Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, February 02, 1882, Image 1

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    VOL. LVI.
Fashionable Barber, .
Next Door to JOURNAL Store,
(Opposite Court House.)
H. BROCKEBHOFF, Proprietor.
WU. MCKKKVBK, Manager.
Good sample rooms ou first floor.
Free bus to and from all tralua.
Special rates to jurors and witnesses.
Strictly First Class.
(Most Central Hotel tn the Cltyj
Comer MAIN and JAY Streets,
Lock Haven, Pa.
S. WOODS CALWELL, Proprietor.
Good Sample Rooms for Commercial
Travelers on first floor.
Physician and Surgeon,
Office in- 2d story of Tomlinson's Gro
cery Store,
On MAIN Street, MUXHUM, Pa.
Shop next door to Foote'a Store, Main St.,
Boots, Shoes and Gaiters made to order, and sat
isfactory work guaranteed. Repairing done prompt
ly and cheaply, and in a neat style.
Offlce opposite Court Houae, Bellefonte, PA
C. T. Alexander. C. M. Bower.
Office In German's new building.
Office on Allegheny Street.
Northwest corner of Diamond.
Office on Allegheny Street, 2 doors west of office
formerly occupied by the late flrin of Yocum A
Practices in all the cmirts of Centre County.
Spec al attention to Collections. Consultation*
In German or English.
All business promptly attended to. Collection
of claims a speciality.
J. A. Beaver. J W. Geph&rt.
Office on Alleghany Street, North of High.
Office on woodrlng's Block, Opposite Coun
Consultations in English or German. Office
in Lyons Building, Allegheny Street.
Office in the room* formerly occupied by the
late w. P. Wileosu
ok pitlkiti! §ntttmi
Softly o'er life's sea we're drifting,
Lights and shadows o'er us alftmg.
But the storm clouds w ill In* Lftiug,
By and by.
Kaiubow tints the sky adorning,
Through youth's bright and radiant uioruuig,
' nil we hear the tempest wanuug,
By and by.
But we'll see the glad suu shining,
And the bow of promise iw iuing,
O'er the clouds with silver Uulug,
By and by.
Though the ulght seem loug and dreary,
Aud the heart grow worn and weary,
Morn will break with promise cheery,
By and by;
All the weeptug and the sorrow,
All the trouble that we borrow,
Lost within a glad to-morrow,
By and by.
No more cares our souls embroiling,
Weary hands will know mwtolltug,
Aud the spirit's robe no soLiug,
By and by.
The steamer Star Light was just leav
ing the lauding at Natchez, when two
men hastily jumped aboard, as the gang
plank was about to be pulled in. and
hurried forward to the clerk's ufliee to
register their names.
! • They were evidently strangers to-each
other, and had nothing in common be
yond the transitory fear of being left.
The one, a middle-aged aud rather
stout person, in a gray homespun suit
and Panama hat, looked like a well-to-do
Red River planter; while the other was
a tall, long-ueoked, thimble-faced in
dividual, who might have hailed from
anywhere east of the Ohio.
He wore a long-tailed coat, slouch
hat, aud low shoes, buttoned at the side
aud carried in his hand a shabby carpet
bag that he seemed to value highly, for
he never permitted it to leave his sight
for a moment and clung to it with jeal
ous care, even while he was laboriously
placing his signature in the huge book
that the magnificent office olerk suspi
ciously pushed toward him.
"Josiah Perkins, Opelonsas,' is what
he wrote iu a crabbed, uncertain hand,
just below the name of the stout pas
senger, who registered as Mr. Silas
Bobbins, of Berwick Bay."
A man who was standing on the up
per deck at the time the two strangers
came aboard, turned around and looked
at them narrowly as they briskly made
their way through the crowd of idle
loungers congregated on the guards.
He was neatly dressed, wore a glossy
silk hat, and on the little finger of his
white, symmetrical left hand, flashed a
superb diamond. As soon as the boat
was again under way, he sauntered up
to tne newcomers, aud carelessly re
marked that it was a pleasant day.
The man from Berwick Bay admitted
that it was extremely fine weather for
the time of year. Then the stylish
stranger incidentally let drop that his
name was Hallack Clark, a cotton buyer
from New York, and asked in a com
mercial tone what the business outlook
was up the river.
"Pretty fair," replied the portly
planter— "pretty fair!" I have just
sold all my cotton iu New Orleans at a
good price, oash down, and am now on
my way to Vicksburg for a short visit
before going home.
"Rather dull, though, on board—
don't you tli ink so?" observed the cotton
buyer, after a pause, thoughtfully
caressing his well-trimmed side
"Rather," hesitatiugly repeated the
planter, "but I'm uot so impatient as
"You never play, I suppose?" quietly
continued the New Yorker, taking a
pack of cards from his pocket and in
dolently running them over.
"Sometimes," rejoined the other, with
the utmost simplicity.
"Seven up?" said Clark, with on
interrogative uplifting of his finely
arched brows.
"It's the only game I know anything
about/' innocently acknowledged the
"Suppose we try a hand or two then,
just to while away the time?" blandly
suggested the gentlemanly owner of the
"deck. '
The planter, nothing loth, assented,
and the game began.
Josiah Perkins, who sat a little dis
tance from the playars, deeply engaged
in reading a newspaper a week old, up
to this time had not seemed to notice
the cotton buyer; but now he turned
slightly in his chair, and looked search
ingly at the man, as if he had suddenly
aquired new and important interest in
his eyes.
Bobbins won the first rubber, which
appeared to keenly wound the feelings
of his antagonist, who proposed, just to
make the game a Utile more interesting,
that they should play for half dollar
stakes. The planler willingly agreed to
the proposal and quickly put up the
From half a dollar the risk soon ran
into five dollars, and finally ten. Rob
bins winning nearly every game, and
growing proportionately elated, in like
degree, as luck continued to smile in his
Clark knit his brows, and declared
he'd play till doomsday, but what he'd
win one game. This desperate resolvo
appeared to mightily spur Bobbins and
;he recklessly oftered to put down
twenty for every one of the stronger'*
The New Yorker seemed somewhat
startled at the magnitude of the stout
old party's challenge; hut he wosu't going
to be bluffed by an old Red ltiver plant
er by auv manner of means; so he cheer
fully nodded assent, and play was re
sumed, Clark losing heavily, but making
no complaint, though obviously nervous
—and a tiiHe distrustful of himself.
When Kobbins had won live thous
and dollars, the other said he had
enough of the planter's play, and would
try his luck at three card monte bv way
of a change; adding, with refreshing
candor, that it was a trick game and not
one in fifty could win at it.
Kobbins exultingly told him to go
ahead, and see if he found him so very
slow. Clark complied with the ease of
out* long accustomed to the business,
and skilfully threw the cards.
Bobbins bit on the ace of hearts, and
won; again the cards were thrown, and
ay.ain the planter won. The stakes
were doubled, and still success was his.
The game was getting exciting. Kob
bins grew red 111 the face, his hands
shook and his eyes looked ready to start
from his head. Clark was cooi, but
watchful, and so was Perkins, who sat
with his earjH't bag between his knees
and his feet drawn p under his chair,
furtively noting the manner of both the
cotton planter and the cotton buyer.
Ten thousand dollars iu notes and
gold lay 011 the table.
Kobbins bet his last shilling on the
•even of clubs, and—lost!
From red his face hocauie deadly pale,
his breath came 111 quick, difficult gasps,
and his lips trembled violently.
"lam ruined!' he moaned—'utterly
"I told you it was a trick "game,"
coolly replied the gamble—"a
mere slight of hand. You thought
you saw the seven of clubs
to be at the bottom of the pack, but the
result proves that you didn't."
The planter arose, staggered to the
opposite side of the cabin; ami threw
himself face downward on a sofa that
happened to be there.
"I'll try you a hand at that 'are
game," said a voice at the sharper's el
bow. "Throw your cards, mister, for I
kinder tliink, if ye haven't got the pict
ures set up, that I kiu beat the animal
right here and now."
"The cotton buyer!" turned and oon
frouted the long-featured, lathy Perkins
who had risen, and mildly requested the
favor of being cleaned out on winning
back what the planter had lost.
The astonished gambler, for stioh lie
really was, stared contemptuously at the
lank speaker, but when he saw the fel
low take a well fitsed wallet from his
pocket, his frown becamo a smile, and
he eagerly assented to the stranger's
foolhardy proposition.
The two first games Perkins won; the
third and fourth he lost.
The wallet was empty but he was by
no means at the end ot his resources.
Deliberately unlocking his shabby car
pet bag he took therefrom a goodly
sized bag of gold, and proudly thumped
it down on the table.
"Ten thousand dollars, stranger, cau
yon cover it?"
"Yes, and go you five thousand bet
"Good! I'll see you five, and double
it twice."
"Forty thousand dollars," and the
gambler's cheeks flushed. "It's a big
pile, stranger."
"Make it fifty, and toss your cards."
The older planter raised his head and
looked dazedly at the reckless Perkins.
His hands were behind him, and almost
touching the stove, in which there was
110 fire, however, and was so black and
shiny as to make it a matter of doubt as
to whether it had ever contained any.
Before giving the sharper permission
to toss the cards, the verdant looking
individual hail taken the precaution to
carefully examine each one, as if to tho
roughly satisfy himself that he was not
being cheated.
Perkins bet on the queen of diamonds.
His light blue eyes were as sharp as fer
ret's, and the gambler felt that it would
not do to count to much 011 his apparent
verdancy. Passing over the first two
cards, Perkins quickly picked up the
third—the queen of diamonds, and with
a single swift movement of his long hand
swept the stakes into his carpet bag and
drew his revolver.
"You are a swindler,an arrant knave"
cried the enraged and completely out
tricked gambler—a "despicable fraud,
and you have cheated me out of my
"Easy, my friend!" coolly advised
Perkins. It's a fair tiling, only I know
the games and don't bet on the card I
tee. "Here's your money, mister,' ap
proaching the amazed Bobbins, and
thrusting a roll of bank notes in his
hand, "and the next time you play,
three card monte with a professional,
don't forget to mark your picture before
staking your pile."
"What do yon mean?" faltered the
old planter, looking the gratitude he
Perkins held up his left hand, the
thumb of which was slightly blackened.
"Just gave it a rub on the stove. See!"
and then slightly touched the queen of
diamonds. •
Tne planter did see, and left the boat
at Vicksburg, a wiser man than when ho
eame aboard at Natchez.
Mr. Mlirr'i Theory.
About Christmas time, last year, Mr.
Ezra Mixer, who lives near the old War
Office of Jonathan Trumbull, in Leban
on, was led by an errand to the farm
house of his neighbor Mr. James M.
tvenyon. As he approached the house,
he says Mr. Kenyon's big dog sprang at
him ami fuNtened his tooth in his leg,
After u fierce fight Mixer got away,
leaving a mouthful of his pepper-and
salt trousers iu tho dog's mouth, He
went home and was ill for a time. After
he had sufficiently recovered to limp
over to tho home of Farmer Kenyon, he
told him that the dog must be killed.
Kenyon objected, and Mixer brought a
suit of SSOO damages, which is now on
trial in the Court of Common Pleas iu
this city, A host of witnesses have
been summoned, including Mixer him
self. Ho is a little nimble, jerky fellow
uearly seventy years old, and yet retains
all the physical Vivacity of a youthful
jumping jack. His facial contortions
and antics kept the court room shaking
with laughter.
"Have you any grudge against Mr.
Kenyon?" asked his attoruy.
"None at all."
"Do you want his money?"
"Not at all."
"Then why did you bring this suit?"
"Well, you see, I am a believer in the
old theory that if a bitten by a dog, he
will surely have the hydrophobia if he
doesn't kill tho animal. I asked Mr.
Kenyon to kill the dog, or else I would
have the hydrophobia. That was all I
wanted of him. it was a small thing.
And I thought that if he would rather
have me run rued thau kill that brute,
he ought to be mode to suffer."
"Do you redly believe iu your theo
ry ?" asked the Court, smothering a
"Certainly I do," was the answer,
"and all the |>eople in my neighborhood
believe the same thiug."
Mr. Mixer's theory is a very wide
spread delusion of the country people in
all parts of New England. Several dogs
that have bitten persons in this town
have been killed within the post five
years in deference to this old-time su
persition. Mixer's case is still on trial.
Th* Traveling Terror.
The editor was sitting iu his revolving
oane-bottomed chair.when Tornado Tom
the travelling terror of Texas, cams in
and demanded a retraction of tho state
ment that he had swindled an orphan
out of $4.
"It's a lie clear through," said the
Terror, striking the table with his fist,
"I'm as good a man as smeilt the at
mosphere in this section."
"Perhaps you arc bettor," said the
editor, meekly.
"Myreoord'll compare favorably with
youm." said the 'lerror with a sneer;
"perhaps there are a few little back
rackets in your life, sir, that wouldn't
bear a microscopic investigation."
"Oh, sir," said the editor visibly agi
tated, "don't recall the post; don't
bring up the memories of the tomb; I
know I've led a hnrd life—l don't deny
it. I killed Shorty Barnes, the Bowery
l>oy of New York—hacked him all to
pieces with a knife. I have atoned for
it a thousand times. 1 blew a man's
head off at a log roll in Kentucky, aud
bitterly have I repented of my folly. I
slew a lot of inoffensive citizens of Om
aha over a paltry $4 pat, simply because
I got excited. Oh, could I out cheat
the tomb of tho men I have placed in its
maw I would be happy. But it was all
owiug to my high temper and lack of
early training. 1 know that I have been
wayward, wicked; and you have a right
to come here and recall those unhappy
memories, but its d d meau for all
that. Nobody with a heart would treat
a man like you have. Don't leave,
stranger, I'll tell you all. I sawed a
man's head off with an old army Babre
just for "
The Texas Terror was down and half
way round the corner, while the editor,
taking a fresh chew of rattle-snake twist
continued his peaceful avocations as
quietly as a law and abiding citizen.
The commercial traveler while in
Tennessee approached a stranger as the
train was about to start, and said :
"Are you going on this train?"
"I am."
"Have you any baggage?"
"Well, my friend, you can do me a
favor and it won't cost you anything.
You see, I've got two rousing big trunks
and they always make me pay extra for
one of them. You can get one checked
on your t cket, and we'll eucher them.
"Yes, I see; but I haven't any tick
"But I thought you said you were go
ing on this train?"
"So I am. I'm the conductor."
He paid extra as usual.
Marl* wi Listening.
A few months ago the daughter of a
Rockland man, who has grown comfort
able well off in the small grocery line
was sent away to a "female college." and
hist week she arrived home for the holi
day vacation. The old man was iu atten
dance at the depot when the tram arrived
with the old horse in the delivery wagon
to convey his daughter and her trunk to
the house. When the train had stopped
a bewitching array of dry goods and H
wide-brimmed hat dashed from the ear,
and flung itself iuto the elderly purty's
"Why you superlative pa!" she ex
claimed, "I 'm ever so utterly glad to see
The old man was somewhat unnerved
by the greeting, but he recognized tho
sealskin cloak in his grip as the iden
tical piece of property he had paid for
with the bay mare, and he sort of hug
ged it up iu his arms, aud planted a
kiss where it would do the most good
with a report that sounded above the
noise of the depot. In a brief space of
time the trunk and its Attendant baggage
were loaded into the wagon, which was
soon bumping over the cobbles toward
"Pa, dear," said the young miss, sur
veying the team with a critical eye, "do
you consider this quite excessively
"Hey?" returned tho old man with a
puzzelod air ; "quite excessively beyond
what? Beyond Warren? I consider it
somewhat about teu mile beyond Warren
oountin' from the Bath way, if that's
what you mean."
"Oil, no, pa; you don't understand
me," the daughter explained. I mean
this wagon and horse. Do you thiuk
they are soulful?—do you think they
could be studied apart in the light of
a symphony, or even a simple poem,
and appear as intensely utter to one on
returning home ss one could express?"
The old man twisted uneasily iu his
scat and muttered something about he
beleived it used to be used for an ev
press before he bought it to deliver pork
in, hut the conversation appealed to be
traveling in such a lonesome direction
that he fetched the horse a resounding
crack upon the rotunda, and the severe
jolting over the frozen ground prevent
ed further remarks.
"Oh there is that lovely and consu 111-
ated ma!" s-reamed the returning ool
legiatess as thoy drew up at the door,
aud presently she was lost in the em
brace of a motherly woman in specta
"Well Maria,"said the old man at the
supper table, as he nipjied a piece of
butter off the lump with his owh knife,
"an' how d'you like your school?"
"Well, there, pa, now you're sbou—l
mean I consider it far too beyond," re
plied the daughter. "It is unquestion
ably ineffable. The girls are so sump
tuously stunning—l mean grand—so ex
quisite—so intense, and then the parties
the balls, the rides—oh, the past weeks
have leen one sublime harmony."
"I s'pose so—l s'pose so," nervously
assented the old man as ho reached for
his third cup, "half full"—"but how
about your books—readin ', writ in',
grammar, rule o' three—how about
"Pa! don't" exclaimed the daughter
reproachfully; "the rule of three! gram
mar! It is French and music end
pointing and tho divine in art that have
made my school life the bos—l mean
that have rendered it one unbroken flow
of rhythmic bliss—incomparably and
exquisitely all but."
The grocery man and his wife looked
helplessly at each other across the table,
A'ter a lonesome pause the old lady
"How do vou like the biscuits,
"They are to utter for anything,"
gushed the accomplished young lady,
"and this plum preserve is simply a
poem iu itaeif."
The old man rose abruptly from the
table, aud went out of the room, rubbing
his head iu a dazed aud benumbed man
ner, aud the mass convention was dis
solved. That night he and his wife sat
alone by the stove untill a late hour,
and at the breakfast table the next
morning, he rapped smartly on his
plate with the handle of his knife, aud
"Maria —me an' your mother have
been talkiu' tho thing over, au' we've
come to the conclusion that this Ixiard
iu' school business is too utterly all but
too much nonsense. Me an' her con
sider that we haven't lived sixty odd
consummate years for the pur|K)So of
raisiu a curiosity, an' there's goin' to be
a stop put to this unquenchable fool
ishness. Now after you've finished
that poem of fried sausage an' that sym
phony of twisted doughnut, you take
an dust up stairs iu less'u two seconds,
an' peel off that fancy gown an' put on
a caliker an' then come down an' help
your mother wash dishes. I want it
distinctly understood that tlure ain't
goin' to be no more rhythmic foolish
ness in this house, so long's your
superlative pa an' your lovely an' con
summate ma's ruunin' the rauche. You
hoar me Maria?"
Maria was listening.
A New Swindle.
A new swindle upon unsuspecting farm
ers lias been brought to light, and this is
the way the scheme is operated: Swin
dlor No. 1 calls upon a farmer with a pat
ent wagon tongue, and informs him that
having made a big thing out of it, he is
on his way home with only this county
to sell. He tells the farmer that he can
have it for $250, and if he wants it to
write to him, In a few days patent
right man No. 2 comes along. He ha*
heard that the farmer has the right of
the oounty, for the patent wagon tongue
as he made a big thing of it in Nebras
ka, he wants to buy the right of the
county, and offers the farmer S4OO, and
$lO to bind the bargain. The farmer
writes to No. 1 and sends him his note
for $250. He never hears of either of
the men again, but his note comes up
for eollection in a neighboring town,
and Mr. Farmer is out $240.
Imposing Mormon Tempi*.
The oonatruction of the Grand Tem
ple of Worship now being erected by
the Mormon church at Manti, Utah, is
being puahed ahead with as large a force
of workmen as convenience will permit,
aud the walls of the building are begin
ning to loom up aud are covered with
scaffolds and derricks. We learn from
Mr. D. Wilkin, who has just returned
Crorn a trip out in the Manti country,
that tli© temple is beiug constructed of
white limestone The building is situ
ated on top of a mountaiu a spur of the
Wasatch range, that extends into the
town of Maidi, and is called by the
people of Utah the Mountain of the
Lord. The foundation of the temple is
(13 feet above the level of the road, and
is set in solid rock, the top of the moun
tain having been excavated and removed,
making it level is 95 feet in width and 172
in length. From the ground to the
square will l>e 82 feet in height. There
will be two towers erected, oue t the
east, anil the other ae the west corner of
the building. The tower at the east
corner will be 179 feet iu height, while
that at the west corner will be ten feet
lower, or 169 feet in height. They are
four terrace walls around the mountain
in front of the temple, which will aver
age about 17 feet in height and are al>out
900 feet in length, and in all contain
about 2,400 cords of rock, as at present
built, and 55,000 yards of debris has
been excavated and hauled away. The
stairway from the road to the upper ter
race is 63 feet, aud will contain 132
stone steps, 16 feet in width. In back
of the terrace will be filled with rich
soil, to the top of the stone work, and
trees and shrubbery plauted, and the
tops of terraces are to be ornamented by
neatly dressed and cut alone, and stat
ues will be placed at various and ap
propriate places. The water to supply
the temple will be brought iu wooden
pipes from a spring situated about a mile
and a quarter east of the temple, back
iu the mountains, and has a fall of 79
feet to the reservoir to the tower terrace.
The whole side of the m ountain is to be
planted with trees and flowers, and the
crystal stream ponred forth by the little
spring, as it winds its way down the side
of the mountain, will travel from root to
root, quenching their thirst, thus assis
ting the trees to produce their foliage in
spring, the flowers in bloom and the
glass to grow. The building of the tem
ple was first commenced five years ago,
and has been worked on ever since, and
it is expected that it will be in condition
in about three years that it can be used
but it is estimated that it will take fully
Ave years to complete the building. The
building will be fifty feet in height, and
the excavation at the east end of the
basement is about forty six feet in depth
Mr. Folsoni is the architect, and as to
his skill and ability as an architecturist,
the Manti temple will speak for years
after he has passed from the face of the
earth. It was President Young's inten
tion, when he ordered the erection of
this temple, that it should be the grand
est and most imposing structure erected
on the American continent, and all indi
cations point to such being the case!
Mftnti is situated about 125 miles, a
little east of Salt Lake City, and 250
miles northeast of Pieche. and is quite
a large town, being the third oldest set
tlement of Utah Territory. It is located
at the foot of the east side of the Wa
satch mountains, in one of the most fer
tile valleys in the Territory, which is
dotted its entire length with well stocked
farms and large orchards. The Wasatch
river, a tributary to the Sevier river,
Hows through the town, supplying the
people with water for all necessary pur
poses, including irrigation. The Manti
and surrounding valleys is the granary
of the mountain country. Its fruitful
farms not only produce a sufficient quan
tity of grain to supply the greater por
tion of Utah with grain and flour, but it
supplies the greater portion of Southern
Nevada with flour and a goodly portion
of the grain consumed by us.
Brigliam Young had made several
trips down into Sanpete county, from
which the church derived a large por
tion of its revenue, for the purpose of
locating a spot where a temple should be
erected. He first intended to locate it
at Mount Ephraim, but changed his
mind; and, after several trips and chan
ges of looation, the prophet, while in
Manti one day, upon being told the leg
end of how the mountain, at the foot of
which he was stopping,derived its name
the Mormon prophet said: "The tem
ple shall be built upon the Mountain of
the Lord."
The following legend, in regard to the
naming of the mountain, is told and be
lieved by the Mormon poople of that
vicinity: One day a little child, years
ago, rushed into the house, calling
"Mamma! mamma!" and telling its par
ents that it had just seen a great large
man riding on a big horse that nearly
reached to the skies, on the top of the
mountain, and it looked like the Lord.
The parents rushed out and called their
neighbors, telling them the child's story
but nothing could be seen on the top of
the mountain. However, ever since that
time the mountain has been known as
the "Mountain of the Lord."
Publish your joys, but conceal your
The Formation of Coal.
All attempts to explain sat'sfactorily
the formation of cottl have thus far proved
unsuccessful, though it is generally un
derstood that it is the product of the de
composition of vegetable matter. Just
how that decomposition has been brought
about chemically is a matter which chem
ists have not an yet been able to eolve.
The principle! difficulty has been that it
has been impossible to obtvin a clear lo
ft gbt into the chemical constitution of
coal. It bas been thought hitherto, and
this is the popular belief, that coal is in
the main pure carbon, mixed with vary
ing quantities of bituminous substances.
It has been generally believed that, as the
product of the distillation of coal is prin
cipally carlion, it would be safe to con
clude that free carbon actually does exist
in coal. The fact that sugar, staich, etc.,
under similar circumstances, leaves a re
siduum consisting of carbon has never
l>een considered a proof that that element
existed in these bodies in a free state. It
is well known that coals which inay have
the same percentage of carbon, hydiogen,
and oxygen do not by any means, in cok
ing yield the st m pioducts of distillation,
and we have a complete analogy for this
iu the behavior of cellulose and starch
when aubjected to distillation. Evidence
(joints to the conclusion that coai is a mix
lure of many and complex compounds;
and the difficulty, amounting almost to
an impossibility, of separating these com
pounds has much to do in rendering a
chemical solution of the questions involved
in the formation of coai a very arduous
The production of coal by artificial
means is met with great obstacles, among
wh : ch the absence cf all knowledge con
cerning the conditions under which that
p-oceas actually took place is the princi
pal one. The question whether the vege
table matter to which our coal yeins owe
their origin was amassed by ddfting or
was carbonized in situ, has been much
debatted, and there has been much discis
sion on the point whether it waft obtained
from water or from land plants. I>r.
Muck, of Uochum, iu a recent work takes
up ibe theory that al>> have mainly con
tributed to the formation of coal. It is
urged that the remains of mariue plant*
are rarely found in coal veins, and that
shells, etc are not often met with. Dr.
Muck calls attention to the fact that mar
ine plants decompose easily and complete
ly, losing their form entirely; and that the
disappearance of the calcareous remains of
mollusks is readily explained by the for
mation of large quantities of carbonic acid
gas daring the piocess of carbonization,
in accepting the marine orgin of coal it is
cot necessary to resort to jhe assumption
< f immense pressure and high tempera
tures to explain decomposition and the tc
tal destruction of the structure of the ori
ginal substance. Dr. Muck combstsFre
rny's beg theory at length. His views are
well supported by recent investigations
made by llerr P. F. iteinsch, who has ex
amined 1,200 sections of coal, com ng to
the conclusion that that mineral substance
has not been formed by the alteration oi
accumulated land plants. Herr Ileinseh
claims to have discovered that coal con
sists of miscropical organic forms of a low
order of pro'oplasm; and though he care
fullp examined the cells and other re
n ains of plants of a higher order he o-un
putcd that they have coniriouted only a
traction of the matter of the coal veins,
ho we er numerous they may be in some
An Ape as a I>eteotiv.
Since the dog of Montargis played so
important a part in the conviction of his
master's murderer, few of the inferior
animals have distinguished themselves so
conspicuously by furthering the ends of
justice as has au observaat ape. whose in
telligent conduct on a recent tragical occa
sion entitles him to universal admiration
and respect. This very superior simiau
belonged to a traveling troupe of perform
ing monkeys, five in number, and was 'on
a tour' with his proprietor and colleagues
to S >utbern India, when the company was
attacked by robbers on tiie road to Sir
While these miscreants were slaughter
ing the impresario and four members of
the troupe the fifth coutrived to evado
their grasp aud to scuttle up a lofty tree,
from the topmost bough of which he
wa : ched the.r subsequent prxjeedings.
Having plundered the inau&ger's corpse,
they hastily interred it with a view to
av.-rt discovery of tbeiL crime, and made
off. No sooner were they out of sight
than the sagacious ape descended trom his
post of vantage and hastened to the near
est human habitation, the inmates of
which, laboring folK, he induced by be
seeching gestures and plaintive cries to
follow inm to his master's grave. It ap
pears that the police authorities of S urate
have retained the ape's services, in the
confident expectation that a quadminaue
who has already given such shining p roof
of his detective ability wili render them in
valuable assistance in tracking and identi
fying his dead master's assassins.
Bleeding at the Nose.
There are two little arteries which sup
ply the whole face with blood,one on each
side; these branch from the main arteries
on each side of the windpipe, and running
upward towards the eyes over the outside
of the jawbone,about two-thirds back from
the chin to the angle of the chin, under
the ear. Each of these arteries, of course,
supplies just one-half of the face,,the nose
being the dividing iine; the left nostril is
supplied with blood by the left artery, and
right nostril by the right artery Now,
supposing your nose bleeds by the right
nostril, with the end of the fore-finger feel
along the outer edge of the right jaw ualil
you feel the beating of the artery directly
under your finger, the same as the pulse
in your wrist; then press the fiager hard
upon it, thus getting the little lellow in a
tight place between your finger aud j iw
bone; the result will be that not a drop of
blood goes into that side of the face while
the pressure continues; hence the nose
stops bleeding for want of blood to flow;
continue the pressure for five or ten min
utes aud the ruptured vessels in the uose
will by that time probably contract so tbat
when you let the blood into them they
will not leak. Bleeding irom a cut or
wouud anywhere about the face may be
stopped in the same way.
A hen to-morrow is oetter than an egg
NO 5.