journal. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY VB2. BEIMNGER & BIMILLER, Editors and Proprietors. Loral Department. Ssi&M mEGMSTFB Persons getting sale bill# printed at the JOV*XAL OrvicK will have their salee annouue ed lu this register free of charge. Feb. 24th—John Long, near Mlllhelm; lire alack and farming implements. Feb. 28th—Geor. eM. Barter, Penn twp.; live stock and farming implements. March Ist—Daniel R. Gentzel, Penn twp.; live stock and farming Implements. March 2nd—William Yeartck, Gregg twp.; live stock and farmlug implements. March 3rd—William Weaver. Gregg twp.; live stock and tanning implements. March 9th—Gyrus Philips, Aaronsburg; live stock, fanning Implements and house hold goods, March lOth-Jacob Keen. Penn twp.; lire stock and farming implements. March 15th—John Bame near Millheim; live stock, faruiiug implements and house- Lo.d goods. —A fellow named Moodie down in North Carolina, just married, shot hiur self l eeause his wife refused to pull his boots off. —Mr. W. K. Alexander has taken charge of the Pike school, iu Fenu towuship, vice the former teacher who resigned under charges. —Mr. Geo. B. Haines, of Miles township, wishes to state to the public that he has settled up and paid off his duplicate for state and county taxes, for 1879, in full. <• —Our school board has emyloyed Mr John 11. Aumau to teach the Primary school, made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Milton 1. Jamison, who got married and went west. —Willis Eisenhuth, the obliging a gent of the New Home Sewing Ma chine, handles himself quite lively. The New Home is now considered the 1059 machiue in the market and \\ illis understands just how to run and sell if. —J. A Limbart, the mail contractor on the route bet wen Coburnail Wood ward, is prepared to carry express packages and other goods to all points along the route at rea sonHble charges. All business entrusted to him will be punctually attended to. —The young ladies of Greenwood S. C., refuse to "encourage" any young gentleman who drinks whiskey or other intoxicating liquors. Good for the Greenwood lasdos. That's the true rebel spirit. Hope the young ladies of Millheim will follow the nobis example. —A fine line of Family Bibles, Pre sentation Bil Us, Photograph Albums Ytlvet Frames, French Vases, Beauti ul Scrap Piaturrs, Paper Boxes, and a great variety of Fancy Goods generally. Splendid S. School, Day School and Visiting and other Cards—all very! heap, at the Journal Store. tf W stands for Whitcomb ;and that is the name of that pleasant, chatty, natty little man who has the largest best clothing store in Lock Haven and sells the cheapest of all. You can take our word for it—and you know that that is always as good as eld wheat. —On next Monday evening the Mill- Leim B. & L. Association wiK hold its next annual meeting and election. It will be the beginning of the eighth year oC the association. The annual report will be distributed and other important business transacted. A general at tendance of stockholders is desired. —Mrs. Daniel Bartges, of Gregg town ship, who was buried at Rebersburg last Thursday, was a sister to com missioner John Wolf, Rev. E. J. Wolf, D. D., of Gettysburg, Wm. Wolf, merchant, of Centre Ilall, 11. G. Wolf, merchant, Mifilinburg, and Simon P. Wolf, farmer, near Booueville, Clinton coonty. —The Spring Mills friends of Rev. J. Benson Akers, of Penn Hall, gave that gentleman a handsome surprise donation the other week. Mr. Akers and family wish to expresi their grate ful appreciation*of the kind favors, but ice say that the Rev. gentleman de serves to be remembered in a similar substantial manner at least once a month. —A. B. S. Harter is about th 9 hap piest man in these Diggings. He is full of business—sales we mean, and will sell more horses, cows, imple ments and the thousand and ten hun dred *'other articles too numerous to mention," within the next sixty days, than any other man in the county. Abs is the chap that can do it to tne entire satisfaction of all concerned. A WORD FOR CRITICS.— If wee eg spected tu haf a puplick sail—off hor sis an kous an waggens an farmen im plyments, and meny other artekles tu noumers tu menshun, wee wood spcl 'bout haf the wurds rong—then evverryone wood kome tu the tsail, an owr goots wood bring hi prises, an wee wood feal so habby. I®"But really wo did make a "Dumm heit" in John Long's sale bills, and are willing to shoulder the blame. Sale to commence at ten o'clock, and not at one, as the bills say; and this is so much the better, because It means "dinner" for all. —Sorry to learn irom the MijJHnburg Telegraph that Miss Katie Shinier has been rather ill of late—fainted one day and in falling broko one of her toes. — TIIP beautiful white snow which clothed old earth in a robe of innocence on Saturday has afforded most excel lent sleighing for several days which those who have horses and sleighs and time and spondoolics, were not slow to improve. Every moment of the d..y and late into the hours of night, all around all over we conic hear "—the tlutiunabiUatlon of the bells, lx*lln. bells, bell:;, bells— —the tintinnabulation of the hells. NOT A BIT OF IT.—NO one need think that the Philadelphia Branch Clothing Store, at Bellefonte, is going to slacken up on business on account of the weather, or in fact for any other reason, external or internal. Lewin and Sterny have no such idea. They go straight on ministering to the wants of the people, selling the besi and cheapest clothing of any house in Centre county. If you have the faintest doubt of what we say, go, see for your self and be convinced. —Our young friend, Milton Jamison, does two wise th ings in quick succes sion. First lie goes and takes to him self a wife—a young lady that even a king's son might well be proud of; and then he does the next best thing any well raised young man can do, namely, takes Grecly's advice and goes west, to grow up with the country. We wish Milt and his beautiful, blooming Rose the fullest possible measure of success and happiness,—indeed we do, from the of our big, benevolent lieait. —The su't of Joseph Weaver against the Penna. H. R. Company, has leen continued to April court. Our readers will remember that Samuel Weaver, a young man and sou of the above nam ed Joseph, was struck by the locomo tive and instantly killed while crossing the rail road with a team, near Spring Mills, in Feb., ISSO. The father brought suit against the company for damages, and the trial was fixed for last week; but because some important witnesses were prevented from attending by sick ness, it was continued. —lf you can suit yourself at home you should never go away to buy vour supplies. If your own business men and mechanics offer to sell you goods and wares as good and as cheap as you can buy elsewhere, you are in duty bound to support them. On tills prin cipal Mr. W. R. Camp, of Centre Ilall, is folly entitled to your patronage. He is a square man aud makes good, neat woik. You need not go out of your own valley for furniture. Camp can furnish you as well and as cheaply as anybody. Try him. 2t Tribute of Rsepoot. WiiKRRAg it hat n our Heavenly Fath er to remove (mm our midst by death. Ueorve F. Krapa. who i::i> l.*n a faithful pupil iu the Georpes Valley Union Sabbath School, therefor Resolved, That as a Sabbath School we de*i ly mourn the loss of one who by his many noble qualities endaared himself to as; that we will cherish bis virtues, endeavor to emulate his ex ample, and ever hold him In fond rwtuesubraiioe. Although we miss him from our Sabbath School rosy we not forget thai what Is our loss Is his gain. Resolved, That we tender to his summing parents our heartfelt sympathy and may He '•who inarketh ereu the spi row's fall" com fort them iu their bereavement. J. P. HSCKMAX,) J. P. WAONKR, } Committee. C J.FISSI.E. J Georges Valley, Jan. GOTLI, IW2. Dox DAY.— Now WE are not quite 6ure that our orthography is correct. Iu JJmtsch we call the day. Lichtmesz, Spinnen very est, litt Tug zu nacht esz. At any rate the day r as fair as any decent dox could wish. If Mr. Dox wasu't stone blind he could see bis shadow quite dist iuctly, and this, according to the well known tradition ary Dox love, is a sure sign of six weeks more winter weather. What a happy thought for our sleigh-makers. Sammy Faust—to the front! Is ThERE No LIMIT ? — This is the question that involuntarily presented itself to our nund in reference to the unbounded abuse of litigants by the lawyers in our courts, as we witness ed several trials last week. It seems so inexplicable strange that gentlemen of high standing in the legal profession in society and in the church, should have such a wicked delight in simply blackguarding—uot each other very much—hut their victims who are so unfortunate as to get in between thern. "Liar," "villiau," "cheat," "forger," "perjurer," "ought to be in the peni tentiary," are some of the common epithets and opinions which our chris tian lawyers in Bellefonte so lavishly apply to part'es trying caies. If such a course, low and despicable as it is, would have an affirmative effect on ju ries would he some poor excuse for indulging in it, hut it has not. We noticed that, in severil marked cases, the worst abused man came out of the trial first best. But the practical question is—is there no limit beyond which even law yers dire not go ? Is there uo remedy, no law for lawyers ? Under any other circumstances, at any other place than in a Temple of Justice , such low, vul gar language would be iudictable at common law, would be grave slander defamation of character. But here, both judge and jury, as well as visitors and spectators, sit and listen with stoic in bifference the shameful tirade, apparent ly as necessary iucidents even to every civil Buit;and very frequently all but ! the poor,helplesß sufE rer who is forced to maintain an absolutely passive atti tude, hugely enjoy the fun. Is this fair ?Is it right, equitable, or even I IfLveful ? We think not. "Reform w ] necessary-.' 1 MUSICAL CONVENTION.—A musical convention will be held in the Luther an church, Reliersburg, commencing Monday evening the 20th inst., and ending with a grand concert on Satur day evening following. The matter i in the hands of a competent committee who understand just how to conduct such an affair. Prof. J. A. Weaver, of Pino Grove Mills, a gentleman of ijrot class professional and personal reputa tion, has direct charge of the conven tion as leader and teacher. Several ex perienced organists will assist. Sing ers from a distance are cordially invit ed to attend and will oo entertained free of charge. 2t —The ladies of the St. John's Luth eran congregation held a meeting on Monday evening and organised them selves into a mite (might?) society. Their constitution provider that each member shall pay a fixed sum ' into the treasury as monthly duos, which shall boused for h>eal purposes, p:ima r il for purchasing church furniture. Hon orary members may also be elected. The society tweets monthly. The fol lowing arc the officers elected for the year. President— Mrs. Sadie J. Musser; Vice President —Mrs. E.J. Tomlinson; Secretary —Mrs. J. A. W, Delninger; V'/vuMotr— Mrs. E. J. 1). Bumiller; \'isitind, large buffalo robe. That would be nice. But we must stop, lest we confuse Antes altogether. Assuring him in the mean time that we fully appreciate small favors, yew, that we are keenly sensitive of the truth of the adage, "It is more blessed to receive than to give," we remain his old friend, Ben. Sews Misceilnny. A Norristown barber has beeu fli.ed for working on Sunday. The gallows Is being put in order to hang the Rumbergers at Harrisburg. A number of farmers in the atate have com eto the conclusion thnt rais ing poultry is more profitable than keeping cowa. The first Lutheran church in the State of Penn'a was erected at Tini cum, Delaware county, and WHS dedi cated September 4, 1646. A poor widow and two sons by the name of Graff, living 111 Greensburg, have been left a fortune of SSOO,(XX) by a relative in Sweden. It is said that if house plants are in fested with worms place a common match in the pot and they will soon be destroyed. Phosphorus is death to ani mal life but a powerful fertilizer for plants. The Auditors of Berks county are now engaged in a careful examination of the county accounts, covering the past ten years. It is believed that an alarming condition of affairs will be developed, and that the county debt, instead of SI4O,(XX), as reported, will be found to aggregate $2 0, 0 X). We presume that there are 300 men and boys, at least, in Lewisburg, who smoko cigars. These probably average four per day, at an average price of say 3 cents. This would rnakel28, causes a disagreeable sen sation among member* of Congress here. The amount of $2,147 &V 1 ,M>3 is considered frightful and the wav out of the dilemna ia being generally discuas •d. The report will, it is thought, cre ate' a Congressional brecwe. A Tramp Lynched and Then Burned. CINCINNATI, January Hl.—News has just been received here from Lo. gansport, Ird.,tliat on Saturday night a tramp, named William Steele, called at the residence of Mrs. Buell, about 12 miles from Logsnsport, and asked her for supper. Finding that the woman was alone he assaulted her and fled. Neighbors of Mrs. Buell immedi ately pursued Steele and when they caught him hanged him without dulay. They then piled brush about his body and burned it beyoDd recognition. The Sheriff took possession of the body yesterday and turned it over to the Coroner. DIED. On the 2*th ult., In Grcg& township. Christian Hole, aged 19 years, 6 months and 19 days. On the 2nd Inst., in MlHhelm, after a long Illness, Mrn. Anna Maize, wife of John F. Maize, aged 70 years, 4 mouths and 22 days. On the sth tnst , tn Mlllhciin, Leßoy H.. son of lHtvtd I. and Margaret L. Brow n, aged 6 seors, 2 months and II days. On the .list ult., at her residence in Wood ward. Centre Co., Fa., Mrs. Elizabeth Motz, wife of John Motz, deceased, aged 81 years and .4 months. Mrs. Motz. whose maiden name was Kisbcr, n,rn NtoVbr, Ist 1800. at Fisher's Ferry. Northumh-rland county. Fa. She was baptized tw Key. M. Genital, and subsequently con firmed tv Her. J. I). Walter, of .selliHßTove. May lOtli, 1818. and was therefore a Jrcmbei* of the Lutheran Churcn for 3 years, 8 months and 11 lvs. Nie entered the holy Mntc of matrlnioiiv with Mr. Jonn Motz. of Woodward, IVe. 11th, 1827, Mr. Motz died Nov 22 lid, 1841'. Since that time the deceased has been a widow. She was the mother of sesen children, three ot whom preceded her to the eternal world, and four surmise to mourn their low; namely, s*t ah C.. wife of Dr. F. I>. Neff, of Centre Mull, deceased; John C. Motz, Esq., of Woodward, l.ydla, wife of T>r. C, H. Gutelius, of MiHtln burg, and Catharine A., wife of Pr. Geo. P. W. aeer. of Hanover. Fa. Mother Motz was hiphlv esteetnedjfor her work's sake, r>y all who "knew her. She was a kind eharltablo christian Woman. Her funeral was largely at tended. at St. Paul's, the 2nd tost. The ad dress mad" on th" occasion w*s,lased upon Psalms .10; .V--Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comelh iu the Jmorning." On the 29th ult., In Gregg township. Mrs. Catharine Hurtgrv wile of Daniel Bai tges. Mrs. Fartces was born April 19th, 1838, baptized In Infancy hv Kev. Ab-de,'lived a aon sistent, christian life up to the day of her death. Her age wsuss years. 9 months and 9 days. Mne haves surviving her a sorrowing husband. Are children, an aged mother, four brot hera aud cue sister . "l>l;e sleeps w el I." W. E. F. K lllkwicu Xtrkfl. Correetcd every Wednesday by Gephart A Mur. Wheat 125 Corn bfi Kye *5 oat* White 50 Ruck wheat Flour ft .30 Bran A Shorte.pcr ton 23 0° Salt,per Brl 1.75 Plaster, ground 10.po Cement, per Bushel 45 to 30 Barley Tyniothvaeed 2.00 Flaxseed Cloverseed 4.0Ct0 5.00 Uutter 2.' itaint 12 Hides 10 Veal Pork IV-e i F.jr** 54 Potatoes 1 lard 11 Tallow Boap 5 Dried Apples I Dried Peaches Diled Cherries COAL MARKET AT COBURN. Coal #5.00 Wove " 5.20 Chestnut 4.50 Pea 3.50 Pea by the car load 3.20 Fifty ceuta per ton additional when delivered In Mllllieim. J. W. STAM Is now permanently located al MILLHEIM, and will give, prompt attention to all medical calls at his office In C. F. Deininger''s hoimt cm if tin Slrett. Try Da. St am s Hpectnc 'it-* JlßDicum—lt gives Instant relief. ESTABLISHED IN 1865. HOWARD A. B3OW, eoLiciTOK rot American AND FOREIGN PATENTS, SUCCESSOR TO GILMORE, SMITH & |CO., AND CTIIPMAN, HOSMER & CO. WASHINGTON D. G. Patents procured upon the plan that was or iginated and.*uccesßfully'practiced:by the above named. firm. Pamphlet of sixty pages sent upon] receipt of etrnmp. THIS PAPERE- VJ Newspaper Advertising Bureau HEW YORK. EXCELSIOR . STEAM DYE WORKS LEWISBUEG, PA. W. Davis, Proprietor. My Factory has all tho machinery and faclll tias of a flint class estaldlshineut of IU kind. My experience la the business extends over many years, both in Ills country and hi Europe, and hiii therefore enabled to do strletly first class work at moderade prices. THE JOURNAL STORE, Hilllicim, Pa., has aeeepte I an avency froin me. All g B OUR DECEMBER TRADE TJ® LARGEST WE HAVE EVER HAD Tet owing t unfavorable weather for>trleUy speak'** "W"HnTTEK,C3-OOIDS WE Bxrit it LARGE STOCK or IK NEARLY ALL GRADES AND SIZES AT PRESENT. ALSO ' Winter Gloves, au