|l|C Journal. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5., 'B2. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL I* published evevv Thnrsdny. in Mu**er'B Build ing. corner of Main and IVnti streets at SI.OO PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE Or 81 25 if not paid in advance. .iDVERTISLXG RITES. 1 week. 1 mo. S mo. Onto. 1 year, lupmre,... I ?loo| #2 00 1 s'*ool 84mi *">00 column,.. | sno| 4 001 600 1 10 00 | 1500 column... I sOh I * ne* 1 1200 I :Moo I :vno 1 col me n.. . | BOh I 12 oo | 20 001 :>5 001 do 00 One inch makes a square. Administrators sud Executors' Notices 82.50. Transient ad vertisement* nnd locals 10 cents per line for f! ' st insertion and 5 cents per lino fur each ad ditional insertion. Job Work done on short notice. DKPiISUEIt & BDHLkER, Kdtlors and Proprietors. fclnrcft & Sunday School Direotoiy. Evangelical. V. C. irefdenit/er and J. Jf. Dick, vreachcn. J. M. Dick will pveacVnext Sunday evening. Sunday School, 2r. M,—M. I. Jamison, supt. Methodist. Iter. J. r> :is >n Ai: Pn ichcr-in-charrjc. Sunday School at 1 ! ,r. M.—D. A. Mnsser, supt. Reformed. Rev. C. HI K. Sicncl, Pantor. (o rman preaching next Sunday morning in Aarousburg.t United Brethren. Dec. Shannon, Preuchcr-in charge. Kov N. Shannon will preach next Sunday morning in German. Lutheran. JJer. John Tbmlinson, Paxto r.— G 'rm'.n preaehbvr in \ar nsburr next Sun day morning, and ia MiUlieliu in the evening, English. Unitai S.mdA7 School. Meeti at dA. v.—II. K. Duck, supt. LO'lie & Satiety Directory. MiPheim I.odee. No. PV. I. O. O. F. meet* in heir hall, l'en: s;i -e!, every Satiin'.iveveulne. Heh.•(•••; Decree Mri'tm.' very Thursday on or h.'lore the full ni ton of each month. It. F. STOVE'L See. IF B. HALTMAN. N. G TIN vi lenc • Grunge. No. 7V. of 11.. meetsfn Alexa ■' sld>• son the seeond Saturday of t a"b "> ;•? 1 .. r. H . and on the fourth Sa me iiv f a, h month at 1 : r. M. D. 1.-ZI KUV. SEE. T.G. Eitrr\RT>,Master. Tl*.' MDKt i n !>. 1.. Association meets in the Pean street - hoot iu.u-e on ihoev ning of j the seeoird Monday of each month. A. WALTER, Sec. * B. O. DEINIXOSR, Pre*t. The MiPheim Cornet Hand meet* in the Town Gabon Monday and Timrsday evenings. J. B. it iitinan. Sec. John Hi earner. I'ns't. VOLUME LVI. This number begins the 5 fill year of the JOURNAL, calling the old Centre Berichkr, Denv'kratisi-her B- rkhter and JOURNAL all the same paper, for such they are, substantially. "We will not now repeat the history of the Berichtcr and JOURN AL having done so 011 sim ilar occasions before, except to state what we never knew before, namely that th° first number of " Der Centre Bcrichter" was issued at Aaronsburg, Pa., Thursday, Aug 9th, 1827, bv A darn Gentzel, years b:-f >re a majority of the readers of tire JOURNAL were born. Ever since we took charge of the pa per, nearly six years ago, we labored honestly and faithfully to make it as interesting and useful as our modest <1 Edifications and meagre means would permit; and we have the satisfaction of knowing that we succeeded to a clever extent. The JOURNAL has many warm friend*, and their number is in cr asingye;r!y. The ye: r just clos d h; s been prosperous, and we find no reason to complain. Oar advertising and job work have increased considerably and we have added a goodly number of substantial names to our list of sub -8 3ribe s while but very few have dis continued. Altogether we fed encouraged to la bor or. ia our chosen sphere. It would indeed be strange if our Stalwart President did not by accident make some good appointments . 11011. 11. 11. Brewster, tho new Attorney General, is such an exception. He is sin able lawyer, and au honest man. But while his appointment reflects credit 011 Pennsylvania, it is a "thorn in the flesh," a real stinger , to Dan. Cameron. Mr. Brewster has not the slightest affinity, constitutional or po litical, with the Cameron gang, as the following deliverance which appeared in the Philadelphia Times in 1877, will abundantly show: "Last winter our people were shock ed with the election of J. Donald Cam eron, the irresponsible son of a .Senator of whom I will not speak, because he and his acts have become a part of pub lic history, and must be measured with more deliberation than can be given in a casu il conversation like this—a son that has neither mind, attainments, dignity of character, knowledge of pub lic affairs, partv services of personal Worth to warrant his advancement, and lias no record but a bad one as an intriguer and manger of bad men. lie was forced into the War Department, as the price of his offer to betray his .State and renominate Gen. Grant, and after being there he was so base born in his notions of decency and gentlehood as to solicit and urge, by all the mean arts of political contrivance, that lie should be retained as the companion of Cabinet officers and gentlemen who did not want him. Failing in that, by tlie coarse bride force ot organized power, lie jostled his ole father out of his place, aud thrust himseli into a Senate where lie will be an object of derision and disgust. The public are sick of these odious men, and the public will do away with them. We have destroy-- ed human bondage in the south; we will next break down political bondage I*4 the north and south." Hon. Charles S- Wolfe On Denver's Candidacy. In speaking for the Independent re publicans of lVnnsvlvania Mr. Wolfo ' delivers himself as follows: We cannot afford to elect General heaver governor when it means the control by Cameron of the Pennsylvania delegation in the next republican national convention, 1 the placing of IVnnsslvania patronage in his hands for another four years and the bettering of bis chance for Jre-elee tion to the Guilt d States somite. 1 am in favor of a more honest and ca pable administration of public affairs and greater political freedom and a higher tone of public morals than we have bad in this state. I never expect to see it accomplished through Came ron, McManes, Quav, Ma gee and their set and any one whom they put for ward. lh aver, if elected, will prob ably give us independent reform aft* r the Mitchell pattern. Renumber this: The Camerons do not allow any man preferment who docs not swear allegi ance to them. President Arthur appointed and the tan vile Ml. ate immeuiaUly roetinned Kx Senator Timothy O. Howe, of \\ is. t lVst Master Gu;tial of the United States. Mr. llowe has no qualifications what vei .tl at an\bo y else than Aithui and thesenate caw see,for timportant and complex duties of theolVee. lie is an old fossil, a bitter, chronic and was i pudiatid by the republicans of his own state. Put all this gets for nothing. lie is a stalwart, Grantite third turner, and that gave him the high ofliee. PUESIDKNT AitTUVK seems disposed to profit by the lessons of the minder of Garfield. No stranger is admitted to see him new until he has told his business to the private secretary. A'cry few persons are allowed to ascend the stairs and take their places iti the wait ing room, where, last spring one hun dred and fifty to two hundred persons vveie often to be seen at one time. Princely Reward For Kindness. Miss SUSAN ALLEN. of Lynchburg, V*., remembers that when she was a girl she helped to nurse at her father's hou-e a won* ded (Ji>nf derate soldier. The oilier day she received £IO.OOO, whicli sum had been left her through the will of the wounded soldier, lately dead. THE KXNTZLER MURDER* Uriah Moyer Convicted in the First Degree. MIDDLEBURG, Snyder county, Pa., December 19.—'The jury in the case of Uriah Moyer, who WAS tried in this place last week for complicity in the murder of the old Klntzler couple on December eighth, 1577, came into court late on Friday night, after bring out six hours and a-half, with a ver dict of murder in the first degree. Reasons for a nea* trial were filed. The verdict gives general satisfaction as there was no room for doubt as to Moyer's guilt. Advice to Girls Who Need It. From the Montreal Star. Girls who want but bands should take this piece of advice. I) not be fond of promenading the business streets at all houis of the day. That is, do not make a regular thing of it. Do not go ab mt so that people will know for certain that you will lie "down town" when you have no busi ness, and do not let the impression go abroad that you g > 0:1 th 4l beat a* regu lar as clock-work. It does not look well. II appears as if you preferred to be on the hunt rather than improving y >ur mind or darning your stockings, It looks as if being gazed at was your highest ambition, and seeing men stare at you more in haimony with your tastes than making your home happy and your surroundings cozy aud com fortable. oc ' A Man Mysteriously Struck Dead. From ilia Seattle (Cal.) Post. A fi lend describes to us a remarka ble fteene witnessed by him at a relig ious meeting on Wliidbv Island, W. T. ; A member of the church while talk ing called upon God to strike him dead ifacertai i statement made by him in the strongest and most unequivocal manner was not literally and exactly true. lie had barely uttered the last word when lie fell dead. Coming as this did in the church and upon a lead ing member, after the making of such a declaration, the effect upon the con gregation can only he imagined. It was subduing, terrifying, awful. The wit ness of such A scene can never again doubt the omuipresenca and omnipo tence of God. rjTRAY NOTICE.—Camft to the residence of subscriber, in Haines township, about Oct. Ist a s*ray boar, weighing about 130 pound.", white with Dlack spots, left ear slit, 110 other 111 is ks. The owner is requested to take thesanio away and pay charges, otherwise it wiil be sold as the law directs. CHABLE3 N.WOLF. Haines township, Jan. 3. ISS2. ' Ct EXECUTI ill's NOT 10 E.—Letters testament ary on th* estate of Daniel Kreauier, late of Penn township, deceased, hav ing been granted the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate arc hereby notified to make immediate payment, aud those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAM US P. Countx, Executor. Aaronsburg, Jan. sth 1882. 0 TRAM-ID Oit U)T.-Two I*l for* have k istraycd away from tie residence of the sub scriber. In Wood w.ird. since the lat*r pari of •luly. Tlioy aro dark brown, one a littto boa?, icr with white spot on either side. Any person tindhig those heifers is kindly requested to give itif rmatiou to mo. rl It, by at l"> s on tit.-east and MUII ti.. on tun Inu in breadib lour porches ami in deptii eleven perches, and marked in tiie general plan oh said town with No-s| and s 2. Abo a corlain traet of timberland neai Mad isonburii, bounded by turnpike roati and lands >d A'ary (Sutser and Israel Woll, containing o lcveii a ores and I'd perches, more or loss. l'l;U.\i v One half on confirmation of snlo, and the b ilance in one year with In'erest, to uc secured by bunt ami tuorlgage. L.E niKu n. STOVBH, Administrator. 1)1 111.14' KAMI. The subsollter, Guardian lid' the minor ehlldreii of Kll/ah.'tii K. lUilkert, la'eol Mite* utwii-lilp. deeea-. d, will soil at public sole tin the puinisos in Xladison burc, on s.vITKPAY. PKCKM HKK .'Ust, 1881, all I lint eel tain propel ly, bounded on the nortii by jot ot Haiiiel iitimui, east aiol stinth by al ley s and west by Main street, containing* tine half acre. Hereon is ereetetl a good. large dueling house, siatle and other niilliuilding.s. It .s about titer a very valuable iuiutestead . TKK.Ms OF SAI F: On-.? third tut eoutirina tion of sale ; one third in one > ear, and one I bird ill two\e.us, Willi inter. bin;la at one o'clock of said d y. ItKVDLN GUIMM. (JuarUlatt. VJKTTI.KMFNT NO! ICK.-All person* having AT iinsottled .loeoiints wit li tbe estate of It. S. Keistetler, i.ee'd, are lierolty ie.piested to itto. t the undersigned at the late residence oi the de e asi d. on Saturday, J tun ny 7ih, is-j, for set tleliunt. HI.YtAMI.N KLH-IKT.IU. Adudnistrator. I A A KC'UTO US' NOTK'l".— Lettei - tcstument j nry on the estate of John Kby. late of 1 lames tow iiship- Outre county, l'a..deceased, having been granted to the nub-or thus. notice is hereby given to ALL per* MIS knowing tiieui selves indebted to said < state to make imnie !t --ate payment: and those having claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for payment. Alien AIM Fur, £AM I'LL i nv, <'. u st Executvri. OTK.M ll>c;.—Came to the residence of the r j subscriber in IVint township, about the be idnuing of qetober, a white hog. weighing about lie pounds, left ear slit ojen and right ear tip ped oil a little. Ine owner is re|nested t> prove property and take if away, otherwise it mil be disposed of as the law directs. PAN II I. F. GENTZEI. Dec. Bth, 1881. 4t PATENTS V. e continue to art as Solicitors for Patents. Caveat*. Trade Marks. Copyrights. etc.. fur the United Slates, Canada. uha. England, France. Germany, etc. We Lave hx-l thirty-live j ear*'experience. Patents obtain I through us are n< ttocd in theScr- Kvrine AIIKK \S. This largo and splendid illus trated weekly 1 an r,s3.2oayear,showsthe lYogress of Science, is \.: y Interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNS A CO., Patent Solici tors, Pub's, of SriKNTirir AMERICAS, 87 Park Row, New York. Hand tv'k about Patents free. I,R. SS. C. RAIL ROAD. TRAINS I.EAVII WESTWARD. 1 S 5 7 A. 34. A. M. r. M P. M. Montandon 7.01 9.4"* 2.20 6.4.1 Lewiburg - arT.U lo.iK) 2.35 T.Uu I.eu Is burp Iv 7.25 F|r t.round 7.30 10.06 2.40 Kielil 7.41 1: .21 2.51 Viekslmrpr 7.17 u..".0 2.57 Millhiibuig s.es Ri.m 3,1:4 Millmont 8.2-"> 11. 20 ; Lnuivlton... S. -"ail 1.35 8.46 : Wicker It lilt 9. >0 4JI i Cherry Run 9,17 4.30 Fowler .. 9.47 4.5) Unburn 9.43 5.02 Spring Mills 10.15 nrs.ll') TRAINS LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 6 8 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Montnndon nrtUear l . "at l.'ioank.Hi) Lcwisburg .... 0.35 9.15 1.05 6.15 Fair Ground 9.M l.yo 6,10 Bielil 9.1 1 12.46 6.00 Viekshurg #.56 12.12 5..". Mifflinburg 843 12.25 5.40 Millmont —. 8.2.5 12.02 5.20 I-aurelton RU> 11 50 6.10 Wiker Run .. 7.48 4.47 cbeny Run 7.21 4.80 Fowler - 7.10 4.10 Ueburn . 6.58 4.00 Spring Mills G. 30 3.30 Trains No*. 1 and 2 connect at Montaiulon with Erie Mail west for Williamsport. lack Haven. Kan-, Uorry and I'rie. and buffalo nnd NM :ar i Fa 1 Is y ta Empoi turn, also Finmn. Wat kins. Buffalo and Niagara Falls via Cananilui gnu. Nos. 3 and 4 connect v. ith Pacific Ezpiess e.i-t for llarrlshurg. Halt.mure, Washington, Philadelphia and New York. Nos. 5 and 6 connect with Day Exnress east for llai rishurg. Baltimore, Washington. Phil adelphia and New York. and Niagara Express west for Williamsport, Lock Haven and Ren ovo, Tyrone. .\ltKna and Pittsburg via Lock li.iven. also Flmira. Watkins and Buffuio, and Niagara Falls via (Janamiaigua. Nos. 7 nnd 8 connect witii Fast Line west for Wiiliamsport and Lock Haven. No. 8 also connects with Erie Mail cast for Hanhburg. Baltimore, Washington, Philadel phia and New \ ork. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Div. • • ♦— WIXTEIt TIME TABLE. On and aftei SUNDAY, dune 12th. I**l, the ] trains on flic Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Di vision will run as follows : WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p. in " llarrlshurg 4 25a.m. " Kntitury 6 30am 44 Wiiliamsport R4oa. in 44 Look Haven- 940 a.in 44 44 Keiiovo 11 05 a.m 44 44 Kauo 350 p.m 44 arr. at Erie 7 45 n. in NIAGARA 1. XI 4 . leaves Philadelphia 800a. in 44 Harrishurg 12 15 p. m 44 sunlniry 1 rop.m 44 \\ illiamsport 3 15 p. m 44 Lock HHVCII . 4 20 p. m 44 Re novo 550 p. m • 4 arr.at Kane 10.05 a. m FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia .12 10 p. m. 44 4 4 llarrtsburg 400 p. in. 44 sutbnry 910 p.m. 44 Williamsport 805 p.m. arr. at Lock Haven 9 lo p. m. EASTWAU Lock llavcn EX. leaves Lock Haven.. 750 K. in 44 Williamsport. 9 05a. m 44 .Sunhiiry 10 50 a in arr. at Harrishurg .. .12 5 5 p. m ■ 4 Pbfladelphut. 6 16 p. in FAST LINK leaves Cai aupaigua. 7 <5 d. m 44 Wat kin 8 40 p. m 44 Flmira 9 30 p. m 44 WiUmasport 1215 a. m 44 Hun bury 1 32 a. in 44 arr. at Harrishurg 3 15 a. m 44 Philadelphia 7(0 a. in DAY EXPRESS leaves Kane 6 00 a, m 44 Keiiovo 10 05 a- HI 44 44 Lock Haven 1115 a. in 44 Williamsport 12 15 p. m 44 arr. at Harrishurg .. 3 30 p. in 44 4 4 Philadelphia 7(5 p. m ERIE MAIL loaves Erie 11 35 p. in 44 Kane 410 a. m. 44 44 Rennvo 9 00 a. in. 4 4 44 Lock Haven 10 lo p.m. 4 4 4 4 Williamsport >l3O p.m. 44 44 Sun-bury 105a. m 44 arr. at Harrishurg 3 00 a. m Philadelphia 7 00 a. m Eric Mail and Fast Line and Pacific Express East make close connections at Northumber land with L. & B. It. R. trains for Wilkesbarre aud Scrantou. Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West and Fast Line West make close conn eel ion at Wil iiamsport witti N.C. It. VV. trains north Niagara i xp-ess West and Day Express East make close con lection at Lock Haven witli o. E. V. R. It. trains. Erie Mail Ens' and West connect at Erie with trainson L. F. & M. S. It. it.; at Corry with B. P. & W. it- h ; at Emporium with B. N. Y. &P. It. it., and at iriftwood with A. V. it. It. Parlor cars will -un between Philadelphia anil Williamsport n Niagara Express West and Day Express Ei*t. Bleeping cars on ail night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, General Sup't. % will be closed Friday, Jan. T 2 I * to mark down its entire lane of win ter {foods, in order t& close tlfiean out before £skii2gf stock, EVbrusary I. V look out for sal advertisement 0 next week. J. F. EVERETT & CO., Lock Haven, Fa. THE PHILADELPHIA Now stands confessedly at the head of Philadelphia journalism In a I tlirt makes a thoroughly complete, ccm*ral and family newspaper. It is more onmjdetc in Its news, in iis special correspondence, in its varied contribution* on a.l sut.jectH of popular interest, and in nil the qualities of a newspaper f.-r r/r . the f mii iv i irele and for tlie t>u iness n.an than any of its eonteinnornrieH, (fj because it- laeilt|es and resources arc eijual to every want of a nrst-ciass national journal. a "THE WEEKLY TIMES doubled Its former large cli dilution during ihe pu*t year. Its .contributors from week to #pa 4 week are among tin" foremost men id the nation, and no Jdepurtment of news MI I r literature is slighted In any nuinlier on any pretext. It Is adapted AS well LJJJ to women as to men; hence, although its political intelligence is full and ae- ■ curate and its political editorials free and feat less, liberal provision Is made for literary, dramatic ami musical matters, truvels and adventure. Actum, poetry, fashions and the chronicle of en rrent social events. In all these de departments tne pens of the be>t wrriters are engaged, while selections from M other journals arc made with care, taste and fullness that are unsurpassed. THE "ANNALS OF THE WAR' I —chapters of unwritten history contributed by prominent actors in tlm war of the rebellion, are a vuluable feature of the PIIST and inive become a recognized epository of such matters, whether from Northern or Southern sources. Tills department, as well as all others, will l)e kept fully up to the high standard of former jears. ""<2 TERMS: THF. DAILY TIMKS— Delivered in the City of Philadelphia and surroun i ■ > Jug Towns for Twelve Cents a week. MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS, postoge free, Six WsJ Dollars a year, or t iltv Cents a month. mmmmA THE WEEKLY Tl'tfHK—Flfty-|x ieolumna of the choicest reading, es l peeially prepared to meet the wants of weekly newspaper readers. One copy, #200: Five copies, SBJXi;Ten copies, ♦15.00; Twenty copies. fc£s.oo. An Ex.ru copy sent free to any per-on getting up Clubs of ten or twenty. THE SUNDAY EDITION—DoubIe sheet, eight pages. The best known /-tk and most accomplished writers contribute to Its columns every week. Two Dollars a vai, postage free, Single copies, Four cents ■ ■ THKTIMFs ALMANAC—A Manual of Political and other Information, published on the First of January. every year. Fl'teen Cents a copy. TDK ANNALS OF THE WAR—A roval octavo'volume of 800 page?, beaurlfully illustrated Written by Principal Participants in the War, North and South. Price, JO. ADDBEBB ALL LETTERS AND OTNER COMMCNICATIOXS TO H THE TIMES, TIMES BUILDING, (licslnut and Eighth Streets, Philadelphia. GTSENDFOR A SPECIMEN COPY. IT WILL PAY YOU XO VISIT J. R.Smi'h & MSIiSII SUPPLY DEPOT, NOS. 113 & 114 FIIOX7 STIi, IBAIXJTOICT, PA. Wo arc now largest stock and greatest variety of Furniture, House Furnishing Goods, sl S3J TO if you contemplate buying a PIANO, ORGAN OR SEWING MACHINE. it will pay you to write u for prices. We also carry ala rge line of extra Super, Body and Tap esty Brussels Carpets. A Good Brusssls Carpst at 70 cts. psr yard. ' Our stock of Plain Cut and Engraved Table Glass-ware, Plain and Decorated French China, Silver Plated-ware, Lamps and Chan: eliers, &c. is well worth your inspection. Our sales exceed those of uy House in our line in the state. LOW PRICES DO IT. We extend an invitation to you to visit us and will 11 .e plaxsure in showing yon through ovr various Department*. OF FALL & WXNTFR MILLINERY GOODS AT Anna W Weaver's Just returned from New York and have now in Stock a Complete Line of Fet, Push and Beaver Hats and Bonnets. Also just received and always on hand, the latest Styles of Laces, Cords and Tassels, Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats PRICES ME LUWEe X ANNA M. WEAVER. Pcnn Street, opposite Hartman's Foundiy, MILLHEIM, PENNA. GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothing. 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK IIAYEN. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE