AGRICULTURE. A VALUABLE THEE.— The eucalyptus globulus, which is being introduced into California, has many qualities which re commend it to Eastern sylviculturists. It comes originally from Australia, where the tests of various soils aud varying reasons have amply demonstrated the good quali ties of the tree and its rapid growth even under adverse surroundings. Trials of late years in Southern Europe have further ver ified these claims, aud there is no aeason why the tree will not flourish in every s -c --uon of the United Stales. It is hardier than the chestuut, a'id like the latter, it will grow in the rockiest of soils. It is more independent of raiu-food than any tree known in this country, wet and dry seasons alike failing to effect its growth, its wood is hard, somewhat of the nature of yellow pine, but firmer aud stronger, and fit for use in ship timbers while iu Austria, cabinet makers, wheelwrights and earoenters use it throughout their trades, The bark yields a febrifuge second only iu efficiency to quinine, but superior in all medical qualities to cinchona. 1 his quali ty alone must make the tree invaluable, and its culture here, to an appreciative ex tent, would settle forever the vexed ques tion of quinine duties. The rapidity of its giowth is its most wonderful teature. It grows four times as fast as the Americau pine, and for all ordinary purposes is tit to cut in five or six years. For the Eastern and Middle States, where the lack of forest protection is not infrequently felt, no tree has been offered the culturist that cau pre sent so many primary points of advantage as this Australian immigrant, and its gen eral introduction and culture should be a maiter of but little time. It may be added the Hue ttee yields fragrance; but produces no fruit or nut. its strength goes direct y into trunk and bark. Its beauty of form aud luxuriant evergreen loiiage are addi tional qualities that must recommend it in country or city. PROGRESS OF HORTICULTURE. —Among most gratifying evidences of progress are ihe numerous acquisitions of new and val uable varieties, by which the season of our fruits is greatly prolonged with the ac cession of early and late varieties. By the better knowledge in the keeping and pack ing of fruits, aud the facilities of transpor tation, our markets are now supplied with fruits throughout the whole year, lustead of the strawberry for three or four weeks, as formerly, we now have it four or five months, the peach from four to six months, the pear from eight to ten months, the orange and apple the year round, ami the smaller fruits in their season; so he who has tue means may replenish his table dai'y with sncb variety as uo other nation can produce. The process of h) bridiza - lion is simple, whether by the air, insects, or the baud of man. and we have only to have due regard to the characteristics of the parents front which we breed. Thus, as it were, "line upoD line and precept upon precept," I have endeavored to im press on you the importance of this branch of our science, and as it was my first, so it shall be my continual aud last advice: "Plant the most mature and perfect seeds ot the most hardy, vigorous, aud valuable varieties; and as a shorter process, insuring more cei tain and happy results, cross or hybridize your best fruits." A PRACTICAL lruu grower gives the fo'- lowiug as his system of orchard manage ment; "In three years I improved the production of my fruit trees from 15 to 200 bushels by treating them iu the following manner: I first reduced the top one fourth, then in the fall I plowed the soil as well as 1 could, it being quite rocly, and turned a short lurrow toward the trees. As 1 worked from tiiem I let the plow fall a little lower and when between the trees I allowed the plow to run deep, so that the water would setlle away from them in the spring. 1 hauled a fair quantity of coarse manure, pulverized it well and marked out hills, manuring each hill. I planted corn and beans aud pumpkins. The following spring I repeated the same cultivation. My trees began le grow very last, and that fall I harvested 70 bushels of very good apples. The following spring 1 manured for the third time, planted it to potatoes, which grew very large, but rotted badly. I made up the loss, however, by harvesting 200 bushels af large fiuit. 1 changed the pro duction of a yellow belleflower tree lrom three-fourths of a bushel to seven oushels, and sold them for $1.25 per bushel, which I think a very good return for my labor. From my experießce, I am of the opinion that most trees have too much top for the amount of roots, and a defiency ot nour ishment for producing a developt d fruit. 1 like fall or winter pruning. Alwavs cov er the cut with giafting wax or thick paint. Aftea removing the limbs by thin ning out the centre of the tree, it has a tendency to grow broad. Too many vari eties are bad." THE following tiees are named as tbe best for planting artificial forests in the western states; - Yellow cotton wood; mak ing a saw log or rail cut sooner than any other tree; osage orange, giving strong and lasting timber; and not troubled by in sects; the hardy catalpa, of quick growth and lasting timber; white elm and western plane tree; black -wall ut, one of the most valuable of trees; soft maple, furnishing in a short time a great amount of fire wood; and tbe fast growing willows, the silver poplar, tbe cot lon wood and the Loinbardy poplar. PETER Henderson recommend the fol lowing mixture as a remedy for mildew on rose bushes; Boil one pound of sul phur and one pound of lime in two gallons of water until it is reduced to three quarts. After settling, pour it into a bottle or jar to keep. Before using it add 150 times as much water to each portion of the bottle, so that it will not be so strong as to injure the leaves. _________________ Constant Sources oj Jtaiectricity.—A section suitably cut in a heinihedral crystal with inclined surfaces and placed between two leaves of tin, constitutes a condenser which is capable of charging itself when compressed. With this system we may realize a new instrument, a condenser source, which posses special properties. It may serve as a standard of static electricity for measuring charges and capacities. The authors give in this memoir an abselute measurement of tbe quantities of electrici ty liberated by tourmaline and quartz un der a given pressure. Angular distance of Colors. —The projection of a table of colors upon the sides or an equilateral triangle renders it possible to determine the exact angular distance of the colors, a result which has not yet been obtained, and which suffices to connect together the facts at present known. The author gives a diagram rep resenting the law of the mixture of colors, and which will be advantageously substi tuted for Newton's rule. In bis address at tbe York meeting of the British Association, Prof. Huxley pre dicted that 50 years hence, or in the cen tennial year of the association, whoever undertakes to record the progress of pake • ontology will note the present time as the epoch in which the law of succession of the forms of the higher animals was deter mined by the observation of pa'aeontologi- C&l facts. DOMESTIC. FRIED POTATOES. —Raw potatoes, peel, cut iu rings the thickness of a shilling, or cut in ouc continuous shaving; throw them into cold water until you have sufficient; draiu on a cloth; fry quickly in plenty of hat fat, and with as little color as possible; dry them well from the grease, ami sprinkle with salt. When nicely done ami piled up properly, they make a tine side dish, which is always eaten with great relish. Or cut a potato lengthwise the size and shape of the divisions of an orange, rim them neat ly aud fry them ; they are an excellent garnish for meat. Cold potatoes may lie cut iu slices somewhat less than an inch thick, and fried in like manner. They can also be fried with onions, as an accompaniment to pork chops, sliced cod, red herring, or with a rasher of bacon. Ano tli cf nice way is to boil them ami let them become cold, then cut them into rather thick slices. Put a lump of freah butter into a Btew-pau, add a little flour, about a leaspoonful for a moderate sized dish; when the flour has boiled a short time in the butter, add a cupful of water and a little cream; boil all together; then put in the potatoes covered with chopped parsley, peppei ami salt: stew them for a few minutes, and then take them from the tire and send t > the table. [Detroit Free Press.] Mrs. C. Whipple, 371 Crogban Street, presents these facts: For six years I had suffered beyond all expression with scia tic Rheumatism ami tried every known remedy, but all to no purpose. At last 1 saw iu the Fret Press an advertisement of tue St. Jacob's Oil,tried it ami am well. 1 can walk without limping ami sleep fieo lroui any piuu. >\ K notice in the Mining and Scientific Press a formula for making olive oil on a small scale, as produced in California, comparing this with a description in the Pharmaceutische liamlelsblatt of the manufacture of olive oil in southern Prance. In California they grind the olives before pressure. This appears to be an error; they should be crushed be tween two stones turning against each other vertically. We can quite under stand thai crushing leads to quite diller eut results to grinding. In cider-produc ing counties iu England apples are prepar ed for caier in the same manner that the French prepare their olives, by grinding them under revolving stones. Cider thus prepared will keep for years, anil improves with age, some say, on account of an essential oil pressed from the apple pips. In America cider is made from crushed or chopped apples, and possesses neither the flavor or the keeping properties of that produced in Devonshire or Hereford shire, England. There is another poi"t, which may be important on the "Rhone." The oil when filtered is stored in stone vessels. On the Pacific they use tin cases. [Wayne Co., (Ohio) Democrat] Mr. William E. Snvder of Weal Leba non, Ouio, says: For so ue time past I had been severely atll cted With Rheuma tism. treeing an advertisement of St. Jacobs Oil, I procured a bo.tie, aud 1 could feel the effect of the Oil ujon the first application. 1a n now entirely well after using one bottle. PRESERVING PUMPKINS. —Pumpkins a dapfcd to culinary purposes can be preser ved not only all winter, but up to the fol lowing summer, which is perhaps longer than may be desired. But for winter a pumpkin pie is not excelled for delicious uess by any other, if the cook knows as well how to make them as everyone shoul i Some persons use it also as a sauce, aud it is very good if properly prepared. W hen we were in the habit of preserving pump kins we selected the "Yankee squash." as it was called, but other good kinds will an*wtr as well. These we placed on a scaffolding put up in the cellar, allowing them to lie side by side, but only on a sin gle layer. We useu them as nee led through the winter, and found that from a dozen to a dozen and a half very ample to supply the family as long as we cared for them. On two occasions we kept one or two over to discover how long they would keep, and we louud them in good condition in Au gust, but that was about the end of their time. Unlike other cathartics, Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" do no render the bowels costive after operation, but, ou the contrary, es tablish a permanently heaithy action. Being entire/g vegetable no particu'ar care is required while using them. By druggists. SI-EARING OF TOAST, comparatively few know what really good toast is. Aha ty siuge of one or both sides does not make toast; nor do thin slices of bread dried through. Cut slices of uniform thickness, a plump one-half or two-eighths inch; move around over a brisk fire, to have all parts toasted alike ; keep only so near the coals that the pieces will be heated through when lioth sides are wrell browned. If the slightest point is blackened scrape it off, or it will spoil the flavor of the whole. If covered with sn earthen bowl, it will keep both warm and moist. A clean towel or napkin will answer if it is to go at once cn the table. But nobody can make good toast out of poor bread. fetale bread may be used for milk toast; sour bread may be improved by toasting it through ; heavy bread makes poor toast. Sweet, light bread, only a clay old, or less, makes the best toast. Certain Knowledge. We know whereof we allirm when we say that Warner's Safe Kidney aud Liver Cure has performed more wonderful cures than any medicine ever brought before the American public. BREAD PUDDING. —Half a pound of stale bread, soaked in warm water for ten min utes. and wrung dry in a clean cloth ; one quart of milk, four eggs, yolks and whites well beaten together; two ounces ot butter, one even teaspoonful of salt, half a pound ot well-washed and picked currants, dried in a towel; one coffee-cup light-brown su gar, half a grated nutmeg; mix well; butter the pan, and bake for three-quarters of an hour in a hot oven. Ccst about 30 cents, at present; when eggs are cheaper, 25 cents, and is sufficient for eight people. CUCUMBERS STUFFED. Select short, thick cucumbers and split iu two. Scoop out the seeds and part of the meat. Fry a teaspoonful of grated onion in butter, and salt, pepper and nutmeg, the inside of the cucumbers, anil some bread soaked in wa ter and squeezed. If too dry add a little gravy or some melted butter. Stir until well mixed and heated through. Fill each half cucumber with the mixture; put some bread crumbs with a little piece of butter on the top ; lay in a pan, the rouud side down and bake. ORANGE ICE. —To make a delicious orange ice take six oranges, use the juice of all and the grated peel of three, two lemons (the juice only), one pint of sugar dissolved in one pint of water; freeze as you do ice cream. HUMOROUS. A ROY walked into an office on Laurel greet with a pocketbook in his band and inquired if Mr. Blank was in. "That's my name," replied one of the gentlemen. "Well, there's a wallet with your name in it." "Yes. I lost it this morning." Ue received it, and the boy started down stairs but was halted by the call; "Say, boy, what's your name?' "O, that's all right,'' replied the Isiy as lie backed down. " 'hain't worth your saying I'm an honest boy and offering me ton cents for my trouble, for there was only flftv cents in the wallet, and ma used that to buy some soap and a new clothes iine. "GOI.DK* MEDICAL DISC IVERY" (Trade mark registered) is not only a sovereign remedy for consumption, but also for con sumptive night-sweats, bronchitis, coughs, spitting of blood, weak lungs, shortness of breath, and kindred all CM >us of the throat and chest. By druggists. A YOUNG man advertised for a private tioardiug house where hu would he treated as one of the family. He got it. But after he he had stayed at home fourteen nights to take care of the baby, had been utilized cold mornings to build the lire, fouud himself minus towels eight or ten times : on which ocoosious he wiped his face and hands on his night shirt, and sev eral other things not worth motioning, he became discouraged and left, while the rest of the faimlv sagely agreed that some people do so deteriorate by contact with the world that they are unable to appreci ate home comforts. A LOVABLE man: Jones was an old bachelor whose temper was not the sweet est and who did not like to be questioned. The other evening, just as supper was ready, be went out and kept it waiting half an hour. When he came hack the landlady said sharply ; "Well, Mr. Jones, why did you go out just previously to sup per in that way?" "Because, madam," be answered, "I couldn't go out just pre viously after supper in that way.'' The landlady closed her mouth for repairs. Indulgent parents who allow their chil dren to eat heartily of high-seasoned food, rich pies, cake, Ac., will have to use Hop Bitters to prevent indigestion, sleepless nights, sickness, pain, and, perhaps, death. No family is sate without them iu the house. CITY belle (meeting country aunt) : "O, I'm so glad to see you ! Come and sie us next week, do, for I'm a going to have a german on Thursday." Aunt (with sever ity) : "Not I, child ; I don't want to see auy one of the family tnat's going to make a 100 l of herself by marrying a foreigner." A CHEERFUL face is as good for an in valid as healthy weather. To make a sick man think he is d>ing, ali that is nec essary is to look half dead yourself. Hope rud fear are catching as cutaneous com plaints. Always look cheerful whether I you feel so or not. There is but one way to cure b.ildness, and Hud is oy using CAKBOUNK, a deodor ized extract of petroleum, the natural hair grower. As recently improved, it is the only dressing for the hair that cultured people will use. Two views of th.j matter: "Yes,' said Pendleton, swelliugly, "what I am 1 can truly say my wife made me." Not very complimentary to Mrs. Pendleton," re plied Blunt in a stage whisper. SELECT thunder : Professor (to student who writes, not for the masses, but for the educated few), you should write so that the most iguoraut of your audience can understand all you can say." Student (puzzled), "What part of my production is not clear to you, sir?" labor Saving. The demand of the people for an easier method of prepariug Kiduey-Wort has in duced the proprietors the wholesale drug gists, Wells, Richardson & Co., of Bur lington, Vl., to prepare it for sale in liquid form as well as iu dry form. It saves all the labor of preparing, and as it. is equally efficient it is preferred by mauy persons. Kidney-Wort always anil everywhere proves itself a perfect remedy. SAID Sidney Smith, "It you masthead a sailor for not doing his duty, why should you not weathercock a parishioner for not paying his pew ient ?" If this hint should be acted on, a large number of church memliers would gel nearer to heaven while here than they wiil after death. THE profundest fact that a man stands upon, and out of which he is developed— that which constitutes the very sap and fibre of his manliness —is his moral sense. This alone, when upright and pure, makes him a compact stability in society as well as in his private relations. PEOPLE restraiu noble impulses, gand thoughts, warm affections, keen sympa thies, under the delusion that they are thus purifying or refining their natures. The truth is, they are only impoverishing and debasing them. It is both cowardly and selfish to decline to use gifts which might be made helpful and encouraging to humanity. Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Com pound is a remarkable remedy for all those painful complaints and weaknesses so com mon to our best female population. Send to Mrs. Lydia E Pinkbam, '233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass.. for pamphlets. TEMPERANCE item : Drinking beer "may quench the thirst, but it will not refresh the memory. That delicate matter is one of the duties of the bartender. A HIGH compliment: Junes—"What did you think of my argument, Fogg ?" Fogg—"lt was sound, very sound. (Jones is delighted) Nothing but sound in fact." (Jones reaches for a brick.) BE yer takin' much intcieit in politics this fall, Bill ?" asked the first tramp. "Skurcely," answered the second tramp; "but 1 expect to lie ruunin" for suthin' myself purty soon." "What do yer spose yerll run fur, Bill?" "The po>r house w tgon." Biliousness, constipation, or headache is the sign of a disordered liver. "Sell ers' Liver Pills" always cure. 25 cents a box. ST JVE pipe surgeous nave a great deal < f practice at present setting dislocated el tows, repairing broken legs, and supplying missing arms. NKGIIGENT patriots; Talk about un kissed kisses" aud "uutbunk thoughts." It is the unvote 1 votes that makes half the mischief in politics. "MY love is gone" is the name of the latest sontr written by a young man in Boston. Of course, this is rough, but the "absent girl eats no oysters." SPICED GRAPES. —The Catawba grapes are especially nice in this way. DrBULL'SI COUCH SYRUP] BELLE* a & —PITTSBURGH. PAT— | TAHETHE Qtewampsgj ypßasa THE CREAT BVRLIXGTON ROUTE. nr-.No ether line runs Three Through Pas senger Trains Daily between Chicago, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha. Lincoln. St. Joseph, Atchison, Tupcka and Kansas City. I)ire< t connections for all points in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizonu, Idaho, Oregon aud California. „ The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comforta ble Route via MunnibiJ to Fort Scott, Denison. Dallas, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Galves ton and all points in Texas. The unequaled inducements offered by this Line to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows: Pho celebrated Pullman (16-wheell Palace deeping Cars, run only on this Line. C., 11. A s). Palace Dm wing-Room Cars, with Mortons Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for Seats m Reclining Chairs. The famous C.. R. A i). Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars fitted with Elegant High-Backed Rattan Re volving Chairs for the exclusive use of first class passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, com bined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, above all others, thefavorito Route to the South, South-West, and the Far West. Try it. and you will find traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated Line for sate at all offices in the United States and •nada. „ ©VII information atmut Rates of Fare, Sleep ,.,g Car Accommodations, Time Tables, Ac., will b cheerfully given, and will send tYre to any address an elegant County Map ot United States. In colors, by applying to PKRCBVAL LOWELL. Gen* Pass. Agt.. Chicago T.J. POTTER. Gen. Manager, Chicago lTyouarc ■ it 3 op an- *WPa3aiSk W ofliu-t!wM.wak-■■ mnn of let- ottcd by the vtnUn of urn toiling over ndi! your dutltn avoid night work. t.> rv— iitlinubyjfound ua i V tore brain nenretUMi Hoo B.tters. • Hop B. If yon are y.Hintr aiKlHmitTcmw from uny In discretion or d.-viuiHtKTu ; If you are inur rlcd or cinifle. old orM young. muL-Hng Iron, poorix-ulth or languish King oti a bed of uick neaH, rely on Hop|Bitters. Whoever you are. JBP% Thousand* <*> ,n --whenever you feel IK l| anally fro in eoute that your system form of K Icln e y deanulnir, ton- that 1 tug or stlinuiating 1 lutvi |mh>h without is foxtrot, ny, IH I by a timely use of take Hop ArV 'v Hopßlttors Bitfers. Dare you dye- JmkLb " pr/i.ia n I C or urinary com- ]. "• plaint, disease H ftw au absolute of the s/owoWi. ■ ( IYnTT I.T' 1 bowl.. Mood. ■> HI I I-* jblu ou re for liner orseror* t H AAV/A jd nea a , You will he ■* us- of opium. cured If you use ■ niTTrnn tobacco, or Hop Bitters 9 K! hK\ nariX,tu ' fc .fwona realm- Jl ' Lllw SoWlbydmg hly "weak and ■ t rista. fck ndtur low Kid rite. I, try ■ NLVIR KUn-ulur. at It may | _, ~ | ...... savovour :| CTA II Cl! rl;e ' life. It has 1 IA I L 1 *' r " co saved bun- M j |Br.rt>,irr, N. Y. dreds. . -bl&t One ■■■PHMBMVaRmBBMPMWB BEAUTIES OF SACRED SONG. This splendid new collection of the best Mac red Songs of lite day. will be most valuable addition to our libraries, and is full of gems. Among the authors we notice the names of Goo nod, Sullivan, Marzlals, Abt, Thomas, Smart aud Pinsutt, ami there are more than ao others of good repute. Gounod's "Green Ilill far awayFaure's 44 Palm Branchesand Abt's * 4 Above the Stars," Indicate the high character of the compositions, which are 68 In number. Price $2.00 Boards; $2-50 Cloth, THE BANNER OF VICTORY. This Inspiring title belongs to a new SONG BOOK for SUNDAY SCHOOLS, Just out It la by Atlhev St M linger, who made a d.wnied suc cess in their last book," WHITS HOBKH," ami who in this new compilation, furnish a number of the sweetest melodies ever placed m a collection of the kiml. bk pages, and abont as tnauy songs, many oi Litem adapted to the Prayer Meeting, as well as In the Sunday School. Price 36 cents. Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston. J. E. LITBON A OO.l&aOhratnat St., Phlla. Rill nil'Q MO N THLYMAGAZINB D ftLIIU U U FOR 1882. ILLUSTRATED. 100 Pages Entertainment a Month (1,800 a Year) for $1.60 per Annum, Postpaid. (linrmlnff Ronianr. Humorous Nit el oh ., i.ovc Ntorlea. Traveiaftml Al ventures bv Nrn >iil LKIIII Illustrated INICIII*. Jtliistr. Juvenile Department, tkl ior'i Urawrr. I'mxle Page. Lttibe.' ©epart ■neut, Comic Illustrations. *Le„ nil furiu- MO&T t'OMFLKTE AN© POPULAR HE RIAL. AMI OIiDHMT IN THIi t'OUATKV. Do not subscribe lor any publication until you have sent lo cents to the publishers of this popu lar monthly, aud received a copy of the Issue for January, lfcisl, with its many ®w.NK\V IMPROVE MENTS. Then, if you wish to continue, it will only be necessary to remit W1.40 for the balance tf the year. •g-No notice taken of postal cards calling for samples. For sale bv all Newsdealers at 15c. a copy, THO.Vf fc TALBOT. Pnb„ 23 llnwley Ktreet. ItoMoii, Mm. GiWh A YEAR AND EXPENSES TO Agents, • • • Outfit free. Address P. O. VICKKkY, Ma. Tltose answering an advertisement will confer a favor upon the advertiser and the publisher by stating that they saw the ad vertisement in this jout ual (naming paper. <4 W ELL, how did you enjoy yonr din ner?" ♦ Don't mention it," said the other feelingly—"don't mention it. It is a Rood deal like the financial question in Con gress. 44 IIows' that?" 4, Why, its apt to come up at auy moment" At the present time the country is flooded with preparations for Coughs and Colds but. far ahead of all others is Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup, that old and tried remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consu.nptiou, etc. A HOY at Columbus swallowed twenty feet of red ribbon in order that he might afterward pull it out of his mouth, conju rer fashion, and astonish the fan ily. It took a doctor four weeks to set him on his feet again. Restored I roni H Decline. NORTH GKKKI'E, N. Y., April 2. R >, 1880. DK. It. V. PIKKOE, Hiitfalo, N. V.: /)< ar iStr- l feel it my duty to write and thank you for what yom "G lden Medi cal Discovery" and "Favorite Prescrip tion" have done for my daughter. It is now five weeks since she began their use. She is more fieshy, has more color in le-r face, no headache, and is in other ways greatly improved. Yours truly. Mica MAKCKI.I.A Mrucs PROBABLY there are not half a doz*n hired girls in the United States who dou't know which are their nights "oathut the man isn't born yet who can point to one who can explain how the nose of the water pitcher got cracked. PREACHER (arriving drenched)— what shall 1 do Mrs. McGregor? 1 am wet through and through." Old Scotchwoman — 4, Get into the pulpit as sune as yc can. Ye'll he dry eno' there, WINSTON, Forsyth Co., N. C. GENTS —1 desire to express to you my thauks for your wonderful Hop Bitters. I was troubled with dyspepsia for five years previous to commencing the use of your Hop Hitters some six months ago. My cure has betn wonderful. I am pas tor of the First Methodist Church of this place, and my whole congregation can testily to the great virtues of your hitters. Vory respectfully, JtEV. H. FEREBEJfi. A WESTERN paper contains an account of a young lady "charming a rat." But that's nothing. We have known a young lady to charm a democ rat. The actors who travel with two paper colluts and a gripsack are all saying that they lost their wardrobe at tLe huruiug ot the warehouse in New York. Ponder on Then* Truths Torpid Kidneys, audcoustipaled bowels, are the great causes of chronic diseases. Kidney-Wort has cured thousands. Try it and you will add more to their number. Habitual costiveuess atllicts millions of the American people. Kiduey-Woit will cure it. Kidney-Wort has cured kidney com plaint aof thirty years stauding. Try it. bee adv. The horse-fly has 4,000 eye lenses, the cabbage butterfly 17,000, and certain beetles 25,000, but the womau who is jeal ous of the hired girl can beat the crowd 114 laps. The acme of politeness was reached by the Nevada mining superintendent who (Hailed a placard reading : "Please do not tumble down the shaft.'' If you want to get rid of pimples, boils, tetter, etc., use ' Lindsey's Blood Search er." Sold by druggists. "LAY off your overcoat, or you won't feel it when you go out," said the landlord of a western mu to a guest, who was sit ting by the Are. "That's what I am afraid 0f,," returned the man. "The last time I was here I laid off my overcoat, 1 didn't feel it when I went out and haven't felt it since, h On Thirty Days' Trial. The YolUic It sit Co.. Marshall Mich., will send i heir Electro-Voltaic belts and otoer Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days to any person aftl ete*. with Nervous Debility. Lost V.tidily, aud kindred troubles, guarantee ing complete restoration of vigor and man hood. Address as above without delay. P. K— No risk is incuried, as 30 days' trial is allowed. The Happiest Discovery of the Age. • Anake-us. an infallible cure for PILES, a sci entific combination of pouluce, instrument ant! medicine, endorsed by physie.aiw of al' schools, discovered by lia. ilnbke, a regular physician, an I used successfully m thousands of cases. Sufferers who have tried everything else in vain, will tlud instant relief and perma nent cure. It is regarded by medical men as the greatest of discoveries, and pro nounced infallible. "Auakesia" sent by mail on receipt of Price *I.OO per box. Ham. Los fhkk, by P. Neustaedter <k Co.. Box 3940 New York. _ "Roush on RU." Ask Drnggists for it. It clears out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, flies, vermin, in sects 16c. Messrs. Moroan a Hxadlt, Mutual L4fs Building, Tenth end Chestnut -.tree s, h.iye on hand a supernstock o; extra One quality Dia monds, which they offer at as low prices as ■loses of the iirsi quality, p* rfect alike In color and Shan* win no wold for. 6|ffERS One or the Reasonable Pleasures Of life, a properly cooked meal, affords little or no present enjoyment, and much subsequent torture to a confirmed dyspeptic. But when chronic in digestion is com twitted with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the food is eaten with relish, and most Im portant of all, is assimilated by anil nourishes the system. Use thts grand tonic and corrective also to remedy constipation, biliousness, rheumatism, fever and ague. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. I It pays Agent* to Sell the Standard Agricultural Boo* Farming for Profit- New. Accurate. Comprehensive. A Complete Farm Library in itself. A sure guide to successful farming. TCI'I C uhuu TPrt Cultivate all Farm Crops. 1 LLLO nlln I II Breed A Care for Livestock. Make Money I U And Secure Happiness. 0' Save* many tisaes It* coat every Heuaon. 60 page*. 140 Illustrations NRd for Circulars and term* to J. McCURDY it CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. FACTS ABOUT UMBRELLAS. J Antiquarians say that the umbrella was In vented shortly alter Ihe flood, and has been the least improved upon of all appliances lor human eomfort, the shaje lielng now a* It was In those youthful days of the world. An umbrella is much like a pigeon as to the question of posses sion—the lat one who gets it owns It. the fol lowing fuets attout umbrellas —especially the last one—may serve every reader a splendid purpose sooner or later: To place your umbrella in a rack indicates that It Is uljout to change owners. An umbrella carried over a woman, the man getting nothing hut drippings of the rain. Indicates court ship. When the man has the umbrella ami the Woman the drippings, it indicates marriage. To carry it at right angles tinder your arm signifies that an eye is to In' lost by the man who follows you. To put a cotton uin brellaby tbesideofajniee silk one signifies that " exchange Is no robbery." To lend an umbrella si gtiilics that " I am a fool." To carry an umbrella iust high enough to tear out men eyes and knock off men's liHts, signifies "lain a woman." To go without au umbrella in a rain storm shows 1 am sure of getting rheu matism, ami will have to use ST. JACOB* OIL to get well." To keep a line umbrella for your own use and a ls>ttle of ST. JACOBS OIL always in lite house, in ease of rheumatism or accident, would 4p^fElt)uu The memannleatioti to Die editor of the Salem IMMI Ht aider shows how au artist j treated bis visitor: "I would have accepted your i kind invitation to visit you in your new quarters | with pleasure la*fore tiifs had not my old enemy, Mr. Rheumatism, pounced on me so suddenly. He arrived last Friday, and, without stopping to semi up his card, rushed in and grasped me by the hand with such a grip tliut in a few hours my baud and wrist were so badly swollen and latiiifltl that 1 felt as though one of Mr. Hatch's coal teams had run over me. Mr. Rheumatism bashed! a constant visitor of mine for several wars ; he alwavs swells and put on n great many airs, making himself at home, devouring my sub stance and leaving me poor in flesh and |ocket. Ijist winter he came and stayed two months. I then decided that the next time he came I would change his diet 1 was somewhat at a loss what to feed Rim with, hut finally concluded to give him three square meals H day of IST. JACOBS OlL— morning, noon and night. This fare he is dis gusted with, and is packing up his trunk and w ill leave hy to-morrow or tn-xt day; says he cannot stop any longer, as he ha pressing business else where. He is a treacherous fellow, and he in tends visiting some of our Salem friends; If be does, just give him the same fare that 1 did and he wou't stop long. J. S. LEFAVOI'B. yTH^ONL^WEDtCIWEii II I* EITHKU l.l(jlll> OK DUV FOB* R U That Acta ut the anme lime on 3 TBI LIVES, TEE BO 17ELS, B n AED TEE KIDSSYS. i 11 WHY ARE WE SICK ?It BE Because \re allow these great organs Lj become clogged or torjnd, and poisonous [f| N humors are therefore forced into the lloo<l U U thdt should be erpelled naturally. rl IT WILL SURELY CURE iKIDNEY DISEASES, M LIVER COMPLAINTS, ■ UFIT.ES, CONSTIPATION, NTINARY r W DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, ■ II ANII NEK vol's DIHOItDEKft, ■ fry causing free action qf these organs and II n restoring their jwtoer to throw qf disease. TJ Why suffer Itilions paia* and arheaf Jfffi Why tormented with Piles, Constipatton! ■ U Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! P IFL Use KIDNEY-WOTTTAND rejoice in health If | It Is pot up in Dry Vegetable Faro, in tin M cans one package of which niaiu-a sn quarts of fl| IE medicine Also in Liquid For in. Tory < onren- VI M trated, for those that cannot readily prepare it. IE | |F"I' acts with squat efficiency in either form. M UQET IT OF YOUH DRUGGIBT. PRICE, #I.OS M H, RICHARDSON A Co., Prop'a, M |J| (Will send the 4RY post-paid.) LIT KBLM/TOS, TF. PI ■U. UDU L PIKMI. If LTRS, SAIL, F MT/ LYDIA E. PINKHAM T S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. laaPoaltlveCure arsKthsoPslsM OMYLSLSTO AAD Wcakaaiaas woaasi TO EAR heat female pspadatiea. tt win ears entirely the worst form of ftesl* OMM plafnts, si MRTTS trembles, InSamrwaßow aad Cloara- How, Falling and Dtaplseemwata, aad tha suussqnial Spinal Wsaknses, aad to parttonlarty I LSJIILL ta THE Disngs of Ufa, It win ittonln aad arpal TAAKOR* from ttos ataroafa aa early stage of development. The tsndeney to wsa ears as hmmors thers to obCH-d vary speedily by ttsaoa. R remorse fslntrieee, Batutonoy, deetroysall orartag far stimuianta, aad retieree sreakneee ef the atemaoh. It eeree Bloating, Haadacbaa, Karroo* Ptoatratloa, Sassrtl Debility, Slsiplsmnsia. Dapraaaioe aad Isdi footloa. That faatlag ef bearing down, osnatng pain, weight SAD baekacha. IS always permanently cured by Its aaa It will at all times and ander all circumstances act la with the laws that goeern the female system. For the ears of kidney Complaints ef either sea this Oompound Is unsurpamed. LYDIA K. PINKBAM*B TECETABLE COM* PFLYDIL prepared at KB and S3 Western Arenas, Lynn, Saea Price $L 8U beetles for Sontbymall ta the form ef pUto, also la the form ef loanogea, ea reo-lpt of price, |I per boa for either. Km Ptnkhaaa freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for paiagto tea iddrees AA ahore. Mention this Paper. Be family Aoald be without LYDIA IL PINKHABfi LIYKK PILLS. Tbev cure ooasttpatte*. BIUEEMWS aad lespldlty of th. ttrer. to oente per TOA SOT Held V - ail Dranbu. ML A,(MM> Aar*'*>(* fVnntpd for Life of RABHELD It contains the full history of hie noble and eventful life and dastardly assassination. Kurgva] treatment, death, fuiit' nil obsequies. etc. The beet chance of your life to make money. Beware of "catchpenny imita tions Thin hi the only authentic and fully illustrated life of our Martyred President Fine etoel jvtrtraita. Extra tenon to Agent*. Olrculara free. Address NATION ALPCBLIsHING CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. OANrw Yei*r Cards, New Styles With Name, lOo *Vpotpaid. GEO. L lIEED & Co., Nassau, N. V. T f\AT T? COURTSHIP and MARRIAGE.— I ) V 1 J Wonderful secrets, revelatious and discoveries for married or single. securing health, wealth and happiness to all. This handsome book of liiH pages loaded for only lu cents, by The Union Pub lishing Co., Newark, N. J. A LLEJI'a Brala rood cares Nerve as Da J\ bility ana Wuaknee of tteuerative Organ*, fl ail druggists. Band for aire alar ta Allen's rnar aaaey, 11* First Avenae, N. Y. YOUNG MEN and be certain of a situation, address VALENTIN! BROS., Janesviile. WisconsVx \A/„i_L _ _ Catalogue free. Address Standard W atcnes American WatchCo.,Pittaburgh,Pa .CHEAP GUNS for THE PEOPLE.i ; GREAT wpbtfh* wih. fiimwnßKS. g 3 Z riCTOSIAL ITATM.OOUE3 FUEL " W 5 HA** IM AIM, 2 Fiantag Task!*, Of*' 0 G. V.m r Ham IS WEALTH. m!B BODY il WEALTH (tf IBID. Railway's mmm bum Pars Mood Mokoo ooonfl flea*. strong boas and o olosr skin. It jaa would bass jour flesb ftrrn. your bono* aound without o art oh, and your •otnpiexioo fair, ttss UMuay'i Mmparlb Nu latolTcnt A romedv oompoaod of Ingrefllents of utn* ordinary medical properttoa emohtlsl to puriff. ko&i, repair and invigorate the brokea-dowa au waered body— QUICE, PLEASANT, SAVE and RKRM ANKNT inlta treatment and oure. No matter bynrbat name the oompiaint may be deetgnated," whether it be Bcrorula, oon mmptloa, Syphilis, Rcera, Bores, tumors, Bolls. Erysipelas, or Salt-theum, diseases of the Lungs. &i ineys. Bladder, womb, Skin, Ltrer. •tomaoh or Bowels, either chronic or constitu tional, the virus of the disease is in the BLOOD which HUppHe* the waste, and builds and re pairs these organs and wasted tissues or the System, if the blood is unhealthy, the prooese ef repair must be unsound. The SsrMpsrllllss Iteeol rent not only Is a oompensai lag remedy, nut secures the har monious act ton of each of the organs. It eetab< halts* throughout the entire system functional harmony, and applies the biood-resaels with • pure and heal hy current of new life. The skin, after & few days use of the SarsnparlUian, be comes clear aad beautiful. Pimpiea, ulotcbea, Black spots and Skin Eruptions are removed ; bores and Ulcers soon cured. Persons suffering from bcrofuis, Eruptive Diseases of the Eyes, Mouth, Ears, Legs, Threat and Glands, that have accumulated and spread, either from uu cured diseases or mercury, or from the use of corrosive hubitmate, may rely upon s cure if tne Bursa par. lltan is continued a sufficient time to make lis impression on the system. One bottle oout&ins more of the active prtnrt ffll of medicines than any other preparation, en in Teas poo nf ul Doses, while others re luire five or six tunes ea mueh. Ssa'bsllsr '•R BEUIA MINUTE .REMEDY. Only requires mtaatea not hoars to re Beve pain aad cure acuta disease. RADWAY'S Ready Relief, In from one to twenty minutes, never fall* to relieve PAIN with one thorough application* no matter bow violent or excruciating the pain the Rheumatic. Bed-ridden, Infirm. Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic or pruetrahxl with disease in as suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF will afford instant ease. I •slawmdm sflhe HMarys, Isflaaaa lion rfibe Bladder, Iufl*Mialln rf'THR STMWEIR, (•ngf-TLEN ef Che Laac*. MA, Throat. IWttealt ltrr*UHlng. PalsMatiea WT THE Heart, Hyavrla. CRESS, Dlnfc* titeria. Catarrh, lalseua Meadaeha, Toother tie, Nearabrla. Hheaiaatlat, Cold Chllla. AVAR ihiib ChllSialV*. aad WRMMT Bliea, Hrat-ea, Waaaaaer CAM aiaiiU, NerVMaiMt *IE Ep I eia eee, IOAFH* Colds, Sprain*. Paliu LA the Cheat. Baeh or Idas he are laataatly re lieved. Fever and Ague. FEVER and AGUE cured for M cents. There Is net & reined. JJ sgent in this world that will cure Fever and Agun, and other Malarious, BUi euscarlet. Typuold. Yellow and other fevers J aided by Railway's PUIS) so quickly as RAB RATT READY RELIEF. II will in A few momenta, when taken accord ing to directions, cure Cramps, spasunt, sour Rtomach, Heart our n. sick Headache, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, colic, W bid In the Bowels, and all • Internal Pains. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Red way's Ready Relief with them. A few drops in wa er will preveal sickness or pains rrom eh an re of water. It is better than French i brandy or bitters as a stimulant. . Miners and Lumbermen should always be provided wflh 1L CAUTION. All remedial agent* capable of destroying' life by an overdose should be avoided. Morphine, opium, str chnlne, arnica. hyoeclamufL and other powerful remedies, does at certain times, In very small doeeg, relieve the patient during their action In the system, lint perhaps the second dose. IX repeated, may aggravate a d In ere.use the suffering, and another dose cause death. There is no necessity lor trlug these nnc rtain agents a hen a positive remedy tike Railway's R> ady He! ef will stop the moat ex •ruoiaiing pain quicker, without entalliug the i*asi difficulty in either infant or adulu THE TRUE RELIEF. RAOWATO KXADT RILIUF is the only remedial agent in vogue that will instantly atop pain. Fifty Cento Per BoUIe. RADWAT'S Regulating Pills. Perfect Pnrgailves, aoothiug Apori entA, Act Without Pain, Always Reliable, and Natural in their Operation. A VEGETABLE SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL. Perfe Uy tasteless, elegantly coated wltn tweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, clean* and strengthen. _ RADWAT'S PILLS, for the cure all Disorders of the stomach. Liver. Bowels, K' ineys. Bladder, Nervous Dhcasee. Headache, Conatipation, Oos tiveness, lud gestion. Dyspepsia, Biliousness. Fever, 'nflamai ion of the Bowels, Piles, and all derangements of the Internal viscera. War ranted to effect a perfect cure. Purely vege table, containing no mercury, minerals or dele terious drugs. cr-observe the foUswingsymptome resulting tr< m Diseases of the Dlge tlve Organs: Consti pation, Inward Plies, Fullness of the Bio d In the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea- Heartburn, U-gust or Food, Fulmess or Weight in the >tomach, Sour Eructlons, Sinking or Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffering Sensations when in a lying posture. Plumes.- of Ylslou, Dots or Webs Before the sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Per spiraiioD, Yellowness of the Skin and Kye* t in ihe Side. Che t, Lunbs. and Sudden Flushes of He t. Burning in the Pl* sh. A few of KADWAY'S I'ILAS will free the system from all the above-named Disorders. Price, 25 Cents Per Box. We repeat that the reader must consult <jut hooks and papers on the subject of dls* asea and tneir oure, mong may be named * "PIM and Trne," "ftadway on Irritable Urethra," "Had way oa Scrofula," uid others relating to different classes or Dl MUMB •OLD BY DRUGGIBTB. READ ".TALSE AND TRUE." Bend a letter stamp to RAD WAT St €l. Mo. S3 Warren, Cor. Church lit,, Meg York. iw~ Information worth thousands will be .seil >t> vou Engines. Reliable, Durable and Economical. wtttfmmUk d horse power with H tew fuel and water t*a aiiy other Engine built, not fitted with an Automatic! Cut-off. Send for Illustrated Catalogue "J, lor InformationA Pricea. B. W. PAYKK k SONS, BOX 860. Corning. N.Y. AGENTS WANTED.—The American Coffee Co. de sire an agent. a Fanner preferred, in each cxmntv oi iue States and Canada, selling Green. Roasted and Ground Coffee direct to the coesuinera at wholesale prices. Apply to A. K. McMurray General Manager &iy Fulton street, Brooklyn, New York. BEATTY'S PIANOFORTES.—Mag ntflceut . holiday presents; square grand pianofoitesjfour very handsome round corners, rosewood cases, three unisons. Beatty's matchless iron frames, stool, book,cover, boxes, $333 75 to $397 50; catalogue prices, fbOO to $10u0; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, after one year's use; Upright Pianofortes $125 to $2.05; cata logue prices SSOO to $800; standard pianofortes of the uni verse, as thousands testify; write for mammoth list of tes timonials. Reatty'H Cnhinet ORG A MM. cathedral, church, chapel, parlor,s3o upward. Visitors welc me; free carriage meets passengers; illustrated catalogue (holi day edition) free. Address or call upon DANIEL F. BEATTY, ffniiiMTujOhr JERSEY. J A UTS. pays for the Star Spangled Banner 3 IU rnos. Nothing like it. aotb year. 8 pages. Illustrated. Specimens FREE. Address STAtf SPANGLED BANNER. Hinsdale. N. H. ' 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers