houses. When wi
reached the lake, there lay the uncon
scious hippos, as before, in about si:
feet of water, their heads just above tL(
surface. The blacks guided me roun<
to the other side of the lake, where ty
wading out through the thick, higl
sedge, I got within abont seventy yardi
of my quarry, one of the blacks acting
aa a rest for my rifle—and very steadj
he was. I selected the biggest head ai
my target, and sent my little messengei
on his fatal journey. It passed through
the ramus of the animal's lower jaw,
smashing the atlas and axis, and the
death struggle that ensned gave me ar
idea of what a mighty brute the liippc
is. Its entire body was hurled out ol
water <feet first), a most fatal sign, and
volumes of blood, mud and water were
sent high in the air, obscuring eyery
tliing. Alxmt twenty seconds afterwards
a large one rose to breathe soma eighty
yards distant, and I sent No. 2 straight
iuto liis braiu between eye and ear.
Death was in this case so immediate
that the animal did not make quite so
mu"h disturbance as the first one. The
natives were astonished and looked ou
the rifle and me as objects of the great
est interest. I then shot two more,and
by this time the bodies of the two first
were being dragged ashore. Next mor
ning I was up early to cut off their
heads, as I knew they would be all floa
ting by that time, and about ten blacks
accompanied me, one of them making
fast a rope to the leg. On the first be
ing landed the blacks gave a hearty
cheer, something like an Irish "Ulla
gone." and I, jumping on the huge car
cass, proceeded to make a speech duly
rendered into Swahile by my interpre
ter. That day I spent five hours up to
my middle in water getting the heads
off, the skin being about two aud a half
iuches thick and like india rubber. The
blacks cut off all the flesh, and bore
away all the skulls to the boat. I have
got now two heads on board, and the
lower jaw of another: my big head and
tusks are the largest ever seen by any
one on board, the tusks of the lower
jaw being about 9 inches long. The
night before we left Delgado 1 watched
for the panthers by moonlight, and on
seeing three come out of the jungle,
jumped, gun in hand, out of the stern
with bare feet, alightiug on some coral
which opened an old wound, and cut
my foot badly, so that I have now a
nasty suppurating hole in my foot.
Are mi 4 th Coraer.
"1 ou picked the pecans on Onion Creek
you say," said an Austin reporter to a
young man, on a wagon filled with pecan*,
"Yes, sir," he replied, "that's where
they came from."
"Many up there?"
"Plenty of them."
"Believe I'll try a few," quizzed the re
pot ter. taking a big handful of the pecans.
"I'll sell yon a whole peck tor fltty
cen's," said the man, with swelling eyes.
' Only want a few. Say, do you know
any neWbP'
"Not a bit, sir; everything is very dull
up our way."
"Don't you know anything?"
"Well, I believe Idid hear some news
"What was itf" asked the reporter,
cracking a pecan.
"There was a man got eighteen buck
shot in him where I live."
"Who shot biui?"
"I did."
"What did you shoot bim for?" asked
the reporter, aghast.
4 For stealing some of my pecans out of
my wagon,' aii the country man, reaching
under the seat for his shotgun.
The reporter hastily replaced the pecans
in the wagon, and after calling the country*
man Colonel, disappeared around the
Every human being has a work ot
carry on within, duties to perform
abroad and influences to exert, which
are peculiarly his and which no con
science but his own can teach.
Coffee ao far as is often supposed,from
Moderating the digestive process of
the stomach, rather tends to impede
this. When thirty grammes of oofiee,
1 diluted in one hundred and ffft.v of wa
. ter, is given to a dog, which is killed
| five hours and a half afterward, the
stomach is found pale, its mucous sur
! face being ansemie, and the vessels of its
: external membrane contracted. The
| whole organ exhibits a marked appear
| ance of anaemia. Coffee thus determin
j ing anaemia of the mucous membrane,
thus preventing rather than favoring
vascular congestion, and opposing rath
er than facilitating the secretion of gas
tric juice, how oomes it that the sense
of comfort if procured for so many peo
ple who are accustom d to take coffee
after a meal? A repast, in fact, produces
in those whose digestion is torpid,a heavi
ness of the intellectual faculties and em
barrassment of the power of thinking;
and these effects, and the disturbance
of the head are promptly dissipated by
the simular effect which the coffee pro
duces on the nervous centers, as shbwn
by experiments with casein. Coffee and
tea, when taken in excess, are a frequent
cause of dyspepsia, for the ansßtnio con
dition of the mucous m mbrane being
periodically renewed, a permanent state
of congestion is produced, which con
stitutes dyspepsia. Sugar, which with
many doctors has a bad reputation, is
an aliment which assists digestion, and
should be prescribed in dyspepsia. By
experiment, digestion of meat is found
to take place much more completely
when sugar is added. Coffee exerts both
a local and general action, operating
locally by means of its tannin, by dimin
ishing the caliber of the vessels, but
acting on the general eoonomy by ex
citing the nervous centers and the mus
cular system. It renders digestion
slower, and is only of good effect by re
lieving the feeling of torpor after meals.
Its injurious action on digestion may
be corrected by adding sugar so as to
counterbalance its effects on the mucous
membrane. This adding sugar to coffee
is not only a pleasant practioe, but one
contributing to digestion.
UlaU Far Platuro*.
In til©Bo days of decorative art socie
ties every young lady, it may be sup
posed, knows something, more or less,
of the art of painting. Some talented
ones succeed in making their knowledge
beneficial in many pecuniary ways,
while others, not so ambitious, are con
tent with designing pretty home deoo
rations. In many oases the cost of the
materials may deter many from
carrying into effect artistic id*as; or
they may be anable te procure the re
quisite articles without vexatious delays,
on account of living great distances from
towns. To such I will suggest how,
with a trifling outlay, pretty panel pic
tures may be made that amply repay
one for the time spent upon them. Take
two school slates, old ones will answer
the purpose, provided they are not
marred or broken. First paint in the
background either of neutral tint
or ono snaded in oalor; those from dark
brown to the lightest tint of that color
are pretty and effective, using burnt
umbev and white; be careful to shade
it as gradually and evenly as possible;
the ligher parts will doubtless require
painting several times. Flowers, on the
whole, I think, make the simplest and
prettiest panel pictures. Some poppies,
wheat and oue or two blue corn-flowers
on one. golden rod and some purple
ohrysanthemums on the other, would
make a bright and effective pair; or a
spray of apple blossoms on one, and a
group of pausies on the other. Paint
tue wooden frames of the slates in some
contrasting color, or else simply gild
them with liquid gold paint, and you
have at a trifling expense a pretty pair
of panel pictures
Ou a Florida Bmr.
Once out in the river, ihe ooat wound
in aud out of an immense praine dotted
with lagoons and floating islands, though
the current ran a devious way. Frequent
ly it was so nnrrow that the steamer could
scarcely squeeze through and then 60 shal
low that the deck hands would have to pole
it along. Twice on the route the lily-pods
aud bonnets grew so thick before the prow
of the boat that she bad to stop 'while a
way was cut through them. From the
deck of the steamer there were constant
opportunities for shooting duck and alli
gators. At every turn alligators would
be seen, often so close to the boats tbat
they eould be hit over the head with pine
knots from the huriicane deck. Besides
tha alligators and ducks there were herons,
blue and white cranes, aud wild geese.
The result was that a constant fusilaue was
kept up from the decks. The ouly an
noyance in shooting is the prevalence of
coot. The coot is a water bird that de
votes its life to making you think it is
something else. In Florida whatever ycu
see—alligator, duck or heron—usually
turns out to be coot. As the coot is to
tha water about what the buzzud is to the
land, it is considered disgraceful to shoot
it, consequently the übiquity of coot —the
tendency of coot to turn up at the wrong
time and place—and the disposition of
everything else to be coot is a very con
siderable annoi auce. From the stern of
the vessel the fishing was splendid. Tnere
is little better sport than to sit under the
shelter of the upper deck of the Marion
with a bright "bob" hung to a forty foot
line, trolling for trout as the steamer slips
away at a speed of six miles an hour.
It will be a cold day when you cannot
catch a score of fine trout in a ride of an
hour or so. We caught ail that we needed
for the table on the boat, and could have
caught as many more if the scenery had
not drawn us away from the trolls.
NO 13.