s!|c ||illl|eira journal. THURSDAY, MARCH 18S2- TH3 MILLHEIM JOURNAL 1 published cverv Thursday. in Musser'sßufill ing. corner of Main and Pcun streets at SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or *1 2-"> If not paid in advance. ADVERTISING R ITES. 1 week. 1 mo. S mo. fi mo. 1 year, eqnar*,,.. 1 $1 00 $- 00 I $3 00 1 4-1 00 ♦' ml column,.. 800 4 (XI I OiXl | 1000 Ir>oo1 r >oo column... 1 AOO Sail V.tOOl 20<*> y.no 1 •olumn, .. | 800 12 00 | 20 00 1 3D (TO (>0 00 On** tuch makfs a square. Administrators and Executor*' Notices ♦2.AO. Transient ad vertisements t.nd locals 10 cents per line tor first, insertion and 5 cents per line tor each a. A. Musser, snpt. Reformed. Itv. C. H'. K. Siegel, Pastor. i German preaching In Aaronsburg next San day morning. United Brethren. /far. Shannon, Preacher-ir. charge. Lutheran. Iha\ John Tom'inson. Pn*tor.— Prcacnini* in Aarousburg next Sunday after noon, English. United Sunday School. Meets at ?A. M.— II. K. Luse, supt. trip & Sooieiy Directory. The Ladies' Mite Society of the St John's l.utiieran church will meet on the eveniug of the first Monday of each month. Mrs Sadie J. Mnsser, Pres. /Irs. J. A. W. Deintuger,Sec. MlPJictm T.o. 1. O. O. F. meets in heir hall. Ponn Street, every Saturday evening. Rchoeca Degree Meeting every Thursday on or before the fall moon of each month. K F. STOVEH. See. It. B. HAKTMAN. N. G rrr.vi'.lence Grange. No. 217 P. of IL. meets in Ah-xand 'r s block on the second Saturday of each month at I'-.. v. M., and on the fourth Sa turday of each month at 11,l 1 , p. M. D. L.ZUHBY, Sec. T.G. Kan ARD, Master. Th" Mi'ihciin B. ft L. Association meets in Die i'enu st red school lonise on the evening of the second Monday of each month. A. WALTER. x- e, B. o. DEIXINGER, Prest. The Mihheitu Cornet Band meets in the Town Hail on Monday and Thursday evenings. J. B. Hart man, See. John K reamer. Prest. Our eounty auditors completed their work and fikd their report in the IYo thonotarv's office on Saturday evening. It wiU be submitted to the lodges of our court for approval at the special court next week. If approved it will be finally disposed of as far as we know. Sheriff Spangler's accounts for board ing prisoners and removing fish baskets was cut down $1612.90, and we under stand that measures will at once be taken to recover back this amount into t'lye >a"ty trets'iry. This is plainly right and anything short of this would not satisfy our citizens, who have watched this matter with much inter est ever since the commissioners' state ment appeared. Our commissioners and auditors have begun well, and if they continue in the s.uno line, of which we have no doubt, they will earn a debt of gratitude from every tax-payer of the county. Good, faithful officers who will guard tlie in terests of the citizens and conduct their business on an intelligent system and strict business principales, is what the people want, and know how to ap preciate. What a Technicality May Do. One of the most ridiculous and la mentable illustrations of the injustice of adhering to the line-spun technicali ties of law is given by the sudden col laps of the prosecution of Pratt, the sanctimonious swindler who was guilty of extensive embezzlements while treas urer of the Heading Saving Bank, of Boston, lliere was no doubt of his guiit and no lack of evidence to con vict him, and in the first court his trial resulted in his being pronounced guilty on twenty-nine counts of the fifty-two embodied in the indictment. lie ap pealed to the Saprme Court, alleging a llaw iu the indictment, and when the document was examined it was found that, although it charged him with be ing ''guilty of larceny," it did not use the specific words "stole, took ar.d car ried away," which, it seems, the rule or the Massachusetts statutes require to be embodied in the indictment. For this reason the Supreme Court quashed the indictment and swindler Pratt goes free. The United States Senate ha 3 placed Gen. Grant on the retired list, by a vote of 33 to 17, with the rank and pay of general. What good reasons there are to pay this great national bummer about SIO,OOO a year out of the public treasery no one who is not a senator can see. It is the first case in which an Ex-President is pensioned, although there was hardly a single one that did not deserve it more than Grant. His administration will always stand out in bold and painful relief for general incompetence, corruption ring rule and utter rottenness. It is to bo hoped that this will be the last dose of Grant ism a patient but nauscious people will be asked to swallow for a while. UNDER the new apportionment bill the electoral college of 1884 will be com posed of 401 members, providing no new States are admitted previous to that time. But Dakota will certainly become a State, in which event the e lectoral college will contain 405 mem bers and the next President will have to score 20-"> vote*, Conkling and Sargent Con firmed. WASHINGTON, March 2.—The senate in executive session has confirmed tin 4 nomination of Ex-Senator Conkling as associate justice of the supreme coin t and also thai of Ex-Senator Sargent as minister to Germany. The vote on Conkling's confirma tion is understood to have been thirty nine yeas against twelve nays. Eight democrats and four republicans, name ly: Hoar, Daws, Morrill and Ilawley voted against him Sargent's nomina tion was confirmed without a division. THE Philadelphia TURNS gives the Stalwart slate candidates for state otlices next fall as follows: Governor, JAMES A. HEAVEN, ot Centre. Lieutenant Governor, WM. T. DA VIES, of Bradford. Supreme Judge. WILLIAM IIKNKY RAWI.K, of Philadelphia. Secretary Internal Affairs, J. M. GREEK, of Butler. Congressman, SAMUEL B. DICK, of Crawford. Judge Trunkoy Dissents. Piiri.A DELPHI A, February 27.— This 1 morning Justice Turnkey, of the su preme court, delivered :i dissenting opinion in the salary ease of Common wealth e.e rcl. Charles S. Wolfe vs. Samuel Butler. lie holds that the sal ary means a fixed round sum for a specific service, and that the first sec tion of the act of May 11, 1874, clearly violates the constitution. The Seliusgrove Times is in error when it says that the decision of the Supreme Court was unanimous in fa vor of the s>oo per ilioa pay to mctti lxrs of the legislature. Judge Trunk ey, the Lest ur.d ablest man on the bench, filed a very decided as well as sound opinion against the decision of the majority, lie very properly and forcibly says that "salary*' is a specific gross amount and that "wages" by the day are not a salary. ATTE'iIPr T3 ASSVSSIXITS QlEl'N VICTORIA. Ihr Life Attempted at Windsor. LONDON*, Mai eh 2. As the Queen was entering her car riage at Windsor this evening a man in the station yard deliberately fired a pis tol at her. *Mo injury was done and the Queen was driven immediately to the Castle. The man, who is a miser able-looking object, was seized by sev eral policemen and t iken to the police station. lie gives his name as Rhod crick Mac Lean. The Queen arrived at Windsor at a bout 5.23 I\ M. SLe has been in Lon don since Tuesday, where she gave a drawing room on Wednesday in honor of the Princess Helena of Waldec, who is to many Prince Leopold. There was a large crowd of spectators await ing her arrival. The Queen walked a cross the platform of the raihvay, sta tion to her carriage, which was wait ing to take her to the Castle. John Brown had already ascended to his seat behind the carriage, when a man standing at the entrance to the station yard among a number of spectators pointed a pistol at the carriage and fired. To judge from the report, which was sharp, but not loud, the pistol was not heavily loaded. As soon as the Queen arrived at the Castle she ordered an equerry to pro ceed to the depot to inquire if any one had been hurt. The Bight Honorable Sir Henry F. Ponsonby, the Queen's secretary, at the same time proceeded to the police station, and after obtain ing all the information possible tele graphed to Mr. Gladstone the facts of tin assault. It is understood the Queen has not sustained any shock. In the House of Commons this eve ning Sir William V. Harcourt, reply ing to any inquiry from Sir Stafford Northcote, stated that the man Mae- Lean, who shot at the Queen, was a clerk by occupation and a native of London. He added that the Queen was not alarmed by the event. Mac Lean is 27 years old. He states that he is a grocer's assistant. The doctors pronounce him sane. The re volver.is a six-chamliered Colt s Amer ican. Two chambers were found loaded and two had been recently dis charged. Fourteen ball cartridges were found on the prisoner. Mac Lean says that hunger actuated the crime. The Cabinet sent a dispatch to Wind sor expressii g gratification at the fail, ure of the attempt at assassination. This is the fourth serious attempt upon the life of the illustrious Queen, all of whicn have of course proved fail ures. Her faithful subjects more than ever believed tint she possesses a charmed life. A Texa3 Town Destroyed. by a Cyclone. GALVESTIOX, March L—A special to the News, dated Valley Mills, Feb ruary 28, says: A severe cyclone struck this place at nine o'clock last night, al most completely destroying the town, only one business house being left standing. Brinknam's Hotel, a tivo story buildiug, was carried some dis tance and hurled into a confused heap. Ten persons were in the hotel at the time of the accident, all of whom were injured, but none seriously. There was no los 3 of life, but the damages to property will amount to S2O,(X>O. A Burglar's Big Haul at Potts town. FOTTSTOWN, March 2. —The office of John Thomson, ireasurer of the Schuylkill Bridge Company, was enter ed last night and S7OO in money ami a gt ld watch was taken from the safe. The safe was relocked in some man ner by the robbers after abstracting the money from it. Mr. Thompson did not discover that ho had been rob bed until he ope tie I his safe at 11000 to-day. The Fato of Ten Secreted Tramps. JULIET, 111., February 28.—Alreight car loaded with brick was thrown into a ditch, eight miles from here, yester day. Ten tramps were secreted la the car at the tim *, two of whom were kill id outright and the others so <*adly in jured that their lives are dis paired of. The names of the unfortunates ure not k town. Pulling His Head Nearly Off. Special Dispatch to tlw Times, EIUE, J/arch 3.—This evening Leon JTiller, a merchant of Union City, went to the woods, thing a noose over the limb of a ttee, fastemd his legs and arms and then sprang oil a projection fifteen feet from the ground, nearly pulling his head from the trunk. lie was sixty-flye years old. No cause can b assigned. TRIAL NOTH'E —Notice 1* hereby given j that the under-igncd has flirt! an itppiiea tit 11 and deposit d I lie purchase money iv th the Secretary of Internal A flair* for a tract of iatul situate tn Maine* tow ndiip, Otitic connti. I'a.. containing led acre*, more or le-s, bounded on the east by lauds of .U.K. Mess, and on the south, west and north by vacant land*. 3t J. L. KKK IMEU. ORPHANS' COritT MA I.E. —By an ordei is sued by the orphan'* Court of Centre Co. the subscriber will offer at public sale on the premises at Col urn. on SATURDAY, OP 11. SM.ISS-J, all that certain lot. containing one-fourth acre more or les-, bounded on the west by lands of Jacob Wit in vet*, and on the ninth, east and south by land* of Henj. Kerstetter, being the j o|ert'y of Daniel S. Kerstetter. ilreenscd. I'uereoii ereoten a good, new dwelling house, stable and other outbuildings. TERM* VK s VLB: one half on confirmation of sale, ami balance In one >ear with Interest, to be secured bv bond and mortgage on the premises. " BENJ.VMIX KEUSTK.TKK. Administrator. I KM At. NOTlCE.— Notice i * lureby given i that tIW undersigned have lKc.l an nppl - cation and dep -sited the purchase money with the .*e rotary of Interna! Affairs for fifty ucies of laud- more or less, situate lit Miles towr.sldp. Centre Co. l'a.. bemud on the east by lands >1 M. J. Hall, noitli ly lands of P..i!ij> Mramly and ohers,t west by lauds of C. Di'ii iugcr and othe s, and south bylands of I>. Krapc and otn res. A. W\ ItaFKH. 3t JEKOME SeiOELMATR. RRVVKE NOTICE that an ELECTION will be JL held by the Stockluddcis of the B< Mejontc, Aaronshurg and Youtiuniaustown Turnpike Company, on Tt'ESPAY MAR. 14,W!, at INIIOFK'S MOTH., Mifttiuhurg, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 •*. M. of said d y. By order of the Hoard. K e'o. 2_\ lsyj. W.M. Ficirruoas, Prost. 17 XECCTIHPS N< >T !CK.-1. 'lters 'estanu n li tary on the estate of Margaret E. Fisher, late of Miles township, deceased, having IMCII granted to the subscril'er. all peison* indebted to-aid estate ae hereby notified to make im mediate pavnietd, and those having claims to present them for settlement, ot BENJAMIN F. MII.I.fk. 1" Ef JA I. NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given i that the uiulcrsixued has tiled an applica tion ami deposited the purchase money wi.h the t-eeicsnry >f internal Affnlis fcr a tract of land c mtaining 2> o acres more or less, situate in Haines township. Centre Co. Pa., bounded on the east by lands of Jacob Fees, south by lands of Pardee & Cook, west by lands of Pardee & Cook ami It. F. Brown, ami north by lands in the warraut.ee name of James Henry. Gt 11. R. Cawley. PCBI.IC SAKE OF VALUABLE REAL ES TATE.—The following valuable .property, situate in Penn township, Centre county. Pa, about midway between Millheim and Spring Mill*, hah a mile north of the turnpike, and two and a halt miles from the rail road, known as the Capt. Henry Smith property, will be of fered at public sale, on the premises, on Satur day. March 11th. DSI The tract contains 155 acres more or less, 35 to 40 acres arc cleared and In a fair state of cultivation. Much more can yet be cleared and cultivated. A good dwelling house, good bank barn and other out buildings are on the premises. A great varie ty of choice fruit trees —apples, pe..rs. peaches, plums, prunes, quinces, grape* and cherries, a* well as excellent water—are on the grounds. The timbei land extends io the top of Brush mountain, is well timbered and of easy access. The premises w ill !>e offered as aw hole or In two parts, to suit purchasers. Terms easy. Person* wishing to aee the premises may call on Win. 11. Sinilh or Isaac Bultington. near Millheim. who will accompany them. Posse* sion will be given April Ist. 18*2. Sale to coin mence at ten o'clock of said day when term* will be nude known by S tMt-Ei. SV;TH, it Agent fur the heirs. HOUSE, ALLEGHENY ST., BELLFOXI E, PA, (J. G. MCMILLEN, PROPRIETOR. (food sanifjle rooms on the first floor. Free Buss to and from all Trains. Special rates to witnesses and jurors. MILLHEIM MARBLE WORKS, sj3finmocr & timer, o* Proprietors. THE OLD, RELI ABLE PLACE. L.C.& S.CJAIL ROAD. TRAINS LKAYK WESTWAIID. 1 3 ft 7 A. M. A. M, r. M P. M. Montamluu 7.08 10.30 I.lft 6/10 Lewlburg nr 7.2 ft 10.1 ft 2.oft o. lu I.ewlshut g lv 7.2 ft Fair Ground 7.30 10.ft2 2.12 IHalil 7.41 11.04 2.22 Vieksburg 7.17 11.10 2.23 Mlfflinbuiff h.i 11.30 . 3.00 MillllloiU 8.2 ft 11.20 3.24 lauieltoiu 8.38ar11.35 .3.33 Wicker Kim O.iKi 4.00 Cherry Kuu 0.17 4.18 Fowler 0.37 4.40 Coburn Ml 4 .AO Spring Mian •••••••• Ml ...... 10.1 ft nr ft 20 TRAINS LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 H A. M. A. M. P. M. r. M. MouUmtun ur o.4ft urlO.oftarl.oft ai'ft.2o l,e wishing o.3ft 9.80 12.80 8.10 Fair <1 round 0.38 12.33 4.4 x Hioltl 9.2 ft 12.22 4.30 \ ieksburg 0.20 12.1 ft 4.1* Ml 111 ill hum 0.06 12.2 ft 4.10 Millimmt B.lft 11.8 ft .3.42 Laurelton Ml 1190 3.3 ft Wlker Run Mo ,3.08 Cheriy Kuu 7.82 2.80 Fowler 7.;k) 2.30 Coburn 7.20 2.10 Spring Al ills G.ftO 1.80 Trains Nos. 1 and i connect at Woutaiidon with Erie Mail west lor WiUlaiUMport, Lock Haven, Kane, Curry and Erie, and Euftulo mid Niagara Fulls yia Emporium. also Klmira, Wat kins. Buffalo and Niagara Falls via I'uuandui gnu. Nos. 3 and 4 connect with racillc Kzpicss east for Hairlsbuig, italtiinore, Washington, riiilatielphia and New York. Nos. 8 and (1 connect witli Day Exoress east for llairislmrg, liallliuore, Washington, Phil, adclphia ami New York, and Niagara Exoress west for WUUanisport, Eoek Haven and Ken ovo,Tyrone. Altoona and Pittsburg via Eoek Haven, also Etiuira. Watkins and Buffalo, and Niagara Falls vl.t Canaudaigua. Nos. 7 and 8 connect with Fast Lino west for Williunis|H>rt and Lock Haven. No. 8 also connects with Erie Mail east for Harrishurg. Baltimore, Washington, Philadel phia and New York. A PLACE FOR YOUR DICTIONARY, A PLACE FOR YOUR NEWBPAPERB, A PLACE FOR YOUR PERIODICALS, And tu oruusml for your bouM, all lo out, THE NOYES DICTIONARY HOLDER. Hp*!! ■hksi mm pyi mm§ 4l|ll{{ lft ■B lif plj DHH-' Hp V Pi Hi ap& ■ jY\!mpg jaliE iijjffg ||| | | g4 PATENTS TYe continue to net as Solicitors for Patent*. Caveats, Trade Marks. Copyrights, etc.. for the United States, Canada, Cuba, England, Fnnice. Germany, etc. We have had thirty-live year* 4 experience. l'alculs obtained through us an* iiotlred lu ihcSCT- Kanric Aukrican. This large and splendid illus trated weekly*iier.sH.2oayoftr.showsthe Ihogruss of Science, is vi-ry nud has mi >nori!i<>u3 circulation. Address MI NN & U(l., Patent Solici tors, Pub's, of SoißNTinc AXKRiCAtt, 37 Park Uow, New York. Hand hook alsmt Patents free. IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT J. E; Smith & MAMMOTH SUPPLY DEPOT, NO. 5 . 113 & 114 FIION7 STJt, ZMZIXjTOIN", We are now ofleringjthe largest stock and greatest variety of Furniture, House Furnishing Goods, &c. In the State- I'RH'EN BEYOXD COMPETITION. consisting in part of Well an Furniture All the latest Designs in Walnut, Oak, Cherry, Mahogany and Ebony. We make a Specialty in Parlor Suits, and will sell them lower tnan any Party In the state. Prices ranging PitOTI $3) TO 85;) T. 11 you contemplate buying a PIANO, ORGAN OR SEWING MACHINE, it will pay you to write us for prices. We also carry ala rge line of extra Super, body and Tap e; ty Brussels Carpets. A Good Brussels Carpet at 70 cts. per yard. Our stock of Plain. Cut and Engraved Table Glass-ware, Plain and Decorated French China, Silver Plated-ware, Lamps and Chandeliers, &c. is well worth your inspection. Our sales exceed those of any House In our lino in the state. LOW PRICES DO IT. Wo extend an Invitation to you to vi3itus and will take pleasure in sho win ; you through our various Department!?. diITCSIELL, LEWIS A CO., ttaoine, Win., Manufacturers of F +IRJI FREIGHT VaG O.YS. THE MITCHELL STANDARD PLATFORM SPRING WAGON. Also Three-Spring and Four-Spring Wagons, and Side-Spring Buggies. The MITCHELL WAGON is Monarch of the Road; only the very best stock used in its rtruction and made by the best wagon mechanics in the world. The Spring Wagon and Buggy De partment is ernirelv separate from the Farm Wagon shops. for the manufacture of this class of " '>rk we have facilities unsurpassed. Send for Catalogue and Illustrated Price List. MITCHELL, LEWIS A: CO., Itaclue, Wl*. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia & Erie It. R. Dlv. WIN TEH TIMETABLE. On and after MONDAY, Dec 101 h. 18x1, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Di vision will run as follows t WESTWARD. ERIK MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 ftft p. in 44 44 Harrishurg 428 a. in " 44 Suuhury ft 30 aiu " " WUUanisport H 40a. in " 44 Lock Haven. Oioa. m " " Iteiiovo llOfta.m " 44 Kauc .3 60 p.in " arr. at Erie 7 48 p. in NIAGARA KXF. leaves Philadelphia H 00a. in 44 * 4 Harrishurg 12 18 p. in " " Ktinhnry 1 ftQp.m " \s tliliiiiis|iorl 3 18 p. ni " •• Lock Haven. 120 p. in " " Re novo 8.30 p. in " arr.at Kane lo.ofta. m FAST I.lNEler.vcs Philadelphia .11 20 p.m. 44 44 llarrlshurg 3 Oft p.m. 44 " sutbury ft Ift p.m. 44 " WiUlamsport 710 p.m. " art', at Lock Haven 8 10 p. in. EASTWARD. Eoek Haven EX.leaves l.ock Haven.. 7 80 u. m •• *' Williainspoit. 9 05a. m M " Sunhurv 10 80 a ui 44 arr.at Harrishurg ...12 8 8 p. in " " Philadelphia. 815 p. in FAST LINE leaves Caiianpalgua 705 d. n " " Watkin 8 40p.r0 " " Klmira 0 30 p. in " 41 Willmasport 1215 a. m " 44 Hun bury 132 a. in " arr. at IfarrlsbuVg 3 18 a. in •• 44 Pbilatlelphia 700a. in DAY EXPRESS leaves Kane f. no a, in 44 *• Renovo 10 Oft a. m 44 44 Eoek Haven 11 Ift a. 11l •• 44 WiHiaiueport 12 Ift p. m 44 arr.at Harilsburg .. 3 j.m 44 44 Philadelphia 7eftp. in ERIK MAIL leaves Erie 11 38 p. in 44 44 Kane 4 lo a. in. 44 44 Keiinvo 0 00 a. 111. 44 44 Lock Haven 1010 p.m. 44 44 vv illiainspoit 1130 p. in. 44 44 Kuubury 106a. in 44 arr. at Harrisourg 3 00a. in Philadelphia 7 00 a. ni Erie Mall and Fast Line ami Pacific Hxpre.s 1 East make close connection., at Noi thumber land with L. & H. R. K. trains tor Wllkesbarre and Seranton. Kile Mall West, Niagara Express West and Fast Line West make elom connect!->n at Wil limnsport with N.C. R. W. trains north Niagara Exj"es West ami Day Express East make close cor. uction at Lock llaveu with !>. K. V. It. It. trail s. Erie Mail E'as' and West connect at Erie with traluson L. ". At M.S. R. R.: at i'or-y with . P. & W. R. Ik : at Emporium with B. N. Y. & P. R. K., and at Ulftwood with A. V. R. It. par hr cars will -nil between Philadelphia i and WiUlamsport n Niagara Express Wert ! ami Day Express Er me of our Greatest Bargains, beginning in the DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT In this we will < fier you nn elegant lire ofltrocr.de dress goods at C] els ; a lot of all wool 23-inch cashmere at 122 l' ,ese arfe i'i black only ; a lot of fancy plaids greatly red need, a lot of all wool nrmure* greatly reduced, together with a full line of all wool cashmeres in blaek and colors. Fancy flannel suitings in all the newest shales. I*l.ii:i silks in black and colors brocade silks in black and colors, Satins, Satin Marveloo,