Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, March 09, 1882, Image 1

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    VOL. LVI.
Fashionable Barber*
Next Door to JOUXXAL Store,
(Opposite Court House.)
11. BROOKESHOFF, Proprlator.
WM. MCKXKTOR, Manager.
Good sample rooms on first floor.
Free bus to aud from all trains.
Special rates to jurors and witnesses.
Strictly Firtt Class.
(Most Central Hotel In th Ctty)
Corner MAIN and JAY Streets,
Lock Haven, Pa.
8. WOODS CILWELL, Proprietor.
Oood Sample Rooms for Commercial
Travelers on first floor.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office In id story of Tomllnsoa's Gro
cery Store,
On MAIN Street, MILT.BKIX, Pa.
Shop next door to Foote's Store, Main St.,
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters made to order, and sat
isfactory work guaranteod. Kepairing done prompt
ly and cheaply, and in a neat style.
a R. PXALB. H. A. McKXk-
Offloe opposite Coon House, Bellafonte, Fa
C. T. Alexander. C. M . Bower.
A bower,
Office in Carman's new building.
Office on Allegheny Street.
Northwest corner of Diamond,
Office on Allegheny Street. 1 doors west of office
formerly occupied by the late Una of Yocum A
Practices in all the courts of Centre County.
Spec si attention to collections. Consultations
In German or English.
All business promptly attended to. Collection
of oialms a speciality.
J. A. Beaver. J W. GepharL
Office on Alleghany Street, Worth of High.
YjyjT A. uobbiscTN,
Office on Woodrtngl Block, Opposite Court
Houje. -
Consultations in BngUsh or German. Offioe
In Lyon'* Building, AUegheny street.
Offioe in tbe rooms formerly occupied by the
jatewTp. Wilson.
KMP a watch on your words, my darlings,
For words are wonderful ihiuts:
They re eweet, like the bees' fresh honey-
Like the bees, they have terrible stings;
They can bless, like the warm, glad sunshine,
And brighten a lonely life;
They can cut, In the strife of anger.
Like an open two-edged knife.
Let them pass through your lips unchallenged,
If their errand is true and kind—
If they come to support the weary,
To comfort sud Help the blind;
If a bitter, revengeful spirit
Prompt the words, lei Uieui be unsaid;
They may flash through a brain like lightulug,
or fall oa a heart like lead.
Keep them back, If tliey are cold and aruel.
Under bar and lock and seal—
The wounds they make, my darlings.
Are always slow to heal.
May peace guard your lives, and ever,
From the time of your early youth,
May the wonts that you daily utter
Be the words of beautiful truth.
4 'Does it please you, Kitty?"
"Oh, it is jmat splendid! I oculd not
have suited myself half so well, had I
beeu left to ohoose."
4 "But you have not seen the wine eel
l&r yet. It is a treasure of its kind. Let's
go down again.
They went down the stairs together,
he talking gaily, she with a troubled
look upon her face. After admiring the
place, she put a timid hand on his arm
and said: "But, Arthur, dear, let's have
no wine in it."
44 Why?" he asked in surprise."
"Because I have resolved if I'm ever
the mistress of a house, there shall be
no liquors kept in it—no social glasses
for friends.
44 Why, Katy, you a*e unreasonable.
I did not know you carried your temper
ance opinions so far as that. Of course,
I shall keep wine in my house, and en
tertain my friends with it, too."
Bhe raised her faoe appealingly.
"Arthur !" she said in a tone of voice
which he knew how to interpret.
Arthur's brow grew cloudy.
"But you cannot fear for me?" he
said with half-offended pride.
"I must tear for you, Arthur, if you
begin as he did. And I fear for others
b#auiea—for the sons and husbands and
fathers who may learn at our cheerful
board to love the poison that shall slay
Tiiey went up the steps agaiu and sat
on the aoia in the dining-room, for a
few momenta, while Katy pat on her hat
and drew on her gloves.
The argument was kept up. It is
unnecessary that we should repeat all
that was said on both aides. It ended
at last,as similar discussions have ended
before. Neither was willing to yield—
Katy, because she felt that her whole
future happiness might be involvod in
jt. Arthur, because he thought it would
be giving way to a woman's whims, and
would s lcritlce too much of his populari
ty with ins friends.
He had bought this house, and paid
for it, and furnished it handsomely, and
in a few weeks was to bring Katy as its
mistress. All the afternoon they had
been looking it over together, happy as
two birds in a newly finished nest. But
when Arthur closed the door and put
the key in his pocket, in the chill, wan
ing light of the December afternoon.and
gave Katy iris arm to see her home, it
was all "broken up" between them, and
"To Let" was put on the door of the
pretty house the very next morning.
It was the most foolish thing to do,
but then lovers can always find some
thing to quarrel about.
They parted with a cool "Good-eve
ning," at the door of Katy's lodging
house. She went up to her room to cry;
he went home hurt and angry, bat se
cretly resolving to see her again, and
give her a chance to say she was in the
wrong. He would wait a few day, how
ever; it wou'd not do to let her see that
he was in a hurry to make it up."
He did wait, nearly a week, mid when
he called at the modest lodging-house
where he had been wont to visit so often,
he was told that Miss Gardiner had been
gone three days.
"Gone where?" he asked, slow to be
She did not tall me, sir. She said she
was not coming back. Her aunt lives
at Bristol."
He then took the next train to Bristol,
and investigated, but neither there nor
any other plaoe, though he searched
months afterward, did he find sign
trace of Katy Gardiner.
All this happened more than a year
before I saw Katy, but we three "factory
girls," who lodged at Mrs. Howell's
with her, of course, knew nothing about
it. She came to the factory and applied
for work. The superintendent thought
her too delicate for such work, but she
persisted and in fact she improved in
health, spirits and looks after she be
oame used to the work and simple fare
of the factory girL
She was a stranger to us all, and it
seemed likely she would remain so. But
one day Mary Bas corn's drees caught in
a part of the machinery, and before any
one else oould think what to do, Katy
had sprang to her side and pulled her
awaf by main strength from the terrible
danger that threatened her. After that,
Mary and Lizzie Payne and I who were
| her dearest friends were Katie's sworn
We all lodged together then in the big
"Facteiy lodging-house."
Bui Katy leek it into her head that
we should hare iHoor times in a private
lodging to ourselves; and when she took
anything into Iter head she generally
earned it through. In lean than a week
she had found the very place she want
ed, arranged matters with the superin
tendent, and had us sheltered under
Mrs, Howell's vine and tig-tree. We
four girls were the proud possessors of a
tol< rably large,double boded apartment,
w . th a queer little dressing-room attach
ed—"and the liberty of the parlor to ro.
oeive visitors in"—a nroviso at which we
ail laughed.
This was "homo" to us after the lal>or
of the day. Indeed and in truth, Katy
made the plaoe so charming that wo for
got the factory girls when we got to it.
She improvised cunning little things out
of trifles that are usually throw away as
useless, and the flowers growing in bro
ken pots in our windows were a wonder
to behold. She always had a Iresh per
iodical on her table; and better than
this, she brought to us the larger cul
tivation and the purer taste, which
taught us how to use opportunities with
in our reach.
"What made you take to our style of
life, Katy ?" asked Lizzie one evening,
as we all sat in the east window watch
ing the outooming of the stars and tell
ing girlish dreams.
"Destiny my child," answered Katy,
stooping to replace the little boot she
had taken off to rest her foot.
"But yon might have been an au -
theress, or a painter, or a—a bookkeep
er, or—"
Lizzie's knowledge of this world was
rather limited; Katy broke in upon her;
"There, that will do. I was not born
a genius, and I hate arithmetic."
"But you did not always have to work
for a living, Katy," said Mary. You
are a lady, I know!"
Kate laughed a queer short laugh.
"Yes," she said "and that's why I
don't know how to get my living in any
way but this. So behold me a healthy
and honeet factory girl t"
She arose, made a little bow, and a
flourish with her small hands, and we
all laughed, although we had said no
thing tunny.
"Milly," said she, "please light the
lamp and get the magazine, while I hunt
up my ueedie and thread, Ladiee, I And
myself under the necessity of mending
my gloves this evening. Oh, poverty
where is thy sling? In a shabby glove.
I do believe, for nothing hurts me like
that, unless it is a decaying boot."
Katy's gloves were a marval to us.
She never wore any but of good quality,
and always of the same color—a I'rown
ish, neutral tint, that harmonized with
almost auy dress—but just now a new
pair would seem to be the one thing
needful, from the appearance of the ouee
she brought out.
She sat and patiently mended the lit
tle rents, while I read aloud; and when
she bad finished, the gloves looked al
most new. The next day was Saturday,
and we had a half holiday. Katy and 1
went to make some trifling purchases,
and on our way liome stopped at a big
boarding-house to see one of the girls
who was ill.
When we came out Katy ran across
the street to get a magaiine from the
news shop, and came hurrying up to
overtake me before I turned the corner.
She had the magazine open, and one of
lier hands was ungloved; but it was not
until we reached home that she found
she had lost a glove. It was too late
then to go and look for it. We went
and searched the next morning, but
oould not find it.
Katy mourned for it.
It was my only pair, girls," said she,
tragically, "and it is a loss that cannot
be replaoed."
What people call a "panic" had oc
curred in financial circles in the Spring
after Arthur Craig had lost his Katy,
and almost without a day's warning he
found himself a poor man. He left bis
affairs in the hands of his creditors—
having satisfied himself that they could
gather enough from the wreck to save
themselyes, set iiis face toward London.
He had been eduoated for a physician,
though fortune made a merchant of him.
Learning from a friend that there was
an opening for a doctor in Fenwick, he
oame thither and began to practice.
Dr. Sewell had gone off on a visit,
leaving his patients in charge of the new
doctor; so it came about that on Satur
day evening he was on his way to visit
Maggie Lloyd, the sick girl at the lodg
ing house, when, just as he was turniug
the corner near the news shop, he saw a
brown glove lying on the pavement. He
was about to pass it by, bat a man's in
stinct to pick up anything of value that
seems to have 110 owner, made him put
it in his pocket. Ho forgot all about it
the next minute.
But when he had made his call and
returned to his consulting room, in tak
ing a paper from his pocket the glove
fell out and he picked it up and looked
at it with idle curiosity.
It was old but well preserved. It had
been mended often, so neatly as to make
him regard mending as one of the fine
arts. It had a strangely familiar look to
him. Little and brown and shapely, it
lay on his knee bearing the very form
of the hand that had worn it
And as he gazed at it there oame to
him the memory of an hoar, many
months past, whan ha satfcy Italy's sida
on the green sofa in the diniDg-room of
* their home" (alas !) and watched her
put her small hands into a pair of gloves
so much like this one.
Ever since that nuver-to-be forgotten
day the vision of his 1 wt love, sitting
there in the fading light, slowly draw
ing on her glove, her eyes Ailing as they
talked—quarreled we should say, per
haps— had gone with him as au abiding
memory of her, until he had oome to
know each shade of the picture—the
color of the dress, the ribbons at the
throat,and the shaded plume iu her hat.
He looked at the little glove a long
time. He had thought it might belong
to ono of the factory girls, us he found
it near the lodging house. But it did
not look like a "factory hand's" glove.
He would ask Maggy Llovd at any rate;
so he put it carefully in his pocket until
he would make his ealL the next morn
Ho had suffered the glove to become
so associated with the memory of the
past that was sacred to him, that he felt
his cheek burn aud his hand tremble,as
ho drew it forth to show it to Maggie,
who was sitting, iu the comfort of con
valescence, in an armchair by the win
dow, watohiug the handsome young
doctor write the prescription for her
"By the way. Miss Maggie, do you
know whose glove this is?"
Maggio knew at once. It was Miss
Gardiner's glove.
"Miss Gardiner I"
The name made his heart beat again.
• 4 ls she one of the factory hands!"
"Yes, but she lodges with Mrs.
Howell, quite out of town, almost; she
was here to see me yesterday."
"Oh, I see!" said he, not the most
relevantly. "And can you tell me bow
to find Mrs. Howell's house? I sup
pose I oould go by, and restore this
glove to its owner. '
Maggie thought this unnecessary
trouble, but she gave the required direc
tion, and he went out saving to himself.
"It can't be Katy, of course, but this
glove shall go back to its owner.
Mary and Lizzie went to ehuroh that
Sunday morning. Katy declared she
oouldn't go, having but one glove. I
stayed home with her, and offered to
keep Mrs. Howell's ohildren for her, and
so persuaded that worthy woman to at*
tend worship with the girlk.
And this is how it came about, that
while we were having a frolic on the
carpet with the children in Mrs. Howells
rooms, we heard a ring at the door, and
Bridget having taken herself off some
where there was no help for it but for
one of us to anawerthe summons.
"You go, Katy," whispered I, in dis
may, "Icannot appear."
Katy glanced serenely at her own
frizzy head in the looking glass, gave a
pull at her overskirt and a touch to her
ooll&r, and opened the door.
Immediately afterward I —as shocked
to hear her utter a genuine femiuine
scream, and see her drop on the floor;
and that man a perfect stranger to me,
gather her up in his arms and began
raving over her in a manner that aston
ished me. He called her "his darling"
and "his own Katy, "and actually kissed
1 was surpiised at myself afterward
tb&t I hadn't ordered that gentleman
out, but it never occured to me at the
time, and when Katy "came to 'and sat
on the sofa and heard his speeches, she
seemed so well pleased that I left them,
and took the chiidren up to our roem,
feeling bewildered all over.
What shall I say further ? Only that
Katy lives in a pretty house in the town
known as Dr. Oraig'a residence,
where we three "factory girls" have a
home whenever we want it. And there
aregno liquors found on the sideboard
nor her table.
One day I heard Arthur say: "You
were a silij ohild,Kate,to ruu away from
me. I should have given up the poiut,
at last, I know."
"But there would have been the
splendid cellar and the ten thousand a
year," answered she. "It would have
been snoh a temptation. We are safer
AS it is, dear.
A Publication of ArtUtlo and Htatorioai
There has recently been issued from the
press of J. B. Lippineott <fc Co. a subscrip
tion edition of a woik that will certainly
not lack purchasers. Mrs. C. F. Deihtn, a
lady whose persistent patriotic efforts in
oonnection with the '"Century Safe"—the
iron chest in which so many interesting
souvenirs have been locked up for a hun
dred years of security—will be remember
ed, has arranged and edited the volume,
which is to be called President Garfield's
Memorial Journal, and is to contain a short
sketch of Gar<ield's career, brief descrip
tions of the Presidential terms from that of
General Washington to the present day,
including portraits, and a large amount of
other interesting matter. The book is a
lino large quarto, pr nted upon superfine
paper, and illustrated by a number of pic
tures, including some forty steel engrav
ings of distinguished men and women. The
admirable manner in which the previous
undertakings of Mrs. Diehm have been ac
complished, warrants the expectation that
her present enterprise will be entirely sat
isfactory to the public, and if that be the
case, the return ought to be liberal to her
self. — North Amerioan, Philadelphia.
The happiness of your life depends
upan the quality of your thoughts;
therefore guard accordingly, and take
oar© that yen. entertain u\> though* un
suitable to virtue aad unreasonable to
lam not a man who harbors ill-feeling
long or can oarry the remembrance of an
injury to the grave ; but I bare a fixed
aversion, not to say hatred, against salt
herrings ; and the frmrrance emitted by a
fried bloater ever reminds me with loathing
of an occasion on which I made a thorough
fool of myself.
You must krow, dear reader, that I am
afflicted with a red head of hair, and that
red of a shade to which only years of com
panionship have to a certain extent recon
ciled me; but I have never at any time
had the hAppy feeling of being proud of it.
Many have been the b&itles P caused me
to fight in my st hooldays, and of. en has
the eye or nose suffered for the offence of
the hair on those occasions. At last I had
grown callous to " young carrots," " fire
brand," or 44 loltster." shouted after me by
smaller boys hmnd street corners, and ex
penenoe had taught me to suffer the in
sult* of the stronger. But it was on en
tering manhood only that I was made fully
aware of the Injury mother Nature had
done me, for at eighteen 1 loved Susan
Golding and wor-bipped the ground she
trod on ; and Susan abominated red hair.
A Frenchman, a vile frog-eater I used to
call him, although he may have been a
very decent fellow, who lived next door to
Sue's, reveihd in a black curly head of
hair and was an object of secret envy to
me, though I public y made believe to de
spise him. For Bupan admired biack curly
hair, as she openly confesse d, and seemed
to look favorably on the foreigner. Very
wroth I used to feel against him and
couldn't have spokeu a civil word to him
had he promised me Golcouda. I used to
try and persuade Susan that Frenchmen
had probably descended from niggers, and
that iilock curly hair was the worst a man
could have. Sue had her own ideas on
the subject and couldn't be talked out of
thera. I could plainly Me she would never
fancy me with my present color of hair,
though she might never condescend to
marry a Frenchman for his biack locks.
Love, as I thought. Inspired me how to
change lb lags agreeably, and it came about
in this way.
I was reading aloud to my aunt, with
whom 1 was living, out of a book entitled
44 Five Thousand Useful Receipts," a re
cipe for dyeing hats; and as my eyes were
roaming to the opposite page they encmn
tersd these words 44 T0 turn Red Hair
Black." For a moment or two the letters
I airly dsnoed before me. Here was the
very thiug I wanted. My hair was red
and here was the secret revealed how to
turn it to the color Busau admired. I
could dye it, 1 reasoned, and get it curled
afterwards, every other day if necessary ;
for I know that Charlie Dovey had bis hair
curled when he went to partita, and the
curl used to keep for two or three days
I borrowed that book of my aunt and
carefully copied out the following re
cipe:—"To turn Red Hatr Biaca.—Tske
a pint of the liquor of pickled herrings,
half a pound of lampblack, and two
ounces of the imt t.f iron. Mix and boil
them for twenty minutes ; then strain and
rub the liquiu well into the roots of the
Ia (his recipe I placed implict faith with
the ardor and credulity of youth, and
with its assistance 1 determined t > change
ihe col.* of my hair and wlu Sutau's
affection. "Whore there's a will, there's a
way." 1 thought, and set about obtaining
the ingredient*. My way, at first, was too
primitive, 1 found. No lampblack in any
quantity to spe*k of could 1 gather from
domestic sources where the article ac
cumulates, aud I was at last oblige 1 to
trust to the article sold under that name
in oil-shopa. With the i*on rust I fared
no better when 1 tried to scrape rusty arti
cles with my pen-knife, which latter 1 ir
retrievably ruined. So J had to trust to
the chemut for of Iron ; not with
out some misgivings. In order to obtain
the liquor of pickled herrings I bought a
jar full of them at a dsn-dealer's in
Thames Street where I changed to ace
them. But when 1 got home 1 found the
quantity of liquor so insufficient that on a
calculation I found that 1 should have to
buy at least four more jara. To make
sure 1 bought five, and atter a tough jour*
Dey got them home all safe. The liquor
attracted, I disposed of the herrings,
which i did not at all c*re about, by drop
ping them on going aown a dark street
and left them to fate and the scavenger.
In this 1 bad to observe great c mtion lost
the ever watchful policeman should pounce
on me in the act.
Being now lu possession of all the in
gredients, 1 waited till one day iny aunt
went to pay a visit to a tuand lu a distant
part of the town to spend tue evening.
Behold me now at work, livening up
the kitchen fire, pouring the liquid into
the beat quart saucepan, and adding grad
ually and under oontinual stirring the
lampblack and* tbo iron-mat. When the
liquid fairly began to simmer I noted the
time by the clock and then commenced
the actual stirring process. To stir for
twenty minutes with a short iion spoon
was no Joke, I touad. NJW left, now
right, my fingers aud arms fairly sched.
But for the image of busan which at
eveiy atir vividly presented itaeir before
my mind, 1 might have reluxed; in my
abstraction the liquor boiled over once or
twice and had to lie taken off sharp.
Llowevtr, at last tbo time was ovei. and
haviDg poured the liquor into the jug. I
artificially assisted the cooline by putting
the jug into a basin of cold water, which
was constantly renewed from the tap.
When sufficiently cooled 1 strained the
liquor by means of a cullender aud a piece
of wmlin bought expressly for the pur
pose. It was rather tedious, aud peihaps
not quite so satisfactory as to be recom
mended. But i obtained part of a jugful
of dye, and having poured it iisto a bottle
a certain feeling of satisfaction pervaded
my inner man on contemplating the sable
I cart fully removed every trace of my
witches' cookery and then awaited the re
turn of my aunt. It was while doing so
that 1 noticed that a strong, oilv, saline
umell pervaded the house—the result, no
doubt, of the ovirboiliog of the saucepan—
and resembling tne disagreeable odor
emitted by a trying bloater. Door and
windows were thrown open. Just in the
midst ot the airing the return of my aunt
much disooneerted me, and the confused
explanation I gave I cannot to this day re
coliett. It must have been, however, that
I pretended to hare A headache, for I scon
leiired to my room and to bed, tupperlesa.
out happy.
It was neeessary to sound my aunt on
the tremendous change 1 contemplated.
F'.r ihis purpose 1 artfully mtrodnced the
Frenchman into our conversation one
evening, and in derogatory terms riferred
to his black curly hair. My aunt seemed
to think black wasn't at all a bad color for
a man's hair. There were many wore#*,
she said, looking in the direction of my
own burning headpiece. "1 suppose you
wouldn't mind if the could Change
my own court" i artfully insinuated.
"Ah! well," said my aunt, "It's no use
wishing for the impossible." 1 fancied I
detected a certain iegretful tone in my
aunt's reply, and knowing the cLange pos
sible, 1 was now fully decided on making
Having retired early to my room, I at
once set about to carry out my design.
Two composites, provided fcr the occa
sion, were placed one on each side of the
swing glass. The dye was placed into a
saucer, abstracted from the kitchen
dresser; and it certainly looked black
enough to satisfy the most ardent dyer.
" It is only the flrrt step which costs, is
the French saying," I said to myself sa I
immersed the toothi<rush in the dye. 1
applied it to the front part ot my hair, ana
the die was cast.
But I was but a tyro In dyeing. For,
having taken too latge a quantity of the
liquid, it came running over my forehead
into my eves and nearly blinded me. Not
finding anything bandy in tny hurry to
wipe tbe smarting ptuff out of my eyes, 1
used my shirt sleeve, and produced a black
stain on t. In my hurry again to wash
the stain out in the wash-band basin, 1
wetted ihe whole sleeve, and had to lake off
my shirt. Thus—prepared—then I recom
menced operations more carefully, and
with repeated dips and applicafons suc
ceeded in putting sufficient liquid on to
leave not a spo' dry or undyed. The tiny
streams of black running down front and
neck were wiped off with a towel, aud,
for the firs* lime, I contemplated theiff.-ct
of a bl: ck head of hair on my shoulders,
[scarcely recognized myself. Just then 1
caught Aigbt of my still reddish eyebrows.
1 bad forgotten them. This I soon, how
ever, carefully remedied, and I was now
completely dyed black.
As my enthusiasm gradually settled aud
cooled down, the latent inconvenience of
tbe process became apparent to me. Leav
ing the sundiy black stains on shirt, hand
kerchief, towel and toilet-cover aside as
minor evils, I now more particularly
noticed the penetrating and by no means
agreeable odor of the herring liquor, and
I wondered how long it would last, and if
a powerfully scented pomatum would
overcome it. The next inconvenience was
a clammy feeling all over the bead. It bad
to be borne, however, and happy 1 if a
cold in the head were the only conse
The third, and for the time the m"St
awkward thing was, my being prevented
after all this trouble and hard work, to re
tire to my bed tor fear of staining the(pii
lows. Here indeed was a p cklo of no or
dinary rise, but it bad to be swallowed.
So pulling on an old winter overcoat, 1
settled myself down in an easy horsehair
armchair, and resting my legs on two
cb&irs 1 covered myself over with the
blankets from tbe bed, and tried to rest,
peichance to sleep.
But what man baling undergone a
change so tremendous could settle down
to sleep. My mind, my brains were work
ing at high piossure. Thoughts and image*
paired Uirough them wilh the rapidity ot
ligbiDing aud fairly made my head ache.
How 1 wished and tryed to cease to Ihiuk.
But what wiih the now awful smell of red
herrings and the incipient cold in tbe
bead, accompanied by trequcut sneezing,
I spent the worst sight 1 ever remember.
Just about daybreak, when perhaps for
the bundreth time 1 had got up and settled
myself afresh, nature demanded bur right,
aud i fell into a deep sleep.
I was awoke to semi-consciousness by
what Appeared tbe tumbling down of the
house in my dreams. But in trying to
turn over 1 tumbled off the chairs, aud
being almost awake 1 c jmprehended thai
tne noise proceeded from my aunt's ham
mering, no doubt for some lime, at my
door, to let me know that breakfast was
gettmir ready. Shaking myself together
at last, 1 satisfied my auctof being awake,
and then truly awoke to the change 1 had
ellec'ed in my outer mau.
Evening and night are enthusiasts ; they
charm us into many things which the com
mon sense morr iug stares at aghast, and
wonders bow those tiaasactions catuu
about. It is on accouut of the entbuias
nature of mortal man that" artful charity
invites him to her dinniriof an evening
and extracts a golden harvest lrom his
pockets. Designing people and other idle
vagabonds, most of them unfit unit unwil •
ling 10 do a day's lard work, lay thefr
traps of an evening; gambling bells and
tbe like even at night. For evening and
night are enthusiasts. It is evir thus
in love, in companionship, in all things.
But morning is a sober, sensible fellow,
and has such a straight way of looking at
things, and of blowing a tellow up when
he has dona anything enthusiastically.
Here be was, staring from out the looking
glass at my smudgy head of hair, my dir.y
face and half sltepy expression. " You
bad better wash off that muck," he said,
44 before you go down. You know what
your aunt isl" Sus.n's image tried to
interfere. But he sternly ordered it back
lo the innermost recuses of the heart, and
telling me 1 had better wash myself, head
and all, quietly took me to the basin. 1
had a good wash. Tbe water was as
black as ink, and the towel 1 used ap
pe&red as if it had been dragged Uirough
the mud. My face looked dirty in spite
of the wash; the color of my hair was
and I felt truly miserable.
A fourth and peremptory knocking ot my
aunt's made me almost jump. I dressed
hurriedly. Wnen dressed I agun hesi
tated. No thought now of surprising my
aunt with a black head of hair; that was
all gone. Tbe color was neither red nor
black, but a beastly reeking soit of
smudge like a red-haired sweep's m full
I made, however, a final effort and
ecute que coute 1 presented myself in
the breakfast parlor.
Tbe moment my aunt set eyes on me she
buret out "Save us, what's the matter
with the bo7? "
in her own quirk impetuous way she
was up and at me in a trice, looking wl me,
keeping hold of my head, feeling my hair,
talking to me, blowing me up and what
not. l -remained mute and crestfallen and
ashamed. Gradually at aba cooled down
and became leaa demonstrative— for ahe
bad actually boxed my ears—my aunt ex
tracted irom me in broken sentences a
confession of the preceding facta.
41 You're a young 1001, John I you're a
fool I" said my aunt, "to make such an
object of yourself. If Sue really cares for
you what matters if your hair be red or
black. Didn't your bJeaied mother dote
on your poor dear father f and wasn't bis
hair as red as yours t A sensible young
fellow as 1 always thought you, to make
such a guy of yourself 1" Another, the
last, box on the ear. Well, the end of it
was my aunt sent me that very .morning
for a month to a brother of hers, living on
ihe boarder of Wales, to wear oil the
marks of my folly. When I returned
later on, I was perhaps a sadder, but cer
tainly a wiser man, and ever since I havo
put uo faith in spurious reciDsa,
Don't jst to* fast.
Cooking, masticating, digesting, asslm.
Hating and absorbing, are distinot parts of
that irreat process, that converts animal and
vegetable materials into living and grow
ing animals. Ail food must be reduoed to
a fluid mass before this conversion can
occur. Masses of food are useless; until
tbey have neon comminuted Into particles
too small to be seen. They must be re
duced to particles before tJhey can be dis
solved. The first two stages of this won
derful conversion of vegetables to living
beings is cooking and chewing—mech ini
cal pruoesaes, that reduce the size of food
so much as to bring each particle in close
contact with saliva, and then reduce them
btill more by what is well called digestion.
These processes of ingglivation or solution
are chemical. We cook our meats, that
we may lessen their toughness or may di
minish the adhesion of their fibres, or com
pel the minute particles, of which their
floers are composed to separate from each
other. The hard digestion of any flash,
i hen, depends upon tha adhesion of these
fibers aud their particles and the way of
preparing them for the successive stages of
solution. Mistical ion aud iosalivatioa so
couipliahtwo important purposes namely
to reduce masses of food into smaller parts,
and then to mingle them with saliva. The
process of cutting them into smaller masses
that we can easily, or safely masticate
ol ail others, not only the first, but the
mot important. The next process, that
of oookiog may precede it. But all these
processes are important. The tenderness
of our fcod d- pends upon the way of oook
iog we may adopt. Boiling mora than any
other way of preparing for the several
changes that may succeed it m the regular
oourse of converting meats and vegetables
into living flesh, softens it and separates
ihe fibres into particles from each other.
Frying hardens tbem more or less and so
renders them indigestible. The one way
lessens the labor of mastication and diges
tion, whilst the other increases it. Bad
teeth have a similar effect.
Any imperfections m any one stage of
the preparation to eonvert food into a liv
ing organic mass may be considered
causes of indigestion. These few word*
on indigestion may plainly show why we
should eat slowly, why we should well
masticate oar food, and why some persons
do not easily digest It, and change it to a
milky fluid,that can be easily absorbed and
contribute to lbs quantity and richness of
iheir btood. Ofieu we dine with trisods
who do not seem to know that they in
eating have anything else to do but to piaoe
between their jaws as large masses of food
n* they can piaoe there, and move their
jaws a little or just euough to shape toe
mass of their lood so that they can push
ihetu down their gullet into the gastric
sack below They do not seem tknow that
iood is us.less and may be injurious unless
i bey prepare it for complete digestion, and
aid the normal functions of the stomach
duodenum to convert it into a taiifcly fliid,
ihat may pass easily through the mucous
membrane of the food canal. Not long
ago we were called to visit a man who was
iu great distress. He bad crowded his
breakfast down some thirty tuiames net ore. .
HJ in greater distress than he ejuld possi
bly endure. The cause is clearly was as
overloaded stomach. So we gave aim half
a bowl of mustard water, and he sous
vomited lour halves of breakfast biscuit.
The biscuits were large and hard. He
was astonished at the result of our prescrip
tion and was inclined to deny that he ever
swallowed thorn. He paid our tee and we
gave him good advice. First to properly
cook his food, secondly, to place within
his mouth only small pieces of any food—
to use his knife very freel}; thirdly, to
masticate eveiy kind of food until it was
reduoed to a soft pulp.
JayuutH ttedieal Pratl<Mfc
A phys.cian writing from Yokohama
concerning tbe mediual practice in Japan,
states, that the physicians there are of two
classes, the oid and tne new. The old
school there comprises the Uainese physi
cians, and those physicians who have adop
ted the practice of Europe and America
arc said to be of the new school, Most of
the large citie* have hospitals oondacted
on the plan of ours. Tuough the physi
cians ot the emperor are all of the nsw
system some of his Majesty's household
have little or no faith iu them, and send
fur the adherents of the Chinese school
when ill. One of the most curious faots
noted by this writer is that although the
garments and apartments of the iu valid
may be of the richest material and kept
torupuiously clean, the inval.d himself is
permitted to become very dirty in a long
illness by the careful avoidance of the use
of water even for cteaniug the teeth, and
the failure to cut the beard or the nails.
Evon the doctors of the new school do not
dare to insist on personal cleanliness lest
they be dismissed from attendance ou the
case, borne attention is given to diet in
sickness, but not with good judgment, and
many of the sick die from inanition or
siaivation when they might have been
saved by the uso of sufficient nourishment,
tomes and stimulants. If the Japanese art
not wuoiiy wise in the treatment of the
sick they are certainly in advance of
us is dispoiing of the dead by
cremation; and, though they have not the
advantage of the most approved furnaces
they nevertheless manage to effectually
cremate bodies at small expenso and with
out offense.— Dr. Footers Health Month
The minister is to be a live man, and
a real man, a true man, a simple man,
great in his word, great in his simplici
ty, great in his gentleness,
NO 10.