Millheim Journal. (Millheim, Pa.) 1876-1984, January 26, 1882, Image 4

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nine-tenths of the farmers of the Untted
States sow all their grass seed in the spring,
and usually can give no better reason tli&n
that they have always done so, and their
fathers before them. Many of them do not
know that any other season will answer
for seeding. On the majority ot farms, in
this latitude, August and September are
better thah spring, as a crop of oay may be
obtained the following season, whether the
grass seed be sown alone, or with wheat
or rye. i have sown grass seed witn wheat
in early September, ou land not subject to
heaving, and taken a good crop of each the
following season. Clover seed will neces
sarily have to be sown in the spring, as the
young plants are liable to wiuier-kill.
Where the frost heaves the ground in win
ter or spring, after seeding with or without
grain, it pays to roll the whole field with a
heavy roller, first sowiug the clover seed.
If the plants stand firm and well the smooth
lug harrow may be substituted for the rol
ler. The roller, or harrow, should be used
as early in spring as the surface becomes
dry enough to crumble, lu many cases it
is good policy io sow grass seed alone. For
instance, one has a "run out" meadow,
and wishing to keep it in grass, can plow
down the sod as early in spring as possible
to work it well, apply a good surface dres
sing of manure, harrowing it in well, mak
ing a fine seed bed, and ou this sow the
varieties of grass and clover seed desired.
Usually a fair crop ot hay may lie made
from the land the same season, and a bet
ter one the season followiug, Lands may
thus be seeded in early tall to good advan
tage. For iust&nce, take any sward land
that hardly pays the expense of mowing
it, and piow it in August and treat it as
above, sowing it immediately to grasses,
including clover, which will become well
rooted before winter sets in, aud a good
crop of hay may be reasonably expected
the text season. Any other laud than
sward may be thus seeded, if doue in Au
gust (provided it be sufflciehtly fertile),
and produce a good crop of Lav the follow
ing season.
GRAIN SHEDS. —it would save a good
many dollars in the end to those of our
wheat growers who have not barns if th> y
would build cheap sheds IU which to ttack
their grain. The kisses the past fall ou ac
couut of ruined wheat stacks have been
more than enough to build sheds for the
whole grain crop of the Hlate, A good
model for such structures we recently saw
on the farm of Mr. C. Le Yescoute of Has
tings. The poets were sixteen feet in
height, and set fifteen feet apart. The
length of the sheds was perhaps thirty feet.
Over the top was a cheap board ro >f. Tliw
wheat was stacked pcrjiendicuiarly up to
the eaves, instead of an incline, as is neces
sary in a stack in the open field, vtid con
sequently it was impressible for the rain to
drive into it. For posts Mr. L. had taken
small trees, while for boards for roof he
had used some which had come out of au
old building. The estimate cost of such a
shed with new boards is placed at f I per
acre. Under four of these buildings he
had stacked eigh y acres of wheat which
was as dry as wtieu cut. Of coirse ou the
praine it would be impossible to secure
Tecs for posts, in which case sawed limber
would be necessary. Four inch square
scantling would be sufficient and would
last a good many years if the end which
went into the ground were charred. Such
a shed would not need much scientific work
3n it, and could be constructed in a day by
any fanner with a little help from his boy
or hired man. In threshmg, the straw
might be stacked up against the sides and
ends, and the shed converted into a stable,
under which the stock might find sbtlter in
the day time, if not at night. Later on it
would be a handy place to leave the seeder
or plow, or whatever farm implement was
drawn in from the fit Ids after the day's
work was done. They are certainly good
tilings in every way, and from their cheap
ness ought to have a place on every farm
w here there is no barn.
THE department of agnculture repoits
that returns up to tlie Ist show a decrease
in the cotton crop of 33 per cent in Louisi
ana, 40 pier cent in Texas, nearly 60 per
cent in Arkansas, and 30 per cent in Worth
Carolina. In South Corolina, Georgia and
Mississippi the crop will be not much below
that of last year. Florida reports a de
crease of 15 per cent; Alabama an increase
of 13; Tennessee adt crease of 42. Tlie
average yield of wheat for 1881 is 101
bushels per acie against 13 1-10 in 2880, a
decrease of about 20 per cent, or 100 000-
000 bushels. The falling off is in the in
terior, caused by the severe winter, late,
cold spring, drought aDd insect ravages.
Tne qualny of the reduced crop is gener
ally good. The average yield per acre of
com is 20$ bushels, 25 per cent less than
in 1880, caused by drouth during the grow
ing season, excessive ram during harvest,
ami the chinch bug. The quality is below
the average. In Wisconsin and 31inncsota,
however, there is a decided increase over
last year's yield.
MAKING CUTTER. We hope every far
mer who has cows that give milk, will make
all the butter they possibly can. It is said
that butter making begins at the stable
let it end there. The fact is, butter is so
high in our markets at this time, and prob
ably will be all winter, that there is no one
thing the larmer can turn an honest penny
this late fall and early winter, so readily
as making butter. As the cows will soon,
if not already, be in the stables let it be
remembered that the "stalls must be clean
and the animals kept neat; even the air of
the stables must be iree from foul odors.
When milk is once contaminated, and it is
a wondeiful active absorbent of gases, noth
ing can be done to make it perfectly pure
again. More butter is spoiled "at the pail,"
thau during any other process through
which the milk and butter pass. The ud
der is not properiy cleaosed or the hands of
the milker are foul, and in many ways the
nulk receives that which ever after re
mains to contaminate.
AMERICAN beef is regarded in England
as of a superior quality, but they think the
mutton we send there is not to be compar
ed in flavor or tenderness with that of
home production. The reason for this is
that our sheep are generally treated in a
way to favor the growth of their fleeces,
without much consideiatiou of the quality
of the mutton.
IT is to be observed that while France
has been suffering under the phylloxera
scourge, Spain and Italy have been in
ci easing their acreage of vines. In 1879
Spain exported wine to the value of 170,-
000,0C0 francs, in 1880 to the value of
225,000,000 francs. The area in Italy
planted to vines is now nearly as large as
that of France, aud much of it has been
put out within the past five years. Con
ventions to discuss grape culture, and ex
hibits to display the products of the vine,
are becoming common in Italy. But raisin
culture is not becoming naturalized to any
c xtent outside of Spain. The newer vine
yard districts of Europe are chiefly wine
districts. The best of them are beginning
with American vines, There are few pla
ces where submergence can be resorted ta
with profit.
A SAD affair He was a proud old
Pennsylvania!!, and when Evangeline
approached him on the subject ot her
marriage with young Augustus i)e Courcy,
he turned pale with auger, while the pers
piration stood out like soap bubbles on his
high patrician brow. " Father," she
pleaded, ' there is nothing against hiui;
he is oi good family ; he is industrious ;
he never chews nor drinks nor smokes nor
frequents billiard saloons aud he has never
been in jail." "No, but he ought to have
been," fiercely exclaimed the pallid and
trembling aristocrat. This very morning
I learned that he once held a position in
the Philadelphia Tax Office." The fair
girl, uttering a cry of horror, fell in a tit at
his feet, and Augustus i) Courcy moved
to Ohio.
LOVE in Chicago : "You must kiss me
twice in the very same place, George, or
1 can never be your bride." "Are you
certain of this, Myrtle ? Is there no appeal
from this decision?" "None whatever,"
answered the girl. Lookiug loviugly into
Myrtle's deep blue eyes, Goonre bent over
and kissed the sunny-haired beauty ou her
right cheek, just aft of where a chuuk o!
gum lay silently. "And if Ido not kiss
you again we must part forever ?" he
asked. "Yes,'' replied Myrtle. "Then
good evening," he said, in cold, cruel
tones. "You have unwittingly released
me from my vows," and with a hoarse,
piratical laugh he leiH;d over the front
gate and was gone.
(Logan, (Ohio) Docking Sentinel.]
Hocking Valley New.
In the atisence of anything startling or
terrific, —politics and the exploits of
the army worm excepted,—news from
this delightful valley will not prove
nerve-tingliug. However an item
of very great importance to many
ptxiple is communicated by Mr. F. Har
rington, Wholesale and retail Druggist of
Logan who thus writes: Mr. Alex.
McClurg, Uniou Furnace, states that his
wife hud been afllieted with rheumatism
for the last twenty-five years, being unable
to walk without canes or other help tne
most ot that time; has now used two
bottles of 8t Jarob's Oil and walks not enly
about the house but also in the fields
without any help®.
A tariff discussion: Jimmy Teffboy
is up to the times in all matters of public
discussion. "Coming out skating this
morning?" shouted his best triend.
"Well, hardly. The governor has put so
high a tariff on my going skating this year
that I can't compete with his strap. Rut
I'll play foot ball with you. The old man's
free trade on that." Aud the two had a
first-class tussle in the back yard aud went
into the bouse to have their clothes men
ded and a map of Africa drawn in court
plaster alto relievo on their faces.
STYLISH head gear: "I don't know
why it is, Mrs. Miggs, but your bonnet
looks more stylish every time I see it. 1
hope my sight is not becoming affected."
"Have"no fears, my dear," reassuringly
observed Mrs Miggs. "There is no illusion
in the matter. The effect is due entirely
to the lia'. Every time 1 come home I get
Mr. Miggs to sit down on it, and everybody
tells me its such an improvement."
A PALPABLE hit: A countryman who
had selected a scat at the theatre from
which he could obtain a good view of the
stage was greatly discouraged when a
young lad y weanng a fashionable hat sat
down in front of him. He bore the afflic
tion in silence as loug aa he could and then,
bending forward, said politely : "Please,
Miss, would vou be so kind as to lower
your umbrella ?" She lowered it amid the
applause of the audience.
A CON? IDEATE tneud: Some people,
when they are tight, are very considerate.
Not long since Gus De Smith, being under
the influence of a dinner party, called at
the residence of Colonel McHpillkins ou
Austin avenue. "Ish Colonel McSpil
kiush in ? 1 want ter see him on 'portant
biznish." "Yes, sah," responded the
dusky menial. "Hho heesh in. is he?
YVellj ef heesh in, never mind disturbin'
him on my account. I'll call again shorn
day when he s out."
[Saginaw Daily News.]
Mr. George Schick informed our repor
ter, that he had been suffering with rheu
matism in his feet so badly, that for weeks
at a time he would lie unable to leave his
bed. lie tried various remedies without
relief, and concluded to use St. Jacob's
Oil. It acted like magic. In two days,
he was entirely cured.
HE took a seat : "Why are you ro late,
love?'' she asked, as became staggering
home at 3A. M. "S-S-Sinith,'' was all
he could utter. "What—Smith 1" she
echoed. "Did I-I-I say Smith?" he que
ried ; "I meant B-B-Browu." "What
—Brown 1" she said, in agony.
"N-DO, n-n-no, not Brown,"he continued,
"J-JJenkins." "This is too much," she
shrieked. "That's w-w-what I t-told 'em,
be said, as he sat down on an invisible
SLTXJHT omission : A woman who car
ried around milk in Paris said a naive
thing the other day. One of the cooks to
whom she brought milk looked into the
can and remarked, with surprise, "Why,
there is actuallly nothing there but water!"
The woman having satisfied herself of the
truth of the statement, said: "Well, if I
didn't forget to put in the milk!"
ADVIC E to a cigarette smoker : Yes,
Algernon, Heaven indeed tempers the
wind to the shorn Jamb. But then you
must remember the lamb was shorn forci
bly agaiust his will; he didn't go and de
liberately pawn Lis ulster for £3,66 when
he knew perfectly well that July wasn't
going to last all winter. Go to, Algernon,
get thee to a nunnery.
A MATTER of authorship : "Who wrote
the Book of James in the New Testa
ment?" asked a Sunday school teacher in
a Missour ivilJage, and a little fellow at the
foot of the class who keeps up with the
news of the day, shouted : "The James
BROWN in a bad way : "I met Brown
just now," said Pringy; "he looked tear
fully glum. "What's the matter with
him? A note gone to protest?" "No,"
replied Brown's clerk, they've sent him
word that his note is overdue and he has
gOne to protest."
A YOUNG English lady who is doing the
Alps, repotts progress to her guardian : *'l
tr'ed to climb the Matterhorn ; didn't reach
the top. It's absurdly high ; everything
is high m this country. Please send me
some money."
A PUNCHED sixpence: "I'd have you
to know, sir, that 1 moved in the best cir
cles before I came to this c mntry/' said a
native of Albion. "They kept you mov
ing all the time, didn't they, until you
were forced to move out of England ?"
queried Fendersou.
THEATRE burned: "I tell you,' ex
claimed the theatre manager, "that Miss
iiuskin had a splendid reception. Ihe
house was fairly nbln7.e with enthusiasm.
"Yes," said Fogg, dryly, "as the house
was all paper, it was easily set ablaze."
Suddeu changes of temperature are very
productive of Couglis and Colds, which
always yield, however, very promptly to
Dr. Hull's Ornish isyrup.
MILK of human kindness: "Rut your
honor." says the accused, "this is a case
of suicide." liis honor—"?" The ac
cused —"He always said he wanted to
commit suicide, but that be hadn t the
courage. Ho, then, 1 helped hiin !" His
honor—"But why, afterwards did you
take his watch?" The accused (with a
shrug) "Why, liecausc he didn't need it
any morel"
Two children are playing together in a
garden. The little sister says to her little
brother : "Which would you rather IK*, a
little flower or a little bird?" The young
man, after a moment's reflection—• "a little
bird, because it eats!"
boasts that 8411,740 hollies of CAKBW.INE
have been sold within the last six mouths.
This shows that tue great Army of bald
heads will soou be reduced to a cordial's
Ai l. doubts dissipated: "Do you ever
take anything!" asked an Austin candi
date, leading a prominent citizen into a
saloon. Do I ever take anything? Don't
vou remember i have been a member oi
the legislature?" That settled it. He look
CONTENTMENT: "Don't be forever sigh
ing f or wealth, my son," counseled John's
father; 4 be context with what you have."
"1 intend to be content when 1 have it,"
replied John.
" How are You Mv Old Frleiul?"
Asked a bright locking man. " Oh! 1
feel miserable, 1 am bilious and can't eat,
and my back is so lame 1 can't work."
"Why in the world don't vou lake Kidney-
Wort ? that's what 1 lake when I'm out of
sorts, and it always keeps mo in perfect
tune. My doctor recommends it for all
such troubles." Kidney-Wort is the sure
cure for biliousness and constipation.
Don't fail to try it.— Long Branch
SPOONY dry goods clerk to smart miss
trying on a hat before a glass: "Don't I
wish 1 was a looking glass!" Smart miss:
"Yes perhaps you'd get more girls to look
at,you then." Clerk collapses and is car
ried out. _
Do you go to .Sabbath school, my lad ?'
kindly asked a city missionary or a de
praved little Dubuque urchin. "Nary,"
answered the innocent child, * but I've got
a fltin' cock that can walk over any bird
in this town that wears gaffs."
It is a fact that can not be denied, that
for headache, biliousness, fever and ague,
etc., "Sellers' Pills" have uo equal.
ANI> add a few for good count: "Ask
no woman her age," s*ys a recent writer
on social ethics. Of course not. Ask her
next best lady friend. She will never fail
to give the information.
AVOID eccentricity: "No," said the
bank cashier, "1 didu't need the money. I
wasn't speculating. 1 had no necessity
lor stealing it. But, hang it, I didu't
want to be called eccentric."
"Great Blood Tonic," for the cure of
all blood diseases—"Dr. Liudsey'e Blood
Searcher." lias no equal.
A PUN as old as Shakespeare: "I go
against my will," murmured she sweetly,
as she fondly leaned on William's arm as
they meandered to the theatre.
IT was not Mrs. Partingdon, but another
old lady of the same maternal buiid, who
said the other evening, that she wished
the calcium days of her youth would re
Young, middle aged, or old men, suff
ering from nervous debility and kindred
weaknesses, should send two stamps for a
large treatise, giving successful treatment.
TION, Buffalo. N. Y.
"I DON'T have to carry any samples
row," said Charley, the commercial trav
eler. "Except your cheek." suggested
Fogg, under his breath. "That is am
ple." [
A CONSIDERATE man: "Buy your
Christmas presents now," is the legend
that meets us in the window of an uptown
store. Thank you for the advice, but we
always let our frieDds buy tliem for us.
DR. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N Y. :
Duar Sir —l have advised many ladies to
try your "Favorite Prescription" and nev
er see it tail to do more than you adver
Yours truly, MRS. A. M. RANKIN,
141 Bates street, Indianapolis, lud.
SHAKESPEARE corrected: The man who
sai d all the world was a stage and the peo
ple actors didn't have it correct. It should
have been all the world's a printing office
and every fellow takes a hand at playing
the devil.
A SMART e'erk : "This safe it empty —
call at the house/' was a sign which bur
glars found on a safe in a Green Bay office.
They called at tlie house and robbed it of
£6OO, and that smart office clerk hasn't got
the big head any more.
ANSWER THIS —ls there a person living
who ever saw a case of ague, biliousness,
nervousness, or neuralgia, or any disease
of the stomach, liver, or kidneys that llop
Bitters will not cure ?
KERT up with the procession: Slobson
speaking of old times, says: "When I used
to be in the Surveyor's office I was of very
little use in drawing my maps, but when
it came to daawing my salary 1 never used
to take a back seat fcr any of the boys. '
IT works both ways. Fogg says to love
your neighbor as yourself is a good rule:
but one should also love his neighbor's
neighbor. Fogg says he is his neighbor's
SHE was impressed: Angelina. "I
have been to hear Bev. Mr, Mislinguish.
He gave us a beautiful sermon. He is a
very learned man, you know," Fiank,
"What makes you think so. dear?" An
gelina. "Ob. I know he must be Frank.
1 couldu't understand all that he was talk
ing about. But it was a beautiful sermon.
EDUCATIONAL: A ten-thsusand dollar
education on a five-dollar boy is money
thrown away.
POWER of journalism : The girl pie sed
the leaves, but the boy pressed the gir'.
The press is mighty aud must pievail.
SPORTING item: Wusu't Adam the first
man to sell the race!
I ThrVpiiri-Ht.nnd Heat Medicine fur Made.
Aoolinbtnatlon of Hops, Buohu, Man
drattle "d Dandelion, wltk nil the best and
dhihlclunU*v|iru|ifrtwii o. .>ll othsr Hitters,
mokea^the greatest Blood Purifier, Live r
Rett ul\ qtor.sod ad Health Rou>riug
Agent oirVVBMBMMiM ""u 1 h.
No disease W poedbly long cihl where Flop
UltU'iK niv uswkCboVaihxi and jiui feci itrulll. tr
They givs newu\* sadrigor t:theandlnflna
To all whose ©Employment* cause irrogultwi
ty ol th*bo
UUlroun andml 1(1 Stimulant,
Illop mtti without IrttOl-
I lio uufur wh*t^^^*lt"K a or sympSoitwl
■are what the illimMoriilw u < >u l uso Hop Wt-B
Kan. Boot watt natllFoa 1,111 y>"'|
■only fm l had or miserable,* u "" Hi'in at oaro*
llt may *ave UaB v "d hundrixl*.
I SSOO will be ltaid for a cnl * x H.-y wtll not
■euro or Uulp. Do not '•*•*'
lauir. I ;i.t UK. and urge u "° Mop Q
I Ilnwiubdr, n>p Hitters In ''ruggud
ffdruuken nostrum, but tho " l ' " , !4t
P M .stlrlne eror mode: 'li 'lMilitti
■nod HOP!** and no jk'ixou or family
■should be without them. MHMMBK
■ D.I.G. In absolute and Inxwtthl* cuml BH
■ rorDrunkene**, use of opium, t< l.uect. ami W
H narcotic*. AM sold bv druggist*. fviut V P S|
■ for Circular. . Hep Hitter* *ff. Ca., Jr
I ItocbouU r,N. f and Toronto, ont.
other line runs Three Through Pas
senger Train!' Daily l>otween Chicago, bus
Moines, Council Bluffs Oinuha. Lincoln. St.
Joseph, Atchison, Tupeka and Kansas City.
Direct connections for all point* in Kansas,
Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne
vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and
The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta
ble Route viallannibt.l to Kort Scott. Denison,
Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Autonio, Galves
ton and all points in Texas.
The unequalcd inducements offered hy this
Line to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows:
Hie celebrated I'ullman (16-wheel) Palace
Sleeping Cars, run only on this Line. C., B. ft
J. Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Morton's
Reclining Chairs. No extra cbnrgc for Seats
in Reclining Chairs. The famous C.. R. & (J.
Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars
lit ted with Klegant High-Backed Rattan Re
volving Chairs for the exclusive use of first
class passengers.
Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com
bined with their Great Through Car Arrange
ment, makes this, above all others, thofavorito
Route to tho South, South-West, and the Far
Try it, and you will find traveling a luxury
instead of a discomfort.
Through Tickets via this Celebrated Line
for sun- ut ail OFFICES IU the Ututcd States und
C Vll information alaait Rates of Fare, Sleep
.i.g Car Accommodations. Tltno Tublos, &c.,
will b cheerfully given, and will send Free to
any address an elegant Countu Map of United
Statin*. In colors, by applying to
PERCEVAL LOWELL. Gen- Pass. Agt.. Chicago
T. .1. l'i iTTKIi. G< n. Maragor, t !. :> u
Christ the Lord.
llaniH. F.r Mixcl Voi.**. R*KV and jittrn. tivo tnasic.
choirs ami Soeiotu*. can catOiy li-aru It lea - u iiui* i>er
fonnancc. mi cent*.
Neml for I.lst of • lirlnmns Carols
Beauties of Sacred Song.
#:t.; CI >th .fi flu. Ibstrd* #'i. A nobli- pn •nt Lt tb's
who jovo tin* l*i*t. Mof tlu nu*t *uc.x*tiaful souga of
the day, by Luiiotis oonipiun.
Rhymes and Tunes.
*• ingr. luUaluesand KiudervarUui eiays- ($1 in.)
Gems of English Song.
gilL Tho now and moot la>oriU ou!> . lion.
Norway Music Album,
the Vikings of UJC North. Wild and Uautiful.
Eranz' Album of Song.
f:i. inlt. Frnnz's own wlilicn >.f ha L.oi.m* ti> rinaii
Christmas Cantata, "Ui
ChiTUfo*. U, S'ltw, etc. Su rul wanbi tud
blirit4nl mUKic,
C. FT. DITRON k CO., J. F.. DITHON ft CO.,
St'. Broadway, N. V. 122h Chestnut St., I'hii*.
Einbrac'nir fall and authentic account* of every no
tion of ancient and modern tiino*. and including a his
tory of the rise add fall of th>- Hr -ek and Roman Em
pire*. the middle a>ro*. the crusades, the feudal *y*b>in.
the reformation, the discovery and settlement of tha
New World, ete.. etc.
It <v>utains 7a rtti" historical engravings, and is the
most complete History <>f the VorM iwr Pobßahnd.
Keml for siHs-itnen pages and extra terms to Agent*.
Addrem, NATIONAL PUBLISH INO CO.. Phil&da., Pa.
■A* llrity. 1> M-rtion. Inoompattbility. all causes: for
parties any State. Advice confidential and free. Conn
wilier Hhxlgutt, 16a ft 16.' Uroa<l\vay, Room H, N. Y. City.
TEBBEYB. BmrnifnnH> iwrawnrm mnwn
COLLI K DIKfS, C. I. HATTOCHN, Portland, Mo.
• holiday present*-; tquaio grand plMiiofot tJ ur ver>
handioine round corner*, rosewood cases three unison*.
Realty's match less iron frames, stool, book, cover, boxes,
9'l'd'i 75 tog-27 601 catalogue prices. suu to Ilixx>
wttlsfacUon guaranteed or money refunded, after one
year's use; I priglu Pianoforte* sl'i6 to $256; cats
legue prices <SOO to ffloo;standard pianofortes of i he uni
verse. as thousands lesttfy: writ* for mammoth list oftc*
tlmontals. KCHIIV's < nbinri A ctihcdral,
church, chapel, parlor, fk;{o upward. Vlsllo's w.-lc -me;
free carriage m-i'tsivia^engcrß;^illu-trateil catalogue (hoil
<lay edition) free. Address or call upon
IN the market: Younn housekeeper :
"Have you a calf's head I I think Johu
would like one for dinner.,' "Yes, we
have one nicely cleaned. Bball I send it
up?" "And have you anv quad ? 1 think
quail on toast would plea e luni." ''Some
just iu this morning." And let me see a
loin of beef. 1H it quite aeaaoi for ven
ison yet?" "No. Shall 1 send the calf's
head, quail and loin of beef Well,uo.
1 guess not. You can give me a half a
pound of pork steak."
NEW BLOOM FIELD, Miss, Jan. 2, 1830.
1 wish to say to yau that 1 have been
suffering for the last five ye||B with a
severe itching all over. I hawieard of
Hop Bitters and have tried it. 1 have
useil up four bottles, ami it has done me
more K<* h - than all the doctors aud medi
cines that they could UM? on or with me. I
am old and por but feel to bless you for
such a relief by your medicine and from
torment of the doctors, 1 have had llf
tcen doctors at me. One gave me seven
ounces of solution of arsenic; another
took four quarts of blood from me. All
they could tell was that it was skin sick
ueas. Now, after those four bottles of
your medicine, my skin is well, clean and
smooth as ever.
tut* observed to extend over a
circle from 100 to 600, or, Fomotiines 1.000
miles in diameter. In the West Indies
they are sometimes as small as 100 miles
in diameter, but dilate to €OO to 1,000
utiles on reaching the Atlantic, They
sometimes however, contract, increasing
greatly in violence during the process.
It you are bilious, lake Dr. Pierce's
"Pleasant Purgative Pellets," the original
"Little Livir Piils." Of all druggists.
new swimming uevice consists of a
light frame, carrying a float aud longitudi
nal shafts, the latter having at one end a
smril screw propeller. The swimmer re
el n son the float, aud, grasping a hand
crauK in each hand and placing his feet on
two toot cranks, proceeds rapidly and
easily, with his head far enough above the
water to be comfortable.
Habitual Co*tlvi*M
is the bane of nearly every American I
woman. From it usually arises those dis
orders that sosu-ely undermine their health
and strength. Every w m>an owes it to
herself and to her family to use that cele
brated medicine, Kidney-Wort. It is the
sure remedy for constipation, and for all
disorders of the kidneys and liver. Try
it in liquid or dry form. Equally efficient
in cither. 7i'>#fo/t Sunday liudytd.
A utrony tea made of common mullen
leaves and sweetened with sugar has been
known to cure tliv worst and most advan
ced cases of consumption, even after blee
ding at the lungs has commenced. The
medicine should l>e continued from three
to six months. Young or old plants are
good, dried iu the shade and kept in clean
Lvdia E, Pinkham's Vegetable com
pound lias done thousands of women more
good than the medicines of many doctors.
It is a positive cure for all female com
plaints. Send to Mrs. Lytlia E. Piukham.
To give glass great brilliancy; wash with
a damp sponge dipped in spirits, then dust
with powdered blue or whiting tied in a
thin muslin bag, and polish with chamois
important lu Travelers.
Srßcui I.MircEMKNTs are offered you
by the BUBUNUT n KOCTB. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be found
else w hem iu this issue.
Anybody can fl'iat in the water if the
hands and arms be kept under the water
and the mouth abut. The lesson is very
easily learned, and once remembered, is
The (iuill Help
those who help themselves," ami Nature
invarihty helps those who take Warner's
SNafe Kiduey and Liver Cure.
True greatness is sovereign wisdom*
We are never deceived of our virtues.
A Benefactor of Mankind.
F. Magnus ML Mayr. O. H. 8., Cath. priest.
New Trior, Dacota Co., Minn., writes to P.
Neuataedter t Co., sole manufacturers of
Anakrxia, Dr. Silsboe's INFALAJBIAC Cdbk FOB
PICKS; 1 used only four of the Anaketu
beans; the first two without observation of the
prescript, therefore witliout success! My case
was very difficult, lasting many years. 1 wrote
for other medicaments to support the tirst
doses; meanwhile I took the second and third
globulus according to ordinance, and since
four w oks and two days after using the mois
tened pills, Jam cured. Dr. Silsbee is really
a benefactor of mankind. I suppose 1 will
have no need of the second box and even not
of the first one! lam cured, but 1 will keep it
for my fellow-citizens suffering under like
pain, and send hereby the two dollars, an un
speakable small amount for so great a beuofiU
'1 hanks t*e to God.
Beapectfully, vonr obedient servant,
r. Msoars M. MAYH.O. A 8., Oath, priest.
Samples of Anakexix. the Great External
Tile Homely. are mailed free to all sufferers
on application to P. Neuataedter k Co., Box
o'JIG, New York.
On Thirty llaya* Trial.
The Voltaic Be t Co. Marshall. Mich., will
send their Electro-Voltaic Belts and other
Electric Appliances on trial for thirty daya to
any person alii ete . with Nervous Debility,
Lost Vitality, and kindred troubles, guarantee
ing complete restoration of vigor and man
Address as above withont delay.
P. B.—No rmk is incurred, as 30 days' trial
It allowed.
Building, Tentti and Chestnut stree a, hwe oa
hand a superb stock oi extra Que quality Dia
monds, which tuey offer at as lo.v prices as
•tones ol the first quality, p. rrect allkn lu color
tnS aSorMi ens '• .oti for
In Hnts of Families
Ilostetter s Stomach Bitters is as much regarded as
a household neeessity as sugar or coffee. The
reason of this is that years of experience have
proved it to be perfectly reliable lu those cases of
emergency where a prompt and convenient remedy
is demanded. Constipation, liver complaiut, dys
pepsia, indigestion and other troubles are over
come by it.
For sale by druggists and Dealers, to whom ap
ply for Uostetter's Almanac for 1882.
I r-w Weather Signal Oliice.
Y I Mr.'eremlah Tosilvlne.of the rural
i >'■- idistrict, brought a letter of introduc
>■ ■■ ■ * tiou to the r nited States Signal Oill-
I (?*\ eer, and by the latter gentleman was
Oy shown the lajautiful scientific instru
moits for meaauriug and determining
the various changes and condition*
of the weather. Pointing to the stand
ard thermometer lie explained to Mr.
.•fo " T. tile uses of the lieat gauge, where
upon Mr.T. anxiously inquired if he
iw "hadn't nuther un to spare—*lcha
- - nice merehiiie to sot the weather in
hay in' aild harvest time." Hisinspec
m " iion of the aerometer orwind measurer
_ evoke<i tho expression: "Wouldn't
wo she be the racket to rnn the wind
mill with." The barometer wits
I I*o one too nut 11 y for Toed vine, and, look
- - lug qiicerly ut the official, as If he
j ~c were utterly nonplussed and laink
- " rupt of worus, said: " Friend, did you
ever have the reumatisf The
• abruptness of the question surprised
theoilieer, who replied. "No—never."
- What" Evidently recollecting
| himself, Mr. T.stopped on the ragged
edge of the threadbare remark, and
0 said: " I only w anted to know, for if
I show* the good 'an' bad weather aloro
- * it's time, it would be a bully trap for
* people with reuiuatis; tbey could
' hank it every time. L'p my country
wbeii folks iias it they use ST. JACOBS
- - in., an' lt'sa powerful argyment agin
rcuiuitin—lt's the upj>er dorg in the
- tight every time." with thanks for
the unexiweted information, the ofll*
- - cial politely turned Mr. Toudvlne
over to tlie usher to show him to the
0- - street car. wLile he. looking over his
pajK-r. read: "Mr*. T. A. tfist, No.
,5 " l jni Walnut street, Philadelphia, Ph.,
writes: I had Inflammatory rheutna
jo " tism very badly. In one foot and ankle
it seemed to have taken hold with tho
to determination to stay, and the
. ing 1 obtained the ST. JACOBS OIL I
so could not put my foot down to the
floor, even for an Instant. 1 used It
50 that evening for the first time, and the
next morning for the second lime,
and thai afternoon put my foot down
su tS4 for several minutes. On the Hunday
following I could stand up and walk
la few steps. On Tuesday eoubl walk
■ about roy room and went down stairs
I bv holding OH to the banisters. Now
HI i 'can walk quite well and there Is
I i H very little pain left. Just think! one
H ip Ix.tile and a half, and 1 am almost free
f ruia x,aiu! It is a wonderful medicine.
>' !• <
As It la for all dweaaea of the KIDNEYS, \
< It elaanaaa the system of the acrid poison >
' that oauaea the dreauful Buffering which f
i* only the victims ot Rheumatism can realise. <
►' of the worst forma of thla terrible dlaoaae t
,< have been quickly relieved, in a abort tune 1
has bad n ondr rfelaurceea, and an immense I
( sale in every part of the Country. In hun
' dredaofcaacait liaaoured where all else had \
.< failed. It ia mild. IHII elHcient, CERTAIN ■
( IN ITH A (-"MOM, but harmleaa in all caaas. j
IWlt elrsn , *t reupiben, unci .1 vea New i
Life to all the important organs of the body. > (
< The natural action of the Kidney aia restored.
* Tli© Liver ia crcanecdof alldiaeaae, and the <
,< Bowels movo freely and healthfully. In this >
, way the worst diseases are eradicated from
* the system. <
I* Aa it has been proved by thousands that B,
t am ■ B f y/mIVJt I
"9M II 1 k M mPi 09 m JB3I
< ia tho moat effectual remedy for cleanaing the '
> aystem of all morbid aecreliona. It ahould be I
used in every household as a '
\ Alwavs cures BILIOUSNESS, ONSTIPA- <
> TION, PILES and all FEMALE Diseases. \
' Is put up In lirjr Vfgrisble Form. Intln cans, >
\ one parkaire of which nuke, (quarts medicine.
, Alx> in Liquid Form, very Concentrated for <
I the convenirni-r of thin* whocaniioireadily pre- >
\ pare It. Jlartttri/M eqnoi tfleteneytn rrfAer/orm. <
'< (Will srnd the dry twT-nasd.l HI HI t*THf. TT.
la a Positive Cur*
tor all ihiaa PalifWl Osasplalsts s*i Wrakwssasa
HMSWU fsssr best faaaalo pspsUUss.
t will ear* anttiwly ths worst form of ITamal* Osaa.
plaints, all evarian tronblsa, InßamwmWan and Chose*
Mo*. Falling' sad DtopUossMßts, sad ths an was qsasl
Bp tail Waaknasa, sad Is psrMsslsriy adaidad (s Mm
Chang* of Ufa.
II win dissolve nl sipil IIIMW fi us Hit ' *
as ssriy stag* of dsvsl ipmasl. Tfcs OsndsaeyOeeam
ssrass humors th orals checks* vary ipssdlly by lh is
II rsmovas falntnoaa, flatulency, dsatreyaall oravtag
far atlmalanta sad relieves weakness of tha rtomsoh.
II eors Bloating, Headarhea, Karroos Prostratloa,
•snoral DobUltj. Bieepleaaaasa, Deprssaia* sad ladl
Thai f—Uag sf baartag down. esoMng pain, vdfM
sad backache, ia always permanently cured by Its uaa
It will at all times and under all circumstances a© ia
janaony with ths laws that govern the female lydam,
For tho cure of Kidney Oomplslnta of sithsr sax this
Oompound is unsurpassed.
POUND la prepared at MS and 136 Western Avenue,
Lynn, Mesa Prtoe |L Blx bottles for •*. BoatbymaU
I* tha form of pills, also In tho form sf loaangss, as
rsoelpt of pries, fl psr box for olthar. Mrs. Pink ham
freely anawora all lettorn of Inquiry. Bond for pasapM
lK Addrasa as ahov*. Jfawftoa tki Paper.
K* family ahould bo without LTD LA K. PIKKH AM*
UVH PTLLB. Thtr cure oossttpotloa, MUNMB
s*d torpidity of th Urar. ■ oonts por has.
Mr Bald h ■ mil Dmcxifta. "WM
Thusu HnHwerlng *u uivrrnseiiient will
confer H favor upon the advertiser and the
publisher by stating that they s*w the ad*
vertlsement. In this jonrtiHl (iiMining paper.
>Vi<ili'ng w'aic li •• ■
in ladles' or iro.its' tim. regnlar price 840.
No lid Mllver. fail Anchor
iiii'iit-i" lirre or iKjys.'sixe qi,so. roKuiar price (12.
Nickel Chat el Ine Watches, -mll or large size, with
Chatelaine, 04.5 >. romlar price ©l3. The alwve
wat.-hes are wurrsnte 1 (f.Kxi ti ne-'cetiit-ra. All other
kimhi of Jewelry sold at equally low prices. Goods seat
C. () D„ and money will lw relunded if not us repre-
E. li. LEVY, 271,291, 545 Sixth Ave., New York City.
QANew Year Cards, New Styles With Name, 100-
GEO. I. REED A Co., Nassau, N. Y.
/ V li Wonderful secrets, revelations and
sooveries Tor married or single, securing health,
wealth and happiness to aIL Tins handsome book of
128 pages mailed for only 10 cents, by The Union Pub
lishing Co., Newark, N. J.
VOTTNTfI MPV If y°n would learn Tftle
JUUIXVJ iUXiIY graphv in four months
and be oeilain of a situation, address VALKNTINJ
EROS., Janesville. Wisconsin.
\A/ _x _L _ _ Catalogue free. Address Standard
VValCricS American Watch Ca,Pittaburgh,Pa
i g
s sfr*
Fiakisf CsaXia, Ufg*,k aqsi 4. O t* ixMaUsUam^
wiuni nsiinn
rmm Wood m*tm sound fleah, strong bono
and a clear skim. U jroe would hate pear Ileeb
Arm. rour bones nound without oarles, nod your
eompfexion fair, nao Endnny'a lnnn>>rn
A remedy oompoaed of Ingredients of extra
ordinary medical proportion essential to pwify.
beat, repair nnd Invigorate tbo broken-down aid
was edWlv-4*lXlo*, PLEASANT, SAFE Mid
PERMANENT ia it* treatment and euro.
No matter torn-hat name the oomplaint may
b# designated,' wbether It be Scroruln, Coo
• unapt ton, Syptillle, Ulcers, Soros, Turn ore, Boll*
Erysipelas, or Salt-Kbeuia dlnoMon of tbo
tuna* fcti Inejrs, Bladder, womb. Skin, Liver.
Stomach or Bowela, either chronic or constitu
tional, the virus of tho dlaeaae is in tbo BLOOD
whlob Huppiif* tbo wasta, nod build* nod re
pa ni these organs and wasted tlasues of tbo
System. If tbo Mood la unUenltbj. tbo process
Of repair must bo unsound.
Tho SarMparllllan RINWIVMIBOI only
la a oompenaaUug remedy, but secure* the har
monious act 100 of each or the organ*. It estab
ftahee throughout the entire system functional
harmony, and supplies the blood-vessels with a
pure and healthy current of new life. The skin,
after a few days use of the BarsanarlUlan, be
comes clear and beautiful. Pimples, blotches.
Black spots and Pkln Eruptions are removed ;
sores and Ulcers soon cured. Person* suffering
from Scrofula, Eruptive Diseases of the Byes.
Mouth, Ear*, Legs, Threat and Gland*, that
have aceu mulateJ and spread, either from un
cured diseases or mercury, or from the use of
corrosive sublimate, may rely upon a cure if
the Sarsapar.Ulan Is continued s sufficient tune
te make lis Impression on the system.
One bottle contains more of the settee prtnci
?lr* of medicines than any other preparation.
akenln Teaapoonful Doses, while others re*
autre live or *ll times as much. OaDIUr
Per Bwttle.
only require* not hMM to rb
Bs*e pun Md oar* acuta dlsoMo.
Ready Relief,
la trom one to twenty minutes, never (Bile to
relieve PAIN with one thorough *ppUc*Ucn 4
DO matter how violent or exertKwluf the pole
the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm. Crippled.
Nervous. Neuralgic or prostrated with dlaea**
man suffer, RAD WAY'S KSAJDV BELIEF will
afford Instant ease.
BiOtoK *fUi KMaeys,
UM *rih HliU4rr, *fUi
HowrU, (angertloN ef Ihe Lang*. >t*r
Thraal. IHIHt-uU HrealHlng. PalpllMlaa
MT IB' Heart, Sl)atr-lra. traap. Olafc.
Iharl*. ('aurrh. IBIVMM. Mraiarlia,
TaaOiarlii, Xearalgia RheauUl>ia,
(>M Chill*. IM Chilli, CBllklalu, u4
VrMl BUM. BmlaM. kainmrr CM
pialiu, Kmoaam Mlacplauar**
CMghi toWi, •praiu. rain* It* the
Chrt. nam *r l.laaN aura laauuttlf r*
Fever and Ague.
FRYER and AGUE eared tor M cents. Then
Ib not a remedial agent in this world that will
cure Fever and Ague, and other Malarious, Bill
•u -. scarlet. Typ> old Yellow and other (even
(aided by Had way a PUiB) no quickly AA RAU
It wfft in a few moments, when taken accord
ing to directions, cure Cramps, bpasma, Soar
Stomach. Heartoarn. Hick Headache, Diarrhoa*.
Dysentery, Colic, Wind In the Bowels, and all
Internal Pains.
Travelers should a) ways carry a bottle of Rad
way's Ready Relief with them. A few dropa in
wa er will prevent sickness or pains rroin
change of water. It Is better than French
Brandy or bitters aa a stimulant.
Miners and Lumbermen ahould always bo
provided won it.
All remdt*l agents capable of destroying life
by an overdone sTiould bo avoided. Morpiune,
•plum, str' chnine, arntce, hjoeclamua, and
other power.'ul i emodliM. does at certain ttmes.
In very small do*'-a, relieve the patient during
their action In the system. Bnt perhaps the
second doae, if repeated, may aggravate and In
crease the suffering, and another dose cause
death. There ts no necessity for trlogtheee
uncertain agents when a roslUve remedy Ilka
Kadwjy's Ri-ady Rel ef will stop the moat ez
groclailng pain quicker, without entailing the
taaai difficulty In either infant or adolu
RADWATI RBADT Riuv is the only remedial
agent in vogue that will instantly stop pain.
Fifty Cent* Per Bottle.
Regulating Pills.
Perfect FargAilves, ooctning Aperi
ents, Act Without Pain, Alwaya
Reliable, and Natural ID their
Pert© tly tasteless, elegantly ooated with
sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleans* and
RADWAY'S PILLS, for the cure OF all D'orders
of the Hi omach. Uv r, Bowels, K" 4teya, Bladder,
Nervous Dtseasea Headache. Constipation, Ooe
nveness, Ind gestlon, Dyspopsta, Biliousneaa.
Fever, 'nflamailon of the Bowels, Piles, and all
derangements of the Internal viscera War
ranted to effect a perfect cure. Purely vege
table, containing no mercury, minerals or dele
terious drugs.
iwobserve the following symptoms resolving
from Diseases of the Digestive Organs: Constl
n .Hon, Inward Plies, Fullness or the Bio din
the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea.
Heartburn. HI-gust of Food, Fairness or Weight
in the Momacn, Hour Kructions, Slnkl ig or
Fluttering s£ th* Heart, Choking or Suffering
Sensations when in a lying po6t.ure. Dimness o|
YiHlon, DQIS or Webs Before the bight, Fever
and Doll I'aln In the Head, Deficiency of Per-
Rptration, Yeilovrnesa of the Bktn and Byes,
Pain in the Hide. Che t, Limbs, and Badden
Flushes ol He.tL Burning in the Flesh.
A few doses of RAUWAT'S PILLS will free the
system from ell the above-named Disorders.
Price, 25 Cent* Per Box.
We repeat that the leader most consult <j)ai
books and papers on the subject of dts kses and
their cure, .onong which may be named *
M P*l*e and True,"
"Rxdwx; on lrroblc Urethra, -
*Kdway ox Scrofula,"
and others relating to different classes or Dla
Send a letter stamp to RAD WAY 4K (4.
ll* 89 Warren, Cor. Church St., N(4
rr-information worth thoosaadswili be sei f
5> 4 4 i Outfit free. Address P. O. VIOKEKY,
MB. B. F. PBITOHARD, of Washington, D. 0., is cer
tainly entitled to great diHtmctioi. on account of hia
goodueas to the soldier. His long experience—and ex
perience ia everything—enable* him to bring about a
Bi>eedy settlement of all class of claims. The fee for
obtaining a pension ia only ten dollars, while the pen
sioner frequently draws>everal hundred dollars at Awl
payment And,the pension laws are so very liberal
that a pension Is given for any kind of a wound, dis
ease, or disability, even if caused by accident or other
wise. And it should be known by every one that Mr-
Pritchard makes rejected pension oases, and such other
claims a* have tweu unskilfully and negligently proee
euted by incompetent attorneys, a specialty. Ail such
cases can yet be favorably settled. It is not uncom
mon for him to secure the allowance of a pension claim
after more than one rejection. There are thousands of
Just and meritorious 'famn for pensions that were re
jected during the five years that "Mr." Bentley was
Commissioner, all of whom should apply again—and
we say apply to Mr. Pritchard and know the double ad
vantage of having a good attorney, and one at the Capi
tal. where he can and will give such cases his personal
attention. He makes no charge for advice. His ad
dress is box 34, Washington, D. C,
jr cri. pays ror ine sutr spangieu banner -
I U mew. Nothing like it. 20th year. 8 pages.
Illustrated. Specimens FREE. Address STAR
It rays Agent) to Sell the Sun,lard Agricultural Coot
Farming for Profit
New, Accurate, Comprehensive. A Complete Fans
Library in itself. A sure guide t* successful farming.
TCI I C Ufilif "TP#! Cultivate all Farm Crops.
I ELLLO HUn Til Breed & Care for Lire Stock.
Make Money I U And Secure flapplnr**. ,
Save* Many time* it* coat every Sea*®a. rsOO pages.
140 illustrations, Send for Circulars and terms t
J. c. HcCURDY & CO.. Fhiladeliihia. Pa,