fv H'ltlpim Journal. THURSDAY, DEC 22.. 'SI. THE MILLHEIM JOURNAL -Hfmbllshed every Thursday. 1n Muster's Pond ing, corner of Main and Peiin streets at SI.OO PER ANNUM, TN ADVANCE Or *1 25 if not paid in advance. ADVERTISING RATES. 1 week. 1 mo. Snio. 6 mo. 1 year, square.... Isl 00 $2 00 I 00 I*loo I 00 column,..! 300 4 00| 6 00] 10 001 15 00 column...! 500 1 805 j 12 00 1 20 00 1 .8.5 00 1 column,. i! 800 12 00 |200013500 160 00 Dne inch makes a square. Administrators and Executors' Notices *.2.50. Transient ad vertisements .nd locals 10 cents per line for first Insertion and 5 cents per line tor each ad ditional insertion. Job Work done on short notice. IIEIXDGER & RL'MILLER, Kditors and Proprietors. (tarAkSnifyMnl Directory. Evangelical. P. a WeUlemvcr ond J. M. Dick, vreach cry *Rev. P. 0. Weldeniyor w ill preach 'next Hun day evening. Sunday School, 2P. M,— M. I. Jamison, supt. Methodist. P-tH' J. Benson Aktrs, Preachcrin eharoe. Sunday School at 11-'I 1 -' p. M .—D. A. Musser, supt. Reformed. Bev. C. IP. E. Siepel, Pastor. Preaching in Aaronsburg next Sunday afier naon. United Brethren. Ha v. Shannon, Preacher-ir. charge. Rev X. Shannon will preach next Sunday morning Lutheran. 7?er. John Tomtinson, Pastor.— Services in MHlheim every evening '.bts week. 1 reparatorv services Saturday afternoon at 2 '-o'clock, German, Communion on Sunday eve • utng. United Sunday School. Meets at 9A. M.— II. KI Duck, supt. Loiie & Society Directory. MHlheim Lodge. No. 855. I. O. O. F. meets |n heir hall. Porn Street, every Saturday evening. Rdbecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on or before the full moon of each month. 11. F. STOvgu. See. 11. B, BAITMAN, N.G. Providence Grange. No. 217 P. of 11., meets In Alexander s biock on the second Saturday or each month lit 11.,.I 1 .,. j. M.. and on the fourth Sa ' turdav of each month J*t l l ,' P. M. ' D. L.ZKHRV. Sec. T. G. Ennuio,Master. The M'.irh'eim B. A L. Association meets in the Penn street school luuse on the evening of 1 the second Monday of each month. A. WAI-T SR. Sec, B. O. DEI SINGER, Prest. The Millboim Comet Band meets in the Town llall on Monday and Thursday evenings. - J. B. ll.utman, Sec. John Kreamer, Prcs't. The fdmoii3 Riddleberger, repudia -tienst, duelist, and political adventurer • generally, was 11 ominnted last week by the Virginia readjusteis, republican members of the legislature for United States Senator, and will of course be e lected. What an able, brilliant array of statesmen the republican paity is sending to the first deliberative body in the world. Cameron and Mitchell, from Pennsylvania; Miller and Lap liam from New York; Mahone aud Riddleberger from Virginia. Ugh I Appropos, in speaking of the pro spective candidacy of Gen. Beaver for Governor, the Centre Democrat thinks the Democrats of Centre county have two men among them—Adam Hoy. Esq., and Hon. C. T. Alexander —either of whom would be fully as competent for the high position as the gallant general. Just so. That's where the Major hits the nail squarely on the head. A Pink of a Judge. JUPCFE Cox, .of Minnesota, is on trial before :Cbe senate of that state for crimes aud misdemeanors. The charges against him are habitual drunkenness and lewdness. There are 110 less than nineteen articles of im peachment against him, charging spe cific offences. His defense is that drunkenness and lewdness are not in dictable offences, and are, therefore, neither crimes nor misnemeanors for which he can "be impeached. The Governor of Virginia charges the disgrace of repudiation in that state on the fedeial administration, and there is just where it belongs. Smashing Insurance Frauds. A Prominent Company Disbands to Avoid Exposure—Heavy Profits. Special Dispatch to Nie Times. H AKKISBURG, December 13. The Southern Pennsylvania Mutual Relief Association, of Hanover, York county, the oldest of the kind in the State and the most extensive, was dis solved by the Dauphin County Court to-day at the request of the company, in anticipation of a judicial decision ending -its corperate existence. The company was represented by Judge Veils, of Gettysburg; Judge-elect Simonton, Senator Herr, Ex-Senator Mumma and J. 11. Weiss. The Com monwealth knew nothing of the inten tion of the company until a short time before the court met and had subpoe naed between fifty and sixty witnesses to show that the business of the asso ciation had been fraudulently conduct ed and that it should be dissolved. The Southern Pennsylvania Insuranse As sociation had issued policies aggregat ing $30,000,00 and had received in fees and assessments about halt a million dollars. The books of the company show losses paid over $350,000 and a balance in the treasury of between $40,000 and $50,000. The profits of the officers and directors have been very heavy, exceeding considerably SIOO,OOO jn the aggregate. The hearing in the case against the St tte Capital Mutual Relief Associa tion, anothor representative mutual as sessment company, will begin at 10 o'clock to-morrow morning unless the association should render such a pro cedure unneccessary by a coutse simi lar to that of the Southern Pennsylva nia. John 11. Weiss, of the Dauphin county bar, has beer, appointed receiver of the iushrance company dissolved to day. The receiver will bo required to enter $50,000 securities for the faithful! performance ot his duties. Now and then you hear of a govern ment Republican thief having ißi'ii ar rested, but never of conviction and punishment. The ottieials at Washing ton seem to be all "tarred with the same stick" and to bring any one of them to trial would be to expose the rest. There will be no revelations, no trials, no punishment for public robbers as long as the Republican party is per mitted to remain in power, and that party will not give up control of the departments as long as perjury, fraud, electoral commissions, and the corrupt use of stolen money will enable them to retain their grip upon the Federal Treasury. Nothing but a general up rising of the people can drive the thieves from their strong entrench ments —nothing but a whirlwind of public condemnation at the polls will restore the control of tho Government to the hands of honest men.— Kc. Hanged from a Balcony by a Mcb. AUSTIN, Nev., December 14.—About halfpnst one o'clock this morning a party of masked men forcibly entered die jailer's room in the court building, overpowered tlie jailer and forced him to give up the keys to the jail and the cell door where ltichard Jennings was confined, who, whithout provocation and in cold Mood, shot and killed John A. Barret, an old and respected citizen, the night before. Jennings was then taken out and hrnged from a balcony over the front door. Drugged and Left to Die. Special Dispatch to the Times. NEW HAVEN, Conn., December 9. Four persons, supposedly negroes, in Ansonia, on Wednesday drugged and assaulted Mary Dowling, aged forty, and left her to die half a mile from ttie scene 4 perches, more or less TKRMS; On<* half on eonflrnuition of sale, and the bdance HI one year with interest, to ue secured by bond ami mortgage. Lt TUKK n. STOVE u, Administrator. yjt'tll J*' KAl.l'.—The subsclbcr, Guardian i for the minor children of KH/ahrth K. Rurkert, late of a>ilea township, deceased, will sell at public sale on the premises in MaiUsou burg, on SATURDAY. DKCKM HKR Slst. l*M. all that certain property, bounded on the north bv lot of Daniel Grimm', east and south by al leys ami west by Mam street, containing one luilf acre. Thereon is erected i good, large dwelling house, staMo and other outbuildings, lt is altogt ther a very valuable homestead. TKR.M.S OF SAI.K: Due third on eonflrma tion of sale; one third In one year, ami one third in two years, with interest, lobe secured by bond and mortgage. Sale to begiu at one o'clock of said day. JtEI'OKN GltlMM, Guardian. VDMINISTKATOR'S BALK. fhe under signed, administrator of tlie estate f D. s. Kersteler. dee'd, will offer at public sale at the late residence of the deceased, at Unburn,oil SATURDAY, DKUF.MItKR 31st, IHS|, The following personal property, \iz: A Lot of Carpenter's Tools, good as new. Lot of Sawed Scantling, Plank and Hoards, la>l of White l'lne Hoards. Ton-plate stove, Corner Cupboard, 2 Cross Cut Saws, Tenon Saw. Grindstone, Single Harre ed (inn and many other articles too num erous to mention. Sale to commence at one o'clock. P. M., of said day, when terms will be made known by BENJAMIN KKUSTI TTSK. Administrator. SETTLEMENT NOTICE.— All persons having unsettled accounts with the estate of D. S. K'-rstfttor. dee'd, are lieretiy lequested to meet the undersigned at the late residence ot the de ceased, on Saturday,.l imiary 7th, 18S-„\ for set tU'iuent. BENJAMIN KKHSI HTI'KK. Administrator. ITtXKCUTO RS' NOTlUK.—Letters testament 'j nry On tin; estate of John Kby, late of Haines township- Centre county, I'a.,deceased, having been granted to the subsoribers, notice la hereby given to all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate to make lmnie-ti. ate payment: and those having claims against ttie sime to present them duly authenticated for payment. MKIIAKI. KBT, SAMUEL KBY, 4{>-Ct KxecutoEß. STRAY HOG.—Came to the residence of tho subscriber in Penn township, about the be ginning of oetober,a wldte bog. weighing about 100 pounds, left ear slit open and right ear tip ped off a little. The owner is requested to prove property and take it away, otherwise it will be disposed of as the law directs. DANIEL K. GENTZEL l)ce. Sth, ISBI. 4t PATENTS W© continue to act as Solicitors for Patent*. Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United sum**, Canada. Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. Wo have had tlilrty-tivo year*' experience. Patent*obtained through us are noticed In theSCT KSTino AMKUUUN. This large and spleudid lllus (rated weekly paper, s3.2o a year,shows the Progress of Sctep.ee, is very interesting, aud has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN A co.. Patent Solici tors, Pub's, of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, 87 Dark Row, New York. Hand book about Patent* free. L. C. & S. C. RAIL ROAD. TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. 13 3 7 A. W. A. M, P. M P. M. Mnntandon 7.00 9.45 2.20 6.43 Lcwisburg ar7.15 10.00 2.35 7.i0 Lewisburg Jv 7.25 Pair Ground 7.80 10.06 2.40 Weill 7.41 10.21 2.M Yicksburg 7.47 10,80 2/7 Mitthuhurg S.l>3 10.51 3.13 Millmoiit 8.25 11.20 3.35 Laurelton 5..35ai11.35 3.-J6 Wicker Kim 9.00 4.11 Cherry Run "0.17 4.38 Fowkr ~ 0.37 4.50 Cobnrn 9.41 5.02 Spring .Mills 10.15 ur 5 3d TRAINS LEAVE EASTWARD. 2 4 6 8 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Mon bunion nrti.sonr9.soarl.2o nrti.3o Lewisburg- 6.35 9.15 1.05 6.15 Fair Ground : 9.10 1,00 6,10 lllelil 9.01 12.48 6.00 Yicksburg 8.56 12.42 5.55 M i fill n burg 8.43 12.35 5.40 Millmoiit ....: 8.2-5 12.02 5.20 I.aurelton 8.15 11 50 5.10 Wiker Hun 7.46 4.47 Cherry Run...—........... 7.31 4.30 Fowler 7.10 4.10 Coburn 6/6 4.00 Spring Mills. 6.30 3.30 Trains Non. 1 and '2 connect at Wontandon with Erie Mail west for William-sport. Lock Haven. Kane, Corry and Erie, and miTFnlo ami Niagara Falls \>a Emporium, also F.linira. Wat kins. Buffaloaiul Niagara Falls via Cunaudal gua. Nos. 3 and 4 connect with Pacific E/.pics3 east for Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and New York. Nos. 5 and 6 connect with Day Express east for Harrishmg, Baltimore. Washington, Phil ndelphia and New York. and Niagara Express west for WilUainsport, l*ck Haven ami Ken ovo, Tyrone, Altoona and Pittsburg via Lock Haven, also Klmira. Watkins and Buffalo, ami Niagara Falls via Cunumlaigu.i. Nos. 7 and 8 connect with Fast Line west for WilUainsport aud Lock Haven. No. 8 also connects with Erie Mail east for Harri-sburg, Baliimore, Washington, Philadel phia and New* York. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Div. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and artor SUNDAY, June 12th, ISSI, the trains on the I'hihtdelphia & Erie Railroad Di vision will run as follows : WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 V> p. m *' " Harrisburg 425 a.m. " 81111 bury 6 .'ti) a 111 " WilUainsport 8 40a. in 44 Lock Haven- 940a. in 44 44 Renovo 11 05a.m 44 44 Kaue 3 50 p.m 44 arr. at Erie ? 45 p. in NIAGARA EXP. leaves Philadelphia 8 00*. m * 4 Harrisburg 12 15 p. 111 44 44 sunbnry 150p.m 14 44 WilUainsport 315 p. m 44 Lock Haven. 420 p. 111 44 44 Renovo 530 p. 111 • 4 arr.at Kune 10.05 a. in FAST LINK leaves Philadelphia .12 10 p. m. 44 ' 4 Harrisburg 400 p. in. 44 44 sut bury lo p.m. 44 4 4 WilUainsport 805 p.m. arr. at Lock Haven 910 p.m. EASTWARD. Lock Haven EX. leaves Lock Haven.. 750 ft. m 44 Williamsport. 905 a. 111 44 Sunbnry 10 50 a m 44 arr. at Harrisburg .. .12 5 5 p. 111 44 Philadelphia. 515 p. m FAST LINE leaves Canaupaigua 7 (5 d. m 44 44 Watkin 8 40 p. m 44 44 Klmira 930 p.lll 4 4 4 4 Willmasport 1215a. 111' 44 44 Sunbury 1 32 a. m 44 arr. at Harrisburg 315 a. m * 4 44 Philadelphia 700 a, 111 DAY EXPRESS leaves Kane 6 00 a, m 44 44 Renovo 10 05 a. m 44 44 Lock Haven 1115 a. m 44 44 Williainsportl2 15p.nl ,r arr. at Harrisburg .. 3 30p. m 44 * 4 Philadelphia 705 p. in ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11 35 p. in 44 44 Kane 410 a. m. 44 44 Renovo 9 00 a.m. 4 ' 44 Lock Haven lo io p. m. 4 4 44 WilUainsport 1130 p.m. 44 44 Sunbury 105a. in 44 arr. at Harrisburg 3 ou a. m Philadelphia 700 a. m Erie Mail and Fast Line and Pacific Express Eastmakeclo.se connections at Northumber land with L. & B. R. It. trains lor Wilkesbarre and bcranton. Erie Mail West, Niagara Express West and Fast Line West make close connection at Wii liamsport with N.C. It. W. trains north Niagara Exp "ess West and Day Express East make close con lection at Lock Ilaven with b. E. V. It. R. trains. Erie Mail Eas 4 and West connect at Erie with traiusou L. °. & M. S. It. K.; at Corry with B. P. & VV. It-1\ :at Emporium with B. N. Y. &P. It. R., and at irlftwood with A. V. It. R. Parlor cars will **un between Philadelphia and Williamsport u Niagara Express West and Day Express Ei, 3C_ jit JL<3-J^X2sT FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT For the fall oflßßl Which consists of the Largest ar.d Finest Ix>t of Dry Goods ever bronchi to this city. ( nr Domestic Depart incut lias never been better stocked thau now; in Calicoes we have them from the lowest to Die best good*. A Good Fast Color Calico Standard print, 4\ an 6c In Pleached and Brown Muslin wc h ad in r* Wc will guarantee to sell you the be<-t Muslins for lesa money than any other ll< use in the ciiy. In Gingham*-. Cotton Flannels. Shirtings, Tickings, &c., we wtli c.ili particular attention too, as we bought those go< d* in case lots, uiid we will be able to s< ll them 10per cent, lower than any other house. AU we ask is ail examination of onrdtck and we w ill convince \ou wc i.n-.in what wc say. COATING DEPARTMENT! This has never been so weil stocked as now. We have the handsomest line of Light Coatings ever exhibited, with Flush Trimmings to mati hh ail colors. We have in con nection to this ft flue line of Cloth s foi Cables' Ulsters .In medium weight goods, and a fine line of Hue Fancy Suitings lor Men and H ye War. COAT DEPARTMENT ! We would eall particular attention toihK Wc have taken great care in selecting those goods and we have now In stock "a stv!' sto vlect from. From tin* lowest grade to tiie Finest SealSklu. We have arranged with a Coat Manufacture: in Philadelphia, when we have none in stock to fit. to have your measure 11'.en here and have them made —guar- anteed to lit. and >ou can Lave any style you waul. DEPARTMENT. In this Department we are prepared to shotv you from the I.owest to the Best tirades in Fine Drew Goods. The Hee Hive has always had the reputation, of keepin the Finest I.ine ahd our intention is to keep up the reputation, consequently we have sele ted the Finest au4 Best floods we could find id New York < ity, with all the Hue Fancy Trim mings to match, with an endless variety of Fancy Balls, Tassels, Girdles, and Fancy But tons too are with them. 4: f We would caß your special attention to a Plain Colore,l Dress silk at 05 cents, worth $1.25. We have also purchased a nice line ot the Celebrated J. C. Bounet & Bellou Black Silks, tbe he< in the world. Warranted not to cut. Notions 5 Hosiery Department In Notlois and Hosiery, w® are prepared to show you anything you ask for, cheaper than any otliet place In the ciF* 5 Wonderful Bargains ! In our Carpet Room wc have sonic Wonderful Bargains consisting of White and Brown B lm k ets White and Colored Marsclles Guilts, Shawls. Single and I otible, including a flno lino ol" Black Thibet*, Oil Glottis, Floor and Table; Mattings, Window Shading, Wlildo* Fixtures and an endless variety of goods that we have no space to enumerate. Lastbut rot least wc wish to say something about our large line of Ladies', Men's and UNDERWEAR We bouctt these goods by the cane and will guarantee to sell vou them at 20 per cent. cheaper tian any other House. Particular attention i called to Ladies W hue \ ests at 50 cents. Now we have given von an outline of what we have, but space will not allow us to go any flutter enumerating tne large line of Goods we carry, but wo will say again all we ask is anex iinliiatloii of our (ioiKls and wo will convince you that this is without a doubt the place to buy your Dry Goods. We will use you well and guarantee our prices to be the lowest. • - Merchants supplied at City "Wholesale Prices. Thanking our patrons Jor past favors, we oicit the continuance of the same. Successors to J.J. Everett. Scott's Bazar, Main St., Lock Haven, Pa. Installment No 2. OF SEASONABLE GOODS. Wc havojiust returned from Xiur Second jTiipto Eastern Cities this Season and have now in Stock a Complete Line of Hats and Bonnets, INCLUDING ALL THE New Shades in Silks, Vel vets, Plushes and Ribbon. ALFO. | JUST RECEIVED, Ladies' Coats & Dolmans, ALL MADE U? IN EE BEST & LATEST STYLE. OUR STOCK' OF NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS Will always bo full and complete in every de partment. PRICES always THE LOWEST 230 MARKET ST" LEwISBURG, PA. IT WILL PAY YOU To VISIT J. & Ws MAMMOTH SSPPLY DEPOT, NOS. 513 & 111 FROX7 STR, IMIILTOIbT, PA. Wc arc now ofcriuiSthc largest stock ancl greatest variety of Furniture, House Furnishing' Goods, &c. I in the State. ? t R BE Y<>N£) CO MPEITTION, consisting in part of Rich Ml Furnitu re All the latest Designs in Walnut, Oak, Cherry, Mahogany and Ebony. We make a Specia ty in Parlor Suits, and will sell thcin lower taan any Party in the state. Prices ranging r.tnil $3) TO if you contemplate buying a PIANO, ORGAN OR SEWING MACHINE, it will pajr you to write u for prices. We also carry all rge line ol extra Super, Cody and Tap esty Brussels Carpets. A Good Brussels Carpet at 70 cts. per yard. Our stock of Plain Cut and Enslaved. Table Glass-ware, Plain and Decorated French Clr'na. Silver Plated-ware, Lamps and Chan eliers, &c. is well worth your inspection. Our sales exceed those of any House in our lino in the state. LOW PRICES DO IT. We extend an invitation to you to visit us and will I ik? pie vure in showing you through our various Department*. OF FALL & WINTFR MILLINERY GOODS AT ra (RUBS ssaqssia B Anna m. Weaver's Just returned from New York ami have now in Stock a Complete Line of Fet, Push and Beaver Fats and Bonnets, Also Just received and always on hand, the latest Styles of Laces, Cords and Tassels, Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats PRICES THE LOWEST ANNA M. WEAVER, Penn Street, opposite Hartman's Foundry, MILLHEIM, PENNA. s GO TO SIMON BROTHERS, THE BOSS CLOTHIERS for your Clothing. ✓ 45 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN. A. SIMON & SONS, WHOLESALE £ RETAIL GROCERS, keep the largest stock in the city. 143 MAIN STREET, LOCK HAVEN.